HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-08-11, Page 5••'•
' .
• .
OAGS. PM '..:
•4j There is:a'world'of, atisfactimi :.:fof the 'farmer!
in the Use Of, twine ,that runs smoothly .in; his,
binder frombeginning,,to the end of, harvest: '
The Good, Old Reliable, -
even and strong throughout,and ih-more econom-
ical to use than short4ength•twine.- The Iength,iS
.guaranteed by the.* on every ball ofPlymouth.
For real 'twine'satisfaction'thete is nothing like
the genuine Plymouth Twine.
Phone 66 --Lueknow
lllll lllllll llllll limummummmilmmummil
"hone 14
• Wingham•
Phone 256
onumental Works
' ;,• Mae ths largest and most complete
• . ,ottsckAn4the„rivest_beantifid..„"alesigns_._
chioffiii from, j' . .• '
Marble, Scotch, Swedish. and Can-
adian Granites
si specialty of Family
' SOninients and invite yourIniiPtc- •
Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and
Promptly Done,
is us before placing your order.
Doug's& Bros.' R. A.' Spotten
• ... .Lucknow. Ont. .
,-14 QL NO.. 4,28,- 'LiicknoW. meets
theo,„SecOnd -Tulesdair ofp -every :;month
In thafr ball, at s (yeti:rex. C. 'Mullin,
W•gof.; .P. Gaiter, Rec. See.
•' howo, Of Stratford, Organ.
of the Canadian Order of For-
-esters 4 in, town working in the in-
terests' of the local court. Owing to
' the' removal of Mr: ,Robt: . Johnston
to Gaderich 'Mr. Jos, E. Agnew has
- been appointed secretary.
, The follOwing pupils Wrote on Lew.
erT,Scheol-e.xanainatisMs this yeat.and
passed in the subjects- '
No 4L7MacDonald,.., " Clara; , Grarn.':
Geogv A.rith., Art, Bat.
/No. 5 --Hunter, Alma; Hist.,. Geog,;
'67 Art, .Agric•
No, 92 -Clare, ;Walter; Gram., Hist..
C„eog., Agric. I. • '
140..1 .16 -Crozier, Clifford; Hist..., Geog.
Hasty, Aldon; ; Hist., Gelig., Art,
• Agile.. I.
- Colborne
No. 144:infie1d,' Annie; Hist:
No ..8 -Hardy, Author; Hist., Geog,.
Daily pepers lastweek, gave some
aCcount of . what :appeals to,: have
been :the. ,deliberate 'wrecking of • a
number: of automobiles near:\Walker-_
Times, with greater detail, gives the
'following account : • . •
Four oars Were badly 'smashed, and
several Walkertonians, Were ,slightly
injured as a -result of what the police
regard as :an attempted held -up,
which took ,place - at •Miles' Corners
.:near here, Thursday- night,ebout 9.30
o'clock.'Reeks were placed across
the roadway and cars 'ran into . them:
The culprits have Sp` far succeeded
iii evading capture by the police who
are conducting a thoreugli search of
Harry. Kent.,(if Hamilton, was :first
to figure in the affair. He was, driving
along the road, whenhis car 'ran into
a large stone, and was badly damag-
ed. He rolled, the boulder off the
road, and when another ear -drive
Up; hegot into it, aud went to *Pais-
:ey •ifor repairs When Mr. Kent re,
turned tO the accident he was • sur-
prised to find six rocks placed across
the toad, one car-. disabled in the
ditch and two others smashed in a
Coliision. Upon examination of his
own car, he discovered that the light-
ing, system had been wrecked daring
his absence and the caps' taken from
the hubs,
, It 'apPeara thata procession of
Walkerton cars .were returning from
the United Chirrch---SundaY,-'-Schotti_
picnic at the Rincerdine beach and as
the Diirharn road had been ,fteshlro
tarred they tame around by TivertOn
and viithe Elora -read home. -
Mr. HarVey Damn,' who was lead-
ing', in e Ford Sedan, was the firstof
this contiegent, to encounter the rocks'
and driving onto • them knocked the
oil pan off the bottom Of his bu and
went into, the ditchentailing about
$20 damages,. in 'doing se he scatter-
ed the rocks so that his who
was 'directly. behind in •charge of a'
Ford sedan wpnt through ' without
McLarty, Frances; Hist., •. Geng4
Art; Agrie. 1:
"o. GoderiCh, .
No:i 5 -Elliott, Elva. Gram, Hist..
Geog. •
No, 9 -audio, :Muriel; Ge.og., Art
. No. 10:-,-illeacom, Helen; Hi.st.) Geog.e.
• Art,,Agrie,
Cole, ',Robert; deog.; Agric., L
Hay ,
No. 3 -Stephan; .Elda.; Gram., Hist:
No 8-Ziler,' Antoinette; iTist, Geog,
No 3-:-Grainger;Marle, Gram,, Phys,
cei.• • Arith,, Agric. II --Marks, tilhaiij . (.•
Grainl Agrie: It
14;o: 13_Erratt OlWe, Phys., 1.trith.„
The M. J. Ramsey Cat, Which is a
new Erskine sedan and low -set ma-
chine, stepped abruptly it the atones,
While Mr. Abrarii"Rowand in a Bris-
c9e •touring came breezing' along and
crashed into :the rear' of . the Ramsey
bus, Making a horrible (1,ent ,in the
body of the latter car, besides knock-
ing off the htimperette, ,crunapling,
,hincl Tender , and ,shifting the entire
frame. ;,Darnage to this car is esti:.
mathd. at $2000which is fully covered
by insurance., Mrs. Ramsey, who was
in the ,rear seaf,' had her head cut,
but . otherwise the .occUpanta of tlifz
Chariot .escaped' unhurt:
Stephen .
• No. 7,• -MOore, Virginia,• 'dog.,
. E. wa'yvAnostiv,
No: 5 -Bamford,. Elaine; flrart.4Hist-
Agrie..1. arid ,, • ,
Metiowell; :dratei, Gram4 Tirgt,
Phye., Art; Agile., ,
• No, 16-;-Straughan, Anne; Geog.
Art, 130. .."'
W. 'Wftwanosh *
No, 47 -Dobie, kargt„. geob
• •
. AND VENTIII.o4'1'10.N
• '
In *Incr. State Birds Look After
TheniseivOr'Enf If TliaY'Are
"ileirostit for' You Ti4en ton Innis:DO
Th*0 foir.Them-
. .
fC04tribute6. by :
" • • 40.gaieuitttro.::worrinto.).
If are to be.keptfrom, ,
disease their living quarters will -re -
q111.1) as much 'attention. is Oiose Of
o,ther Steck.. • The'Speciallina give the,:
riokotry, thin; attention '44a mro, but
:the 'great m„aidritY Pt ,Ponitry,okeePet3•...
neglectthe' honsing eenditiong '
1100f30 should bo
supaIied. With drainage' that will in -
, . . •
.surea dry fluor' it all tithes. Demi).
nest promotes the groWth.of bacteria
, „ .„ .
Makeebir,da.. atibieet to
roup :and other cliSeases.o,': Ventilation
Without • .drafts- is very necesserY,
fresh air. Coning in', and fenl. air'. go-
ing .out:`,.. Large , ateounts of • irielliture
-ate eliminated trona . the , woe.. of
birds. There are 'no;sweat glands , •
and the bird metabolism is moon
`More intense', than it is With, other
farm animals. The exhaled moisture.
must be removedor the house will
beconie damp ,and.. unsanitary. 'Pro,
"vide:lour square .feet per bird, face
the hose 'south and. provide a large.
.open front through ,which the sun*
raypan enter and reach - every' inch
of door space. • Arrange the interior
Of the . house to facilitate easy.
ing and disinfection. This means
.nleveble nests, ' roosts and feed . hop-
pers, that can be lifted' out to permit
, a thorough • Cleaning, at least once
every three weeks. • . • •
:The 'Runs, ...;• '
. , •
Don't fences in ihi.poultry.lf it can
be avoided. Better fence in. the
garden and .give the birdsthe run Of
the -farm.' ; The green feed and in-'
sect lifewill do •much to keepthe
young birds, groWing. and healthy ' at
no mist: If the birds, mink he reared,
under intensive conditions,, then two
lanced -in ,runs should..be.provided.
Theso. shourld be limed; .spaded •and,
Seeded to some green'• fee,d. crop, 'be; •
trig:used for the .birds... alternately.
The use of lithe and the .application •
ofthnspade. frequently. Will do ,much
to, keep the, Tait in fair .eo,ndition.'
--TheriTteiteilc • • • • , .
' Most diseases spread through ton-,
'..taminated •feed and water. ., To :pre-.-
... vent . contamination, the ntenslis
should .he Of such, a. design' that the •
bird cannot .get ite feet• into. them.',.
Peed: hoppers and water fountalne
, clear of „scraching, and have a narrow
'platform'•on.arfilth the bird' Can, stand
. while feeding. Wide ,,Platforms will
mein containination; One large hop-
per or fountain' is .much 'better than,
.a lot.' of • little-, Ones..
whioh naillr. and .antiseticidrinks are
used shOuld.-beef crockery or enamel
ware. .Feeding utensils, . It Of. such
..tyPe. as ..cari be ..soiled bY'the..,birds,
should . be 'given -frequent attention,
and kept oin sanitary condition. .
The practice of throwing,. seratoh
feed on ,the Bailie spot of ground la
not the. best. '. Those 'attending poul-
try shouldkeep,' in • mind ...that'. the
bird' polls or, eontaminateli whatever'
ground it. passes Over,'.arid the:. greater,'
area: Of range the 'lees the degree .of.
' .contamination. The °chicken cannot
..use nforkor shrivel to glean:the-yard
. or pee, in 'whieh you keep it prisoner:
• In the Wild' 'state. the bird looks after .
. its own hygiene; • as a ."Creaturn.et
deniestication under .your : charge, you
Inuit do it, If ',conditions are to 'bd.
the '. Stevenson; ,Dept. of
Extension,. 0...A...College, Guelph. ••• •
Services' Itte4dereith7 Stock Yit41)§..
:The service generally :Perfortued
by the . 'Union stook Yards and for
.which charges' are liVied on its pa-
tron., is thatof supplying a suitable
, place . for assernbling, sheltering,
feeding, grading,' dealing in liveStock
for such pper-
P,160!.. • . • •
• On arrival at the !stook yards Tha
company neeeptii the reszionsibility.of
the live .stock. Its ernployes Unload
and 'deliver the' Stock to the ;alleys
of the dittarent commission Blobs to
Which' it .consigned; the' cattle to
the Cattle alleys, sheep and calves:to
the sheep building :-and hogs to tho.
hoge building. The pens ere,Padlock-
: ed Until the •'conimiligion 'thin signs
and 'takes 4over the consignment.
Thie is the service and protection' the
Stock .Yarde CoMpany •' render (tor
their Unloading fee of. $1,00 per car.
• In addition( to the services of lin,
loading.and 'Aiding, the Stock .11ardi.
Coral:411y 'Supply and operate Weigh
'cities over which all stock sold must,
„bit\ weighed. ,,gutranteeing correot
welghte .atotiiutheoiivitih
for this- serriee,''it being, included in
the yardage charges. .
The employes of the company feed
and water the stock when requested
ind keep the pens and alleys Wean
and, in repair. They .alace do a. great
deal Ofic heeling about the -yards . and
*spirit the .Government Hog Graders.
These . are services that have addi-
tional fees on some yards. The cont-
panY rnaintalns. a traffic department
Whose servicee are available to 'ship.,
Pert , at no OXPOI1F10 In ilitiking' ar-
rangements with t.he 'railways for
'cars or in ease of disputes over'loss,
and:Oltala e in transit. The cot:IA.1mM? •
EN' you. :have lo;ccasiod, io`,..
alley 'btl4rs !heY,.. may be, .
. „
obtained readily at any branch o
., . , . ., • .. , '
. Bank of Montreal:
°cal Manager
.p.tablishect'.. 011,, .
; •
Assets in cutest or 7So.000.o90
Head' Office:
• prnepcallY the 'entire' front of the 1150 1)20g,vieurffiltnii:oeastainnoitsrcioiaciiiti'brUsmoliqdiihEttai' tfbki
- othe
• .
goW.end cat was smashed in by. the ' tt
c011ision, while glass from the broken--' hilltsiness of its patrons milt b
ly /mid conveniently d es pate eed .4 uLicilike•-
ty.illdS1110.1d„.tchtlt Rowena:a
Geed Gocias..•LoW Prices, Clearing
Men* and Boys' • Uridergarments.--..;
THE MARKET -H.othel!-Murdoth
: •,; ..•
„Misses Pearl Congrain and
ueit Ackert are'Tbolidaying at Bruce
Beach. -
Mr. , John Purvisand, his two niec,:
es, , Mrs. Doherty and Mrs.. MeinerS
Of Kansas. City, •w'itir their husbands;
made .' -a flying trip to Tobermory on
Saturday. •
.• -Mrs. Rosehough :of :^ Toronto,: BIt:
and Mrs. Thomas Congrarn of :Wing -
ham , were guest S at 'Mr. Chas. Cong.-
ram's, Sunday.
Mrs. Burt arid two children of :TO-•
Eiruunrtte,4,..are visiting ,at '
, Smith:111.6i. are busy re -decorating
our nubile 'seliool. • A , •
':kr..Baiselle and his -sister are.'Vls"-
iting at Mr. W. ,Hodgins'. e.‘„ •
Mr., and Gee. -Currie of
WhitOcinircli; viSitecl', recently - With
,Mrs. J. MacPheron.:.,- .„ '
*Mrs: ,Cuthert. Lorneand Eva spent
Sunday 'at W. Eadie'.
Mra... George qVrEiCKeTiZie, jOyee.'
Donald of Brantford spent the pat•
week at .Almer, IACkert's: . • '
„ Mr. and ,Mrs. Alex . MacLean from
Manitoba, :and Mrs.' r.:I'yndal BObinson
Were guests at Mit: 3...MacPherson's
; .
,on Thursday.
Mk. and Mi. Charlie C.:engrain inO-
.tored.:'to Engehia, Falls on SuUdaY.. '••
•• Mi..... tti4 Mrs.. Robert ',T,hoinpaon:
and Isabelle _of. Kitchener, ,:sperit the.
holiday at Abner Ackert's.
• Mrs..: George . Andre- and her sis-
ter; 'Mrs.. Gardner of ,WiridsOT, 'Called'
On'` their Old' friend, .Mts. J. Macpher-
son. .
.Mr, and Mrs.', Harry Pierce •Of
.'Winnipe'g, are, visiting at the old
• Mr. -and Mrs -:Ackert° and
little datightei, 'who have been Visit-.
ing here, returned to TorOnto;• , on
• Mr. and Mrs: Harold( Harris and
Miss Margaret . Heron of ,Toronto.
and Mrs.,..Tames Harris ,Tere recent:
visitors with Thos: Harris. ,
Mr, and, Mrs. Bince ,Palmer of Dc
troit,' MrS. ..of - Kincardine,
Mr.: and Mrs.John .larniesen of
mount' 'Were recent :visitors of Mrs,
Harris. '
of, moo etoc Insured -against fire' hit '
head somew, at, a that
is — he arils;
for whicli'16' centswperGeritlil:".
, .0 irked againet :the seller' Of the
aieclieal _attention. .:,-Othern in, 'took.' The. alleys and Pens are nisei.
Helen ItOce. so .badlif that 'ht).had tO
-of a110Vv10111'. ear•WhO-Wire-huttfici'.4.1e.0304-3'414-t#31-114.qt.e(1,-Ilgaicst out- 1„
1.breaka of contagion& :disease% under..
chded Mlis Mary MeGrego, teatrictione laid down by the mini-
eried .eye, Mies; tide lien, a sprained *panty and the Health of Anithale
shoulder, atd, Miss Vidlet Gibson an Of the -Federal,. D'opartasent..
injured feet. So badly, in ,fact, was Dept. *61 Pdtotioblie0,'
thelowand car damaged., that it will' •, ifegeft
he FieraPped,, kr. turning the I, keep eggs in,the coolest 'Waco' pOs-
Wreck tO Er.001, ta-ilagelattdd ail '1010 and market them 'Often, in hot
ifl ' .vskther. .Eirp that are fertile ifill
Pavb P42/111(114 pn‘ nlY1 '44441/1t1141 14 to Oil In twentyriour 11)03:43
lf..;Ma;ktee;`,13ratiii),3; Geog,‘ AIL Buick sodsup,
;lir Lao poloroaro to Al
• ..'"•"".Yetth'
' Fire destrged: part. of the roof e:*
Wni. l3rooine's, house.. Prompt action
by the neighbota prevented further.
damage., • Mt, :Peter :Johnston, whc
had the Misfortune to :Slip. off'• tbc
.roof; we 'are glad to report, is., not
'Seriously ,
The 'ladies' of 'the Bethany Auxili-
ary- held 'W,M.S. meeting in the
• church on Thursday, July • 21. The
Pres Mrs W Hedgins, in the chair
Meeting, opened With singing ' and .
.Prayer. Mrs, Gee. Bell read the,
seriptare 'lesson, Alf's. *Fita
son read a leaflet on "Giving by en- •
,Verope.", Mrs. JOS. Wall also read. a
letter from •China by Mrs,. bonli,i-d.
,The HolYroOd Women's Institute,
'held' their Monthly ni.eetin ;tlic
:hoine, WM: Peavey da..T.h,tr.rf3-
-Were given..by Lexy pen, Grade
tletibp -and -Dorothy Haldenby.
splendid paper twas .13Y .Mrs ;
Fred : ,'Theinspsen": nn '4F1ilucntio- -;n1
What .It Means," x-fi's also
community invitation
was-gigen by ,the,Ir.',Inatituto. -the'
Instittite to 9. pidnic Silifer'
Lalso on. WednesdaY, August' 10, M
the, close of , the meeting lui1:11
eerved. Tlie September meetitv wifl
hs Wel st %Ices ,g04: Wun
Thempion., •
• ,
Mr.. and Mrs. Jim Mizner .re urne
.• visiting, at his home in. Floweidale.
Mr.-:Ahbie Haryington has, /Mr-
. chased a newTsepOrafor and is now
ready to 'do good mirk in the thresh-,
ing 'line.
and., Mrs: Ale k Murray and
five heYs of Toronto, spent ,Thursclay:
at the h dine of L. 'MacIver.
The • little' grandson . of • Frank.
Gest Winkham,' is spending his.
holidays at Dougal 'Black's.
Mrs. .11: Martin carne home. Item.
• . .
Wingharn Hospital last . Friday night.
0.owerdale -Was sho'cked tc read 'of
Toronto,,, as she 4riaher. brother
made. many frie.nds during, their,short
stay at the', heme of •11„,11fartin;
We are ..pleased .to know. that the
Strathdee ;family are, having 'a fam-
ily re -union - atthecottage-, of Mary
Strathdee, at Bruce. Bench,
Mrs. W. Harrington ha, been en-,
,tertaining her daughter and family
from -Detroit. ' .
Flowerdale People Were pleased to
hear their old ' pastor. Rev. McLean,
in Ripley last SupdaY.' •
*I's. Will: .Shaw • and children ' • of
Toronto, are visiting • with Mrs:
w'S. mother, Mrs. Jas. XacGregoi-i,
and Other relatives,
Mrs. Robt. Ross and Kenneth are
'visiting relatives at Bayfield.,
This comMunity wesi' well repee.
sented at • Goderieh ..Centennial, last
Mr. and Mrs Ai -fret' Naylor and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur , Newman of
Hamilton xviiited on Sunday •with
.Mr. and Mrs Rey McGee •
Mrs, JaS„ Forster and Jean had
• their tonsils reinoVed at Wingliam
Hospital, last Friday,'
Mrs.. Robt.. ,Mowbray, Catharine
and: McKenzie 'left' on Monday for•
Toronto, 'where they will visit for i4
.to Stratftrd. last ,week, having .spent
_ ,
„ „
several days,: with I'Mr. and. Mrs. Herb
..tti:MitraSCh..Mary. Anderson Of London, Is
visitinj relatives here:
.; Mr. ,iind,'Nfrs,•:Thes. Aiken Of Allen
ford; pent the. „week -end at
Kiipattiek,g7. :
1‘11.. and' Mr. Belt Reed .altd • fani-
'Hy ',of :Whiteehureh, and airs. P. Reed
"cf. Lucknow; ' site .Mr, and :.. Mrs:
Th S. Ari'delsonianday, '
rot everybody With his wife , and.
family* were intO Goderich last week.
. , .
Mr. Bert Treleaven was called to
TO.ionto on Saturday, his ', brother
Wcsley • ha-virig • died Suddenly :' tha:.
d:- .i pncumoniawhile visiting with.
hiS ,wife's :parent's at, Napanee'
Treleaveri'S , • neighborS' showed
Syrnpatiry in a preeticel .',way " hy
ha ill5hg; 111 his wheat,: seventeen leads,.
;before ' the. rain on Monday. 'Mr...Wes-
ley.,Treleaven grew • up in this ,heigh-
bOrhood and, was and. favorably
knOwn thoug-h,he has been in,
blisinessi Toronto ..for -Many years::
David AnderSon of ' Zion, ,is
visiting • at: Mr. Thos. Anderson's at
MisspreSont .
'Beryl Gardner spent a 'e few
clays last i'.eek with her friend; Bei-.
sla•Bessie' ,Lane: of, Kinlough
who had spent • several . days ...with.
Miss' Qrae' Blake; . returned. home,'
Satu,rday.. • , :**
31r.,arid. Mrs. Louis •Boothby and
Mr., end Mira,' 'John pen,. , and, Mi'.
George Glen of Detroit, spent- the
week -end at. Mr. Thos. Glen's. Mrs.
Boothhy Will spend a few ,weeks with
'her,.br,other here. • •
.Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Twaniley . Of
Chatham, are guest's 'of :Mr, and, Mrs.
COo. TWamley this week. • They have
just retntned from their honeymoon
'trip th Nortli-DUltotat,-Weten-d.
hearty congratullitions andlYettwislf-•7
es to the "hapny_young couple.' •
;PhilliS,. and Dave' H�rton of Lee-,
,lrurn, are spending part Of their . va-
oatiorx, With 'Mr. and Mrs. IL Mitten.
• F—LQ"°
• .M...csrs.: Stratirdee and- 'Blacic.start-
ed ,their- Season's threshing by thresh -
in fall fall :wheat'. for Renneth.TIiornp-
;The families of J. R. MacDonald.
Dan Thoinnon and R. Douglas spent
Sunday en the banks of Lake
family . spent
Friday afternoon, , at the 'celebration
in G.idcrkh.
Alex Watson
. . • • .
of Detroit,
- .
• • . •
Messrs -McDonald und.-Durnin have
commenced . their seas ori's threshing
,. •
on Ms
jW°Y. PTt;asYlfoPrI,P1sRev M.r.s.; _Taylor and
children Of Belinore; and Mrs., (Rev.): ,
Taylbr visited With• ther., former's,
uncle, Mr. W. J. Humphrey, during
the Week.. • '
Mrs. Gordon, Mrs'. „T.. Salkeld, Mrs
Stuart Sr, Mrs, AL. Miller -
Mrs. W. Taylor spent a few days in
'Goderich jait week meeting old
- Mr. and Mrs. Smith and daughter,
Elinor of Toronto, are holidaYins
Mrs.t.ioi.mthsru.c:ahunerd:.matrtse.r,',s;t... :ei-0AS,, Mr. and :
John Webster '-
gen of Nile, left Friday for, a trip up
Mies Mabel, Woods and Miss Finn&
Nealy and/ two',
Children Of Chicago, arid Miss 'Neely,
of pert. -Hilton,: 'Visited during lest
week with kr. and Mrs. D. \.Todd,..
\Mis..WM. McDonald. was On nshert
visit to Hamilton week.': • : ' •
' Mr. and Mrs. :Wesley Treleaven and
.daughter, Nernia of 'Tifilinins, Mr.. W.: .
Treleaven and Miss ' ".TreleaVen. .' of '
Lucknow; were the. 'guests of Mr
and 'MrS. .'• Rutherford . during
last - _ . .
Mr arni Mrs . per.:aid .Clarkt and
son Colin' of Ottawa, and Miss A '
Clark ''Of :Saskatoon, are holidaying,
with:their' mother, Mrs. Clark' at the
old home. ,
, kis. Bol -e- and three
daughters', Delia, :Marlette and Myra •
f St !•Gatharines; • arid Miss.%Derothy ,
Taylor of Guelph, Visited ,at the home • '
of • Mit. Boles' brother, Mr. M,
Pmhtise.Y;golilesd, irjsthterinafrinieinngds'ani'adsin:k'eien!t7.,
astev,i,y her lister, .iVli•s. J'. Weh-
Mrs. Lyman Henry and ..two .sOna
of Sombre; are viiitors• v:ith : their'
cousin, 111I--s7-Chas.
quiet:lut-pretty wedding', Gig' '77St-nfere.rie.-qlifiere,hibff.an,d--wnmen
place at 'the Manse,' St. Helens, on
Wednesday, August ' 3rd when. Miss
Luella -i7,arrier, "only daughter' Of 'Mr,
and Mrs. David. Farrier • of , White-
church, was Milted in' holy, bends of
matrimony, to Mr. John IV Ross of
Kinloss Re Mr, Whitfield officiat-
ing : Their many friends wish: them
a long and happy wedded life.. . 4
On Monday evening members.. Of
the. United' Church Met at the ' home
,of Mr: and Mrs. Ihavid Varrier, • and
presented their daughter, Mrs. 'JOilir
Ross, with • a . inisclianeous shower.,
The evening. was , spent ,with „• genies
and. a social time. held. .Evryone
went home feeling they had a very'
enjoyable evening.
institute are' hOlding their • . anneal •
pienie 'today (Tuesday) a Kincar-•
' The ,Calvin Church SimuaY School
and the Anglican: ChtirCh Sunday
School are hOlding a picnic OU Fri-
day afternoon, the 12th, 4 the Malt=
land River, , 10th concession. :,, Any
familiesthattahtattilrreavset eore sas
11l kind-
beat one o'clock; and will be leaked
'afterby the t committee. Everybody
it welcome, both old and yeting.
Good Goods. 1.,o.9 -
w--0-1Pric.c'.s, Bargains •
in all kinds of Towels and Towelling.
--THE MARKET-Hopiejl-IVIurdoch
1. 25,0,00
, .•
Phis half a cent per mile beyond to all points in Aiant.
) WI N 111 PEO
Oita, Saskatchewan, Alberta, -Edmonton, Tannis,.7
Calgary MacLeod and East ' • 0
• .
. RETURNIPIQ--Half a cent per thine to WilmiPego
. .
' ' • , plus $20.00 to destination. • ' 1. 4
•AUG. 30th -From Toronto, Caledott -East, Beeton, Megiford, Colhngw6od, Penetang, Midland, Capreol. and
- ::',:'Sbutli,d1ncl East in, Ontario, also Stationgin. QUebec,West of St Andrews And. LacliUte
;Aim PT: 7th—ricini statiotig in Ontario; Toronto, Inglewood Jet, and. West and South. thereof:- - •
special now, for Winnipeg via Canadian National Railways:
-*rant TORONTO' (Union'StatiOn)-,-Aug, 30th- From OTTAWA -Aug. 30th -12.01 a.m. (Mid-
'8Opt. 1th-2:00 p.m.; 1040 '•
, From rlEtEABOAO Aug. • From• 'From PALMERSTON-Sept.
0 '30th - 12.01. a.m. (Midnight -12.30 am. (Midnight Sept 6th) 7th - 9.00, a.m. via Guelph, `
Aug.• 2(it11)- vie Lindsay, 'Blacir.•:. • - vie Chatham, London, Ifainilton Georgetown and Inglewood..
water ata Atherley. and Inglewood,
' Thronsit cara from 'other principal point a 'connecting with aboVe' spetial traina, For details consult local Canadian National Agebte
•ThrOsaith Trittlejti-ii•OOMfOrtalii41,001.gdall Olkiii-4001iii,6161 and Ohltiltion
. ...L •