HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-10-06, Page 8THE LUCKNOW- SENTINEL. THURDSAY, OCTOBER' 6th, 1927 sere ou Ln•d Buy 'Por Less THURSDAY Oct:. 8, '9' SATURDAY, • ct. 15, • 10,30`; a.m ust one, year ago our doors' s utmost' s �this��t o t''to make r YCoine do our .,_ a '. • ,'. du„ n, g .o.P en to. t_ t.e• ... p • le oaf Luc now•:a- ,nd ist•rict V•iehav4444e`:. one our` e pLacewheogoodygo:dsre-chew er::*wjel-useelebrate. • .B.lrtbday: °Sale. It will save, you dollars. NEVI 'LINES WHEN IN I1IJ K NOW • DO NOT FAIL ' TO: COME; ANDViISIT THIS STORE. THERE •ARE,MANY NEW LINES ,SHOWINGS 'IN: CHIN?IWARE,• GLASSWARE,UNDEhWEA, ; R YARNS', ;(hI$TOWEL,•` .BUFFALO FINGERING AND WHEEL ING:YARN).WE HAVE WITHOUT A .DOUBT,. THE BEST 9UALITY 0F'.-WHEELIN`G,-YARN;,ON THJ4. 3:14R101,..• ,.. PLAIN WHITE .:CUES: riNIj •'SAUCE, SAUCERS AND PLATES CLOVEIIti;',LEAF' CUPS'AND, SAUCERS • AND PLATES:' . ARE -IN 'GREAT ,'DEMAND.•.. HAVE YOU GOT ENOUGH FOR. WHEN ''riE *THRESIERS COME? >IUT�'EERi. CROCKS, ALL SIZES IN'•STOCIC•' .EY' VARI ETY STORE LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. EXTRA PECIA CA :LADIES'. WEAR SOLIDLEATHER POUCH :BAGS QUALITY: WARM "` WOOLLEN' GLOVES NEAT GINGHAM' HOUSE DRESSES FANCY: •,SILK & WOOL HOSIERY,1 .R. PRETTY: SUEDE GLOVES 5 FANCY ' sCUFFS, � PR .. DURABLE. BROADCLOTH n ,,SLIPS, ONLY EACH ... • �t FLAINNEL AND .:TWILL 2 99 DRESSES,•: REG.. TO;' '$7.50, • SHOP BROTRER Bargains family. E KIDDIES AT...THIS SALE' BOYS' . WOOLLEN SWEATERS ' "- EACH 89c • . CHILDREN'S•.. STURDY UMBRELLAS; EACH . , .., 73c GIRLS'-,;SATEEN°-BLOO1MERS:. PAIR 39c c CROCHET ,WOOL' BOOTIES, PAIR t ,' 25c'. BUY ELASTIC WEB 'Bt' ACES. PAIR 1 STRONG , LISLE HOSE. REG. 55c..: -PAIR 29c . Dept.. t.• dorm . Blrthda. _S:le Va<srt the Ready -to -Wear D A g y .. The Values here -will Surprise you. NewDresses.�• Latest Millinery. S ,m art Ne . Newest Coats:All at s cial rices; PECIAL VALUES FANCY CROCHET : BED SPREADS, LARGE SIZE . ACH ',:, 8 ,S G LA R E .' IZE BATH TOWE L. .. EACH 25c for the. ' whole Come and see. ENUII E. BARGAINS AI 0 H 4 R THE HOME •� - HIT AND MISS RAG RUGS. EACx LARGE G HEAVY FLANNELETTE AV E 'BLANKETS. PAIR 1.99 BR' BR_: g' O. ®ones � . ROo�s . � .. RooMs :. Be sure to secure your- birthday. brooms A large.co ' 5. 'string torn Broom:; Reg: 75c. Sale,' each. • . , 29c. • EAR. Q,UATLITY WEIGHT; �_i' PLAlvELETTE - I?YJA MAS �• �•� POLICE. BRACES,•' • . STRONG' & •.ST'URDYPR: IIEAVY 'OVERALLLS AND :SMOCKS,''EACH_ i .39.; SWEATER COATS, . 'REG. ' 98 'TO $6.00. SALE 20 DISCOUNT ON ALL .+ VINE I E,' TROUSERS DURING THIS;.: SALE. HEAVY 'CAPS, REG: TO g0- $1.75: SALE, EACH. FANCY FINE SOCKS, "• • EXTRA: VALUES, EACH GAT: LORE E STO COME AND COME. AGAIN OLD' MAN DROWNS IN SAUGEEN A couple Of weeks. ago ' William • Scheldroth, ani. old resident` of ,C hes: ley, left his home and. could not be found:' His 'coat' and hat were covered at .the Scone dain• on the Saugeen River, , where .the water' is, about' 16 feet deep, and, it was feared • that he •n drowned in the river, The dam was lowered and. as . the water •Went down, the body of tbeoold Jean.'. was --found o'me -20 feet from: 'the spot where:: he' 'evidently,'had jumped in.: Coroner Dr.. Ramniwas. present :when'. the body was taken :from the .river, and decided that 'an 'inquest. wasmunnecessary: 'Scheldroth _::Led been=•min--poor .-health fob -some; time, and it Ss thought' that he:droifi ed , himself during a fit of • despond- ency • He was 77 years' of/ age; , was bo --a -in Hessen, derman •• and 'came. to Canada, when a •lad of six. ` He was .:twice married; and 'worked a lam�: until• retiring- a few'; years 'ago: A' widow and grown-up fanuly survive: • ,NO FUN '.IN • BEING FAMOUS According to the Alliston / Herald. Alex: /lodge 'finds •' that : being: a hero 15, not: all •fun •In fact he is getting quite "fed up" with the whole bast. nese. ' Too many people have •.been visiting •his farm'. Two weeks ago i Toronto transportation company ran whole bus load` Of ,peo;'►Ie .u$ trent' the• city; arriving about nine' in the evening .'and' stayingfor. 'an 'hour and ;: a , half..' Hundred's of ' •private : 'car? come even ,. yet on Sunday.: "Nearly' v' everything movable," says Mr. Hod.le' !rnas = been taken away." There i not a knob' left on. any of the door, inside Or outside.' All.' the • 'dive krnves and forks given him by hi'• friends in -Scotland have been carr:»,l away and every plated 'cup` and aiuce Contained in the•ant1 where he lidP. .. y his money, before going to his ro,o i when he was •Confronted by DanFo.e, Sythe, has been carri•d"'oll'. From,' the waits `the • a err i p p has: been 'trettq'we 1 . atr...i'pped in-s11-the=rem .Dar a d' -his -1 let- articles :such as he hRd not' i c moved when: he came to staywith /'<T' ,, Weatherup are' now `servin g s...t venirs. Apparently, Mr. Bodge,, was doomed to be robbed,, if ;not by For- sithe, then by the souvenir h ntei s He could no r t defend' himself .�sani,t these. `' Man pursues happiness"as he it ai l his shadow, never: -catching,- •,up:with' it until he 'stops., • A whole lot of men expect id, get, to heaven because their wives belong tr a church II I :r D,IAMONDS 'A- Little Beauty, set, Nevin Style Mounting, Regular $20.00, on Sale' for 4444.. :... :$10.00 A Great Sag onthis perfect :. diamond, . Regular • $30.00, for,' . ,..$18.00'' Extra Value -Nice ,Large Diamond, .-well' mounted • • Re 40.00 for27,50 New White Gold Twin Diamond Ring, Reg:. $60:00.' for • $42.50 Large' Single Stone Diamond,See this one, Reg,' $15.00, now. , . .............:.....$52.50 ,. Large ' Dianton•l with two small . Diamonds ses in. Reg. $100, forti :$7J.0° FANCY STONE RINGS. Sterling, -Stone Set Rings ... 65c,' • Cameos, set in_.Silver, . 80c, . .. 4444 ... • 4444 Ladies'.' :10-K.. Birthday Rings .,, , : ; , , $1449 ' Ladies' . Go1d Little ' Pinker Rings .$25314 Gents' Heavy Gold Signet' Rings $4,50':' Gents' Gold Stone, Set Rings : 4444 . • : , ,$'4.00. • • enta' Qold:._Emblemt--Rin % o Diamond Rings g w, Generous Si ie anion d qt._ uality,. "Set `�n_, Whitie Cptcl;, buntings,.,,'• 14-K', and'''. 'carved in: all o Ne .v Styles: .BRINGSOUT GO%PEIAING JEWELLERY'VALUES TION, `-E�ERY.BODY! --For Saturday night at 12 P.M. brings to a close this 'truly World -Beating; Money -Saving opportunity that every persoi in this vicinity' should avail' themselves' of. We' are niakln `tremend.ous price reductions during -this FINALWIND- UP, .;. •. WII` and extend a Special Invitation to our many valued friends and •, ... patrons'p to participate in this remarkable Saving Event.. Earlyshopin means a large range of choice, so itwill pay you ao•be on hand early The Entire Stock' oil Diamonds, Watches, Silverware,Cut GlaSs, Ivory ' '' i .This . Clocks, s, .Iv ry Goods, China, Etc., is is on'Sale. is' a Wond•erful Chance to buyfor. Xmas at Prices .you will not see again. Just ' Two 1VI r J o e Days'Of ._ 4444 White. IvorY Trays s .:, .80c, Y Clocks ..;$2.30 Jewel Boxes Picture. Frames .':45c. Puff' Boxes. and (lair Re- ceivers ° • .... 50c. SPECIAL Gentleman's 'Fine . :White Gold -Plated Watch• Chain with'Knife to ,'match. ' • ONLY $2.10 SPECIAL Extra : Ileavy ` Cu t ; Glass,. Water 'Set, • beautifully scut, words will' riot describe it. Regular ,$3.7.09. GOING 'FOR $15.00•." SPECIAL, • "Presto" Fountain •Pens 14-K Point. •This ' is a Real Good Serviceable Pen. TO CLEAR AT $1,15' SPECIAL "Pada", 5 -Tube 1. Radio; coin- ' •plete om-'.•plete with :all •Batteries and Cope Speaker. 'ONLY '$125.00 SPECIAL. Z hildrent " 5. Sgol d io-• .Goad' K 'Rings,:: Signet :•and. Stone; Set ati. , 65E. ;And 75c.. • . , SPECIAL, See . Our 50c. Tray of Bar Pins and Brooches, Values: up.' to 41"75. GOING. AT :50c. SPECIAL 't3eautful little Cut; Glass . Bud Vase, .easily 'worth ?twice.•the.'inbneyw ` 'ONLY 1'c. .EACH r: SPECIAL, Beads of j all leindit and eo1-- ora; long- and • short;, at y 011 It`EGULAR PRICE • 'SPECIAL '?actor," Records:- -A Large:. Selection to choose from. Make•Your sown selection, at 3. RECORDS ;FOR• $I O0 0. FRIDAY. MORNIN SPECIAL - 'One.. .. 1:11;1ot andEndar grouped', together, 'Values iPto 0,. for .;•, .,.:. y , .. ,. $ ,2G:. • Cups' and .Saucer's, "Rpya1' Albert,''tiFme•' English Bone' China;' 15.e. R 1 NG SPEC( AL_ :x' One Big Lots of Odds and; Ends, groutf.d ,together. Values nil >to $5.00,.:for. ...,•�..�,,,••.......;:. 4444 _ • • a .2$,. DON'T MISS THIS 7'HIs GREATSPECIA- L WATCHES Gent's Gld-Pilled Strap Watch: Regular $12.00 foI Boy's Nickel Pocket Watchon: • Sale, for: . a. •: 1.49 . - •. 4:44$4 Gent's 15 -Jewel Pocket Watch,: best 'gold filled, Regular $15.00; for. $0.75 "Regina" Strong_ .,Nickel 'case, 18 - size, Regular $16,00, for.;, •$10,50 12 -Size, White Gold -Filled; 15, Jewel, :Reg. $25,00, 'fer ,.$17,,00. Ladies' Watches ' White God Plated 15 -Jewel ,Wrist Watch -.-A .Bar ain S >, �t4:95: White Gold Filled 15 -Jewel . Wrist Watch, Extra Value ,,.." „ Beautiful'_ little Gold' Filled : 15 Jewel, Carved case, Reg.$15.00 for _ • ., w.i r , $9.45' white Gold Rectanguiur,•-1.5-Jew, -• el, Regular $23.00, ,for . $15.00 THESE ARE: ON LY ,A� FEW EXAMPLES,.OF W TC A CH •BAR- 'LARGE TAKEN FROM ` OUR> STOCK OF FINE • HIGH-GRADE WATCHES 00,0 •},'Y ais «_�. 4444:• •. }•r.,4rv. Ww