HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-10-13, Page 3..
Schneier dTHIN WAT ROO Rattray, Head I W
Cup Race•erldeta Never Cemoe
ALWAYS DANGEROUS' scddiere 13°ard 74/mr To,
, ,
i Manitoba Provincial Police `P,v .;••• "
,All Canadilenelnterested-m-aviatien4 . :.----.L---,
the British in winning the, Schneider, ' -, : • : ,
will be. enthusiattle over the 'fent :9f if got Cerreeted-Serious-R,,4-11tits.. _9.,.."__113._.c_.,_,r21,SITacrcneeetilts: I‘li.j°1;
Cul) at V.011°.c.e, „The..airerage'S'Peed ()fr.' • Sure tO Follow. . .
i.oubie. is dely'L.or.ne,...-09., 'wi 1 . 0.,/,4 n, ter ' eic head Of the
r • ,,i''' i. ' :.Ottaliva,-;c01. •
- :heAlt:',' time in 14214014' e;2:11"14:St,:s.t .44:t intheinr:ei.;islregrii1400at,..4,.Pii, hii; re:rayeille,,i0?'n7.: .1)./i. eTiltoPh9at I '''r,:irl'ilc‘ jitil 7:9*.l:l:n,a;.•titil:::.;a te)11f..'
Mere than, 281 railes.an heur :of Liecit,i l' :'., 4 t
,Webster 'thslild. tie .Ceinpared'with the : ' !n: Pc' .1.!
145. in. X9.4, i7.7,3qriu.1.9go, 232::07, in
it, • ,,4'111,11 ,ili-•ybiiiig giatand. in perCens• aPpeirited.. head of the Soldiers'. , Set, '.
an hour .iii 1P.I8, 117,4, n 1 921; .:
. V:11.9 • g.'r0 01.,,enV0Pkoct : r. bonfined with: tlanl'Olt Pnlci'' 4111" :the 1 7adalleY
.4920 44.:,240.';'10: 'in; -.1-00;'.:. VI* 4,4?'41-6<i.111, deort. ,,:.1t, makes it'S, appreach in'•'•tci ' hi' he 1.6°."4iimi'41f. Iv141Qr.'
217. niiles ,s,..*:11„turas,, ,,British- titne' . co ' stealthy a manual', that it.'ts. ',.orten.7.John• • Barnett -• 'T40' #94411 'ttn'Y ern*:
' f. or the whets diseanee Willi 46 ralOat0'. 11/.611 develePed 'before the trouble, is ..ates, in -connection 'with the ,I4,P1a '00
; -'--- -20.,•08:, c''S'crinds• '8?Thereforo' it -t-.901. lePs'• l'ecognized. • ' ". • ' -' ''•• , • • ' . Il'aMet'.:•:*41-°1 °' the In3""gi44i's";
ilian....thiitUn'aeeericia. 'te • ilY • • '11.)ik;i '-.:. But taken In time the tonic treat.: 'be'Pa,ttkont; and; •aPart"'frOrk admin -.15'' ,
----.' WhileLi',:llit.• Ki:niwild, dit1:110Cfinish;• Mani' througli the 'use,'" of Dr .• Wil-tarlag 111Q' Sa1(113.- 4-4nd ."°Yiteni' *I- :
he •at on tiraci 'reachiS4 „11 MaXimnra ,.liams' pink pinsis iis doris,in. as ally.: sO• has considerable to '00 : With 'the
speed • of 280.16 ..Mi1•S0 :4n: he* fe••• One • thing -.ea ii . b 0: • MiS trOrPSS, kreafeY, :16*1an of ilnailgraiit8. nuder.'th, P E1117
laP.? the !greatest .ever ,receided. The !.:DenraVe4, .Ouo., is 'dile. og Tao many yfr6;6tt101111`4 141an•.,
'.l.t_a_thAna..had.:e.ngin'p__troiihle..Llt'-:Was.-'-:uPO-oinie--sufterere-Wh 7-hairfound--aew--' .1. ' •
- • ,,--,,,
health' throngh 'the, use':ef ,tli is i.nedly. • liitaildeirk .* Hunter
. eine, !•She , Says ;41.. cannot -express : ' ' • : ' • ' • • ' '''• '
too-Warinlyont. thankkfor 'what Dr 4°: . 14§hai.4-infested 'sena.'" ; ; • To the :
winisinis:i. • mik... pitla.#4ve .00iiec'goi,': ir.9.1,4iIIVY :r4un' the words .11101,0 'Ali am-
.me-. ., 1 Was 'tinkering .froin ; a badly 'Mena. SOanctr' but .t.O;Dr7,•` EbreareiCh;
.ran4down ,condition. ''.1 was . vecY, .ftef- - ---' ' - • . - - • . ' • • "- a 0
• • ' • • : -1. • the Man who ha equinced the 'y eht
voiiii:, had little desire 'for: too,. end .:Ittar fOr 'the Strange, trade of' shark
Would feel tired our at the „least. exer. hunting, they Mean oil, gine, itinglast,
tion. .„ In N. ciindioon: I.:began taking leather, p•igmentS, -a, 'silky . fibre which
. Dr, Williarns' 'Pink Pills, end. bore , is"eaid 'to, be stronger :than silk, the
• ft de,. of glory fer British flying.men
and British engines. ' '• „ ,,„
• This year the Royal AirFre.tO�k
0Yer:' from private bands COrltfOl Of.
1,3ritish ,participatiOn in h.econtess,tz
7'1104:machines•used, at Venice. Wets
designed by , the Air Ministry,. Six
Were i't to Italy and a Critisterteolt"
in state the five officers of the "team
• to Veni,ce. They' were a sinart-toelcing
lot. • The chins. finiabing first and
sceend at "Ven -ice Were very. small
monOplanes. .were not so large
• as the Mcth,type. 'Iltor' Nyere fitted
• •with; pontoons, being seaplanes, 'which
makes the. Eccg'Ird-lcticalcing speed• •per
mile the,- :more •••.0extoorclinary, The
4 :Ouse:lege 'is Metal. The •engine '; is
• described '.as "twelve' .Cylinder;; fan
threa blocks of four Cylin-
ders • For .(4.ich. a little engine
•ecsupuh:,..-,-;: care •is th.e halt -mark
• of: Napier work; and it is, the, eare
and eraft'wi hip in nanufeeture,
the'ciitir ial strivino. after yierfec-.
. tion, cambined with: genius of design,
*liich hes' enabled this British engin-
- coring lrri to pro u•ce ue -a tno
Theze no reason to doubt uutt
turn out an. engine
• • capable.of. driving a .1ight .plane po
.'rnilet an This was the alin of
the Britith., Nothing is .tolci us.of.the
the race. SO It is quite/likely that-
tho theory that men llying.201:1 milet
an hour:Could ricit stand" the 'Strain
senses is Wren
• nalifications Of .:Advertising
g.i4e einpieyinent agency- has re4
Pert:Ate., "The'Editor and Publisher".
. that it is, Plaeing' .twe.peOple
--day advertising- positions.. In- the
:nine Yeara existence it has got.
:about -and weinen the Var.,
coils ijobs connected. with the advertis-
, butiness,•.:from. .4.`Ownership .an
• agency to third % assistant ehecking
:Thte experience gives weight
••• as! Well -as interest to, the conchisions
•• drawn by the. secrei:a'r3k
• ,Many aPplidanta "don't know :what
7-ii-Aitlal-1-,aboilt." They -think it- would
be nice to be in -the' advertising b•u'i-
'bet they have no experience -and
. no particular qualifiications:* Among
• those -Ter WhoM the agency"lma. found
"-luchitiye work are. those with.spegial
training, With 'eiperierice, in, news-
13-a.poll.-r'epOziting,_1(nitti enieg6 educ-
•tion• with •pe•efical gifts: ,
aiming them ' • very long found "my
health gradually iraproYing, and • un.
der. Jheir gOntiatied..nse • Was corn,
pletely. 'restored; • ;Pm • this ','reasen I
'earnestly' advise all weak girls to.
take these pills,' feeling. sure • that
they will do for ether's What they 44
for me." •
-Send your-narae and address toThe'
Mediqine Co., Week-
ville, Ont., tnt they will Mail you
free,.a 'useful iittle book. on "Building
Up the 131poct"-.- The -pills -can be ob-
tained through' any druggiator by,
"mail at 50 cents a., box from The Dr.
, • • •
•Wrillame'' •:Medicine: • Co., Brockville,
rtaais of Marriage
:Westminster • Gazette. '(Ind. Lib.):
Women are seinetinaes • hrlined. be
,ricern' the need for 'prote.stion, a,nd, the
independence of modern ,woman .• May
have. gifen ari enormous: iinpetus te
this attibide. • •The balite ef • marriage
ceinpaniontlitii may, toe, have. been
are presented with an :inc.reatingleum-' , the deornnf the hound Of the .sea,,
her of substitiites,for-seeial life. , But _ ' -.4.-- • ,
the' man: WM; .''saYs. that thetor-cai.;ccirie;diaii Ice eteain made for
strongest o.f Forto.us, Poison G, and
numerent other proiLnets,-
Dr. Ehrpnreigh carries' en- his ship
a whole, • stag of chendsts, who treat
the fish so that a few hours after the
catch the by-produCts are all ready
for marketing and the skin is dried,
tanned, dyed '0c/turned inte: leather.
Hitherto, according to the • decthr;:it
hits' been ;found, impossible, to make
leather exeept, in the form of elle-
green froin the..ehark's rough skin
because,erthe ,grains or denture with
which it is encruated, but nOw helms
solved the'Preblern of -removing them.
and making a beantiful, pliable and t
useful leather: In feet, he has found
a Way of turning every bit of ,the
,catch exc.-opt •the hard scales to some
practical •ptirpose,-•'..-:-.. •• • ' '
At -present the Istar—she Iles the
Thames—does not appear too recidY
• te part With all her secrets, but when
the •methods- iiSed aboard this 'first ,
••floating shark • factory • beCome more
;widely:known othera will ••• donbtleps
---joilitheeliVre'.' Aire adYzifwe-•-toresee
Apparently a.paradox, nevertheless true; one of the Wonders deirionstrat
ed at the Radio Worlirs a.t "the Nevi MadisonSquare Garden, N.Y. A.
radio wave passing threugh: the ice canted the. heat;
• "DQ you 'contider"lt wrong
0: cheat: 'a. lawyer" 'asked, Bellaniby,
always lookingjer a. Chance
o. start a -diecussion. •'"No," .replied•
Wilkins, 'whose. specialty was Worldly
wisd.ona, toui,:der it. an grapos-•;
• .• • ' • "
:Those DlffIcuIt Pronouns
. • •
Chiid .(0:fter bearing,. , friend ea*,
that she. is going' to
isgoing to Herami." . .. • '
•:Mother---r"No, 'dear, ..tb. •
-,Child, pat1en1y---"Qh. alt: iight the
--•-••-ot-t-olircini." •
• ' •
•• Start R)ght In
..Tranip-7-"Can, k. out ' your . graSeiekr,.
Once a Mother has. used 'Baby's -
Own Tabiott fey her little 'fines She
always: keeps :a.supply , on hand, , for
the first trial Convinces her there is
nothing to equal them . In keeping
children Well.. The Tab:Ott-are a 'mild
bat ;thorough laxative whieh regulate'
the bowels antsweeten the stomach„
thus driving out -constipation and :in-.
digestion, :Olds and: simple foyers,
and ;making teething , easier.
St. Duiriasi
used pdbro :OWn: Tableta for the past:
ten years •and are never without therti
e • have alwaYS
given' the .:greatest Satisfaction, and..1
can' glatllY reeonnnend them tO • la
is a-b.etter., investment than a • ."Yvvestin Ithe • - a meal, MUM .‘?.? •
ca worhan who' professes,•to believe, .
• / . ..Lady. of the Hense--"Yes, poor -
that businets post; Offers a . safer 'Halifax, N.S.—The i•.narIceting of tee
protection than a husband, ,are usually eream mannfactured:, in Halifaii, :for
the first to contradict their views bY the consumption of people Of .the Brl
their :talons,' .:Marriag6 remain:it the tisli Wear Indies,. is One :Of the latest
' A Queer ,AP.0.108Y.•,
test Of, Mao5i • invgntiOns`,.. hoWever developments of the.,Canada-West • in-
Contly:-.'-.The7ice Cream *iii• -sent in
have been a woman:, •. tare:small' -sisters fighting, '
-.Teacher-"Now;•--- Vera, 1ciss • Jessie.
. , ,
and apOlogizes for: hitting her." '
Veraltistied.". her: .
TeaCher-7-"Now; apologize:".•
• Vera '.(after n.aileace).--7"4'in:Iserry
.had -to kiss you." : '
man..But yet; needn't, bother cutting
mothers if little ones:.• The • Tablet.$
it; yon may eat it 'right, off the
tire' sold by Medicine dealors or dirqd
Dr.: •Willianic' ,Medidine Co., .B,rocii.;
to dia. trade, "s.o it Was learned :bere• re- , •
• . Tile teacher, tnrmng' 'aroUnd;4Ound,
: mail at 2e cents a box from 'I'he
m•any peePle -the InVeriter
• "
. . . .
-..!the. Young Searnp.'•
.Mariulacturer--"How ...did : iny ao;i[
. • . .
carry on,. the business:. vshile • I.'. yea
away?" ..• •' ..,‘ , • ' • ,
Manager—"011,' he carried: on, all
kight, but he'forgot• the business."
, •
The better the quality of
the" tea You use the more
,imp,ortatit it isthat the con- ,
tainer should be the very
beat. By careful tests it has
been proven that "Aluminum
is the best container yet
It---is-not--the—poet2s—imagination filunct-for-tea—and-Red-Rose
which. is Used in ,advertiting, though
the inexperienced: s'eeni to think that
•,a, freak iden.Or. two they.need
in order to make .$1,000. a year.. .0,Be•.,
(mute they are Schooled in, eeraienta:
Oen'. and :.precisiOn; Poets 'papally
:beatitiful• advertising Copy." A
of w11 linowa poeta haYe ob-•
• tained Jebt .threligh, this. agency. For.
ionie• years • celIege_graduatee canted
considerable.`touble. ., They- eXpected
. .
to do iinportaiii national' advertising.
as 'their first "w.Ork.. .Theagency' gee,
in 'touch. with college PaeUlties,,nrid.'
now the boys and girls. aPproaCh'inore'
',,They get the .prefereneer be-
' cause ,acollege is -OA. training for
.:•-1,y kind 0 .Work...," • .: .'
. . ,
Powerful. Air Lines Are
. .
Predicted by BYtd'
wow y<;rk.--•nivairsi hatween air-
planes and ,dirigillies• '• commercial
passenger: • and.,. freight carriera is, -
forecast ..hy' Con -Inlander Richard E.
BYrct, Writing gor the:October World
Work, '
•Ceminander 'Byrd. expreeaed the ,bc..
lief :that,, an airplane .speed of .600..,
tritleS an helm is- in tight I.lo. pie;
• Lured Alio air liner of tO•niorrew. et, a
multi-ongined • shin . Withan. aerody.
namle balance. that will keep' .11- •
. .
Steady &en' in a. heavy , gale,- ening
• Innitieretta other factors.. •
. •
Ole Was Puzzled. .
. . , _ •
.01e Oleson, track -Walker, Wan sup-.
Deadto , be testifying: itfter-a' bad-- •
headon, .•'•
"Yea'say,"",11innapred the attorile1,
:"at ten _that iiigitt.,Yon were walking
4. up . toward- 'Crooning end
/- sew Number 8 coining doWn the track
'rAr.o.omiles an hoar?"' •
Ole. • ,
• ".4.1u1 lien,):ott looked ' behind „Yon,
60' Miles. 411.4001:V
"Yith," bald ote;
-44ffell;')17 .sto .thouV
;.0t oft the track." -
"Wit, 1t, thou.. :Mint did yni1 i1o.3"1.
\ref!, aye ay to iiiiiXosell,too bane
-of a way to, run a nitro:WV', •
'lit Uo.t
" 1),V WItliOttl; 'W.9`0\011.?"'
stagnation, guess."
-Tea is.packed only in Altura+
num—the finest.package vier
used for tea, 5T'
bricks ,to Bermnda, and Is Chipped in
licluid form , as -far eolith' as BritishGulana
For the. latter,. market it put :in
tins, ;hermetically' sealed; and kept ;at
an even conl„ternperature in the- cool-
ing ,r6oms: of the Canada -West India
particularly those of the , Papa -
'titan GoVerilitent •11sterehant •Marine,
It. is believed there '1 alniOst an un-
' marker,* for . stick Nova, See -
dim products lri the , British West In -
die,: and when developed, be a
great aid to the jdeyelopinent .64. the
indiistry o,f Nova Scotia., •
• The a -inciters seem to have •contri-,
bUted new and inOre" Uplifting nlean,
ag7'-toi=the word-Ahops",
• Your mind is your mint. •What are
you Coining?. • ••• , •
, .
Et Looked 'Like One.y.
Y. sister ' teaches School lib Crom-
well. She tea:ch-eir-thfirst-and--sec--
'end 'grades: „ •One day one ot,her first -
graders was reeding ; aloud, and fthe.
came to. this. 'sentence: "Whereare
you 'going?" Now.she 'had 'nerer. seen'.
a question mark before,. so. she said:
"Whcire ..are.,you going; little huttoW
vfile, Ont, • ,
Mister!. e
urnania's Madcap Monarch
,Nearly Carried into Sea
by His Monster Kite • ,
--Constanza, Rumania. ----While Rob,
ert Patterson, Charge D'Affaires
of the American .I.4egation in 'Ru-
ins -ilia, was motoring along a snicsith
beaeh on the Black Sea here he heard
ler long 'tests we are co
•kre turntrium tne
best co rier for tea.
, w packed only ill Aluminum:
0..),Iit'. _.„..._,..,,,,
By frcus.:CloWn
.: • - . .• Is/. .
Skit ' on :Mussolini, early,
' Causes Diplorriatic •''
, .:.. .
Break • : . ;
- -
Sarajevo, Bosnia, Juge Slavia—This
httle toWn. of..fateful • name nearly
witneSsed .a sudden diplomatic inci
dent between Italy . and. .lugo Slavla
when a circus e,lewn here amidst up-
roarious laughter,: sang , Song. ridieula..
ihg pre.mier Mitteolint. •• . •
' The ,itallan • consul in the, town, kid-.
ed an indignant Pretest With the Inge
'Slavian autapriti•es, declaring that if
,theoffeniling clown. was not punished,' 7
Italy NyUil take aultable measures
lnsuro the:dignity otAts. -Premier,: • _
Alarined at the vehemence of the-.
Italian • Official's complaint and. tear:.
,ing 'reverberations .. from Rome; the,
local- efilcials ordered the circus to:
leave' town iinmediately. • • It did :se, ••
and the 'clOwn: noW."... singing • In • a.
'neighboring '4Ovin, minis .skir. on .
'Muatolini; , • • •
NInarcrs, Lialipent for 'Lumbago,
• • • ' • •
.Starting 'Ail „Over. .
Littie:Mary. Ruth,' age: four, had
ter worrying, Over it. awhile,•ehefrWent
!Mit in the yard play. -Soon' a Play'
,Mate came play with e.: •
"Row old are you, «oldie?" she ask
'ed. s', ,• ,• • • •
trri.,twelYe," %7tiva,s .the ,reply:
•"MY goodness! :NeXt. year ,you will,
:have to be eneagain,"2 •• ' • '
7 LIT,R4p1.10Ni0rta.moplioptE. SI
, selections sass.%) .ter stbNu, uu
anteed: 'Poi8sone.840
'Montreal. "
• . ,
s—lvr A,C1111s1E, & LN
- KNITTING -1)}d,.
Woof," "Silk and Wool:" 86e a pound U
deliVered.', Saniples free. .Stoeking
Tarn Shpps, Departrnent'El, Orillia, On
affv" $2 00 Given
GIB1,10 •
Simply sell. -60 • Sets of .Our, Famous
Christmas Seals, for. 10e' a •set, When'.
sold send .us •$8.00. and keep $2:(10,- we '
Co.. Dept. Sockyr.. Brocatiyit. N.Y., 'U.S.A.
trust You till Xmas, S. Nicholas. Seal
•eries f.ot belp from a small; half-
naked..boy :flying a huge kite' Whioh•
8...earried_r4.high ,by the 'wind that.
it threatened to Pull the yeuxigater
into the, sea: T: • ' ••• ,
•• The frightened Urchfa was 5-year-
. "
NAVY TISSUE is 'soft. and alisorlient.,ana
like all,Eddy tissues, is Manufactured 'wider •
. 2
•the most exactingsanitary conditions.
Each roll of
.anted to con-
. tain700Sheets.
•••A' Gentle Rebuke. .
-. While little: .Robert.: was.: Visiting \
'neighbor, a huckster Callect, trying te
sell; her 'tone Althenghshe
did net want: to buy them, hp' insisted
,on tying.lhe.r .One.. /As seen'. ap the
Man.,Inid• gene, she ,gave- Robert an
apple froin' a basket 'she already had.
) Ile ate ,Silently. for a,•feW-minutes, and,
• 'I. then he Said, Brown, '. You're
.1 just like me; I always keep the best
one for Myself; toe." •
• •
The Large Party; • ,
• The steamer '-Was leitVing the
pier/when a Man ,rushed'uP and shout-
ed: • "Hold bn. a •minute;. there a. party
ef • fifty :Coming aboard." • .
The atearnerbacked in again and;
the , Man Walked on board' and at
down., .After five •Minittes of Waiting
the Captain -Went: unread td hint and
asked -the 'Party Would: be Much
longer. %." •
' -."What party?", aticed. the • •
:"The' party. of fifty you epoito
about:" "7. 7 , ,
"Oh, I'M 'the party! Vra filty •td:
day." .
, • •
He'd titi Olad to Qlvs It tipl
. • • .
Last'winter xdr.. and' . Browa
were ili with ' in Separate 1'0014 ,
One morning, hearing 'a cOntersation
going on •between the Colored Maid
and Mr,,•Brown, Mrs, Dro,O, askqd .the
maid When she entered her: nein, i;
Brewii had .anY fever. ' The inal�
replled that she did: pOt.39:10,4.
Mre. Brown then. said to, thk! Maid:
or 100 .bus e s
f wheat
.1.That's about 01 the trip
costs, and that's why thous-
ands of people -la to the oid
;anunforgettable pfeasurs,:•-
old, King' Michael, who,. despite his life 'going ?
elevation to the threlie, . cares more '' ' ' • - • '
TheenlY raiment ill. e jutpalle COVer- IscIloetratn'ad'o'n-INeaovveeamb*er 2tratal. 4heer
eegn, wore was,a pair of tiny trunks.' •Cticiar der l'AusoriIa'„' leaves ,
mister, help mei I'm losing , ' IvIontree1Noveznber :25th for the
Iny 14te,'". cried the young 'king ' like ' : Channel Porta-,
any Canadian: kiddie. "Corea •cleick i Special.' Chris.ttnaa sailings Rom-
er I may be dragged, into the Water.".1' ,' Ilalifai fin. the second:week in
• Mr. .Patterson, who., :his knoWn. ' December will enable youto
King 1Vlichliel from babyhood, otoPped , ; arrive -in plenty of time for plum
his 'motor 'and • rcishecl- to rescue the puddings and hagg0., bagpipes..
frightened king.. and his kite. Taking,' 'and PO•tnniiine' .
•hthaendsthoiefkihecor,bai,It4c1 foreomt4thweu4lbedlis:febarirel :.• Round'• Trip from $155.00 elPi •
ed ,nton.a.chi he "wind in . the bnire ; . beitniefrythfareln.g4tggarxi.' 2.4d;r1e; ,
kite, *Which...Wee twice the itze. be.',will. 7iak, • .e.nli at•Tangnietits?
Michael and required olt his rength.! • • CANADIAN. ' ' ''
'Don't' tell mY rnether," it mollish.• : .
ed, the anxious. Michael. "She will !sill • Oar niliga' Wiwi
She doesn't know I'm °UV.. O.- -
' Mi•.' Patterson plaCed the "mise.hiev-
aixbut.kites.:than kingcipin . .• ••,The -Aticher-Itkonaldson Steam*. .
yfluelso.r". LINEa:. 81
01l$ Mickey'! :in • his. antorno'bile'• lind: ins ithimiirr .co.; x..nvonto,
drove te Princess "Ilelen'S hense. De-' Cr Eiliy &Wellington Streets. Toszoistiti
positing the. little king safely in the .
hands of his ,English nurse, he *lila."'
pered: "Sial He's been (int en .the •
beach again and'lie.alrnost. iteiv away
With' his kite. 1, Don't tell oir,hini."
. •
Quialc Lunch.
M's Brown, Brownhad•tried hard tO 'make, ;
her boy refrain from tineh'
large inouthfnls. At lb.et bps day, her ,
Patience .exhausted, ale exclaimed,:
Hati9k,. 9,0 lOore bite Bite, that and
.you'11,1400 the .
An 4iok, -replied, "One more
4.1.407 !kat tiok me. Brown it he hawany ilIco th4, and VILbe through
teniPinatlite this morning. :
haVen't any," ••..' ;1 •
SO the niaid left the togen,,ehe left
the doorand r�wn over,
lieard the, :following •d011ite.Siitieni:
got any temperature this Ulornin0," ,
Mr, Brown replied, 'I don't; 'know
Whether I:have- any -or not, .LucY.!'
-got -any; she. wants' some, conse,sho'
..,atigt *got .none th1s morning;”
Stnell o rinened grapes on the air
end rain•ilumpeued (106t,
can midyellowibg lealreei betoken
1411. • •
-kar iiiitiku•afilieril'i7LIATiffent7'"'
,,, • : •
tut 10%,: snore t •bor ti, •• I
,sane ;dine, with leas 16E -kir
. than any Other
SIMONDS CAN/MA til,. -tv•
/ • EARI
j5 '„ Back e Ears!!
sor At Ali Druggists.Price 81.25.
Polder "DEAFNESS'!,:on recleest.
• L s. 1E081110,1ot. 70 Fifth Ave., Wes 7adt •
Fail Colds,
•.the1n arothe 'beginningv,,
Hat -and• inhale Minaret's. ; 'HMI-
. • on throat and chest.
Woman Suffered Neatly a Year.'
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable I '
Compound Brought Her Health] ;*
Meese' Jaw, Seek. — "I ain gbingtoi
trY to tell you what Lydia L. rink.
• :ham's Nrege:tableenipound-has:dong
, suffered'terv.bad
dragging-dcivni pains and M
?Lien, also pains m iny right aide mot..
. my hip and down•rny.whole-side-inte,
my leg. hadit nearly a yearivhsii
•* went to a doctor • and/ said:
• Would have techaVe =operation. B
orrik mother said 'to_ take Lydia ,
Pinkham,!s•VegetableCoinponisi. MOP
Caved her life years before. I took
tWO betties arid I found.' *as better .
..so. I kept on taking ,it and Also met
• Lydia E Pinicharri's Sanative Was
have had twomorechildren sineek•;:. ,
•'then cindam perfectly -well.. I used
'to: have te • lin doWn two or three or
tithes a and noW4 do all '
hOuSework •without trouble.' 1
Ways keep the Vegetable COmpount4"..
inthe hanse, as I find ndOse now inidl',11‘• •
• then lielpa:me. I sin willing for Yott.),‘..._
use this letter any waV you see Mil', It; • '
and I Will tillswerletter.'lf can help. .
.• any other .worsaill'd!be'cinly too glad $'••
• te try./!--1Virs.- ESTHER Hams's*, 1,44 •
414'Morse Square, Moose Jaw, Sas4),,-
• ; LYcliit E. Pirilthara'a VegetabliW
'Compound is a dependable, me-di:oh*
' for all *omen.
•• • For Sale by drtiggiste etteryi4,11044 025.
Proved sate`by millions and prescribed by Oysi,cian§.fox.
Colds Headache :Neuritis- .
*Accent. rilihr 4 ifiliyer " inCk1i0 '
'I ' 'Whibh tOritaiiig PrO V eil 'directions, ,
-.114'0 "Payer" l',Ote di It isIbiCtif •
, . Med 11CttleS of '14 it:hdilO0;-.D,r;i7:iiitot:i.
isjItt.In intit
' t (14.1e' tnntic-Ntint,-Teil In Cf.!,nas i,f 116i,er tattbittlietlyre or
• a IfoSitAi f ..6f . B11 ,hl (*Arand,! Asifolle, A 0. ,-,/L.. al A,zit
..”). li, t.
.;ririlititMliiPluiY,iall-tt.fit*ta-ruktistitki ito.u.";,34.771.,401...354.it!.. clr.°4,1.,!.7.1:-..
that liartni,ineansItaytre iniii,Iff011ft", In 1/401At 04 Piitille saihrAil 1lilitt:i68lt,':I1ui tPrl,lets
0... , .
•-• .