HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-08, Page 7• "All Recir ;Pane Setviee to frldia, „ 7:.'Ref-iiika;,to4raxit• • Landing Place . ' treat Iiiritain!splans. fOr....ita,44.0.11,red" alr.route to India, and • eventually t the Ant,iniodea,'Whiek'Was. jaeralded. as One of .the -greatest .of :pril,oted world airways, have been brought 40 a. 7 8tant14111.1*.thli'aetion ;Of Persia, in refusing to grant a landing • 1)10,Ce•onPersian'twitorY, • • . , . • To say that ,tke offlqIaI' ho .have th.O.:rerslanr bordor. ftnd Bagdad.- • DO labored 'tor-room:144W a...year to kat Iltitaiii. didnog WO 09..the , .4h10, gifyrWint.Q. Im,eratlen are .peeved :suggestion,.• NOW ..though notenithlY: .over thellinag„ wilich lies; been •ittritAk 'PerSian,. Was bel1e44 to -be WIPP/glee' •"Would .ba': ,,,..rather.oilld way ot saying. trolnot,T• Oporp..tect by..oerrnann. apa. -j thoy.erelet, high dudgoon. AecordLng Huking up With.the-Mcifieowelr lIneL to VUyiesTexp'reeeedo„ t,Ondou'.0iu. ruck Eire wait anethell:Allired" reilte,,- and; ' 'hand, OC-.Migicolv is reeponalhle.for the, according to rete7, Groves, talliiri; to coiiiipii4p:flie:4;`alirter route.. secretary .otthe 'Air '.1t4eaPe. ,Pie • Utz& • Khan,. • Persia'S .1.3rja.4 Irnptre, ono With poliUcalTee- pointed,SliaN at 'One itine. a humble piretionii bohiwL. it." • Pient.04 •• of 00:.POrsiall: :1441 eteriat ', -The, Erltiah Altivay to Ieeia), was In and .also Raid to have lieena• 0004 at 'operation.' at leitete 'once,. some eight the J3rItIh Mlnlstry $n Telioran some months -ago Wheit„.sir .Samuel Hoare, itgOi'• • eelrinifid.• PerSOna1lY''14,•-1,e-'the'"Air.Minister, .accompanled by hiu • well disposed toward Great wite;•• Au*. ,4411 heck, ••••••The ••When. he; '.cen‘'!eitett iitte.••a ionte.WaS.'sur,oeyed oit prepared at:I • over nlght. AII iteavi .cogis by Way 0f-14aaraHthet.er•-•' agreement was Signed lest year: be-••;rininal • at , the present tweee.:the 0047111Oeend' l3rltleh ,govern- 13ander" 4hhae tied°'..Chahhar. ments granting, landing rights In Per- . eht,!ta...: the Brtush... )30t the.. pereian n'n tit t 'Route • ebesidered. • Partiatnent Suhsequently: •refiiied - to Unless the Perihelia' relent It.Wtt. be4 .,.;.atttit. the egreeniehti %. It has.. bosh. neceesary. toiriapout a tsubatitele lin suggested kat the 'Peralant link in the On the Araltiate„stde., of the. Persian aii chain was Withheld • until: finch. G.a. Af%'.' matter.aavr 11414° c°1141dera;. thrie"aeOlitis Britith GOVerPaleet•reade , tion •tuondon......- Many.. ditiCultied,. some .handsoine Inonetery .'etter...for•would to:be:Overcome befieto- hno• pryo0i0,,, • • , • • such, .a • landing place veteh-: •• ' . lished. there.- • Germans out Goneestions. • . but .sO ter he: has:done, nothi shah wzal.....tp ‘801,:ithing 'Soviet 'Rusaiacta-.haain alto .met some re.. buffs:. in* Telivrani..nd one ot her ,dip- tor,biting his ii.arlialilent.,,tothe point- f eapital because Ile was not siiccesstul ratlfication.In tact, the Shah is preh. .01.1600. *Itil • , the l'er- iibly bringing no pressure tobear on Mos - (he "refiaatory As Persiasian Government. ..NOvertheless,"Ittleo . is not, °a...moldier Of the • COnveetion.•; cow% m'irait)M in 'eci'aa!'•rY. ...the Regulation of Aeriai Neriga-- ere sekwere ..ceedirigly 'buSy, and Russians• . for am' sire . has the, to uppoed ficc. ike empt b • -Wealthy • Persians :to .00tarit ,..„. , °•,. • ail. concessions district .adjacent, to_cettain areas •WIlre 'ate Angle:P.0'. Siari: eompany .helde.' the dffiling: cen- cession.: • " ' • ' • .: . . 'The. latest ..dilliculty .of the rerSian. :doverninc:xit.:is.': Oster •:the termii of a nontract,, with ..Dr... Millspaugh, • the foreign maehines from landing On her soil. Important ;coneeSsfetis °,• have „ I)0 mader'howeveri-to-a--Russo-Ger- man company.. ' • • " :While parliament' Wes debating.the agreement made•with the Alrithih . goir- eminent the Persian. "Governineiit . • • • • eame. tOrward 'with, a•Propotal to open ,..up a air E3.ery,id:9 between, ,Qurete, on P.meryeap. Ananctoi advAllea% . • 7,7 • • with crit invo v e taxpayer -Iihrtir 1141 Statistics •eiipenee,'.betWeen-::Si and :643Ye.A %of forest. • .• • . e ' -• irths- Again Decline in. Eng - ,ii :land.-and,Walea; Rate for, - ' ' 1926.„ Approaches 1918 „ - • •. Low Record ' - .1:40rid:On.1---7, •FDtlatr.0.1.:.("it",•.'rage ritilOde'!.:hhe. at: crept acros• tEnglish. •'. thantiel to •ha"thtt British sacial•,sta , • , .tisticianS- The 'English• And • sh birth, rete-' for 10.2$ ..:again 'has • Lhown. • •descending k..eurve which hair•obtaitied 1920, according .td figures published by the • 'Registrar -General,. ',.The :tate lot,. the , . ..„. . • . . calendar year was. 17,5 pet, 100,000 (:!f , • '.ponulatioir.'•' ".; • " Against ' thiS the' report . shows that :the. death 'rete Of. infants' less , . , . 'than 'a year •old wes the low.pst on ..re- " cerd.., .collend: experienced a -higher. 'birthrite as.well as a higher infant •'death rata tlian ',nglend, and .• Wales.•,.. • •-The:1926'.iiirtb.:;rate ',tied that of 1917 and .was, ;barely; higher- then .tho'•1918 'rate et 17.7, the loWeit on7 record ;tor Englarat l.'eante; Where, the:1(W birth rate: for years haw.lire:. sented. Whit As :regarded as .a grave , national • problem, .11.1e,:iliroportipm' for , 1946' Was: 11311, .for each .490,060. •• Cancer, heart disease and tuber- culosis of the . reepiratory-2 system 'led- - :thelist' as :causes of ;death in 'England , . • ., • . ••• "7WStinem--the--iteglattar4Mieral's rO :••:t • .• • Port.indicates,• were .fat!ritore 'agile in • dodging-inotor vehicles :.and in avold- Ing fatal ' ateldents:,,getterally : than were: nrien.. A-lso, the ;Mueller ,of we- . Men Who permitted „Suicide wa.s,.less Alien half the ntiinber.Of 'Men who,met , death by thel? awn'iiands. The. Suicide. gures .were: :Males, 3,099; , female's,' ,14350.:: 'Accidental deaths: '. • Males; females,. 4,27,4*.-- • • • , s: . This is the tot grant lade to- 1 11 -British poiiCy of stitaillAting IrliknatiOn'te-the bominion.. leng ago 2250,900 was deVeted• to the develcPment of a new -•wheaf ,PrOirince; Palled kyre's Penin; , • • snla Nvlire: a great nye,(er scheme is lielng carried Mit, known as. the Tod • , River' project. ' • km5ng,. GOO Dbei. e4Ritickt '.f:00MiNIGN • CHi.VOION • ' • ..t.t014•IC•le Sheets -great gait but 'ieiled' to elass'In AnneriCan Amateur Title • •• • • : ••• . • . Tourney.; • • RAIN tIcItt Stonehenge Circle. on • Saila.. bury. .Plaio. Great !War ---CaniFlo Be Preserv0 London.—Primo Minister •Baldwin; Ramsay Macbonald, Viscount Grey , Two Mail &milers Collide and ()liven to Shelter • • and other prominent persons recently 1P0440114 -.A.11 thla.rifit'e. rewrite of Signed an apPeal for $175,000 to . pot:, auiriTer rainfall viere,akilpsed.on'Sat- , 0480 on Salisbury Plata' ter the urdaY, 4uguat'2P01;.hY gront. Routh- • PorPOtie of Preserrllig: the--remaine of westerly -gala .1.4q4)rayaah3d in: • °v.'. • the ' Prehietorler structure: ;,e't Stone: rential ...rainStornin • ;which • raged • liente. •••,,, 'througbout the south ot ',England • ' 'IL is proposed -AO ;protect the 'Hume- generally around, the Coos* . „ . . t • dlate- surroundings ,the Stenenenge 1' !collide' 6014lay Makers and "ships Circle fygni• the erection et. uneightly'. had tp.U1',84 eleft0,1: Ogaltt4it'Od' buildIngs, : • ' 'bathing were suspended' and from n11. .- ,..Nitie yeareago,. atteev:the •014011al* .,Pc0110-'',a,,ma, ,' Tei!ett_ii." of.4lieMfge." to ent3r. was prevented by :the ..'iv,ct for °.crOPE1-. ;Ana' Other defernetien Oriiiiiii! the 'Proteetion ot...4nellent Meniinients' :eerere.etOrme. :, -:. • ', .: 1 : .. • r; *. •from .• telling • 'Stonehenge., stones, for, , 7 ,''..r.he.'900,:poOtonisors, on the two mail': transportation , to theAinited, States, it ' fiteanters Et..,.:PaYid , and 4F.it,,: pakiek. was. ,presented . to the nation. It , is had .* trying experience In .a eolljaloit. now proposed to lint' dowja. a. huge alt- :O.' riehgaard..Vale4. „ the:Tone • lot, drCipiii-.,,eructed :no4e..by--..drurfak:tbu.'ioir • ',$;rtikOli.-:,: corted-O-Irity--.-0,070uveStra0. !go,:.-titat..Poserity .-;:viii :Bee. it. against tura ,inider thObridge.,::'. '.. the "sky •Iii • the liamidg,,malesti.hefote. :.., •It-,•wns,:.;•2 '..o'cicicie `'. in .. the .repriiing Which .,,Our ;ancesteris. ;;, Steed, In 'awe :Whell.the-collisten tecdt place. In the throughout ii, Our recorded Hoory.... . -darkness andt...raielag tOtreaW IC Ina' Stonehenge,T°:•tha, most •.0tinposing itepeeeibie to !ascertain. 'Ow extent .•of. . friega101ithic•xeonoment:*nritcant has tEne ,darnageetnisegnentiy, the 600. per • °. :-.: long preyed an, 'enigma to •ielentliste. sons abroad the fltI-laild.,9,44,1,the.;00, land -aqoever-ending sonece of, romance; ' for .novellate" RS •,:name, A , Modiflen: I ...... tion of a Sazoatermr means '.'hanging 401168.7 The ° Normans Called...the cot. lectiom.a.404.4MS ‘...011(0:q4Uri". or ow ota.ot.a..'reinvies, .- :Oat the etonei. w'ere.. originally , !used for . has ,proved • as great Opiniale ati' where they;tame • from, for in the 'geological toiniations ••`.. foi,.milee ,around there is 'nothing, re- • 'Oehibling theta., • :•. .: , • ' . :.•,--t-4- ......,•___,E.x_ccavations:.' • *and:. measurements •hate proved that..6tiginallyther form- ed ,••tWo ecincentrie . Circles ; enclosing • 'the ,talliest7•1?Sing' 224 leo!. and .3....feet. posed. of the largest upright° stones— ( the. tallest, .beilig,122@ ,feee.and '3 .feet ' 4, ineheS • thAbk77,7"131/1Y" sorienteett••••re-• Main. . The:inner circle; centiiesed :of -smaller-gitenesvja-;:eXactly-feet :With% •- in the 'citetirefeience, of thoeitter. ., . ,. Although 'their • origin' haS been va- riously : ascribed :to, thd PhOenieiarts, ' Belgab and the. native 'Melds, no •epn: Vineing •,'evidence .haa.nver:,heen pre- zented Which.- would •tationelly,'eSive• • 41.! , : the: J\i_i sy_t_yeiL.'...:':, ' . ;.:, : •.. , BRITISHTANKS ENGAGF. as trees!" ' he :irnittered..•finally; as he. tarried &way .•IN IIIII0,,SIIAM„BA...Tr.,4 . . , • .„......._,..., ....„ Machines of -All Sizes. Sur- . . rnount. 'Obstacles on • the : • . Ilistorit, Salisbury . •• ' Patit• 4 . 4 Lenden.--A• gigantie.'shaM battle.in which' more' than 290 British_ Almy, tanks . participated wee held recently on the historic Salisbury Plain.: The ' taniot were of ail classes .and ranged from •the tiny two-seater "Crabs", to the huge :Wagon variety whichfire •eighteeoponndergunsas they . speed along. •• . • , Tbe battle 'started At • /dawn, with iorii.?,; Fighting is 'their business: , in 1 • The Geneva Fiasco , Londnu-Triith ' (Ind. 'b•ib.);.:: 'I alienld- eall.the recent proceedings at Geneva* one : 'ef:'••the.'•:most. lamentable: exhibi. Of..palitieal that ,:have been 'seen 'in."the last. fifty .years, . The :Conference ,.was .by •its constitution. '.tite',werst••poseible Medium for arriv- ing ..at :agreement.. flow -.can you ex- pcct the • professional .fighting men•of different countries, naval 'mid' mili- tary, to Agree betWeen ',themselves about the limiti.' to be put .en,their oWit services; , except, tinder %definite. instruction§ front their .Politioal super - iii these .inetal°nionstere ettetehing over tact their raison •d etre.. An Admiral •• . &even , Miles. of terrain. where every or a general ,charged.toinegOtiate with ..• •conceivable•difficulty had been Pia:0d the admirals and *generals Of rival , can no more , descended .upon them .. unexpectedly? sections or the:, plain theoretically Was, soaked with '.gas and -steep .. gradients ,regeiring, all the skill , the drivers I contact' inuater4ad. to be negotiated'," ,- Sante casgtaltie:§ ,were: reported. 'Ai ' few tanks were unable ta mount, the greaty slopes. of Helicon Hill. and slid got hi a.. ctuegteite awl. had: AO, be • , :'' :, -:-:-4.-L',......., their way.' -., Squadrons ..ef,; airplanes. armed ' nations • • . ' .give . ,. . , . . , . ... . • away points: to, the other. side -in„ne-- gotiations, thairt.'he ;can rft- wee,. i.. If -hi& Governme.nt.:has left open for discus - 51(11 any fritidameritar, difference, ot opinion,' his ,buiiiiiess..IS to look • at It as n"fighting lintet net: as * •Pabldet: Governments ,here tee hrisineirit to, put thigi.'ininilials. arid. genetaheinto°sych backward hill: 'One "iron hOrise a position • ' . • •' • . ••• ' 1 . . British'Grants Aid Migration lmpertal . . . . -.Assistance .• Stiniu.- '..lateS• • .AffOrteStation in •South Austraha Adelaide' . Aitst;-+Aii grant, of ,£.155;250, to 'South. AuStrella 3 a nt,iejetis• for starting afforestation ena la,tger scale ss IS .recentl.y Ail-. • •• nounded. Ily• the State Pron.:ter, Veil-. ',.tird L. flutter,' itepresente.tiVes of the - British' Goitprifnient•lieVelhad,;,an eye .on the. sbatil6st'fbr a long .titrie.tt • , is here,thatr they. eXpeet an OPPorttoi- .. •lt! M bcable; to place migrants front btigItilLl lit. addition; 'the ,Scottigil% Sodet.ieS ef t ri ar e aro newdrain1-. ing uIa.'scheine• for th.1 importation • ;of fainilleS.: teem Scotland: ,. SeVeral -oe• 6 es "mire .bean offeted ,te the Gov- ern tone for' iniveliaSe. And Wen, hit toxins,. and,* subsraiitfal Income, is sSured front. • lasas,-wit€46 • • .rinions,„ PotatoeS' And. •cereals.growi to; Pe-rfect4iOni#2="."'' ' • 111 '4CO0rd'aMc0 'w1fli tloe tsrins,of a incite "a.• or • 7 Paul , Reilfern's solo 4,600 -mile dash from Brunswiek, Ga., • Marked en ef fort6,16 bleak the existing -IOngdis- t • non-stoe record madiTtir.`,Clar. , • ence Chamberlin in his • flight' frOin Newyorh to .Germany: Prone. the •• take off Point at Bt..ttoswivc••q•-0.g4•• to no coast Of South America -: it Is 1,575 mile TO reach "Rio Janeile I.doWn the east coast ofthe southern continent Redfern had. 3,100 inflie on .• Mr.., it wouhlappear he is another testi to aviation Woneering,' as no word or min hes :reeched U�• -lecittlPft o lj 1id0VEt. f ,peri0ii of ".'•fr:Yeat'B'r 410 t30O.6r 101) works will AlSe•te Started, It w411 bSi necessary for tith'Stale to sectiro,a f•Iti4ites too,- - eo acres of land to carer on lite pM,se jeer, Mid Already44,0064..aCres, have heetritivelmeed, at- a cost of •t69.300,11. , .1t le eStimaied that be exPendittirocin on acre tor 36 Years' work Will be •I1. fivery acre ha:reeled will, on Present- 4iliCOlit8; enable the. 144t0 '10 replant, abillitoued• • '• • Te' White Pine in Canada A -Cresid Of several thousand ° ..---- •nessed the rnandetiVreS and showed ..The .botalucal range of the :white , great . interest, particularly •1n.- the Pine In Canada ,extendsfrom the At- later "Crabs,'„' which are the • ,,leteSt l*OUT-0-Tean-Towthrrirevin-c-eofT,Manis, exPeriment inthe tank line: These ' ,is •conitnea to • the,fregion ly- bave• a :caterpillar track .and also, two', Ing south. of ,a line, running Approzi- .Wheele in, the rear whiCli:are eqttipPea niateiy frOin the southeast 'Corner: et' with lialleon tires... At.: one' Point If ,41,iike, -Winnipeg, 'through- Lake Nli#-• was, demonstrated how, .:easily. the.;,gon;alopg ,the.lie.ght of land, north of "Crabs'!' 'kenld "be camouflaged • Willy:I.e1e Tingiskaming,. through "Like St: foliage. , • ,: . • - .I John to Point de Mots On the St .• Law - Among. (hose • Watching the denten;•Irence and Cape.sreton leland., Stration„.Wite. a 'retired British' caValry. • • • ofllcer. As he looked on'be.,appeared ••• Good political :thither is ',often 'do- .. more .tind disgasted.*: "Chriat- *eloped on the ettimp.:. • Scientist--.0ies-t Live, on, Iceberg •. Takes Dog Atohgi Rubber . Boat and a Phonograph. .„ Edinbiirgb,•Scotland..lehn. B. • Shop- . son,.•a. I3ritteh scientist, has left .here. With the Intentienof Making his heime on ,an iceberg for three months. ' .He was e.cconipenieti•bY a SamoYede dog: "My purpose," •seid:Sithpson, is to; gather,material, for a :hook on .the Ice fields. I expect to be Ver'y cqmfort- ablo in ,my abode on some drIftineIce- berg... 1 shall erect, a tur-lined tent,, and I. Wilt warni it with, an oil stove, l• have plentyof teading. Matter and a . • .- phonograph. , ' • . have • no idea where, I Shall drift to; but IC:have a collapsible beat hi casoof aCciderits.'', Moscow Prepares Moscow, Preyda,—One,thing is 'quite clear: we:. shall heneti...War,.-'ann,, that very soon . :Not aci very long ago ,we.' said :that wit would net be; that' we did ,:not want war. ; We still de not •erant it but the latest .events have;lorced us Most ,seriously to fire- •paie-,--.•;-.:'.We 'by -no meinEt,.4aht to frighten anybody' with the ..hotrora. of chemical 'werfere, ' In some pladeS' we 7already-,-nottee74thes.-appettrance-,..,:.oL pante ',lad dread, Where the .pimple have been told unnecessary stories abbot, the destruetive.. forme of gas '1 (stories have, cetta.iniy-eired olt the Side of; eicaggerittion.. Science. must be .niiiitarized. . W6 are con- •fropted by a terrible danger We . must not 'lose a single minute1 Care- fully watching. our •,enemy, we 'ninst accelerate • Out . preparations, . and victory wilt be aura. ' jimel)ejibteintOs. 3' HOurs in U.S. conit;, Fixes -.,P4t.kce211, Prion Term. te4,*at,tfcli::inuitto eook of the fiehelee*r"K!Akokvilli. ir4ick e.,me 114° Poreiret49;t1r!' vothl. a abraage ,story of• nigglerand near-mStiny a voyage ,tront the. West Indies to the Atilean , 00.4.'0:510; . Wee found • panY ut 00.0"ad decCke.'1411r4Or r olio* In United States' 'Court. andiwas Oren the rain, !WO- acateace -44.'4 tea Years' PoPriamiPeAt *it 714i444.4 ;!tisint-.:•flat- tioe, was charged With the malodor of his. *ikon, the. lila seas at Febru- ary 5. ' The .11:12aill1111,[13. sentence .pos- 0101e 11.4012..'„!1,1e2AarfWt, J.V.° : ' • , •'Petertc!ilet•Watobea. Jnidge:, • :Opting ,,and • 'While J..ndge, Andesou Was :speaking,: the:defendant '41.01).143 , ettl.n.keen: interesti*,1ho,P.i:0000401g.i.k.- tilting iihr.,,,hpad.. to one nide and keep- Ing- hlseyes figadiPtt„t4 opnaicer, 04 tho St. Patrick. .*,napet rof. wkoin: • Caruthers Ewing, "whemr#14 Prather wereilialf-dressed, became frantic; and. s. Mcflonaii1,,viiatraPPOI*4-'44400.0 counselkby,the ,..cottrt,, pleaded • the. mil.. -written_ law.„• „' • . • '•0 ..• . • • riefreMinded the Jurors that:the :de. fendaht'saffalr -With, • &WV' •Anslahot.'°:°'• no hearing on thaiennirder two Monthn.„... later.. • He 'hutrjection,tOOS relations: , between Mrs, -Bettice„ the 'Negri?* wite;,. and. 2Wiildninat• Karl •Sadke,. •the:, 'enginentan, While thogeohooner Kings- ' 'the utMoatefforte ot. the ships' ofticein hardly • served •.to %prevent '‘a • panic ,screanting ,o,w'e:3reinjre Men, aund.dinl ebildrenhciid several ot o bomf. scrambling to the' deck , . , Both .niall- boats, although'. consider- ably :damaged, lmanaged .tik,Teturn.:4to Plohguard ander. *their .• 'own steam, ,when the St. David's passeilgera Were friinsferred • fly another -7g eamet• which. sailed' for . Ireland after considerable • • , . • , . All-erbsachannel steamers. 1144 ter- •ribio :crossings,• among', the 1. sufferers' being rtince, Henry, who after al.holl7 day at :be 'Touquet, crossedfrom ,Bou- legne .prees train Was 'detailed ;near„.Maid- stOne but nobody Was hipped,: also had ^rough crelishiga and needless to say the inclemeneref. the °weather. Serionsif:Interfered wlth ?SeaSonai•. ehannel•-• swi min ing aecv:,ttie projected traesAtlantic.*.ttigliti3. • ', Hblie o the Empire • ." Ths 1927 British Pohi Team, who will ride against:the American Plait 'our in the international matches tielleadewbrOOk on SeptStinhet 5(11. „ .C\ • rges Removal All Auto Horns To Ensure Safet Driver Should' Depend Brakes and, SteerMg Gear:: to Guide Car . Way Was In titid-Atlatilic, On its War to the qnid Coate of Africa. fl.e. declared that ••nv6n Pattie° saw hie:wire in the embrace Of the 'enginennin he becaree, crazed ,'and did net realizewhat bar did from then until he had -84tphed hit ' 'wile ' nineteentimes with a razor. init.' laid 1111r, Ewing, !`and (night to have been there, . nothing else could have been..” ...0e pictured the defendant a's "physl- cally weak. owed .nid; crushed" In 'the ' fate :of' Badkee ‘ihebully; poward-a,nA `YCl.low"I'91:011". ' Tuttle ChrgePrernediatio Mr.- Tattle ;„told tne4111*.S. that the - -defendant, liad wiilfuIIy intended.' to,;-, kill bus wife ' from the.,••fime'b‘e 'fell in lot°, with,Zamet... The defense . . was untenable he• said because the only" evidence to support • .it was the, ' testimony ef'. padke; who ,he Admitted; agreeing With. Mr. Ewing was "an im- nieastirable,-liar.7 • - ipirekYwenad on.hirs. Settee _crib& ' '• ' • • n. . • • • , . . CP out fat Justice he declared, and no 'eVidetice•shoWed that Battice had: ever Asiited-,the captain. for ptoteetion from CONFIDENCE- .1N. HORN ."-lci,Ettre?," Iteisaid; !ghat Radke Is a New .. * uaone thingworsc and that 1 to 'Come ov. itskot5enlijotya, gineinait by thehand and say. for ,highway traffic,: have been:Se' unk, mk. -wife •is crying forygarsallY • misueed, seys:, C. .T.. Strong; ...Judge . Ander,t,04 •pointed Out that President of the peiek Motor Com the ..eeee • Would. probably be a unique ' pagiy,.. that he now!. belierea they experience for every juror arta tali; w•er° weigp carefully the 'testimeny. biles the result would bea giarked-de- ot .EinilyZamot, It, lie said, ,; they •=,.: - crease in autoinobile.aceidents. 'Would'not take:long for teillize• that safety • depend fi .on•iteeping , . . . -*data A:".f.t,'"•71:ti eenriiiittedzilf-t1t47, „ ef ',Pay:sten they . xleryi. ono„,,ipl csohi joiLkire,d.liie.dcoeiv: irtehradtic.::, ,,,ir mineardn:auwtehs_ • "..-Pwitboa---anijutw,,:.-be Ike -eyea. inci dears. open; *kkik,...in.., ".fitdea...,•4*.:.-,,f•ii4td:di.h...ittt,t44::*.:tlitit,elliat";ilftee-44ts4.7..;.. 1 atter DA; the'. Only Sure :and,•,eomplete . .,2.While admitting :that ,:11.0T.U_S.: dn. or- lanir.atev.. :tIngu'uh-..ileiween,: right' and'. wrong .at`!, remedy for :eecident*,,. : .1 In the.direction.o „ . .. ..... . . (he time of ' ;the fatal Slashing. they Id .render"' :' d'et of "riot 'guilty " ' ' •' " 't greater • sateti will • have:been:talon when. drivers, seettie - . .,., , : • .. i 4.__... • • , • .-. cou a verdiet . ‘ that they! Cannot drive with the_hern." TRIBE 1N . elifeilaily: prevent eceidentsi• hii Jest-elOF - , . • . . . ., .. (hat ther71:•ino.ctzted„the,.aiortg0, Iijveivit4fatseiiseot.Becuiity1fe,50_the_iwc4atu, g t. wileh often breeds: carelessness and . ', ',' hilt '4rid° Ate. the...13.1110a fif, .. - • , . . ,. tcsoits• in disaeter. . . ' . . •. . . ...elf autenuablle• Owners"' mitild try to .. . :' • • ',Their, District.. ..„ ... drive, their: cSrs,". adds' .'Mr.: 'Strong.' oviiciiitebh.Cit„itst :taliciew' ‘a. si dt4;',0o of a. trhdef.eefilo.tici otrmit ostiriennl . heint*While the. men are Ingked,•indoops: , ethvee.iniyeplayie,.I.,‘clarnt,iv:innligr!ivitihte4x,.mwooyeeh.if t.ft:rd,0 habiting the •Zakatat district .by,,•the.., and kept in luxerY ie. deseribed as in- .. than they bad • exercised teinee their' "Society for the Study :of :Azerbaijan, , 'firat,•eXperlenCe as, driirers. • •Drive;two blooktithroulgh' frank withent, the Aiso.:, of the- horn end you will find that you are ' Aging: Mote cart, that You 'have. ever .rised . hereto' to 'evoid, aectdents.' You' will drive 'ea YOU should elVraye drive,' with .due ,Teiard..forsotbuto. who are sharing . the publie.• streets and highways.' . ' .. • ... , • ... • ... .- •.• , '714, is. tree ' beeeitSe you -Will.net. .bei Placing; exaggerated. Confidence .in e noisy bit of trieChanisre which. can- not: And never eould';'of itself 'prevent ;accidents, even •i•licrtigh..many .drivers show by 1 heir actions. on the:read that, they 'Credit .11 .with such • powers; , '.:, , • ••4.'Tfien round out the test by noticing to you 'lli•are,, and as ; ypii, -erpAs.the streetis iiii loot, whateffect:. tllp hornS Of :oilier cars have Ion you. .' you wilt' diseotet that -the setaid, ct o it . electric horn no.,tanger. causes 3011 to 'juinp, euti of tin waY. Or pult your car over to -the.' a ide , Of the, road: •' - Usually -it• , is only' after reneated Warnings" that you nkicethe' cense of .1iliti noise. :. Some( filies.• thiS liappenS. (oo'litte,', and .therp.is an accident w: ch Might: have .;)...);eeletn,40,p(11:6),i4h1..cit,e‘ (.1i,,i!jiliiiso.,:, .:41.e.:(rlit;t• ,Ltiwtiii-doiii and -brakes i natl. on his 110.6..i'.. Baku; iizeibeljen,L-4...ribe' Of ....itn11.4 z'o.net in WhiCh the women. fish ;and - ,,Watei,Poweraelielopinont-4 Tilo.present recerded 'Water -Power resources of the Doninion will permit', of a' turbine install:nth% of: :it 700600 t horse power.' 'The 'IOWA tydreitlie:fti Stallation. 00 to the end rtit 1926. throughout- the, .„;noniivon was 225 horse-lioWer'orAiiiEiffillit 11 per cont. ot the rederde-Cwater-power TO - sources: .attia Tasa.,. the Rtitalan, neWs agency ' The' tribe Is called the VaSsi and ,4i.:.: ,,. et DageStagg.origin. • : . "a The Ya.Stial Women, like ,the legeht dery•imazOne, are described as abso- lute rulers in the ;private •ancirLimblie.' . Affairs, of , theit ' tribe, Theysettle quarrels with. neighborhig tribes •\With , WeapOne, de ...fatin Week and control the: Bale of Oar pro,ducta ; They. keep, thair husbands and sent ,lnktirinuely • . idle' or 'engaged in petty ,honiehold :. affairs, the Mere lebortotis heuseireld ' chores felling 'upon' ' the,:giri Men:0meg .., of the tribe. .. it is regarded, as EitOlti- • • fying to the fatally dignity to petnift, the tnen to .1eliot and the -Won -Mit Who , fails .t6.-proVide• Well is• ,cotisidered..an outcaSt. - ,..',. ; ,,..'' . ' . • • .. ' '.' The weinen are described as tall In stature and heautiful,. of a .dark, Ave - dens: Caucasian type' With inessea ot " •glossY ;black; hair. 'Adjaeent• Market , town esteem them 'highly ,for :.th.otel ; hone ty .itiril ; intelligenee: The: tithe cons Cs of apprOximatory !1...56 faint - lies::: And ;is believed „ to be the° ' rent- nants et tlie"Afta .PeoPi4 Wlid;ftittabiti, ed :the- CatteaSos Centiirtes ago. Wtight Motor:Maker • Assail s Pacific Race • flak Law'. ttte--,,,trtvistittrin Ih-o--witort-wtorti, 'wind motor Used on ,the transatlantle" and , :transatlantic flights' recently, condemned as otic"Ahe -offering of 'Prize money tor„ tho ' Ethylene race to ,HaWaii. The, 'Unto:ie.:net yot..ripo, ko-said, for races *here vatInVirlsianeir-aktrt,-at-a-cer- tain thine Nig/it-41661i sit thief tion.tor attokt sztaadett ilkth* 1,