HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-10, Page 1• •
• -•
.,; :
• ...Wt. W. M•,-; •CONNELIA •
' •PhYiriart and •Surgedn', • ,
• 'titteknOW ,
. 7—
' ..;..
• Pr., MacLeod will , visit Lucknow.
drery• ' V.eesday„ In • 'Dr. • Corinelrfi,
. ••°, DENTIST
Dr. R. L. Treleaven, InrcilOwee
1)ver Decker's • Store. Extraction,
eith.er..by gas or local: . Will'. be in.
Dungannon every Thursday.. Phone 53.
• DtriTiSt
CA11 ,Dr. Newton. -
1Vfake. aPpointinent.
In office everyday.
' Geo. A. Siddallt_LLucknOw, ..-Hrokeit
and Real Estate.-Meney to 'lend et
tirst: mortgages on farniPproper,
ties at 6 and 6'4 per cent according
to security. offered ••Also •small
amounts_enIecond mortgage$. on
farm properties and on Peroeh,o)
note's. A.few good farms for sale.
WALL PAPER -A full line of 1928•.
Wall Paper on hand: ' Prices from 8c
uP. 1 am also agent'fOr leading jel4
R. 4, .:Caineron _L__Decorator
Painter and Grainer, Bpx .174;
now. -
RAW FURS --"-i am. paying highest
market price fer:all kinds Of raw
fur -A 131itzstein, Phone iLiik
WANTED ---Hear from owner good
Jr safe. eaih price, particu-
lar;.° D. F. 13ush, Minneapolis, Minn.
• (17-11-c)
For. Sale -LA number of window
and storm sash 'with glass _n tmsm.
Apply to 1). C. Taylor. '
FOR -\LE---A1926 Tudor Ford, a
1922 Touring. Ford, - also Mire and
Ford 'Garage, Lu-alcriow.
House tor Sale With stable an• cl
garage, two acresnpf land, fruit trees
•and garden. Water supply pumped
to houSe. .Everything modern in
-'eq• Moment, and in good order. Apply
to Robe.rt Johnston, • Court House
Goderich, • Ont. ••. (18-8-tf)
swam comas Leona
.•; :"1 1.;
Mies Aleci ifftchell W0S"'borne, for
the ,week,end; • : •
• • 'CiiInt ',Cement' just
Mut:die & • Sinn' •'.' • : *. "
.Mary Connell was home from
Hainitton ':ter,the recent helidaY. •
Den"t forget. •at,BlitZstein'?
Store during the ,pir situ—still on '
• Good .Goods. 'Low1Pricein Spot Cash'
Hornell -Murdoch Cee -THE :MAR-
KET. :" •
Mine ,Dorothy Gates • has gene to
Oakville, Where she will 'spend the
Mrs. H. A..' Donee of: Port Credit
was the gheit. of Mrs. Elliott Sat,
urday until Monday.. ;
Mr Rege Stanley of .Hainilton.
spent the recent libliday vrith his bro-
ther, Mr. Fred. ptanley,
Mrs. D, Bean and two children of
Toronto, are spending this week with
Mr, and Mrs. F. T. Arinstrong. • ,
Box Social in the Orange Halt "this
Thursday evening. Everybody weli
come .: Ladies with 'boxesfee OtEers
•Miss' Ethel 'Martin • at4ended • the
, • , . ,
convention at Lond9n .this week, be-
ing ,delegate from. the Junior Insh
tute. .
. •
• ' • 7'
Mt. and Mrs. J:ohn 'Peelle and chil-
dr,en of Stratford, spent ' the week-.
...end_with_hirnandaVirs., Chas. Steward
of towh: .
.'Mr and 'Mrs..T., s. Reid motored to
.Hamilton on Monday, ' taking' With
-them;-:-Austin.. and, Eiden, who were
home for the week end
., MILLINERY SALE: --On •,Friday
and Saturday'. of this week, Felt and,
band -Made. Silk.' Hats on sale • at
. greatly reduced priees.-=43. , Robertson.
V911 Purebred;thifoe
Down .ram lanibs.-W.• T.' Thompson'
R. 1, IIolyrbod., (10-11-e)
, • ,
POTArrGEs FOR SALE -31.00 per.
laishel-g-ood quality. --J. Wesley
WOOD FOR SALE -Quantity Of
good hard .wOod, also Mixedwood:-
George jardine R 1 -Kincardine
'Edwin, Purvis, ,2, miles east Of
1,11i1010W, Will have an auction sale of
farm stOck on Monday,14oxember 7.
commencing, at one o'clock pan. There
•is o,. fine' .7 -Year-old .team of dapple-
. grey. el'areA, a number of young. pure,
'bred bulls and rtristered Leicester,
sheep on • this sale -John Parvis,
Atte. . • • • (10:11:1-e)
Fester G.' Moffat will have an aue-
tion sate it his farm lot 25, con.,11,'
Kinless, Tuesday, !Nov. 15, coin-
menci.n‘g at one &Meek pnn. The jot.'
will be sold: '30 Calves; 30
. • yearling steers and .heifers ; 30 two-
Wilfred, Farrish-having rented his
fai.,M, Lot 3, Con. 10, Ashfield, will
have a clearnag. Auction sale ,.of • his
Tavel' stock,. hay and ;grain; On Wed-
ri&,.(ty, November 16th. There ,are
a lo •of good yeting cattle, cows•and
liee on this -sale.-'--John Purvls
Auc. ' • c (10,11-0)
John MacDougall, Lot 1, Con. 2
Kinloss, will have an auction sale of
• 'COWS, young. cattle, pigs, hay and
oats on November 17, commencing
.' at one e'clock.--Johin Purvis,' And.
.'thi next Sunday, November 18tht, a
•concert • patty from Lucknow will go
over to Wingham t,ti put On. 4n: etler-7
tainment ,oyer Redid, station P.
Of, Wingltam... :The 071.1YO 1,•ligth; OE
this Station., le, 245 metres, has •
.er of ,15., watts and a range �f about
_50 miles', is'ee'vered. Station 10 B. P.
'Wants .the"peOple of ;:lnuttnOW., and
surrounding country to takein, inter-
est In thin station., '
• ,
.11n•the organization of a• Choral So-
,•• ,
Chitty and Orchestraof the musically
inclined people of ,Lucknow and vi-
cinitY? If so,. attend a 'meting which
is to be held in the Council Chamber.
ToWn. Hall, Lucknow, the evening of,
@Friday, November 11th-that'sto-
Morrow evening.at eight o'cleek. This
Messrs. W. F. Thoinpsoin. Tom Al-
ton,Wilfred' and Lovell Murdoch,. all
Of Toronto, took advantage Of the re-
cent holiday to. visit their homes here.
The Brunswick Trio. of LOndon.
and other talent will give a concert
in the Town Hall . this (Thurs4.1!)
evening,a guaranteed program.
Dance after' the concert.
..The Nevernber meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute will he • at the
home of Mrs. W. L. MacKenzie on
Friday, .11aVernber 11, at 2.30. 'Don't
forget the Auction Sale.
"A Pink Tea" Vill.be'setired by the
BanAer, Class of the if..;.1J.S.S., on Sat..
Nov. 12 at three o'clock; in the room
'next to Well...Henderson's store- Do-
nations gratefully ,reeeived.' '
meeting will discuss the formation of
a Choral -.Society and .• Orchestra.
There is plenty of musicaltalent ir
the community, ,and it is just a mat-
ter of getting it together in order to
make use of it If you woulfi like to
join such an organization as is ,sug-
gested, or if you 'think that the idea
is a good one, come out and give the
Meeting the benefit of -your ,presence,
--Alf.-Andrevir.-: •
. • ,
Mr. D R Maeintosh, new of South-
ampton, was in town on Tuesday;
shaking hands with his LucknoW 1 to Toronto, Stratferd, and other
friends' and explaining •how he had points, the bride wearing a monkey
reason to. he thankful: that, be was in -.felt hat •and• -a bine • -marvella
alative the gNsilirld.".„ as he PO coat-trimmerF.withplatintinn_t_pr, The
It appears-thatrennSundaynnenand...!_eroorn!s_giftn_to_nlieLbride .was_a bine_
Mr MoVitie of Sou'etuthipton„ set out; Hudson seal gained leather puree
by auto' for Stratford; by way •Of and to theorgan* a gold: :bar pin
Lucknow, ;Near ,Holyrood .theyqwere Mr. and Mr Bair war:. make thei-
' ^' '
overtakezi by a snow storm *hi0 erne just ‘lifeacsi,teaotntutilapvvlysr.ia•eod
completely obscured the road, se that
they could •TiOt see ten yarde abroad, . • . • •
It eliariCed' that Mt. ::Cliff.' Aitchison ' A pretty •• 41'hanks•giving wedding
of Inieknow,. was • driving north. at ' took place at 5 o'clock Saturdar af
the serae.tinie_apd-place in his Ford' ternoon, Nevember 5th, at the home
eouPe.., As 'neither driver :was abli of Mr: .and..Mi FF Dawson,•, .2nd.
See, ae crash occurred, .in which both ,Con, Kinless, whet-I:their •oily daugh-
cars -ere .• badly .dainaged. Mr. Mc- ter, Mary Helen: was united in inarri:
Vitie's' ear 'rolled, into the .diteh and Age,' to Mr , Clark -1eLean'eldest :sap
landed': almost hp -side- down, „, bein! of Mrs., Margaret and the- late Ar,
badly damaged .' Aitehison's Ford hac thor McLean of Winglitun. :The cere-
tbe. front end 'driven in Until it pre-,. mony was cenducted by the.•Rev. j.
*sented a serr,v :sight e' Wonderful to jarile'S of South -Kinloss 'Presbyterian;
:13/r•-Pe,rcy. •
• A very i pretty, aatunur wedding was
''soleinnizedin the.. Presbyterian
'wlien:'Cora• Mae, eldeSt. laughter ,ef.
-Mr: and. Nita. W..rn.;:yetcy; .;becanie
,the bridn.•of .Mr`: ROderiek' John Barr
soh :of tet late. Mr. and lUrs.-
• Barr • of Lucknow. :„ Rev J A. _jaws
officiated. • The church Was- Ptettiiy.
'decorated with • Pyergreehi, ' ferns,.
• foliages, and 4.'1)44 or atitnnin,•tiow-
ere; before which the bridal . party
stoodduring the cerenio.nY.
The. baide looked thaITIing in,. a.,
gown of...pOudre blue ,georgette trim-
med With silver Jaee and .0 bodice: of
.transparent velvet, Her embroidered
net yell' was held in place by a wreath
,of :orange lil4soms, and she earried
a bouquet of .SWeethdart..roses an4.
Maiden •hair terns. She entered , the
church :on the arm of lee father; to
the 'strains of Loherigrin's Wedding
March; played by Miss. (race :Heiden-
.by,,her cpusiri.
After congratulatiens were extend-
ed a sumptuous dinner was served to
• .
about .forty guests, at „the home of
the bride's:parents., _The young cou-
ple received many beautiful • 'gifts
among whichewas.a handsome Bible
presented thern-by-the-Church,
. .
being the firSt Wedding In the Church
since it was erected forty-one years
•ago. The .happy couple left amid s
shower of confetti for a motor trir
• The -Annual Thankefferiing meeting
of the WoMen's Missionary Auxiliary
will he .held' Presbyterian
Church, on Friday, Nov 11, at 8 'p.m.
Mrs, J. M. Erni:ley,. ie• ex-
pected to address the Meeting. A cor-
dial invitation. is extended to every-
one. . ' ... • •
, Mr. and Mrs. 'B. Pearlman . arid'
ehildren Coo , .natrow..escape froth),
injury Monday ,night, just :past ,of
toWn. - They 'Were. niototing from' To-
rohtenand-wheri a snort'distance east
Of Lucknow the Car,,skiddea on ice
rind •overturned in the ditein The car
was coneiderably damaged, • bet alai
escaped serious •
_The_LRev. Mt. Craw went to London
,an. Tuesday and entered Victoria Hes=
pital„ where, according to arrange-
mentn. he will undergo an ePerAtior
for internal„ trouble this -ThursdaY
'Morning at ten o'clock: Although tie
ptopiiaed, operation? is Of a major
character, the,Prosbects are regard0
as very favorable, as apart from the
- • . .
present disorder int; Ct,aw as in ,good
: • •CA' TTLE , ASTRAY „
(Oine, to 'the nrernises---of Ahe--mt--
, .ticrsiglied, Fast half Lot 8, Con. 14
. ' At., pilnold; or Abolit 'October 'ItIth;
1.)27; thre ' Calves'. . Owner may have
•.sinne,-.byl• c.ovine-. property and ;pay..
•--•log-. .-eRrien.-Q-S-.=-' St.- Clair -1Xwiti: -----:-
...,.......,..:.....-.....7:::::-......*,...- .--- '
.. . . -
ti ' , I
tn the romiseS -of the under-.
afty, nebody-was• seriously' :hurt, Mille Church The .bride; Whe was 'given
• • • •
there Were manv. slight'bruises'. and
In 'marriage' by her „father,' 1901(0
scratches. McVitie's„ Car, .a sedan., .Charming' le' a gown ` of 'peach' geor-
new last spring, • was righted, • and gette with. French.silk .lace,.and 'thine-
.founiFfii- be in running condition, so. stone trirmiline Shd Ware a string
the two Meeks, not tobe clone out ot of pearls, the gift a the grotinn, , and
their Thanksgiving turkey, decided to carried a .1)Ounitiet. of Oplielitt rcises•
proceed in their badly daniaged ghat- and Maidenhair fern. Miss.
to Stratford. • . • • 'fred V. Mcgpillin, • couSin of , the.
'Antomobile dealers are always tea:: eitooin, • played Mendelssohn's' Wed.-
'dy for a new deal, and Mr. McVitic ding March. She were geor-
was able to trade' his.,damaged ma gette ' trimmed with, rhibeitones.. Dur-
chineoe a new one, in which the 're ing the 'signing of theteeitet Mr.
. .
Harold Dawson -sang- a solo, "Af
Dawning." The, groom'e. gift to .the
pianist Was a bar -pin set nrith bril-
liants and a' pearl centre.
After congratialations and showers
. 1
Noir*MBift. 10, 11,
.Murray-'' and ,
. Chester Conlilin in
.A4mineioni20e; 35c..
, •
Coming-rZane Grey in. •
The BreadThe Bread .
I '
• of flealth ,
"•of Health
. .
,• • . :.from the Purest And Highest Grade Ingredient".
urilri.al,it,Y,• Hope Made, Wilide,.Wheat andRabi. Bread 1
,' n1a
,1 'm"
. •
, . • . • SATURDAY ' SPCIALS". . • , ' i , .
Cream Slices, Dundee Cakes, Chdeblate. Marshmallow c akes, 'coffee
' ' ! :' .^• , ' "n . ' .
CakoS,,,Oatmeal Cookies, Maple Wo111.1-1t, Toil.rts.:,'Pleis...7'R:iliPberTY. Tartlets.
•^. °Jelly Bells, Chelsea Buns, '
, IteiSi;-
,. , „ . . ,
Phone 36 . • ..'` .. •' • • . ' ' ' ,I,ucknow .
Ladies! lists in Felt and Vel-
vet, also . Children's Hats and
pahir Bonnets, .at reduced prices, ,r
• dining the remainder Of the Sea-
• son:. . -M. '31,...Pentland.
,Form 1.11 '
Subjects exanoined7-Alg., French
Comp., Geom., Lat. Comp., Ane. Hist.
11.66-74; 111--•6065%;
F -Failure; A.Absent.
W. Agar 2F; D. Anderson.1 1, 1 11.
C, '1 F; A. Andrew II, 2 C; 1 F; C.
Blitistein Buswell 1 1,
'1 III; '2 C„ 1 V; R. • Carruthers 1
C; W. •Chesnut .2 III, 2C; A. Col-
well. C, 2F;1. Craw • 2F, .2 Af A.
Fisher 21, 1 11,1 C; . D. -Grant ? F;.
M. Hankett. 3 11,' 1 A; M. Hamilton
1 C, 1 F.; M. , Henderson • E.
Johnston 2.1, 1111, 1 C; 1 F; E. Mac-
Donald 1 I, _1 IL 1 C, 1 F;,M. MacIn-
.tyre 2F; K. MacKenzie 3 I, 1 II,
2 III; e:;./Mackinnon 2 I, 1 III, 1 C;
Ninon 1 I, 1 II; 1 d, 2 F; • W Nixon
404 M. Pepper 21,.. 111, 1111, 'IC;
1..Furtith 1 I, 1 C; M. Thom 11, 1 11
' IP; R. Turner 2 F;. M. Watson 2,1
71-1-11)--1 C;--1 F; N. Wilson -1-I,1
• 1 F; M. Maelcenzte '1'F.; 4.; 11.1acitenzie
. — •
. • Examined •in the following. subjects
'and the results arranged in order=
frencla,--Zoology, English _Granimar
Latin, Afithmetic and Physiography
',..Harvey Ackert
Wilhehnine Agar -1 F II; Jr
Andrew -- II F Sidney
„Brawn III C F C; Edith Burt III
1 -III C III; Arabell •Csmeron
,c F F;' 'Annie Colwell I
- Cameron COok.
Mary Graham: F C; • Maty
Hamilten ---11 • Alyna
Hunter F F C; *file John-
ston ---------F; Melda Lane C
C II F III; john Martin -
- Clara MacDonald. F I
4 Helen MacDonald IC -ICC J.
MacDonald c F II; Mary Mac-
lntyrt F -; ••ElizabetIr Mae -
Iyer I AC; jean MacKenzie
-- III; Margaret MacKenzie
C I; Shiela MacLeod C
-F F; • Frank MeNall I;;
Evelyn Reid •=-•e---- --- I; Elsie
Ritchie - III III; Vera •Sher -
riff IC=IC III; 'Earl Sherwood
sMary Wilsoii 11-11
turn ;trip was made.
o, -o
. - • , -
A debate will be held in Lochalsh , .
Hall on the evening of Menday, Nov:
14.. The enniect • will be "Resolved twenty,
of confetti, the g:uest,s, nymbering;
repared to the dining room;
that the publication of nes refating where a dainty wedding dinner. 'was
to crime is not In the nubile,' inter- sennnin
Four Ppyl friends of tlic
• est." The affirmative :Will be taker. I/Ade;• misses wieniernn •mciQuinin
: WIliTECHURCH• • • • -
• Anniversary services will 'he bele'
in the. United Church: Whiteehurch•
On Suhday,,NoVeniber 13th. • The Rev
IL Fulton, Irwin of Centialia, will
preach at 11 o'clock ant. and at ,7.30
in ..
n'eal,- Ash•field-JAPJ*,„
••,•Allilif 11100 'S at 20th, '1927, n.
tmiffiy. -hetWeeta otie and
" -two years old, Owner inay have same
. provin'e.,,nrenerty and 'Paying; ex4
no'ages.--T1.1:ohnrcl' IdneD„otiald. • ,
•. : (1741,,p) •
gout -MADE, SticKS. fOr
iltOra -during the Ble,' Sale--atill on
• 1q0. Wm. AlacLeod., Gravel R011o• - Alle, •
MiSs. Ella Cowan and,puricaii Mei , v-Itetta Hncison,. Mary 1ViacKenzie•ani•
Rae, and the negative by Miss. Cath- Ruby me,uoid actiTig as waitresses,
trine Blue ' and Duncan: Finlayson.. A reception ''.was' held. at 8.3Q Men-
TIli debate will be at. the see'al, day evening7when a jOYS9s :Hale :NYil.•
-meeting -nt-the-Union-'11:F.W.0.-. Ev- spent in. nanoinn.• linn : range assort,
erybody welcome, Ladies please bring, ment of gifts and.substantial cbeque,
, r_o..0......._.• - •,. . gave. evidence of the esteem in which
.the young ,couple are •held by a hOsi .
:• GoOd .Gooas. Low Prices. Spot Cash
*.MAR.4 of friends. 'Among the 'guests 'werr,
, Mr. and Mrp.:g.2A.: Dawson. of Lon •
don and -Mies..Ruth • n;t0 .Teat
Lean of 'Listowel.' ' The, y cetiel
• will r side, in •Winghann.
if you have Victory Bonds .matur, • , •`• , .
ing, 1..can give you a. good invest- .• , THANKSGIVING SERVICE'
meet at , 8%.. Apply. `to, Bon 256. '
`.'Luehnov'i- • • • ' • • In the absence. of' the Rev; R. iv
Craw, who is not yet able. to take his
. STEERS ASTRAY • • worlc, the ThanksgivinT, service in the.
, Strayed from the ,Joynt Farm, tWoo'•• Lucknow United Church on 'Sunday
blaek yearling steers. Reward for took on a somewhat onhem charac-
information..leading to their recovery. ter. l'he clniscch 'was boantlfnlly dee-
-John JoYnt. , '• • atated 'With the flowers and friits of
•.• the season, arid the clinic had :prepar-
STEERS ASTRAY . ed Special' music, . There nere, larg,e
Came to the premises of the under- cOngregetiens: both atoning and eir.
signed, Lot. 18; Con.' 14,, West • Wawa, ,eeing.. At:the Morning Meeting Mr.
nosh, on or about the 15th of October D. C. Taylor presided, and Mrs'. Craw
1927; two steers. Owner • may .have. gave a Thankseiving address.. In the
same by - &eying property-andpaYirir evening:-Dr,-Newton.;•-prenided, ' ane
'expenses..--Jarrieit Purvis, •• • Mr, R: D. Cameron gave. an addreSs.
• 07-11-0) • • appropriate -to- the occasion and sea,
son.. Mr.., nteiviiiik tin of Listowel, whO
After' gitrink: month of
the most delightful "fall weather, the
'Weather rhan sildden1 changed hr'
program On Saturday.last, and intro,
duced something like Teal; vantet cent-
tario Was 'covered with a Sall a srloW•
varying up to'.4 ot 5 inehes, and sue
that time it has been quite cold at
• times; down to 15 degrees of frost:
•71:lon't- forget to' zai); ixt•'Britzetein!s
*AV.CTIO14 SALO OF : Bl/ILDIN.GS. .Vit,aS. a 'giaget. of the Aclaa•t,.fafnilie's'
the'litigteea -Of '3he"iiiiited"-tongre--;:. ,aSsisted-: •the''.ehoir, -and sang.::n-'sol'6
.6tatioli§.of _Haeleettkand Lane:ariA Ett;..,;.;.bA0,t. ht. oilitotiren, jfitr "and evenull' . 'WS'
, vr..
Who wee viSiting. in tOWri
field--Teinttishin, Will Offer' for
"nubile ittietien, the Wilding_ known OS AIM). cOntributed a solo. at. the eVe,iiing
"stanes" ehuith• on tha,lltli Cori: Of .,sel'stice; .- . • : , • .. " - ' -
Ashfield, ion_ NoYeniber.: .1 5th ' .at 2.80'; , • • • .----041-:4-A- ' •
teglbeit 'V" 't.117,iitie will be held.'-o'n '' ' ' e . h"-.Iivi"-X24N. --ri:.'EF ',T•11.4.,..%-:,%; ' :
the ,pfetnioa•tind-there-Vvill be ''''offereil f • toi,i;dre.40 o'f.: 9psr'ri`ionfli?,5.1d;.(i;: trea.t.,
,•alkO,.W.h.tit. reittainit,ef the -church •ahad::..
Sore -throats, 'Head
'ftlid tberehliteil Oats and tutnishin0 '11.•T'.' ilretlehitit
The 'ehureli iFt it substantial trate., QuinsV. Ceugh, and.Dis:
^, Fofin . •
Students have been •examined in
the following subjects -French, Lat-
in, Can. History, Botany, 'Algebra.
A. Andrew 3!; '2 IL., 1•111; An-
drew 1 F; Ackert- 1 C, 4 F; W.
Ackert. 1 I; 111,-21111.1F: 1 A;' J.
Brabson 5 I,. 1 III; . Sralaspn 4 I,
2 C; • 0:' Brooks. 10. .4 to; N. Browne
2 1, 111, 1 III,. 2 ;••'0, Cook . 21,2111
1 'C; ? O. Farrier 3!, 1 1111, I F.;
.3. Gardner 1 II; '1 c, 1 F; C:
•:3•reer 5 A; Hamilton 1 I, 111, tO
1'; Hamilton •3 I, 1111, 2 F.; T.
Henry 2 I, '2 III, C, F; M. John -
ton 1 I, 1 1I,_1 C, Ft, D. ;MacDonald
.2 211, 2111; P. MacDonald 1111
1:0,• 4 Ft L. 'McDougall. 2 rill
20; C, :Macintosh 41, • 1 1 III; j.
MacKenzie 2-11,. .1 A; ,Iessle. •MaeKell=
zie 211, 3111, 1 F.; :1VIacKenzie 2!;
R. MacLeod, 31!., g B. Mar -
III; 3 C; 'Martin . 3 I
2 F; S. 'MacLeod .1C, 1 F; P. Menary
3 I, 3 II; G. 'Middleton 5 F; A. Mut-,
dOch 4!, 1111, 1 C; M.^')MacTrityre • 1!-
1. 'Nixon 1 In 1111. 1 C, 3 F; E. Reid
•3 I, 1 II; M. Richards' 11, 1111, '2 C
F; E. Ritchie 3 I, 1111; L. Sawyer
5 I, 1 II; A. Smith 5 I, 1,14, J. Stew-
art, 31,. 2 II; 1111; E. Vint 31, • 1.11
2,,F;' G. Webster 6 A; ,11. Webster
C' 2 F.
•Mrs. Chas-. C. :Baker ef Gilbert
Plains, .Manitoba, hasemoe, gest,
'spend a few months with her sister
Mts. R. Tiffin, who is not, recovering
as fast as: her many friends wish.
"-Mr, and Mts. W. J. Heudersoivahld
sons, of .Wing_hatn, spent Sunday With
Mr, and Mts. John RiChariliSii.
The W.M.S. met at'the Irate of
Miss Margaret. Ross - last Wcdnesday
afternoon. .
gaito a number of this iiiCinity at-
tended the Daweon41cLenn recep-
tion' and ell report a 'delightful tirne.,
'Messrs': •11-atvey` Senif
have ' returned home from Muskoka '
Wliete they were on a.himting expe,
' •
.11allowe'en „paa,s.: ed_Off Veil! .quietly
-enten't for a, tow, ai$imiaoti callers at
estriactnre, and contains a lot of good eased -1407,nosnilsslitibsx, ia:tilficegos1151 chnit0,1;
'Attterial. Tho se.ats" ere . strong , Spttlyg or
and in good,' COnditi011.;-allintf back. tho liotoe,c
Phone 75
Just the thing for boys.. REEFER .COATS, ' made • of ' that
.heavy frieze cloth, suitable to wear any time og plaCe. Se
warm and durable. All sizes.- Priced. at, 0:50 each.
ALL WOOL BLANKETS; That soft waren ?, kind, ..Various
and eplors.. All moderately priced, according' to value. /
HEAVY WORSTED HOSIERY for boys and gills., Extra value
at 73ci, per pair. •
•T --It, may be cold,. OUTSIDE, but it's "tilwaya
STORE. Come in And erije,Y Yourself.
warm OUR
—Our latest
and most attractive offering,
plus a share in the profits
' A Real Estate InveStinent ;combining the follinfing Unusual advii.n•
• tages to the investor.
., 'An assured interest' return of _seven per cent'
- 2. A perpetual ownership ,in the Commerce • and *Tranaport.ati9p
• Building and a participation in dividands after the original invesV
ment has been returned to the investor witherest. \ •
3. -A bonus of common stock and a vote in the management of one
of ,the firieit buildings in Canada/.
4. An interest in one of the most prominent co%eris
Toronto, rapidly increasing in value and importancent ,
For further particulars fill in the attached caapon and mail to -:-
Local Representative
• Investment, Bankers
Established 1902
Dominion Bank Bldg.. • " C;or. King and yonge Sta.
Without any obligation on My part please' send further :partic-
ulars of the Commerce & Transportation •Bnildinit;': Ltd., •te---•
Address .......
. . . • • • • • 'do • • • • .... .. ' . •
: -•••••7 "7. • • .•
• • • • . • • ••
nderwear. We have a full line:
of Men's arid.
wear, in the Red Label
auct..the Blue Label
and in •
It is your privilegeto come and see
A 1this .Splendid Underwear
• 'earlitatiLuckfto
one 8
dood boas, Low :1'iit. Spot„dash.
ITernell4inOech co..-:4.1iE • s1.A1
• •• ,, o o • •„
When we tell. the trah we don't
l'airg '04attiiber that w ZAL,
The stitest,-way to escape' a Stift:li-
cit/ opeFation it net, t pOotSeSS it; huh,: •
dred dtalait. '
Don't 'forget to call. At ,Slitzstein!Sv't.