HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-10-06, Page 3,•••••.• ••.
..olipormooP,0 oraw
. ,,-,•:-. -Ts.,---,--;,- ,
..,. •••-,-
Vik, , ' • , exlilOit in finding' Whieland tn. the ;
Strange: mums, Labradoron:' Coast .- , 'year, 1000., Frons, bths. home in Grecirt, 1
...land he . sailed far Norway, and was
. • , • . !
, - •driven sonth. to 'tho.ifebrides, After
M011'isiey EiiPedifion ExarilioRelica-that:M4y.Mqk...iNgr8 a romance there -he praCeeded to the •
•• Viits-'', Nearly:.500 .' Yeats .13efiiie*ColUtiltim.s.,‘ -.,-,-- ,..... . court of iciog, (Not Tr7yggyaso.' a... wkta f
•.„: ., , -converted tO•chrlstianity:,, and••••rever•,•,
-The Putnam Into .,our AmAmericanr.oeittense4was• in •Wine.land.,•
. nam e*Pe, :.ently assiunott the niiselon of carry, ,
por,th. country IS creating Some inter- It :890/40. illogical .. that ;these. early ,J.4g..-Jos, ne*Nfonn'd. religion . ,bael,-. to ..
est in the. ,States,!-"Oeorge Palmer Pust-,Imaxlners •sholtkl. have halted on these' greeniand., On. !the return voyage lin '
:nem is keeping the :4ineridan, Press i hard .shores long • enough to require enconntered, ecititlitental?AmerietV. •
;supplied . with mapy. coon:alp - of ill- Stone:ilothices, or to have •coniploted . . • • , ,,,_,,r_L___•:..,,,_______
• , toreat.ing detail.s....0_.f ;, me. • discoveries antF-OCOtipled .9, comrahhity .et them, •as ". An Iiiidiait .Eto.ch,car,vintc,
- .
and experienceso .'...liecentli', he 444 'iqletittotf• by the '•,,ro1148... But a0altr ; -.. - ,..;'.•,
'With, the old runs an Schlpin Island one Aar rejeln...that..;PerhaPe ',Wihter..! ...;• iF,till' rfd,
' As. fa1l4ivilt- , . . '.' • .. '' .• ,• '•: • ' oirereenie:theht?' •Ompe.W•ha
liing them to .; 't is Self:1%0 hp ,the. latiest,petro- ,
, • • , ...... ,
• ••'NewftittrttliAnd Was the'•!%4Xlt14Trir :Camp.- where; they were. :: Only then; ..,0y.ph. •0, 401,4 rock ctirong, in (.-„an,..,
."•:'ef•the: zmotsia sags,' and ,N04.34. Scotia 1orhapsi.t4oY would have gone last ,p, ,A,44 ., -,bas, lok't ;.heoti, renpqttstl , to .t, .
Vas,,',:-,PtiSsibiY :"Icialaineee,"',. On :the:. Olt fift.t11.gtr,to tho'httanlahd,, where 0.,',:.arsbaeologkal.Oitfq9:"Kif the Natie,aal .0
"..otheill'aiik-nti4elited,'ithe,00651 Ma:Y.1,OW holtrie, -Palk,,Woald.'.have .iireugfit .. ,,,i,Insenni:a(..ottawai 31.1}.,. petir.psfypli. ,..1
' ltavg• been Nova .Eaotiaj-yie"4.0-fipp-r434,-; .tifion t,•;.,ti.,o0.).of and 4134h0411t :wafter. la galdto, .he 'over. 50 t e et. AO* .azi,d to
ill'Ciar• to • the South ,anil :West. PPS', av•'-414,-,441441-••,9,t.....•...0fr'5•9,' .is• .P,OelY•• 94 -':bo :carved 'Ort:a vertical.faCe. Of l'eddlsh •
OblY.':•thti''' st4.0eoti.Of ,thete.,PrOhler40....ledktiral;•'. '''. • • . l''''''''4.'-‘--.,,,,'_,. ';:, • '...:.:;16,5.X yis'ing...rrOAlfraser:Amybr., yn)ley,. • .
' • never: 'FIR, be :entirely, ogree:d',,,, Xliit.', .!..I'ShOe:.e.re atitheritlesAilte, Dale 1
or the:.niain' 'promi.se". theie•• la -agi•ee,.. 'IvliO tn.:1w .4 'Doe'simisty ..1,14,01,
-.' P',•-•.-..,t.O:°f-:cb:.7:fraTn.T.11."41,alla:,°:;:b1;g:61::,11..1.'o,Y1.4.'11,1°'-iliet;:rtal-Wili;iV-!'Yti7;'..111liiiii°:-,:. . '.
..:'.1p.ent Igtd Sotind ditten0o.: • Lott Nric; IthetihoOd 'of finding •'.aify, t11it,,. ..'.. 2
arid aS 'it- iS. efe ' most .,eyaila b.1 0 petro-
',!s,O.U.4iid) thorhini"Karisetat•carne to: ' 1:21's,erelieS, •tliey'. even -dhubt, the, ex-. :.
t to. two iranspantineatal •. rail-
Anierica, fora Orpenland,4pz,yeare be tehee 'Cli,.#1.fY,, : ', ..: .•• !% •,.`' • • . •
\ V aY.c.an effeik Will be mi le to have,,: .,
forc Ciplumbus's,....'‘ -..:,„ ., .• ,. •• ; .. ..:. '•, '••••qt.seeinS.,"•:',.says., Babetic.k, that :se, '....it, •.nt •nid.e..-n..a .natinn:i nlpturn
io. ,z1t,oi,„;..,,
, ..1,1,p bore: mid1.5.";aYahing the ;ecia.St of ,fAr.,74."inVestlgation•bias :pite • there, •Is ; proyloIrsly to tipi,g' dii,civ usi. • the hog...,..,,:f
'• 1.4tbi•e„c19r rind. nOt.far."front thef,Settle.. Mit ' 4 ,ittigie Icnowii,TediNTI.,,o'rer?40..h
,pf,'.; :
est .nosni.'n :•citrOg•lypit- in ••Celiait d.wai,,,..,
Med. Of 1\tain, aro '1,n010nt,ruingi„ po', 'SVinejahdMarliand, tieihdany and. or , •
-I-- • on West Sideef. a Seventy -foo 4. ce.ii•,' •
ellgy: pi' I.ioree, origin1,nr_ yeais- they Norse .or Icelandic veyage. of di••'ecoV, • " . - • • - • •-• • ,
. ,Yon.irearl3ella Coolit, about • one, mile
.b .
• •
have een hrion. and par,i6dically,in-- e'rY ,extent: at ,•this time, whiqh oray..1.).O buth'ef.,:lAacicenZie highwey. ,' '• ' :''.
, Vestigated. • .'Soon, •it ie.,,understOodr. relind, on•With any•conlidence," • . • . •• ., , - .. ..„. .: ,
-'-they. are- to b. the Subject Or thoroud
gh. And the:oilier eide...of_the'..picture,
..y•Girj4 choice is I..ove or
• .•. . .
„olug,. study . and ••ereltaelegical. re-, thete aro these .who. plaee consuler
. gearch, Which- well .may ; setiie tile* Ole reliance UPon: the'.."relics/ and
' • : ' ' Leallii. lil.g '
• eXact.' steal,' and potsibly MI itn' alitir-•
.. the • evidence On .reecird, 'and. viho, :par-. • • • ' - • • Senator •Reut ' bendurand ' , . , •
canada s. rein.,.?;,„ti,lio .(, t.i?.; Lewie. ,! could take out the printed. sheet.,with• •• terimg..fTeelY• ' Stkdderi-IV.sual,h:or'.1). al.r iha7e.1.7eit:th., ick.:for'.rtrahe(;,Partet.'W:;e13,k;'13,57r,' ••
, •
i '
ptissiNiAfes, 1.,.,fl.cil a, the .-.140tnioa-poVe or lettinirig eseMe. to , .
lug:gen in earlY: American•hietory.' .
,. in .our • own. ••brief. 'VIOL WO 6iild; ob,- rains on Alie •Labrador, coast,.: :with' .- i.,.1 - , .., „ • .,,. • • . • ...„ of .Natiotis, ./ -
•sue• further i ,••be' the •eholce centrontirig the inedern 1 One 1,pd. ,..an.d,s.lic._ley.:a7efrosh '.17 -.,s -,1°:c:1,_ rubber„.:.,01,1. c.ti.on hands closes , to, t,h.e. ten days We3re:•ccopn4 ,_. to the
. .e,wtsho6ort
" 1 AV i'th• ili -. other •• • /3 m ans of rubber • idaers • :snaps .clown and seizes the, persons iiveirt.-ch!iairl'g Ic0;t1.14,h41,.a.
precumpthons far one Who • is: pet a•
• ".Stltistiee, coverthg s'veli Yqs•rag,k•, . 1 •vv• ..t h. , F,, . ,y , firiPPers .. on •the thumbs • and ' fete- ' Shect; the other ".bahdS let ,go, and',.faitilly.-
• . . .
' taln. at best only ,a: eUreerY..glirtinse of ' hopeful 'enthrislasni. But it would be, ' .,.... :' - ' ..-. • i
• • - ' '''. . - • .••,, ..,girls paesing thiou.gh Oxic.rd Ilniver- • . , .
the .disettesion All that can be c•eici . • , . . . , • • 6., •• • • Child ' . . '"
• . 4 . . ' . ''' . sity', have obtained. hitsbandsta ough • • • • , . ••• • • . • . ., ••• •
itudent% of .the problem to enter lilt° ' • • ' '• . , ' . - • -. • : • .• • • 1 • • ' •
•': ,.:The Noreemerl!s • i-andin.0. •:' , 1 . omen. e n . rs say a- in,en, ee • • , ..,
is • that the details .haVe-heen;afted',;•
aria, battled oVer fpr,sonie• deeacieS.'' • 'i'
• • • . ' . ..7.1,1;.hewin.,.. ..„,x .ca:,:t,o., • . ....01, .€.‘ .f.. •i of .tho. jae.,st, .bo04.8 0! this
.tipe.,..,...0m. : To day ,t,he • new "devices:. deo- that 'Older 'method Of tn.:1E10-0h., e - sheets off ' laini'3•ild'hiEeadp•tftsairnegds aorfdeeivr.',,Anagylai,taierns.ui';Ta!ideei:t,.'„
• . :.
, they :'q ::r.l'or :s4o,y: how ry'r.o.f• i;variqo ::-.1tYPrr child•,'4PnA to h'ear AtoriOs ,Of chanieai regularity ' ••', • ', ' • '; • ..... , ,.• Another. 'a•utometio. feeder, uses the that
show that. only five per cent. of the • • Books 0
I ..• r.:''" . -" • 7. • magic and.. whitchery .• .Here ...is. a list '. •• . -
I, c ery or .our .
i lice, the 'Sheets -Could 136 skittg:d'ilirjan'd IP g;•b.A:.se.ccind .'!hands,", carry it for 10 Shanghai Seeras ,fairiY.:.certitinhia
out. with something aPprbaching. nie- ward to ' the •.rollers. and release at. .1 tailor ,.1a•il
ngers,• end after:a gOod .deal of prac...! While, the air keeps tblit.e..wshheeeet.14fl. u..tTtellrg-.1,.i.aer':csurietaildn.rien;iewienlihsau:srne.Ty.n.iSt.vothile, .:Tpe4hn.a.g.ct41i,c119'0'nif:‘,...••::
. .-'13Y and large...it'inaY be. Well to giVe. aliashed in the presence' of the female •PB94 Yby tha.', book 'editor
the ""i4iine• the benefit • of a 'historic.: intelleciaal 'giants turned., Out bY',13rit-
• Life," The.dhildren's p*., d•-' •wOrk far more raPidly,.. end with the. pile by a. :series
'greater .aeciracf. , : One ...antenna:tic ' wheels to day ere SO; finelY• adjUsfed
feeder,fer example, which! Was shown . Siang. ,the. „way,;,dc*o. 1.:.„.0 incline that sr,'Sd"tkhe :gone•to:Japeh to .roet, .
. .
. . . .
dotibt...,. •:•It 'tot r. -•. 1•\toree' fah colft,•geS; and are ,pieking. the )zirla • ' .13Iaek flats and tile :•Tin4r,licli34..si4i'tz°!,11.'-'inelY.--:•••
at .the recent exhibon Of the grephic Cif .an extra: sheet has ,got: started. it 'i:
Will VV
' e. Sun'S ister
IVIc' Oiarricil T.,.'i,-,..i';.---6.f.,..:Feciing ,Sfie.et.:-.'•ofts•- Pa,per-., :to. ,..77.h..e,... -Pres! 11e. wr;iv.:::: ,WrzifOri '..NOw. . ...fill ..-
y' . .
HAS. 13eq11 Perfected • -:. • •• • '., U.S, ..ana Will ' Mor.7. *
, e.„ ..... ,.y.. ,rra.,....44t,
•,Creat trigent• hasph • ,n. Sliewn by and paSese?-...riane cotou.',alannet. SAY ' '
tbe, ,74•IntIng , irdustry• . in :•d•••••vieg. hamis-r•theto .' into ,..,,the' iollers . vbet ., M1813..1Y1, .41110 Sp,p,pig
mroth009, .for f', ,filaPit sbeeti ^of &We. them ,down an Incline into, the. sha4ghat...,..,,pie 4.
P•eseat wharaiboati
..f.a,RE:r ,irao tlr, preasez; non,!..alf,ccily., re*eitting.press.. • • ' of, qoasrai Chiang Kaf-shelr, who .ro,..,
,..11,,„ .,yr -t„ nf.,-,4: •,,,•(,(ytn,g•fr.np.i •yoll.i,BLICh' !..' Cera-plieated,.40,7fte„s 49 all the; Work: • sighed 911Sete4notl,,y,.N'am••atik,••;n•Colt. miinlasinti,d.ailint-.
.'• ,as., is.' .usedl, in the '.1,,,Tri '7Towsp.aper. At; the two far ends of the •01.14 away Chief -,
re s'es, Is eerimOti Ir.:1**:'9;Ige to -.day, .frola,the' rollers are!..i'ilieel•like arms: artntee!' la .4 :t1.0,estion, that ,is pnazling.
.but in the Ph 014445. Iiidatty even :TheSe, revolve: SloWir Pia as the pilii, ,Shanghai these ,ditYs far More ;'ilten,
that ,. reMKrIcable • instentiOn'llas. been of paper ,is: lifted:hp, th:344Y..bill,,t,oemlitbee, ,,,t,bs,e•rp.ripTritti:s'eitii, hmisan,approachingaavia$.:ni,Ilaa.ittlnsoo•,,
'surpassed.: , Nothlikg ,IS,' l'ett ,f.or- the; the dOrriers and h':ei:p..4
hamb,n 'hapd ; of:: 09 :heYelid:,•plittlifg 'a `of '1.4141.0t* -Wt4d0...!•:4110,.1.Y 14 tlie-' 4ir; • 41';o:c,::f..1..rtratty.r.t.;4a' 't,i1.- young General ,
sfirtdc p.f „paper within..reaoh and. keep, Ahove': these• are .'Othet4wheele 'that, :',
irfetho. parrs irr woritist.:pPrai3e. : !. • . born' tfOtot- on 'the! top :of 0..e'pil'e_...art••••.':6-4,41.ieady goh.e't0 Japan, 'other's that •••
;• . • . • . . • ..• , •• . . • • • : ' ••: • Intervale, and; revolve • 'butting A theirs' he i ' till ' ' 'Ai ' - native ' ' ' '-'-
': The .t1 lethnee•• tfr,e , I rult4ty ..hea chine h.uip.o...,. tl.r. fa, e,os. i.6.4.9..th, , 1.1kier.:• ti.;..• .,o. tSh',44, , 11..sn,‘0i,.41,n:he will
i,,iyiljlilawgeo.a. Miss
can be .seeir wen one ,recalis ibeW' ih
the•flfteerith Century the '0111.'0. etth. i'll; 'i•gi<.ft•i:I'l,t1,'1.1/:•ItP.h.eS'efi'srt44a'itril,b4.111:fit,git lAeif,aOineXicr;;JPuet.o.hrieg.r, 9, ,a,;:ef;peei 't,W,f,e4irev,bid. 1.?.iiiiifenjinasist
41111t.°1.". 'Clut°111:i*:"' the
114.t•1.11411' 141. ''hand%^,'' OO'innoied"O:f rnbbPseirdn'ti;"iike,?•en• the Part ": .•:f •' ' ; ., •' ' • : :.
. :the'_'.WeSte4h' Wo-rifi, ta,.. Use •,moVable, ;.4,hc.)...ories...,...;4, oio,..0i..:4.rrows,, 0464 .,4-13„,. 4,,,,, iluss., so.oiioxf hhaleg.;eK.ir;drsh,i‘....el.,:ims
'-type, had to la:y his parelinierit 'Sheets
e0tin Alhiee.ilitypiae.boyi,I.ohuta,snidy, atondci.,bntoreians:t.lie.tbinick: !,?,01•:cirf.'.e-'17,s4iii)er6:t. :11.14:;14.,t4::i :r.;t:Prnr..:6:ciel?'74•n':9:1:44-:.,..k.,,4f•i::::tt:lepo'e.tina.,:.:Illitiniiiiii!it::::•ee:.6t,m4*,t8itette,,rf..p...itati.:±1317,:i17:v•r.,5,Fuhvt:,:,,,:-.
a -air,. ti..1.0. •s04p art•Wn on tp,e, p.ils,
.of perfection a generatiOnago, Presses 1 3.118t• '11' 111E1' "11°3.3 1:liorilent. inl..ttig A graduate of Wellesley ' Coll::: iliahnaclu,_•,,
iii iiiie 'ihdri, opened 4/1(1...ci4s..ed auto -.i process,. blesus .•of . .00naRressed air,. ehe, a yrrobably one of the most beatiti, '
high state the sheet, a•lo.ft,....., -, .. , . •
.1,:•,4)3,rreesesselesiri,"•••Tphrdei;),W0,,,,o.yri,ci,••01)of,,ivafe4c,d, i.inngratchte, :,..n.01,16..r., .i.o, .0,111,i)..f ,i,ri...p.,..,4,..1.40,;*i. , ho.i..difig i,,,isio.:3:.1„N,-art,iionria,.;e,s•.,t.',.114G. oinv-i:,:t.linti".:,6innt.s....fthsn'h:•40'.,r:-.11:1,1‘•',.
; seemed to have arriVe•ci.at a
r 'iniifieellY -- 'lilte.--tile--.'"JeWS7`Ofa- free- blown. thrCtith-::4raelta• in-424erlflatteriOd,..-.fttl,1•640g Chineee• warner': fn. '-:
., , .
carrying. the paper ,un"•te the ••tYpe etid.Y.ends of:pipes,. are •shot under the .sheet society. •• •• • • . • .. .•,.., .
•I • • • , I
. . 'then away again So that.the printer.' from several angl,es,..setting it to nut:, , ItumOrs 'cif this: Marriage, which • •
the 'country.. We found the ruins ion a
:Smaller. isle to . the .east..of! §oulpin 113
land; accessible from it ,at: low .Water.
Sculpin ISIand. lies ,eome twenty'. Tildes
' Nein?, say two-thirds. up the 'coast
Of Labrador.
,The rulus,thosisetVeS are On 0 smell:
. . .
rocky peninsula .a fear hundred, yards
Icing with rt Orel's:go width 'of 150
feet.,.: The grthip cortiains• eleven •Tuar
' • „the, water. Close at .band•ie an excel; hereabout: • And • What 'an extraordin- • • • • arta at Grand •Centrel Palace, acd.iS Mechanically. held back., ta.awalt •its
:there ,s1•44,i‘. doubt .t4otights run to t'.16 intricaciOS •Iviargaret Baker; .110Y who• Inew, What wife, • hle . Mother • and eth.er. mem; ,
• .
'eterY 'that:. May !levee be adequately;
redorded- '• •'. ,.' • .
'11 hogios ,Iir Ireland;!. for' Iceland •waS, • •
o'rigfnaliX^.largely •pe'opleO•liy'•the Ivisli..•
•Aird'in Ieeland before, the. year 1000.
thel.Birtle----sSlai-..7-47-4?-adrate-d°1-Inn4- , fu'alir , •
lir i-singht-SheetsLUP."-OgHe Ogg, ty-X1-, : ' '' .,-,-.. • ' • : ,' .: • -: 'hers of .the fatrionslarailt ati-t;lagastakii--------
"*"-7'7.777-77-'7""7"',7-•--•:,'ttpd it Is expected that, Chiang' ,Kil- : -
'1VtacMantis; Down -A -Down -Derry,•" by, : • ; .. . :
., .: shek wily. meat them there ;Within •the
1-Datiglae.•Atieria47-1Viooneliltie7and-elciver;- Alrrilan, ,e, .-isecarapite,"'Pi.lp.t•'---
his •firat Wife' several Manilas ago bY •
-Warter .dei la Mane!: ifirt'Petliat .and.
,...... .,.
• next feiV-- days..' T'aT'ditEe iir the iiitif•r
'ding IS 'uncertain; ' • • •• , .•
- , Tales ToliC•hy Pb pooli• -13y. Helen
,.. It is ,eipiained, ihht 'Chiang;.divorced
by Laurence'llthiSman;• Alyetery Talee • • . , • . •.
.Nor.th COrnyvall ,Fairiee arid Lege•P•ds, ; •O,rainplan, Pe., -The airplane city .c....f:
Olyinpia NO. al,' 0:: -entry in. the -din,:
;the fild.Chinee,'clistom Of Merely ...pro- ;
for' BoYS _and',Glr.ls• IlY: Elva $..Smiih;,
;.h..i.:nys tregarthen; . 11;eit'.'of...„the Se4; ra6i i't 17'()I.tane‘."3)aBiliilitsCli'.'6xas'il; .wife. • , Chiang' ': has denied ',that ...the -'
• • 91aimiag' that She /Was :no . longer hitr-
-by••L-A-rflrur-o:--Teii-atIoiTa-m=F--'Paiu7o0r-the °-.--mwelitairr-R-ai; .gn--o-k-wiirr-po-010-7-fit. .
Neeti IVI6dby.'*: 'America, ii, his, Wife at • ell,: and 'it.'
semi,' that, he 'has sent eivay two
. Jot. structures_ebou fiftyi...:feet:from •Norsemen -made -their -first landfalia •of.,the latc.xst• dance. • •• •
lent ProteeteXhinding plaCc•for ••
'craft.; wifh.sonte Indication •or e1ti-1
r. , ;. ". •
. , .
• ' Substantial Puihs •
The • Triennium height of :the 'walls.
• IS. about three, feet -and the dimensions.
''ty'pical •lere Itainil;: 'or ri3O•the iRed, - appears
, .
lift Not him
Wgli,t.e0ii..S,,e.y.C.anst to ha '0 led a Stteau:Cus
of thQiii" are D , rill 0 - self'. a • t.r0u140.„'n-t-.1ter.:-, trabnirr-fre7.
iiiatft I), Z ZIPP 1.(211 t,ly dveraged- about cittO1f,fly .trouhig.
ill. thickhosa and w.ere“ • res.Ult of his dimc'tiliip$,;he
.,-censtructod ot,,fla(tiatui!n;Lsion-es. • in.: ;.&11,,pticailY.• 9utlaw.•
•at denned. holped by.'irletrils; he fitteir-Otit,e'Shili`
doorway.••reinalris,, with n reetangnier and dieetipear.ed, to, the.::1,Vestward.
• liaeSage • beyend it. Sevt4a1 •Of• these, ', Three,. years tater he -returned Fte
out4iee tn.!' c Proaehei, ..fOltna 0-reetiland., A ...o.p.eiderable
Donegal , Wonder Book,' by Seaumes , • ' • -
od to earth in the -,PerindylVania hillS.'. ,
hert,.-.Of the ,iferine carp. reServe„:. the
,...„--.....7.. . .pilot, jumped With a• parachute:. when
‘‘' ..' Planned' '
. ,-,--.. .-.. , .. - . • ....- - air. !:- He. Made e good landing and•Was ,
he mote. went. d d 2,000 fe .t. ro the
,spfereirice Of Iris 'Leaders Is I
. ..ar;;•:k.., I;lii Free .$tatts,-' Preeldent U11:11411.1:•°{1:''' '
- . •
Cosgrave; . whose., government ' e4tri-4.,
„4, sp,,Q..... out victorious by a '.,sznell margin in "
. '. dent. ' , 1.:xeopt foetheir• i'cOlanguIte• fleet of adventurous.'moncers followed,
• gentleman o'f.. the Woricl•-• the": recent ' ' l ' I : t • •• .
genera e, ec 1,0118,. and . : . • •
The 'Smoke. Nuisance
• wan bad; tia. tile newcountry 'about; •
• • •., i - Man liaS a •sweethbart .i every toWn '' '' ' 4,. '
• protecting:entrance, ' tUnnelS di Many :the year. 9•SN,:elsVcin vesSeleheing 1c)st. •; • . 7' . • . • -•-• : hianion .de • valei•a • Republica ' lead •
•• -a sailor. a 'girl in every: par t4-,•"•'• ' • • • • • , • P- • . leader • .. ' , • • , • •
1„e Devoir• (Ind.)'. Do people take'
' alisPe (Ito' cbpsoly:reeemble:‘,Ihd. Cold-
• :' ntoclOrn 1,;:. hinto iglods .en.cbtiatered iii' in 1..to:•.nls on. the :war: •::.A.uti aften,that ."‘• _ .; , • who „heads, the Oppositicin, have been' serionsly this • mimic° which pervadf.is .
. ,
. - ,. Collegian'ilut only.a: coll;;?.ge man, ..
:invited:la. attend a' conterenceliere tO
we stop to think libiv . poisonous its is?; .
tion and Unity:. • ,.. • •: ' : • •'. .. ,• ' , „/ .., , ••• Sinee its. an
restores health,. • . • . ,, ., , ... , .
The man yesponsible for ;the ,Ainerk
Dely;... chairman' Of the Cork Herber, :
ano.'invitat•ien ' emanates, from J. F. .Is mot thia an • eddittanel reason .for
ignefing :it?. • Because :nlyglene ' •ps .can... P910 t0f1-1):,1-d,ete.,,,iin-,41,4, priittili ',-
***,-•,---,-,-' • cic.ut ona chooSing her own ur,'-e ' - •
resolutely breaking the age-old procc-
g . PP •
'' "rills af.-.atr citpiains ',Chien,g's, f-..-6-
'quCnt•viSils to the Soong;hatile in ;e-
, . . . • .
A: Stop, in time. saves a fine.
•-c:11ppratintl elseiirheie... In addition Creenland .wasi Norse. fox, x s
'al hao a: eo-ed on every, daverinorWt •
1.11dre.i‘q‘1e oate...rontid Ithus'es, While. An '61:51c" colonizaUon begair.o,n1y to. . .•
• 'adjaeent were reinalts of' eliareeteris. end 'tra:.,dy,- for the colony West, • • .'• • •• :
...tic .F.Skil110. d'welling:•end• tent' rings, mySteilously Wiped Pitt, say,"11..:.Though ,hoth 'training •a.ncl ',Cirdiont
•••V,110,1‘q later : residents: evidently had...1450 .to" • 1.721,,,when hells Egerde •re.40tat4.7o9ic§o:x.itaol.4°...10til)rudieetlio.oa3,1,1aYi.TintrapmeiSityiblloO
1•••Viiv'^cl..' it for • the'l
liettiSch, :the Moravian mission: Danes.; 'Greenland. wai,e..14stniid••06-..'earh-tlieir it 1)e 'different. . „ear a ,
Thomas Hitchcock
consider the economic position of the
' • • • • with dirt aro shuts oiq the sky? , Dci
the atmosphere, cOvers, everything
country and; the question of epnoilirt-
other "wives !,',as well as his original '
wife, and is .now ready. to • marry. ,31,11.ss
Soong. • ; ••• • ,
':',Their.roman6e. beian,at „cantexi two
yetirk ago. • ..S.00110 ferhous ,
Sun Yet,s;e,a, tnO is now in
Mdscci*, is also an American. college
graduate,' while .brother,,,,, .
Soong, was'a .raember..,of the.herVaril.,„
of. 1015, i•P':e later incidentally. ,.•
bitterly cppeses the, Marriage. bat •de- '
spite family •objeCtions,:tiSs,sooag is
• • ' seen. from the Scornfill •treatinent •
.ArtrtY ladia •teatn.•
. .cC,red 'those who have the' direction Of • '
ary at told. us that the Eskimo' sole tad ia. , : • !PrtnablY,. Y.-1(11 their child unitk. bpolitical y ,the'•.Parties 'In • the
, .
Ntin - • - ., ,1141119 fortilese ruins -signifies , "the • Then, caniel.Leir. 'Praditien Sets his .,i-lorminc, wife, ofthe ex,Xaisor7. national interest. ••• .•* . • ' ' • thp. ijealt,h..e.rv,icesi is JaSt shelved..
. •
• . - „•• inn ises' built by, strange. pn.
eople.", Ap- , - - ---- - - - - , - -- - - •••-- -
A..imorCeme.amsitatamosausisalsesin - - .
- -,..-pare1111-.).', --0111-,Inatilea- •-linciv__netiting_t_ • . ' _
. .. . .•
. ,.• 1:h ik•13..'Y''. Weiland. ,Nearp. Conii3lition, -
their origin :end aro willing ,.' -
1111 • hCileve that -they' arc the :'
.11nt,,,diwovk of' visitm;s fr.mi aortic's' the • "52155116115. ' -;111":"111#110..• ...: 011 ..
•'F'or .oifr. re-:ords. ;;Sn'd insormsi 10
• tio'nald t'adi iWOf. no. 111nachin..02, • •
• A in isri dan'• Indian made. • a d.,itailed
ap.Onation 1112.'(•iitire frotip and.• , •
v!ith l'.1.).fi,:sSer.(to1111, 1112, expc‘alt1c.:17s
• . ......
.geogra 1112 Its histapt2,•': 0 xe,
a ..si•i•voy':;and. „tile ru-1,as
• t<T1111;1; ineasn're-.
• , of 'icalvitittal stry.c•-tivOti. d•\.1 Off
• '111(1..1nfrailnithiti. of .pbtlyse•t: of p
initiortanCe ritlyiequont 3-
corrp,,ir,i'ttve' sudy,, •dist°.
ctithrg .1110 il 1l. eome car6fa1 exr•FIN'a-
7-tio-1•1t--re-OT•3P--w*rt-itna cytalcon'..'. in, one-,
, buildinr• but uotIung wlia ,found:
dOed , only dikcoVer re was the,' re -3(10 .
InS o1 1111 ancient: natl.,. • •
•• 0,11edem. group aPproa'clipil Sclpn
• Island Ofit.' keen .interest( ikopiiig.,.•
1(11)..1311eq;•110 sectire definite: eviden0e..
an autiroot.16 Norsolositatom•
- . . .
gabled Nto.ati
cippfyi.ile rjilt 1861)-
041411.1ent t(iniperod.., with the• '
"One '.that ..subsentleat..diseeYeriee will
: POssimistig-Stiap jud'grnent,.'
Ruin Not Anelent...
;The ' editeeitens . ot 'opinion Is
:that', as...reported to The. New York
TIuos lay rattio,'. the 'general appear -
nee ifthe ruin s •pronolnieeS•: them 1.9
be of nd .vory gicat'antlitnity' and tlf:
, ' no. greiltter Iii,stoticat'inInertaneo'; Ulan;
(ftl be clue to tlio reineing of en
early ..E.'slifino 41jUIlZatio11 .
;gr.' •CMIZOW,. a 'student. et- '1.4.1ekinio',
anthropology,. itttriiintee„, the . milts to:
.:•the':1,1aliinips, Captain liertiett;:
; yerionbed fol :generation iiitItingS
rolacip.g,,to tho prouoti000a
• therif'''rdlics *of all old-time 1101trie,
iiiiptltig ,ccrimunity; liullt th.d'r`b
.Cattse, it wes.it god baso for htintimg.
tltitt -rietivos of a, litter
• peri•ed, also, caniped, there, as ..peintect
put, above, •'" re,roborates 'this •ttteoilis
itot, pi. course, the' ,Norsemoti 0'0; it•,
Thy liVed there, Wptild Seleet
orairig. . .
tiS aniatcitts-
•_ temporary
ottartersthan perniariont
liomek end. censidera,bly?lass amesive
,theit.,,orre Understanding:.ottlieauthen•;
-11Cr(lifitt-hie.-:-t----NOrSO: habitations , ,
ne trustworthy, record of
any': Norse settlement in A:Meilen ..ex•v
,IsUng continueusly. for :ittoroqiittit tino.',.
nor ot any Norileit VoYageS ex.
theae,, Of Leif , 'end Tli Ord ne,'•
• •' went 'Of I3abeeeV. •
sAtgo3tell us, 'that the perlod of,
:•• •
(ie:aeri (..4 •
• ••
• •
t3gt•M r•••'
The fall of. 10gO, la; the ..lateat • 641 -
Mate for the +Ming of the now ,Wet=
land ,,canal., At the „Present • time the
Joh. is ,15.,,psr
illuStrestionn set out pI•Ogtosa: of the
1 Yr
•flQ. ,pit
• LOCK. DEF:11-1 NEAFILy sAnis AS "THA ie .vicosEskog,', FALLS
,tiiitit•LEFT,-,ShoWe the giantthe, lower ateel.mitre gates is In the the Fewer' gates', at Pert Weller,. 'aka: MOUT 'ehOwA 00 ejitetictect vteW • bf
41. seta tit •Otiteis, heh)g heathen oath locks • 5 and 6 with. 7 In the back-.
lock: Each of the, ge:toit Weighs '454 ground, •In the feektotind, the 'height
tong and IS '82 feet high, it, is, Impoit. IS 131 feet, aline* the game tis thOSO
sibia 1eroo dequft VT�PrOsOflt ibo otigtrto,ort • th‘o-itatioshop,n1W4ii.04
Ttliiiateifily-ethive-gatOW:42tWER- Itininta'.111Ter, •
. .
,, •
raortths,--whfeh ag6ie.rte,r
cerned linportent political alignments, .
whcra as actually the:young revolv.-
ticnist was lengag,ed hi 'busine,ss of a
far rig -client chara*cter, • : •41- • ,
disi•atc.h from 'Colembe, Ceyich.:
recently sal d (hot it was rep erted •
`there that' Chiang ICai-shek 'had sailed
for :America recently, L
Fre Sp1ech not
,It x e•OrarrrOa.iy
Speech is a. generally • desired ' an.1
inneit ,desirablci' :thing..., :It NS nothing
:;.ot. the sort and never has 'been. ' 11 13 •
.s.onght by a v•stiy.sinaller group than.,
.• they •Whp•.• firmly •oppose. it and the •.
' • .great. Mass doesn't Crere'l•a darn about •
it one way or ;allot:ler.. perkaPs It is
ilia as, well the country feistier ran ,
without- Free ',pfi•each. °The•WOrkin,••••
:Man is'inore comfortable there IS less,
"ciliseusiori. ...Mouths Are filled', earS
pleased,iiet Warmed and the-.enzymos,
G.h•c„sfainach; 'while.' ad- ,
gronin • can. be saved for the pleasitreS
ofthe day rather than squandered in
. r.nger,' from a ac,arr atone
aris,e and .telime that: it 18 be ter to be
free to'•eXpresS•one'S Opinions than It •
la' to eat, hive and -play and ,I Will arise • •
and '.point• bird out as an .inviticiblo
and teolessal ,asS. • Liberty or death,In
deed! •: Life', is ehort. ,etiong-rt: Giv,O.
those Of us who.have capacity for hen,••
piness, enlOYMent, eententment these
bleSsings, 60 Liberty may ,be caw •
signed to • the devil ,forevermore...1Lib
eryt doesn't Mean'.either happiness'or
enjoyment and this fact. is ,!.obvleniti, •
tte.fact that most eXpononts of '
Liberty have had hard deaths
or hard .1.1„v4ne,,i..-LPlain ,
k •
Will Rogers Stoclic's Effect of
Map Losing
: Cal. -Just been over
visiting :Charlie Chaplin at his studio, ;
and:watching hitn work. ,1 wantedo to .
nee'. hew a man acted that had just
' separated freniA Million. That •
viould_Lbe' the, stip-rem-0 test of a com-
is funnier t1n over. Ho,
"gip:Wed me the nos picture . If tho
tieitt wife settles for a cent leps. than
two an ;da hall Million, she is a chump.
cOittrat•slitice gates...leading to i'Veste I background' as IS the harbor', 1.40W111t
war alen,gshie, look' No. 1, at poo LEFT .13 another vie* of the hurhOr,
(rated at the Ittatrithe laid, 'leaf of l'Up! Tho Oval depicta Uie'teiorsi
• ,;,40,-entantrt i)rovides, botte'r•
r •cvir eivinattialoa0on Canada,
Tho illetatteba •between thp 'ate
&eat and 144 climate is. fai:0010 f�r
flying. Experientie ehows-that
oultIthle equipment, winter presCnte
no 1nenper�l 'obetaote. So' the cow
thIntnit otteratiCrn fide routes... - • •