HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-29, Page 7..-••••••••••••,•,"9"...".
—Europe's Rae Rule the Ski
The ;OW *Prld'A Attitude Toward Airiatioli Keeps the
Experta' a'./d. ',Italy Are - Gtting
• "AiriMinclect," But Great Britain arid France Show.
an Apathy TOwarcl F1yg Which May Prove' .
pisastro9fr---to Britain, At Least—if
Not ON:reyeonip...- •A
;135r.T.MiD TI-I0M$QN OF.6;:trtliNO.TQN' • '
,Foriner Biltish,Secretary 'ef $.tale•for, Air.. .
n .enrieus, and eigt4filiarlt fwt And: .414 Man
t the Russian gevernmeirt,in adth Qster,fhe majority f ig1ih Sea- ,.
'ion to:creating a forriAdable airfotcel peltsan1 ut are . htlgi,etargitso as4t1
RS perceiVcd,,,.p.erhapS more...clearly rvubierable as. they ''.itre,.",essential .to
ani Other..gOverninent„ what ere the natieWs':, life. They can be de -:1 ,
• the eSsentials of poWer" and Is jfendo d, in One Way. establish.L.
•using.the Machinery of state to rntil men t •British airpower on brond,, .
Sepe" into the ;:masses o tbe and deeP rallrid,atiOnS. 'Broad, because ,*
tusSiari •• people. • from' the Ver.Y-n'ature theyrilust
' For examPlet,The ,stUdi of. aviation , .01:** ling; de.,41,, for ,pinlesa they rest
has been made .compliery Rbssian industry and
sebeels; even in ta si11cst rnt1tu tiio‘bits, -an air farce; hoWeker effi
tina jnocL.1 TrP1.ar*". are'la toy i tied eionr, • well equipcd ,en elf;g
Utl the 411dien, are bcug t'id�ht th taPersonilel.onlY; be, v11 be a suPer,••
aldit.no4t, of uere..dymmies.,. The:dui, ,sttUctura ,Withent foundaticns, siheO,
ot 'aduii4... is Maintained by,' it. will lick the 1.‘e•cluls,..46 p4serites;* •
• 'Nation Apathetic:
••• among:other organizationi, the., All- . . . •
73.77lielve Kil!ekI J.0-1A-Ac:•iri7TrailA WrPC14*.
• Se resi
.e Motor Toll
careiiiiin:664,:the 0,4r Itself;
its brake's,. lts, stearing.:%ear;:_eare-
lesaness• ot .operatieti,---to9 ,much
speed„critting-in. 'Waling; carelesEl%
ness to traftle rules, and signals;
Ihe,ae, add to our IlioMainA tele
of motor accidents, 'Tim, motor car
has addsd greatlY to ;tlie „harsard
1.•,of oar. Ontaria reads. -it Is time
•• tbat all „geed' eitisena''United, to, r,e.,
t , yert the careless driver. 'One.year
of strict cut:creel:10,4C ot.our
• Would ca.Use the careless .to, pause
'and think: laws are Sulliciene.
but pup '.ofileete,, can't' be; :every,
where at ence..,;4•II,elp Ontario -
• seta. ", ' .!
Traveling fifty miles an hour, loaded with holiday ,p.s nge s, ,P ,
' Yeltinteei• aireraft Associa, of theae: rotIsidera•tototis, it
Autumn Ti,eats Prvamg
.Itulyabont tvlimppund pleCe of leen „, Spring
beet WWI calt and Pepper and halt a
-teasPh04, '.or grhUnd clot -es and, tho 'Planting oNfel3xiit 1,byaeaNrow
the Bloom Gap'
fsaTc' tIVETtitr40131?leez the? nit Into
a 'ream! in Whith iirenougn Vinegar
to -coyer ft, together. with ft' Sliced
lernoir, a sliced. Onion. and •iralf a hay
leaf. ,Turn, several times; leave in
tbe vinegar tbree,dr. tour days; reincive,
slr,e welt and Pot roast as, usual. • , •
Vegetable .Chicken• of 410,0M in' the. Perennial and ,aeenni
To in the ow betsweeti the open. °
• alt •
Ing 01% and the eemnieheeMent
• "Cat, a rfiyi:lour-ppliRd into bode ene Bli011id pe. a liberal! ,
• cubes; it into boiling vater With' pleating-. of. spring, ,fichiering
,':•lionaltif)grre13.:111.10°nr, '0 l leanlee 190 irCiler6 a:a; -clt and•Crodlia003,t which PlArlft into bloom
one c'nizaaerrt fr paneelliedu'rainriddlialichead t'otim'dect: betoro "OThO l5nli:tiviba:Pw'hals:adt:3":114i01):14tie‘teel°03:1;
toes, ono pint : string •Pearis, one house, .to magnificent, tell Darwin...
•-snd safer before „the, F•reileh, take . to eliap5ed 'green PePPer, fclir Medium tulips' Which floWer 7011 into traae..
spite fdct that It 1°11 '.alsed potatoes, dicetL'alid, s'alt teat; a3torea are di.splaylag their re -
little if any more and. lese cover and diminer another holm Add cently inipprted bulbs at, the present
d- S. than travel in. a Fr.eneh one pint of coOlt&I grafe4 .:0011:4 •a time. ; Most of: these era .greWn' br".•
.A.'Flying.IFish., ••
, Xeverthelegis, 'experi-
mental ••Werk is hpin g O'arried on in
Franeei",' .,One .intereatineinnovation
the so-called ‘iseinparine seaplane
a Machine ' which, aeco•rdiri.g to it,s. de.=.
signers, can fly ,above or sivim
the surface of the sea. this
. ,
.(.13ein:a.irrittlherso;iiina.-7•:'4,npopti•:auncl440:7,:f:till,u4atrtaet?ii4,•degu,:thn•er1074t.,:n ,1,1401.0. 8, le rple,e.:t tdoia,,,ti„tr.y%.:rt.teintithri.0:(;pooalorweee.a.lrrei;,ob.4117.t..4.40i0,7.tlifd7.09,r
and !ilie-,.1),:daten,YOlk pr. ea,.,:ag,g1'. tisr.'„: 'flower is .in the Will] WheaVneeliaseil -
fiveminutes.land- serve .. .4 ••, the; largeet, bulbs give...the best:blporn,
, Oabbaaa•,p,uniplingn * • general, ride , :these should be •
' Cut 'eight •SlIcen of ' Salt Into planted •In • Olumpa:•Of.."at .leafft:•.eight,•'
pieces; Cdok .out the • fat •and-r.entoire helt?s..la each clurep ,§e4ikre.141°00, "
b uarts of Chop- eed disease ,free bulbs,. and get them
iissia whose purposiS t"O provide facil- IS both 'disappointing aricf.surprising. left railP oAilig, wafshout during' laeavy storm. • ' day,:ce may have no practical app 1- ..
t eat . ,
4 e t a Vanted before the 'middle of October ,T
. ped cabbage, sprinkle ith
w on 43 -
for as a pastime. Like all th,..at the tritts' h peciple as .a whole
to , ..e.,Dordoittwitey, q.ninainrtits,of:44isi.'ilittui3sbOetrestle; ,:racitu'It2icritl:esi heillt
. -......„...•„------ ----7,,,-- ;---7. ' 'catien",for':years to :ecYnile>. it i434-4- tli? spoon ;of salt • and
boiling water:
.asseciatiens in SoViet,Russta, this one Shotfici he. aPathetic. in regard to "aviar, take' n 'in aviation: '• It will; therefore,- I routes.. as it Would be 'to leave cciast' that ,Work of this kind Shonld , , . . .. . .
'could not ex,ist without, government' .Von. :That they -Itie., ep, is denim- 1-,1e.!:nwesPi•011tehle to look foriirard and,1•1l'a.es Unlighted, 'harbers findredged i 'ti..-'lecti. . In. ,avilit4'°117 •tbe• 1aq:edible add. entire Wheat ,dumPlinglii and cook Any -good °Pen garden sell will pelt.. ,
bl-oin will &one on the
. , .. . .. ....
'perrnissien. and. stipport. • • ' ' ...I strable by statisticS. The member- consider "future:developments', raber , ad bridges broken; ,yet the, charges : Of Lo -day Is. thcl possible of tiO-1:11°70!. fifteen rarniftes: lonaer., Pare and 'r...
e . . e , spumy a • or. a • ese main enance se • " ' Althoughi.in the strict sense of the Core two tart apples. cut .them into sontheiftsirotf.the housC, or fence whore ,
', Howl intensiee. ' the %Propaganda...is '1 hito o•f the' Air League of' the 13ritash ,than -,' 'Contern 1 t • th ' • h" t'ff 11 th " •
' • I the 1.1krainA-aloraY.- ere paltry. total of 6,609,. and is inereei. word oshowihg:”. 1,41, been used inten, 1 and isies„ •
are 4,662 local aerollaatical societiOs i.,ng very Slowlr'tIn Germany an ass- tieually,'' because,. bebind the scenes,
with a total membership . of 360,00.0.1 'elation with similar. aims haa,:a mein- much Useftil, exPirimental and re -
Each MeMber pays, a fee Of eighteen 1 bership of.several. hundred thousand, .search vsrcirk has been done the Air
• 'rubles, 'hilt whether jhis js•', an, • elf- and Crechoslovalcia;-..whose poPuiation .Ministry
'---- :---tikr Ce-fer.r.-cr7--„annuak Subscription is. is„1.5,000.,00,,,liaaan._,Aii.,13.e...ague with acturers. • . ••.• ' '
experts and aircraft Menu-
Tiet quite clear:: `TWo societ*, the go,poo rneMbers- ', ' ' - • ' iplanos. .•' •
m4Y •ho gathered from ' the •following.,E pire did 'not exceed in. 106 the
, meagre ShoWing C,if he present. The' met for the Most part put of rates
. .• Italy's ExPerience.
Italy's aviatien .problem. is.simila,r nuinerically, the most ppwerful us he,
• . .
r vario
in many' ways to; that of Britain—her' -World: , , Fons reasons ,
long coastline and interests overseas, Freneli air arm IS 'administered by
'necessitate the,use.Of her 'seaplanes or•the War Office, and the chief stiffezer,
li'b' • ' On the development of theugirt ynoineane-tbe ornlystifferer,_
Secacy...of the Friends of Aviation and
. tho Society of Cheinical Defence,'have
.iriew been ania.lgamated into one,
term, France hii.S.rio. force—that
Is; ne independent s*er:vice onthe same
footing as the two older serviiees-
the air, arm 'of the- Frendli army Is,
••-ew Enthusiasts..• Lips Italy,.. Great Britain` will hayo. .P •
• Admittedly, the 'foregoing figures to rely to a great extent on seaplanes
these tYPes of aircrart, far more than
• '
preqent the dark side of the situatien. for air communieation. It may be on • e •4' 1.• -
• • air fu ure dcpenti. Italian engin-
Jo, ,L 1-, her,
• " • • ' n a ss 11.:1 1 111 s
.kneWri as the Alciokhirri, *hose Mem- There is a. brighter side., Where the in-, that when airship designers ave
ie 110:lee 0, e'ruallY•xs re eern • •se ve . ..e. pro ems o • con ro of, 'ogre, pilots and meehanics •can :hold
r• ' ''f th • ' - d ' ed bY- 1' d th '. bl • f ' t .1
' betthip .exceeds 2,.00.600'. This .sug- ,.
their with those Of any race, and
-4 geStill0 C)InlatnatiOn has dIreatlyJorin-, tlie..`enthirsiasin .of ..a....feii.•,.':.:,;ARZ:Over lighter:than-air. VeSeelsand there is own
fed .pineteen ;acre: 'Clutis3. ar.d es,tablislied •
the country 'there are grouPS,:ot. pa- eVery, reason to belieVeTibit=they-WilI':iP4ithinOs may be e/Teted•• from
... , , • , ice. their money, I no eir nec s, por an . pa asipassenger an • rel :t , • ... . .
find an outlet for' their
1000' libraries containg books on `triotie men and 'IV omen r5..,ady_to Sacri; suceeed—the, latter will .play an: im- Ilion -if they
.aeronatitical subjects throughout the .T .
1 ' •f t"th ' " k L. t t.* rt. • d f `• h energies in the orgariiiation and
• •1n tli.e,catiee of aViation. The stIPPor carriers. 13 -tit that 'an iSri e ni . aiiallnaaat •01 air •tralig2a•rt' 57stalai,
• Soviet Union.. , t '
• ,A„ • Air 'Mini-try. "tO Light in COmPAtit;o1 planeswitht OceanFor .teame's provi g otanos cation acrosS safe a dzegular communr-
. .
Military vlatio.n..
front this arrangeinent is the French
navel air. service. The complaints*d*
the latter have been loticr• and long,
their', latest. occasion having been smile.
unsatisfacterY experlinents 'with sea -
a, Italy 'iand- •Prane are' :Iiii`'.
,,dotilotedly great ". air. powers Of „the
futtire, • Two .of them, France and
Italy;ar,e developing aidation Inai.nlY
• • . •Ofilt:"I-Otli-e'•ff. tt,.-ftf,•-n-IIII.t'fs.•Y-•svkat'..:rn--Ai-rplanu-h-s.*-'-has.h.ean'-_appree,LatecLI..han.:_lvith air.,
g% fl*.' - . '. ' ' ' ' ' - ' '" ' •••••' 1 ' ' • h ‘•d't*. '• ••• ean an d on military.lines in stnkmgcontrast
;...i•Lttlt e •I4
now a• firt• ea,, air .oWe'r., • rriy.), _Ilus-:, now in. existence With 'growing in .1 videci . that ' their •"usaful load' alid. niore solidly than by the Maintenande,, on" the -other liand'i•is prirsiring..excep-
lifts i••••.St boon •noglect:Td. • If' nUmbelis I and has; niet With , natisfactorYlree-; there- will ,hias .f---Tet-a---i'.„I'7:F,-,7----,o--,-tt•-e--.A.-dri•tt•i•,•.:-i,:t4h:ii„.__way---,_Ltaty;mu.L33y_te the preced,tire,impeseit GermanY
rings half an itch thick ;and „fry tin 1
tender. Put the cabbage into a :deep
plate; " garnish, with...the apple rt4isv
• the fruit comes out. of the ground In ,
the pork and. the.drimplirigt.
• . .
• " Shoo-FlyPie . • •:•
. ,.. • - •••
.Mix ,One Cup. ot pastry' flour ,With.
onefourth of a teaspoon ot. salt, one
third,ok. a teaiipeen ot. sOda, cnie-thlrd
-of a'.•.effp: of--brOwirr,-eugati,-and.. :one.
table•spoon,...Of .„lard,,' When .-well7
blended ...add,..One,thinii of 4 Cup. •
olatiees'.and....oriethird oi Of
boilirig water.. Mix Well and place on
a 'anima pie, pan: .10104:With pastry.
Bake,.. in ...a beit,olten
Servo With..ctiffee for breakfast '. •
•"7 Molanses7,PumPlings •
*March. • Grape 9,40. ,putch.. liya.cint4s •
f °Hon!' the. eiciatisses •blOom; then ••
come . Narciasna,. 'the" . single early.'
cottage.:tulips; • Darwinazuland ,
Braes:10re ' The, einall.
should be .pianted from in6b..: to
two AnChes, deep, . While 'the' tulips;•
liyacirithii. and Nareissils from fent° to..
isix‘Issohes, deep, witli the -late DO -Win*
which are especially tall, frOm 84' to,
ten incluse deep. ,•.The,heavier the soil;
:the ChalleWer,the•plasiting," Space • the.
bulbs'abOut th'e .same dista:neci apart
as they„are planted deep:. As these
bulbs' Will send up shoot's, Just as fast:
as the front -COM& dirt Of •the Ironed; -; •
be careful.. in rOMOving• titter in ;the. ,
Spring thet,ilierake deennetcome in
contact with •'•the tender .6piket. '
. • ..
. One Can • also have a display. of
flowere .winter b3
T,tlrerT., 'planting most:
• ic!a strentth, Russia la .4poti:e. At lea.S' SIX Such einh47,,,,,:iair•rOutes Ethpire, pre- foundation Of her.,air, power :fart.) bY the Treaty ofilrersaillesiar
...c.,ian Ai r POree iS,.t.ttid to ,•os..1:ess frOrii bership'and..the latest returns of tan- • range Of flight: can, be' ificreaseit'COn,;"-of an air force iof.,t_such size "that the ''tiorial,..prepaganidiet inethOda ' simal.-
1;2,..f0 to •.1,5t4 military aircrait.,•Orig-)Tyils 'in trannagand,•• ..--e-f-ilying;--lieen. ses-'-cidere,b1d,pr•O'eres.5 1-a_this .direction haa...„:
d r One of ; rnOtors . will drown, all 'other ..; tarieously.../With....the . provisiOn of . a
InallY gliSeia imPorti'-'d airplanesfrom , granted ,afe moat pror.•illailjg•-•Several be:i.n. made salready, 'and in the nectr..atianda in ltary. and 111-.0•vings-ofl•air-+Powerful-air. force. ' If the' goveric
Ge an ar.d hot sqliadrcins NV e ol• sti c cessf ui air:.ritco in ee,tings' have been • i n t u re cOnirrie,reial seaplanes should• • planes: ,above , ; the ,•• peninsUlar • Will IriOnt•in MoSpOW Can, achieVe'the.:Mir-
;equipped .liOni . the j unk. ef , ' II' 9,1:kr 1 held, .- in 19,27.1:atid-the4-Pres'Peeta. for be . available.' with: a. rarigee.,,Of 1,500 011Pse the Stin,",te•ParaPbraSe•aPaSs''.1r1°.°(,rn4king-Ru.Pinn 1.).e0.alit4 "air*:
• and ' 1.Wrijier factories but recently a ..the remainder of thd.seaien aregood.. miles.' It'livill then' he 'possible for a "--age-lreria.:a• publie •speech attribiated'n4dddi.!.then'i.haly,'France..ami Ger-
• ' „national ailoraft Indust,. y 11 aS • bean; Aviation 0.5.6 :Spot't seems to be tdk- . traveler, tie fly' froni. gnglancl to the. . by the •,neWiPaPers, to .Premier .Mus-' nlarlY together kvill. 'aOt'beT'Air,Oala'a
funded w,,..th:: -a rez...o.tvroh-deTart,-.;,:ntt,,,i ing; root 'in •Ertiland,.. and this is ,r1,.a. Antio.des.:•in ten non -step.' nfil4s,. -‘,,itb" solini: ' ' , • • • i :,'... ".; •-• " :.,..e(Plial in 'air -1rwer.,,. "";:, .' - • :t •• •
• built' in ,rtik....3:a-front. rtti!.:.7,lall Cie:iig0S. 1 011,4 the. c,orninercial .i:ide : Iniretiel:-Vhe ste.ges "miiht, be. 'ylalta ' Egypt; mates in italy, •:like•' those of .Other
ntelY; . the 'air.' 'force 1 estil... .. For the. PrItish,"delay'er.,hesitation
. ,: •,. •.,• 1 disastrouS. '' Great Britain's position
in. buildi rip an i Tierce, will: be
rig .a
..: and Ith.e. lat.c......t '!machi.n:es" hava 1.-•,?;:,•. Small mdter, fruin eYerY r•bint of vie .6.. thtal...of "it :•ni,.....e.1 71.-i4 :riving hottre. • 'Unfortun
Ral•••,.s'i'a.'ist...speCializin-, 'in '-all,metnI• Airways thnited aye lii7Ovid:ni.; raiii- t ushire,. ;Itai•achi, •Coldinbo: •'S'iriga- Oonnbries, are' going 'np; end. tne, . • • : ,. . :
. • - . i
*th th C 't T1 ' • D '• • t. • - • d.ted. • fi h ! 111 the world Itas been built upon the
--"---airPlan•:,..s dale of. a •nOW s_i vices wi . e, Port wo air -station s"in Dan •gOVernmen is c.re with q
. Mit ' of warm milk„ one-
fourth 'del p 'of blitte,r, a little 'salt
and a half a Onp,of yeast -m'1 'With
'balls aabout.the Siz,e of ,:walnuts'. andPlaca In Well greased deep., Pan te• faralkig •tdawil - earlierl ••NaPVisauf;
'..ehougaliminiure. This netal cornhine3 ',air Ikiers enjoy a dcservedlY high re- :Anstillia and one InNeW Zealand In intenti.on of constrUcting 2,$00 basis of sea power, now it aead.a air
• ' • •power • to maintain , Its mariners,
lightr,2ss. with a tan -s,trength.,Ofiputation for safety a•nd, pritish. pilots ..thc.5.e. conditions, " the, gain in . time tary,aireraft by
':1920: , • backed :by govermitents With: vision
85Pa0. ponds to the. selna.e inch and insPiro cenfidence, in the , meat :timid: would :lie a 'decisive 'factor, and no The" MarqUeits, de :Pined°. has. per end the instinet4 'a trading:pee*
' 'has given' eatief•actory results iii.the ; Diirino; the period 1919, to '• 1926 -the one NVi01 business of•ireportanoe. would hips: a .clearer notion of the require-.
Made' possible the 'British' Common -
'"d I ' take the air •route1 With merits of..aerial .surtremacy.. has vjw... •
itn across th;0, patht
rd"dfir'-t •
Hyacinths, and Chinese can be,
grown soil, ',wn.ter 'fibre:: The
atteriul..._,..i.LMI,i,9,0,L1. which "js now on sale
are 'a m:.,.asu•
rise. ••,. Cook together about five min!.
utes..Orie :Cup 'of molasses one of
water, arid, one tafilesPoon 0r -butter:
and, 'pour the iniXture 'Oyer the .dumi.
nags when they are•liglit and bake e , •• ,
.' . • ' . best resulta.. Tulips should be planted
ii.: moderate oven.. ... _ , ., .:, -. , . • .. .
. . • . .. A. . An pots, -placing . the bulbs •about half
•fralt Potpie ' , • ' an in& below the 'soil; ' The Nerd's-
. • ,
Sift tWo leaaPoens, of baiting PoW-.,, sus will come 'into bloom ,in front six .
der Into one quart of, flour,' add hell a 'to elOtweeks,.and.shotild be planted
.tea.Spoori cif •salt ; rub ty1,0,t4blegptioleyery, vieek:er,tWe up „until. Christman •
of •1•3.1itter bite'. it -with the finger. film for a eticcossioa Of bleeni., Hyaeintlis '
aria add'_Water. to make a. anti,dongb. and 7111102 Win. taAe about two to '
,R011. and pat out two thirds .OP the, three -menthe; and Daffodils about •the
datigh and: carer ,the bottom . of a Sarno: Where soil is used &light pot-.
deep' battered pall 'or".a kettle with ting 'Variety containingplenty of sand
iegs:' , Ad.A•icitiart of ealirtered- 4P- is .,advisable .and drainage mustbe
' eaelies • . add •sugar bountifully, provid,ed• •-• With fibre pr water. drain, •
. ...
at all seed StpFes, is the Cleanest to..
handle and, will Probably.' give the
• •
and fitted with a 41;•0 horsepower'Lib- tenger,'" clad freight; ,•• flight, eniPire air transport will be- •construction .of 5eaplarkes "navigable. , • . • • . as it requires more than when stewed. age is not uecessarY. After planting
, , ways o sea. airmen. ean . .
VariouS teSts ,• applied., An • airplane,, rate .of , a , ‘r, _
str cted 'throughout Of this. alloy] per; 1 141,0C.0, .rnile3 flown, with Pas-. Machines° ...pecsessing this range of been. urging., .among. other thins, e •
• erty engine has intide • a non-stop iiighly Efficient., rome -o co'n. mercial on the surface of the Water. This - . . •
give it a new lease a prosperity andi
Roll the remaining dongh for the' top plaee'i na dark cellar Where the tem-.
consolidate that, commonwealth and
flight rom MoscoW to.Nijni N ovgord I Al tilde' the British air' for is, is, • poes Not Fay. ' *idea .is %far .from being fantastic ;
• - e life only by equal enterprise and %xi.
crust and pinch "the edges. well to- perature kept. around. 40 'degrees. it
and back. ' • • ntinter'c•ili-, rot eo .".0;1" "ifs c.r • • cnawerthiness of seaplanes is .stir- • • • • ether and put in a qu c oven a P sa • .
t o ible' When the root growth has ,
prising, though explainable on aero d t ckless whose courses' 'arein arse, thee lower the.,heat. It should developed weil-7 trw'rt out pottchr-hana
• • • • • -and the s routs area
li n a 1 countries the same cornplaint - • ' • • ing, on pathways . more illimitable
In Siuth B,ussia\fl.eets an -p anes . . .
be broan..a/1 ,over. • an• d examine p
- * t ra , , • • •
THREE KILLED IN BLAST into fir • light a.n• da, temperatnre of
sse 1 by the skin and daring' Eat theee who eomplala loudi,
d • abou 0 degrees. Water well at this
c orr•ine nt al ni r it ma), claim is madt,=tha alja ion dpes, not pay
static Principles; they .skim •oter the..
three cliniensiens azid above bah land'
an- i• limes the present traf fie is required • 'about an inch and One 1.1altr, bring out
are employed 'to destroy sWarnis 'of lack of_ nurnbc rsci s to, th
ed ihat,•• it makes. up ;in efficiePeY ler it 'way: •It. certainly,does not. Ten
• Advanc:cd Methods.
roUghesti,sea and neither crash into 'and sea • ••
the Waves nor wallow in the treughs.
Pinedo's Atlantic .flights aroused the .
wildeSt' enthusiasm'Ahrougheut
- _ tithe. ,9; week or' 'two remote to
.s locusts bv s,praying them .%:„,`.ith meal air •force Ieplay cannot fail to k b make -British air trnit anspert. Pay.
- the population the. 1..s•:•is and advan-. of tho 1,3ritish, and in, ver I • •
subsidies 'Paid' to shiPPing c.othott.ities where hie name is:a honsehold wor
Nothing could. bring herne betttie ,to - • ,
Y either forget or de not know Of •the
fages of *aviati.on than. th'is hransh ..aronautics' the same. h
: Th'.4 most dasztin* 'stunts and feats otandard.iS•maintained. Unfortunate- articrthe,plightd th2 raihvays in their If his •taPalaritY an;Ct influence are.
• day. suysidies as,,aleo.... Sufficiently maintained to enable him
0„1:1) irinanShip *Ou,ld not impress. the IY.• in "aerial •Warfare4. the pesualties
while there , essary , 'to avia,tiOn •to • a to put his idt-As into. practice it will,
1?./taisii71n petisantS, half as mirCli as the Nvil.11)6 apP3Ilingt is'earlier
frdin the t,kv f the' faintest possibility ,,of i child. CievernineritS which Starve' this he fOrtun.at,e for ..Italy and not less
WarF ,aslocip a port.the fields they d.•..lvaState. of transPortation, and its ?.3 for .Euroxi H 110 ti n pe:• ' • ,,
Vorario..tp -tweets,. caught t•;•plete and th c!lrring one fact: pl.., aramount 'import_ iiktnv foilit
is 'that the BritiSh air force has •nOW I related hiluStry, will ' lie guilty ••of a • •Fratie. Beh!Pd '1.00..
''• '..ths•thitsr Itt4SSi will Le&or.-ie 10 the ,taken" the Mace of the BritISIf ,,navY rpennY,V.rine-p.ound-foolish, ,Policy.; • Midi Although Fra.nee contlihuteci•..,se
,. ...i.ui. .olis 0 . a .. 'g yeti, t, . air p,i‘ver . time aa.the • first lino of himie defence • As , rightly ir.cur the obloquy. Of succoed- rittich to the early • deyelopment of
•alor.4 a7:1 ii.hoe. Iter wid* And dis-, such it .pfilEt lo : l'r°Pa!'ed. fel' a long- ing••generationsi ThO•funre is "with aviation, 'it -is prpbably ,true .• to say
of atttltieu to eurvive which it„.airfdring nations; , and subaidies' io I that, with the excePtian. of .the tiritl,sli;.
itarx ,,•.pr,,i.ttc.e.,i Ni...ill nod he backing of a natipnal air-'coMinercial aVia.tien• are a. geed in,•I'nO. raee e..;,splays greater apathir*iii.
' ta,nt 'sfaces 'Offer !'lin -i.dth a 11 • p el ci. . ,tor ; w 11 r
1171.11,iy b r till an t On gh t(!er'S and . ..,5 li5U1a.. e rji.fti' IndUstrY. and ail imperial •air,..0''Ottnent of Public money. •Perhaps' 'regard to avlation than the Fre• nch.
• ' ayiatien ;.•.' 'the iaN'S
• d • 1 rti: s':. transpert SYSteln.jpst a:i the navY.' .. ',1,the best fprin such 'enbsidiee can take fit:pp:it-2:5f all at.-irpte by the govern,
' t Of ViclIn• a d ' lit to excite its interesta• by 'Means
Wbat.tbis race lacks Is c'oaceittratien. ilrits•it prOverbially Slow, is the intik& one pro g n
seem at last to tbe ; equ i Poing air ' routes.. The -„e'' routes
lirOduce ODA pilots -an , moc fa c, •
and thP., facdlty for detailedl.orir,ittilia-; bit• theY
koragzoi"citi flP ,neckS.V•eritig TIT4i1 post.War rcactiOn, an: are as'essential to a medern state as
• /364, fth' ,uit und Russia ,buad,$ signS wee n.pt tackino. that more s•ert-1 sea routes or. public reads'. It is, or
.e NVOrk s r .1 ••
as tinreit,sonable to neglect:air
up 0, . national air Iraiwptyrt' systpmwidosyread intorest being.;,, win be,
• , With ait tideqUatti aircraft, •industry , ..•••••••••••••••
, , •
, kor intorrTal :neees)••••-f-o, :vast nre • — •
ii bet ter:ou rces • and • sa frret a re .iier
. ll•..,natuiral .no,antagce that in a feW
year/s' Hine she may quite 'ci-a.teilily he
position, to oontrot (lie air routs
Ova A.;ia to' the 1a4. •
Bril.'s oPportunIty. • I
.,Coni.vii?•tol hi intiri ways 'with. the •
•grotving opulatity of a4itition and the!
• i rl,cfeang ‘ :,;,1•••• luintledneN" of Ru• s.,,i,
Oa, is' ',Ht., ,,,,tji:1,i-t.::'nf flying in (1reatli,
' P,i'iairi,,, ' A'••,,+.iGort oiTers. 'a spirmild 1 .
,..oilperttniify to' Groat; , liritaitt, ' 'Nol
' Eurorean t int: 1in.1 alt i&' 10, golo by
iti ratiirmil de•,..010.jiinen1. if th.i p1•4s.11-:..
• lc mapi•n4ented liy... t h IA r, eW ' feriii il.e
loco0i;41ion ar'f.s' lit.•1;1„sil.hol1iy and ,110-.
,V,..one.1,,e1,•:,rgjes, are net 1;i1;a1:i•7,.(el .1)y 1
.tli,e 111 foyi ti i' 41,v , ,01.t.n ''.0 it',. X, •t\hii„$'11 n in 1.c'es -1, ,-.
• iit:onierprisin;;• agt,Plo itrt'uttl all eltango1
. -fizlt,lca .C1`01 '4'f,°;(1';11. T.; 4: t111'1 Ilio'i.‘i'l g4411; t i nv iottl, '''; 1'1.'1 t:11(r.111lica rt.'40,' I
• ,‘,,raie1triaili,iqq,,,;1:;,:ri,t,1•1.tr1iT2)er),Ii,ri.:01'; ‘tthiel
n el,,1:41,
, P1;11(914411 1 i•4I It, -iltliSt: Ill 4,rri.0L44 In On' 070-
pleyetAlat,, inmoioy,.qcols, to linth.welop-:
ed. -1.:..-6i.,,,1iyrarvT19•see,,,,4111.1.,LW Wee inter,
eottivie withiri"/- tho .11ritish contmon-
wiiath "and' t4it0ughe11l, the wOrld,,,,On
',the. ioral,,s...ido Choir irt 11 Will .be i n• -
calculable .--- a Uroadef 'Olfiltiolis,•••belter•
understanding', a quickening' 'Of the
,Iirogt0;:,iVrY' Spi tit: Niiitlittf"Wittah 'tile.
;greatest "anti 11•16St -poWC1.1:rful; stataS
stagnate ati(1 eVeat0ally deCaY, '
•" On the- other liana, no • people. have
More tO loge by din tinglect a aviation
•- thin -tliO-Biiltiii#1" !Agee ielandS har
, . .
lost 'their oia .fioeurity; eel powo$ ti.
, littpt.s• *plus str ,rsuskt, Lana's,
• .' •.• . • ' • full suri and a temperature' of tram G'6'
• ,
i.enden.,-.-A. terrific explosion: In the to., YR) degrees. 'Unless these plants
natY"s Cordite storeroom at Vareliara..get' the cold, dark Start ,referred to,; ...
recently , caused the death Of three tbey.will delteloP to/ aon,•and small.
, ,,,, ,/, • .
workmen. Three other men, one • of sickly flowers/14re . .0 result -.After
- ,
where was carryieg a trayful of high they. come • Out, they misfit be kept
explesives, WaS blown out of the build: fairly cool, about'65 -degrees, if the
• „
' amid a .torrent of bricks :Oa •de- bloom Is to last an long as. possible. ,
•brisi but theY ,were not injured. Sev-
, Eicplained Her Make Up erar Wornen, employees were slightly
. . . ,. . • ,
Slie----"All the. werld'a a stage." hurt, • . ' ' • ,' . 1'
•• -He---"That :explains your 'make -un,-: ' AS the only ' three „men -working -AL
I •suppose," ' • .•• , the place where. the exPlosion oacur-'
. . , . _.......--..:. • . •
• red were killed, the aainie' of -it re-
• The real-estate firm. that ..refuses. to irtaIna tine:Plaine& The explosion
hire .flaPPers and eraPlays none bunt,
. .
of aeronautical' exhibitions .atia cle- elderly women deedives, to be co
in,oristration flights 'the' French Publie graiulated upon •Ita • ability to .d
has, ncy.t yet a.cquilredjfiaiT•sanse.!' Air, tinguish between thera•-•7-Neve• Yo
travel will have to :be, both Chee'per Evening PoSt: • • -•
est of Ontario 's Cattle Herds Parade in Coiisenn;
,CiittisND FINAL MAft tt)H FlAiT THE COLIfIgt.,04 ,
Theiiri1 WtlnerS of ai -classoe 41waye, Datade-ott.the„last triday:�rExhibit'ioii vie* shows
eye fitting Scene.. Tiro interest
Ini'ut ,eill the live stook tionte hair 'been lieeti this Year and the final PPria6 tan boi0011'6' bo tin eXCOPtidif;;*--Ti--..:::-...*t '
was tile fi et in the p nt since the
war> ,
. A, Great Industry.
T,..ondon Daily .Express (Ind. Cons.):
"Seraion': haat
closed With , e C41 -Ch -about; as large as
last year's, anct:PVces net •nneatisfaCt-
tOrY, The result is that the has•clyaild.'
indefatigable -section', of: our 'dpeople
. . , ,
: 'after the ' blast the. vato-•.,liVe'hY•BilicolilYing the 'nation. With.
storerbent became ,mass. of••• dimes, its Most' pOPtilat food, are in; good
Which 1nOunted .100 feet 'high. '1"Wetioi,- heart .and pocket. Wa.Semetimea.
.erapielizies; •including qtir. inland and urban way„ forget -what
had to dAsh.,for safety.' The bdilding .7e•ciwebOth to • "the and the
sumdd • in a IeVi. Illinntes, al. herring:, Between them 00: hair•e),
built up • •,flourishing cities': On,onr
coasts, and it was Our finherraen, who
leng ago laid Cie.. gouhdatitms,..Of 130.,
nitrite ;gre.atriese, • ,The
weight of the therrings 'landed .every
year is over AW'ice that of. any. !Other'
fish,' their: numbers 'run into the' thous, ,
andejOernilliOnfw the *aide of the •att.
mutt catch is relind,abotit 20;000,000.
leant indOstry pursued' by the pick
of .our"Iiqople. ,
De.,IVidera's to4
though : 'the- 'ilrenfen Prevented the
•Inpreed *Alio fia.ines. .141, ether bailcV
lags in the plant were shattered'.
The 'factory.tin,the, research laberii.?•
tory Of the Admiralty and contains
many naval secrets of the greatest
inip•ortance. , ' ••
•L,ondotr • Patti Chronicle (ILib.)i
There is only one Way. in' ivhiCh .the
rieh can ea'tablish . more nor-
mal political patties in the Dail; and.
,that is by depriving „Mr, 13o Valera Of •
Alfe ;strong' rePresentatibn be hair tie, •
ettred 'there. It May 'well be that theticr''
who voted for Fianna. Vail the last:
,eleotIon bad .rie . intention • Of geilapig.
its menibera tqthO DaU. „Having,
bitled his, whole' position Ori
ismto the Oath; aiitt provoked evil•
.vtar r inlet -cause, they .can iftereely
htiVd ' thooiht.'. that •"gir; ,T.DO, ?Valera-,
SwalloW :the gatit'ao,:-
---.8e-Wettee • 'lid hita
‘,,cessi to the is good,
CRU.130.: ne.has:•a,CtIt1011$
grou knOW 411Y linahaad talks se gent :to -the Irish •
lend :and. sit r tti‘..1)0A-r1t85ing.n.
I'nt very sensitivethat way-
vieiyboo. taiitos at yetir,
:le, difficult to, nakke"iin
telt Of 4.10 •lavtynOivadaYs: sOlielt614-
but PritetiCe Will, de It. ,
' •
lives whefl 'eatiat'Psit:tio°U tshenr'1V1' po'ttelOir,4,1,4notr4tegOsroh.• gontatriAtO4i
Iirsinir„ „Au% :miler itettiog,
1 is
'4 11.1,11 0444