HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-11-03, Page 3Georges . Wien, Betraye lr Ges NewTriaI in France .The Betrayer, of Edith CaVoil .on a 20 Year Sentence.'$eepree A....Rehearing Through His feilor:‘ , A -BROKEN•, ' ,A, scorrespondent of the hP. telis. ef soldiers; With a 'oat defiant mei- ot visiting George •QUien,,. the meat sage, Of pride hi he 00114, 41,id.,:064, •inat(.5ilous Criminal, now in the. French temptof death, she awaitedthe ghat - prison nt.',Clairyanx, tiegoes on to •tering 'clqs.a range, volley of her eXe? cationers:. , Censtalatt,.. the ',,cr,aahv Of , qd e.,8.0 Juds, n outcast ,aniong.•ont-:L,fire: and 'Nurse ,CaVO)I,' dropped e4sts; 'the' west' desrifSed Man la1l. :Hardly' had .fhe'luine-ti. of' •smeke1eS4n •or Prange is living ouhere a 20-,year..:Po.W,der; curled UP .'frorns*.the'. muzzles • •sentence. • • •• 'Of tile ilring 049.0' roWerecryliles . •Georges 'Caston • Qttien„ 50,; 'foie a, revulsion, 4';realtzatiofl'of the 011.VIeVek.,Orayer 'of • Nitree..,XFlitt' tull ilorror of A :War to .the, deatb‘-,tvent.„ ' She dled. With -a, sintia,..ia echoingarOhnd thcij n:(51..ertnau 4.1-1186 'sal* lett .13ruseere,, '444 •Yiell' -Squad:7' ' . tiered" tliroi4h • •the' Germanrieen: ' • •The look of 'a ..beaten,, 'clog .that •carrips,,,tailting. to alliecCeoldierk-as:•ea • comes Into Quietus,. eyes .when the triend, Favors shown him by Gr= nainoEdithav.e1Iis 'imentioned, ,the 'maris....sladel*the' allied prisoners .Of ..•broken vehemence with Which ,•,..;he:.*ar oenieg iiis-gPllt: of the mO4t,:, 'dastardly ''"" Quien,•"rettirded ,,to Franee: otCtii Crimes; has, . brought him but 'He was• arrested immediately apt' seil- short laughs of 'scOrii ,froain• all ..but teficed to • six rnonthe.. iinnilSonment Hireator Roc of the. Clairvaux Pent' for theft. tantiary' here where, Quien Is a con-, At the expiration of his term Quien '71qt, . • • • • • . . • :was • forced., tO go into .• the French Bee is, EQ. Cliivinced. Of.. Quien'S axmy. Ile ;Tee, sent to Ninth,' Afrtes.. '4filmcende,*sorsure that there has been There,)nipotober,..11.9.18, Quion• was.. ar- s ni:scarriage, of. jbstice far .wOrse rested as thi betrayer' ' .of -_Nurse than Alei) execution :. • •„: • • that he is trying to "have. gen- • there yves.• but. one PesSible;' nen- Jaime. revIeWet1;• 'hoping • atleaat• to. tence-:deatir..- • "After.. IWe'. WeekS. ...b.ave.. it shortened. • , • • '_• coUrt., debate, s:eptence..was: im- • , 11,0"W -here could, Quien .go? ' ,He is posed •Ort- Quien... weajthy,...bui. ,of 'What., avail '.'mild be But ,tionbt; arose, even despite...the wealth' except to , enable •him.• to natural.," prejudice . against ., the con,. hide his. identity from • other, mea?.Y. deinnecl .man'becaupe c.f • ant4.1iffering,4„..„Califitryijie Irr the meie ac - :United Press: • "Mine is a• seeetid '.0tisatioir that he was :guilty of such' a • p.rf” case:"' .• • ". • • • •• '• ' •, . • Even .if • he convinced the -PoWerS. • Tpe. ,00ten,ce. Was .• clanged, to., one . • • . • . that: .'SPntenced• hire, cetilci he con- of ,20 years' imPrison•M(St. v • the , world'? ,• • 'NOW,: in; the .', pr,lson •.bere; Quien is • .••,Story of Others ' freedbiii, . . I .flero is":the ator.:1 as, it :is .stold bY: . He :has: no. 'f,r,lends. in the Outside: 'Elien.,his' lawyer has desert- •^. For 40 .or his• ii0 .years, Quioii. has ed him. •• • • ••' • • ; ‘.. be.en'.in almost. cons.tapt trouble. . 1,sion.,EireetOr ..R.oe'. aleireof all ,• had: 'served two...priSed$ ternis before- 'Peon in Quien's. innocenee, illisyo'ne,. • • •, • • and ...an the • :press. representatiVe sat, ! Betterin.'27 Than in '17 WHAT PA IV1.0RIES ,TO OUR ,Neuve. Chapelle will recall Gurklia, Pathan and Sikh to •inany. - 17)1446...Was unveiled there recently. The, IVialiarajah•of Kapiirthala, O;.1:ftriteulleadl,thapectod the guard Of. honor. . • Kemal Pailia &As.' Loadont: Loses Long Harangue Famous Old City 134dhig,, President -Makes Imp.assioned- Appecil to Youth of Turkey Angora, Turlie.yr--ifustapha 'Kemal Pasha, president' of Turkey, concluded, Last' Vestige •of Blue •Coat School 300 Year Old is - Being Dethelished his'elglit,d4Y iraTaBglte:berOTE1•-.the,-N-a7. —._Lendon-,--The last. _Telitige#,Ot_ithl tional".AssemblY w,itla an impassioned• ,Whielk, oyor 300 yeariiiy aPP641..tO• the youth Pe .Ti4cior .L1 ;Ixotiod .Blua.Ceit, School. future .ssiner.449nff... , , iu fiondon 1de very shortly to .dlsap- "Even vthen. all -appears 40'; •pear.; and SO .vanish from tbis,sald, "when ; t4ei.Iggp:,44y,•9.cq‘plpf/ tho nietropolfs all traceV, of an • institution. wheni,the• tiation,10;.•exhad8t7,,wirion., was I marry. respects : ed; YOU; 'Yotrth.:Of .T.44eYF'.,:aad ,Fut,Pre, in",..chariCtect." school ..genettitiOna!,WO:.‘1401.:.44.00'.1;;"r3vr 04:14isrft kfeeDttitl,' duty'. is :to defend and,preeerTe 'Ilaine. inoired lato the". benittiror tho cn the 4e0b,.00t•tlio thenwere ng for goo f?.1)•,:oolrnatin1:14;bic;ir:rtoi noioii: • °, Pt.I:r1101111rce::.4yclon7r".ewinS,4."4',1.1:d l'"•9•13blood . :,°:47.' • ile-tc. but Dart', to tho of • t1P-origlasi 1144041; owsfio lsnifiuQc, iih:x6.1:: (10:41PatlosaPtIr' 11'e: :8:tt, 671 Iatbuc, je:1:111.r444.117'se,':a;:eng,9nitrh•t:40: ,,:..pttitoha. 17)°, g.gie tk; oba,her. '94'4; :494:4;;I! 44 Is;011 Ogle and .cleistpra.rpmainod,', .•c>tt,.thh!.', om o,re inevdo lenLfoot bnr • • TeX, • 61.0.s:141'C',..6f ;t:hd. aj4, en' „the •fainei‘,011Vschaol :which! 'Conn4' Veiit,adoPtioa the.' .7"114.14" !Coleridge.. and Otirlentanih.l.theng:' cede,. cenSecration of women's. libertyIts alurnnl. .• • ' .; • •P. • 4 , iLn dthe.'abelftiOir of polygamy. . , •• t Was. 7f.iN..varti. VI who, moved by a ui ••peron of 13.1shop Ridley on the. duty . East and West of the rich_ "to be merciful unto the Kobe I-Ierald: 'The BritIsh- in the poor," gave to the city of London the • vE',acsiot.Adso onfo, tthgetv jeapt,oann !su:, ts90 t 'fh i•e ei ersl Y Leon Perrier, -.Marshal Poch and the Earl asa racer, are nat. °Iasi:101mA,, ao. °ipagirdo.v,m,idoenoitsrntebraYof thensandeYpGoorrmPenrtr!loktilo- • At Arst Inc goiernors of the cVaEnTadEiR,anA.N.SA! ,memoriat to the Army of • nineh.ier Nxai,pkInsona iAs' do, the .American and, Enteiti but they, (iron "with meat,' drink, clothes, lodg. • moreover, until 0 t reeenti they Were in f tuidat o took id babies only ($1. land and 1 carried out miraerons ini.S- The ProtectiOn' Of the Wor4r sue ai with, the Japanese and 'em4- months -el& but the accomitodatiori sieria for the •• French military at sildtnactelouS .of decency•donhtless. exer- 'available was no ,unninwed, and yer,.. .. , • taeheo. .,, . ., . . . I Drifted •Statei. .1••• •:" • • Quebec IlVeoement (C(Theons.1 Quebec GoVeintlient is improving .th• • . ' 'Cbuditions of etunloyeeS' rusuu.inco.i. The lietiOn. that a; Scot haS In the asset of the ProVinCe. of, Que;, sense Of hurtionr ,was destroyed' In a bee -the -Moral coitrage and the Indus-, certain .club recently. One •'ef • the 'Veiribere÷,,ernbarite_fl n pen a leng- winded, funny 'arrecdiite—Which-le„teld • Very , In the end, be:was. .e. warded'by. fewfeeble•sualles, but Scot, looking .down. his nose at the of- fender replied, out, Man, there are story. WhY, don't you. learn nf thenr1.- 'else, a , reStilaining influence.. Had goon the age. of admission hdd to -bo theY, been ••; without miegivingli AO ,roliod. to four years. to. ,be euadge& , ,•'''For. collaborating in Nurs,e Ca, . fears, hoWeVer,; the : schen,l0 'fo.r. the , again to., seven years before :the ehil. '. velf's; N3'Otk 'I was twite • condemned. establishnient of the. Naval base: at hY-the,•-•Ge.nnians,„Ortae-to-sixLmentlift of the .iie'Venteentlit Oentitry, . imnrisenipene at_ Antewerp • . ., t • try • Of :its Population connts. for. a ,.. "Often 'I.' handled- important mill- : • ., .tarY • dOeuille.lite• . ' *.• . .;::•: . • " • protegreatotu.etlaiel . woLrekgeirel,aatgiciartip:stwhai:ohid,oWnitIst ' • "1 nerer• WM in .til, pay Of -the.. 0, Mans ' - ' e!'", of, his occupation s'erVeS. the canee. Of th' general piiblic by a.,isuring to the "1, lest ..be4atise ., ,I had A:double, wnike:.x...mon imso ,of :soricar,td social eenallk ,I. aud 9trier'Wf8e contentment12! , firet to gaiIT' reselabling: 'Arv33. ''gr11.5§4‘,Ca'' by If ,o the „manufacturer, for eVery vier, and, he :was "a German sPy. act .,ef 'justice .of contributes' "Cavier succeeded' in working 'IntO to the stability Of economic the :Circle that cOutained Ntirseca- tione • By' 't o -operating With the:, • - 'Veil and et lier,i-eWlidi eventiially .. were, '• ' i ' ' the li ti - authorities to help n • app ea on ; . . „ . -slier- It--,was-lie---w-lie-ce,Stnetp„--Alieir-,,of.„...„7o..0..t.ter--'=ISAVs=fon,4v4rIters4nr indua-', livea. "" o' ' • ' ' •': ' ;' •• ' ' • trialiste must. •realize inak they •,,Asfre. • . ,. . . looking after."-their:own--partioular_irn. - '"Als'O- Nurse- Cavell'. ".had :' -e."- 'dozen', German n ur ,. es, • anyone -of whom.' terests.•••, '. - ' . • aifatite=7711:1n-rn-T-raird---lre-7---preSsed"--a•••-.7bell-to; • . • • • . • . tha• 'A hile :dist with' giio orders' for• QUi.c.,11. to 'be: breught . . S 0 l3etraYei? "• HIS LAST CHANcE " Thec roost'despised ,trian on 'earth, Georges Quip, alleg.' betraker of . . .'Editli 1 ivtl In a'Fiench,.court. denies his guilt, ,kle says a spy who ,,reseifl1- .. bled him caused ,the martyr-nurso's' death. ,, • ./.• • betrayed. lier.• ' t . • • •"-"Ntirc14-0avelf-lrad •.,vitli lier too. at-:, .. L' -tainiiiiii- '..tR---e-iiii.' -ito--7„, qp•InAn. ,11 ...Coo. had adOlited, ..a Idx• i •• • '.. . • -• .., • - . • • Le • Devoir (Ind:) : ' M. '..11elcourt .,,yer,.?..,:'.:".d . 1.:emeili. Panlipy.S.:'• • She ; was !' a 1005e,t6tig.tte.,tt:.;pamigt...wen:nit,hiiiiig',,, vc,req,e.. the:other' day; "`1,-,have",al*a.,Ye. .. , • .d he,ea"convinced that the•day 'the' Ong' 'Child., Whe"ii.ussivea colt tatitly , , . . • . - - • a4, • i'l'• 11 spe iiitio.. Canadians.' realized What.. cou.lii."-have ta I cl too. n uch, ..,,,,,, . !.Regulation 'XVII ' really...meant,. the "I t-trinong---tho•se- Wharn 4.... have • •': • . , . - - " ” - • : • • ca-ue woulu. he..A,V-0.11,2...''. Wft .',1Yill described • 's, that 'you .ir.icust, :look 'for.. • • be the sarriet.: in our: .ckninton, in the, 1 Nurse , Oavell'S . 'ilenthiciator... • . • :, . Matter of .tlie".tise .6f..,Frencli :hi Go' - '1 waS"th:e•:victlif .of: 4 .1104•ile, •preas , ernment • ;departments and . •o,fficial'. .cgin Paign p.t . a lime . when 'o 8 On - 4 •5•1 d' '• Monts.' The principle is ;laid down• still were •Wlite ,hot....;, . .,... • • , i ,:, e, 4, , ;.fin: tue, ",,,O.StitutiOn; . and ' few :people: • '''''r §wea,i, I` never , tortetied a-,Pentty would dare openly to dispute ..it,..,' The: Of'. Gerinan .titOney. , , " . • , : ... . ,diffic,ultY. - la .in i; Putting ' it into:: Pree- '14- ' u'il,VAITOr-i 'am' . ''• i -Ali' ' ' ls.the .difilcUlty‘ in` • : "Mr:parents have :died," •They left •the • feet that ;the . English-speaking me their fortune Of Several. hundred ,majority,: never baying, to 'Wait; for "thonsan,d." francs,•• but :of whet geed iS_,, their papers, and ',never' receiving a '1 t',(0 , me? ... 4: onr--0.--,and,l liavett:t.MuCh.. .dociiment .Writtery :in a different:- Iii - hope for tlie future. • ' `., '' . . .• • ;:.gitage froth their 9W11:, ile.,,, not exneri- .• "If I could get • a. good, lawyer and '..enee the.. grieVance: which the French tell hirn• my story there • would,be a intaniTity. naturally 1061., ,, . ... . , . . • • . several 11:ainnittisv'ersieus--of,that 4t nOthing." " ceived: eP117 By that tiMe•a„,granaraar. school 'hat "You know, • darling; of course I'm , ,, 4};ing. for us , to get married; hilt .1 ' can't see bow we shall eve afford it.". "Oh that s dearest.„ "I have a parson friend, and sure he'll do Progress Affect "Th . . other FrenChinen; thlistered into ' the 't into the •ofilee, he Ii he Was presS- arm'y' at the Outbreak' of the:L*60d lit'g, t, e intriiSters 'of .War', and' justice ,,. . • . , War. il'e Was serving a „term , in Jail l to tkiew the ense. ; .•. • •-. . for tli6ft When. t .6 Cierman. ariny' en- I. Into the little Office Of M. Roc; .the . . Setindal.". •• • _z. There ,01.1tell broke , down. • - Tears „ "welled 'it'll§ %yes 'and he Rehhe4,ut reservedly..! With. hiS „face' buried in lila hands he wes..fed back to his .cell, to serve his long • senterice./,,as• . dead to the, world,, as .the"heroic nurse, of whose betrayal:be". waS convicted •M Boo has .been successful in gain ing a 'rehearing: • It fa .progreSeing, Only the future can Say What, Qiilen's . • „ . futurewill be • Ut?"-M.aalpli .. , Conroy/ of Jinadilla has been Making improyeinetits'".on the niotherMis, Mary Ooorow.. • He hae,'tnade• impi•overnente bn the 'inside and •paitif-: ,od t ,Outaide,-,-Bainbridge : Quentin in 1914 and made, prison director, Quien walked • won- ' • With other civil prisoners, Quieti not adinitted' to this;;I:igooe rous • • Engliah• ;'Gpee-76-41/iles-Art:HOuti-on- ... °fl OH OUST MAKIII" LITTL.t... ST rl,P SPEECH! •tered SI tal(on to LandrecieS.There, as al tentiary, ;iinmense; ,forbidding: him double Prisoner, • . deringli„.4for • • • visitors are -T ncimotive r' been added' to the foundation, and a 4schoot..4.-Wilere.....instrnetiOn In the I'art of navigation• and the whalicliirefita arithrnatique" was given to a Bele.' oted class. of lintys who -,'Were to be . . „ come “GaptaineS • or ckmandera of , shipps , But if ,We- are to believe the famous Mr. Pep's, 'who as in ad- • intralty.Oificial had ratiat to do 'with% ' , the 'administration of this side, of the schocil's life, . ins:nq • diffiCulties beset ; the governors at this time. --gEitha- =rry.ofplit-masters-wer.-p_4kra toget, and _ GETTINGtREAOTPOR LARGEFt'THINGS* The 'Nfild, 1..tady 'of.,Teeed Street " the Bank •of England, c osed her doe'r a few day's bite oli•et.t.. a new one.% The:rebuilding of- , the bank is progressing While businfss is still being, carried on. 'The 014-. _ , door had ben In use since 1825. • ' When. a girl's ..somplexion goes. to 'pot its Usually returning whence it *canie..; • "I look for.v.ard, every Sunday 16 the after-dinner nap," "I• thought You never ;:slept "after • dinner."; "I don't, but my wife floes." "Jack,', the, Said 'reproachfuln "you 'wouldn't - rnar.ry Tile for niy' moneY, 'wotild,..you?" Not if :there was „any ether way to get •it ," he said thougbIV tleSS.: , • was tru,:m y, (Di ion .6.41opted the -tieing' 'of it WaS a monastery, It 'Was founded "pori or t'aditi•et" and began' the, il- 1 in :the•.- th century by 'St, Bernard' Ic'gril, ova et lee Of medicine. • ., ' ,.., ' , Prison Nin"knant•e 4np ioiii; lris•atienfs; tile- false (100 11 * • . ' . ' ' ' ' ' 1,t. As easy , to see . how Qtfiti h cad tor' met, aiqiiMe balligan, wife -IOU 11 ,-,- n tie" Prison niCknanie 'Of' "Dolible- m.- ,Iii.of a plat) by Whih chundreds ori.:-.:-• , ••• ., .,,,dot ,01,110,, were . being slung..., meter ';.•--tWO yards:' He is nearly six .m,, feet, six inches' tall.: lic WOuld. at- gled ' to I he liutch ,frontier and back ' tract attention anywhere., .• ' to 'their imnte countries, '1 . . . • .,Quien Jesponded roadity 'to several, ' Areerding to the original charges :questletis I asked him; •Titeit I. said,.: .• *.agotinst ;:lifin, . Qfileri. 'sn.ccceded' in "I..' Want, to. .ask , you about .Niiree Wkliing hii..aY. iiite the eorot .COin" l•Cavell nil :"-. '''. .. "; . . ''• : ,.i .. • ,•••,.'r . . tpe of 10 that waS. directing the I ,../7 r., 't :.;eit'a huge frame seented Sudden.- Brint'ggling. .. . . • ' . 1,1y to collapso'. int'o a inasS Or. •un- Poslugas a. debtor, a „lawyer, an 'healthy flesh. (Ills faCe , blanched.. arniy 'officer, and. ,even ite a, military :.COWeritrg, :be covered lila.' 'face with. ittlache, Qiiien -Made •hiturielf :trusted , his huge hands. Then, his story came "by ths .allied patriots wile were risk-, :. 'With a• rush etlreken sentenees: Mg death a' dozen' times a day at. tha• , "rl am' not giiiityi I 'ain not•,guilty! 1 , hands.of such a traitor a8,11e. ' ... ': i'ff."..;ieu.kneW ate real ,Istory Of my. Thus .Qitieri met , Nurse Edith ,_,i4a,viaty:.; you w Ould, .pity Inc Cavell,. af 'Whosebospital, In Brrissels, I . -ti have. sinned often, i•tegtet...But '. Ito toOlt refOge J..tilY' 8`,'" i915., ' :',-"" :,dieVer--neVer±dift I- detibikyceCNtirse' ... 01;0 W (Tic 'later' Mi 80 Cavell; Prin. davnii,,,! , .... • de Croy Sed.:Others elletatIrig.' the 1 . ,A.torte °with' his ,ewu1',thoughts for ,iumiur. tonna ,ranroad" r. Were tit' nearly eight Years', QuIen APPeari• to ,7 , ., retted...• lid tri'ett:. ' • . .• ..: '''.. ' lialie constructed a holo proof , de- ' - pohrd including ihe dayeteil Woinan 1 tenne. . "I am. the • victiin ot kidiclal whose' iiamo lra<.; liecorad a, syml)ol of _the_ splrittthIlY glorious side 'et Viet, ton,ii he emit.hthea, • It past„ •' were:. .smitence(t. te death by, a GeritstowIbat has eenodea,me man seurireatitfal. ' '•compiatnh- Sht lure* ,the.ttrioS "of war.i.•06.itit that . limy were not alwaYs Softened in riletTy tt`i WOnien. Bravery of Nurse ofte-r-luerrfiag 'she Walked *Rh 'Serene' 1.-1ce Ind- firm 13t0i)''60...trokt: her prison: OW to face. a itting. titidd ' •.'"M); lawyer tried hard Co savainel rliffettre--- has --:lost • -hiterestiow - sever hear from.him and Ate ••does no , thing to re open my ca86, "I 'inn tired of fighting. be- coming resigned, to rily tate, "Ant t ant. lietAguilty.„ My •lite'dtir- ing•tii°•..ivitit waat dranit. 1 esca od frOrii, fhb otaiPled territOrY •••/••,.). . ( , • .. ...''N't•etrkg,,,„„se,440 _ 4 SPEED-' ARK sg , eNoL 61-1 TRAIN , O-loVoniotlite irt ±S L'±the "King .Georgc-A"' of:.EnglandY Great larder still to ,freep;: onefltiyrefus ed. to "Sit. publicly in the schaok;" an • • othek, We' are told, quarreled :With the imrae, aitd alhird-waS feund to be in capable of 'teaching "the , doctrine of the .gldbes?' • , • 7 . From early.; dayi, tho., boyi of ,the • . . foundation "wore', a distinctive , and ;UM'S, iittle:•, changed •10: 'thiEctay. Originally it 'consisted .of blue .gOWn, . knee breeehe.s; YellOw.', petticoat -stockings, While' :. neck- bands', and,a blue cap. . The petticoat '- and .tap were • given up some 70 or 80 ,years,.,sinte,h...ut Otherwise, the Coat " boyS are ',still :garbed 'AS ibie* Were 30 -years' ago. • Italy andAhe'Vaticar( Romp ObaervatolCs. Rot:nano: In spite of the;mitigation o 'ffie'lormer. , harshness in the mutual relations tWeeir -the. yatfean and the Italian Government, the disagreements have not Yet been eliminated, affiq they -will only disappear when nieane;have been found to assure' • the whole .:Patholic world that /the pope lias that full and. real :Independence and ,liberty which Should be•ma,nifest to, and recogniZed ,.by all..., The. Roman question ie not only... a "national" question, but one r r Which. affects 'all. Catholic, peoples, and un atios. ' • • • . . Nzw ArchaeologicFind • • • .• •Rhodesia Standerton, -k.A.f."--LZimbabwe„ ' ' . one among several u re of'ruin, , ed buildings in %Rhodesia, all appark, ently. zimba;bWes;:,, i.e.,. houses , of stone: . About 70 Miles east 'of -the ' main ruin, 'Zimbabwe 14altfirp. or ",great • s:tone houses," a. frestiodiginoi-;•:, orY' of great interest has been 'made. It is inside 'a. densely populated ria- tiye• Terierve, , Seldirrni. -traversed.; by white men. ,•11 was .overgrown With • trees and creepers;as Zimbabwe was; . . whe'n ,the 'first. explorers' saw' It, but quite unlnhabited' .• A' 'road11a8 been :cut to . the Fain; .which is in type',,•but in a. more riiapi.dated state. Reports et. tit least a dozen Smeller been 'redeiVed, The ink- • Portanbe Of the "find" lies' in the fact ' tat the principal: birilding. ;has net been ,rifled by prospectors or 'had its ' ,various layers of soml piied. as. •happened, " '! the other.. Zimbabwe ruins. A proposill has: been, put ter - 'ward: to blind s.,rsmall inuseinii at tn• whichsotiao . at least,' ot.\• -the. relitTtairen-from-ik,and-sow---111- Cape • Town, Babiwayo„,,Loriddh, and,' GermanY,•mighflie.trilleCted. • ' , • • Speculation in ritain , • The .Siatey, Provinceg • . , Qaebec o1O11 (Lib.) !. 4 is quite :clear that.'QUebec and 'Ontario will 'al-, ways be ciimitra tog,ether, In prOblemso- oi an eceriomiUicharacter. "Theugh • ruled, by ' different governinerits, the two ,provinces have no .meal frontiers, Prom the point of view Olf agriculttire, indikstry, eoinmeree 'and 'finanec, they ' cannot arese closely allied that•one ,totidon Truth (Ind; Lib.): It 'must be admitted that there is teo'rauch sncettlaticn and that en the whole prices are: too hiGh. What would be intercsUng to know, is the , extent t6):1111 tb,e speculation. is conducted adoa nifolicY en try eseential.ques- I at1-:vb0.1,.(2r1,0wed croft. That tpc.n.tes,, is • "lion different from the other, witiipiit • • elle of thent•• suffering. directly or lii ntreOly, „ • , ,1t.raoco.Russian Ti - 7.dloseoW ' Pravda: The policy • of. threats and. ,blaelp.q.11 has tibt, and never': Wilt have . any' effeCt. the soviet GoVerninent. If the:rd,are poop ple in' ,France Who count •on terroria"- .' ing the SOYiet. RePtiblics .. ,diplo• expansion of. the. country'a t-hoy 'neoelVt, t trade.' , tt -it..-COuld;b6.-Showa.:that lhoinaelves and , are,. onlydepriviag 6onsiderehie , proportiori •of the 4n, • Froheli bUsitiess of advantages-, Which 0040" .topmsents the' extelit. • i. the preliminary treaty which. has .ai.• to Which the. banks,' havehaveI, negest4.tea WeeltriTheye.-1,exchan46 eecurities, the .".‘-olrettiS':•.. • qi eiance would,10!,dia'quisting..'. • • bOrrOwdd. .for the purpose scarcely ad- , • mitS of deubt, for it IS 'inconceivable' that the denintr?.., can afford. to go On buying largo nes of : share's at the prices 'dtiring the' latt' twelve , months or so. Shic, the hetintiing, of 1923 the tigsega.te attvandes of.the ten Clearing batiks' have risen by 41P' zpo,000,00c,. crease'. hai' next heed- due to a c.orres• fasteet, and' Meat PWerfiii-• --weSietn-ndivit,ayv--tnalirteted,..a?,290..inille teat. run.,eves..litittitnere„..&,701iia, Itacks ,r,aeOnt.IY Old ',startled offic1als ,.of t a 'road by hDtIn 1h�rfl0l ;With :its threttle 'may epple'.oent; 011011: . 'Ca that out 1.'1)1110 doWn. there Voice sortieW lei ifistrintiklita and,,dials, Said as the Speedonieter quivered uovtard, Sortie- 'amp picked iip.a telephone receiver anti the hand dropped back tb 60, . • ' • • • • tabor00, ;office, -Workers and tii6torist8 'atm* the route frOm. MU:inter e Craned their necks and struck amine - frig, pbata0aa ttie lithe Whippet Of the, ra11s resplendent id dark green paint' and shining brass, at/opt 1) ; .tOtit' 'CisitClie8,, • . mo•tucte,' (-If which rontaltietl the ,School for Politiet,.. ," • to. it •po,. did When, Slin ietvirri.• 11 Wlth.41')fr are going to sweep the tetra-- "Then," retnarktit 1181. tagbaudi 'try, Sohn," stio exattlined. •. "iciu had .better start With the kIt- clien deari"--M,ontreel' Daily Stitr, 'Mental, Science.: Ittra., Bride' (at,. 1 a.ti.)-7-',!0_11,..3",acV,, L.walco Up1 can jubt fcel therel'4. • iltisbandt' (dr0wslly)t•.-4:-• "Well, lust.: "tool° there's; a cat, too, and go AO sloely."--tioston Transcript • .* One 'tench ot seaneal 'wakes . thc, Whale worlt thlita • ' •