HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-08, Page 3i. • lo.re4.,•= onidiirat Port! . Await Development . . . . Restored. to, II. ealth Through the With .the Couitruction . of it" US0 Ot-Pr,-W.illial4s'. PIPIE , . . . . ... . •Canal or the Establishment ," ' • r - .of Interoc:eartioRaihmay :ntIt is it plea5ore PAP] :Mis, oltesli Traffic;:Trad,. It is Shn; v 11 _oolter, P of yictoriA, .E.I., "to, ; tell wtytlia Inc, i...ae?«, , you et the mrlitv „health ,an,d 'strength I • AB get. tlirongh the vise , of Dr,..,,Willianta", ".• • map] alie:fere taking the '111I6, me; „ the only. l,lone.than ,port,Non the -sentit, life.' wini A -burden 't'o W -es: ee ' kndW ,Paciiiic cob-st,-aifilTW144 1001,3 14. ).),Ettuy., rot down that', t did not %being breught 12, daYei nearer ttN v what to do, My •blend seemed to have ,h ,e-tttui id to water, I waa'very pale,, con orkwitthMateamatt9a, 4ity - ' 'Il041.14an. schelne;: ia ' little , t.P.111LIy. tieedn'..ltndr wa.s'106ir*Ile4h• it • ,tovill4ktiated $4Titio .141allsr ai tb,('I was a. trial to attempt housework ., ork oijicai:mouoto.n,.1.11 h Atictedlo this I."lled 'a bad cOugh and 't r sea ..t04••11:0t,ght:;of nhoi 1,000 e.et In the. vielnitY;Are..the, :Islands of • y'ida.aagpera," !IgxpoisiCtoit' "apilL'"Zae4 at' prood!, !","All;, of Course„ are. Pi' • 1,11-e' I3ay.,et Fonseca, and placed 'nibMe- 'what to .the nertheast of the little' lit;•: landfcalled:"FanallOnes,"-' ' , . . ...The iiaii..a11ed "zaoap Grande' Is,. Separated front the Mainland hy4e, cA't nary; across .w.liteh the con- etrectimi of ,O 'railway viaduct would • .offer no' al ii) cult)! to- ipodo'rp elIghle,era° The: tra,c1C could be 1id over the is- . " lAbf.M4').ts -western' side, where there deen'Acater, anti where large yesseht , can approach tho Shore: reitelv.more clo;3:31Y- than they:can de at Anrapala. might, °possible to build lauding stage'•"fer the direct diSeherge of f.'re left „trent • ear to ..sh 1 p,' and vice Pleturcique: Bay. Of InseCa: • Thu tr,oins would rim straight from PuertoT.Cortea,te. the Water's edge •oa, • Peppery, Beet--"Whatchte ,89' het, Aboatt" Per>rr--41'311. alvcr473,..10t,• •Vlo, a red hot peppor!" . . Cautious; you've. ben so 'kind to me that I feel indebtedt�you. ,You can ,tale me. to dinner„tonight,!' • -. Does 'your mother, know 'Nye ttre,emning?"•• Both °in. Brror.• 21°0111E449a, wlikli 1 am, 3"ollr Ilanie Is Miiri)42.° ''..*Yonbre mistalten; in that yen'tir'not „mistaken', nIV ;IMMO As-'•c•L; 1 'nybifslap4 'and' friends thought I „tidies., HomA 4:ourno, I into" eonsuinptien The •`-' •• • was. go ng , • , preteeted ,Itarbor !"Zacate Grande," • at -:--whc-relll'eprincipal,ForrWeilti.7.13e; and • tbe..exiPtiag town .of Amapali, could • continu'oto••paryd, :as the residential .apd isics center, retaining its .pre-' •E'ent lecill'coostting bennections.. of . Fonseca, .espeeiAlly . „w.ie.re t 3 ahovenam.ed islaridS are picturesque:. S t earn shi p- travelers Who arrive 'th ere 6n.a b::3 da Y;• can enjoy. one 'of the, beautiful seel\es• in° the World. The climate. 4not unduly tropiaad. There is..iisnally a breeze blowing in frOni the, sea, which increases - • ^ Medical trea.tMea ;as.. taking not *appear to de 'me any goo, and '1 ha4 abbot' given -UP bOPO ',,when. A frieutl 'Urged • to; try 'Dr., Williams"' Ptak. PIlls. I gOt elk boxes and :feunct se ninchbenefit.frontthem that 1 get six" mOre'' boxes: ."`Aeferetheise*.were: all 'taken WaSitrneW:woMal reatOOd again to geed' health,' 't gainedin weight, the ecingh left MO; my aPPe- tite returned and I once more had A. 'good color.... Better0,91, I -,Was• able t� do my housework withoot .fatigue,- Neediess to gay 1, 'always reCOmmend Dr....Williams' Pink Pills .to• ahhing friends,. and I, hope this •Willt.be the Means of pointing the ,iiiiad'to .gaba health to Some other suffeter.":- ••Try Dr. . Pink. for" , , . . anaeinitt,;,'.rheirmatism, neuralgia, .ner- v641340'44.. „Talcethein as a tonic. if you are net in 'th.Vbest.physical cen- ditiOn and' cultivate a ebistance that •;If :you will send,'‘us.'yotir name and address a 1itt1 book.,.' "Building 'Op the Biped,'" will he ,mailed. you Pre- paid.' ThI boblf ,containe, many, use- ful health hints. . ,* , • Yu eau getthese pills thrtiogh anY. MetliCtite dealer er.bY mail at .66' cents ox from ", The , Dr: Williams! iVfedi. eine" Co:,. Ilioelt-VilleV,Qnt, • • . • '!Women,' declares .4 dress expert, '"do not -worry, aboat theft.; clothe they used .to,' Bet then theke's not so muen tni*irry ?boot; ' • ,.., 41. ;OP.. • ilrert=Nerventlred-to:Tdain0 • arY, ine:asivc, tlieire".are. nights, When, t.tj.Q rilercurydrove to below 60` 'degrees. • Al; of the conimerce of El Aalvadet; anil. inos.tof that...of the ether four\ re- : ;prihrh:Sl•--with-,7P•ti'-r-Ope- a n g• "(Jutted • Atiaes, Is ,obliged to travel down,s•buth .,the'"Did you et kiv , , vatiIn. ,ar•.nit a, •coiniatiesfein,?"-' only yagesi",. , . There is said in, ba :keep c�mpetl- tiOn ;Or, the position of altip's barber, Evidently: life on the perinanent wave ha 's its rittraCtiens., ; ' . Mrs. Blunf---"Man's • a 'tyrant, isn't. he; J�lih?"431unt-'7"Rea1ly, :ray. 'dear, hardly 'he, or is he not?" ":1Ie ' • • . • , A. prosperoas ,.market gardener 'has' nowStarted a laundry. • He ought to nutice-a-'geoct Angry Cuatofller hi •Itetitaurant: "Hey, I've founda taek In thiS dobgh- nut!" 'Walter -L -''Why, the anabition8. little thing! It, must,think it's a tirel'! kpedition Seeks otten Jews • ien::lhe Atiantrg siae. -11:t.ncrosSes. the isthinie. and, returns! „tie rth'tyard ..by the Paelfic • in . bider • te ec-liverect at its rep.peditve dest1na7 traIC • :ter' ,11-',O wes•tera. •:pOrte' f South' A -tiler tea; „Which.,...aithough not,- hav log: ' „to' intrn.;north w ard; 'still has to tia Verse the. isthmus :at one .'peintlor an- . other:" :In •the event'ofeanala hecom- , .Inknaii'Vailable-the route hy ,HOnduras . , , :by 'far? the:superior, • ; • . • .1 t 1sbh1evetl1at Vae. Interoceanic. - of Honduras , Offers' . •° cheapest and-mos.t expeditiona metbod ..of; carrying traffic. bctween the 'two • . ...• . „. • pecans; . especially. as regards ,• :Unstql • StateSabd. as. a , dependable •A"..teinatc,ve 'Ltd .the canals; either as el.-. competitor. Ileavy passenger an,i cargo beats could' dis- • ---eharge..,..their loads., at Titerte Cortes• • arid ,at„ .onee \lettirn their; ,Porta of • .Sailing. The frait. ebinpany 'Ettehiners, carrying bananatf, to the United 'States., :Might" return leaded . With ;freight' for • i.thelatercuiei,.thc Railroad,. ..The la.tter. ;in , idW, Ars': v. otild ',carry ;every, titling -clown 'Zacate Grande, when& a. .cit light .Coasting bOats'Would, apt, 'A.s ,•distributors to the , Central, . . . -Ant erican,..'pert§;atid hi ah1ri1ft3r; • w•Onhl extend' their .radius of :ifetion • downito S�nth Arnerica. • '•' Colony in,Abysinia Reported • . , Dwelling in Isolation , One a the roost inte.reating ethnol- ogleal—expeditions.---tViat----hanie-.!-been •planned for many a day is that which is goinepff the Tap" the wilds of • Abyssinia,' to .inyestigate the' °'Fala.,-,• shai oi Blackjew;larg.e *timbers Whom are reported to be, 'dwelling, in • an isolated: little ° world • of .their OWn behink the:ranges, vnites• a -traveller: • the., Landon ,Daily Mail. • • • Americans are supplying the 'Main ,Ciimmkan National Running Trophy 4 Grown .i.n the best gardrens th:e Orien Blended %by men tra!ned in th • worIcVs greatest tea market. ,4g:ka• As a means o fostering intereat in 2nd: The run ers who are first, 1' d third •Will re eive•gold, sil- Middle distance :running in Canada; „ the Canadian. National- Railways .creation League has presented Githe Amateor Union Of' Canada', the above Irandiorne bronze. Statuette and medal's. -The tr..6017 IS' -pa hand - 'some bionie ste.tuette,non baSie, of ative • Canadian woO It is' 'a •Per• petoar a!,vard infi Wili,b. e e utltn-1-7-0-qn year by the •',witiner cif, the one mhle in.ee; at 'the. DominiOn Oharapionshin meet 'at -Tormito; Satorday, .Angust second an , c , yer'.and''bronze •ntedahLresP.W.tV„-, l'he presentation of , the trciphy: 'and Medals was .,inade-Htethe' ICA -X. of C: on .behalf -: of Canadian , National Of deers and 'employees . who are na'em-• hers kif-lhe )9a.riadiaa Natienal•Becrea':. boa' League, of which Air Henry W. Thornton is Patron •and .A. J....Hills, Trikaltrent. ' 'Plur1eat4i*Iiriepinesenta-- tive _of Canadian National sporte-ipx,•• , . ,tivitlea.froof Coast to Coast in Can- •• No Practice Needed.... • Mother . (severeli)-- "Do„ you prac- Wee-flirting ith.", men on. the Street?" Daugliter—"Wliy, . of course not; .• - • Part of :tbe. ca—pital and •undertalung ..o... . . . - .Lmtheri. Do you think v.giirl cif ,my 'the leaderehip;-: bet...seine Palestinian, exPerience' needs practice ' in such ' Zionists are ce-operating:andypritigh light aniusenteitt7" ' .levvrY, liaa'.been' iniitecl to lenci learn-.°. . • - • . • .., : , ••• ,•. •... , ed represetatives to join the party Queer .think have '. haP.Pelled to the ., Modernized. : Motorcycle lucre than one straggling, colony ofThe "mo • i dernized motorcycle" ..s the , The Chosen'a People when it got cut off .. . ' • __ -- , escription given the 1923, 1-1ArleY- fr8ln its ban -se. ' ' . " ' ' Davidson, by. Walter Andrews, 'Toren: "Do you know. ,,for. ixistince, lt,b°14..,4.0, Ont.," agent for' that line of motor- the' 390 Chinese Jews, herded thge1b- er:atrthe .city of Itai-feng-fu,•in.11o 'nen pronte,*sadly 'contemplating the ruins of their synagogue, and carry ing .�n, by -word:of menth, ,the -teach- inga Of their last"yebbi, who died AO 'years 'ainir They. are .very poor and 'dejected: None of their wealthy ;fel- loW elSewhere in the world lends them a hand, nor does ..Any musemin ,or •-archaelogical institution talte,StePs• to preserie what remains; and ree'ords are still to be found there; knows abeut theni forit hasaoltnif- .ber of Hebrew inanuscripth from Kai- feng-fu and there are "some, :1'.1;elieve; in the kdleian Vibrary. ' • • IloW' the Black Jews -happened-Id' .get cut off in a •reinote Part of Abys- sinia lias. still .to be a8certaidedf: : The origin..of the Chintee jews•ia trieW/I; • .. Not Puttiiig out Enough,' rainiing Cain with the hoot- , • , leggy% in my town.'''. •• • . ,-pAktiing dut so muelt bad, liquor there "No hot putting out enough!' Britain Banisfiecl Barbarons ' . • Rite • wtion Britajl,a few ago, baiiiShC from India ' the "suttee" rites, an uniu;,uallyi .that had long:4)06n iiu vogue was Dia to an end: wtts pra.ctited. when ,a nrotilinent man die( I and..by the, tra- •zitto.tf. innneront, WiaoWs •had.. to • 'ent•crifi'c'e .thotelives hi his funeral pyre or live a, life a aharne MA dls gracei, trikita lilte.outeltata eVer•after. the yltti2 wasa tOrtittoirs One, After •'th.cpyye had. becri, erected and. the, body of the , Matt' Pla,ced • apeni It, tho •rnarelif • each time they .paneti the trian' - ;Pint liy-they-would he belited upon,,tht,i lytoxo„:thon wooid Jib 'down. At thi would '4hba pas ropeS aver*,•the-bediefi and- t1toih 'scciirefy. 1rhcii tife, •-•tveot.(1,-beltindiod anti voen,...atierward, ,tb pyre wotid be, reatieed to ailais. v I nee 'there:14%a; telnalltAble--4111,tee.• Stone, • It, earOionnirates the biirrilfig • , 01.42. WiVee at the fti nral pYre of the tialai;Sluth in t56t.., • they themseltres have,cominem,orated it They- Were carnp followers of' Persian king Who was driven out of circles:: In- „pointing out the,-. Many new features on the Isp28 models, Mr. Andrews is. particularly enthusiastic , • . , about . the, fore -wheel 'brake, ' which is of: the internal exPanding, type. This additional breaking aortae° •When used in. Conjunction with the present rear -Wheel brake; affords the ultimate in safety for all road and traffic 'con; ditions. • Another . improventent of impeirtarice... Is, •the` altepeed oiler which is controlled froth the throttle: AeLtifeL..speeis-Inerpasecl!,-th`rotigh- opening the throttle, the oil ptimp is caused to feed more oil 'te the motor ,The 1928..medels are .on display at -.Walter AndrevEs, 'Ltd., 346 Yong°. St. Toronto, and should .be 'seen . when vieiting the Exhibition. •• * • • • . 'Turkey Enters Liquor Trade, Selling a Special Intoxicant constantinooe+T9key is about to market 7 special alonholic beirerage ad e e bet . packet ye wititustn. found for tea— Women Settlers:. LondolI Times. :(Ind:)-,-:-(WOnien are: ,peeaSionally deterred .frora,tettlement- in.'•the bOntinierui .the fact tliattlioi are, invited. by .DOminieg notices:, to. undertake work`ati.tientestie. perianth or lioueehotd worhefe),.. There Is a natural centmentiense -feeling againit crossing they world . to serub floors. (171tit)' the truth is • that • that Innthely „phrase "hotieehold' Worltersi" 'denotes 'what Is the...beginning and .not the end of ...the', career overseas. ' -hifid its drab suggeetion- lies ,a neW 'World .offering almost boundless.scope.- It IS, so to slay; the way. for ..the aseist,', Conference they , can .ai•range to haveed . ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt of the Denfinions. • it, 18. the; field.. In. ' ,Whioh.: she gt.ve. her ',Of:Mrs that elie: • can make it..eciund contribetionoto the cernmon • life of ber,„ neW :Cotintry, We can 'understand, 'what' sennas.at times the °Ver.:exacting • attitude. ot.Domiiii- Ogidiala When 'ive' remember' Oat they.7are 'taking to °their, cell -n.07' the futore,methers ,their people; MInaidIs......1-iniment; • relieve a bacicacile.; • Adiertruoineutu`, LADy. Olt OVNTIMAN'WAND , Praylel)r; 9wvehroyle,C:;:etrotWtni:ttie7p.o-Yaniitalgong:ohltr: (smart% .to act afs exclusive represen-'' tative in diStribution of 'the Bibles ,. Importance; do bOsiness at .homa; pleas-', ant and profitable occupation. Apply by letter only, 13Ib1e Prayer Association. 018 OntarioStreet, Toronto. A. It /4 e•-•-74 ACHI N, & HAND •_ KNITTING—"Old Tyrne,!' "All. 'intssemdpiNceVs01,1.;:e el3.6c as tPocoguinnda. UP,deIIvered ; Yarn ShOPnr, benar,tirseqt E, OrlIlIi Ont. Perhaps 'at' the next • dfsarmarnent• ' , • uard the Child. Feqr Makes Liars of All SaYs Lane. , • . • • . . . That, most -of the lies of -childhood are.'hased 'on. lear,Of the. parent is, a Statement made. by .Winthrop 'V. Lane., i ,ittlie. Septernber- 'Issue ot'-2-!-The- .., De- lineator *Magailne"..that ...will • startle 'man f grown-ups Who have been in the habit .-..Of" laying,', their,: young, scin's "tales", to Pore 'eusednels".. ' , : .: ' .• POInting; put. that. ',parents. ;often frightei17--eVenif inaid.Vertently--,•their, Aildrekit. Into. lying; Mr. Lane ',eon- , .. tlayes:',,•''rear pt.parents is i;irte9f. the. Meat dietressing.'.fears... of :Childhood.. Why.shOuld the ehild be afr.ald .othis parental... The Parents' anger; the par.' entS'','Ponishmenterhans ,':.,jtist',..tlic • parents! mild .diSapPirevalL-bangs ()Ver. hina hike al elettd.'•\ • When' a parent • dis- covers.that".hia-,child Is • afraid of, him, be .Might, te•de.alnipst anything to .re-;. move.,the.., fear and estabilSh. a . better . relationship." . • _ .;:A.cording; to • Mr, •Lane, ,ebildren will. alsa°11e, from fear of .being., teased', from fear.'of 'ridicule, f.rora-.fear Of -.he - tog,. theught rincormietent; and 7.a:".bOOPY. 7---(1.19:10St Any -fear. Will PredUce OecasiOnally, children 110 1'in:order .'tp- escape' 'eoriaparispit with, others, They even lid fronr.fear -tif giving others., a. sort ,Of.•."110 •of ecinvenien-ce°, of -child- pood. 'Again, a lie can. be a 'forth of wish fUlfilinent.; We say things .Are 'tree 'Which We WOuld like to have •irtie, or, , Would' Makes title it We 'eotild.. Adults often tell lics of this' characterk apd'eliiid.ro.n.frequentIY-.frequently do.' ".:''Why do We object to •childien"s' ly.... ing?aSks... 'Mr, Lane.-7""The zreasen, Ought te,.hey-I tliiiik,. that;lying ' males life ,'With •other people -entirely ;.unde-'• Pendalile. ,'Tli'le.,•reason;• .1 ant aware, is :get thene, 'Usually given to °child- ren. ' ', 'We tell children all .,,sorts :of: thingsi ' We say:'...4tylog•fs. bad,' ' We 'pairf ,..liceti 'NOW be hapPier *,lie.o• yoti tell-lh&.tilith.' • Perha,ins 'we Mention: the ninth ,conintaritiment-7-and. :then. try to ,tell.the .Child, what it Mean's, ."I an -pet iiiire'just hew Much all Of this . ringig, true' with children,. • To. be happy °Shanty. becatthe YOU • ave. r told' the truth and then:had .all torts Of :trcittbie, all a result of telling it, Is a stiange.isert, Of .,hanninesii to, him ke'Weuld .ratiterlie•and get out of,the illffloultY, . The methcid. of these. ,par.,-,, ents• who tell their chfititen that bring Is ' net. liked,„ that. lYitig. 'Makes ',theM tinpopular;. „iti to be. preferred; Thiiii kV:least, Ii. based. ,n3n true emotional response; 0060'e:de:not like a liar so Well.° • • .•': .' .' ' " ' • - , . - , has: conary arid enerp;etically.,:purf• "People's Raki." Altheugh;.the s'ued 'by the ermies Of tbe Otb- inan.,m1,34l0 years ago. lost. theit way 'and' failed: to' keep in -tench with what ves, left' or. the Persian • ariny wherVit'ventured to go home. ' There is to -day a stone in, the. rbiried sYria. 'gegue that 'records...,the constrection of the first place of Warship in 1.163'; 'aiid its' rebuilding about :•355 yearS • It.' wOuldbe A, matter for keen re- ngret this 'extraordinarily' interest- . . big, and . -gro'llp •Of -mar: boned • representati,es of an anccnt ;civilization were • allowed,. through sheer ignorance- and, apathy, to \(110- apPear, Without' any:..steps, being taken to 'make a thorough investigation, of I/heir rplies .attcl repollegtioni.• ,•°; , Itle 'Only by laber 'that 'thought can be made healthY, 'and only by thotight .that labor can he made.happy; anl. the tWO cannot be 'separated W,ftli,int- PtinityHJOhn Ft.tisk4n. Censtitiftion, declares .islarn the State..4elig1on and alecihoi 'IS far - 'bidden' MOsleins,.. the TUricieh„Gotrern- Meet iit•th.eliquer badness. • the .Government orlglna1Iy aireed ,t� grant an: alcohol monopoly' - !to 'Polish rdnanelere,, but . connscateth the nitdopely twO,Mentha ago because the 4iiiies ;failed to. meet financial oblige,- . , , isitoireover; the-, comr plaihed that the liipt,Oi7'vvali LadIfiterated• 'arid 'catified bpridnees:. •' ; :poring the•i'olish monopoly .seeret, itihis becatne corninon• ,ae .4 result,' Oi the peOple's effott:to obtain'puretituff; Raki, a: pepolittr intoxicant ,In; Turkey, Is drunk likewhlskeY. ' • . , No state '.Sorrier than that-. of the man who itoeps'op contintialfround and ..pries "the secrete Of the. nether' Wald," .as sitith the 'poet; and 1etirfouttl1n 'Conjecture:14 :what is in 'his' • 'neighber's, heart; :4,4-- 'Wrens; 1, • •• •• itt:the • first sign of :illness during the hot 'weather' giVO' the little. Ones . . Babrs, Own•Tabieth In a ,fewheurs he-May-beLhey-ond-aid,....„.These Tablets will : prevent ;summer ;coraplaint , if given occasionallY , te. thawfl and. will prontittly. relieve 'these tree, blenif they Conte on suddenly. Baby's Own.:Tahlets, should, .always be kept in every home ,where ,there. are .yOting children.', There is no other • Medidine". as ;geedand tlip 'mother hex the gitarT antee of.,;6government an8,1Yst that they'. are . absolutely ;safe.. ..They' are sold 'byell druggists or •Will be Mailed on receipt of price, ,25,centis' per, hook; b --y The Dr., Williams', Medicine CO.,. Brockville, Ont. :booklet.i. "Care Of the Baby In: Health And Sick- ness," 'Willhe sent free to any mein b e r ,9n 'request: • - ;Teich Ch)ldren, Kindness •This teaching 'kindness to entreal4 .111,aY „seem a simple- thing; .• but the: More pnemerits the WertnWritrating -•" influence proves to , be, Causing ' a change "..coriducti, insPiring Austiee. rind coinpa.ssion in. the plaee•otsel.lish- lisiis and cruelty ; training the ipind•to • pprehend.;- and., the :heart to • 12e. with • tIte . needs di the, lowly 'crea- tUrei-Who-forin--the--theeretiiial..ObJect . _ lesso'n° tinf, such surpassing. interest ;to • theyoilpi; bvioi1s1 the. ',preteetinng synipath.yi which a • child may: be Baby Loves_. :A Sidi With .CUticiira • Soap . Vp • • ' Hini. First . . , rg••i-ldcrn#cplcid-en-t-itra-rk-ertlrtr tenseness of the week which.89.w arm edt 'pOlieetnen'.:at every :tern. New York. on the.,loolOut. 1 of boinb:throW-. erS. ',,Two..ot theiii Sawa Man rutiiiin4 With a reyelv,er in .hta'hand. At once :.theY.slispect,ed • .a dangerous They ran down; leaped 'upon hire, . . , .kboe'ked out, 'and heat .hinCtip In Mnse ;approVed pple'.stYle,-frabturingc his skull With 'neatneis and diSpatch,° before the. • in 44-1, e'017,14 • &V.@ ;any : ic- Coont 'Of himself, ex'plain what, lie" Was abOut. Then; having ,rendered him ., se'nSeless.,--', their: ••proceecled to search •-and found --not \anarchist literature hut a:pollee:shield pinned' to his . vest! wan na plain -clothes. policeinan•.'ivhe was himself Chasing a manwho; theught, Was.,:acting sus, piciousbn, • The IcaSe-is highly lilurniri- ating Anierican polio inetheds. Beat your. Man uP 111'4 and :examine' hiim..afterward. Well,„, tinto.'the , , pollee, taste of • it, ;themselves \and. not .a$ usual some ettisen lull exercise - of, his, rights of ..peacetal Plekoting, or striking; or pf peaceable • . . • assembly, taught to feel towards itS .helplpse Mini]) :eoMPanion, mair, after yearg inspire the lite of..the -Philanthropist: •• "110W. much teaching is • needed. is , dentonstrated hir the :incredibly cruel ; Shaving LotiO4-1,1 i tnixed vOth sweet oil • Is woriderfully soothing' after a • ( shave. • • - • - „ • neither remonstrance nor, 'reprootfrFF deede perpetrated by'": children ,even of tenderl yearS7., whiCh' ;call forth: '• parent• or. -.guardian — is dall • • "Peace in China' roust 'cisme .peori,"! ',1.80111p '• • • .• • . 'Prestige High. -. , ... ... • The. name ,of ..Catialli.....te.:44.Y stands high throlighbut the'Vetid, and it hp with a feeling .of pride ,-that it tape:: illait nasserts-Ails-atttenahjip.. ; ve,On-• Where. 'our.: Country 'enI,'OYS7-gfetit preS.- tigei and% a• brilliant .futu'rels. Predfeted ;for. het' „..arriong the n,great fiatiiiii,i,7:. 'iitated-IleoTlilttiest44tpointe,Minis.tet of' ',Itistietv,ti'and, OttuadICS, representa- tive at the' optifine ot.the pow Aits- tralionncaPital,.'Cantierra, and the ses- siona - of the . League cif Nations at - 'Oenevd''llpen retttriting to . this, Cettri, try -recentbri. ••:', -,...--1-,„• - - . - , M I fla0dte Liniment paois spec fee?t,. Preserving Small Crab' Apples , Use the.very •stnall,crali aPples that. have long, slender . stems, " yalte a,' 'syrep of apound of sugar to a pound', of Add to: the sugar a half teacupful 'Of Water, Men. this • belle put the, fruit and„let simMer till the, apples `are. ,coOked threngli. and litiVe' Shiny, pink' appearance—till they lodk,plear=thetthoil, fer-4., 'minute or two: • Take the fret • oat and place itritl glaSSeS;Poor the syrup Over t- Cover with a it e iittAta itd the. Lglasses In the snit. foe a oOpdo.• of -ilays-before, putting them theitid.net'le neeessary. to put. crab "alfilfei airti ght&th in tilts,' trikiiner.,..„, It, to Pre. Pare .only a sinti11 quantity of 'fruit fat time Willtittliter• fee itte, car-O,fitt net to. Iet the syrtip• boil tC0 • loatt, to it Might candy, FOR .COUNTR* -NEWSPAPER Particulars to Box 12, WILSON PUBLISHING' ,ca LTD. 73 Adelaide St W., Toronto TlieseTw� Found Relief by ,1,T.alung s:, •`Vegetable Compound 'Ayer' e 'Cliff, have ,been teaching' for three 'years and • •'at.the end Of the •yeart I always feel tired and have no appetite. . I *is aWful sick. each mobtli,too.having pains in My back until sometime s 1 was'oblged to stos vvorking: Airien , recommended. I,,ydia - hamis-Vegetable Compound to' me 'And I heard manywomen:telling how geed it was so I thought it would help Ple• And it. did. Now 1lake six ' -betties every year and reCoMmend •. to . others:" DOivALDA FAisf'rEux; : • ,• AYer's Cliff; Quebec.. • • .. ° ".Unable to Woik7. , a ." Cannutgolsiov,a irn.1 • regular' periods and great suffering , at tb.ose times,.' the pains .caping I • • vcimitiag and fainting. „'1 was teach- • . ing school and Often fOr some bout's' • i • I votild be unable 'to atitend.Ao •Work. 'Through an advertisement n • • the popere knevii Of Xdta Pink. -1 hatnis Vegetable -Compound, and it: has 'been of great benefit to me, the LtrtuAbulesitr je.ingEA,c1cornmpt.lceintelnly.,nrgliexinvedg.; ' 1eneunt3r, Neva c'cotta., , .ProAr.eci safe by inittio4 and prescribed phyicianS fOr, colds . Headache :Neuritis, Lumbago Toothache kbeuniatisirk 10.1.. SJOT AJOFECT• THE T .:,packAge containslprov.e,n directions. '- *Il'and":"13snyer" lieitee of 12 tableta Abid'Uttlets'ef .24 and 190—DruggiSta..... efinflan) Ilnyr atsactactore of ItterkleZe-ri' itapirIn ts the trAde mark triarrittred *Wester or Salle:4;enctit 0.NA:ft sa,lcille Acid, "/... S••/5.. cola the oVie Agati.si laifintlaig, tilts tablets . ' • Inias,sy. i. "‘" • tbrt XSpirhrinettal.--ii*,,r.oun.tuf,*ciarc. to,* •ISSUE •No". •' toot,. nayer Coinsitsyxqw,in etarapot with tieunfAA "lt,40 t'44 44) " 4 ".