HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-03, Page 7••'••
36 Corbett Tells IA *VERYRELIABLE
Why. Crookici Fights
•Refere.ea can EiSiily Make a „
British Shareholders, in Cana -
,w.investori Are
Swindled •
• •
Temp- How Weak, Ran -Dawn PeePie ' Alan CginipairlY are•
tation ia 18.Can ,ObtaIn . I. Victimized ,.
Therc • . . .
Londen.---British' sharehplders in
the -Canadian coMpanydrnown as NeAr i osethe inatidenance or reatdretioa of
Areciiig •the inany oremedies offered.- •
• i 1
LiMited, arebeiOg.'alVdaChP4 v.,
th.. .1110.,40, 1.414•11.0.1:!:lilpet:1,0,e6i.0.17).cave004 ,eie gao.nlo4uPts: tonaArit.o5,k'
-epda]1y for ' ier ..rnaking it 'rich, Ted ,and perde,Throu.gh
" hting 'richer blood' .1.1ssileS o.f the., • k u coals
'y:ritle Dixon Merri. • • • ,
In eThe. ,OulloCk";••fer2Oefebel, ,e,naemie ,suffereefe,,.•. cal 4'.rf the ..rntlloda,,•„
• s"If 'refight IS•erpoked,, the .
aria, rie.rt,,019 ,fina• pu.see.es, ewhete cellar' bandits as
be in on;it, con- • new --betfl,th :ande-strene.dh through the they are called.
tinueet the feriner li•eavyweight" elle-re-:gee Of this medielne;':"'?i,l'his,waa' the States,
; . ,
Rio*, he in'on :experience. of Mra: "Jhhu ".41‘111011r;
r- , •eati be • South 11/1Onizighan, , out ; who "sayii:-e"I
' 't But
41 . it end get away :with ,1 ..•.am ono of the many, theusands'who,
the referee. • 'He's a, poor Mari, „usuale :have regained. health through the use •that of nianY other- duPed 'of the • pro-
ly, his
eaeefe.ge n .year ,are not •lif pr:- Williama' le...ink Pills, mid I .take. triotela 'ef 'thia einoPenY.
, fractional' part of What the 'short- • this opportunity sayIng a,. word . . ,
ond 'fighter gets '.for an 'evening's prairie of. this splendid medicine.,,ne-.
'work.' A few .tliOnsand .dollars -or •p, "fore beginning the eSe of this reetli-
..feW'hiladred thousandi, maybe-- is a .cine I •was pale and badly rim down.
temptation. • . • .1:found it difilcnit to de My, house•
°•i'lle 'referee Might not always be ivork was 'tired and broatblettEi-.at
able to control tho result, but. he can the least exertion. had tried several inereaie her holding .to about $200,,
\do ••zt great. (teal to :effeet it. In, the YriediOae.'e ,Without benefit; and,finally ,
re riertieulr. breaking ehe. fighters decided: to tip Dr.'''*Illiarnif Pink 1.-,-tt tfliffeilieraetriver :tailrnseimXieltetrin' gaMbie)in,ndta•lig!':Itr
(milli and etrengtlit none eatl,; a aPi -ui 4' !. ith
it11 r)r Pir4X• • • • 't 'sending geed meeleY .aft"P•r... bad „
‘r, ,•
• . • , tenepaie w • • vie . . .
1 111','' • ' ' to Poor '
.111eitie allin'ente are due , , b o,.‘s ranng
• .t1 'Or W nn thn j11)111 g 4"it. nley .
;er'' share te enable • .
(.19211. C.t4.'.in ip,.teryiew,„ body 'aro. better'. nourished; 0'1" Petfolenne'Limited, is 3713l -
'e 1-1 as prize- g , • , • ,,,tThe history" of a a.ra, t
"tt' to be pulihsliee f utlOtions tbehody better perfornv'' 9a9''' a adopted b share -
two flght- TS* de have' tp , ,
to extract
experience .ef' ah aged 'North
London,woman is doubtless siintlar to
was -Approached by a share
,Pusher who. persuaded .her to invest
£22 10s. by, offering her. dollar (4s..
.2d) sherei.at,38 each. Once they had
obtained.' this sum they gave her no
rest,, and eventually persuaded. her to
••when .they chneh.he can do "mere -VI Pilis. Seen 1 began. feel better,
•'help on' and. to liert the other' than, sleep:better and eat .hettef,:and found
the ,averege's'Pectator 'cen understand y weight Increasing. nwoad, '1
-epcieiaps . mere . then ,tlaY thanCan ,felit'ulFe a new POTsolLl
.yecomerended the pills1O. Others, whO:
..'understand unlees.liebas been in the
rine; ".,.liayo taken them ,With' ecinally•'. good
.." - :.• ;
"But :that's"' not • the worst of it. re'ultd," . •
The4e are, in effect three • refereeS-70. W.1114411$' PlOc' Pills' 'for
• anaemia,' .theumatiani, neuralgia, ' ,ner;
refereo.and'twe judges. The decision
4,4 renehed by ,Majorityote ,uNobody v°11•FN1 "-:•.T4k° as a tgli)C
kncwsYon a:re not in the best .who " rated knel. Way :or the
'otter; That ife never anacion_4; °*e; Will keep you Wel
ilifeCti. Fend solely respheible, l and Strong; Get a
box 'front -110th neerest. drug store. and.
, . . , •
!(There. ought. net to ii any pidgee;
begin 'Oita:. treatment: now.
in •a prize4fight. The,..whole respensi-
,e,'.The],pilla,are. sold 2by.a1.1 niedicine
„..biltty,.ought. to 'lie on-•thee.ehouldere
•L./PleW.,.t11.4.beb,4,,eaSzespensibIle.,fer what
••1 was' done '.•and!,tiblic...Ppi:111611, N'i{)U14
•'hold him:.".aceountable.: for it., :When
• .i..here areth rec., and noboak knows hw
just goes without being, questioned
•.•vor.V much!' • •' :•• • '
' "The nien' Who ' Control ;boxing •do'
in eina iona. account by :et.-
AsterYthing they can to: cultiVte'' the meet .
,oieigne. balances :• to-.•:-L79:4(I011 •
• •rlug, twentY- ;$11X• all.in•Creadeg 1.e.,, bY
.•fouit. feet. setiltre,", Cerbett Ina.' Oda, -part of i'vliat we
to: the-nan .tef.bave. -:lellding ltAe
-That gives a kbence
has ..feetYmrk. :13:4t deliberately 010agit. )ridividual'; ''41.4iose Inconie
ehaie whose 'expernli&ire; had
.the .• rules to suit !'tliemeelves.:
CreeSed,'. Until. 'lie Was ;really 'saVine
, Many tiniee' they stage bouts , in: six-•
very 111.119,. continiied,: in tinconselotis-.
'teenvAe'ighteentierentY...foet tinge: iTh'at
iiesS. of this: fact; to:buy:fresh stocke,
arid shares considerable
IiieVitably his, current account „mine
. • • .. . , •
doweritel, he. beeonies overdeewn. at
the :Wink.' ,,,Seoner, Or.• later, he has .to
put the 'matter, Tight., ,That Is 'very
imich our position as a .people on • . • ... • , ,• ., .•,
ternational ,account, -There 18 reason
to. fear that.we are .beeenniegheavily
oVerdraWri at the international bank. '
dealers Or' will be sent by •mail at 50c
the referee. .,Th -en 'everybody would
a boXtby; Writirig;
'Mediaine, Co.; .13roekvi11e, Ont.
•.:,Britain's. International
• -:Account--
LoildenNation and, Athenaeum ;Ve
appear ...et:te:liave been thaltieg :ends
tabs the:Clever, maii of his chance; of
. . . ,
'feetweek. • One Iunin•biek-he's
against , the repeS, He is forced :to
• stint' up ari.ti ,.,• •
• .."Many titneS A 'man who .does not
know the first, 'rniee‘of hexing can,lf
be is big., and str,eng,,Win the•clecision;
*over .a.rnan. vastly his Superior, That's,
due 'tb.' the system ' Which encour-
4.#Ted_hldec. aggres-
sor," Jinn•;Corbett coinments. That. is.
a very la'ad•thing.' The deeision'sbeuld
be egiVe'ci' on fieints, on style, on.
• .eralshin. • 1.1 a. man is: .being ruShed.
• , can't be hit, he deserves credit for
.not being hit. • . " . • •_ •
.....•`,`How can you deVelop.n scientific
fighter when they .give him the worst
..Of it eery time he 'Starts?"• •
..!'Oentlernan . Jim". alSo, thinks that
pripe-fighting is at.' the 'peak se far
, eroVeds. and , *gate receipts. and
••ptirres axe c.encerned. •
4 ..*Alfnburgli ''Magaiine:
:(The British. Association of Science
has • entirely ; reinstated J)aredn's
theory of e'olution,),. '.There Was If
• time-. when:111d. word "science" had a
lark6r and More line -Jane meaning .than
It has today, its t•iranny is now
acknowledged, arid we •are Content to
bi)w the..linee. to authority and to be,
:neve that . man 18 (168dClIded frein
or a' jellY'fishe This 4att7--diow,,
ever,, dot's net, carry .na :all. the way
• to . ealvation ,and thtingli ehall
mati'el at, tlic, ingennity. and ,re-
Fearchwith. whieli Darwin established'
1 etrine, N't7di do net feel. mUch,bet,„
t(:r or hannior,lor
•The '.Cradle Of. Empire
. " Ring,stini Queen's Quarterly:" 'The
. , .
tirit t$11 i•ace albne'llas'eitolved a policy
oi.'colenrai...alministration' Which ,• he:
,ro:licA clearer. and' More. succeisfitl
he getibratiOne 'pass and whieh has.
, eme the 'stneadily growing "Wonder .
' ..or. old-worli. 1Thi•enolicc.,,, baSed tooln .•
taith in , thq :Pebble, as• ''. the ultimate
sOurce. of ',government, :save ' ItS, hist'
great triumph at Halifex cin••the.,2nd
' day .of Oc.tobei.,. 1758, when twenty of
' Atatlities ,Trceholdere•••MetI.! lit eblenin
stat, and, , assuring Governor 'Laei-
eenee-of. their, devotion to the Crown,
:proted.ed '•10 •the blISinegs ;4 slaking'
laW8 .. for the 400d of .the people .. '
' • - '' ,, fa? ,----'
Reward of Merit. .
. .
you .ahavekl!to•daY, 7,"
' •
• This. was dote by means. a "special
o1fer,s7-frxim a Mr, George .Westetitt,'
who,. writing 'from 48, Dover 'street,
W.; 'atyleci himself Managing ditietor
Ot.the-cOr,npany, from :a.,firm. called:J.
13. Stiles & Co., Who':ggye rio achiveeS
at 17 George street, N. W. 1, from the
Gotham .Finance CO.,. 63 Well street.
New York, arid fr'em the 'Westminster
1 -3411 -and ---Trust.,' London -wail,
'E. C. 2. • . • •
.So far,:effofts havefelled to trace.
the very Yonne, On .Tablets
oither` Mr..'VVesteott, '.1-1! Stiles and are the icleal.ineans of,doing,this. -Con
or the *.eStiiiinster B.,nd 014' taiiilxig no nal -Cates et,oilier' harmful
Trust Co., blit.p:later from Mr. drugs they ipoothe the ; child'sfretful,
cOtt-te: the..shareholders ',indicates. the. nese,. relievki its suffering and ,enatire
'nature of the Gotham Finence Cc. 13e Convaleedenee.''
• *Baby's Own tablets are without an
The Gotham Finance CO. : . has, equal: :for relieving bidigestion,- •coiy.
:disc142sed itself as utterly' unreliable etiPation ' and, They .7-„theTele-
•had, ,no ',intention :of ',Paying •-Lor the :fevers •:,' Oen-tote :healtligiviiig. sleep
'shares bong -ht. 'front sharehotaers. . . and, Meke. the dreaded teething- Period
They..,E0W:.hrazenly repudiate 'their., easy. !rue Tablets aretheone meg-,
contract with nie--newell-as.the West- cipe_.that..-a__•_nicitber„:can_gi_v_e
her lit-
rinster Benda/1cl Trust CO.; antl.have tie'ones With .p.erfeCt eafety.as they.
,alsb refused, to pay over ,tO'..the*Com7 aro 'guaranteed. to be free .frominjurt-
Pany anyof the therfies received frompile' drags. They.are sold by all Medi-.
dealers Or by mail at 25 ,cente.a
box from The -Dr.' Williains' .1gedieine•
,co., Blioekirilie.,' Ont.', •
„. . Cannot Be Done
, ,
• : Sun,:' (Bobby Jones .-peo-
POSes. that, a new , typeofgolfegibill
,sididd be intredileed, which,,cannet.die
driven se fir.) There. is one excel-
lent. ,reason .why neither here;ner.:ie.
Eegland. 'his :preposal be, aOCe*Pi.-
. Puti golfers are in the, great nia-
jortty. • Whereta, Starean go from te,e
to green in two strokes, there arp hun-
dreds of. players, who Cannot do it in
'lege ,than live or SiX; or 'even. more..
. An it e dub' furnishes the'. dmigh .that.
siipports a' gametehlah eats up ramiey.
He -wotilti raise n riot ,i'f anythinkNh' re'
dene to, lessee', his driVe ,five yards,
Tectit it trOw.n twenty-five would bring
ehoet.l.a reyelutien. Is a fine
evangelist,. but there never was ono
Who bit on so cold a trail.
. ,
,•Gabhy Gettie
; „
usiv ,y,oit.
."I ii s.',e yOnApia nictired?"
• `I'iten r,tifY"- 41,s -s
Angstlike Sti•lx(SteckliehriYo„
Dric7--tenitt 13elettjet,"..,
ilst(.trie.,KiliS arc netrat 14ein'g
at, leol,ter In bectutiftil tel
•coleriegs--blee, groom, gray, orchid,'
croani, rose and the. ithe. What,•a
t(tecli vf llfe• theyadd' to the kitchen
---4144111syltttarla PaPAW.:
"1-1(usekeeners Who never ean -ket-
ehuP flfid it easy to beat a batter."
defin that day lost, Wheiao low' dee
sending sun, • .
Sees 110 new tranatitlatitic sights be
Weicigoe, EtOivant
A high.lift on the way to Canada. A 'aliffelit uneh stallion being
belated' aboard the Beiwolth at 4_,Iverpool,. gngland., A" group of theise
horses wile he eistributed'ihreughoUt Canada for stock improvement 'purposes
. •
. : •-• • -£482,0D0,- - ASIDE
• "
del "the heed is very coMinon. at CPTItirllioUs WateT SuPP1Y for
this thne of year, in. •the • • Irrigation Canals Is to.Be
very .young. •• Neglect '9f a .cold is
'prone to lead to serious coneeeueircee. • •
-4116telltiVii7i117-0111.ta:trartirMA' VicAll7.-ethee7-Predue,;.
tem is :the -first step in treatirijg •ii, cold, tivity. riortliern.•Vivtoria;ois One to
Whether in infante or : adults: •.For the great. 'SyStenf irfigation, which
duie been carided- out in the .last 15 or
20 years , by the ' Onerilment.
Aloet ,Of. work • has been done in
recent years,. and 'the SY:stern...1a' being,
extended ,,ae(rapid.TY .possible •In or-
der to, 'bring ;under Miltivation 'colas
b fiend which •reqnlre• water to. Make.
them 'vast • derigation
-.system, -la Supplied7-freille.°Atfeteellit's
Wbi.ch:.ifi no* .sendink water, through.
thoeSeads. of. Miles of...irrigationthen-
nels„'; 'Victoria, NeW South Walei
and South Australia: • L„. ,
• Victoria hes.. deaa ',Ectore:. t4an:. any
other state this direction, and it Is
new 'pulsating Its .'ewleivors .W4E: lif-•
creaSeallgor.' The state :Parliament
his tali year:.anthorlied tile, raising
of 1:;406,000,'ZiClOapo, Money
for •lrrI-
gation and water supply works. (Last
finaneial year:. the .e.reount, • spent In
this: way was 1,300,0Q0)0..:',. Of 0110
aunt *482,000 will be spent • anon the
construction of. Storages.. to in-sUrea
.4Ontintious', supply •of'water foedhe,
rigation - channels:
....Ono of the'areaS of the .state .whieh.
has been transformed from weate
land into a wheat groW.ing'sdistrict. by
means of :Irrigation the MilleWa'
. - , .
land of the northWest ' This' coni-
sharepneher. He. wrote:
, •
whOhes'alread--------------- lf theto deal with inc .,the 'advent Of a . reliable water •,supply,
Calling:on yon again; and if YOU, pihfer
and obtain a redne-, charm -Of river :and .Pond, Who has about 750,000 acres have been2takn
desire to take up kiggegt. it P2f,u.re•
, riyer,:.Murray 'about: 1.5011
. direct contact .for,wheat.greVelaghY*;306. PetteIrs.
tion the:I:mice:40f. any shares yon learned • to OaiOr
reight,,lie:best to. deeliae'his..offer aa•
He eiiiiihasizes .the value; of naturo. :Miles in, length,. and aln,lost the whole'
Of, iralleY-;..nd":tite; lend, for, great '
• diStanCea either.: 'Ade,: have „been',
rendered productive as tho: result of
:irrigation., Moat the' land is used
,for 'frelt '.grewing,•• grapes and eltrhe
fruitsbeing the principal'octiipations
o fthe thousands of: ,aettlers• i'•hor'hive
the child .grows Older: and that - will. .taken ifP irrigationblecks along ;the
ferever lteep him :from that terrible riVer. . ' • "'
it Is a Sines ,Well .In ...to the Murray. • Other
. , , , . .
.--ecif , • ' „ ' ictorlan rivers haye also ' been Used
.the Britiph, shareholders. • , •
Another leiter: fret -U. Mr..,Westcott
throws sorne light on his own .ehar-
aet#r., Writing from c/o .the. Empire
Service Bureau, 37...Albemarle street,
W • to the North ' London woman
Nature First For the Child
, Make :year child travel 'Picini. nature
to, boOks, not: front hoOks. beseature,
,who reported. to him' that a Mr. Law-
son had' called upon her with ,the by
1.,Ieis twheep3,:djvoliacc'es..,tolit'Pet.a.arrey0t:ditgoTrleont
Chicago •Erefileg Post, ie an, article
in the ;November issue of _"Child Lite
Magazine" on the thild and Nature:
, "These booke are to be, synapatheti-
calle understOod;" '-errites Mr. Jones;
feet of persualing her to buy More
shares -at 4a..oach*in the .comPany
which was smtv .f.o Pay a ditiderid
six Months" time,' he Suggests What
criminals : call a "double crossing" of•
his . 1 .untleistand Mr Lawson intended •IY: -li•-Y-7-tive-'-r-Wler-,-14"-e.ung7or;Prises abotit 1,000,900...acres,' and with
en iraticsOve, RED .Rosg.ogA
YOU..•.Aie giv
iii-the„tie#,te4'yo# can 0,c..
Is aiitain• .13ecac1-nt 7 '
,Auckland 'Weekly, News The Bri
tish habit •:91 self,effaeonierit ' an selfdeineCiation l ee ingrained that At'
. • . ' " 7 •
catriges, Many ,miseoncentiene:It af
)3rOper. aSaessment •df 'ValueS.
In eetuai war effort the world has to
be told.' sometimes • to day .a thing
whiCh the historian a Shendied, years
hence Will 'accept as geit•evident, that
the •greateet factor in' defeating the:
.ams of the central powers after 1914
was the might and the concentrated'
effort:.of Britafn So the misConeep-.
001persist in :the:. troubled . •years
:which.. 'folk* the war: • .Gan a bath:4
'Web shoulders the burden of debt
repayment •Elritain •new'• bearsand
meets the ,obligations at 'due date; be
Called rdecetlent? , Can: the .hation,
Which faced, the crisis ,. of last. year's
general strike and .emerged as Bri-
tain did be Called decadent?
tar ,
• •Classified'' Advertisements
,. rottnoc.a,k,.):FsilavjaRNT$! ,. '
' electioes $166 00 'for :555:00: te_ltee •
' PitAbioPi.ioNE..:111 .
. , .
iia.rilig14..te4:70•::.A:.411101:;:n.:.° ,(1,,. . P..
4,11:t.-. .0);a, .,,E•0•1%.,
1.• • . • '•', Bospmss sorls.tro*.p.-:...;-
• k.i.: business inalOng anbreakable glisiii
' substitute: on wire' ease for 'Porceee, ,
1 ...,__ - __4......
.areennousee, henboimes. Saniple. Infori i
Mellon sent. • Pox .t, Exeter. Ont . •
1 T.,i-AFL.M.9 .POlt. S;11,,,E, MANY BAH..
. LI • GAINS: •Write for fretit•.Ust• faratik, •
Mr; pougles. reerkirner, er.v% •
1• Je. scientifically. caloo*?ats. d' by. tictrict3
, AT.' bt.r.n ',Drut-i.DAY . HOE:0600P111
of• AsOologY eters ,eeme imereating
POT' perticieers . address 0.
Can the
'nation Irinpling- -With 'free
Problems 4no,,,o.pifetips. of. a deflation
:period, as. Britain is, deb -le,. be truly
Mendes, P.p.. Pcix 71.1:T.:pront.o.., .. ..,
$2 06 G ve
t GIELS , , 1 . 14..TUST'1?0, X' '
- Simply ' sell "50 Sets •Of, Our .painious ....,,.. .
, OhriStinas •Seals for .10c .s. s'et: When ,
0 sold send us $3.'n0 and keen 52,00. .. WI •
trust yott 'till .Xmas.. St. "Nlt-Atelas Sent
• Co., Dept. C04 Ni. T.,. Birooltlyn. V.V... 'U.S.A.:
I ' .
-.! .
. phybeeians eer'sittearre--ere ha -petit
+-halt :pie,. sane. Don'•t 'efav 2 to. „worts
-Over doctor ' bins, .• ' .
celled decadent? ' The ceimtry liasi..
. , , , • , 0 ,
difficulties " and .probleneL.', numerous
enough and crushing enough. to des- ,
. . .
toy a people . of ';mere, fragile iconsti-. .... ,
tution.,. '. An •"AateriCan; Writing from •
London, has •said;. 'This' country is .
'bearing fina.ncial, burdens that 'Would-
. . , ,
break any other notions" There is.7
the exact peint:' Britain is bearing
• .
for the 'child:, He 'says, "While
PossiblY, otherwise, he would .clalm Stt.lci7
,epptindrel.nhi.asssei..0.1, 0:n any shares you nright mee;th i.acilt"S4idn'yl.soisa•inspaii..isieundsleapanci intsaei-
discipline •and Will give the child an'
I shall leave' this to Your. own dise
erientatiOn toward his world • that.
.cretion.... In any event I. would suggest
iinanY older peoPle. lack. It .Will creat
you de' not disehis4 .to, him tilitt have
a mental outlook that Will exphnd as
suggested lower price le •
N'e9a1g§s s'45i. a' company, the
-managing director a. which conducts
its affairs in • such a curious • manner
as this has never paid a dividend;end
"nevi' -Mr. Stanley Hyrnana . is asking
the shareholders:.f0 .3d.••irt respect f
every share they held te .Pay his ex-
penses: to-Aibetta, se that he ;-nay in-
‘,Vestigate the history. of, the concern.
Mr. Hyrnans is 'a ilircter of the Mer-
rick Trust,. which has its office' in
,street. • ' •
Mr; Ilyinans has denied all egneo-
tion with the New ,,Nakamun -Com-
pany, and pretested that he had Only.,
met .,Mr.. West,Fott• once. •
"I have been fieked by a• few friends
of :who are shareholders to go
litiff'd that "Is-44tow-r-i: have been
brought into the mater," he said.
Mr. ilYmanailsWfadmitteel•that he It is the opinion pf 'Mr, Jones' that, Inge, Paid fdr.; •
Naktilinin (Jompany have 4,psq,d right. booko,'kcoip.aze him to go:from Settletnent Branch Of. tht • Cenaditt;
from Whet I can learn. • Of eberse books to. wood, fleid, seaslin•re 0/..evon Depaytttient. Itnmigretien' and Col -
have my own oPinien with tegard: to tifrie world of the back garden, and yon onization states'
wescott-and.his• doings, but r do *ill bete ProVided him witli niore . "I shave made good progress sinee
'not ponoso ..to express I believethan ahiteltiv inet:ere?ti;ingYd"orulsj:11 hav l • hae;e11,1b6eto°0/A.ill'ebepretra;ntahhre°ieitYiyea'evast...antIL'afiiledil
,that he ,has. no* disappeared,. I have given
not seen lune for long tnne.
• "Cf Conrse,; •the Child. will' need et. te a •great extent' for,: irrigation'arid
few :Otter • things ,besides beaks, .A W;ater 'supply nurposes,, thOugh ; o na
, .
small fiela glass or teaescolee. II en, sornew. tat smaller, scele, the varient •
sysiema• being dealguedluitimately .in.
piing Alio benefits of .irrigatipti to ••alt
arts 'of Victoria where irrequired,
so that the besOreaulta may 'be'optein-
ea, from the land for agriculture.
• •
first he. will he_ interested •more .the• Goo- d progress .1.n.Three Year
deto.tis tAa.n the. Whole°, and flits is ' . • , • • .
fit and prepei,. pa as the child grews. ,Calgary,. A.'' OtIncan, I is,
older be Will leare to .eeenature as a 'en.ees‘:f'•irleigifiarrdrcietele8s.ioneel,hoef pithedsmbioirs..sdiiies
whole -a$ the living arment of .exiat,
,"•Aita•:' he, will Appre:elato the trice . Ilefcanie to Alberta three yearh
aa -well age 'frpm tvfolitana and began. farmt
as of that great .oliserver. of. • detailS, He no had a..farrui: a coranleto
Henri 'Fabre:" , • • .. • iuI • of :impleirients," and good build -
was '"afraId. th0, lease a held' by the "give 'the 'average' child few Of, the•
- - Of "Wanted Inventions"
and .Pull •Inforination Sent, Free,
• en. Request...
• Tilt RIMSAII.,, CO., Dept.
.s.73, :Bank St., Ottawa; Ont.
,of Girlhood
Ot Clear Sweet Skin
.u.. CutiourWii. siollapHEtlaPr;.1ro.itu
Spread:. on brown paper and
apply on Mitside. .tteduces swell
ing and. eases pain :
able hint r go bird ,hunting, , With a
pocket in gnifying glass he can study
the habits of hiseets.
With the,stimulua thus giVen, .the
young . child will leara to Make his,
oWfic.direct contacts with nature. At
in,a letter sent ,reeently to the Lind
Satesmanship Not So Simple
When a novice//attempts to correct
the bulge in a steel plate he hits the
btlIge i direct blow with a 'amMer,
with result of putting the entire plate
out Of kilter. An eXpert taps care-
fully'.all around tho hulgo and on a.p.'
parently unrelated parts of the.,plate.
TAM is how statesmanship Must deal
'wlthwehlims which !Seem absurdly ,
erimpWte..:the,bialabOYASIL.PV.avon to
rer all pais.-Minard's Liniment..
• •Ask Another. ,
• , 'Q.-3. How* many States, are there.
. .
in the "Gaited States ot • 'lent
n *. ^
A. (oanother prig -3 In tne.
Antarctle.:•,Letoronto .Dai y Star. .
• , . • •
the, Tiarlor . The Whole' blet.:71'
Ito& Rose Toa, no* ,pacIced tory of our 'taxation, te take a single
in the' bright; eleatv euhlect.tor lliustratlori, Is o11 or radli
nurri .package;' is cemplotely OX'neriineitta whc 1110 lettylierlentt-
gvark,antted, you ,caritty.., it ; pietely failed liethe.purposo for
, Was AeSigne,d,'butlial athieved die;.;
wit out any risk. Order Et
p4cItage from your &beer.
• Use ally portien eft it and if
yott are not*ont.irely p eased
rt.t.lrn, it ati,4
r .
aeirmie results whiell were 11.over foi?e•
eeen, as they ,sliould have been.
(121e :radical 1$ 111 wh
an o tliink$,
Yoft,ltre against 1)I11 if yen iii 1. get
ST '
thrOugh engaging, hi mixed farming. I
'believe that Central ' Alberte,.is One. of,
the, sarest places ore the Colitinent for
a' Man w)th. practically no capital t�
get a start."'
Parts Tertips1 (Stitain's "altictlY,
. correct attitude." With regard to
gier ierepproyed.) 'Oteet Britai'n has
• always reinaett-fitiatileto any 4iindi-
fiekition of the status of 'Tangier that
might affect the prineiple. pf the •inter
national regime, 'Which ,,is -.the set&
gefird of ..alt the leen/nate ,iiitereet4
anceined, While the Sp:111W ,1eidinib
kayo. tfotni modified they netarthe.
-"less-sap Car-00cOrldittellele001-1_10,4T
. .;P:i.
eoticile with tights held , tree-
" titis• 'it • is enine.cessar.Y ilen rk
'that I he firtgoltinfiOnSt t•eittitine in
2111 ntinoheliere of 'mutual: t‘onildoii(;0,,
*rbut. pv014(111 Tangier .vannot
b cr 5(11 led by any improvised. rolution,
-341,nird'8 -1,40,1ment to. LuMbago;
.-..-:,-;are-so,easyertil, perfect IF'you
usc thd same kiiid•of dyes Peefeee,
, sienal Dynt's use Pydetliat aro
piititp ifi highlyrdarentratecl,
NO •Work to diesolte
•:Never any Slnivittg, seeeping or•
crunthlingthcm up. 'Tlieyaret--
• •
! Mrs: Horn lent how Lydia
Restored Her Health,
'Ilamilton,Ont.-“I have talcen Lydia -
..E. Pinkliath's Vegetable 'Compound;
and would net bat
without it now.
I had a f e male,'
trouble so:badly-I
could hardly Walle
and•I was all run- •'
down and could
hardly get armind
to do my house-
work. INeould bo
in bed three or •
four days at ts.
time. I was told '
bY:a friend to try.
your Vegetable Compound. I did, and ,
by thetimeI' took two bottles I was '
beginning to get around again. r took.' .1.
. ten bottles. in • all, .and now ern all,
right again and doing my own work..
• I have six grown-ups to work for, so • •
I have plenty to•do,.. I also used Lydia
E. Pieklianee Sa.nativeWash;and 11:
think it is geed:. But I owe my health
to the Vegetable Compound, and I .
think if • more of it was used women •••
would. be better tiff. I would not be '
without it if it Cost niuCh
. Mrs. NELLIE. JAMES02%,1, $05 Easfcen:,!,
et,len Street, Hamilton, Ontario. ,.
' Do, you feel broken down, nerve*
and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Corripound is excel -1
lent to take at such a time. It alvelye
helps, and if taken re larly and per-
sistently; will relieYe condition,01
" • . .
Proved .safe by"and'preicribed hyithysitians for
Neuralgia Neuritis• '
Headache . taolhache
Colds 'Lumbago
- •
raip Rheumatism
twUr..e of, Cou eits
. Th'crc Is only One genuine
".ASPIRIN'" tablet. If a' tab-
let is offefed. as 'ASPIRIN°
antl' is,. not ,.'5.tamp,td„,
• cootempt,it ig ot"A $11 RIM."
at all', Pon."( take chanteg I
Accipt.ont, filCk'fleg6
.\\*111.o41^0fItgillS poif.03.10 •dirtt11011S,
I1snd"Enyor" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100.- 11r114ri4ts.
414111rilT li t10 tentle losrit frogiStsfod in Canada) 01 )inrcr Mittmfrtstitre isfonelsoate...
inettirstsr n't,i(Y1;114k,id A(.9,tyi .Sttlicylie Add. "A-. 'Wird& 8 o atoll hrowit
iiistAspirlrtinestis Itit.Yot niiintifartunt,ic nrstst thopub1i a0saist tOOs.r‘4 'f'stritt:t
CotttpnitY With be 0•,:atnpetl with their ,coneral trstio rnri am 'qt.:, tteee,