HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-10-20, Page 3• • • # 4 "*. • "The'Battle of the &mune • 444.4•••• . A ...ReVi0;v .of a New • British Film Which 'Should, Iriterest • Our • Great "Veteritn'.' .Pofitilation • - :..1,0ocioiij-The lent awaited Pieture .•fif: "The - Pattie° "Of. 'the.P,OrnIna". has . ;low been,presonteti0„t the, 'Marble- tbean,e., and .shoh.h1 prOVO, (t • •popu1zr daw, There Is ne 'attenipt to weave reMO:Otic.'.iiction round the • grim factg., Any. way (13:4111ate • tlipett.so-called romance. of War, There no,.rotne,nee, here at al17,-"Just tho'kgit to a. certain:6=1 tent cleaned -up,. yiettiree',Of...everydaY . lifo,114 the, trenches; fellOwirig the:big gan, 0reenlog' along in the • Shelter 'of the • tanks,, orfiying with • the .air- planee n aka-It:0k 11P:in...Captive tat-. servatiowhalleons, •, i'sintredneeil,:certale•well• , knOwn • eedurrencep are,reprodneed •among,theint.that, Act of enpretne cour -agefor,.r1ilcli Private:',•Veals, of, the 'Eighth, Devonshi,re •Iteginient glad.), :the (Pa' tOtti,.:I.Sightir . , .• . `..§ec," Said the, teModrance ' lectiirer ae. ",:exla lb ited A... gl'asp -^f 'Water ettd : a • r , gla,S6" .ef ..whielrey in..front: ..,them. 'thet;e:16,', life .In IA° :;.one•-tly,3r43•;'Is :death- In tie oth :r.: 'Tl .See? iiiimehe :Ilion.in.1.1346 ..water Victoria Cross. • ,Thie scene hi .enatted, .a.nd they writhe happily, • r immerse, • by 4143 gallant..601dier ',Went' In the: liquor, . , ey sin o and 'th • t veale...snw.,un arin waving .the bottom, stone .dead, Lith for the ppo,1:14); out In NO Man's t,andi vac- worms 111 0110 death !Or them in the thg a Shell .,and machine gun fire, .he • other." ' '.: • . • , went., out 'te 'reconnoiter7' and found .• A inan ATo.so from the hall. and :Asked, in a brogue: * one of: the' oilleers'ef regitnent'ly-, Ing nut there wounded d hel • • Mieter vtirtid 'yez mind tenth' me , n , p •• where yea got that 'Miter" • •PriVAta adininiettled • fite.0 aid ,•then "erawled.:, back to the tioneh ",':12illty do you want to:know'?" asked ax4the' lecturer„,..." .• • .. • olonteer. to`tOme And • A. FAMILY I I A Welland Lady 'Tells- of the- V:nine,of Pink Pills in Her Home. ' w .hav'e, many reasene for praising Di Will4arns' P.144 pnw.,- says Mrs. gpprg,e R.R. No. g. Wellaild, Ont, ..kret ;0Xperience• With' * rliedieree: Wee. id inY .girlhoOd; following An attack. ,of. learlet teirer,, 1. was left: a hadly.• deWn 'conilf-' • tion;,and the pills 'reetaiied.nie to 001 henitYfr tA4tOr Pl; MY' MarriQC1 ;life I had .a severe ;attaCk of • rheumatism:. , rilio pain 14 my right Aim and shoula; '04' Wam;s9 bad that I. :tonld- net 'tlreS,s Myself withOut.: , Again ed to Dr.' Pink; again they Proved:.A :blessing 10 a,.40.9# the rheumae imq ,1• , noes disappeared hae:'hcen 129°1,13R 'CPt14 E$ I N CHIEF • •• • 119 return of tliO Dr. A:nether prominent 'Englishman hat their. tradiVenal... hnekskih' garb' 'With 'tiaras! Pink. puln. be,en:efa• herne," to •E'nglend, .b,earing.,, .• beakitiftil edgle,featherled. headpiecesgreat bnlflt ,. to • my children. "Otte • Of . title .0f. 0,e;ef.o picturesque to -.to ' t110,'Secend ,hoye'''. •wee' threatened.: with: t pronalilent, ,',Englielonan. Within '•tlie wotil& tWitelf and lerir;• I : ef 71keStern. 'Canada: The •inter p410.v1ii 'Of; „ A1).41,4)11111, arni ao414. they did: not fall, ° 13eal ead aa .eonfel•red104 ; Ohiet 'Thinning • AntelOPO, a • -Everier, 'ass under the treatuient the trouble' eeaPed.' I have 'alp!). given the pills Ind .1.n. this, case also ' th the- to; toy little' 'girl; .55'irhO4ras anaemic, great- est,benefit. •• Naturally When. I hear anyone Coinpialning• of it feeling, well I recentmend Dr. Wiillanaie pink Pills:, he' I know et. no Other 'medicine in 1,1P the hlood: and,;restering health." , ...; iy V'ittis • dance. : :and ,:face •r-P°a df 1.bdian,."3 Oat' dW•elleen :the' past,few.weokr4 the ,ottier beteg Prc help carry •• the wounded, ofileer in.. Two men vol- "Wellr-r-Ye-lleel?-hothered w!dlihtm- unteared, IPA both Were ..put •otil.' of •thizl.gs moe§,Ig. :good (1•04e," . • • ,action.7 , 'r;: 'ii private •Veale • made An:, 7-.-....- ' :.. .--7-- •'-'-•-7' ether :journey. to trio trenZi; bringing , ' .-"riie libr.8 Reflects. • hadh •MOre volunteers. and his •own i !1,7n affnieed to 'hear thera 'OaY. . ... That forty or fiftY• of me are 'ilia "Lewis gun to 'help cover their return. Beneath the hood::: of that ' benzine • EventualiYthe officer Wa$ reemied, and • drLY Private ,Veale -reterned. safely '. after ''I apt. 'far •too pid for :them .to kid. sever'al, hews, of, fearleas and gallant • wofk. Other" -incitlents .11 are • also re. , the: Matter' with . corded of personal heroism,' in each ef Frank" ' • • .• , wliieh cases the the Cross had to be Bettk-=--"HYEI 'strain. lie fell in, love posthurnonelyaWardecl. . ' witii a eilaias gfri aid afford . We shown the first advance 01 .auythiug;;bOtter than a.gallery seat." the'Aanke very .111:vidlY and share tho. • • • ' • .• anisZing sui.pfisetWhich their appear- .4,',.arefauglrl .10.,• Betty Nye, the-"seenecaufied• to :beat B.h.,9,110.,er. etaquisagainet:the'019,.. • friend. andfoo -Alifrofri Whom th • " • • ' , 4 • • , ge09t1;.44..bec:n•so erObl1rlrePOne7'7A-'--Arfam;-7-13"-eing-7-c0ngratiflasse"d•--upTn•i- 'se'es..i flash.the.'reyolillism 'in trench the"ebonerny -practiced .by „h6 .wife; •, Warfare,- that was. Produced :by tlieir, •...ari•vol.,,:One day the etiSmY's trenthee,. , ore practically: inapregnahley, the next day. they were were Alynest •ebediete., Wo see -many reprocluctions of SO.: engagemettir ivhialk Specidc, thenivivea; ' night surprise, attacks' 'And:: Marches ' by the light -of the:fitful angles of ••• A Woman likes almost as well to be •-4116,:g1111S7'''N'oy,;'are:the'aceneCentitely "-aSited how Old she iS .as a man does • Without': 6114... note' Of comedy. One ,t6 • a: Village ()Cottle:I; at..night with: . . , • • remembers pneiceneeSpeCially where • . • ,,great stealth 'and, etrategY...hY an Eng- lish " :reconnoitering:party:. fingers .0n• trigg.dre of revolvers and '13,1U'S .of Pine ',Of bombe, :••eYeryone , On tho. qtil • viVe of ,exelteinent and,. Intensity • on both ' sides ". One •' Shot. :from '.either •• siclo and nandenionium•will:reign.,-. For- tunately •• that. ');:,,as never . fired, Far,- "at ;the last 'riteinent, it . •• . covered :that' these two ,forces thily creeping'. on each 'other the darknes.6 ,are. the allies„,': ••• Antong* the, met 'are.fiome ,plc - tures . of the most pr,osaic and yet. 'un.•:. ' chnimerable enemy 01 1110 the Whole to. equal them I • Take Dr. Williams' •Pinic Pills for anaemia, ,'rlieuniatisro, indigestW itenralgia and :ether net-Yee:4 troubles:. Take them as a tonicif you -lire net in the best Physical condition; and cub tiVate a resistance that willikeen you Well -And 'strong., You can set these pills from any dealer'in,-,niedieirtei by mail at.,50. Cents a OM: from The. Dr. Wifliams' Mdicifle Co„, • Week - villa, Ont.' - • Imported direct from.,thq Orient in metal 'Atinefi atcsts. /Blende and paced into 11t., 'Yz • briglit Aluminum packages. • ED: ROSE ORANGE PEKOEisextra good Inge. Glootns Again , „ CIZik,' ' iless-Se• ervSntnleses Homes -in 1950Forecast by ang pr. . Edward Brown; of the. Peultry -."• ; •!- World-, Lond op, England, Old.timqi.„ „of- op. tube placed • ' • .fe there headPi e .. n Dr. PrOWn V • 41- duringite visit of tlap ,Werld's Pod- the a' d„. O ti, O ' ' London-HoMA 14 1950 will be chil rY , The ceremony' took place en th recently,' .al?'le - of St. Pan 'e. . . - , .T ie •photograph , • , t.6r, Delegates. • ' ‘ Av..' ' ber. of the tribe. and Welcomed. thelpdiefaCe as a Mena- leas and 'sqrvantless; .predictil 0 ." Burns Ranch, near 'Calgary, shortly • above was tairen . Immediately after 1 ' ' ' In.iy. Willia.ra O. Inge 'Gloomy Dean ," after the delegates arriyod. A' nuin.. the ..Coreinony and ehows t'the neW„ Chief Bare: Head and Chief Running - .... ' ..'.'The Whole face ,gf .t13e country d, bqr a Sarcee' Indian Chiefs gay in Antelelie shaking handth: " " he, writes in .The Evening -Standar "will, • be spotted. With -bungaloid • •groSithe, within which childless, con - NO QUOTA SYSTEM •, AUSTRALIA Brucc S4 Foreign Migration Not Affectipg.RaciaI- ,,,.: ' Australia: •H- The: ?rime, replied She, certamit is 'a'. wonder. minister of Australia, Right Hen: She sold :60 .conte; worth,:of.beana out .Stanley Bruce, replying to- Labor de of :the garden.' :yeaerdaYi took '81-2g0 Werth,: og betties' to the grecery, stopped at a furniture stores and bought a •wainnt bedroom suite for $175.00." • ' ' • ' „minds! that inunigr,ation from South- ern Europe be. restricted ': contends that Australia .already has sufficient restrictions on •iintnigrants,' • , The Goyernment would not intro:, dime a .oneta" systent,: Eirnee der. clared. rate of. foreign ' Anigra- tion' was not affecting ;re:6a parity., „ be asked .ho* much salary he gets. The British proportion. of the populd- Bari4nas. Travel ino•Great Style NOBETFER MEDICO! FORLITTLEO pies naP' le Will Silk • after racing 8.13.4aot the roads in their little .mOtor tars', As _ilt,..Aerica;.•the typical ihensd will he - Pervantless,' -Meal's will ' be .hrought In •frona, a delicateseenishop • and heat- er hersedraWn. Oar( at: v.' shoP-worn: ,. 'a. ...__ • a":1;t:e.lAbsYingf3'4a:P.‘gi4baliti:fogrnsfSetlit'eW34%.trlai:r;3dieeF.'dilleeer....51.1ai1ed744: Only after It reaches the ,push-eart to price 'dots 'the' 'haliana .beeome. de- IS What. Thousands„,.., i,i.i.,,iionnera : .mocratio,. As a' traveler,' it is -a finit 'SaY, Of '130.1.04.s Oir.O. T0104: ,. ':gr': .. 2?Ar;f9ePVE71.0.xl: •*Jill.'',.:'1' ih)14:i. ,'''''';';'1 of privtiege.. 'Ifitrian6; ports receive the. • - . .,. ,.. --, ;... ._• • • . , , •.•.: , fruit : at wharves • espedially . designed : A:Medicine...for thebabY or grnvitni 1126crcle,.,Isenie49,..st p':iensWenit...ina*)el'intt.iile915;..dueT..hiee . . s for the purpose. P apart for their, tra.ns.port,,,. At •Stiree .assured •ie absolutely ;safe Mi.' Well :as. th6' .13.781Pilliel'alie4. 6! young II*” ' in ;.., rtratecaar . ,'r""'ia et .e1-146-7one :that ...the Itiother,;043,.feel ,.tdtett•ttoPritaltaetioA0Wahtieth.kpeeer.nelroot.reilrd;: destinations Warehouses exclusively -efficient--le found In Baby13 O.,;v4 Tab - tura.' I :2 .': ' • .. •..• ' ' ' ' • • • ' COUntry. '• These 'MOtliergArtvdo found "la below the real death rate (abent for hat.nas await' atom,. 'i,itwelit . 4;114. lete.:. 1.• The Tablets are • praised by garnished ad kept at 'even tempera:. • thonpands of mothers. throughout the, ' The • replier_ banana: •_pier,- haS-toWere by -actnaVexperience that !there .is On ... . . to.--dri,th.C. unleading,-fonr of :thenryWerlit- Other ..medicine for little.oneer to ,,equal Ing at . a.. tifrie . ph: the . larger ' Vease14:,.. them. . . Once .a. mother has used them --tillybvro..---aqmplye.4.-41tietoi,,veyOr-s*a-,-yor--,-her-ehil,dreh,leilewP1,--use.-:-.,hathi:ngr. slating:of : an ].etitilie'ss chain of canve,13 else.''Coimerning,'"theni Mrs. Charles 'Cradies.....TheeheiniS'lOWered'into the -Mitt,: 'Tancock Island, ,N.S. Writes': "I hold Of the Ship, wherelbli.e •loin.thes,.te. have -tba,c,1111dien;, the baby 'being Net :avoid crushing,: are .paekedtwo de0P, ebr, months old.'• ':I: have, used 'Baby's -lefroni'Vain 'to ....six, stage'S',Setatated own Tablets -for,...thopa ',far the past, , . , .., . . . , ,by false floors. . The hanches. are ..firpr., s.litltrgaetnatlYaltli'.'t,°:. t-1.16:.:'riii• d' 6.'•'• on.i'913'. ..11 att: ' By hand 'Or hy''Veltconveyers• • the fruit' 18broughtto ears.;', equipped . with . vise all ,other:mothera. to :do so, 'floor,' racks,•,neceteary for the free eir,i•., • Baby's: Own ,Tahlets Are sold by: all s:•ctillition ."tiil air, -, and they must i:04. . , be : Medicine ,.ciebjeri', or Will': he mailed : 'The • sage who . •.atogi,A., ma,n,i, .w , 'tion. wae, 98,5 Per • cent ' '' ..': ' • . • '. '; ''''C's' . • "We :Cannot 'laceept. the . priiteiple," friend ,WaSythe person .3.14. -lo told him :,,,,,,,..,, . the a:14111e Minister,„,:. "thatno big. 'faults. mnst: have been thinking 9r. P--, iliofe .imrciigriats.' Shenk( be landed In the Wives.: ., ..,•.ZAUstralia until einplOYinent• Was,:fennd ' ' .- -• • ' • - • '- for all the :here 'already; .":The' Waiter '. (after .. a long Waxy,: come& onlY. ,satisfactory means , 01 settling back , and asks): "Hew” on .3Tch.! ..erder . the Country le ...bY. eeerdinating:, the: 'your 'steak; Please?" • :' , .. :.,, ,-.• • ,.: . , Work' • Of. ,, 'development. , of, .0t.f.i.:'• re- ,.. I'm 'sorry •telpay„. '1 seenow that" f. ..„ . - . . . ..,.. . , . Australians. , Seem.' to have ,'.arro-, :2110t1t11;:,;itavta , ordered by _mail', ',...„79. _ iveehs in, aciyi.idp.. .: . . gateclite-tlieniselveseheirieWthat:they._ ' are .-white ' people and that aliene' are .7...!'s-ertiet11ees , it, is .:harci,' t9,:f91..low,,,iii.• .:‘ ..nOt;"..."'c'entinued .Mr',..Brote. , ' •••!Ah_t_4-L traliani..shOhld "regard European as. struCtionti.• ,. pot.' -tirate..‘nceil. there :was . .. is• being 'As:White .as themselves.: It will. Witr' • •-• . • • - • ' :, '-' '• ' 'onlY 'end in •disaSter''.; if Auetralians, he'. old' darki, 'Who :Wit6. Old bil doeter :to ,eat -plenty of '.Chicken ' :41•4' . - .. . .. , , , --the El-ardi ers mud. . Th,efie pietureS. Was' atleci *tinied. to not out inglite'.1..taite OP 41.1.0-attilaid-ethat--•e' . . houid..certaiiili :deetroY ,any,•:linger, . • .. . : , . . :: .. .. . , , . , , ibetter than other ' nations." ' • ..ing 'illusions ,ef•-•.tlie torrianCe .Or war,'. Are „yen' the • men, that,. pulled .tity .'.' '4‘'''.. . ,e --r'----'''•. . . ,7 . . . . . ..,'hi'14 .A1,. .nutug.,efirnax -is. the .01oMient hnsband. ,ont . of,' the. lake: after . he'd: , Collegiate Abstainers Attract , ,maii,.0..0119g, 04 Ultiniate• gain., in. wine , dpwii?d ","lhoire,a? portly red.- . • .:- . :,,. • . .. • .... ... ‘. :. N '' ,:il!..'•:: YOutn thes,e, tremendots .etrugglep, .selpsfierb faced„.tiri504n Of ' the ” man pointedout , ;. • .• .,ficee and incredible tell,' work and Ci- L0311d00.-That '• .COlonel • •Lifidliergh ., pens's' which the • Sonathe',hattlee Cost:. air the rescuer ,. .. '• " , - .. . - •.' ...*, ..rfrtOs ,tht.raost. lasting'. gond that.MaY.i. oiyone oiqe. •viiold 7 ' ore-;,.a..ad-dsser.v,' A., Initainer,:the.znenthly lstiblication. of 'he ,•:leine ,..13y • these '..portray.ale,, of,.. hie; , tie epe....ei.„)..-..:. s.:, ,..,., : ?. , . ..• ....thi, yOpr,: .:AbSO.,Mert." :Unitth . ,so'c.., A .feAv .hundred 1,.pcpia.re bailee ;et 'shell- :: riven Mud! ., And • tiiis ,jiiekhap0'.,Illui5t-, , toriCallf ,AccUrate .pictiires:' ot the ...-yo,;•:,raadani. ,...imisiffere o2tOri.,..., OilP6:etiti,g ;4' ctinntistratidn, cif:, gradtaile;'"bnt".1. iiil:'2Y tlid.triy 'thity. as . ,'.'"'Well,, wh'erd'e :hie 'necktie?" ,a,. the :res.,. and William, T. Tilden. ,2:1 Are both soCiatiOn liti..Londoh: ', ,..Anning '.:Other -tiori;Of the..Tenaperance Collegiate: As; tteeiMitijoaths4aitnlieor;etieetioborr7golif i, t ht oe . . vili oe u 'Ai itg, . -Clteat War; - , ' ,-2H... ' .,•-• • r'''.:' .: • ., , ,?• • ' The .one pervading inipressien .tha,t. .....r....6iw',...0.,;e:,ibi,doin,:giti. iii..:20 .1(noiirs•; Avell-lsnOW.e.. spertemen: Who :;have reinfilas behind AP One of 'Waste. ., A i 3 new •••••,;(3.'qevy- properly, detlaree..ari 7.,-317',41.acto,:000„rriark in the athletic world and 'whO are: abstainers, ' are E. H. • -waste:v.0f -everYthingtanoney.,".'.nprage,.. pert; ,i But thdn what's the 'use of Temme,'' Who swam the Channel this. ' abilitY,• laentlen. •and 'all the things .itnowini. noiv AO• .sow,rntirW. ,' • There' ' eumnier;' Joe ‘Wright, the 'noted:Cana: that, Should, .be: 148113r, 9inproyeA. mak- .(..10030, !Spent td )30 finich,Peed Of it.: .' - .- his • the Werld..a. haPpier.. place "fo .1iye• . ,-.. „..„ ,,, •. •• -,,..,..._;.4_,L; '. . '•' dian Sadler, and •Dr. d . H ' Vernon,.''• , , ,•10. • If." the ',effect -"of these ..pitturee, I's ,.,„, •:.' .• ..Lettchor:-.410Sebhi' what - are' 'you: who .Woa :the, ‘K, 'rig's .Prizc fez' •PhObf- E., fo : eic,oes illidti My: and nninrenttably going- to g.,,i*9 your. Hlittle.:eister„ for 4 Ing at P18193%. ' • .. , . „The TeMperance Collegiate Mee'. .,!,. upon, the' muititades Whri•shO theM the bir,00,4y.:,•orosentr ,,.,,, -',, •,. of .•War :',......Te,leph-‘1•dtilino;' .hast. year. I :gatre loatiOn. hie, just ' juhlished its ,•tinntial. ....: :tIttOi.', W.iiitO 414 ..47.feltedaoss .• . from: nriospitt.' of. 'ItiNii..I'vh4sOOY.ers bar the chicitettinex," .. ,,.. , . ,. . -, 'report and : 'general .'priispectoe 'ler Ap26,..27..- ,Thron,ghont ite tanipaign in then. they. Will:net heye been releat304- . the cense' t•' teinperaime. the..aftericia• In va, in,: ' ' . pa Inineet.'' Did -you. ever tauceeeez tion 16 fully "ttliye to the neCeesity Of fully got away •witli Anything?' „,' Why • . ;Ciiiliadittliiiiir01 • - Trade .'.. , „ ..i.:‘,0t, quic trying? . •.,.... . . : preying .its, triee, as to the.: falseness , . . • • . Of the 'claims. of aletihOl.:, It conducts: Victoria,,.B.C.C4iPada.fe. -trade with • • ----'--------.-":.....----- '. : ..iava„ and : contiguous territOrY.' Win ' Just as dtielling was'etOpped by pul3 a' ly•altbEc•'0.'*a.a.4ed ast01..i °f' ed"atiaa. ' • inallAiattere, relating. te:the, tettiner ...shbVi •aa. imPertant Iner.e,afte in the lie' opinien, se, wlien.,We ,Are really - Mice ,queetion;.•.- training , stodetite ,: to 'next. few' yeare, ittefirding to: Robert leeellied: 10 'stop. war,. wars Will cettee., . . 1., .. ! ,....• • . ,Spealt' ,and .Writa en the eubjeCtr-For ' .. siener At Batavia. • •AftOr .. a. lengthy. - . ,'S..,O'Nieara, Gana:titian trade'Cortunie, .,...4.,ord Coon,' .. • 'OAS 'purpose a three years* ,ernirietai•tioein1;. . .. . esinibeitteittiz,isseperioavl iedcoodi,iO'als . tear of Canada to confer With .busi-• , _ - . _ , . . . ; -ceariltdiii ' '688 111011 Mr. O'Meara said this .eonn. .. • The.brislc,vOngel4 taste of ,. Jj gr.::intod ' tethoso suetes'efill 11-3 'the ,tiy. Weuild Seen begin tcf Shit) inpreas- ..T-teti :12.06es. Tea ..,, is kept :, at ,Ate . onaxching:. elaxilinatioes held in . ten- • '101 quail fi dos of niahY .producte; to tho , beat in • the , brighti. sanitary - -- - - - ;• nectielt thcreviith. • ' Eaat Ind.i6if Iado-P1141na,nd eiirrotink- • alinrintuira package.:' YOu WI 1 ., • _____,,,.,.,.. . .. Ing .cottittria: - This !_faus•Wili• inelude . never find now the. fi‘ti...444, i *Many who haVe 11.6'.idi ne6-1 lt.ii 'in ;lin . . foodstaffs,' canned. goods, hams, ,haeow. • ...• a. Las.e which .10 ao. aten coin, airplane find iCin.creaelnglY difficult to 'coiffeetionery,' piper, and flenr:.• Fresh phihita a bi 'tea • Packed, in keep iiP even with the-lieWS, of -aVia- : fruits will,b,ecome an increasing,y* tin! mitten,* containers. . . ,-. tir'-'• tion. - ' . , . vg , , iteni.. ' r.T .eonimoree, and this . . ; year the. firs( sn'ipMene! Of ,4pPle13: and ---.-.-'-------'-'"--,,, . ..i,---...-- ',.'.---,7.-...„. onions,. Will :be stki; to lava from .• -Canadiatilie1t41r. b!Meerasaid,'•• • Strolling .aleag the---MitiSSOr A large, ''. Seaport. an ,ivishomo. -.name acr0i36-the,-. , Woesten . barriCade Whieh WAS Placed, ,,',' round the .enclOatifd. 3";!li.Afe:enl.ligtan, te 'eusPected -of 'sofferingtrent,. eptitagi-' -',.. 'one ,diseftees. were 'isolated:, "PliWatre... , ' :.-tiiiii heairditir fot?" ..1,re Inquired ,of A bystander-, ! '','013," 'was, . the 'reply,. .-•: 7.- -"that's •to4.13:ep 'out 'fe,./C,. a11,thJn_g_64. like: tliat,;ien •ItticiW!" "Indader J(_ .-pi've.',ottelf.eard Of a. beard .43-f health, .but it's .the fleet tinie Orvo •••,..siee„,,fial.,:_._......:., ,. .... Classified Advertisements siusicAL isrammustcyrs• T • • .1:vfilArgP oNIq GAADIOUONE, 31 • 'Lt.) ' laWeattona $.165.00 for *66.00., tioar- anteef.J. ' POSSon, 540 Mount -Royal gfask, Montreal.. •, ' - ARmsFOIZ•SALZ.1:mAirr."--EA.Ro„', 'Re for free list farm*, Mr. Douglas, Herkimer, N.Y., co, AL ESM STAADY, PROFIT - BLE,. employment; weekly ',PaYs selling our universally knoWn, guaran-', teed quality. Trees and Plants. .Newest and best varietieS, ,There is good.monp7, . In it for You. Illustrated up -to -t40- - minute equipment. Real •sales co-opera,- tionto Write LUKE 'BROTHERS NURS- ERIES; MONTREAL. 20 s79, 4's and , tan truthfully say .that 1 knew Of, no better Medicine foicIfttle one I -Et1ways 4xeel) a . box of .the Tablets in, the house and watild.'ad B°1"" $2 .00 G.ri w'asz GIRLS • rVe-strAT'rus , . , . Simply sell 50 'Sets', of Our -Famous Christmas Seals for 10e, a •Fitt,„ \Vhers sold send us $.3,,00 and keen, $2.00... We • trust you you till , Xmas.- St. Nieholas Seal Co Dept..604WL. Brooklyn, N.Y.,. U.S.A. African Stone Age Finds Go ro England ' StAndertoh;-.L. Leaky vii,1 13. News,' ham, Members •of the, EaSt African Arolieeelogical' Expedit:en '13,rve : ie • • turned, to 'England with 11:0 caseS 'of specimens cenne'eted with the 'Stone Ageln: Kenya: Tbe• finds inellide per'As of over 40 elrellenS. and.,renreeent :a 'Year's ' work: Number-6os depOsiti.. 18 per 1 0)00).: •A decline io numhers . . A..';r0.a.ld relieve the terrible harden ,nt contaIntng bonee•and implexupins woo. • MieriiplOYment, which, in Dart at ieaStt, discovered. :some probably dating back Is le plearli dile to 0-Yer-PoPolation and at least. to the earlY. FleisPrehe*,0141- : . , • . • tural science, pes,sibly..revealing the thoroughly Cleaned in Advance, as, dirt has., a' bad effect' On ,the cargo., Ba -7 itanae.'Unist- be kepi 'af a 4.enarierature of. about 60 degrees; and so' that ,Catit, •having .been Made Airtight, are ided..in . . hot- weather and :$14DPlied 'With: etre* in told.' • " Col. P. A.•Silburn in the Eortnight- ly-Iteview • The Native questidn and, dPen : receipt ,of price, ,25 . cents per pox, by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.; Brockville ; Ont. The Battle of the Flags mochester Onardian, (Lib.)': Donla - less to Germansthe; battlet-still, rag- . . .. , ing iipiir,r6r.supreinacy, betweenthe oiticial` Caere of the,Iteptilajie=black, red, and geld and • the eld,' blitek,. that of a . South Africa; •Flag „are -inter.: *iiit.e, a:nd', rod, 9f litioekial•clays. Is one ...de,penilent,_an.d, that being"ho, the..'so-. 'of ..prindpi.ej.bntje tlie rest of kuipve hitions cati-,Onik, be:SO-11'14.1*-th° set- it -,:is,‘:b.eceining.• arthak ridiculous. ting tip of, A joint cotniniesion, .consist- There.ls no doubt which. in haw are 'ini'°t IltiOs14-8°ata 4fri•caa- P'.'44'N-a-' .the national , colors, but ,the present . . -• tit ' ' . '" b is' to consider •-. the 'future • c.ye:Iterineent, hehtg ,,einittesed_tiL .. ...: 'form Of government, for, thO', Native plibliCalls,"lniewarin Republicans, and: •Mr. • iiienpeck”Weli,-, isn't' that nu:: 'Population, of South Africa, including, 'Monarchists,' Cannot. agree . to hforce ficult for 'a woman?" • the tlaree protectorates,: , All . PenCliag: .the 'JAW, and the " tame 'Comprontise legislatinaffecting the Natives, that. the black,' red 'and geld nag. must. The 'man . Who i1.3ideti behind a.. Wo - eluding the Smithfrica:PlagMill, , o o' ... in-... : .' -•• be flown along: with any other fl g, man's skirt., to -day ;Is. .Mit a eo\vaid;. . A• be ...stispended ' until. the ' 1,- conatniseien ., displi ayed:is-all that it, dare sUggesti: " :hes hiagieianA--liOrg 'Detrar, • -' .. ' , ., 1,, 'reported.. Should . the .Native • t._-. rot 'all pains-Mitiarcrs, Liniment, Ot Ellrenean -A:ge cultoOl. the nom olickingz more..par,tictio7v, qt3,t.of-Capsifin Is • vovrho' left lais,..traces over 'a -large part PbNI le°1‘:t. L..: ilai4rada:eddittt6s.isi.n' et(dal:xdcl°a11:741.81:6; )s,nr i• ithe'rt ere .thtoYaef- .14 a' When'likt .3laf al: 414.1 )9:333:;- itis gencially s ,the'seientic. -,disturbances,' and smite able to skip ate* 'Chapters biervers haVe been . hold euough t '• predict. .that :before thle. end ,of‘ the year there will 'oeetir , a -trirysevere earthquake Ori the .line of cracking al- 1 ready so well marked.' ..lt is a ifiry !htpreailog iiibbry; .which may well be sound; and .r_Yet, • such is the force of halift,' Mon will..kO 'about' their' lawful occasions In contenant of the •fact that the surface Of the earth 'is cracking, 11 ajeadWAY subsides, or .a „building. collapses; there is an immediate alarm and an anxioug inquiry... :But • the news' theethe• great globe itself .Is giving .":attly_prodnetijko-more"_thaoi_a_:, lifting -,Of the eyebrows. ' • Mr, Ilenpeek (after geeing a-dranut/ I ' • . , . , •--"She has a very 'diffieult part In I that •P1aY17. .Hquppek-7-7'‘Ditil-: Why; she - doesn't say a Word!" TEN • List of "Wanted Inventions' , and Full Information Sent' Fres. on Bequest, , • ' ' THE BAUSATDitot•• 273 Bank $t.:Ottawa, Ont. • Cub:cora Soap, Pate and Wholesome Keeps The..'Skin Clear` Sony Manna% Takuin sold everrerkeirs: - Neuralgia legislatioh and: the ,c•lith Africa Flag Bill, now before the 'Nnion ,Parlia- ment,' be enacted and cthe... Royal.; as- sent be .granted, then's,. Peaceful: and eatisfaCtory , solutien, Of • the; Native • problem appears to be impossible. •: • NEW LAW, ,FIRM, . - It Will interest ninny of our read, ers to know' that after a suceeSsful career ,as a student at: the University of Toronto arid,%Osgeede: Hall, I.AW School). Martin , MacMurray Kelso, son Of Mr. J. J. Kelso, Juts Opened, ,an, office in the.Confederation Life Bldg. as a Barrister. and Solicitor. Having grown up .in an atmosphere of Social Service, :he will. naturally devote , a. good, deal of, attention to the legal aspect:, of'. social And child welfare' :problems, OA should be of consider- able* assistance to clients confronted With troubles ,Arising , from the home and family relationship:•;Ho wifl else have the advantage of experienced couneel.. ••• Minard's Liniment for •Lutobfige.: • . • ,Wniting for Sanity ; 1,91i4o4-,61iSerVer .(Ind. Cets,) : :If If-there,ts anY ..raansir.1 'Teti in Mos, einv,It 1ll not.be.leng before the garchicar 6noire accepts the ordin arY: conditions- -pf internationah3interi :Oeurse.. The Sdviot',Wil.1 not be eVer-* , Set- by any reigIi4tg1iY War• Stares 'May SdrVO: .003330. artificial hysteria, into- the flagging fOrtunes Of. 'the WOriti-revoitithart::. ,the Pre: Is , . tense. that, any, Entorlean 0overnment nuid=enough :t .-1.1iintLitse1f__capah1 •-: ' •_. • ': nehinz muCli 1 ra-31 n* • IS ttie select;on. of rich, western wheats 'tire finest „ ing, ' capitalist . crusade Is too.' . , grown ron. thc iprairiotr- that wcctra flavour "Ormis.-.-to-Lsastaim rqtialy Eur,olantl cbn'ns,,and 'extrarichness to cakes and pis, made .from ' OeVornitents., 'and tho British GoV.: . eminent, ,eapsclaily,ddaythe return • le .:5titi1tY:'3010evpr tho, give CO•101 40. th'4,protetio.s. • • . • Most nien, WhentheY think they are thinking, are merely•rearrangiug thor ,Proired safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for • Headache Nebillgih Neuritis' Lurnbago ,Toothache RheuRheumatismsrp • -Pain . • • Colds tsTH*Nt7H.TEA,..ARFTF79:' 'Sezd ;304.44 414infir for ot4t.i50-tecipe Purity Flour Cook Bba. 264 .• vittnara TOronto, hfoutrea4 • • :A RNING1. wa.re of Couhterfeits "ASPIRIN" tabkt, If a tab-, let is offered as " A and is •Ite.t staihnect..with. the "Bayer C ,ss'-refns fi with• eenteint,I.:iriiiiot" A S11 'at all Don't tal.e Lh1nem, Acce,2.1oniv.--13-11verT;', y(.)y, en, Pandv"tr.tyor- ,of 1.2 : Attie bot ties. of 24 soti :160/-411diggists: oahf-,313,1 of '45ayor .3f000neetto-• 'Of poor Company 44;11'1)0 Stii104 trLdeLl'ark "na.r..t 'that Anpiris uliiansriay'or nisnu'fitettiro,tci'atifaifIt'ti) public ti.g"Liset,lailtalmiss.,1346 Tablets .seideectft et lialioYlicaeol Aretyl. Saucylio Acid. "A. S. A-,v'f.• WhIle it• 143 W011 ktIP NS it r . • , • , .oumb to appliCations. of Min-: fird's. ' Two1.01 ,71Omea.: Owe Health to Lydia:L. 'Pinldianet Vegetable CdtripOund-, ,Manitebti...-.-,!.' I .ivite ' very weak and 4ad, great rins durins uty periods So that , • • I could net,eweep the floor.,"• The, Rains were in the right Oide an:Vet-61, .. tended •te'the•left. , and then de'vv , , wards. It s'eemed , as if body was heAvy'and upside down. It is for, . these troubleS tool: the Vegeta,' • ' Compound.1 1. ,saw about it .in n paper arid, Cne we- , Man,prevailed on me to take it. It Kee :helped „me in evely way, te, . pants are less,'atid 1 havt, more al•pe- tite, It is n pleasure to reeornmcnd-1 Lydia B. Pinkhamta Vegetable :COM', , • pound , to other Wornen,, "-+ Mrs. J. K.ottocn.krial,. St,. A doTplap, M miiteha. Found Gre.at: RelkE 703,ohto.ofit.., - 1, am;:••tthe Chring07/ •,o1..1„,ife :With 11., s, zzin ese„ ‘Ven1tiCt-t61. tn:1-,r'r6r.V'( hatr'' lisadnoises, as 1-"4k1, r u.was ,thie way alicial:six--re( .`• read * ety.ble.'eampound 1 have taken tott1es,s.1, fz.:,r and •fotnid 4.54,31g,.1 12 Lawlor AN -0,, Tsor,v 4-45, Ont. • L- NA •