HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-08-11, Page 81101 110111r
CLAVARLEAE CUPS.. ONLY, `2' ter 25c.
'CEDAR.. OIL: POLISH, 20c.,' 30e. and ,75e:
K* EGAIt�JUGS,`7;y, ; yz,, l• A'ND 2�G'ALLON SILE'.
i «
` Ninetee nn rinks,including several
& __ quartettes in which ..grandmas and,
others with silver threads .among the
rt golda battled for supremacy in ,-the
rehy; 3ssoetattan --and-Coitsoolation-
events aee
t' th, second. annual Tourna
t-sge e
ment �' •
ta b ,the, Walkerton
fear Bowling Club at ; . the :Armors
1;fands, what•sucked. 'thecradlee;a.
generation '•
howls with anadeptness a agility
6 w s ,.._ a ep s nd
+ ' that: made : some - of the Teener fry
take a back.seat; and •show aarespect
ear -gray '�hairs. that they never dream-
ae "whe 'Mlle . left .homewith theit.
,d,. of n Y,. ,.
hats on. ` • It was.: a pleasure'to see
. The .Childrefes' Protective Act
passed at' the last session of the : Pro-
� �•�
vineial •Legislature; •has: made this.
important enactment:: "No '•
shall _loiter' in atly,�,publie..:-place._a•f-
ter nine o'clock in the evening,, nor
be in any' place ,of, public resort or
entertainment• after; that hour, unless
accompanied by the; parent or guard-
ian, or an adult appointed `b his' par-
ent'• or guardian to accompany such
pow ; child. A parent who permits his child
to violate this section of the Act
shall,„ for the first 'offence incur
penalty 'of 41.00; for the second of-
fence, $2.; and for .the, third or any
subsequent offence, $5." There isno,
need of:.a curfear_law -in anyfommu
some . of rho lie
Who' could remember Vl' e .
'he "Mother Machree" was the hit -
est' hit-, and 'When you and I wero
youngMaggie" was ust new on the
ob':..it,• vas • leasuure,: we re t, to
7 a : Pea , pleasure,.
see those children of an, ancient day
• doing their stuff and doing•. it well, •a�;
lonngside the eligible beauties of toy
day. As nearly all competitors wore'
skirts as -short as a kiltis .regiment;
and had. their hair bobbed like'. Sam-
oa when he lost: all .his strength,
was not; just the easiest,distinguishing;
who were the 'older .and who were the
younger: competitors on the grounds"
In 'fact' `age .so 'mingled with . youth
that:enure knew his onions who
.could tell them apart. '•
For any' Mere man to coach that
aggregation and, ?lithe ladies how to
• bowl, wile Ault t like giving government
`dope on "How to keep : the farmer"
and the best way of making our Court
Judges take good ;care of themselves:
and not • work too; hard. ' In • . other
words • it,' was like painting the. lily,
which, . aa' Shakespeare would say,
needed it less than any other weed on
earth. -Bruce Herald -Times.
- In a Debate iii the House of'Lorde
on the local Option bill, Lord°Dawson,
a °noted Engheii'.cph ician, assured
-0 his hearers that habits of temperance°
in the" • use off intoxicants 'were ' very
noticeably "op. the increase among the'
people: He brought forward figure!
to•show that in the great London res-..
•taurantsy.that 'feed` `many 'thousands of
people 'daily•less than twenty-five per
•cent. order any stimulants: at all, and
of these the great, Majority :order no,
thing stronger. than ,,beer Or light
wine.` By enquiry, he had discovered
that of the London clerks fully forty
per cent.'woretotal abstainers. ...
It is interesting to note Lord Daw
",son's .reasons for ;this noticeable im-
, provement' in the drinking • habits 'or
the people. :He gives them as -bet --
ter housing, . the broadening bf, inter-
est inti •books, plays and movies;, t-
'athletic sports and outdoor life; to the
growing companionship of men , and
women; to the eagerness of men and
women" to. keep physically fit; to edu-,
cation, especially in the hygiene of
diet: ' Those. certainly are 'interesting
We wonder if the same'trend. to-
ward sobriety, is not showing itself•it
many other places throughout the
world as well.. In Ontario the nun=
her of, people who have.:applied for o,
permits' since the: introduction of the`.
, government, sale measure has .seems,
to be very : encouragingly small .ta
those who are working for sobriety
among the' people,• while the liquo+
dealers -are correspondingly disap-_°
pointed. • In many' lands we believe r
et. -Y:. work, of d'ucation has bees going ;or;
• - fiix years that is atlast' ''beginning to
iea>r 'very `good` fruit: ' Exchange
The reason you ;enjoy scandal: a
• bent , others :,ia. teeause •{the ,,contrast :
maltee you feel v rtuoius. ' ,
D,on't bolsi ud .toe :strongly :by;
hattO ern! i, I4a ► rottgIl ,
Paa a :/moi' -'_-*al , „
ni£y.. This act will 'cover ` any of the
,points necessary to restrict the hours
of children-on,the-streets. -The -onus.
is all' on the., parents to see that, the
law is obeyed;°b y the'children,
mall se`rviee between Winnipeg
and Fargo, ' North .Da'kota,' . has been
iugurated ` and the first mail for
Winnipeg from the' United States; ar
rived 'r recently.
1 e Shorthorn' .bull, Kine of the
Fairies, recently sold from the Can
adian. ranch: of 11; R.a the Prince
Of Wales: to a Milted States breeder,'
again won' the premier 'prize at the
Calgary EzhIbition. +.
Evidences of 'the renewal Of inter-
est of .Old .Co`untry, investors in West..:
ern Canada are seen 'in, a ;number
of recent transactions recorded 'at
Winnipeg, •including • • the: proposed : •w_
erection of three ., motion picture rd
houses by. means of English .capital:. s
dederic Beauperant, *hen . clear-
tng? his farm south of.Verner on the
Canadian Pacific lines, found 'a 300- Tr
Ib; boulder. which, Was half native . ne
sliver and'worth about .$1,201! The re
didcovery. has aroused considerable
Interest among- minfnb' men iII Cobalt•'. th
O 1TU iRY,; ,
Mrs. Wesley ;Anatol'
'Arfw The ltfarhdale Standard)
By the death on Monday; July. 18,
oft` Mrs, Wesley Johnston• the hark•,
away eelniannit*''
has lost one of its
mpopular ost „and highly i . esteemed. Throughout the County .everywhere
you see• vacant farms, with bund'inge.
In some .eases- partially, dismantled0.
Solve have' no buildings at all, Homes:
that•.ronce' throbbed with young life
tion, She was• an ideal wife.and mo;., now. are.:standing 'em-pty' Outbuildr;
then and ..her early .demise has cast: a lies' that werQ•the pride.: of the Genii:
4:4- eloenoyer they, whole communi. tryside.ar.e- either' fallen down or dile'.
• ty She''was a daughter of .Mr. • and „apidated, 'Some have moved -eff 'their
Mrs. Win Sheriff of Wrotham; .and • foundation and only , the ,stone" wall
previous, to her marriage taught in 'rentable, Farms have been..doubled
the Richardson, school on the town• and; trehled' in `size, some of then net
line .north'rof Markdale.. •She is sur- glected hecause of the scarcity ofhelp
• vived by her sorrowing husband: and .to; crop their., -,They have. "gone . to
three children; ;also her in. they,' two , . grass" and prove a Menace to the ac --
brothers: and • three• sisters - " ' • • res'• that are ci n,.inwlclany. cases:,
' The funerat tools place Cr "Tuesday a Thriving,: country "villages'.. 'that
to + Harkaway -' cemetery t. and , was were, quite ,an asset to the communis.
largely. attended. Rev, R J,.'McCarten , 'ty, have' been entirely Wiped,. out. •
conducted' the ,services.: and gas es When the country post : 'Office; went
listed" by. Rev.; W. G. Wakefield. _ The : likewise thea country village. follower'
.pallbearers weie Messrs.; Stewart• in the same trend.. Vacancies. ail, not
Acheson, Lloyd Lyons, Wesley Pat- "ii .the
of good' times.. We find:'that. ;'
ton; ,Harry.'Johnston,' Stapley. •John- large percentage of, farms in Bruce
ston'and 'Robt. Murdoch.County•:are being.offerccd for 'sale: but
Among the floral' .tributes .placed apparently there is little market' fo,.
on • the casket were; ' Wreaths from, the offerings, The .young. people: are
husband, the . Sheriff .family, .•Riehard leaving, the farms for other 'parts.
Johnston' and ' family'; uncles and farm conditions do not, ' appeal' • to
aunts,' the' cousins; Ladies' Aid and therm, :: ConsequentlyL '-this = migration
W M.S..-:, Sprays:a" Miss •Meare• and has a -serious effect; on farm' valuer
Mr., Acheson, Mrs. R. Noble and Miss 'Some, idea of -this'. migration may, be
.K. Murdoch, Mr. " Wesley Patton, Mr.. learned' from• the following, . figureF.
_Arthur....Lepard,-Ma.-and. .l,Lrs--;:Prom. whish --have een�-glesnied from _ ,tile
M ' G, I. Brown, • chief . operator H.E. ,assessment`.rolls 'of, the;; rural munici•,'
P.C. _Pandas, t
On silo;' Kathleen and 'palities of the `county, and Wind!
Freda Binns, Mr. and Mrs.�John Lo- show i the Male, population between
gam, .. Owen • Sou d; Mr.: and., ;Mrs.. the ages of` 21', and 60 years •of age
WOO, b 'h"
W Dram • Z�r
1.�,, u , ,., ..hand".:11Srs:..I'4rter, :.residing, n -.t e` various to vnships:x
and' Mabel;:,'League' and Sunday
School. ,
' Tif filRSi A ', AUGUST ° :IL
Extracts. trine Report of 'Rslral
Valuators; • ,:
young women,; The ,::.deceased, who
was 28;.:y"ears of age, Was qne of the,
;most 'popular residents in thedistrict
and was' of a most winning. disposi.
Albemarle• 195; Amabel 408;: Arran
463; Brant' 723; Bruce `45$; ' Carrick
582; Culross•447; Eastnor
derslie 413; ,Greenock 469; . Huron'
502; :, Kincardine ' 515; Kinloss 312;
�.: Lindsa ' •24 -8t, Edmunds 84; Sau-
y 1..,1
The following` stor " of mi
y .a ix up geen.'`272, •. ..
over=automo,bile-;=markers isatol ,
d buy
TherDurham Chronicle:.'
It seems that a Man'. named ',Aber -
.dein . mgremont Township, sold ., a
,car to, a man named Langdcn in' Mt.
Forest. The latter sold' to :a pian nain
Yates, While • Yates finally_ disposed
of the car' to a .iian. named. Duncan.
This is the first part of the '-stery.
the "Introduction," 'though 'like .,,the
"Andante" the rest will have ito °
considered carefully-anot toe silowlS.
ofthe.Koneld; autos..eouipped. with a.
! 1926 Marker. • Chesney raa' we get the
Siimmet,,hapPened to. ,be :at Duncan's,
take..bis markers tk make the trip
was conteMPlating as they Would do.
(mid ..no trotible. Chesney
enongh: Or at least a$ "saon.,as
In Part HI; of the play, ,Konold
anted to get held .of the ear Chek
al were ea it,'hed Cenitable,--Coele.
and elsewhere who are, arriving in get in, touch with, 'Eoronto. to see who
'numbers. owned it, This. proNedathe undoing Of
everybody' as the numbers were still
London, 'Ontario. now has an air '•
harbor. Through efforts on ' the charged up 'to 'Williani
.Part'Of the Chainber of Commerce an
ideal air -field 'Site hat; been' taken ti
over and, within: a mosth's time; will w
be. completely • equipeed , and .• marked a„
so as to provide an air depOt airail- • -
able to all planee that'seek London . .01
Notes on the' Towns :and,; Villages:
Hepworthee his._ ::Village has'._ onl•�.
and •is in,a, st nd-still condition. The
rate' 01 taxations 35. iridis.
Lion's • Head -There are'ro'•' indus-
tries' in this village.'The land ;west,
and south of ;the •village is -among the
best in.'Bruce county. ' The village
'still li his•, ;the lip lo a er. being.
supplied froml
a•:private •plant at Bar-
'row' Bay, . about "three miles distant;
The village' h 'e the handicap of beim?.
22 miles' from the ::nearest railway
service' et' Wlarton,"but `has the • ad
vantage. of a boat` service when nevi-
gation is .open. The rate of1taxation'
is '251/1 mills.:' .
Luektww-;This , village has pave?'
streets, a small furniture `factory • "en
joys •a large 'country • trade, has.
waterworks ;for fire .protection 'only
.and a ,tag, rate Of. 39 mills. A few new
houses have been. erected in• the past
few years and the. village is one ':of
'the ,:most progressive in. the County.
Mildmay—This is another real
farmers' 'town. The'' industries `con-'.
sist of a furniture factory. employing
25 :hands, a • saw mill' which employs -
.10 hands, a foundryamaking; thresh
"ing mac ines 'and cider mill machine-
ry. Few new :buildings are,going. up-
There: is 'a system ' of waterworks
.from 'artesian wells • with hydraul''
rams as pumps. Walkerton •,Electriic
Subsequent information • and"roues= `fight, bo., provides fife igliting. The
ration brought out, the feet`' that rate of taxation le 29 mills.,
hen the car was. resold, on eachaoc- .. Paisl,ey=This place is holding ,its,
thin no one had taken the trouble
OWn as> Farmers' Village : and 'ship-
obeying-` the .law of the highway ` Ping point. 'Its only industries are e
*afc Act: and notifying"t; e Depart= 'Creamery, employing -•,6 mer. wand >ii.
ent of the change, of ownership of grist and chopping mill with a few
e care hands:- .There are , no vacant Rouser.
The yeault wet the trial here Tues- and no buildiag " going en. The Irate
avations angles it :Omit aa hard as of taxatian -is' 35 mills.". . .. .,• -
.' Pori Elgin -a -This yillage ' has., one
3a and to note the thing. out froill
is to gct out of hoo Jinyses, with, 'large industry—the manufactere o'
Anyway,' after. reviewing the ,.eYita ratepner COmpanya ;The /firm employe'
d Home Week or at the 'exhibitions '
ncei'Magistrate. Laialaw asiesse; 140 hands .end ii; in a thrk4fing condi,
tion. Several sumMer cottages, have
esoev., $1.0:00 nnd,6nts lor using. ;ran .erecten :Within recent years . ir
propel; miarkers.on his ear, an4 viie the municipality.. . There are ,no vae
derstand that there 'are liable' te aht hopeea... The rate of taiatien it
rider' Of the license to bthera than
se ,tO whom theY were 44110. aasessenent and' Equalization': The in-
rting the gale' of ears., end -the' Ripley—Ripley is the baby village
HAPPY' YOUNG' TRAMPS , Ployingiten hands in the' Pall months
. . and, a :Mall grist mill. .': Fire ..proteLZ'
,the vvi.arton Eaha, had th, ,f040,v. eon_ it fram a chemical 'engine. ,The
wo .yoting lads, ,ga • Tara -a -The industries in this village'
re 'picked, tin on Tueqs4cle:151.6n:i4glihdt:2b1Y7 -iff.arieill:',g4ti":tiltlainitillailaande(i.chreelastreedryf ,.i:tflaiWI:
00ce, no •eaaaaaa, .nor! anything -few aalostantial buildings have been
erected Within the .pate, fen, YearS''.,
ks; 'the/Chia took friendly 'charge' The tate, of teifatien ifs 40.Mills: .
hunted froze the headquartere of the.
'the gross earnhigs 'or the Company da
for the first. gr. menthe! of the: year • its
:• ended showed an '-increase of $3,•614,;, it
decreased ;900,000 due to a
four 'million .d011ar increase. in the 01
working. ,,pettaes for chat perfect:
floes' as the ' historic .giteway; and Ch
-welcOined their,' Royal, Highnesses 'im
the Prince Of Wales" Prince George uh
. and Premier aid Mrs.' Ifhtldwin vrith 'be
and a blaie Of color. Vast crowds' P°
thronged the docks and, Waterfront; tra
als the Canadian Pacific S.8„ Empress t,ho
ed 'Visitors to Canada, Stedined inta
tight '
..Experifnents in rust prevention bY
means of spraying chernical over
; wheat fields from airplane's' is about "a-,
.to be tried;eut in Maniteba, under T
the direction of the Domiaion Cove" we
'ernmeat :pepartmeni of,. Agriculture. Chi
known ,as "Cola." It is. said that,. el?.
er than •the scant clethea en their
'The -machine war. entry -706 lbs. ot. „,
,that With the 'Use 'Of flo,ar
-the; prohibition.. of ••niglit ttial
.baking Aldo .favors th% maplOytapat eve
;Mtg. his eduntry at Attila:a:One 'with. era
to e,000,000 the: elty ot Vienoa hos.
not to 'worry .about them. "now.
e ° quite happy end: Unconcerned
g 'content With n bed. anywhere
..frien, fOnadry With 6 Men, Live grist
saw nO -otopt3r, houses in the
.fihe. rate.:.of.taxatioff is *42 -Mille.
hetter -CO again become a 'Part Of
the Township' of 'Since- and 'Kinder
dine. It miles 'front tailway,
atatiOn•arid hat neeindusttia, of 'eon
4 1 Atlantic
prostLini,:pool! oa the Caias Rives: i Hook -bin salmon taken from the8alat.John. River lest, Ieassa: • L has of til
Rae camping. 'rites: sloes ,,the aalmea rivers.
Whileit twent -th
�Q� ile y ree'years. since it`was��found
that Atlantic salmon would rise to . a fly, it is
considerable h
.sorter Since ' :the i ,.
• e t e d scovery was.' made
that thea! hn e, fightingfish were to be caught man
{ e g .y
smiles inland ' in the 'rivers. of : New, Brunswick.. Yet
such is ,the fact that , only `adds to' the "world-wide
Reputation of the.Province, of New Brunswick as a
big -game -hunting -and -paradise aradise .
g -P
The' St, John's River,' one of'the best choices. when
ealinon fishingie beiri c
: g considered; flows through, the
centre of the Province drainingan, exter. ive_territor
b y
pan emptying: into the Bay of ,Fund.. The large fish
enter the river at.its mouth . at the city: of Saint John
and passu On their way.- the •s awni
P y , p ing<grounda of
the Tobique,, lying' ever 120 miles'. from •the:.sea, James'
S. Neill : a merchant'' of: Fredericton,' was the first .to
make the' discovery,. It was in 1903 that the first trip
to the Miramichi was made,. Neill and Joseph Walker,
"hooke � and ' gaffed_. their first salmon' at Hartt's
Zaland. Since that• time the sport has become widely
known and duripg one seasen alone in 1928 no lege a.
than tour haadred ealmon were taken by fly 'from
largest, Nies with the St. John's when it comei to
record Atlantic. salmon,. This stream ie under lease
to -Harry well-kno* vide, whose outfits' are ' • „
and the other pools in the vicinity,' are reached by ,
the Canadian Pacific Railway. The forMer One ha*
been aitotounced-us-ohe-ofatheafinest in the Province.
An interesting poiht in connection. -with the grOwth
of this ,sport is it! 'pepularity with -American sports....
in* numbera each. Beaton to:take part in what they
describe as the Most" exeiting form of angling te be
found. Their oninionia are flared by who have
ever dropped a line an some of the peaceful -looking
pools along these rivers whore the fighting salmon
'Thechiet indtistries are 'large factory
of E -rug Eros. &a CO.; 'furniture mann-
faCturete: there are else Chesleaa
Furniture Ce., 'Brace Woodworkers
Cheiley Chair 'Co., Northern Textiles
ahd 'Royal Milling Co. town haS
a complete' syStem of 'water 'Werke
hydro -electric. and owns the' . towh
Scales. No pew buildings • are in:..the
coarse of ereetioh, and •tbere aite few
vacant lousea: The town is iholding
,mitsillso.wi:i. :The rate of taxation
Kincardine—This the oldest towr
• in. Bruce couaty, is flourishing Indus
and 'a Marble Works. a,The old fottn,
.dry, once a busy industry, is, ih a
apidated. condition. The town iS
debt more than the' debt of. the whole
County of Brace. The town, notwitla
standing. is tteadilY progressing, The
rate of texatiOn is 51 mill.%
'eome 'noted 'as a,,suminer
in the pes.a 15. years,. And the trans'.
lent" summee trade from 110 OWnere
and tenants wields ' a" considerable
.tiatizailesign. " The town' is 'progress-.
int iadhstrially toe.. ' There are ;' the.
Kneclitel factory employing 48 hands,
the Bell.faCtory,With 80 hands, the
Mill with employees.„'• The corpora. ,
tion it the largest In area in 'Brace
county. The --rate of taaatioa is 38
, Walkerton—This iS by far the hest
residential., town in t4e .countYi We"
low. The indhatries cerise:it et the.
SOn, Sash and Deer FaCtorya and the
ilabbin yactery, Houses ere
at high prices' and there are 4:Yac-
ant houses.. aThe• rate ed. -taxation -ie'
from..industries• Some 49
rate Of taxatiqn „
The good. 'old, ootinfry doctor is.
More; Ile has clattered Off doWn the
road te oblivion his "One horse
VV4iiiktn. Allen Pusey, :former
pfeside,nt Of the Arneiican Medical
Association,,„: writing in the American
small towns qf the couatty have lost
'their...physicians durink the past de
mg, the medical profeation.
Dra Pusey's explanation re:, The
high 'cost of medical' education pecu-
liarly influences the distrihutfon •ef
'rural doctors, • In the 'first' place, .
bars Out the: rural medical, ,sfudents
to Svhoin. -the efral districts must
look: fer their physicians. Almest
country :boYs are going te medical
schools toLday,
"Ie the second place, the "rural dis-
tricts .cennot pay' the price in Menea
It remains 'to be seen-wliether pub,
has overlooked the fact that imProved
highways and -reliable . nletor ears
haye brought' the country/much near
er to the City than it wai. 'a gerieta
tion are°. The physiCian in the city
with: his hith-powere'd land sPeeib
gUitee to reach 'a• Stead three. Of.
flair miles away --Sudbury Star, "
CARS CO: El:67E07 1.113AD
The Mildmay Gazette, giveS' the.fol.
lOwing account of. a road gecident Of'
tie -and daughter; GladyS,, set Out or.
a Meter:trip to Bruce Beaeh, but they,.
nee when 'a bad:Mishap oceitirbd, Mr.
Jaek' Madigan Of Detroit, Who'll vis-
iting With ,,his mether-in-law, Arts,
'pened to he taking a run north or,
the townliee aa the tifue, and ai
Vera noticed': the othef'a
oeoupants Of the e'er Were' Orown ont
Mrs...../Vogan'ihed taaverer had gat e•
jered, J, Hares had a'had,:gash
hia.mife had her fereheadhadly
(let, three being tcroifrod, and
with *his. oar escaped injurY,
Oily brought theinjud people to.
ed-thit ,.wounds. Neither party places
any blame on ihe other for the Mb.. -
hap, as the cars came together very
unexpectedly. kr, Vogan's car ,,
rather badly bent and twiseed. le
now undergoing repairs at a local
garage. We -learn that Mr. Madigan,
while in no way aCcepting the whole
responsibilitY for the accident, , has
very generously- offered te defray the
• cost ef repairing the car, and the
doctor's account. .
If we were ohirture the other fel-
how. was coward 'we'd be braver. .
Having enemies is a healahy sign.
"Well beloved by all who }the* him"
ie said only, of the dead,
odak Outdoor. Fun
Nothirig_like outdoor fun
this time of 'year—nothing like
Xoclale pictures of. it fbr, yogi
Get your Kodak here and' load it
• with the 'dependable yellow.loox.Kodak
Filth: We do expert
photo finishine.
'The Rexall tore
Lueknow, Ont.
:Say It. With- Flowers
Flowers deliveted ,to any' liar!
of Canada, United ,Rtaten. and
Ifforooe, also other countries..
florist " . Phone ,I05