HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-10-20, Page 8WINNERS' AT • McLeod, ,5; -William Tan*, 8; D.4sy' •KJNLOSS SCHQPIJP-4114 Kennedy, 9;• -iSTallbl'in'Nicholson, 2; . 4 ...' • Denald, MeaKeelAttee":•,0• Cr•ratee,-Keth- %0110WinfeMet the names al?" • • leen,MaelCeieiee"'.9..fe" Kathryn Morri, , 's9i1.' 01,0 IV,X0KenZIA, .11; , • in the Order Of the liriZee won." keh 4e t) • la Sti nen 6: filatiee • • • ;• p4 • in * 244;t, .ard etc. The number atter CaniPbell .7. ParsniPS•4410,gh'.:Mae eneMe. Or'the'81114 theeiffirober Koneiee fiAl4ehre",Gart,en,l'0;- P.auline .to Which Vie eu.,-„ Rola, 10;.:Bel3h0-'1,.easoAni. lei,Drortoithy • - • , : pounek, 19. •Tttrnt9, gn s' er- P4 Re19441` • ^ . 1,:son;',0; 101 :7114; 1444 °it " fat, ,8-. EdbeV1.',-,Bnaliell, 2; Lennard • .:Der9t14 *9;'• :IfaeLecci; 5; Calvin StinSan, 6, Map-, slanaes,Itithardscm; X0'14 gets_cinien'ee ;Swan, •5; 'Rennie Gra- him,;i q• vuola Th(m1140re 1V1°*11-`3' Middleton; 6; Bnasell. Boss, . 10 0/•oi' esheafee-Doretber Wellet • 9,Fraser MIlieXinnone 3: .Jaraige Richardson, 1,1). Oati"lhes.:11irilecin.10;ei-RabbYglimile • UR, 7.. 'reeeirgo:Wriiittie`' 9; • .4ane- 'lleindiabaw, 3; Alfred. 'Patterson, Usti, sbeiiifee•GeOeVraithi: 9;. Thos. Willee,10;"BObbY'CalnlAeth 71.F.lor- lenee -Caskinette,,8e,,Alfred 0- Ber/eY-e-MarY Miiebite're. 9; llovre ird Caeleillefthei 8; ',Veronica Waddele • 8:: Barley, 1. sheafLeHOWafel'Caeliine Otte.. Al' Veronica: W#ade), 8, Dent . Graham, :6; :Ralph ‘..f• Rodeos,: 3; E.'•XlanOerinan,.'1; Nellie ,MneCalluim, Eddie Thompson,. 4.• ..Reieet:-eOrne"13illy MacKenzie. 9; Tin: Carruthers '5; Ted Burt 4. Lorne Mill% 8; :11aXeld Swan, 5; Ellen Burns, Potatoes, Gr. Mt-iaabel • '3; George Garton, 10; Dunedin. Mac.- ' Donald, 1;', Bertha Richardson, 8; 'Jennie' BrOOnee. 4; Mabel Ilawkshaw, 3. Potatoes, ,Dboley-e-Mary Coe, 3: Maurice 110ieginces 3; 'Doneld. MgEwaii; 1;eeTack Gillespie, 10; Kathleen Eck- enswillere 3;. Reggie Broome, 4. pota- toes.. "Irish' Cobbler--Jamee Hendee.- ' ejr„; Bert ,Niebelipa, 2; Melvin IfeCleheglian,:10; Donaid,Maccallum, Si :Verimies •Gaynor, 7; 'Ina Eckenee . (hiiens-e-LaYerne •Jahlistorre 4; berth' Mecleneghan,•• :10; 'Billy ' MacKenzie, 9; • Olive Garton, 10; FlorenceHasighle, Mary Bushell. 2.Beets-Janet •10; Johnsteh •Hodgkirisdn ' 2: . • ' lflowers Sweet P'er.s,Chriitinn'' • IvIoiri'Ari 2; Panline, Reed., 19; Hrighie Mae - Kenzie; 9; Jim IlendersOni 10; • Wnl,, lace Richardson 8. 'Phlox -jean Young, .8; iLati.:_1(atike, 1. ',.Aiters= 13Artha 'Richardson,. 8; john Dickison; 4; Florence. 1:1Odgins;,--.3; Buih- ell. :2; HcCtexv Purdo4,1.0. African Marigeld--Edbert. Bushell, 2'; .Bettie ,MacKenzie, ..Salpeglossis-ISabel Colwell. • Calenclul,a,71-1a4old Swan' 5;, Rennie Graham,' 6; 'MarY' 1v14eIn; .tyte, 9. . Verbina-lean MacCallum, 9; Bessie' Cai,noeban, 6. •Cadcos, Kathleen • Graham, 2; , Merle Gannt.': 10; .Alfred. Patterson, 9;' Fraser Mac- Kinnon, 6: • Athol: Purdon, 10, Zinnias Middleton, ;6; .:Anna Graham,' 6; . Mary' Graham, Geo. Ross, 10; Kathryn Morrison, 2. Pinks,.. -Kath- leen MacICenzie, ;. :Kathleen Ecken- swiller,, 3; Mark' Belle MacLeocl..,5, French Marigoicls-Illehehe MacDou- gall,.6; Mikierie.'Nicholson, 2: Quet-,L-Olive Garton, 10; Ivan, Wight- ..-nan, 10; ;. Brown, 8; Kath- leen MacKenzie, 9; Massed Boss, 10. Poultry; • , , ."' Pe,n, 1 coCkerele Priliet---:Bessie Carnoch,an, -6; Milian Moore, AO; John' PatterSon,:9; Russell. Ross, 10• Alfred „ Tip* 1410044.0, SiesTiNst,, trivg.sowvt, OCTOBER .20th, isgl Pattersen, 9; Dunedin MacDonalc1', Cockerel -Millan ,Motiro. 10; William 'TiffiTiz 8; Alfred Patterson, 9; Bessie Carnoehallee 6; Jack Pollock, 19; Lor- na McLenegliart Pullet-eMilliarn Tiffin,' 8; Paley 'KelineelYe 9; Kathleen MacKenzie. 9; Bessie Carnethell. 6; Alfred Patteeson: 9; Jack Pollock. 10. Pen',1 cockerel and 2 pullets -Millin Moore,- 10;• Jack' PollOcice 10; Mary 'White ..'6; 'Carnoehan, 6; Jack 10;..Geo.• Rose, 10„ g'•Henn, Milan" Moore,710e. Russell. Bushell 'V :Jack Gillespie, 10, .• . • ' IAVO Stock. e • Colt -"Geo.' Middleton. 6; :' , Wilfred :White, 5; Annie, Mane Corrigan, 4. Calf, (nurse)--ellarvey Ackert.,' 'Calf .(nail fed)e."-Joe Ilodgkinaon.; 2; Caro re Colwell, 3; rrankeCaseidY. 4- .Mar:: ,ket • Spring. Lanal•FAdie, Thompson -4; -Dunedin MacDethald7.. 1; . Eddie : • . .• Spy :Applei-Jean, 'MacKenzie., 9; Donald MacKenZia, 9; Mearle. 119eddlee ten, .6; Betty MatKenele, 9; Florence Hodgins, "0, . No* ,Apples-e-blearle Middleton, 6; -idadeenzi4. 9; Peter Leeson; 1; John Morrison. 1.0; Florence Hedging, 3;•Edbert Bushell; 2, Apple Collection-"MillanMoore '10; Dick Reed, 2; Ina Eckenswiller, 30..orne Johnston,' 4; Billy MacKen- zie, 9;. Geo: Ross, •10. Tomatoes - Joann Tiffin, 8f Ivan 'Wightman; 10; Ina Eckenswiller, 3; • Kathleen Mae-. Kenzie, .,9'; Dorothy, Pollock, 10; Kath- leen Eckenewiller, 3. • Domestic Science. • .. White Bead-Luln Kaska, 1; Lee, na White; • 5; Hector Purdon, 10; Daisy B. 'Kennedy, 9; EllaWaddel 10; Janet Craig,' 10. Grshitin Genir --Anna Graham, 6; Billy MacKenzie 9; Mary.' Cox, 3e Dunedin 'MacDonald le Gee Ross, 10- Moe*, 10 . • " • Kennett -Y. 9; ;Cathleen • MacKenzie, :9;, Leona White, 5. Light, Cake -Kath- leen Eckenswiller.., 3; Leona Whita 0; Mtliee Nom 10; Ivadella Leeson. 1; Isa •Leeeott /.; Laverne Jblmeten, 43dlecKCaenedere*: el"ejta0n; Catherine Mowhray, 10; Bessie Car- nocban ;6; _ Ina Eckenswiller, 3. School '"Lunche-Jaa. Richardson, jean itounle. 8; Nellie MacCallUni, Merle Gitunt, 16; .A'nna Graham 6e • • s Mary. COY. 3. ' Seifillif tied Needlework. • e, vii.hlit ,s -Marv' tyre, 9; -KathrYn Morrison, 2; Merle Gaunt. 10;-Doreeliy Wraith, 9; Eileen. 'Bileheli." 3; Mare/ Hi -shell, 3, Clothes 'Pin 'Apron-e-Beaeie Carnocharei_ 6e: . Jean 'MacKenzie, 9;' Blanche,. •Maq", DDo.lagell, 6; Anna Graham; 6;.......... 1Wadclet,.10; Mary Graham, 2; 13utten Holes -Mary Bushell; 2; Christine 'Morrison, 2; Kathryn Morrison, '"2; Mary ',Graham, •2; Blanche MacDou- gall, .1; Bessie Careoc,hair.. '6. Holdert Pots and Pans -Betty 'MacKenzie 9' :Kathleen Grahane 3; Jean "MacCale leere. 9; Bertha Richardson, ,; ,Nedie MacCallinne '9; .Blancbe Madleougalr 6. Wash. Clotli-egifeen• Bushell,' 2; -Betty MacKenzie;'. 9; Kathleen Mac. Kenzie. 9; Bertha Richardson, ,8; Ag- nec Gillespie, 10; Kathleen Graliarn• 2. 'Mlicellaneout, •° • • Model, ...Poultry Feed . Hopper - Stewart Davison, 9. Laddel.---eStew; art Davison, • 9; Dorothy Wraith, 9. Geo. Wraith, 9; Jack Gillespie, 10! Athol Purdon, 10; Hector Purdon., 10 Book Rack -Athol Puiden,:10; Heel tor Purdon, •10; Willie Stirnson,• 6' Geo. Wraith,. 9; Geo-. Garton. 10 Stewart Davison 9. Milk Stoel-LT, Wilson, 10; Stanley Ross, 10;• Russel' Ross, 10; James' Widdel; ,10; Willie, 'Stimson; 6. Wall Meta 11older-T. Apple -.'.''.ii'L'- 9e Jean Menele• Middleton, Geo. Wraith , '9; Willie Stieepen,.6; Fraser' Mee leinnon, 6: C011ectioe of Arts -Nil. lan''Moore, 10; Fraser NecKiennone.6; MearlMiddleton, 6; DeSsie carn0C11- an, 6; 'Kathleen .MacKenzie. , 9e 'Jame Richardsen„ 10. Collection. of Insecte, -"Athol Purdon, 10; 'Willie- StimSon 6; „Betty MacKenzie, ,9. CoPeceion of Wood -Lorne Well, 8;" Milian Moore' 10e Athol' Purdon,, 10; Rennie. Gra- ham,: 6;••Donalcia MacCcillirie, 9; Joe Hodgkinson, Z. Vogetablei, from H. .G. -Donald eVicieleeeeia, , '9; Marie ;Gaunt, Wienifeed• 'Ackert, '4; Kathleen MaeNelelie; 9;' Jack , •Gillese :pie, '.10; %Cep. Ross,'. 1.0„, leiewine .sionge, et. --Dorothy GO.hanl, 6; Kenneth Dieklson '4=""Tlillie Burt Teddy, Butt, .4;e ° C. "Beed, 10; A • Corrigah, 4.- Potter--,Ancia. ."-ealiarn, 0; 'PlaneleO, MaeDontell, 6' 'Willie Stiireomee; Janes Waddel, 10; Fraser MacKinnon:. 6: Hector 'Purdon Landscape•-•Beseie'Carnechane 6, Winnlfeed Ackert,, 4;. Geoecre •Middle. ten 6- Lleyd MacDougall 6.• Pauline eteeci, .1.qt Ella Wdddel, We' Wine .Sun-l/orothy .;Graliarn„.„ 6; 74 Clive gartem,,- 10: ' • Me Olen frhau. Laurie, c'ampbelI, 7; johnstbn Moore, 10 Canadian ,Carrin Son -Janet Craig .101. Lorna MeCleneghan,.. 1,0; - Willie Stirrson. 6;••„,J1illv Iloffeene: .1; Ado 3•7rit '7; Blanche MacDougall, 6: Nailve L"!--datherine MacIn- Geor'':e Middleton, 6; Layerne Tf.'llnq'sn, 4: Wiirnifrea Ackert. 4: .^atherin.p Cambell, 7; •• Lloyd Mace Dougall, 6. Public Speakinv-Mary Cox. 3e Gee. Rose, 19; Katherite MaeKenzie,.9; Merle Gaunt, le; Har - n -,•ming and,* }TitrbinT---7David Car.' '6: Joe' lloclgkinsoe, 2. Mouth Organ-Itoy ' Watson, 7; Floeenee ins.. 3. Parade -10,..7.:'5. Phys, lea' Culture -.-8. 5; 10 3 • MacKenzie. 9'; Mary Cr, 3; Daisy B.' .Wilson 10; Itussell ,Bushell, 2. •vv. Ors -t ., As tremendous ' Fortune to any Man, Woman iind t eoras Hidden in the Letters of the Wor . ,... "CONST ANTINOPL There is nothing hard to do. And there ie Two Thousand Dollars to win. All you need is Flitter and penal• It is easy tit" ustderstencl and platy . . ., thil game. Just sit down and 'so hew many weeds you can inahe from , , he letters in the wont Comtantinople. You will find all sorts of wards die cast be made out of *use lettere, For example' cat is one, pie is one, pt is another, and ant, etc, etc. It ill as easy as that. It is kitanie for lhe whole fatroily. No expert knowMdge is needed. All you havetodo US win a fortune 11 to plat she gaine iccording to the rules announced to.ciay. IT COSTS NOTHING TO TRY. , . ., ... - Prizes Wilt be ' giyen for the SO hest lists of verde subusiitted. The .Mwsr est and nearest correct list of words made out of the lettees OR die weed Constantinopl! . - prize; second best, second prize, etc. 'Isere These- Eitsi Rules Any man. *erns" or child who Alves in Canada brid- le not `a resident- of the City of Toronto' and v,thit i •not In %the oMploy of The Mall and, Empire' may. eubmit an (5) Make' as Many.' 'word.. as poss'ible. frOrn, the letters in'' the. word 'Conitantinople. .YoU may' use the letters. Over' and Mier aga(n wOrds, but each word mUst not contain a letter more times than. It appears in the • Weed Consdantinopli. , For example,'. y may use 41 ' letter '."..just once in each word: the letter !"e" just once los each. werdAnd the lifter "t" 'twice in each word.. , , . . (3), Writs your words plainly. on one ,s'ide 'of • the paper • and in 'alphabetkai.. order', numbering them, 1, 2, '3, • eto. Write your full 'name and address on each' page in.'the, Upper:right-hand if you "desire to write .anything else use a separate sheet . , (4) ".00 not: Wm. Proper nouns, Proper' adjectives, prefixes, . suffixes, • abbreviations,, Contractions, foreign Words, obsolete. Wordsi•cornbined forint", Scot or dialectio words. . Word,' spelled' alike but with different' rnabriings Will be 'counted as ono word: Words tipeiled differently but with ' the same meaning "will' be counted ..as separate words: Moth Die ,singular and the plural may be used, and both''„ ' will' be counted,. 'providedboth' forms are listed. In the- dletiopery , (5) The ludges' will use 'Webster's 'New, International Dictionary, the latest:edition, as'authority, and the largest „correct list of Words Made from the letters in Constanti- • nePlor Will be awarded first prize. , (II) One correc$ word will' be 'deducted' for 'each mitt- • spelled or incorrect' word. • .. , • , • $5, Here 3Nat are fobs --the Ng cosh twardsl • Winning Answeil will receive cask prizes according No the table here., I?einember- - •°° ash Prizes so ammo ipassasima..;;67.4.usamig soH. IFEMI•or Orval "54;avesabseeerTnpttl:rWonen?. a° I!" fe seal " ge • new !subscriber of width Intuit Filet new$1.000.00 $2,000.00, Spasm. -1Pria; .'.... 25.00 p 900.00 1.000.00 ended !rise ,3000 &COAX, 700.0e' 200.00 200.00 100.00 - LSO 50.00.'1100°O..0"0 11.0050.00 100.00 $.00 SOAPO 100.00 : Feeur Pries • ... '' moo - 1115.05 Fifth Mae ...... 10.00 .100.00. 'Simla Prise_ _ ..... . A fully . qualified. le4Yerdithipriaerkse.::: ' -answer whit the Naiads • Priem ..... larger azNotuds. , Tea* Prim ..... , Aim .fortheilli : • sM,Pekkt....•.t. v 5.00 19.06 $2•100116 Award ' i ToTAL.."...... vsiLoo-,.. $2.500.00 . $5,00009 . .. in the event of a gia las may prigs eil'erel las tea ammesat el each prise win be . ' pale SO "deli tad portables**. .' arhount .of such ' pri,z• ‘, will be , awarded to , each tied • ' in PraesWdloBe Awarded (7) In the *vent 'of ' a tie for 'any' prlie Offered • the isil • W (57-Only•one.priz.• will'be awarded to any one household iii.„gresatest "poriunky a yew uso 15 what TIM Mali and Empire Is offering yo'ii. In participant. . • . : .,, - , . . the 9 • , , • or groins of Persons. Every Ilet must represent your oiiiin ,ti weird game, tot.play and toome while ourpIng a big gash prize. you oannot'help .but . Wets submitted. which cause .the judges to belieye •that, ..- •enfoy' the hunt for words ih Ilidi game ' All yas'nosid: is an ebeervinb eye. , Lit's all Join ,offort. and must be prepared by the person' submitting it,,. ' Villiierfiave been compiled by one, and the same, perion .in and have a, JollY‘ good time. Put albs family walla eanto..-Cilve.biary a piaci!, And will be rejected. , , - , ' ' ' . , tcbby, a pencil. Roth ,parsinte lake a poison, and -Any otisfr•membere tor the famijy,,... • . , • Make It a gams. See who' can geld the, mast •wordi frem-the lettere' In the, word Con- . ' (g) The largeit correct list of. words ,PrePdred "accordind • stantinople in 'half an.'heitr. iou'N find It fuss. .It'io easy to dis. Wil educational. and it . tit ;these rules. first. prize. The ..rit's<A, largest ntay,. be worth TWO pus• ND, DOLLAR*, . correct, Ilist will win second gir ze, n so on un pr • i it 50 izes • • 'have been awarded (subject to 'rule 6).• . (10) A 'Cash' Prize of 550.00 Will be awarded the 'first' 'prize; winner 11. no subscriptions to The Mali and; Empire are sent in. 'However. the first ,prize . winner will., receive 51.000,00 Instead of 550.00, provided one new or reneWaV ' yearly lubicriPtion to .The- Mail and Empire' imbent. in. " Better still; If. TWO subseriptions,tb The Mail and , Empire' ,. (either "net' new and one rbn'ewal, or both new, at $5.00 'psr ea Y ii; or 56.00.year d livered by carrier in Hamilton or,London) are ,sent' In by/ the . first 'prize • winner he or she will be awarded $2,000.001instead of 560.00., ' . (11) Renewal. bubscrIptions . will. not be accepted that: **tend any subscription beyondJanuary .1st' 1931, (12)° All answeri will receive the name consideration, regardims of whether :oiv licit a subscrintien .to .The Matt ann. EMpirOlill sant in. . . .(11)' Three' prominent Toronto.citizens, having_'no' Con. nection• with The' Mall and Empire, -will- be- selected...to. let fa judgen-to-deeltielle--wInnerst-and-portloipants,-ny- .sencling: in their answer agree t� accept the d'eeisio,n of. the 'Judges at ,Onat. and.,concitleive, ..51) CASIITRIZES loRe Givon. Away . This garnets A cam/natio to inemaes the poptilitrIty .0 'THE: PAKIL. AHO''ItIAPIRE., It. costs* nothing to take part. and,yess de itiit have to seed IA a 'subesoriptIon tri.win a prize. ...If your, list of, Words. Is awarded grat'priz by the 'sodomy you will. win 550.00.. -However. we ars making this 'following gesaliti offer:. 110011feby 74141,111111 win, lifflitIre cash. prizes by sending 1.n one Or.tWit' yearly subscription': - '. . . ' ' . , .t. . . .., . , aire llow the BilyCash Prizes -Will Be Awarded • . . (14) Prise.winnets In former contet concidetecr.,hy The'' eligible to partiCipate in this • contest. • , (15). Lists of words must' be Malted and postrnarked oh or balero midnight of satereee, December, lrcir '1327. , IMESZTrarafirl$101$11M010 . suBscRirrioN RATES' ,-*for Vatted States and their for fn,Indnititcht.ipto.rotiel,ti?..1,n Peeseertionc.. 11 Months 07;" '• 024 *moll t• • • •-•'"•;" • el.• • * Month* Oti * b,•% 4.00. , $ $ • • $ $ $ • • •Mall artd Empire Who beide w,on $20 .00 or. mere. are net ' • ' 'instead .1 950.00 will Le awarded se she atiewer winning first 210 00 , prize, provided tis. inalmeriptions se The- Mail and • Empire have been soot hi.*** oubseriptioss of 4iihiith'sntist be AVM. Seemed pries. $1.0004008 third prise. $700.00. (Ser third essibiums 'Wawa, let prlisi:Piitt) ' cte t-11( • 0 0 .1 950.00 will he ainierlial.te -die- assawer, reta' pprreldisexeleimiyaisigeariiiiiii11141013.16. 1140. ii4ahas: bae;st -sentLin,- ;fiN1111111111, tg Cash Prize an ing *Blank, • RI3QU IRI3MENTS1 NOW IN STOCK.. . Hosiery and Undervvear-- TAdiesi Silk and W001 Hose! Extra Special Quality, at . Ladies' All -Wool Full-lashioneil i-Insei at '1;00 Ladies' Silk and Wool Fancy"TiOse,, Childien'sca.shmere Hose priced. as to Size.. „ Ladies' Vests. 131(tonters and Long,DrawerS.: , Children's, Vests, BloOnterS and COnl,Anations, 4,, -Fing*t Quality xarrislor Sweaters, Stodings and Heavy Work Socks. We invite youlo inspect. Our Yarn before buying. elsewhere.. Butter rocks; all siten4roin 1-4 Gallon - , to 8 Gallons. STANLEY'S..VARIErv sTo LucKNow, oNTARIG. ..••••• GOLDEN. wlEnnnvO RIVERSDAtE Mr. William McDonald, the veteran . Merchant of:Riversdale who, holds a reoed. for Bruee COliiity in, that he has been conducting,, a general ,store • business in the' same stand for half -a centarye•celebeated ,his Wife or . . .Tuesday .another unique event when .connneniorated • their, .fiftieth wedding anniversary in '•the esame building,. we believein which they had spent all their married life. 7 ef.;-Weiee Zoria,enear Woodstoelcin *e' year 1841, Mr. McDonald was: the offepring of parents, who migrated frons. Suthe ,erlandshire, Scethihd, at the time the Duke of Sutheeland pet•out the. fil*Oft- are Or spell jtenant farm hCidere, that he "might, mike a .erefee •:0,f a family 'of feu!. sena and three ,daughters; two Sone..Only istievive. the.. -attacked another' lady.'on •: Saturday. youngere-Alex.,-..being • ori the . old • 'eat that LippertwasrePorted to be .ieseclated 'with, and it was follow - 'ng :this epieode that' Lippert leied .to have assaulted and beat -up. hiS At.any events:Mrs. Lippert; Wae ceeepieumeely mazeced up and, bruised abeet the face, wide, arms • when she came he to' interview the anthorities, here in conneetion With the effaile.' • . peprg?, Davideone prOprietoe Of_ the -Qu.eeees Hotel; Kincardine,' :biebeht to the • Walkerton jail ' 011 WedneSday to SerVe 'iuonth as.: :a. WALKERTON . , , Cherged eithasai 4ing his wife, flarry,LiPpert,' hetel-keepee. of Pink-. :rton, *as arrested at Ste Jacobs, --near-Ketelierier;-;one-Theedayeletstand beetight beSeeet.. MelVille. of • the lerevincial Police • Force,' to the Walkerteri. jail, where he was ree Mended antil. Monday next,' Oeto-her' 1.9th;. at 10, ffcloak, 'when he'is' listed tri.':aepecer hcfore Magistrate Walker the.,,:peliCeoUrtliere,--to...,AnaWer _to_ the abeee accu.sation4'.• Aegeeding, to the stpitY' ibidin egnneetion with the case,Nrs. Lippei.t isestated to. have The home of Mr. and Mrs. McDon. .ald has ever been noted for its :hoe- Pitidity, and the aged couple are held in the.higheet regard by the eretire community. That.. they maY•be' sParad for •maeji .more wedding ,anniYersaties .'is the -Wish 4of their legion of friends. ' •SENTENCED'' FOR ROBBERIES:. . 'Henry •Beiherk and Norman Ticke mei, twoyoung men of Hey tOwnship received • eentenee..on Saturday laet ' , ."fOr their depredations ofethe .week hafOrTe-yeit-Weeetere ande ZuTieh. gees to ethe , Ontario ReferMatory f three to months, and 13eibers, who .was 'On parole for a preeious Offence,. is sent to .pepitentiery .far -two' year,. Was :,sentenced separately 'oil he-sentencea-----at-e' ,h0frie,5tellit On ,the 8th con., Zorreeet miles freni Woodstock, and ,Willictes in Riverdale,. •Graduating as.'a teethe' er, leir.e.Wene McDonald, taught eleven years, and hai:the disUnctioi of beiegeehe •first teacher of Canon Cody, afteiviaillis the Minister of Ed; lieation for Ontario, „who went to hi School at Embro. Coming.' to Rivers- dalee54 years ,ager, Mr, McDonald tn. teeed into partnership with his con- ein's husbande.Mr. John •Millar, after- wards Police 'Magistrateof r Walker- ton, and. who at 'that .time was con. 'ducting a general Stare in Riveridale, ..seecond • offender -against the , Gov't, After four Years. Mr • M•cp°nal‘ Control Act by haying :liquor. in, an 'illegal %Place, he. •having preYiouslY been. crievted, of being.drunk.7 Dav- idson Wasn't present it his trial In . leiecaedine :oh Tuesday last, but be ',was .ably defepded by Lawyer, Stew- arKee that town, Who, on Ms behalf ,entered .a plea of • "Net 'CrOwn Attorney Freeborn, however,. -.ailed :in and. convinced the Courtthat this gent had sinned within the mean- • Of this union was fittingly common - - 'fi07 DIM* JUNI Igispirstv.Toranto;.-Catiada;j-.. , .Znelosed Ond , tor tablets "kindly 711e Mail and. Empire, to. .. tha following persons, vhicis quail/ 'sae tociiImi liie.Caak Awards In gii,000.0:) ConstantlnOble weed IMMO: ' '• ' • " ' • • . • lib:gills • , . , • 1 Month • . 75 t M ft ' ' • - renterdet anterfira; is **num '11.00 lt 'Month" ,, • 2100 1110.00 per yaw by carrierIn Londoti n or nroll'Ion, • latoy,sent 'roe Mali ant atom ea gmaety.,0604.!rea trispire to Mn ••••• • • • OO • OO ••• • , PAME***** 1.1.1,11.?*#: * •••••i••111.2•••4•ili••• Inteiesting; ADIMICSE1 ADMIliglig • • • - Eduteittortai and t . .• OOOOO ••••• ‘,111! ••• 00000 .01••••4•4 ••••••••*••••• thia no', ireeieviede rpaiditr,-,fitie -highest -Award :ewe ; MikhtY;Pfaitatklei7-710041,7-- ADDIR11,1* o * ' - 'Pr Weser 0144 010010$ POO01 elMiff* Po, as. Not mott i!,.rest•toid. • moved across the road to his .present stand and •founded the general store .business that he has since been tut- ceesfully condtictg. • : About this time he was -married tr Miss Catherine' Campbell. daughtei of the late Mr. and MI's,. Dougald: Campbell; pioneers of Culross, ane who. has preyed ei congenial aid faith- ful helpmate: The fiftieth annteeraery to ' run ioncerrently. Both are 'yOung fellows, . about twenty-ete years or age. They. 'broke -.into the store of. ' . , . • .Janes dc "May at, Exeter and. fitted the • • till,. and, appropriating an autemajeee 'belonging to Chester Lee of •Eicetore ' eehichlind. been left siliedini. '.stfeet; they drove t�,Zurich,;where' they: broke into' a garage,. and were trying' to MAkA; entrance ‘.to another .etore vihen,.they Were held-np by n 'Citizen; Mre•E: Desch, Who had heard them and had been keeping ine cee on thein. The Zurich"constable was :sum.: Moned And the young/men were •taken': intocustody.."-Goderiele •. [NOTE-,-Folleveing.. the'. prevailing praetice; when.lthese young men liftee ' Served their brief. term. Of. detention.: .ther-Will be turned lcieee eie -commie the law; and Magistrate Walk- er erdered• elaced tbe celleefoi. a,:' Month. Hee --..vae arreded.. in caidine and brought' ,Constable •Widmeeer ea, the, Cousityjail•hete on Wednesday. . . • T,I;ree .Wiartenians in the persons' of Milton Acton, Harry 'Spicer, arid Haryeeseeele.reetzwelipie are • serving 'fourteen -days in 'the Walkerton jail for beine iptoxicated while in _charge of 'a ear. A':fourth., man., -John See nions, also ,of. Wiarton, who .wai con- Vieted and, Sentenced to' fourteen days ott a'isimilar charge, is appealing to 3t1(11. -Ye Gwens 'from the ' finding of 15a.c.istrate, : and Orated. on Tuesday Isiat. 'whentheir faneilye consisting of one eon, Bee. WM. D.' MeDonald, .pastOr. of Eg.• mondyille United 'Church, Seaforth, 'and their three ,,daughters, Janet., leife 'of, Mr: R. F. Sanderson, principal of .the Oakville P.S.; Margaret, wife Of Rev -A.' C. •Stewart, Presbyterian. pastor: of Acton; Grace, ewife of Mr: D. J.• Askin,cif GriaisbY, foregathered at, the olki. home, tegether with •theie, fiee-partnees anchildren. Follow." itigsuraptlious wedding dinner • ye .-elioiver Of gold' coins inade foe the verierafile 'couple and, was handed to.,ehein by the four yOungeot of thr ten grandchildren. - A reception to :Mr. and Mrs: Me - "Donald -in the 'afternoon was:attended bY the Rieeredalp PresbYterian ses- sion body,'as' 'well as. by scorer of friends -from the Community, Mrs J. Ernest 'Talton of Walkerton; wh-e." is a sister of, Mrs, McDonald, liting amongst ' those present. lifree Adair McDonald, aged 93, of Kinlozs, sister, in -law -of Mr: McDonald, whO- attend, ed the 'marriage ceremony of •.fifty years, age, was also present at thr golden annivereart 'oR Taeiday. • • , Besides supplying the :-Itiversdalv community. with 'their • merchandise Mr, -McDonald. ser,veci thM for' -years as- postmastee; arid in the -seethe of confeyancer has drawn ,:up the deeds that has" transferred a 'lot of the lend of that vicinity in the past, hot to •mention the drafting of the wills,etc. of -a• large portion' of :tilt -citizenry- :Ualso:,offioiated a tele - 0 -reels .operator foe 15* year, after. which the' plant wee 'Moved to a big- ger .centre: ' • ' ". - • . Aeteen elder. Jo the' Riversdale, Prea- llYterian eongregation, for .0 years' he has -been desetibed as the chief pillar of that ehuret, and during the building ofithe sacred 6(101010 SUP: plied all the: hardware free ,of charge. The,eburct has Rion for upwards �f -"tiff n'teilturyenevei t Centler' lighting; he supplying 'the eat, ell. free gratis that hit How the *AA,. W-ALKERTON'S NEW • • , POSTMASTER Mr. •11. E. 'I -louden, has been ap- nointed postronOter for th'e' town •Of Walkerton. ',,,The ,position has • been r,)nen theinast year, 'since the 'res. igilation of. C.. F. Nuttireie, NOM re- sigrod to Move, his ftrytii7 to FlOrida, Althonelieapplleatione were..cailed'fpr eig,ht'montliA" :ago, and. , many ciiizenS ,applictl, the conunissiOn ap- ,parentlk could not .come to. a,decition , as .the appointment was no:Cmode tiriadt'oh&:' - ", , ' • • un - Th' ,rici,v postmaster is a native._ beln soh „tel.:the late 'Mr. and Mrs: It. V. Ileughan, Ale. is retntned van; haVing abbe' 'Over- seas with the 161th Biuce -Battalion 'ing harneSS"buldneSS, eStablished bv h'i,fath•e.r early days, ' 'He is a Son:in-Taw of ScIrwindtrepeesi- d en t .of tha 1ocnl Li'hra} and it was iargely thilongli • his..inftti. en.ce that the eheiee was matte. ‘. • 11fAbt A lltSS OP - boiirit ClIE AP eemedies, get 1.:1•5c :1.16111. „Sybilla Spahrs , Tensilitis • for 'Quinsy, - tarth, Sore Throats and Tonsil SueeeBS,..er 'Money batk•-.. • - further, depredations. ' The's is. built . up the army ,of. thieves"' and. robber that infests the country.]. PUBLIC-' SPEAKING CONTEST • ...The Ceunter .Publice Speaking Con- . • teat '.held -in .the Town 'Soath- ' elempeois; Wednesday .:.eyening,,, Octe 12$11; was a.'"great suecesi.1 Sixteen. pupils from: School' Fairs throughout. the 'County .enet and eontested „for: the Cennity honors: Mr. • Green;.. President of •the • Bruce COuntY. Eche:. cational Asiociationa untler whoee auspicepthe Contest Was, held, presid- ed over the :meeting and in -a 'few 7‘ell-chosen words outlined th: work • of the' Association and the purpose,. of this content. The speeclie.s .Were, in- terappried with , MuSical selections given. by the . pupils of Southamptiei, • which certainly reflected great credtt on .the neueicaftrainiegegiven in that town; • There were two; ehOruses by the 'pupils, Selo by 'Miss' Kathleen . Sampson, and a duet by the "Miseee Broad. The, 'judges. were eV. K.- Rid-. eel', Agricilltiiral Director fin. Bruce: Rev. ''JW. Matheson,. et' Chesley, and, Ree. D.: 11. Gellaeher, of Port' Elgin. 'et •giving the decision of the judge.-.. Mr.Gallagher outlined the, Principles 'Odell gelded them 'in' eoming thei decision, and gave 'wholesome- coml.' eel iii:the matter of public speakine. All the speeches' were gond ond well • elven and the audience, which taxed ,- - - "he capacity:of the spacious hall_weet homeefeeling that they had had a fire ereat. The. first prize was awar$led to Vivien', Ford, Southampton, whos;3 initberiqectatads4:44 A then e A seoreooppl et 3:po 1.;r a(tit ;.ir4 oletseh, .S. 'No. ::7, Culross 711, .vhose subject Was. aA. Trite Canaille', inn," 'and the third -to Helen 'Jaelclin, S.. S. No. 12, Brant Tp.; WhOpe's_pb- ;ea "A True Sport.", ; The prizes consieted. of 'books ee -follows:- 1St .Life'T-bsr F. Chapman. The Men' of Kilderian McCullech, :Emily's Quest by L. • AT, Meetgomety, 'Legepal 'et Itlincour1 Try Pneliriee Jehneten: Evenings mil :he Stare by gkrv Preetor, Poeieee itP.:Ttehert.Burrie; Sam Sliek byT. C • eiealiburtom: ,•Drummend's • Celleeteel:" "Poems; Ca4sell's The. Cruise, ofether Caelenletebe 13121-1" len- 2ndeee-...e.Color ,Keyeto North, Am- eticah Birdelfg ,F.;14.. Solomon's. by.- Rider Haggardl•-- The Master ,of Ballantrae by R. L. Stevenson, ,The Store of G.ronteii or the,. Labrador,. Ca'Ssell"s ..Cotieise 'Bah -Dictionary,, by'L, Monttomeey, Tho of St. Stiw",•,,../. ens, by Manion Keith, •Chee Notie rAdeater Rietuel: 3rd-;..Ccincidiee Poiete. iTereetrin, "The elurgass 'Bird ;Rook. Duncan Polito by Marion Keith, gain. nborw. LuVkaelleiti tbht LtalerMadOrMboyntNgoemrieercild''' -"- Dunnito. The Blirgeso Animal .1300k. , Mcitint'a Drug Stour. .