The Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-22, Page 14 • • . , .. . . , • .....r.4.4”.••,...r. , . . I . . . . • .1. II. q • . • • $2,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANG)li; *2.50 OTHEMIVISE • .DR. W. 'M.' CONNELL „Phisitian snd. Surgeon., 'Luciknw : 74-4 ' Phone 8"6- ...•• DENTIST:. • • .-• , -Letchti,e_w• in •-•th Coni3011.!0. •. • Treleaven, peCker's..,. Store. Ss'171xtractioti cther, by, goth'. .' Will be. it!. Lkiugatutbnevery'llitvsday, .,Phone 55, DENTI$T .Call Dr. _Newton: Make; appointment. • In , office everyday. A. Siddall. Lueknow, lirukor and Real: Estate. --Money to lerid Oi, first .inort.goges, on farm proper- ties. at 6 and 6%.Per cent according to:;secerity. offered ' Also . small ofi-'second, tp,ortgages . on farm: 'properties and on personal notes. A few good ferny for sale . . . . WALL PAPF:R' • „ . • MY stock of Wall Paper .is cent.' „pieta for 1927. Prices from 8e. up: I .aisn' also tient foile-ading 'jei3 houses R. J. earneron,; Decorator, • Painter •'•tiel Grainer • Boir.1j74 LuektieW. , house F1 Sale--Fraine residence 5 rooms, hard water, garden, gpod stable.-ApPlY ° to David :Mead or 111,r8.Jis Biirns;'-northof the §ta.:- =-- tion : • •, (23-6-tf) •,. • •• ,1173use- for Sale with - stable atie ,orage; two acreth of land,: fruit trees. •z.ltd garden. Wate'r supply' .ptiinPed to house. 'Everything inddern equiiiiiient,;'affiVin good Order. Apply to.' Robert Johnston, Court . House (lectern:1n lont. FARM, FOR . SALE .11.1107?Cei.e fii lot 3, con. 6, Kin-, less: Buildings In good repair, and * hind* in good state of cultivation Apply 'TO, Mrs.Lucy: Swan, R.R. 31 • , • • ' , • • Greta: For :Cattle -A •ninnber .of tte'can betaken: for '.:'peSturing,:t' 3 W. Webster, •Phcine•17,7r49;•Dun- s•:itiribii::• Foster Homes Wanted for baby Airl; little girl aged six years; six • 'Jeri aixed three to ten yettrs.-z--Apply .1.tevz R. Perdue, Walkerton: , . ;Wanted -Hear, from • 'owner • good firm. for Sale., Cash price, partichlara. Bush, Minneapolis; Minn. •iiknow Elevater.ii now open taking all kinds of wain. High. - est prices. Also handling pool grain. c'ERY LARGE AUCTION SALE •'' Of Farm Steck .and Implements one mile east of Bervie, on Tuesday, .,27th. • Siiecial at this sale eews,. 6 of them being Scotch •ShorthernS; all in calf. 20 brood. • sows, and other stock; • including liorses -Saltine! MacLennan, Prop.; ' Purvis, •Aue. •• • LARG:E'"AUCTION SALE 'Farm 'Steck and Implements half, 'mile south of ATITIOW, On 11V2:110.1i" September 29th; Special •;11.7ad •oC feeding cattle,. 15,0 .1 .J yearling cattle. , Also hogs. iro.Nes and sheep. Sale at 10 o'clock tile forenoon. Lunch served at Trn,-Rey AvOrY, Prop,; John Pur - .41'C. • '• NNIJAL MEETING , riiJ Meeting of the 'Lick- • ' • r raor Company • Liinited wjlI 1.1d Saturday evening, September '' 2 pt 8 p.z.n. in the Cain House, Lncknow, for the election of Officers and the rcceiving of ,the reports on • ini=inets, fer the year.. --T, F. Cain. President. • (22-9-:c) • , NOTICE. , Notice is 'hereby given that a Court will .be held, pursuant to The Ontario • ••i'r*?' Lits " At; by His IfOriour the. ' (lite ;of:. the County Court ot • the .„ of ,Bruce. at the Town Ran h1 Village of Lucknow. on ,Monday Twenty-sixth'.day of September Tr, at 2.00 o'clock p,m., to hear and ;• (totertr.ine complaint § Of errors and "ission; in the V)ter' List of .the of _the Village •.cif Lnek. n't.4v for 1027. - • • •t.• .p 4,TED at -Lticknow ' thi4 Four- !. t d'iy of September 1027. :Joseph F. A onew, Clerk of the ' Village of ,.Lticknow, • (22-9-e)' „ • TENDERS WANTED „Tendert will be received and infer- irkil iO furnisberl by -the undersigned *: i,til1 neon eir M•ontlay,'Oet. 3rd, for • dittoing, placing' and covering tile.Th Ito ,Lett Drai,p, East of Whitecliurch;:ere4 ”.1(1 a separate tentlde for furnishing 1 eau Ind drawing .tIle, tate Tile"required: call 2930, 12 -inch; 1420, 10 -inch; 660 8- Post lit,Ah. Total 5010. " • • ing G. Moffat) Clork, Kinloss (2279-c) uret Mac Hel was zesu Sav 'des and iaW "'" . • . Miss .',Dora. Mitchell Toronto. ..pent last. Week ather hone • • ,Mrs. ,•RaYmer ,atidc,.daughter,;..,"Ja& •of Regina, Wok; are • viaitieg with 'Mr. 'and *Mrs. Jas. Smith .0* foWn • We 1814. and.,,Seli Dry. .•Geods- foi; • SPdt Cash., .GoorGopds, Low Prices, -THE MARKETHerneli-Murdoch *•,• 111 . kO-cgprOw. SEPTEMBER 22nd, • .• :MOS EVelyn' acLeed as returned' to lowz, atte spending few .days. ••With ,herint Mrs T: -rixter • in tondon. ° That hail' atorar tuesdllY after' noon, was. the weather triap'..ivr'y of °mak Ing up ,for the unseasonable heat of last woek' . Mist Ruth Mitchell went to Ridge . - town .last' Week, where he has ac- cepted .a position on the staff ..ef the Collegiate, , • Price Naylor has been successful, ir passing the examiriatitn of , the Oetario. Enabaliters AssoeiatiOn, held in 'Toronto Sept.' 6-1'. • .4r. ancl 'qrs.' Mel. Greer set out. Ftriday-of at velLon a meter trip to he Canadian West, tiof Nt ill; go as far as Resetewn, Sask., MrS. Rebt.'hargraves of Prince Al: bert,: Sask.,: who is spendig a month .0riferio., was a week -end gnesil her, 'cousins, Ms A.:‘ D. MacKenzie :and Miss Lees- ' . 'Mr. an Mrs. Frank Tyler of Han, :over, spent; Tnetday .with: • Luelindw. .friends. They wee -0n their via'y home frona,,a trip,. which tookthen, -aa,fa1-Lateriyerf-.71.-.C.o1ertalie3i' were .alrribtts..melted in. ' the. • `lie4t .wave" .which engulfed the, :Centre States. Iasi sweek. • Mr:-andlii.47W,-. do,lk returnee 1a0.. week from .a trip ,t o the. :fruit firin • of Senator, E. D Sniithat Wi none, and Grimsby, being- the 'guests Of the senator while' there:. Mr.. Cook has , been ,representative and, sales man :Of •the-E.T.• Smith nurseries. for .25 Years.:.. They report the, peach plunib and pear:emirs te.be'excellent in the 'Niagarafruit 'belt, ,*•;,•'" : COLD AND RAIN ,NEARLITe. . ; S'TOPPED:rSCOTCH , , • . . . Cold, ram ri and hail •to(lc nearly 'the jay out of the. Scotch Deublep tournament staged 'here on. Tuesday bY the -local •Bowling Club.: Twenty- nine -rinks entered the ,:ornpctition• and had the weather min (tone his - part there would have been.:a great day. As it Was, it took seine grit'to "stick it out,” and .perhaps some were not sorry to ,find that they Were ,out of it." .• Bowling. :is a f"gentlenian'S game," but it needs.. gentleman's weather. ••The ladies?' ceriducted lunch scounter in the •club house; and no doubt, the hot. tea, hot coffee -ant 'hot dogs were infgreet derhand. Two ,Seaferth rinks, skipped by Sproat and Bright, were leading iii the•trephy event; and decided to play off for 1st and 2nd plaec on .the greerl in their own home town. ' Bill PowelPs rink from Gedericl• got lst in the Association, and Robt, Lucknow, got 2nd. • • First and second in the Consolation were wonby two local rinks, skipped by J. E. Agnew and E. N:Hodgins. , APPRECIATED • .1 Wish most sincerely to thank alt those who gaire'. such splendid es,sist- mice in saying •stock and implement,-: and in Preventing further damage •the tinie my buildings were destroydd bY fire: It was all gratefully appre- ciated. -R, J. Button: U.F.W.0: AND KAIRSHEA The Keirshea 11,,F=W.0,, met at .flie; home of 'Miss 'Margaret MacGillivray 6th :Cop.,lase Thursday afternoon with a .fair attendance, the Presi... dent, Mrs. S. Cartoehan,,Opened the meeting in the usual way, by sitiging and ' repeating Lord's, Prayer, • afte! Which • Misa, Mari/ &acted(' • gave splendid reading, ontitle.J „"Peopli Wfill'italle,;"!... :this was -:filliowed 15Y singing; 'and' a . good readinz ,on "Potato Digging,!.! ' by Mitt Helen Swan, Mrs. R. Martin then -gave a good' 'summary of Current • Events 'which was' followed by humorous ding. by Annie' ,Ifughes,. which sed much laughter.. \ The. Itell• .was ed and answered by Pickle., Peet.: ,and :the...Minutes of, last meet - read and adopted; and the 1'1.e/is:. .'s report giveli. This. was follow - by, a reading Prepared by Mit. D. 6th danii and read en Swan, A 'Contest oh, AUthdrs held, in which all took part; and lied In n tic.' After..tiligint;„ Ona e the. King, .the Meeting' tvas.- A. nice innCil was then served social .hour enjoyed • on the • ' • TIl8!" IT YOURSELF • • ••••• 0,7 7; f•fi,l.ittli.V.kiirti as ttlau.sSi:icts • ti t' 1s SybiliaSpahrs.Toti;•, treattqSore .throatsi.-4oincY, (tilv.:11ronchltis,i.,Catarriti. Aatlitria and 'retail . ' hies *Succesattil,-.4tiKini's prtig stbre, ••• ' SINGLE COPIES ‘CE WEDDING' • ..••• Kart148Peace.z • • leVely anturnri,"weddirig was :901- eximized at "Wyrnilwood";',' • ,Queen'S, Rai -k, .tiOrOtIto,.:On Fridny aftern9011',' t:16, wberi• INTildred Wilkin da liter of Spence and Mrs. Sp nee' of Lu‘dchow`, beea1.11.1• the bride Ot`Willia.4I-Ientst. Kern, OfilitiNya,...l.son 01 Mi. and 'Mr§,-,.; Henry E. Ram .of Weocistock. The , RSV, G. Nor.rjs Grey.: of Parkdale• ' • United • Chinch. Unele of thp bride, was the,' o.fficiating clergyman. Thebride, who was giver,' In 'marriageby her :father,' was unat. tended. Shewore at lovely gown of geld and. brown- lace ;and sliadoiv'• vet: - vet with d soleil. het •in the same tones and 'a• corsage bouquet horde roses, lillies. of the Valley ancl orchids. A Mr, 'G. D. Atkinsen 'played ..the. vveddirig mnusk from Lohengrin and during ':the.,signing, I' the regis...." tier 1VIrs. john H. • Perry' jr. of . Whit - sang.' • Aftel• a reeeption, ,whieh *as attended by the immediate fam- ilies and relatives ,arid a intimate friends, Mr. and' Mrs. Karn•left on a `meter 'trip through he Easter?, States. On 'their return -they WilFre- side la Oshawa, I . .• MR. HARRY WHITELY DIED • AT. CHICAGO, 'SEPT. , 16th. , Word"was 'redelved hel'e .611.Prida oflast weekof the death .of • Mr. Harry White1y,,-Hwbe---had-.7.01ed "quite 'suddenly at Chicago. or :that, date: kr. Whitely' vas .d brother' of mains i'Vere'bronght here for inter- .ment • in •,Greenliiil' Cemetery,, . the funeral_being an Monday -afternoon, A:'.aerVice ••St_..tbe-hdine' Qf • Mr. and Mrs.,' Little khy the 'Rev. A. F. Traverse, inanY. friends, ef .the. fainily being present. •-,The :late Mr. 'Whitely WAS. .beriC,at Goderich,in :July .of.s,1871, ond.'•caMe. Lo LucknOw.' with his parents.. when seven years of: age. Having, attend-.; .ed •the Public S,choel here he Went to the Clioten high School '.:for two years, 1886 to 188$.• In 1889 lie took position with thetanadian. Bank of. ,Commerce at 'Sarnia; and' later was. with the same bink at Brentford, un- til 1892, when he''Went tci Ont.. • From London he went to Chi- cago and, beeanie ':eredit . manager • with .National 113a,n1c, which became affiliate() w,ith. the: City National Bank. • A few 'Years later he .became• associated with the Am-. erigan,'•,Bond and Mortga ge :Co. After .,of 'years' with: this coin- Pany. he joined' the staff cif ;ri. o. Stone &, one of the; largest • bend and real estate concerns in .:ChieagO, whein he remained: 'loth • his: .„Ilew Mr. Whitely was appreciated by his business associates i suggest- ed by the, following. ;parngraph froni. a letter written by the salds manager of II. 0. • Stone. & Co.: ,"I know We all .feelAthat-his----pasibrc;---ig-'-tr`loss to „every' one of II's. His lOyalty, cheer:. fulneig and sinperety were at •'all times a' shining example to his asso- ciates. :A man who could start out to fight hisway into this ,business andmaintain that cheerfulness which Mr: Whitely at all times expressed, against. the odds he encountered; is• . certainly entitled to the admiration' of every member df the organization.". 's The late Mr,,, Whitely; is survived by his wife and one son, one brother, A. L. Whitely of. Chicago, and tbree sisters: Mrs, A. M. Jordan of New :York City, Mrs,' Hugh Morrison of Toronto, and Mrs. Little of " Luck- now. • • • CHURCH NOTES The , September meeting • of tlie Viiity Bible Class was held: at the ' home of Mrs. Jack flenclerSon, with an :attendance of thirty-three. , The Meeting opened with singing; follow- ed, with prayer by the 'Prosiaent. Sev- Prel..disousSions the took "Kaee,-Thcc. consisted of'...(toinfnunitY singing ,anc. a musical contestafter which a &tints; Mach was Served, October•tneting to be ,held.'at the. .home, of 'Mrs, .A. Solomon. ' mAnt' 90,00.14.0..ES.Int-AtIT4 • • , A few WO011tgo-NrjO, of the visit her Of Mr, 1). M. Aitken ,and family from -California: 'Mr. "Alt, ..krn hadat ono time worked .here is a harness -maker, and had called --to enmleyer,' Mr. Alek koas-, Word has been received. by Cederich friendS , that the faniily -had arrived "slifelY .at their !Ault) in 1,1,11rhal),it ealif6rnia, • havir'g 'Irevelled 9,000 miles i'n, their autoniobile. ,.Thoy ear. ried their tathp equiPMent and were at home anywhere. ' FIRE. 'DESTROXS• 410' • SASON:S AND •". Droyn, '.0ne of :the';mciat spczteenler "fir94 :.to Ocint1ds:diStrietinii*Yea0 destroYfed•-the, large I.bara. and ,iinple- •.-m•ent'hense on tiTe tai-inOf ROL. But- ton, one. inilo WeSt.,of Iirelsn'tOW'i' Fri. -day' morning of •ia§t".week• • It appears to have been a re41 Mise of 099nianeens'Oombnktiorr. in the hay d grain inoWs 'a%' the first I sight of .'ire that .Nr: Buttctorg\ret"; was 'when, flame and Snioke.linrst threrigh:' 'the. east' end of the. barn ‘I.vell down froni: the to/3.of a.ineW filled with hay and oat sheaves.. This WEIS sbortly'..after ti3c, o'clock in. the Morning.; • and it took but a few:, minutes until whole structure was u niass of flan&any' neighbors and people from ;LticknoW, snon ...gathered' oh( tit,' and the ,farrn• iniplements were'. 'taken .froM the-: . implement. .hoi,e, which stood close to the barn. There was little Wind at •the tithe, a fad which made it possible to 'Save the dwelling and a :chicken, house, A nuniber ' of elks, and, a voidable. lest their • lives in the fire,. the heat heing se, greet that .they could:: not he. gotten 'Mr. Button had . his fallwleat threshed a Short . thine' ageirran.d...the •The• barn. ' Was ; large 'end, well.- equipped the: Stabling being fitted With a• corn; plete 'water .syStein: ..There • reinains 'now' nothing:. Init the bare concrete' walls. • ; t: . Britton: carried: ...considerable. insurance, bub not enough to e&yer-i'se ,comPlete 'a ,bnin-Out,"at this 'season • We ,.Buy land-BC11,7D-ryT1oods for': Spot .Casig.. .Good Goods, Low ' Prices,. -THE.MARKET=Hoinell-Nlutdech „o • . 'ANNUAL FLOWER ,SHOW' *ntheima goodyear for flower shows.' The: almost' total splice Or ram during August and September made the development of fine blooiii's alinost impossible. ' • This had its effect upon the Flower Show" held liere lea Friday evening. by.. the': local Hortieultdr.-11society The exhibits .. were • beautifril, ; cif cotirse, but neither .Sa• ,plt:litiful no) Lae good.as at_the'„show;-ef-,-1-ast-7-yeai- however, it • was surprisingwhat 'lection was gathered up. . The „' at° tendance was not so great this yea? 'either,' the long period of drouth hav- ing "dampened" theenthusiasm • of flower-grOwers as • they saw !their plants shrivelled. up by the hot min... At •the conclusion .of the:show, the, :exhibits were so,ld by auction, Elliotk Milier wielding- the hemmer. A, list of- the . prize -winners follows: White asters, lst, Go. 11. Smith: McKenzie.. -Pink as- ters, 1st, Miss E. McCluskey; 2nd Geo...11.•Sinith.. Reid, eaters.. 1st; Mrs. F.,Malcohn; -2nd, Temple Clark. Blue asters, ist; Mrs. F. Malcolm; 2nd Geo: H.' Smith. Collection asters, .1st • A. E: 'Buswell. 'Roses; red; lst, Geo Smith. noses pink, 1st and 2nd, .Geo. H. Smith Roses,, any other color; 1st and. 2nd Geo.. I-I...Smith., ColleCtion roses, lst and 2nd, Geo. 11, Sinith: Best, beniiinet 1st, Geo. IL Smith;, 2nd, Mrs. W Gordon. Yellow '"marigolds 1st Geo H. Smith; 2nd. Mrs. K. ,MacLeod French marigolds, lst, . Geo. H. Sriiith; •2nd,:•-•MrS7--K7-7MacL-cred7-"--per- ennial phlox. lst, .Mrs. K. MacLleed Pinks,. lst, Geo. 11. Smith:- 2nd, Bert. Ward. Carnbtiens, lst, Geo. • II Smith: Pansies, 1st.' Geo, II. Smith Svcct peas,. lst, Mrs. K. MacLeod.: 2nd, Mrs. Robt. Fisher; 3rd,..Geos If Smith-Atioual phlox, .lst, Mrs.- D. M Thompson; 2nd, is. D. Iltiston. ShOsit 1VIrs. Rnht. Fisher. Cadtus dahlias, lst, Mrs. RObt. Fish- er: ' Decorative dahlias lst, Mrs: K.• MacLeod; 2nd, Miss, E,'McCluskey. rollectiOns dahlias, %lst, Mrs.; X. Mac - Stocks, lst, Mr. K. MacLeod, ond, Mrs. G. A. Newton: Dwarf . sun- flowers, 1st, Geo."1-1. Smith. Best 'Hs, play mit flowers; 1st, Geo. H. Smith: 2nd, Mrs. D. M. Thompsop. Everlast- ing flowers', 1st. Mrs: W. E. Gordon; ond.-Gea-r-H. Smith. Zinnias; 1st, GIee IL -Smith; 2nd, Mrs, G:' A, Newton Glads., 3 hest, 1St, Miss E. McClus- key: /2nd, • Geo H. Smith, Glads:, eol- .lection, 1st, Mrs, R. Fisher;.,2nel. Mis F. McV1USIC'e$r: 3rd, Gee. H. Smith Snapdragon, 1j. Geo. 11. Smith: gobt. Fisher. 1st, , Mrs, 1).. Hu.ston; 2nd; NV. E. Mc- Denald.,Begopias, single. 1st,, Mrs, D,, Ilitston; :2nd, W., E. McDonald, Cole us, :collection, „1st..., Mrs. D, ?,tui; Mrs, Collectior .lichise plants, 'ist, Mvs, 33,.1-Instoil' Ikt,'ThifoinfiSdiV Gerani mnsi-Ast.- Mrs, NVm, MeKetilie;...„.2.nd -1grs, D. M. rhomps�n, Ifouse PlArttin bloom, lst. Mrs, W. E. GOrdon; .2nd ;VIPs: .1). If -Osten, Begonia, rex., lst Mrs. WM.. McKenzie; 2nd, Mrs. Di M Thompson, " 'Bally Day. Service be' held in the United Church,* on Sunday, 'Sept.' 2(ith, et 2 o`ticick'in the 'zifterimori. Special intisi'e and .speaking •for .the occasion. * • For Sale -A nirinher of window arid, Storni hashwith glass in themto . , „ Miss - Sarah ••MacIver Sataiday 'afterrieen for ',North, Brix; •Where: she . . . , • . will "attend, Normal,.Schiedl.: She:: was • accompanied • by •her. friend, .• :MISS :Marion MeCDo,ugall Of L,nt'itnevir. Mi$OeS Illargaret .and. Nary. Gra 'ham spent :Saturday ' With tbeie grand: • niether•,, Mrs= J. .1VIacMureh3'. .kr. and Mrs, W. •.W Hill ":4Vere plowerdrile callerlast Tborsday, .• ": „Ode,: teacher,:: ,111is,5.. Irene' .;,Morg.an is 'ft> be ;congratulated On tratning thc . Pupils so they received 2nd prize in PhySical• 'Culture at the Scheel' Fan. last MoodaY. • 'I`h0. downpour of 'rein last Monday :enabled' some .of the 'farnwrs. to Pre-„ pare sweet clover ground for Wheat. • Rally 'Day will be;...obserVed in . • . .'South Kinloss B.S. ridict Sunday. • Good Watch Given For One month onlY a .good Watch Will, be gtven..fr6e. with each suit of Lighthouse Red Beek-.."0Vera-1-1S".7Th Overaiii • are the best en the market, and :are unconditionally guar- • anteed: to give; Satisfaction, or Mit cost, or , argument. • (•-•' We •have received a- large stock of Ladies' Coats for:Fall and. W,inter, ;411e: Material and .vvorkmaiiship are of, the very best; and Ak411 be sold at,reduc- • ed. prices. • .. ' 'VTe'alsO. have .a large assort- ment of Ladies' and Childi•en's :DresSes, in flannels, silks,: can= ,ton crepe, and other popular materials. Itwill pay Yau to look thein'omer: „ B. •1314I'IIZTEIN'.$ Dry 6nod's y St.circ', 'West of 'Central Garage , , Phone 18 , 4LucknOw ; 1, • HER APPROVAL: . MUST . HAVE..,......__ . • . • . . Her highness the:wife Con- trol§ the family purse. ,On pur- chases ;of feed her :•approval _must.. be Won. She • respects— her budget and ,she buys‘care- , • fully. Such as to be practical, she buys 'Golden Grain and Golden - Crust ' Bread, cakes s"k . and cookie i t Reid's Dominion Hakery--L. onq 68. -Y"----,---"-',.---7---.-----Z--""-------- FAMILY .T.114ATRIt 't FRD)AY' & SATURDAY. SEPT. 23rd •& 24th • • 'Zane reys ."DESERT, GOLD"' With William Powell .and Shirley Miison. I And Comedy , THURSI, FRI. & SAT:, ,FALCVAIR, WEEK ' SEpTEM.• 29 1.?:" 30, OCT, 1 , _Douglas. MacLean in "HOLI) THAT LION" • THE kREV.A.LENCE". FAR -SIGHT •t''• This error of VigiOtt.is phob- .ably more frequently. met 'With than .ait othors, And in addj tion,to being prevalent,41%.is, very detriniental, It is`.pretoAt:::, atallages,: the majority of, • •childreA being to some' -extent farsighted: There is but one Way, t_ .cOrrect far.tight.". Placing, glasses .bitore the eVe.1 that evercome the •error.: We have success in such casos.. P. T. ARMSTRONG Jeweller & Optometrist Luckriow; Ont.. The ' Brea • :Of 'Health ' :Health OUR MOTTO IS "QUALITY:, s& ,SERVICE" •• •• .„Try Our Quality ,lionie• Made; 'Whole Wheat and : Raisin :Bread-. the loaf .thsee all pure.. •• " 'SPECIALS Lemon MerengueiPiei, .Oatmeal Cookies, Raiin Pies,. Chelsea Chocolate Marshmallow Cake', Date Squares, • ,,,Jelly Maple •, TartS, Golden ItOds,t,' Raspberry tarts; Bon •Renche" • BEST.' PRICES GIVEN FOR BUTTER AND'' EGGS HOLLYIVIANS. BAKERY Phone 36 Lucknow" Phone 7.5 • Lucknow, Ont.. RP' ' NEW FA4,14. 'MERCHANDISE, ARRIVING EVERY WEEK. WF ARE ?LEASED WITH THE' _ . . wAy OUR NEW. MATERIALS ARE 'OPENING OUT NOT • ONLY. HAV WE NEW PATTERS AND NEW ..• COLORS, • BUT WE HAVE NEW 'CLOTHS' TO SHOW YOU AL.L-'WOOL '• TAFFETA:. CLOTH -at 81:25 'P'er- yard.. 'This new cloth - here "in:five, shades -rind is 36-Tinehes wi4e 4€ is wovenof ,fire Weed,' twisted yarn, giving the surface 'a •bard fin:ish;'•mekiag it durable, and, no dust collecting.... A. cloth; • suitable for children's, Inisses,or ladies' wear - . • 4SK:. TOL Et THIS LOTH WHEN .VISITING 'OUR 'STORE'. lfred uswel T ARRIVED New Shipment of latest styles of %Ladiee, Dresses for Fall Wear--Satin-faced, Georgettes, Vel- vets, Jerseys, Silk and Wool and Plain Jerseys, and .Serge. Also latet styles in Ladies' Coats -Needle Point,, Pin Point, Tweeds ,of all kinds and Plain ,Cloth Coats with Fur Collars and Cuffs, in all sizes. Also a new line of:Tall goods for men, in- cluding Suits, Overcdts and Stanfield's pnderwear. Come Early and Get Your Choice At . •B. PEARLMAN'S STORE!. , :PHONE •$.5 •!...41j.C1C,NO,W - formerly with 'I' ' DOR,ENWEND--PEMBER CAIN HOUSE-, „Wednesday, Oct.'5th AIR GOODS ni Adviee' on the scalp. • -- •;Makerth ..of Patent Structure'. Yonge & Temperancel ..ronolgat 11:D011.10N. TO :FALL: • Special --Donated b•V Wellington Henderson: Celt of 1927, bred from "ItOral Gi1:t".7-,-$3.00, $2.00, 4/,00. IN •MEMORIAM ' • • • Afurray:-In loving remembrance of a dear Mother, Mrs. D. Murray, •and father-in-law, Mr. D. Murray. who passed away Oct, ,4, 1925, • and Sept. 26, 1926. • - Nothing but memories as' we journey Longing for a 'smile and a „ face . that is Rae. None knew the depths' of our regret,• - But we reinernber, and shall never ,• forget. '• • '„ Not now, but in the coming years It may be in a better land We'll read the meaning of our tears, And there sometime • will. under - We'll catch, the broken- threads' again, And'finish What' we 'here began, Heaven will the mysteries explain, 'And then. 0 then, we'll understand. They bade no one a last fatew.ell, They said good-bye .to, none; , The heavenly gate's, were Opened Vide -A gentle Voice said 'tome". • -.Ever ternembered by ,their . dau- ghter-in-law, Martha, . • •• • ••• Murray -In loving remembrance of • my• dear. hifsband, Geo. Murray, who c17§'...01red*:to'reati.-Cifie" Year agoto _day, Oct._ Friendsare friends when they. are I3ut we lost our .best friend when W e lest you; • ' Net ft murmur, not a sigh ' • ,Passed yenr lips as .death drew nigh; •4 As yea' lived, so ydii Cheerfully,- ready and 7satiaileef.„ Death often conies to make us knew We love more dearly than we showy., But love in deathshould make us see' What love in life Should always he. '• --Sadly missed • by wife arid Well.