HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-10-13, Page 1or
?;90 J1P YEAR II ..inirAilog;,$2.50 .O•rntRytr-Isv•
. • • ,•
• ---------
.OpT0B.R:l3th, 1927.
•• • •
o PRoPgssioN.A.. CARDS .
DR'-"W''.11.V.-CONNEI,L •
Phykian a•l?d.Surgeoi
Hours: 1.30-3.30
P40. 30
• • •
. ,
• .
r,_ MacLeod :will "'visiucknow
---everY-Tuesday,.. ..fn- - Dr.. Connelns
Dr. R. L: Treleaven, Liicknow-
.., 0,.,_er. _ Deeker's 'store. Extraction
Other. by ••gas or loCal." Will be in
• Dungannen every Thursday. Phrine 53.
. Call Dr. Newton.
Make appointmen.t„
In office,: everyday..
o oz -o, o
• • :
Go.. A. Siddall Lucicnoir;
• and Real Estaten-lnioney to lend oi
.mortgages --1 on --farnknproper--
n— tine'nnff and 6W2 per centnacterding
to necurity ..offened Also ' small
• Amounts pn secnnd, mortgages , on
• farm pronerties and on • personal
• notes,. A few good faring. for sale:
• My stoek Wnll': Pliper 'in coin.
• pint-e-Tf or 11277--Pirces-Inntringewn7--1--
,s an) also agent for leading job houses..
J. Can.leron; Decorator, 'Painter
' and Grainen,• Box 174n InicknOW.
•• FEMALE ' • '
"Earn $25 nVeekly; • up) at home
• clin ping • newspapersend ,•:•oddres,SingI
ennelopes. No , canvassing. Eyery-
thing furnished.' Sane on full time
ParticularS for stamp. 'Cillieg ,Main
hip:, Service; Box nn Sydney, .nr,S." •
(13-1.0-0• - •
• \';.A,NTED-Hear from owner .gtiod
for nelc„. Cash 'price, particu-
•lnr,. D.. F. IVInuneapolis, Minn,
-Detiglas,. Lucknow._ (13-10-tf)
e •••
0 , 0 o 0-0,
.See “Kentucky •Pelle".. in the.Inw.11
Hali, tlie yeningof October '21t. •
, JOSE: Livers of Sikeiiie -Ain;
nona,, in Visiting with _Mrs, Alex, Dav•:.
" • Mr,: •Roliertn MacCa11un iS • oven
,irea.*1),etrint,, ,Visiting;" With hiSr:Mo.,
•thernand •sister. • • ' • '
Min ' Joe of X.;ond:xl, .spent .0
feyndayn!of thiS week ,with bialathen:
• and brothene in town.' •••..
Mrs. Anthony 'Kennlen of Detroit
Minh., is 'spending a two .weeks' vaca-
tion with Miss Grace' Carneron...;
-Mit; W. J.; watt. and .sons. • Arthur
and, -Donald .:of • Long Branch, " were
guests . Of Mr. Archie Barbour ..ovet
the -week-end. ` • '
1000.: yards 'Flannelette, efer yard
witLe.. Melt and Jlarli colors. -Ball
.price Hointell-ngurdoch
MARliET.", •-
Tlie Rev, Mn„ Bray 'nf ii.onclonn•Whe
for an tinie was in charge.'Of ',the An-
glican .Chuinli, work here; is spenfiing
„.the 'week witn"Lneknevv, 'nriends. . •
. . • . , 4
mrs•., s:•0 Plo winnht, of Onliawd,,,ni
'spending the week ;with relatives • in
town'. '2ir. nryd;•11;.. Plowright s.pnrit
the past sthinner in Londonn but ane
moving back to • Oshawa. •
'i1r. Frenk .sent ," the ..Weelf-
end in the Niagara, InallS district, vis
itingn-tlien,Fent-IfillnNixite•;;y and'•-tn-k
ing a. trip into nUnble Snin's territney
by .waynef the Peace. Bridge.
. • The Octnber. rneeting of the Wenn.
en's InstituteWill be held in the Town ,
Hall,'Friday, nOctober :14th... at. 2.30'
:the Teenwater Institute' :ladies
Ilientiressgt-n-nnd,nnnve, the program
: :Minn Ernest - Seat- 'and,.1 faniily, Whe
lived just north of tOnva duringn, the,
past sumnier, Set, ont...hist'meek:one
nmetOrntripntanManac,,.:Sasn,:a „town ,
•about 100'. milesnwest of Sankatoon
. • Dr.. 'MacGnegOi7 of Chicago
• Who Visited the, niast 'Week ',With his
sintersn Miss K. MacGingor,, of towit
arid M:rs,.,;Stewart of St. 'Helens,: cnn
' tribUted 'a.•Solo to:,the perViee,,of 'song -
in the United ChurCb, or 'Sunday.
. nMiss..Dorothy bonglits,'Went last.
. week to Torantin :Where she will take
a• cOurse in the Presbyterian, Deaecin-
enses' Hoine, • iii preparation tor,ein.
tering 0000 missicin .Work in
Her brother, Mr. , George .11onglae, .has
entered. Knbx:-..,c0110,ge, ,Tonont.O., .•
preparation for., the .. Presbyterian
Church Ministry.: • i • •••
' The peonies' presented to. the muni-
cipality : by the. Prince,. o;
\Valesin Dia-
mond of • Confederation, nanie
been planted in the 'front of Victoria
Park. It is expectedthat the Coun2
ells of the villane, during the corning
'yearswill See that these' ,plinitn ane.
given_proper care Alongwith; the.
other peonien,nclimbing roses and the
border. in:thin •beauty spot., •
, • .. . . •
• Lucknow Jr: 'Fainners: nind. ',tr. In-
stitute held ,. their annual -Corn • roast
on Thursday last On. thelaWn Of Win.
Martin, ,Boundary. West; About ' .one
hundred. were present and:- all report.
most enjoyable evening.' The !nom
was cooked: to a-, king's tante, and,
with the„' bagpipe •• acc,oninaniment
made everY, one merry. :Monday next
the Jr: -Farmers' Plowing' Match. in.
.to be held. Da not fail to be present
, n'•••• COMING
rforse for Sale., --A good driver.-
'" Apply to ' Robert Ross, Liieknow.
• , •-• • ' (20-.10-p)
For; Sale -=-A. numlier. of *windirtv
Apply to D;C. Taylor. .
Douse For Sale -Frame residence.
rooms, hard water, garden, good
sfahlen-Apply to Davin- Mead' •or
Mrs: Jas. Borns, north of the nta-
tion. • (23-6-tf)
House. for Sale with stable and
garage, two acres of land; fruit trees
nnd, garden. Water •supply ' pumped
to house. • Everything modern • in
, equiament. and in good order. Apply
to -Robert' Johnston, Court House
Goderich; Ont.
.• Mns-Wm: Bowles, Let.`32,,Con: .12,
Anhfield, will. have ,an -auction 'sate of
fitrw,' stock and implements on Fri-
• • da -n: Oct,' 34. 'COrimiencinn: at one. itit•
, (leek pan. ;The farmi will be offered
• 4 f or" sale at reserved
Auc, • ,
!Innis ''Weatherlidad will have ati
nnetionE..tle of 'farm 'stock and ini-
•iilninents on 'Thursday, Oetotpi; '20, at
• his farm, Lot' 19. :Con. 12, West'Wa-
Bell, tot 134, ,Con, 11, Cuirass
have. nn. atirtieri 'sale • 'of 'Myr
'k on Wednesday, Oet. 194 at
n',.leck., p.m, • There will be sold:
Fen:lots.. and Snringers, Cows • 'Wit},
•on) at 'foot, ,Sheep and Pigs.,Jno •
Purvis, Atte; • • • - :•I
. •
Robert But;,,on will have an auc-
• tion sale of farm stock at his farrn,
:;int w6st 'Of InfeknOW,n- olr Satnrilayn
Oct." .22, commencift at One o'clock
DOWN, BY, ;THE. ATI41'.,fic
...‘• Mr, and Ms. • A. E.:McKim , Line this
week " ,atttiinea convention
of rail -
'ay ticket -sellers at/Halifax, • NS:
Th 9 tieket4sel1erS, frOM,•all 'oVei• 'the
,e0Ontry-• gittendnnee; : and'
,they • apPear to be.) in ' 4,. sense.; the
'guests:of r.the: raijWan, compitnieS.
Think7at rViMbiltreal list' .the' $•'(§••'
• • • " • • .
IVIegantic, took 'the exeursion,as;far as
. Quebee Vherg, t,11.074evOing al'
• were entertained. to at "th'.,'
• Chautearonion,ap; ;being gUests:
• the The. excursion then cresged
„Point •Dree0d04
:train :to Halifax. ,71:(!oitax • the:
agents were :to.' be • entertained by the'
Board of 'Trade, and follewing.,,,‘ • the.
! conVention,, were to. have a trip -,th
the fatvous Annapolis Walley.. 'They
Will then cress the • Bay;'of. Ithdy and
visit St. 'John; N.II, This is: the,:way
the "railway-e9nipanins hano; of: keep. -
ing their: af);ehts loyal and enthuSiztsL•
• nno...ono.n,
, Wh eri w.ef • puh1ishodn: the :list :of.
LtieknoW., Fall, Eair 'prize ,Winners last
'week, we were .Unahletp• get ho re,,
sults. of *the.:1-rershoc,-pitching.. tour,
nanient. ,••• The 'resultS. were: as follows:
•FirSt Event, 1st • Iten4th Cameron
and Geo. Swan.; 2nd. .Sam Swan and
Earl 'awn*, ...iSceend• g;;•e'r, :1st. 'Pe Lor
M.eCall• and . Toni itenderson ; • 2nd, G.
.Bniger, and iinwardnIntreer. • '
•Speeial. for Men over • '00: st.
neih. Cam'exon and Wm. :
2nd; J. , Gee. Anderson •inil Neil Mtn-
..ro• Ias.tWeeles• re'pert` mirr,),:or of
, „
firlit '.and. second, .n0.;!e•i. •awarcznd 1.01,
.froit:were credited*, te ,Mr. W. T. MP), •
er, :insteadof to Mr. W.. A. Miller. W.,
I. Miller''.dicn:not shoW fnuitn
- •rt,OiviIszer m434c11,-"-,
. South Prone Planing Match nvill 'b.
hild-vrrille: first •farm,south of Tees
-f•n. en T'not,q1a ,Oct. 18.*Write ler
".e (14 0 Yde,c, 13. MeKague, See,
311, sx&o,iier (loatS and Windbreak-
i:rs 'Coot' Goods, Loy/. Price8P-)-Hor-
rL(.h.Murdoch Co. -TUE IVIARKE'r; .
, •
VA.DE 'A mg$,,A oy IT,
,13-e.wtheC1TFAP teinedinn, • *Pt
PI); ITS"re. SpaltitS-)
'1 ord!iti .for Cough, 81,641616g,
Itlad Colds,. Ca -
Throats and 'Tonsil
StidoeSs on mniloY
Drug Store,
e ‘to
On -Friday 'night,' .October 21st, in
the Carnegie. Hall, Lucknow, the An-
• glican Dramatic Club' Of Cliesley, Will
present, n -A. Kentucky • Belie" limier
the •auspices of. the Women's Guild of
the -Anglican Church, Lucknow. This
play has I3een persetited to crowded
houses in several towns. Keep this
date open, bettertill, secure your re-
served seits at 'once, itt. McKliii's"
'Drug Store. SCO bills for particulars,
: 500 Men's 'Flannel Shirts, $1.00
Good . Goods,' Low' Prices. -Hornell -
Murdoch Cp.-THE :MARKET.
• 1. 0. 0. F'.
' The I. Q., 0. 'F. will hold it Social
.evening' in their lodge toommThurs.
day, October 20th, and - *ill ' enter-
tain the brothers frpin .Unilerwood
Lodge. Cards will start at 8.30 shorn
OddfelloWs,: their-wiyes or lady
, friends and Rebekh% are cordially
invited to attend., Lades please
• bring lunch.,gbc.' Com,
' (20"-10-c) '
Mrs. Robert Mullin of tern,. re..
ceivecr word that her sister, Mrs. M
J. Johnliton,.liad-lia§sott at -To-
ronto ennly Wednenclan. miming of
this •Week,' The remains
'brought to Lucknow for .int:traint it
Greenhill 'Cemetery on P.Pda7 t11:01*.
Milted Church at three ,o'clock.
• A frigliteii‘d;•nen • flying a -a
'lighted.; lantern. canned then-co:Innen-
dentrnctien o __largo •13a.rn.
farre belonging 1- h 11Tr...IiatTy
ref+swat.r..,r, bira tea a fo'w '
est .'rd villgve. Mr. 171!),z. '
*geyald, Who has ncetthied -Alio fa rr
the -past 'few VearS ••Wa9. doing eliiires
about th har» hist; Fridn,y ,enoninn'
•and linaset lantern don-fi'
he 'got' nan out of The barn'
being filled. with ',.1•11,,. • season's "'crop ,
was senn •v,ith fla'rre. and, VI,
Fitzi_norald Intstily got , ten.m
• hor?i,S, a. calf' n?),3 a ne'n'hor ,r;is
of 019 •sfahle: Alitindred
,-were lost in tlia lots•l'") 111'1 -
,Fit7.gera1d' is, serie?is, as he did • not-
insurniice.Tbe bar,. was.,,a
biailding,. and .•Well •enuinred. • ' :
' '\ •
• The',InipleV.Enoress lind the -folIoW-
, ing: "As an indit•ntion of the. many
.•Mac•Donalcls in Huron 'ToWnsill11., ,we
'find that -on R.R. 4, thC:mail carrier,.
who also, is, ,a Ma f delivers . mail • to
18. ManDonalds. on the one route, viz.:
, ,
.Tom, InnVe.,..Alen,' Pan; ,Murdoen., Innn
S.:, Jim, Allen, Pete, Dan Colin; ,Nor-
man, Dan E. Jelm, Yarry, 3olin Jot•
23, •Mundocl:,• pan Yarry',.. Rodericln
•Eindia.... This informatinn wan.' sup-
plied by .11
The i•on Cliurdh, '11°14 their .Nrinj-
„yersarY next Sunday. Serviee in ,t,e,
•arft.6r.119tkn at, 4.30 and In the-,seveni4
The •Any. W...,1Oka,..a:L.Kin,4
ezni.10'11.1.int.4:0'pisrts' t,
friends -and', visitA it hes e serVeCes.
TWe: Pastor' ha.S..:done ..Cepsiderable
paStOrarMaitation Of ,1nt'e;':fii.0.$eVy
hOdy tusy.'it ,this -.fall , seasdri, but,
happily, nearly..e Very bed y we1L There
is a marheCa4sence of.'Serious; sick-
. •
..0e',a on thecwhole circuit. .,Orie;good
lady greeted:. her minister with. the
reniark,,,after, the .family. had inade
him wnriox, welcome; ,":1: 'thought you,
won,l4 be sure to eprne eyning EL?.
th r.00ster came up to the. li(Suse and°
crowed before the deer toila-17”
'A car lond, of men • front Blak9,.and
a• mixed load ''-fropi 'Zinn A11,9pded. the
llne and Inspiring. 'meeting held • in.
,Videria S• Cburch',: Goderich, On the
evening of Oct: 4th, An the intOrests
of the Missionary and ,Denevolerit
. Work Of the united Church. •
. •
'Ishe• Peoplehave not yet clone
about the splendid nrnqssage
the R.O. W.:',141lie at.: qAdl:etton a
pro•g,ionS Stinda.y and now . they. '•aye
speancing highly. or the serinori. Of the
Rey.' Mr. Lundy') last • Sunday.;Th
-Lundy will anvw-haite: " weleetii
•Eac:k to Ashfield. • Wilen ,ete'r ne=0'
'Sunday the' Itej;•.' L. 'AV.1",Rcld of tin.;
cardine• has. hecn heard ,Ei'nd appreci-•,
. . . .
ated it 'Will not be arnis.S ,fOr.f the 'cep-,
) re..,?;•Eition ,1;o• ge;‘,-, dOWn'to: thehumble.
Llelit„li •tai.O. 01 js„gtAar" ihiys. Thesc.
are .the: great.. d4y.' ,Of thefeast, '
]Ir. r. Lane (not
•presSion b,e1ia.). 1nd J.', :...a-)3'lesilzg• t'(.:
... ?illy :lefttin'e inns
' a .
the 'large, eOniiTeiiiitieriS: 'it'fici ' ';' heard'.
him a :little over, a: week ..apo F jy.ft h'
ais.,:). left, ,arug•hchirich.hira. He n i i s ell
it frO:ni his., :city, It :had fa'nen .9n thc,
,ground'. :-Soni.e,one".lias kintlin, Seen' tn
•it :that, the • mantle. of this IL, Seaforti
Eli ;a11' has : h—e,ii..oG.a
r:turried ti,-.) Iiiin.'
:tei1'....13...I\6I:aiK•ile:1-.6ei;'-.fitri)er'itnii;OPil:1tE,41Waliioldrn.(jre,a"LigniSIT •
..itin,r,,', het, parents at Crewe. ,spent 4.
coP)•ilo of -days•laSt week.. at :It.(::',a)lp-:
. . ,
• )l'iss' •Bninche Jan -desert. Spent the
wec,k-1r,.1.:the ..gpcst • of •ML's '.'Grette
• . . . ,
.0 i'l ! .11-ibell.;:' 12th .•:Cen.. ..•,, . • • • • . '•:
7.Vicf... s"6.rioll'slY
:-Vii..,'-',1-.)(in114,t1;* ili.tii.Ldan ., iN •fir.,:itifl-W
flient.:14 in (,4.1,ica,;•o: ,• 'II i,.; ::hrottler; 'Mx
C1nes, i...e.an, •
, . ,
ill hero. is MNI/ I : iliiwhO Wa;'
prorir* - •• , , ,
'Ali.. ' 5: 11 ifIii.d, -Wha:' ;spent • cf.ri•ic
tirie•••isiting his, li.rother, Rev 0. Rit-
(-hie-. at the .'Ash•ficla illEnise, hos., re,'
tamed:, fn.:hi§ home Iii SI-, LOUis,*1110
", Miss' C'•.einierS•-pf Ripley spent. • r•
fe"‘‘ -,days taSt week' the gincIttn of 13,ev
and -Mr. 'Ritchie: • ., ...,,• ; ... :•,.,
11n. l'in .): of • St ilt-try's • •• .visited
hot. sister; :qrs. H..' P. lIognn, :on •Snti-
day, . '. n ; : . ' '. ' •
.1' t •
it.ii.sitisnd., Pres iy erialn,
Miost, Igargqrct Murray.nresided it
the, rggular mectinn hold, en .the 5th,
inst.. Th n topic, Missions
Among. •11k6Slem Women "- Wan • taken
hy ,
Miss Cariik. A solo `Ivaa ,s'unc,•-•
• by Mrs; P. Steward. Mr's. • W. j
Inninias'-gave a,riding. • Mrs: J.. W.•
Murray wan' appointed, to Anko; cpntri.
, hutionF4' towands inriiishinn the 'new
Deaconess Horne 10 Toronto.
tibng Triiit -and voqiithles •are to
sent To 016 home fgt •girls; tinder
charge Of Miss Patten,
1, • '
--__ •
Phe Dr
,,. I •
lowing _press dispatch fi.orn Pert Av..
thtirr is ,a brother of Mrs, McKim
town. n , • ' • •
' !With but fifteen honin . of work
left) before cempteting it $ dtitien on
surveY for the .season,. ()Mario gov-
drittnent Torestry-,rattof hydroplane'
:•041.,A0S-binnalied. nti Kenninatril river,
Friday ffitYtflifig' laktwith serious in-
juries to the fare and log of the Ob-
server. Dr, R.7.04 Reid of Tortinte
Pilot R. A. Nicholl and Mechanic. 3'
Turren escaped." •
Theve: was a good Attendance at
On) 'VVemen'•4 •11:•tiq.,..depary Society' '
Thank,•offerin2-: Meeting :of the
Church on in evening. of, Ont.' 4 M.,
When :Miss Wellwood filn)ke. of Inn
work in West. China, Several of
women 'took piii:1; in • the. , woofing
1rs. E...Ackert• ,inrig „sOlo. and Mrs
+1(Yrnt, and -Mrs.'d+V.,11 Sallr.F. a &let
.wnich wCr( m n eh en ioNYed, Th e off or.
big amounted to $115.06. • There nic.
still' some :envelopes to conic ,in.
' :MN • Al' WA LICETtl'Ol\I
' attendn'noe at the s6voral. enn.
'vni-itinhin tit the Onftirio -WenienTnnti'n'
ntitittes bas • nronni te; nropor•
tiAnslinVe nproJaailnind tIi
'at rth n nen' An'd , eon-
ventfon 'nrenn iln(t• the -norivcriing of,
ri rine:nate -on th en- en n
more- effectinn; n.Sirntition twinity-fi no
noLannnnnO-'• With btnr-nifen einfnentioi -
they innno incrensnd; to the. noldinen
•!••:nnie: ninethrouthout he npnovinno
Eastern, Ontarin. The .ftlicens-sat tend. '
inir the nroponienin Itas rommenned
4'W t1i Provincial diroCtorn to and the:
Tient; of., iininnlinne. ahcl havethey,
this veer decided 'to 'bold , neln cnn-
110 10
Virosienir Ontario. This will
nold nit WATIontoll tit Tnenday nrsd
‘/Vednesdny, -October .18 •And 19„. and
iviil .onthrfito 'Ailittri4 :or Thiwo
ttnnon nrid„:Porth. A nand lirencramthe•
of Addresses -Mid disettsQionn is .1f6,01,
anitnned and a titeee4-frn` and
able • convention 1 anticipated,
'OCTOBER' 14th 8:: 15th
janningS,',L•Yla De"
'* Intensely; •J3r.amatri•
With .Comedy'• '
Special ,ming--
.00TOBER 20, `)21,.
, ‘.4m..,TCHAEL SR909F(..•"t,'
[ho thrilling'
ailye,nture 'Of themost., heroic ,
ch,.iradter in. all iletion dr,
Cinenin dark • mornings -none isn
ld„s to, sleep Why not-
. .,
tale 'al our re .t and be asn"
surod of beir:g up on' timen,
Our 'BRAVO Alarin Clack
ill" undertake to call ;you at .
,•-•-nnwnintener time -yet s'ay''-fer
9''.00 •
INGLE COPIES 5 ictsyrs
The -Bread • •The Brea'
of 'Health • .Of fleattlik
, „.lirend=FOr"„ -Bread " •,
Our .(4unlity 'Herne Mado. Whole Int.heat And RdiSin Breads 'is' the
• • • -
n• , • , • • .4, : loaf 'of Pure Goodness.•• ••
. ,nAnnURDAy . • s
bunde0,Cakes, Maple Walnut . Tarts, Pineapple Tarts; lneinnit.' gen, ,
Fig,' Squares,' Date Specials/ itnApherry ;Squares, •Chel-
• • • • . •Bunia,;'Jelly l'tells,.'OntMean_C„akes...; • • . •
Phone v'(• Litckli074*
. ...:ArrAstrong
Jeweller ni. bntinnetrint
pot1L1 and' preaOlithc Go pci to every
er,e4ture'." 'She .Streiised to need, fo.7
rni ' IcnOwledge in nii',ion
ban, and Sunday schools. Anether
c' -tin ;address was' P.:a vcrl lay Mrs'
(Rev.) Jam -Pollock of Whiteennirch.
ri e •nub'ect of hp'. •addreS W-ts
'Oufreolc. and ;Our T0A-.. nirs, (-Rev.>,
J.: A.' James nf south Kini,oss,' very
. •
ably, conducted the nrmestion dnanen.
'TIM cloning prayer wan: offered by
' A. inesstint timcrNt'4•S spent during
the. tea noun. 'ane 'due the
'ladies "of .ASlitield for) their kindly
weleome .a,nd entertainment: t1
• Phone -75
LuckliovV, Ont.
TuRsi).*yociorER 38 '..A MADE;
ANirLi. TAKE .ADVA,$TAoTt,,ci F TiIS EX -
was. pronounced ,fine suceons;:•arid
Mr.. Riddell, : county reLiresentative
s' 4ted that he was well pleased wi
the results: . • '•
rhe. contest in public speaking, ar
was a :feattire"Of. first 'interest.
N. less than pupils took part. in
thisevent, winners being as follows:
1- tsnMaly • Con S.S. No. 2nd Geo,
Rnss, S.S. No. 10; ,3rd, ;Katherine
MacKenzie ,- ,SS. • No";.' 19, Murry',
Corner; •nth, • Merin ' Gaunt, S.S No 1:0.
'Winners in tne: parade, were; 1'st, S.S
Nn. 1-0-n-Whitenharchin2ed,..-S g 'Ne,n7
-S( cOnd Con.. 3rd, S.S. -.Sixth
Old.friendsnips• were nenewed ind
n W. friends mail e.:.by ;the ri rein bens ..o
the, Wen-tain.'s: issienari• Society of
Presin,tery..as they
hled attend' tbe sectional nieetitin,
• in Ahfi1d,Prenbiterikn eliuteln on
Tneaiday afternben. •• .
The, g.1-1,PSO..were noecined by faan,
young. ladies, Mrs, -D, nicI,einntrin MisnI
:11teb0na1d,• Miss ,
earn and Mis i3y McKenzie.,:of, Ash-,
fi old. , The meetingtOns presided. oVei
'by C,00nibe of: inincandine;
' vice-ptesident. e.f, . the,. Presnytelnal
and she. Witf4 '4AriSted on the- pl:ftforns;
by' Mrs. J.' 'McRae), Presitlen,t of the
Ashfield. itudlthry. A' chni.r. n.f nol.nn".
Wolp en of A kr1,01,,,Iti ehot1.11 nponed 11 o
voti mini nein is es singing Pshiin
i.ii.hi .tourreTtlictilio,,,ii,
pro yrn' .-tyrt8 give.n by -Airs". R..•
,Me WI -annoy IThrigantion„ 'Veeni
se -
Inc n.onn .renrinsnid by :nlins Annindo
;n1,aeInnia1d of Antal(' hi, ntid "ntrn
Stewart ofo-LucknolV. ;Armin,
C. fileKetnAre; in if very' Floppy
dns, 0....1.01"i(lod Idnclly WAds of wen
onine to the patOStsk . Who _numbered
nins, 'hitticirod and nin-nn.
mind' a pleasant and. 'inefitable timc
-fninn11.-prottnt, nThe:venlynto
drc•ss iI0.1IOiflQ, ‘na's nialo' by. 1\1its.
Coorabo.. • ' •
. •
:Avnert 131.9s. • We're: suncessful."\id
.winning the. Grand' ,C'hannpionshinn
priz& for, the best bar load lot n .of
:steens nhinvn„ at the Toronto Stecker
and -Feeder ShOW,,last_Wednendny and
Thursday.: .:They alsn won ;the first.
.nrin tnird• prize in 'the' 2nyean•old here -
ford eInssn, -;• • • :, ,, •
Mis:11: -Jamieson of Para•
eisitipg he daughter, Mr.' 11.
,rJs, • . .
MisSeS • Pearl .and • Phoche •••Congra'n?.
th'e Weelc,end'•under their 'pay--
entnn reef., .• ..; • , •.
• Mr, Eadie of •Glenn
n an; visanng
with: his ;:,on. Mr.' Will ••
• Mr. and • Mrs. Carter„). ..and Mrs
nWoilinnn of Wing.hnnr, ,Spent Sundini
with Mensrs. Ernest and .Aliner •Ack-,
: Mr. George .1dedillivray cflonden,
cailed•en friends ,on the 'Fourth' last
• • • • • • • • •
Mr. and. Mrs. R. Huston and. Mr..`•
and Mrs. '•were visitors •• .at •
'Mrs.. „MciVfurchiln,. recently.
• ••• . • • . • , •
11' se. The1;,ds ae Fourthte:Ibeing
ent,1t ,gtfinhdn .eeaeTSixthesiirvawetiyee.ri7 !pa*ellargi
•crnwd WaS present. .
• Mr„. Win ,MeCOnnelL was tip .ficiin
.Hainilton for a few days' visit with
( onnrn the physical Culture; S.F. No, fiends .here. ' • • ,
8, Langsine,, came first; StS.", No. 5. Mr.nand, Mrs:, Jas. Irwin Spent 'pun-
sc•nindi S.S. No. 10; third;..anci, .day :in Wingliam, visiting with the
nni. 3, Tenth ,Con..; fourth .• , :letter's binither,.Elmen Woods, who is
, There whs a, exceptionally largt 131 in ,the Hospital. „ • '
lowing • orisntiltry, a . o of JLI
stack, and -the exhibits by -the:, girls
woro mann .end • varied,- •
Roy Watson �f ,School No. 7,': -:was
v, inner 6f a mouthorgan• competition
inn& Vloren&; Bodkins. of. S.eliool ' No
/ 3. tOok. SeCond.
' A list of the prize -winners will ap-
• • - ••
pear next .week.
, nlessit. Jack CasSidy of Iliver,Sdle
and .Frank Cassidy • of.OriI1i spent .
tho Week-end:At Mr. ,Iatres. .
”Sli. Wni. Conerann wInC.han . the
Min r.0 t 0 Slide: off -Ole noon
tti niard, Elliott's bonen n cnutile of
wtolts llififse'..f • con.iit:),q,
are.,,alad to reporl is ifnm,!,,v-•
'• • •••••
YTAiTiS. and. • :1`.•••••1'
11(••••1. IlEirris, Miss Marlow :1.1urn fl
.31,)••••. An•g),s nlartyn wolt nonent_ni
• 111n.'s
, . nlePliersonn.
4lin Ann I ;iby sp
si 1...-v with "Ails.
,"n-s,•eintnlyn Aql<ent tirned to".
hcr' :in Brantford..
ond: Mrs. It. Pennon of',
le id nlr,. find "'nits. J99, (;a:rinny
M ,
. r. :and •Mrs, ity."19.11
'Mrs, :Inn 13in et 1-
Inn.Inn 'Sandu-ln. 'ne
111•AnIser 'Rainy fli• r,-‘,Y. ore 're ..• it
ran. :Mich,: arnt 'floc- •.•
I in! and • In •flhli on f
Innretyl.'• •-sent, Stiminv „nt- ' .11 •CY'
ifrivraitt. at Ingonsulh llnantfnid
• ITO yroncl :Schonl , lir ld • on-
tn.innin or hist, \r9A-0, was • ...t•f
1)o,;t.in a-16 caunty.,
- interest in the am.1i;01 W.if,er•
)tot WAS
of ‘.1fiSt". Weeknnvlinn• '•
exhibits and w itness
inns ..intnin:n.hinn., The; N)),:elio.on .wns ,01",
oreI tltrentenecl hilt tNIs
(inn, ttionnh ?lnody,
(Tann en -doubt. Would hnve bronniit
-, The iTesiden, „or leadet.A ,of, Anxil
ini res pen de I. ; to the ro nil eg.t •Itlinl
liFst eininurnging fen.
Itri1o4.-ott nvnnk• ;and - a
nsvd (or 51,1,.:(.0",s fn.! And lira.qtahl e
o: briPt 11 it iriterestn,
reTinlitnl-l-wenennfontn-liel,nfur. the-
-doilientory 1 foIlnWing the of-
-1(4'ring 'N'tift'1 roade 41Y 1171:1..t."A :‘VC;Ca3}11111
Of _Rinettitlin9. The , onn,Launiiig fern'
tin en of stile in.egrani Wer,0 1W0 Ad -
Orf ,§§§, An ilispirjnit 100 O31'( wn§
gin on with -grent earnostnesn by Ilea.
cnizens,.R.attek Lf Torontti... iier--§Alble•et
ho`rig °Tho Greitt Ministry, Of. thn
lehing in the -Chnistinn Chin:eh-Of
the command -‘Go ;fp into * "till the. o "bigger Crow,d. As it, 1:47,t1$,,, thd raiz
Ifetheringtan of. Wilcox', Sask.
is'renewing, :old ncquaintnaces ir. the
vicinity, the „guest. of My. i1 MrS.
•Ed..ThOrns. • , • • • ' " •
Dr. Will ItIcOregor of Chien/goy' in,
n visitor with his „sister, 'Mrs. George
;quart. • • • •
• Mr. Roy Mnitl-ral and nniss Nora
Woodlen ef Hamilton, were .
n•isit ors with. Mr: and nIrs.
MacFarlane, Jnnet 'am' Chris-
tine; and Mrs. Rerndf and ND. Frank
Bennd.n. of Detroit, called on friends
h(sre SaturdaY, evening. •
'Mr. Enter Woods, ..who oPoi•-•
cd 'On ' for , npvendleitk in the
• lig mi in jlOspltal receal is, in) , y, •
oving n1ce13, , . .
Mr.. Earl 'Gaunt had the litisfOrtono.
tvhile'working:.an, the thnesh-
nig machine hint week, injuring' bis
Inlet nuite seriously.; ••• ' •
Aninvensann ServiCCS. Will be held
14 the 'United (linnInh. mixt :Sundny• at
11 A'.M. and 7 P.M., when .Bev-, W. R.,
A•lp Of A.0b,br•n, will prom*. On Tues(HY eveAingr n hot foyinsepper will
held; -followed hy a S1,iendi4, ran -
for. whieh exeellent talent from
•Goderich has been • securod: .• A' firnt
is- evening. in promised.
'Mr. ,George Rutherford " of•.,N4rth ,
Ilraneh. Michigrin, nmul ' Mr. IlOnive
lz•Ithc,rford' of" . Michigan, n nen
t •riied 61ni3laY, .after Spend-
4 =n "in,neek thein--eanninsin :Min«
1SS argaret . MacD ud. of
Windsor, spent the . week-4nd with
Mrs. ,Walter MacKenzie.' '
Mi and 'Mrs. Roy MacKenzie of
Ripley, • spent a 'day, last ,week at Mr..
Wm. Robb's.
'S Mrs. S. Carnockap and son, Will;
• Mr. and .Mrs. 'Wm. Middleton and
,Aps-nt„ Tuesday hi Vingham._
natighters; Nerege •tid Jean. of Forn •
(st, spent the/ weekii-and with Mr.. G.•
:Middleton. •
• Mrs. P. Robertson and 'danghter.
Alice, and Miss Christena Robertson
if RiPley„,visited •with friends on •41e.
'Vo. I if:11 thiS week.
Rebinson, tonlio has
been Sicsk with pneumonia; is„ much
.:11Tr. and Mrs'. • Ernest Scott and
leTt on: Tuesday lent for Ad -
in nen Sask., ninnnoter. We, wish: them -
1)1 t1l3 and nroSperity 11) their ' new ,
,.d Sain .
• '
' ;tin: Writ • Oook netlirried' home ' ow.
through North Hruce, in the interest
Ntirstwoo7 Cwoe.elcs',
• Tin,- Cement Co. are erecting •
a'-erflcretcwaJI for W. E. Henderson,
wish,t,o .congratulate our
f •nliss Annie " Johnston. an.
inning second prize ainong •So, many
rnsine,ting„ senobli at Holyrood, on
iday IftSt. ' .• • ,
Thr, Mi§§o§ (10..rter of Ripley, 'spent ;
fe'w • nu ns: last week ,With thein cons '
viols •here. '
• 1)n\'id niond in,3 Jas. Steward
1';' i'rneil 11(17)10 froni the eWto,epsst in ti
It0its.*31iig1 ofnFengus,-
ed \\nth „his narents here last week. .
• Tot)* gl-nn -21-eprirt Misnn - and "Mr -s -n. George Dide ' And
1111 -nn Voir: in -name:what ,bttoi 1 ;1$na Au,ii f Nr Sf�rth", '
• Rnli.N----To Mr. ahd 'Mrs, Milton ',goosts or Mr. And Mrs, Thos. Ander. •
•••nelsh: on Oen In,: a son, , , Son 011 tindny, ,
•tSVill ki.e11:-.A.1;10...J.W111:,..Se9,ie.` 14,-,A.Unnalusen:,-Mangaretn,
nnrantio lint 'Wool; - • . . on $11.111 nlallongh of urknow are
• The- Inidies4 .A meeting Wan hettl. t -- -thin :week Viliting ;their-7-niece:t ,Ntr$.
Mr.• George. Thompsenns on "Wedn:nR,. johnst on. ' • •
mosdAy. '
• • On. Fniday oveningniant; it linrn .00•
0 farm -Womb:inn to Mr. Harry Lo-
•wos 'eon pl( tel,e degtroyed by
along with entire: scason'S:
It \vas11 lunivy' loss 10 3114
i,•ittnorald, a .ntell;-Wrinlinn the plade
• reinted: • • •, And Mists Antes Cranston visited Miss
• Mr.,. Cdril Pitt has h'o
oell ver' Sfrom 'Alire haeldefott 4t Stratford,on ,
SA,rtsiAt visiti04 hOme lieret day last week. ,
Mr.P.oht. Turner. .or
.e wool.oil.d. with his notisi,n, Harney
Anderson, 0- • • .
. mid ntrS. 'Herb Outran
fnmily npent sdny •reeently ' with
Stt .10'06.1 ' ,
Mr% Anil' Mrs. Nor4iin Shaekreton