HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-09-08, Page 1;
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`13P *YEAR IN Ali#A1401, OA. OnlICOV0814 , • .
• 0-0-kbo'-Ookrolos0-s:-0,8
"0.a-laS.,o9 • 0,1a1.41.
.2 -Physician and, Surgeon
Lucknow arraa ;
• • 'Phone :86 •
, so DENTIST : soo .•
ra41hiLeada .o"visit LtielinOw-
, every Tuesday, in -.Dr. • 'eppnell
Dr a Treleoyena: Lucknow-
Over "Decker's Store. :Extractien
a'eltb,lar by., gas. or. lecals NU be ip
Anigiasioa • --sery Thutsiday Phone 53;
Call 'Dr., Newtora.
' Make ipPoantmen ,
‘. ;Ace:.
Goa. A. Siddall, LucknaW., --Broker
and. Real Estate. --Money to lend or '
firat mortgages ' on farm proper.
• 'ties at 6 and 61,fi Per cent .according
to_sieetaitY. _offerea. , Also, small
amounts on second- mortgages on
feria propertiesand on apersonal
•' notes: A few good father "fOts-sales
•' My' 'stock of Wail Paper is com-
• ,plete. for. ,from 8c. OP,
am also agent for leadiog•aeb houses.
R. Jo Cameron; Decorater, Painter,
and, Grainer,. Bea 174, Loan:104' .
For Sale --A number of window
and storm sash ;with glasa in .thisn.
• Apply to D. C. Taylor.
The otArl• 'Guides's ...Will." meat . :in the
."-*Of thia
''Weele at 0"O'cliiCka • ! •
ind his son, MarvCy of Pontiac, are.
spending, 'the. ,Week • in tOwn:'',
mr;;!, Phillip Sjewardsaptatts, a • few',
days With Mi.: and MOBS', E: A. Rearia
nelde while. at the Exhibition; •
•:Mi., and, Mis.• Ed: Megiultits and
, _
'4414 Metered te"Tarefito and:Spiny
the :iie-ek-end,;11-:';'the-''..V;iihibition•;
• Miss ',Isobel. Delights .,hu :iota:Teed'
to Cbatlisorsaifteasspending a *two.:
Weeks' vacation at her 'home here.
• Mr. Da. A. MacKenzie of Windsor
is spending the Week with his sisters
Mrs, 'K. lliaeLeod and Mrs: Allan
. Mrs. Chas. Steward, Zylda• and.
Gordon, ,,,Intve sreturoed home, after
speeding a. week with friends in
Miss % Maris WiIofl, whiVispent. last
Weak the ifM,at'441.1as ReilOa ElI
at Grand end, retarnedolieme
l'odeaday night, .• • : • •
;The .Luekitow, Horticulturn1 SoCiet,
arillohoadotheitairinuaa flotOet'oshOWin
carieite_0411; FrikittY;.. Sept: :16; Sae
bills . for „Particulars. *
NOW that: harvesting is praeticillY
over, .everybody's wishing for rain to
fihl the: isOftS Water.' cisterns • arid -Vara
the next crop of fall wheat
The . SepteMber meeting of • the
.Women's Institute will beheld it the
"home Sofa the `,.President, Mrs: skurdie
rideir, aitsira000 • ;Sept .8 at .:2.30.
House For Sale -Frame 'residence ifott Miller had oa
• 5 rooms; hard Water, garaeo, gat`O.' :their* guests' over the week -end, .Mra.‘
stables -Apply .to David Mead or
Mrs. Jas. Berns, north of • the. Etta:
.tion. • - (23-6-4)
'"----miiusE AND LOT FOR .SALE
Good 7 -room houses -hard -and- soft
water; electric light, good garden,,
Al -
80 a few household articles' for sale
E. MacDonald,. 4 (8-9-p)
. House for -Sale with t stable and.
garage, two acres of land; fruit trees
and gardens Wafer supply pumped
to house. . Everything modern an
equipment, and in good order. Apply
to Robert .Johnston,,Court House
• Goderich, Ont. • (18-8-tf)
• Wanted -Hear froth. - owner geed'
farm for. aale..Caah price, particulars;
-D. F. 'Bush, Minneapolis, Minn..
".• , (29-9-c) • • ,
ferin, lot 3,, con. 6, Kia.
.. lose... Buildings in good repairrand
aland M ,good state of cultivation:-
, ;Apply to Mrs. Lucy "Swan, R. R. 3.
' Ilolyrood." ' • (8-9=e)
• -Heifer Strayed -From•• the premiss-
. ah` of W. It. Farrier, WestWaavanos'h.
a • yearling Herford- heifer: ,Small
• round little in left . ear. '. Information
-gladly received.' Reward. .
that a Court will be held, pursuant • to
The Ontario Voters' Lists' Act, by
His Hotfoot the Judge of the 'County
Court of the- County of Bruce at the
. Town Halls Lucknow, on. the '14th (ley
• of September, 1927, at 3. o'clock in
the afternoonato hear anddeterniine
complaints of errata and proissions in
- the Voters! List of the Municipality
of the Township of Kielose for 1927.
Dated' the .20th,, day of ; August;
1927..o -Geo. G. 'Moffat, Clerk of the
Municipality ,of the Township of Kin-
loas: ' • '
. „ • .
IYalt134',Xis!3es Maude and ;Ethel
and Mr. Herb,,Walter of Owen Sound:
Maleohn MacLeod of Chicago
visited this week with Ashfield and
Lucknow . friends. While in town he
was the guest of Mrs. K. MacLeod.
Our Iaberal friends wanted uo, 'te
put" that big advertilemont aPPearine
on Page 8, on the.frontpage; but
we knew. everybody would „read if
. Mr. and Mrs. Murray 'Ross am'
their little .SiOn of near Wingham, an'
Mr. George . Ross of Detroit, spent
the week -end. withgr. and Mrs.' J,
G. Howey. ;
Mr. And: Miss Geo. Fisher, and
and Mai. Gordon Ferrasof Hamilton,.
andsMiro 'Tice Fisher of Gthinsby;
'anent tVe lailidsi'y With Via and"hirsa
• :''
Mr.- and Mrs. E. Dieber and Mr. -
'Jack Dieber have :returned to , their,
honie ii Chicago, after "spending the
past few Weeks - awl* Mrs. Dieber's
.sister, ,Mrs. C. B. Allin.
Many residents of ' United ; States
border cities took- advantage of La;
bor Day to visit. their former homes;
or friendsinVeiterti, Ontario, com-
ing over Sathrday, Afternoon. •
We learn froPrr.Th Advance -Tin -if -se
of Whighamothat Mr. A. G. Sinith..
who recently disposed. of ihat paper,
that he his secured the position Of
business Manager of. The Orange
Sentinel, Toronto, and will be taking
• •
Over his ;new duties in October.
At the norninatiOn ,ineeting held in
sWinOont on %Monday, :Sept. 5th, s I
.made tthe Statement that it was' the
Coose4ative party that 'extended the
franchiee to the women of Ontario
aod of the Doininion of Canada,
• °Mr.' Hislop, the Liberal 'Candidate;
In his ten minute closingaaddress (to
• which 1 did not have an opportunity
to reply) ' said that "iny statement was;
absolutelY wrongand' that it was. the
Liberal Party •under Hob, MacKenzie
•King, that -.intrO.clucecl the measure.
The. aaabogdo of - the House- of. bora,
,mons slioass, that the • act was drawn
by Hon: fjrgh- Guthrie, then Solicitor
• exception of %Mr. 1U0160...knew. that
'General, • a l introduced by 'Sir Ea
ert BorderConservative Premier, in
' tveryenea(WilltotliP:APPOrP4°
utirrow, oriT:
. -DAT
-.,;..qco • •..1,..-.:°!. •; ,
Cup Coe To:14tekheit" ThhlAireifir.-
A :lassir time on. the. farmso ',tuna
iholiday'Coariteroattraitiojiii accounted
fOlo a rather small oroWla at theo 4,14.
day hakt In Caledonian Park osiNsin-
day, under.anapiaess of/the.. •:„JUnicit,
Farmers anti Junior- Institute. How-.
ever, • tker, day. Was., fine; and the ptoo,
grain .of bait' atiMas :add 'athletic
"eareatiNvits greatly .Piijairerla so that,:
• the rbitaaidiritiOne are; ierse."sweg. satis-
fied wlth the results of their efforts.
The first- vitae , of :Soft bali';:"wits
:between Blyth :, and Lucknow : 'girl
teams, the -visiting steam coming 'off
The ,second keine was played by
Blyth ' and -Lucknowboys, Lucknow
wintaing! Teeswater• .arid aLucknow
bays thenliaYed, *teesiviter being
the winners. • •„. ,
•This situation put all three towns
on an even footing to begin theaith-
letia eotnpe,titihoo;for:' the trophy put
'.Up by :the Liaohnow, groups.
FaRO'wirig: isthelist of winners in
the varioni, events: . .
1:00syd... Dash ( girl ei)-Annie Goe-
-Roy Thompson, Teesiarater; 3 -Legged
Rice. (girls) -E. ' McFar-
lane; Lucknow; 3sLea-ked,Raeelboye)
'111equillio :and R. ....MacPherson.
Ritchie, LuelonOW;' Standing - 'Broad
Jump M... MacPherson; Lucknow;
Hop, .. Step •and 'Junip-o-Roy Thompson's-
Teesiiiter; Potting Shot - Tiffin -
Lheknoeva'Catriring Beans . on -Fork---
Edna, aRitehie, •LOcksriowitalt
-Henry'Little.:teeSivater.• , ,
The Standing of each town was as
follows:- • •
• a a '
• Luchnow. ....56;
Biyth: ... -SO.
. .
The concert given in the eveniie
was very entertaining. Mr. W. K
Riddell of Walkerton, presided • atal
operated some instructive .ond.rnirth
fiat .movies, which • • Weregreatly en-
leyed: Other ..otinabeis Were°, a sole
by Miss Irene Moore ,or WhItechateli:
prehestra •selections by Messrs: tittlp
and Robb; Scotch dancing • by Misses"
Maacallitio. and" MacKenzie; * Charles-
ton by Toney; Reading by M. Button'''.
sole by. Amonda :IfiteDOnald.:"s
, .
• afr., P.. 'M. Grant is the. new
teaeher in the •Luelairivo School, tak-
ing the place Of Mr.''Aionstrong,; who
ivill attend Univeraity this. year. Mr.
Giant, hie, mother and a . brothez.
have moved • Over from Teestvitet.
and ,,are occupying • Mr. Congrant'e
. moo, smooKaaoie _King did ; riot, ceme
-• Thioas a Jett etites pla ;ef the actuto
'hey -( ?) of the statements Made by
Mr.. Ilislop n his closing , addrest
when he knew that no one Would have
chtiiide to reply. •
- • tva, t.
• ;
11 Chain lase; evidently lost
the stteet'' bOall. little girt. Wall
b 0.4 efrtlie -Office. I Windsotti thi
'SEPTEMBER ¶b 1927
.,"•.•.•voglOg'.••?1; Dt01408,V.'l4ASL.'
• .,; .•
.. • '
Toronto 'atiertir,OftolMendriSra'reisorts„
ed the 'death 'dfafliolthea SOW' Whit an .
as hi
nue' tit' WrightA%enpe, on which he
had his home. The car 'Whieh bit .11/11,
sSeliotvae drisreo by . D. A. sflateher -of
.OrengetrillIlatcher said that ,helid
not. see -Mr. Sell of all before' he . was,
irhn,, injured inafi .1.17..ask
„,,t'aeri• to the
Weetero:',Hospital,':Wioeare iti•Was found
ihatoltis ;Anil had been TinaaritPd. Tho
accident occurred on Saturditymorn-
ing, and Mr. Seli 'died sCiniQ time on
Sunday. ,. Hatchet •does not apPear to;
have been dtiaing feats tos he -s iiyas
able' tS" stop feW i6et.
where Mr, Seli fell.• • ' - . •
The late Mr. Seli was a brother .o.f
Mis4arries Bryan, .,atad4,ar a nuMbor
of .years, as a, yating• onao, resided in
• Lucknow. He was 74 year's. of .ogto
and for many Yeers was tfavellang
salesman for a dry sgeads hese, • oc,
casaitiolly visitirig2 • Locknow. 1T v
hoinewas at 216 Wright. Aaehue, knd
. he is suralVed by ;his ;wife and p
g:row.n up family.'
...a—fa 0- p
The official norninatien Of .• 'panda
adatei-for atheaaidingoof-Northaaltioon-
Was 'held at Wingham on a Mooday.
The three candidates :who have 'been
before the publie for .some menthe •
,accepted'noninetioni •,;Arehie. •
farmer. Of near Brussels,
• • Amuirry..T1) PARENTS • •
SOM'e.° young men, after ..oleaving
theirotayl,itiOd kconie, tcareleu.
'abOiit Writing .fca parents or brothers,
aodNone, after few . years, give up
writing. altogether, little knowing or
perhaps : little daring*: about' . the anal-
etir, • and 'pain' they cause ;their par-
ents, who° throughout .the onforgets
'dog yeare.reMaia -their , hest . (1•,,
• truest friends.• . ' • '
An instance, this hind ' was
bbrought to Our : attention recently: :Mr •
Angus MacDonald or Klelose ToSvo-
shial. itasoft, Ronald,. Who went to
time hewrotP to his, people, but the
teat leiter fromhim is near' seleven
• years old, and 'since that time • 'the
;intents have not heard. from him nor
:of him. Ronald will now :be 45 year
of age.
a Recently Mr. MacDonald in some
, _ .
way heard of the death. at Sturgeon
Baas 'Wiseonaina of a Canadian named
'MacDonald, And .cettain.,
Stances. led. him to think that .the
dead man Might be his 16riganiosino
sen.".. On writing to the coroner ot'
Sturgeon Biwa he learned, that the
MacDonald ,who: had died 'there was
one "Atigusw (perhaps, Anghe„)• "Mac-
:Donold, ta • Canadian, •heairOVer,,' Who;
.had been sailing the, Great Lakes the
past 15 years ; and Was 52 years' of
:The re -opening of schools; air ovea
the :province on Tnesday Of this: week
caused a general inswing out on' Sat-
urday and MoiadaY of the: teachers
who had 'spent their vacation at their
homes. There4s. not Much changing
about, nearly. all going back to. the
positions their occupied before the
My. and Mato Geo. T. Aitchison ar-
rived home on ,MOnday fromfroma .cle-
Aightful two -weeks' motet- trip in the
;OVihich---they- :Stook in the-
sights:of Ottawa,Montreal and : the
St.. Lawrohceas sdmi distance. below
Quebec They were accompanied
hy Ford and 'Mita Fanedas who, on
.and Toronto, teapeetlielsa
' . •. .
- . .
I. -Th .final ,ontest for thc°
trepbaols between • Kihiardine. ' and
.. •
PoiSley,'"aritl, Paialey wors, the .first
rouiid at ..Itincardine, bo'• Woe rDaa."
The teams will ;next play at Paisley.
' and ; alieuld ' kincardlee Win there, r*
, thitclgaine will be Played. , a netiti'el
Of:lasts:week was not up. :to the osual
• Stondard of: playing.:, ;The score "Oa
11-6 in -lever of Paisley. Going ,to
'number .0fceanter• attractions, and
•th busy seasenothe -crowd was not•
large. s
Thooe -Mao witriessed : the ;
ob. • '
flill-PalS1Cy game ono•Wfooday,;:say,
.2-0, .favo-r, et paisley. . gain e i-•
that. it was tbe the series so
far. kieste:
'gOd; th,s'f3C01;p
to have been practically withoof
etroa throughout, . and the pitcher'
did some very good work, each bay:
.ing" had the- distinetion of striking
iut taatee , batter e succession os
they earne,
• The Pon. Hugh Guthrie, leader oa.
the ; Conservative ;Party, will 'addtest
'.roeeting at Blyth in the" interests or
',.haoConservatiVe candidate; the nigha
of Thiliaday„ • •Septeihaera8ths'
, • LEADS:oil. 01'PERS FOLE,Csay
,• Golden #,CreSt"
Geo-WaoSaaottdh-o-t--Wir-441-13-.. , so:Await sgaassash ou seh otairtre
hutty flaVor in 'every loaf gives.
• it just the •delightful
•that is "Proof of its super quo's• '
itys and adds 'Wholesome vario
ety to the daily diet -a loaf
athht compels appetite, he'aus,e
Golden Cruet today at .your
.goocers . or Reid's Dominion
Bakery...Phone :68.
• Week -end Specials- Honey
Creanr Layers, Torts; etc.'
servatiVe; and .Sheldon Bricker,. farm-
er 'end. dealer of FordWielo. United
:Fanners' Candidates",
Besides the three candidates,..
speeches Were made by:Thomao Mao,-
Mrs. FaIlis of .Peterboro; supppir Ling, ,
•Mr. Spottoo, and -Agnes McPhail; in
•suppOrt. of Bricker. .
,The, ricaminationoattracted:
crowd; there 'being' about, 7.0(s in • the
Miss McPhail gave a 'characteristic
address; coracferrining • 'Cre et, rico
Drury and johnston 'for eserting the
Pregiessioe.Perty and: •'riga over te
the Liberals. Premier iting,..sh4. Oaid
had gotten two •of .ber. pay away IP
1925. when he had aioamajetity. Shc•
'would. not. .say how •he get. thee', .
,pheavasii't sin, On the, deal, s Mr. Kina.
she said, had done pretty s well it
svvallowing Mt: Fastlie • rinds the •other
stibetal-Progressives; but: ;t9ie. didn't"
sWalloar.".ris, 'all. The 'b'et bite, .'is:teft
aret'aad. tonlkgetame."..';',
otten ' ft.:010,1,Pd' M' '
MePhail, referred to the lady M,P. as"
a "white robed apostle and Wooer',
boa. orator," and 'advised her to get
• away from. the 'holier than thou".
The •:Liberal anti' ' „parties
have been very active in the :ridinr.
the past • three! weeks; both •holding
inanY meetings., • ,
Mr, and Mrs. E.' N. Hodgins were
en tallitnt-Or.'11.4pauovic
district on krtday and Saturday, lesiara•
ing. Miss -Gladys at Fletcher; wheye,
she teaching. They found the Lon-
don -to -Windsor road practically toys
aired. with '0.,Ainetiastet". car, the pro-
portionsbeina,10 care ;one,
Citeadlith, o*1`.4r0 was * sort; of ,w,a,e1c,,
end movement • Detroit and
fow400 00Q, `,. V 00'
. • .
Judging by his letter;* Coroner
Christenseri of Sturgeon Bay, 8
thoughtfhl. and .kind-hearted gentle-
man, 'Who' appreciatee , the.. anxiety
.parents • feel regarding 'way-
ward and. fOrgetful Meritbets of their
family ..
s • ,.• ---oosas;-o-soao,
There, are in Lucknow rind yicinita
-a number • of. English pheasants, and
may be 'well for sportsmen, to know
that it is „against the law' ,to . kill
these- - The penalty is, a. fine of
$5,90 t $30.00; , as the o magistrate
May, determine.- The pheatt.
:ants have bath Iitoughtice-Ontario7:ty,
.thiz'aUVernMenti, 404,44: lire 40, 4ie
- given a, chance to moltip1Y7,'
The 'Blake Choir was cleWar,tO oaly
, ,
four voices at last Sunday evening'
service. • But these four' good a'ttone,
• , • ,
Male yoices, give, good lead .in •• the
service of .,praise. IIcafen.
rendered a sole vary :effectively: The
congregation• .for an 'ordinary ' Sunday
evening "service was intuanallsa geed,
' The Pastor' inede", a ; at the
Sabbath servieeS ler' all to get settled
down to' the regular order of the va-
rious, Church ordinances, mad' to a' ie;
• newel of fine interest in all rliegiOui,
aetivitiei. • "
Blake Loagtie alai young 'people
. held a' very enjciyable social time :et,
Kintail by the Lake last Frideypight.
:it wile' a. ,beautiful • eyeeirag for tbs.
iticeaSion,S. • .
a Neat Sunday, WoratVood, •re -
'Turned Missionara from Chine,. is to
speak at ,Blake in the Morning, Hack-
ett in the 'afternoon .Ond Zion. in ; the
eirening,„„in • connection' with the Walif •
S. of the circuit. They, ateleolciest for
:eheefal alisatonaitrehOiperartria-ca:
tering at these services., ,
From last ' Sunday's germon: "Our
-own iittIe Word, our lowly estate wi
Afford .opaortunitY -for fine edveatuto
th6 ^.way
-Alluring- wii LinAl
.der • down ,theat,' with big' and eympa-
othetioaltearteo* •Faiend
.wifUhavc,gOni-nFg04: for *:•64-7t6.
cover and be glad 'ovals if we Seek it
Even unlikelio people, MaY surprising,.
tly enrich us in spiritual thingA oe" we
approach 'the'm with questions',
Howefin best bele each ? ems'
t best servo them?'"
Good Low
' '.1*AD WHAT
,• Your money hack 'or "goed-Vagillts,
by using !rs. Sybilla 'Spahrs Von.-
„afilitia; for Sere 'throats, Cough,
Bronchitis, Whooping -Cough,' tny,- •
tireht: AOC old*, Mitt ...Tensli, Die.
,..411411,1.411 100 PriCAIOVI. • ”
Business Training, Type-,
writing arid. Telegraphy
Are you aindecided:'as to ,•whal
line ai-f wet* to tike up? If so,
Witi not , take 'a course Teleg,
raphis, and. Tynewriting2 this win-
ter•i-aCine of the'. beat Courses in,
day, with;.good ealariee. '• • o."
Experienced operators Who have
•learned..•With us here are holding
position' • ror years, with salaries -
.S ranging from one hundred to one
hundred aod forty-two dollars per
Month. •
, We give you a thorough training
and help. you. to secure . positions.
ovhen fioished.'
• . Can Start , October First'
I( interested kindly__ make.. youra
application early. '
• • ' . .
. .
. . .•
SEPTEMBEla ath & lath
"THE supw-ovP"
. With:
Lois Wilson, Ford Sterling,
Louise Brooks :*and George
RoilY.- •
With' 'Good
If you are, 'young, you may
1 ble to do beth'these, with-
. .
out glasses. That 'doesn't mean;
' that your ors Aid perfect; thoa
.Asaionao -defeats play • heapreeeitt
an • spite :of tbe feat Alt you
.. See wells' BOt-foovapeople past'.
; •
middle life Ciin see in the diallelp ."'
Ittnaa°,-•-iiia-aaTeaariaitriThit'alatife °
Middle -*aged poisons
•ohetild remember .thrs, Ars "'the.
eve a' sard." inOuted, b nCglect.
the foto here. •
- - P. T. • R.111TRONO...."
Jeweller, 4 ..Optonletrii,t
Lticithow. Ont
of Health
he 'Brea -d
u- joe:rr.m.siO461,:
and Rusiii Bread Om
bi* FOiti ' Nourishment -Yo '4 r
Money's Worth r
• . , ..-SATURDAY. ,'SPRIGIA14
Puff pastries' '• .13On •BoUehe • ' Orange Cake
Raisin "Pies ; • : Oatmeal "Cookies - ' -
Chocolate, Marshmallow Cake Chelsea Buns tenion ' Merit; Pie
BgTE ,ralcs....GIVENa.FOR :BUTTER', A-14.DiEGGS.
• „
/411,e4 itr.4.44K:SiArgatrdirti lataitfil0 Oeiail riegrATA. fr*thirrlardWAThalli
Phone 75 1ucknow,Ont.
f• 4; •
• •,,
• striped.
30c,23,72C,in.;alige,s, 3.5;11d6 .:7,.8heici!pa:r.: •
, MA-
TERIALS' FOR. - MAK, ING UP.: . • • ,
TABLE LINEN -Bleached or ;Mille': cited. Priced at 79, $1.45,
II $1,98,, $-2.50,-42:95. per yard. • •
TOWELLJ!NG LINEN -0r Cotton. P.riced' at 20e, 25c, 28ci. .30e,
h• ; 32c, 33O, 35c, .38e .per Yard., ••
CURTAIN NETTS fax,, 'Priced. at 35C, '40c; 40o,
4.5e, ..6.0e,..0e;sa5Cs. And,s5c.....pee4y4rdl s,' ,
/CHINTZ -36 inches' Vide, blending tolors. • Priced. "at 29c,-
40c, 50c, 60e, 75c and ,35c rer yard..., .• •-• " •
•LOOK OUR, inEtetwitisTspi0.•ovglit;
Alfred Us*re'
I . •
• Dr, ;and Mrs. White of, ...Chicago,
Miss Me,Lenrian of Detroit, tMrs.
McLennan of Ashfield, Mr. Chas. ,Me,
Gregorandanother, ' • Mrs. ,McGregor
and Mt: R. McGregor were visitors
doting 'the week With , Mr. and -"Mre,
George Stuart. • . •
Messrs. D. B. and Cliffe Murray
George Stuart ,and Joho •Ca.nieran
tended thefuneral, ,of the late Mrs.
Murray at Luemi;*"on• Tuesday.
• , Mr: • and Mrs. .:Moiody..; (formerly'
Miss' Jennie Seineiville),"°Y.of 7 Elora.
were recent. s visitors with ,Mrs,,.Hara
Miss T. -Salkeld ,and ehildresi Are -
spending a few! weeks with nor: par-
ents, Mr: and Mrs..' Work, of Smith'a."
,Fall. • • .
141r. andoMrs. Anderson Of Free.'
tan, Were the guests for a; fee', dayt.
ail mint
,;,Mrs. Jas. Barbour.. •
Mrs. • R. McKenzie and three 'daugh-
•ters of Kintrail, and Mr:, Donald .Mc-
Kenzie. of B.C., were visitors' at Mrs
Clark's, ori Saturday.
Theroday, with Mr. Colbert of Ripley,
as the new principal; and Miss Vein
Vold the Junior Rocari. '
Anniversary 'Setviees Will, be. hqd
in the Calvin United .Church on Sun
day, Oct. 16tiosavhen Aiiro Of
,Aubiarna io eXpeeted to -reach. Ar-
tangeinents are. being nidea`de for
Fowl •Supper to. be held the following
. • .
Tuesday wipning.
Miss Beatrice McQuillin is sperhi-
ing'a few days with 'friends at Holy.
-rood. . ,
• The -fOlowing teachers, have re:
„turned to duty, after "the, vocation:-
Misses W. D. Rutherford to Timmins;
'Gladys Webb to ; tort William;;
line' Webb to, Port Credit; Dorothy
Webster to Uno Park; :Mabel Woods
to Nile; Mary Durnin to Dungannon:.
Colinas Clerk.. to, Milverton; :Clete
Woods to Guelph; l'Irene Woods to,
Golden Valleir. '
The young peofte of the Unitecl
Church and the Anglican -Church Cn
ioYed aaweiner roast and social ',a'.
Morton's Grove last, Tuesday eveoing
-Grimes and 'singiog _were -enjoyed a.
round "a large bonfire, and everybody
lind arreal good time. •", •
!MiseeS Lba uWeatherheod and Zyl-
ln and
Doreen 'Webster are ottending
,Winghanioapigh ,Sehool. 'Alas Mar...
•griret Thoiri is in..atiendaraCe tuck;;
. .
..:6VtaMrs. .ltlehyeG. e.4.5i,g e §: 0 k t , .
friends at Orangeville
• The . following -wete. ,in attendance
C.N.E. during •the . week:-
•.• Messrs. . Torn,
:Todd, ilsithisii MacFarlane, Cotes .
MacDonald, Cecil ',Hyde,:ltoge LaViso %
W. I. Miller and Dorothy and Gorden . •
Miller. Mrs, Miller: won 2rid 'prizefor •
his pen of ,BerredMecka, 'and aras al- ,
00 successful in carrying off'. ..tiVe .
.focrtlas and one 'fifth prize.. '. • a, ' .
s miss Margaret • Tbona tetfithed • of) . •
I • -, r - ,
Friday, after . a two Months', visit „o
iis,titk:. frieodsot:: Detroit. :. Mrs.. Tlioin
are:Kathleen Met her and spent tit. '
day in :LO'Sidori. '-..;','
Rev. ,P.a0...ead Mra;aWitit.field left
OnaMoodda for ' a ", weejes. n'iotdr and
trip. ,.
.. Mr.. 'Tatrance '.Anderson ,v1;;As lionse
coMping. ; •,......
from ,Detteit. ;wet' the ho1id4r. :
• Mrs. Robinson„WoOds nrid Lorne
Miss Irene Woods ;to her eltdol - at
Golden :Valley,
Miss' Mamie McLean of 13e le.
Ws' n r0eent visitor ovith Iter
411kirPd Megnilltn:
Mrs.. Decker of Luelcriowowas Uhe.
guest ;of,. Mrs. Sam • Ddrnio; one, dal.
Mra. A. Forati; Mr and Mrs. Joe
Fpran, Miss Dorothy, and Mr. Rotolo
Feran. of Detroit, spent the laiilidaY
With 'Mr. and'.1VIrs. W. J. Foran and
other friends. "
. Mr and MrsMctaiiillire end, daughs ,
ter,, Effie Of Chatham, were -Visitors -
leafweek with. Mr. aid Mrs : . Wm.
Mccauillin. • • . ; • , '... • ,
, Mts., John • Miller Sr,. and kiss'
Wallace Are ViiitorTs-this •aveelo. Witla .
Mr, • riii ott Mailer, Lucknow
Mrs. Jos. Gaunt' has been visiting-
her daughters Mrs:. Fred Jelnsaton„ :ha ••
.•Ashfield. ' ." •.
. Messos. , Lorne.° Webb,RossMae
9PheiS0p) John MoGiiires *Evan: Me-
@uillint and Cecil. Forster left.for the
Went' Weilnesdrisr morning,
Mrs 1) A. ,Melnneo i :epeading.
;few: days .with her doughteta
Alec Butler Of •Seaforth who is ill"
At poeseht;
Mre. . A. McGinty' . and ehildreia
, , ,
Stratford, "visited last week.: With • alt.
and, Mrs. J. J, Tiffin,.
. Weirs,' Bert • H,arloaess eed LeSlie
-dylor left last week to „help with „
.•harkeSt ' the WeSt. .
, •, .. • ,
: We are gladto report that: laft,e,
WM. Wraith Wei so far' InaProvecl ofa
to be able to ,cerne hOree.frcint othe •
4,ioOliassil;' hospital; thfit of„rast
- Mr. James Richindst j vigit Jig
7frfandi atstifolph,iliae 'Week. -
'Mr and Mrs:-.--Gordorr-Si..cti'-of-SRipor-o--
leir, aro° hfra Dave ;Saait. ;at itil)to,Y;
;SPeritatheateeentaboliday - With' sst11-8taa
telatiVeS hetes • ”.
• ,MiOSes." Isobel ;mid . Clara T'arden and'
Mee Wiglanatio spent" allonday "1 it
witla their friend, Mrs9 Wealey Tifln
.Mtsa and Mts H Peeler of Tu -
tock is;and Mrs, A. .Eissersonoassalia..
Lila • and Mia j'anies tingiiivon
visited on Monany lt with 4,r4 ai4
44 ... • ...
• ,Mt,a And • Uri; George Itoherts:"
'Airs. IL', Haines'. add MiSe "fitoitred
Haines, and Mr. 01.4r4.4.:IvickiiiiiP
were visitori over tho weakincl.with Ntre, ralcrato,