HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-08, Page 4• • .P11( llACIKNOW 40••• ' • ° N. it 44 ....., ...... ... "...dhhoto•kt.h. ,•_" hard trho.00.4..."1 01.4641 444, 0 h' • .4.1t:' , S.I 4.tli 4 4e,,,,- 4 A, I IS s ' )i 1 i • “ ^ i • ht te' •.-3 ... ,k e . • v 1 4tiklh' i ti:._...t... ....-4 1415 i ..h. 4..• ,. i. 1 ....4 .. 7• 3, .....: _.......,Ne,,...fr 4.01-• ''' -'...,,,,r1"...".....0.."'IIP 44r, -tate.'"”' - * tIOXNOW t.4Z1s1TX1sTEL• ever, Thursday morning:, at Licknow.:Pntarie. MacKenzie, Proprietor and Editor , • riuDAY„srciqryyt..,tipa 4, ;Is Modern failning.'40kus, ..tttc,f0.Lr Wifit." 1Wci.)g" qt.:DEERING TRACTOR-011'0.kt b•Y anring: ey. :•They ..are built to, !ask ,entl•a tschool hey tett operate themN� ,: ' Wor141.09. Oats .exposed grit Or Sandi' tti.ow,urv5,'no Itrottble7; Melahlg, sttradieti,TOr'ihallle eqclosed_.*, ;Hun- : dieda'..'er_nitta.date 'farmers in Ontaritare.„ keeping .:their..baya At„hennet.indilheir work up ' the • l'itederiiiCk-.• .beerhig PffietOrai •Bleile; :Ondither'llaacitlnea Of. the: same ninke; 41 ff° I I 111111111Mri 'dee 11-11 ; WiVISMIIIIMFliall ..11116enamsei mats 4 .:or.itser.dincirale//11111111601119014,..el • , The NEW- McCORMV.KtDEERING GRAIN,' BINDER conj. A , _2 _ , Vales the best mech'aitical features of the Old McCormick •and ' .Deering ,i,arli.eliters, light, in draft ,and convenicAlt to ,onerlite.. it is available With either the McCormick i ci r ,Iletringl : linniters. Twenty-two •iinpeeteettentS built Into the...-'11a;Mtltan-Ililide; Binder , . ., . , . . . iiie:it more desirable than foreter Models, ' i$rMiA!lAt 'Al, , .IIABVESIER CO. OF 'CANADA', TAD. 0 ANDRE , gent, ' .LIICKNONY Phone 31 .„ , . )UE.Service apr1'hflTbC-redli-•-Sto re- •Brintfiert,'"Glit.tdge;”. 050. Pt. --••;5e:, :per 14.; .Cash. . • . • Tog.11.,44:A111-9N SWJM • The Wite, of interest' in •iwikalltitik Itas engulfed. ,this; continent. :31nee ;"the "senaatiokal victoryof G.e0r90”: Young on • the, .California Coast, likely will subiide, now that aort',6f climax was reached the' fifty thousand.cloilar contest at To • . The .Exhihition management . will net Atage, a big swimming event`neXt k „ . m,aybe net for Many years:, Atlantic and the'PaeifieltiVe been of Sort Of .hull -head rather than act.- ejitilic nature. , Little hut' farm) WAR t� - ,.be gained by these stunt flight*, utd They have gone but to prove that ,aviation.• has not yet reached that ' 'Although there was •atielt Irethenth, )U.S, interest taken in the hie event; the siviin did not aniount to mach:As an exhibit.' The stur,khrid to be !undo . too oarly for , most would-be specta, ors, and the fiaish'eame tee late. The itart was :much more spectacular (when nearly • two hundred splashed •int!) the water) than the finish, Wher only three lired men, 'hours apart crossed :the finish line. The Crowd, -celtid4.see.only...44 wart,inid then tiir ..Snrimmers as they • pa' -sed aleag-tlic: one -mile' stretch at Exhibition, Park / and thepassing was So • slow • and long-drawn...out as to be, without in. tereat. • ,. , ' The "big swim'' "appears to have developed into a 'cold' -'water , endar. ance test rather -than a•test of spied in the water. ' At. any tate, .the greal mafority, of, Oe. contestants quit or. _toot , cranip's - because. of the Cold "ra- ther-then-beeanse or fatigne:' - • 'The 'collapse . of George Yeung, af,.. ter making abOut five miles, -was a stunning •,lilow to the whole event, George • was' the .,"hope" of ' Toronts . . -ani,-,dtbe---ceuntry,....Wlienjus_collaps Point Of develoinnent When ililt4a of two or threethOuetted. miles over the ,ocenn;in any direction ;toy he taker with reationahlri, safety. ' , Mr .tourtney, 'who ' beeAheen'wIIt • ins at ',$00,thaltiPton: jar ffVe.Or aix 'weeks fOr, favorable weather, •condi!., t° cross, 'the° Atfantie lY- ttlt. time of tyear to heei) :out the, pesky havitkit400esaaota and' ., Windowe• have ilOarl and *indeoratihat rill lit all:nesttanY size. elluing. We also have screen wire in every widthfor: retoveriug doors.. _ . OIL 'STOVES -The' Oil' Stove clasoirt IS here and there is no- thing that Will aida, ratite ,to the tom:tett et. a' home In`.: hot, weaiher •!;thiut :in, oil- stove. We have in 'stet& the 'New -(erfedien ' in three. and'fifellat4tUrner.„ also. the "PlOrenee'cAnt om a 'and/ we la re piac- ed in atOilt,this year the, This, ia,a,vory 4Stoye,': Uttorttls built, easy on oil and ,fitted. •wiili the' 'Lorain ;#7,orner which is guaranteed for. 'ten Years.... Pot- these .vtliO hase:111.6"11 house wir- ed,have an Electric Het Plate two -burner, v'cliith, has 'given excellent satisfaCtien.. • ' • • •••'•4 • i , ing beat 'f1Vhalei.while 'eared over .cautious, has - -the ;. Iookcd l',;,etigtir. • Wit rnnortint: F9to '140* And `4,11113:::PrellAbi,n ePnrstt have do ,.mtich. to do *itli edifditions 'sat .the ,indtlatrY, NittCh been pub.., fished of ,late in despatches .from De- troit, but, in. Borne inatiote; More, maY he learned from ,the olltaide lOoldlig In, than when on the ground. Per Instance :7 FrOM•a, MAP; iTti40 4ealS in Materiels it' is learned that ,Ford. is ordering for but 5,000 cars, .This , is. gives, as. an, actual fact. When', pro, dnetio.wpossibilitiO Or Fetthare fron7 8,000 t -o, 9,000'earni day, ,fikat repre; .sents ,but trlictien, of an ,ordinary 's'issitt of the MS" cemPetitork , rush time :t.44h7production.ad10,09Il,d0'1'40.17.0.; who• rustily set ,:eut,....,e#,her. turned. is ...oieeatiyte.P.6rteal. and,,bayingloSt '•hack' or,swere . ninny, mho have: taken on, other cars, ' TjTe. great race' from Oakland, C. may have left. 60..per'•.cent, the fdnia to Ennoltilu,ingst b regardednumber.:, .k,profinctien""of .,5,640 cars as a = failure; :although two . of the to star.W.Ould'then, in all probabiflty planedmade the obJective In "aafeti. :represent One car eaelitn;-the dealers., •ROOrING•-•eVe, have jut receil'etk tai d of. Iirantford Roofing, inekiding Uob 'Itotsfing,• 'Aitre.Lecle an'a 8)-iikr-t44-6 Shingles sinii7blii,e need rot.* roof for house o harhi AOYt- fairtO-s-ee' US. 7 We ltioe the material and the price is right. 11,0 1,,,,ure to ask vto see ,00r imitation brick siding..,• It is the in/aerial ...to make a frame ItouSe very *arta :and in aPpeArAnce. ahnost like' red, ;'ick., . • „ SHERWIN, WILLIAMS PAINTS and YARN CHINAMEL NATURAL V.ARNISII, AUTOMOI3II Er AINT, 1:411.4C, SATIN FINISH ENAMEL. ' COneht,. Little,Plaster Always On Hand, , rd ,ie Heating, Plumbing and Elec.tric Airmitford' Big. Euttd are beautiful, heavy • , a ,•asphalt , elates Made in numerous. inellow-temed• .. P 0 ' 'tints: 'They give.a thadow"line Which arldt.grea tIy ::,,... to i heine's'Alistinction and:charm': Being tapered. extra thickneas and weight' are :exPosed.to sun„ wind. ancl.pin. .Therttfovide double thickness over "li the Mei and, triplethickness over part of „ tberoo . Sire 16 inchesh . la Inthea, iald 5 leehee ' ': , tothe cagier:: ... :•• , , firantfoi� Roofing Co., Lisnitad - ' !Dr ntford,'Ontario : .- . The, lesee. In 'connection with t'Alk.: en! '' Late, ...reports state it will be Seine.. teruiis° were too /1!eat.'. ' - .' ''. ti -'''w -e 1,..et before the official ,misouri4.e. The Louden -to -Landfill - and • the ment rff. the Ford .coroptin7 is made Windsor -to -Windsor enterprisea mimi It is poisihle that,, With tipwardi • Of liso. be regarded aa failures' whether $i,000,000r daily loss in0YOrhead .er not the planes finally succeed: in Making over all of his plaitts 'a plat; landing in ,England.. These Rights of *atchful Waltin. , It rnuat he re:: Were very, attractive, fascinating, : IL called that competitors of Ford have fnet, but both nuteblnea earn° del"' cars designed and ready to annoueee ''before reaching •the %Atlantic coast but are waiting his annoimcement be - where the main teat Weald refilly be fore doing so. Ford knows iliat. tux', .,gin,4'', ' - may he Waiting out comPetilera him - It is safe. to sithritirthit:•-thin fee- s _ elf; 'An, that event it may be soln... . . - -- - . . tare of.-,014iOn deq,10PMent .is now .time before the trade storm breaks , at an end, and that hereafter greater The ' battle for 41119renurY is bawling ',iettentiOn. will .he 'given to improve. big 'and: portends startling develop., "Merit Of the machines, and the weath- inenta.• . ' ' , , ,. „ •ertenditiOns. which , . permit. long It is e'ven said that .Ford mar find ,.fillibis:' '''' . ' ' • '':."'. .' other eeniPetitors in the field by the WAS •reported, tile crowd tm.thebeach, fairly melted 'away • .as though' . the lace n°, longer,' had 'interest *hat .happened .to the iniSky chainOloir ,of; . • .„ • • .the 'Catalina thahnU•siVim.'is A 71nYa-'. tery • net Yet, Solved.. - drunk and his permit is cance ' There appears to_have"been a loll; • of eeaaa .for :getting .into the race.' luid—e-g , , :see. that •tlie ..permit is cancelled nee- '. for a month; this. board-- wilT SOMe• 423 Signed up, but :many' ,of • manently." • Another statement ',Wait' . these did -OOt present themselves 'Org 'This beard will not stand fin.: drunk- Ill'ermariiing of the face....And:niedipai . . '.etaminaiion and, ether . tests cut the' 'enness on t • Ander is- numliet down until! Only 17.$ 1.74 'theritY board." , • ri:akl I etd.° 11.24tieeTn: it ma 'oalEfInshnii;t is an, is itakt;:it.yhdhere be e. water-, the 'Catalina Citaniiel; to live up to what eind that George ,Young, 'the thee 'toe known .Toronto boy, wsia" the only plc ,to finish.' So- the Toronto event not so Unlike, other: big 'taWiintiting ..centesta ,as, might at...fit-Pt appear.,:,' • The ,swimtner must find .a 7insieler• able difference :betiveen „ Salt water • ind. fresh water, the Water- in tit. rtglish Channel trieil Abopa, ac te/d. as • that ief. Lake ''Ontiarte Many' swim -niers , have. remained ,• .if the Chatinel vtrater Mitch longer thar• 'Rey were, able. tO.ertatire. the water at:, the Exhihition Park .beach. ........AtZleaS„retnar.kahle =that praCtically ail the Women "stvitninera .catialdained Of,: the cid& ;them. it. Was. net '• se Much exhaustion as chill . which fore., ed 'them • to :give :me: • .With .tite. Mee „ there was -lunch less- complaint of the ;•eout, ,,..Yet most ,Wpmen. will go Man!! • on a chillY.daY, .scanty attired,''While , men • are iv/paring ten tittles . as., much . weight. af.' elothing,, and the. women 'for. a time tat Any rate., .Will .1.fe-ar .comfortable is the , ,Yierkoetter,the. German. who 'Wo:r the- race. appears to Ve „been ad- mirably censtittite'd for. such, an in tetittisehe teis' enderance !against hoth, cold aoa• 'fatigne: 'Mit that was ,inst what. was 'Snicf,cf George Young, After. his ''sp,ert,aeitlar victory , in Cali.. ,fornia. He, tee Wns"‘ttling, at:the • fin- ish. "Vierkeetter • in One Of his at'-' teinpts to aWim, theEnglish. Chatifiel. lisd. to he taken from the water, 1111 - able to 'finish. 'Teinporary heeth condition, ha§ much ' to. "de with these endtirance tests whee nerve and, 41e and grit 'are tried to, the break... Ile, Want. •. . , • , . T,he ,action• Of, the ana*,' Igeliient ten thousaint'dol. Tars thetWeee the four women swim- mers who Made the :best •:. showing.; will Meef With •eeneral Approval. ' , • , _ i!ENMITS TO BE CANCELLED " WHEN PRIVELEGE' OUSE!). , • , Evidently, Mr. D. Hanna, cha man of the Ontario Liquor Control Board, is .going to endeavor to Ore - vent the Government Control system from a liWiritirdiSreputeT,----Pfelast. week announced that periintswill he cancelled for drunkenness, ioa he evidently means business. He said: "When a man gets drunk arid is fined ten dollars, or when a man gets , GYPROC. Your V/HY endure :another' winter' ,With a rtid ge?. fly lining it with Gyproc you trin3is;tvethr. cosi' ciacic.cd* -radiator, frozen.water pump and onmerous repairs catich by ' zero weather. ; „.• Gyproe keeps out winter's, bitter-T.0M, 4186 fire - resisting. Essy inez'ocnsii'-e to hpy t'!" • Write for fres bookiet—"Niy 'From- " kt:ir t ator it4,4; Ilacboard ,Thtulatiag.Slioittlg and, int4.0(N,w114 , .hoInt ' THE ONT.A.41EI‘GYPSUM. PAttis„. CANADA nreproof Ve-4111:eoar Por Sale,By • '• Wxn mwaie- ..C`kP9w, • Rae 84 Porteous ' 1Win tifOOtt 126 .01116 to to140, the. Ora* hat and fault it in ate kitcbe 'tide* te° keep the , , A• , The cancellation Of permits,, No*- , , ever, will not guarantee that there Will, be t no drunkenness- • although it will make drunkenness r a dangerous pastiine. Underthe. present system 1 person without a: permit can have, no trouble Whatever .in getting liquor ' •„4: .person Wig:a ,permit can get $ !.creat. &at anore-licituir than he Ma consume, and the surplus : can *turn. ed over to those who have t ICA their .nerinits, with little chance of detec, tion., The .way of the bootleggegr. the Present tipie la Wide open. It is "1-Tue that 'if \ a man's permit indicates that he is 'getting More liquor; ,than be can use in :a. legitimate way,- he may be called iipon to give an, Re- count •of -his dealings, but this ,can be overcome by having a nureher of per- t holders turn • their ,iiipplieS over to hint. = ; The:argument was that,when ;min , eeuld' purchase :ail the liquor he de,: sired in a hwfuh way, he Would not e•(;' to the bootlegger, but the army of drunkards= Who have their • permits', permanently .cancelled will constitute grOVrint and ready 'market , for lrotlegged liquor, It is a traffic that is hard to control ' , time he is reaciy. There is a hint, PT this from Severaq•uarters. Meanwhile be ; is exercising caution and withhold- ing - as rnuch „inforniation as • possible from the news and trade press. Fore is reported to have been seen an the car. It -even' repotted that ponie have Viewed it when • it ;aPPenfed, Ori ...tiwheat*pidbolwibitiaedsiiionniteottp.7,th, bile:L•thepheoc04.: features were obtainable.--' ,,• , gut rferoponirt Daebtoruoti",ht4e that 0A4-6: was then giving ireplaymenk, to about One-half his force while making' eye the Plants. This half takes .turns a+ . , I .,' . .• stock corriad, Inforination Furnished mini! Service . on Brantford roofing rendered by Wm. Miircii.e* ;SOn- LUcknow, Ont. ;and' ordered, out- of town. As the girl* ,, are ,Klid to be past the teen age; their • •••. kat -lot' -can-- be-only-explainekaalone.: of ;rank ' huniiedesty- andcollossal. nerve... No ' decent or right-thinking crirl would d0 such a tit:1%g and the citizens 'bete will not tolerate ' such .. conduct on the part •• of :acme , leosel s • brained, low-niotalled . outsiders.' This ilayi_se:iii.„:„harel:01.0atiLiag, e, brit. .tli, visitors. on Saturda,Y ,ealliefor it. aCtion on the pert oftthilunweleome • T.AICE ADVANTAGE'OF THE LOW . . „ • - PRICED SUMMER TOURIST.. •• - FARES; 4:ee';'=!themtillaces--iow-,21,00ge4._•to rid by now feel that the trouble fOr 4927 wjllpOSSiblY be delayed unti' 1928,as Ford wilt have to ilbt so :Voik in 'building up a new distribitt. ing organization. rebuilding the ole which has been ,shet:full bf,,boles •dur to the inability Of 'dealers' ,in FOrcl cars to carry the load for such an ex- tended period of Meanwhile General motors With Chevrolet as its big producer is showing vast. Isale gains for .the summer months, run- ning almost , or quite -one-•qtiarter;•:- MODESTY, WHERE ART THOU.? -a-lay--;oft---While=•-departraerit' after de- partment is being:,retpoled.'„, • • Interest which has been created the me* Ford production has teache,' remote - foreign.; countries. inquiries regarding h are piling' pp from sec- tions remote :even fieinc civilization: 'iTe-show.hovi 'great is the interest a •Detroit newspaper :kepi a photo, grapher hidden: near the Ford ...plant and Caught what itreported to be Piaui*. of the neat...model tiavellitig' at fully .45 mules an hour. • This show- ed a radiator Of the design of : the Lincoln car, • which ' Ford also makes: and four wheel brake mechanism. , • At 'about . the time Of th. ShoWini of this:, picture in print it was „stated in the news of the 'day that Pot& ha&. asked the, Detroit carlines to. provide • . • . electric cars for ,3•000 more workmen. ..,Another item of interest is the re- moval of the assembly lines 'frott.i. the Highland park plant of . Ford. ..Bui sonai'lline ago a inan On the inside said that FOrd,•Weuld-rePlace-old..ata- aenibly• lines with new one thatwould allow the ,assembly on the, chain of Ford,, „Lincoln and, 'also FordsPn tractor all ;atthe same. time. The new . line will also, allow of the assembly Of the new; :eight cylinderniodel. It is reported that this model will be airceoled.- • 'Prone. the: Ford plant it is , learned' that. Ford is slowly ipakingt up: his mind -on'iorne special Meebenical fee. bites. Naturally „these. have to,1:46.•in-' eotporated in the 100, test •cars Which are said to be oh, the road. After se- yete. trials the •• mechanical feattri„ ' *. ' may or May net he adopted:0It„rnuet ,be recalled that Ford has held to onr. model for 20 years or Mere and that he and : his .force are not ',trained, ir„ making. changes. besieming and. Per- fecting neW, Cot, which y . Will no ;Show hugs aplenty, is therefore A' Stu ,nendous task to bite:. wherein othe7 factories, where, models .ate 'changed once ,and. titsiee,yearly; thete bit! little .effort comparative to Ford's 're ,qUired 'work. Itis Said that Ford .addedspice tr • ”. the ,sittia.tion be, allowed onc Model to be driven to a ...golf club. few saw it. The hood -was not liftel Slackening .,of operation' bY Ford ha' hro'ught below nOrmal business foi SO many; that his progress' IS' beity followeil, as Closely ,as ptiesible, by: • everyone in t, e antomPtive ntanufae; turing indtistrye ' othQt'ilomt! , plinies are dependent ittle'n Ford tha4 business :generally In 'Detroit' And stir= tounillags,is belevr.normal. an.c.1, every 6-nela 'boiling against 'hope new. tho' 'ord will beaten his -egnerimenta'.t.. work and get down to real,' rnanufac- turing But ,P.Ord.,•1$.710W0,..that„t0-brine,. out a model net inethanically perf'ecf wpule- e plCying. *ith firc inastnn c Coninetitora would Soon grab :b12..C4orinsetitorS-•\ fe'el: that -2P*oi'd essuse 5 'landslide in the btisiness Should, his new eat tatitte a m.arket • ,UnSet; The ethnnetitate ere therofort teatehipIly. Weithig' and as" the , dat4 One, Out ,o eveil„persoris , in • t. t'or ' spand tb ¼e"11.6 • ' :tat. -,stAspiNG BY GEORGE YOUNG ;LONG b1gTAN,CE STUNT FLYING We 'like:Ty have heard about • the 'ias.1' Of mean flighte'for,Sorne tiMe to •conte....-: During the. 'past mineth dis- arittr -has fe1lowe4 • disaster in 'rapid. eleceesion, • the failures&-he/ing alto, .,v'ethernet proportton%to the Slic- The loss of thi t l'Anhael. , Uri tteessa,...Lon.„0.0f.Lein premoted ihdfiiht and, went , as passenger.- appears, to ;lie ve acted hat "sort 614,1ast straw, ail iubh, pirt- mo :has tarnoci against trans -oceanic; i14.111-s,•44o-tlutt. lit:. ;olio now, venturet neeftettett enterpriees. will be•regard- ', ea as a fool rot bey thanp hero. even *heft eticeees attend:4 hie 'effort. Since .Lindhergli's flight to Paris the various creeks at crueeing 'the (From - (From The ,Port Elgin Times) I0vould=seeni-tliat4iodestryi becoming a lost virtue Evidence of . . this is train time ,totimebeing clear- ly'. revealed,: but no more btaienly. than c Saturdayafternoda' last tYlieO three young ladies' (if we: maY be ex- euSed for calling them -such) from 'Southampton Bedeli and indecent 4isp1ay of :themselves on. :the, .street here; which in the •,ina-• jerity of places Would have resulted in the t trio being made an example of in the •police ' court Mter •:tralkirle along the lalceshore •from Sotithamps. ton the ..trio paraded through main street garbed in 'nothing but short ,jeraeYs and abbreviated bathing -suits; andwalked into: a ' business Place here where they were later aP= , The public' will be pleased to know: , , that in soite of George Toting'si sen- Sational failure at Torontohis train. er, and manatrer, Messrs: O'Bytne and Levy; are going' to stick by 'him. A• rresa report says that Young's train- ing camp at CoakVille,.waa' broken up on: Saturday; that O'Byrne • and his: ,farnilf Went to Niagara -Pills: While Gremige went to Toronto to visit Ahilf mother, before leaving, for California in cOmpanywith the 011yrnes And Levy:, George Young is Still young' (not, yet .i.sy and hasample thee in which to redeem his repute on as a switienier..„ Mt. Vrigleyi wber Put 14P S25,000 in: connection with the mars: then sveim at Toronto. 18offering to put n another twenty-five thousand, provided,. some . other imrson; city or organization of any kind will pat np 'an iquirainatirit," Making ,A .950,000 piiree tor another evnmining contest spEpIJIATINGTAnour-VORD---- : AND • ' .,,„ • You can take a trip' tri' the Later- . eating places in 'Canada at greatly'. reduced rates. Plan to 'visit Jasper .:TatiOnaliPark this.".iummar. 'Bee the.. winiderful N,•,Srtli Pacific : Coast, •the ; giant mountain, country 'of , or the interesting Now is si: very comfort. able SeaSen ,for traver-and Its lower cose,adde another good .reeese.... for 7:-p1annieg' a present ',season trip. ' . • Any Agent: of .Canadian National ' Railways will supply you with Mere- - -tpre • and Pill information regarding the. different lours .and ; . .good town is A place where a . girl knows accepts: a „ride- Proached-'by .County. Constable Travis that'she•WOn't have • to wk hoae. ,The fnl.lowirg ar,fiele 'about I-Tetiry, Fittd hie new dar and his Plans of .-Htiolt nobody anneals klurktV sin -thing.. has beengoing the rounds. to 'we 'puss it 'Pe for 'what it is worth; Every ,ecrap of 71.eitro ,today. that ,collacritI3 the ,plani of H•try Ford to .9111°A royERsrry. pf WESTERN . . . 'FRE University' belongs to the people a- : of. Western Ontario: It seeks to . eerve the whole community. : - In 1926-27 nine hundred and nine- - teen replier tstudents were enrolled. Ons hundred and fifty nurses in training received professional and technical in- struction. There were one handfed and silty adriffilliking systematic Work in the Extension Department: ' _ As • the gross income of the University is small -top small - for its 'most pressing needs -all ' freshmen classes will be limited " in numbers. Only students hav- ing the highest qtuillecatiens will • be accepted. Application -should be madcas wiz as possible. . . Retestratime Lidy-23r4 Sep-: tember, 1927. t . 0* featie Indy gm"' LP :Regiaftar. 'Osauta._ • ic eetm In the interests of the Vnited..fatm- ers' Candidate. in North Huron Sheldon Bricker „ . Will Be Held on Wednesday, Sept. 7th' lluevale, Ethel, Port Albert and Carlow `Thursday, Sept. 8th ; , Township Hall, Morris; Walton and Moncrief ,Friday, "Sept. 9th Goderich and Dungannon . Saturday, Sept. 10th Winghani,and: Brussels., All Meetings Will Commence at 8.30 • Weloc1(13.1V1:. , Speakers at these meetings W. H. Da - 4,1 F. R. Oliver, M:P.P.; Miss 'Agnes_ MtPqaii; VILM-illanv and thei,4'. -Candidate;,,Mr. Sheldon-iffiCker. mpg-ting§-,tt� -bp `addrei64-by.:111411--- • Agnes McPhail, will be held as follows: At Dunlop . Sept. 7th • At Westeld se pt, 9th - • The omen's Meetings will open at 2.30' in .the afternoon A • '