HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-10-06, Page 5• , • . „ , -.FRONT '144DWARE WITH THE COLD WEATHER UST* •AHOU.ND THE' .CORI4Elt,;IT MAKES ITS THOM, OF STOVES AND BEAT- '' • 6ARgi: ¶flIE FASQUS. "COSY HOME UEEEC" biAto.g•Illr'THE f`RAPPY;TROUGRT pROBI4P4'" IIN AN 19 IN OYBISf AND ‘thRet Limo" TNT*1tESERVOIR ALSO 111;4^ otivogc.,..wrra.AN 18 IN OVEN,AND CIRCU..- . LATINO RESERVOIR,. IF YOU ARE ,:IN NEED OF A:. NEW • .RANGE, PAY US. A *CALL BEFORE BUYING'. WE CAN SEND' • YOU TO -:MANY 'SATISFIED USERS:. AND :THE PRICE' IS RIGWF, ALSO THE coin( LNG, BAKING AND -111S/ATING.:,. • THR NEW tfco$vuo-hig,';'.rpii . , . . .HEA'FER, EITHER. ogpl.hr4ikir FINISH, :•01t;,TRE .ALL •A L L lAyS ON HAND. Just Unloaded Fresh Car 0,,'em tt 'Lime', Plaster arid Gyproc Alwa1 On land " arclirare .; • .00.41.' P14mbin.g.•Tinsmithing LitaknOw Phone 74 1'1/Ingham:, Nunes 256 onumental Works. • 'lloa the largest and niost eoniplete : Stock in the Meet beautiful, designs toehdone froman___ Marbie Scotch, Swedish and Can- ' "but Grau4tee. We mike n specialty of Family Monument.. and invite your line*. tion.- . • , inscriptions Neatly, 'Carefully Mid . .` Promptly Done. See /is before plaiing. your Order. Douglas Bros.' R. A. /batten • Lucknow. Ont. , • L 0 L. No. 428, Lucknow-meets * the second Tuesday ofevery month in their hall, ,at 6 •9'eleelt.. 0, Mullin, W. M.; P. darter, aec. se;.. .CANADIAN. lIORSESIDITE' PITCH ING ',CONTEST' TO DECIDE : .CANADIAN 'CHAMPION • • , • Pitching Horseshoes has been a 'popular; sport ,in almost every town •` and village in Ontario for many • years. The genie nowi comes into national prominence with the an- nouncement that the Ontario ,Athletic • Commission hassponsored a. Contest to decide. the Canadian Horseshoe ' 'pitching ChaMpionship. ',The contest, will be held in the Judging Ring Of • the 'new Livestock Buildings, it •the. •'Royal Agricultural Winter Fait,' dur- ing the second week, Anal contests being staged on theevening of Ns- ' vember pith. , Official: rules which have been :accepted in running • oil .; local contests will govern .thes( matches, ' They Call for a forty , foot • pitch and shoes two-andA-half pounds in .weight. • \Standard pitching shoes and other equipment will be provided :at tin contest, and the games will.be refer, • 'oeir by an Official appointed by th( •• Ontario Athletic Comhaissipn. Prov. inees outside Ontario are showing keen interest and are selecting pick' ed, teams for the match.. The winnini team; will gain possession for on( " Year of a trophy eniblematic of the Championship' of Canada. Gold Med, • alp will be awarded to the individual , members, of the winning team and Silver Medais in the case of the run, -"" , • 'fliiEM•WHILE YOUNG ..The. Tees',Writer.,,News,..had :Oti• ".1.t.has been brought to the sitten..;' tion Of the 'Netirs,.thatilrlre are a few yillage :who aie shapeeted Of taking snufl "itlete.r. 7 'Ire* the stores and in -feet. two Or. •:1:Ahree. heyebeen. apPrehenifect' This ealled to the attention of all par • O1/2its tO warn their childi•en that•thiS nSt be Stepped' as: after this notice thefe'"Willrhell•roseeutintiti•Af All --whe.• Otitilltathe--litereltant#141*-40•..._ forialatit Lq ,104,ve ,OtO otappOdi" .•••••••••=sma.. SAI4E Of 'Valuable Farm in the Township '• Of. Wawanosh. 7 The Administratrbc uf the' Estato, of Edward Haines, dereased;•Will of ---feirfer-z,sale-by--.pnblie-Auction•or6the--• premises en Tuesday; the .eleventh day. of October;; ' A.D. 1027, at a 0', clock in the afternoon, ;the.; following, valaable property, TM' • ,South half of number Twentyaev- n1.-in the; Tenth Coneession of the° Township of Wawehosh ,the Coun- ty of Huron, Containing' One hundred acres of land more or less. . -\This- property is sitAate, about ,four and one-half Miles from the VtIlage Of "Whitechurch, one Mile from sehool and; tptir miles froni: Church, on z'Ood "gravel 'road. s• Thore are about eighty acres- cleared and about ten acres of ...gocid bush, and all the clear, .ed land is in grass:. ' There are on 'the'rriremises. a .goed eight -roomed frame hirise ,:and p, :frame barn :34',x 74 and ,straw shed 28'x 58 with stone foundations undei both, barn and shed,' a good orchard; and a good well with'''. windmill an pump attached. The farm- is in ex„ cellent,conditiOn throughout. ' TERMS, OF SALE: .,Ten per •cent of the purchase money on the day 04" sale and the :balance Within • thirty -days-•thereafterTw--The---Puephaser he entitled' to immediate Posses:slot.' Further ternis and conditions ,of salt will be made •kfiroWn' at the time , sale or may be had on. application t the 'undersigned. : • At thesame tiine and' place:Will 'be 'Offered .for sale 'tthe following house; hold, goods and 'effects, namely: 1, sideboard, 1' diningroom table; 1 secretary, 1 •lounge, 1 ,organ. 6 cane bottom chairs, 6 kitchen chairs,, bedrooin suites,' 2 iiedsteadh, 1 kit chen table, 1 Cupboard, 1 kitcher Stove, 2 heaters, -1 oil stove. 1 feathe,' bed and pillows, 1 set of bed springs a quantity, of .bedding and table;linen a number of farm and:garden -tool's cutlery, pictures and other :articles too ,numerous to mention, 1 rebe, r quantity of wood split and in tIi woodshed. • '• • TERMS' OE- SALE • OF • • CHAT TELS: Sums of Ten dollars and unr der, cash; and for sums over the, lalOarit, approved' joint notes at siy -nonths will be accepted. ' DATED this twentieth day of .Sep tember, A.D. 1927. ' , R. VANSTONE, Wingham, Ontario., . Vendor'm Solicitor (8-10-c) •• • a 'UNRESERVED AUCTION SA LE 0 . - FARM STOCK,. _ W. Albert Campbell offer',fnr tale by public auction at Lot N. 114 Concession 5, E. Wawahosh, on , Wednesday, October 12th '. commencing At 1 olicloek .Horses, ' Cattle; ...Sheep and Poultry'. 1' Aged Mare And Pereheron Colt:, 1 Road Brood Marc. 12, years ' OW, wit+ foal at foot; Sired '.by the Great Wid- ower, -by-Peter-the-Great. _ThlhMar- has beeri a verk successful Slioi.Y Mare. 1 two.yottrold-Porclieron .Coli: 1: Aged Horse; .1 ,Sevent-year-old Driving Horse; 5 Two -Year-old Stoeta ...fat;. 2. TWA:I-Year-old, . .1;te.ifers„,j fat; 2 earring, Steers;- 6 Yearling Heifers: Spring Calves; 'Co* -*-1. Dry ,Cow; , .photthorri Bull -Silver Creek Chief, 116949; 17 Oxtord 18. OXforel 75 Year-old Purebred Plymouth ' 'Rock 1 -tens. - •-•: TERMS -Sums under 410.00, over that amount. '9 months' credii will be' • given- nn • frinshiiig aprgrevo4 'pint hotel. Pour per-.'derit, 'discount straight allowed for cash on aoclit amounts. . Positively -No .Reserve. -'iir;ffAlbort-Gamtabelle WGuridrY4i-gOri. Proprietor. ' Auctioneers. .C1,t0"..KNO.-)Y i'ALL !AIR 7 L. .... • •io a lyesAr(;41..ay Bros., B. R. McNay & Bens- Herd- - McKay Bins.,, Jas. VOiSterp Hereford Cattle. - * Bull 2 years -Geo. Kennedy.. Bull 2 Years -Geo. Kennedy,. Pull calf, ,p. 11. McNay & Sons. Bull calf. mos. and: under -J. T. Lyons.' Aged T..Lyons,,Geo. Kennedy. Cow years, -4.' T, Lyons 1 & g. lleif,er 72 _years -Geo. .. Kernredy;, J. T. 1.-.YonS, Heifer. 1 Yr. -J. T. .I;Yens 1.& 2.. Herf-' er Kennedy, J. T. Lyons. 'Heifer calf p• 'nos, and. underw-Geo, 'Kennedy,' J. T. Lyons: 'Female .anY age-,J.:t W. Lyons, ,..11erd,--00. Ken- nedy, J. Tl Polled Aligns, • " ..Bull 1 yr. -E. G. Todd .1•& 2. Bull. j. Brooks; Bull' -calf 6 Inns. and under -F. : G. Todd. Aged. cow - F. G. Todd 1, &. 2; Cow. 2. yrs. -F. G. 'Todd 1 ,4 2.. Heifer 2 • yr. -F. Todd 1 & 2.' Heifer 1 tr.--40. G. Todd: &. 2.,11eifer.oalt-41;7•6..ircidd: Heif- "Pr' calf 6" mos. and G. Todd 1 -&•2, Female • any.aget-F„: G. Todd . Heril-F. G. Todd r& 2. • '', Ilolatein Cattle: • ,: •• Bull !".anY:•. age -Ewart '' Taylor. Fe - Male any age -E. Taylor? Heifer' calf . -E. Taylor: Cow -E, Taylor 1 & Heretl,--E. Taylor. Specials -Cattle. 13est bullon the grounds ---F. G Todd. 13est hlock animal -F. G. Todd 13est: cattle beast. -F.' G. Todd. Best „herdany breed -F. G. Todd, Geo Kennedy, Grade Cattle, • , Cow -P.- Malillart; R. Mar"- tin, 'Heifer-. 2 yrs. -W. R. 1VIartin, T. .Lyons Heifer 1 T. LY., ins 1 & 2, Heifer calf -W. It. Mar- tin, J. T. Lyons. Short -keep steert W.• R, • Martin, P. J: McMillan.. Steer , 1, year -W. R. Martin, P. J. Steer dalf7t.Jas. 7.',Lvons. Dairy owned in LucknowAlex. An drew, • D. Milne. ;Herd -W: R. Mar. tin. Fat •calf -F. G. Todd, J. T. Lyt Jersey Cattle: Feniale_ohY,age---E: Taylor. Cow- • Alex. Andfew. • SHEEP ',Leicester: • Aged .ratt-2G. B. A:rnistierig;: Ed Purves. • Shearling ram -G. B. ' Arm- *orig.; Ed. Turves. Ram 'Jamb -Ed Pnrves, • G. B. Arinstrong.- Aged' •ewe Arrerstrong-1.---&-2---s-henrling..- -nve-,G 13: Arrnstrong,, Ed. Farves'. '7.we lainh,--G. B. „Armstrong; . Ed. •73urves.,- Armstrong. Slicarling Oxfords': • ". - • , ram -J.. L. ,Telton. Ran, lamb -J. L. Token •1 & 2. '.?hropshire• Downs. . Aged Ram --W.'111. Henry. Shear - in g,ren,--LW. M. Renry. Ram lamb...-. W. M. Henry. Aged ewe -W. M. Hen- ry.t-Sheerling ewe -W., M. ' Henry Ewe lanib--7W.. M. Henry. 1. & 2:: Pet: M. Henry... . • Dorsett Horn.• ' • Ram --W. ' M. Henry.. Ewe -W. M , Tienry 't 8a.2,; Shearling•ewe-w. Henry 1 &•••2. Ewe larnbt--W. M. Hen- , 2. Pen -W. M. Special Sheep. , Ram any. age, or breed --G.. B. Ann. Strong,. Fat ewe -Ed. Purves: 0. B A.rmitrong.; 3 Market • Jambs -Ed Purves. Flockof sheep -G.. B. Arm.. stronerW;M: Henry. '• SWINE Berkshires. ' _ Brood spW=las. Alton, & Son. Sow farrowed ' in •1927 -'--Jas. Alton '..& Soh', Boar farrowed in 1927 -,Jas. Altor Son. • Arsikshfrei Roar 6 mos.--McKerizie• Webb 1 & 2 Boar--Tas. Alton .& Keith Roar under 6 mos. ---•D. Keith 1 & 2 Brood sow -D. Keith, Jas., Alton :& Sen.Sow 6-.mos.,Ja.S. Alton & Son „McK. 'Webb.• Sew under. 6 mos. -Jas klton & Sen. 1 •Se 2. • • Tainwpiths. • Boar 6 :mos., 'tinder '12 -Jas. Alien & Son. Brood sow7-Jes. Alton' 4 - Seri. Sew .6 mos. -Jas. Alton & 'Soh Sow 6 mop.' and under -Jas. Alton • rt• Spode's-Swine. •, • „. 8 Baron., hogs,-Jass. Alton & Son, Pen bf hogs -D. Keith, Jas.; Alton & Son. Berkshire Sow -Jas. 'Alton & Son 1•& 2; • • POULTRY ' A•lieo6cna C - k8. L Milier Hen -W. Miller. Bantams -W. I. Miller. Min. oras, black. cock -W. I. Miller. Her -W. I. Miller. Plymouth Rock bar- rnd cork,W.. I. Miller 1 & 2. Hen - W 1 Miller 1'ot, 2,, Wiandottes, white. rock -W.. r.• Miller. Hen -W. I. Mill - $9n, .• Pea8, Ilarge--,A. Schinidt, Jas Alton 4. Solt Pees'$eh- nudt ,-Jas. Alton ,•4 $0n.., Timothy seed Schralicit, Jos, Alton 4'Son... Flax. rie:et:-.•faa,Altot,.•Bon.Alfalfa . te,..1;:Riatettnr$on,pI • Oeec -Hunter. EPot Cern-A. SelnOcit. •14xifioyirers.,-Vsr. Cam- eron. : • nd „.Seella-• Schmidt,Jas. 4,.'a ce• Son. Col- .. . 71e. cAti:Ons.phf:;igi4a.in an.d, ;.1!.1:ass.ies RoOts and,',:lregfta.bytif , in straw • :,•• • varieties. oppmtqt;. Elwood '00101ntirt . Early poiiitoeS.,,4; S chmidt, w,Killer.. Late pOtatbloP' :Ifnnter, A.' Miller. • 'Men yellow. -A. Sehmidt,'..Mrs: D. M. TlfetapOn.,' ,Swocte • HO, .111C• ThorripsOn.. Sugar.. 'beets ' Schrnidt Field. carrots -A. •sphodt.. Jas. Alton 4 Son. -Winter cabbage - Jas. Reid, A. Schmidt.. Squash -P. J. - McMillan. Collection ...of field,:'roota.--1. Schmidt. .Citrons -Jas. .. Alton- Af ,Son,. A. • Sehmidt: 'Schmidt, K. Cameron ..(Lucknow)( s:Tahle:?carrots,-;tIong-4A.' Schmidt, K. Canieron (Lucknow). .Table carrots 'phoft.4-Mrs,"'D„, MacMorran, 'K; .cdrperon, (1.4iehn9w): • long - A. Schmidt, ••• J. R. ,• ". t "San. .Beets, short -J.• . i Son Mrs. D. M. , Thom." ' hes- A. 'Schmidt, •Margert toes-,...taa. • Alton 4 14 'Taylor Corn,. 'Golden. „ton "& Son, A. 'Schmidt. Ce Cameron (Lucknow), • . '7. , • 'Map - Kenzie. ,Collerywl-W , pier. Waterniellori4,--Jas. a, 'A . Sehmidt.• ,Beans, .si. •" Schmidt, Jas. 'Reid...F other ilki•okier Shn, Dutch. sets -A. SChm' onion -A. Schmidt.. ,Pote4-e• onfeinat;-4as, Alton . & .•Son. ' .Sc . , •.• 1nions. - red -Jas. Reid, :Yellow -4. "Alton & • Son, A. Schmidt' ✓ egetables, 3 varieties -A. .Schmidt K. Cameron .'(Lneknow)..ColleCtion. of garden produce -A. 'Schmidt. ' DAIRY .AND TABLE, SUPPLIES. • Collection of butter...• Campbell, Mrs. 1'. I3lake, Mrs. .Jas. Webster. Crock .oft butter -Mrs *, •N. Carripbell, .Mrs. , Jas; • Webster; Mrs. W. L.'Gardner. -Butter in cprintsw-:: MTa.'N, Campbell, Mrs. P. J. MeMill- ati. Sweepstakes, best' butter shown N. ,.:Campbell. ..Hpme.„.made 'bieatl-(f..elix"Y7istendeet-'lltnir)Ars,--•JT .Purvis, Mrs. G. Ilunter,ollome: made, bread„••Havelock T. Blake. Mr's. Jas. Purvis. - ROMA made, bread 'Maple leaf flour -Mrs. T. Blake, Mrs N. Campbell. Horne, made bread;TPur7 itY flour-Mrs.;•Eivart.'Taylor; Mrs. T Blake. Horne, made ...breed, :pure 'gold E. Taylor, Mrs.: S. . A • Cernochari, Home.'rnade, bread, White •Taylor, .' Mrs,.. T. .Blake.. Home made • breed, T Blake; Mrs:: !Jas. • ,Purvis. Home imade Mit , bread -Mrs,' Wellington ' Hender- son. Mrs: • G. il-turite.r.:' Collection pas- try . baking, ',made Mrs, J. NV:Stanley, 'Mrs: Jas. Purvis. Five Jas. ..Webater Mrs. c Wel?, Henderson,',; Mrs; -Robert Beattie. Vegetable salad-wMrs.:EWart Taylor, Mrs::•.Rebt. • Beattie. 'Fruit salad -Mrs. Wel. Henderson, Mrs. R., Beattie: ':C011ection., honeAade candy Jas, •Stanley, Mrs.. 0. Hunter Margaret Taylor. 1111aPle :sugar -A. Schmidt.L. Supper •for working:man- -Mrs. Robt. Beattie; Mrs. Wel. Hen- derson. Mrs. Jas. 'Stanley. Collectios of baking ..sweetened with ''Beekist honey --Mrs. • T. J. Salkeld. Mrs.'"E Taylor, Mrs. J. Stanley: Horheimado 'mins .plain -Mrs. T. Blake,";Mra,N -Cits, white -a*Mrijsn'rb.-e14. T-11"9.44Ge.-m-ardnliedre;34s8ret.i. Gard- ner. • ..Hoine Made' biscuits, brown - Mrs. Jas.' Purvis,•Mrs. Jas. Stanley }Janie_ 'made acons-Margaret Taylor. Geo': Hunter. .0abrieal, cookies - Mrs. Jas.' Purvis. Mrs. J. S. MacKen- zie.• 'Cookies. Blake, 'Mrs. .Tas.. Statilnv. Laver cake Iiht-Mrs; W. J. Miller, B. Solomon T"..ayer ::cake; dark -Mrs. R. Beattie 'Mrs.. W...Peity. •Johnin'eak&11rs. Webster., Mrs. • Geo. Itnnter: bread--MrS. D. C. MacMorran. Mrs. . , . ,T."MaCKenZie, Fruit cake -Mrs. . , j -hinter. Mts.; Wel., Henderrieri,' Dough, ..nuts -Mrs. Geo. Hunter, Mrs. ;les Purvis. Crean!' rinffs-Mrd;Wel. Hen- derson.' • ' Mrs., J8q Webster. '•Lemor nie-t-Mrs.-. "Geo, 'Hunter. Mrs. C. R: Copelend. 'Apple ;pie=dUrS; Wel. Hen- • 'derson, Mrs. ' Jas: • Purvis. Tart Mrs. C. It...Conetand. MrATIVel. Hen, `deraon. Pnrnnkin pie-WMrSJas. Pur." Mrs. E. Tavlor. Collection of hon Salleeld, Jars Canned frnit- Mr's, P. M..Thoinnaen, Mrs. J. Web. sten Mrs. V%T T. Gardner. 'Jars fruit -Mrs. D. M. Tfioinpsori. 'Jars Panned toiiietoes-Margaret • ' Taylor' Mrs. T. Blake, Three varieties jelly, - Mrs. D. C. MacMorren.• Three .:Yarieties • Pic1vlea7- Mrs. 'Wm; Percy, •Mrs. C. R. .COne;. Manle syrup -J. • R. • Hackett' MrS,W.-Perey, • ' SCHOOL 'CHILDREN'S'. DEPT.' troMestic Science; "4. " White bread -Olive Plake;.. Edith Stanley:- Loaf . nut bread--t-MeiriorY• Henderson. Edith Stanley. ..•,•Sugar. cookies -Stella. Steward, Olive Blake. 'Baking powder biaciiits-'--Elwood Sol - •Edith Stanley. ,Sponge ;Cake - =Helen Beattie. Edith Stanley. Layer -"Ciih-e7-=.41-nr 'tory' Henderson.' • OliVr., :Blake.- Apple- pie -loan, Copeland , -Alatitiryttlenelersen,--Lemon-tiie,Mar- . ietv ,Iiesderson,. 'Edith Stanley:Can. , -nod .ro.spberries,‘ and canned "plums -7 • ' • ' ""."), Stella SteWard-. _ t -T. J. Salkeld; Gee. Greer,. Ben .Dev- is---W.1.- M411ei. T. J, Salkeld. CuI yertat.W.''I:: Miller; DuCheha.-L-Georgo: an,eWeeter-Alei.c.„ dreW.; . Gen, Greer: ,Cranberry 'Sailed& Maiden b!ushes-W - 1 Ilrr, T. . .T Salkeld. Gravenateins, keld', Geo, Greor. Canada Ited-Alex Andrew.. W: I, Afiller. King, of Tomp- kins Onunty-W7 J R -Man 4'1 'Millet, do*, Hmkett, Geese. , • Gander -Jas. Alton & -Son, W. I GoOse-,-jas. Alton. & Son, P J. McMillan. 17(r. Terkey-P. J. McMillan. Chickens 'of 1927.. .``' • • neopa%,\ Coekerelt.-'-W. I. , Miller PulletW. I. Millen. Leghorn, :White r'oclreI._WT. T. Miller 1 & 2. Pullet= W. I. Miller' 1 '& 2. Minorda, black .eocleor,o1=W: T. Miller. 1 & 2. Pullet I. Miller 1 & 2..PlYmouth Rock' barred roekerel-W. L Miller. •1•& 2 P1VMontli Rock, ;Inv vnriety, coekirel T..Miller. Pullet= -W. •I, 'Miller P..,T, 'cleekerei-7-W. it. ght1/1-..7: Ptillet--W.- P. Martin. -..,Wiandotte: whito 1.-M1,11er -Miller-f--&-27•Anrittane- ,dard varintv.'torieerelW. 1. Miller 1 &F,',2;, Pullet -.2, -Vit. •Miller 1 & .2 Pigeons -K. Cameron (LucknOwl pets -K. Cameron • rttu.s. wiiite*Mrs," Tas, WebSter.. Olive Blake. -Eggs, .broWn.L-Mrs...D C. MeeMorran; MTS. Jas: Webster. . • !-•'" -7OTIAIN 7 • 'Fall whAt, red---lAncl,7SCInhielt, -• Aftoi.!,ct , Son., Eta wheat.twhitet--A Silimidt, . Alton - (ft Son, ;Spring whost-Jas. Alton 4.8.0n. A Schmidt': .0sts, lsna• Jae Alton & San. J. R. Hackett & Son :Oats, Pthbr.-A..'Sainniat; US. Jae, Alton::& 8on Hackett & P 'Pt „ n Blenheim pippins -.--Alex. Andrew, !„ R. Hackett," Ontario -T. j(.Sallreld, A. Andrew. Rhode Island greerungs-A, Andrew, • Goldea..russett-4. ; J. Sal- keld, Alex. Andrew. Snow -T. , J., . : '. Sal. celd4''.::'Ua6k.SPr7r-‘L Sal- keld,A13Andrew. Wg;4HW 'Miller,. Geo, Hunter. Macintosh red-, -Aleir_Andrew,, T. J, Salkeld. , Any oth- er fall.Yarietk-,Aleg-'Andkew, T. J. -Salheld,' Any other winter -yarioty'....l 'T, J. Salkeld. • Variety fall'apples-4'. ' J,.:Salkeld,•. W.'1, Miller,: Narietter... ' winter apples -Alex -.Andrewi.I'T, ' 4 saJk0,41, W. - 1. -1,4110, ' Varieti- named' . apples -W. '1." Miller, Alex :Andrew, . "-Crab .akiles,*.any varietyrW.'lt„.Mill-,' ' Ti '4. Salkeld., Fall •Pears. -AT;' 41,, • Salkeld,'. Mrs.;' E. ,Taylor. 'Winter. Irate .:;,..Mrs..,";=Jaa,--t'Stanleyo-,----A.':-:;.Schanidt.-. Plums,' blue4lifrii.::E. ,Taylor, ,Jarnei Reid. Plinnai, -red-T. :L.. Salkeld. Plums yellow -Jas. -Reid... Grapes any bine varietY-T.t ioi l,Salkeld „Grapes, any„red-,..t.J.. Salkeld. Col,' lection " grapes -T. J. Salkelch. Quinces Jas.: Alton '& son, cOnso' of applaa- *...r, ' Niii.r, Jas. R. Hackett, T. '.I.* "Salkeld; . .., . -. . k • Ott' Paintings.FINE.•• :.4'1:,17! , ..Landheape from : nature -Mrs. .: Sav- age, Miss • M. ' Livingstone. ,• Scene' (.conY)w-Miss' M. Livingstone, :.Mrs • , Savage, Fish of • genie(co y.).,...Mies ?II, M. 1.ivingatone.' Sirgle pie'. 1 (origi.• nal1.,Mrs. Savage, Miss Livin Stone. :Collection oil 'neibitings;w-M. Living - .stone. Mrs; W..1: Miller., Water Colors.': ' • , •Marine, view (cony -Mrs. , D, C . MeeMorran,, • Miss , • Livingstone. • Seen r (originol)Mra. CI ' Ri,.:.COpel4nd. 'II ' MoOnillin. • . Aninvils or • groilp-n-lvfis . 'Livingstone Mrs Savage' Fruit ain' vonetables-M. Livingstone, Rett - c ay. Any eriermal 3uJjeet-7Mrs . Savage:, Mary 'Wilson. .. i, ' Miscellaneous." • ; ' - . . ,. . PeAtel. 'fi'griebr ftriirbol-Mies A -M,_C,arfick„ Mrs., Savage. Senia„any_ : (original., subiect, 7.... M::.• 1.13/111-eetbii.r7.' TTN5 A. M., Csrrick. ;Cravon.,. colors= ' Miss A. M. Carrick.' • .Retta •McLav elhareoal---A:. M. Cerrick..C., R. C°0- 1,ind,.,1 Collection 2, 'sketches,: afilfrv frpm .ntiture-A, M. .c.q.rricic.. ..11-e4;,. , MPLav.: Kodak vieWii.,wMrs,..T, Purvi' vT•A.rn'aret• Taylor,. Poster • design -A M. :Carrick, Re4:te. MeLay. • Coilentior• •kaintint. on..china-51. -1:ivirierstone Tett-' .' MeLay. Conventional •.pitintin''.,. rn rhi.nell11.,Livingstone, 'Mit., D. C . __•:‘:_l'ac.,M. ci, iran,. ..p.' ••tow' ERs. • , .7 ', . - . ., . ' . • , . Asters,. l'eid.E. • Solornen. ' Enol:r: .Pt•ow..11., Asters; •white -E. '. Soh:en:M. ; ..'11!-.1itTi 1,....e! -,111E; ... 1"S"o IPOICI reel i. en. ' n hi rl) igahol!"10. dwe4e . --Mrs. ,JA-ttrl"urvis. bililtes,. colteetio- -;-Mrs: 'Rol:it, Beattie. Mrs. Jas. Pur. vis. .01(idiole, eollectionE: Salonion- ez.''.1-1. Sniitli„ MerigoldsE: Solomon'. •Ail.A.. ri,' M. ThompSori.' •Sweet neehrt-t '.P4orhon.:. M. D. C. MacMorran 1 Penhies.-S. A.' Careeehan,'. G. Hunter .9n ArdragOTiS-4], .. Solomon. , Stocks- ''. Solomein..- ,Zenias-G.. •11„,: Smith.; Mrs. • Robt: Beattie. Collection -Mr, : WM... MacKenzie. • E. Stilomon.';Eiisnlay hnnuals-Mi•h:',,p... c,,,mgemerran.- Dis-. 4.'day '•perennials-7-MrS. D. C. Mlie,, Moran. • Roses; 'white -G. ,IT., Sinith.: R.oses, criinsciii.• .nink. or ,red77G.,:. TT Smith ' i ..ft ' 2. ;Roses. golden eopncr Or ;•yalOW--L417. IT. Smithi-.Celleetior roses -G. H. ;Smith.. P413qPrfalaiiiti:7; ''.re;X:-Mrs.::-W-ef. liender-: son. MI:s:: "Wm.. MacKenzie.. Begonia , tuberetipMes... D. .M.: Thornoson.:' Be- gonia. :. any 'other -P. :J.'. ' lircmitho , Mrs. . Wm: MaeKerilie:' Fern•HMis:, .E, Taylor; , E. Solemn* Gerailums, ..dOu-, ble 'bloom -Mrs. D. M. :, Thom,nSon. One.' house. nlant77P. J... • MeMilliiii Mrs. ' E. Taylor. Floral exhibit -Mrs D. it Thompson..., Puscin-E. Sol. .oh!on. Primrose -._-Mrs. D. M. 'Ilhomp• ..., SCHOOL . CHILDREN'S: DEPT.' '.' Beets,. short -Geo. . Minter, . 'Edith Stanley. Carrots. •short -Geo. Renter Edith Stanley: Onions'. AnY variety-. Edith Stanley. - Geo:: 'Minter, .'Vege- tables. any 'other -Edith Shipley. K .. Cameron.' Bouquet of garden. Bonier.: .-LS..A..,' Carticiehiiii...:Helen Beattie. ..2. . , s. , . . MISCELLANEOUS Hard. span -Mrs. . :Ins... Webster- :MrS. W. T. Gardner. Grocery display ,---t. I. Salkeld. • W. • E. McDonald Hen's eggp„ white -Mrs., Jas. .Web. :stet... Olive Blake. ,Hen's • eggs. ' brown -Mrs.. B. C. MacMorran, Mrs. Jas• Webster:',,.•Inseets (injurious).--lYffS ' W. T. Gardner, „ ', lif • so' 'ir••• • • MI! gob. , Aet,INt. . • : • well -to• -do citizens in this country . • owe their/ start -toward Success to opening a savings . accoutrt • in early life and practising thrift in Order to build up-thavacebunt. ; • • : Are yowbuilding up•your success ' fund at the Bank of Montreal, :which. for %veil over a century has •been conserving- the ' . „ • Establphecl 1817 Assets in excess or T. S. REID Local Branch Manager o.000.ocoo • Hand hem stitching -‘.-Mrs. 3.,..S. Mac- Kenzie; .Mrs: G.' T. Robertson. Eyelet eni roidery-MrS. J. S. MacKenzie, s\.:Savage Solid white embroidery M. LivingStone, Misor'Lyons: Hard - anger embroidery-Mrs.'Savage, - 'Me: Livingstone.' Modern floral embroid: LADIES DEPT. -HOME 5EAN'F: Ladies' Work -Mobil. • Floor mat -.Mrs. • Jas.'Gaunt, M. Livingstone'. Quilt,: .pieced -11,- Web- ster, Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. • Quilt,. faney.--Mrs. , Floyd Campbell, Rettn MeLay. Quilt,:;any other -Mrs. J. S MacKenzie, M. Livingstone. Comfort- er; home.' made -Mrs. Wel. Hender- son, Mrs. J'..• T Lyons. .Fancy bed spread -Mrs, Wm. Percy;" :Nis.. Jas. Purvis? Motor rug -Mrs, Savage. Man's working shirt--MoLivingstohe • Mrs. Jas. Gaunt, 'Hand made', cotton garnientirs, J. S. MacKenzie, Ret - fa ,MeLaY. Working apron -Mrs.., Henderson, A. M. Carrick. ' Working house dress;• -•Mrs.. Wel... -.Henderson,' Mrs, J. T. Lyons., Hand 'knit socks, .coaree.-4Mrs. D. Huston; Mrs: J. . Gaunt. • Hand •knit socks, fine -Miss Livingstone, Mrs. D. linston, •Hand knit' mitts. donble-Mrs. Savage, Mrs 5.:-141atelcenzie.. Hind: knit mitts fine -Mrs. J. S.' MacKenzie, M. Lirl. Ingstone:: Sweater coat -.Mrs; 3. ,• S. Mrielcerfird:Uvingstette.. hhawl--Mra, Savage, Mrs. J.' S:' Mac-, Kenzie.. Mending hole in beiSe-Mrs D. C. MacMorran. Labor-saving de. vicesL--Mrs. MacKenzie, Mrs, 'R.. C.-1VfaelVferran. - • , Irish' croehetz--M. 'tiyingstone, Mks Savage. • Fillet crochet_-'7Mrs.• J. S. MacKenzie. Mrs. 1. Gaunf - Tatting MrS.;',P...- S. -MacKenzie: M.---LiVirrgeitorie:'; Braid ithread lace -Mrs., Savage. • Livingstone.' Other.hand made lace - Margaret Taylor, -' Mrs.,0:.,Ti Robert- on. brawi.i 'thread- tedidc...41is, Say - 90:,e, Miss Lyons.. Swedish Weaving, - Mrs., S. -MacKenzie, Mrs: Savage. Modern heading -Mrs. S. MacKen- zle. A. M. Carrie*. Rennin ent work ,:gfoir ery7-.Mrs. Savage,- Mrs. R. Beattie. Conventional embroidery -Mrs. Sav- age, M. Livingstone. Luncheon ' 'Set embroidery -Miss Lyons, Hazer Web- ster. Luncheon set, other - hand work Livingstone, Mrs. J. S. MaeKen- -zie. Tea -cloth-A. M. Carrick, Mrs Floyd. .Campbell. Serviettea-Retta, McLay,-.Mrs. D. ' C. MacMorran. Tablc doilies.7,.-Mrs. Savage; M. Livingstone.. Table 'J. S. MacKenzie -Mrs. Savage. Tea ;iosy-TMiss. Lyons, Mrs. Savage. Tray ' cloth -M:. ,stone,' Mrs. C. R. Copeland. Service tray -M. Livingstone, Mrs: D. C eMacMortan. -Buffet set -Mrs. G. T Robertson, .Mrs. Savage. Beelioorn towels, embroidered -M.. Livingstone Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie. Bedroom -0,W - els, other hstrid: work -Mrs . G. T: Robertson, Mrs. , J. S. • MacKenZie. Bath towel and. wash cloth -M. Liv.: ingstone, Hazel Webster.. Pillow cas- es ,hand trimmed -Mrs. G.. T. Rob- ertson, Mrs. Savage. Day pillow • slips, band work -Mrs. G. T. Robert-. hon..Mrs. R. Beattie. Fancy sheet -,,M Livingstone; Mrs. Savage. Boudoir (ourtairis--M. Livingstone, :Mrs. ,J. S. MacKenzie. Dresser and . stand c0v• - eri-Mis6 Lyons. Mrs. W. Porey. Pin cushion -M., Livingstone, .Mrs. Sav- age. Ladies! night robe, embroidered -M. Livingstone, -Mrs.. R. 'Beattie Ladies' .night robe, other' hand 'w'ork Livingstone, Mrs. J. S. Mac- Kenzie.. Ladies'. hand made camesol7- Mrs. Savage, , Mrs. J. S. MacKenzie • Ladies' -fancy tea apron -Mrs. G. T Robertson, Mcs. Savage. 1.,adies' wrist bag -Mrs. C. R. Coneland, A •N. Carrick. Ladies' handkerchief's- -Mrs. 11 C. ,MaeMorren, Mrs; J. S 'Mac'Kenzie. Boudoir slipners-m, ingstime, MISS' ,1.Yonh: Infarit'h: w6ar -M. Livingst,me, Mrs, 1., S, Mae, Kenzie.. Infan'ts wear, flannel -Mrs,. Savage, A. ?it.:• ,darriblc: Child's ronin - et suit-Mrs-Sayage, Mr'. Meeker • Librarir tahl.C,runner,..,enthroifiert:, ed -Mrs. MacKenzie, A. M. ;Carrick Library tilde ----runner,Onother • hand work -M. Livingstone, ItTrs. Savage age. A. X. qiirrick. Sofa pillow' ' Gr".7" aohettoOni- *e.ther hand work -M. LiYiegstone, Miss ,Siffole? piece' `fancy. 1(nitting-IWO . MacKenzie, • Mrs. G. T. Robertson Single piece crochet -Mrs. J.. S. yto... Kenzie, Mrs. Floyd Campbell. Single .nieee embroldery.,Mrs, .T. 5., ' • Mrs C 'R 2 Copeland Needle ' work, , . Christmas , glfts-Dirs. 'Cope- land, Hazel Webater. Bed spread, em- broidered -Mrs.. MacKenzie, -Mary Wilson. Lunch cloth and 1.erviettes-!, -Mrs7.-R713eattie. , • : • SCHOOL' PARADE AND DRILL" ,* Whitechurch • Sc.hool; 2nd, Lucknow School;3rd, Paramount •'School. • Aker tam eed1evi•n*-4trir. Say* • , ASHFIELD NOTES • Mr: and Mrs. John MacKenzie of. Sarnia, are visiting their daughter, . Mrs. Rod, Ross. , • Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins of Detroit. spent a couple of days at the home of Messrs. J. and 'D. Cameron. T h ey we're accompanied back by • Miss Brown, who has spent a few weeks Mr. John C. MacKenzie has return- ed home; after an extended Visit • to the prairie provinces., ' 7 -MiFs Sutherland of Ripley, was the 'guest �f her sister, Mrs. D.A. Mae-. ,Lennan, for a few days last 'Week. • Miss , Alberta Beckett spent the week -end in Lucknow, the guest • of • het .friend,, Miss Flora Andrew. Miss Annie ' Grant, has gone to Lucknow, Where she has taken a pos., -Mrs. F. El. MacLennan is 'at prim- • ent in 'Victoria Hospital, ,London. where she is taking treatment //for BORN -On Saturday, Oct. 1, 1927.. , to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Parrish, it son. - MA F'EKING • Mrs. W. Nayler of -Lucknow, .spent . a few ' days last. Week with relatives here. • ' . and Mrs. Edgar Ritchie ,and. ' babe of Zion, visited 'Mi. • and Mrs'. • ;.G.en. Saunders, Siniclay.. ' Mrs. W. SproatofEgmenville,. is, . the g:icst nr her niece, Ilrs. Thos, .Anderson-,-.thi-s week. •', Mrs. David Anderson,. who has been v 'foIstisiriogilleheuk.eleSiOt.sn, .andweridtautevtfarit here r 'daughter, Mrs. Jolin Helm, Saturday. "Mis:--"MriA:.-Bli ake is visitng her. • ' t • at , present. • cob when lif.-/oVe. ' ,Faire,lal.e.-41e.--wateittimiclertf Off : A- raten sport bag Us'esy other . people risolve not.. to,' be that way. The ntlirenteg'n ,ef-n-Tented • house 16 It'slitrItkii°-illatesbuefrs'era-h"leth88;"Ww4hIle,rt -44"