HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-08-11, Page 4..McCORMICKADIEERING MOWERS are tia widely • Wiled.
throughout Canada that elm* ear -neighbor on tell you 'of his
Save!aht experience with one, ' , ' - •
Their reputation •Ifoesbeeknearly a. Century, a„ worth -
While coasidaeation. when buying al Mower. Celt and let els dem-•
peseeeee, the New -1AutotinitlePitman and other 'Obits oeigupeo:.,
• okitt oPtitese machines. • .„, _
ifecomacK-DEERIN6 :AP- •
•*.1_,USTAIRIGE OADERS,.'ievef •
th- 'work' 'f one man inthe busy` haf'
1 time with -thie New Adjustable Top,
All -steel Frame Hay ;tinder; 3Italler '
bearings on the carrier ,shaft • and 2
• , on the ,main *ale ineke vety light.
draft. 'The forecarriage hitch, and
top•iadjustment a r e conveniently
• reached from the lossL The Mc -Cor -
snick -Deering is the het word in Hay.
• Loader' construction.'
'meiNow $1.10,Yn1Nilx
LITO KNOW. $.N17,1sIgL
Published aVerr ThuradiT ,ntorninX
ist ibucknow,, Oritatrio, • *
McKenzie, .Proprietor, '
riittl 'Editor '
Otte• 04110 IS at YOUr•••SerVk01
, .
3dl• '
•IfisiCitsls-lifa• • Sellt•CiteaPer Than The Credat Store
13-Braatferd "Gilt Edge:” 650 Ft. -15e. per Lb., Cash.
SCREEN 7DOORS-Now is the time of year to keea, out.the
pesky fly by having' your doors and windows -screened. We have
doors and windows that will fit almost any size 'opening. We also
have screen wire. in every width, for recovering doors.. .
OIL STOVES -The Oil Stove Season is here and there is no-
thing that will add more twee cotnfairt, of a home in hot weather
..than an oil stove. We have in stock the "New Perfection" in three
and four -burner, also the :-"Florence Automatic?' and we haee plac-
ed hi stock- this year the "Quick MeaL7. This 4$ a very •fine . stove,
strongly bulb.; 'easy on oil and fitted with the Lorain burner which
is guaranteed for ten years. For those who have their hause avisa
ed, we have an Electric' Hot Plate,two-buriter; which hag given
excellent Satisfaction. .
- ROOFING -We ;have just, „received a carload • of Brantford
Reiffina, including Roll Roofine, Arro-Lock and Super-tite Shingles
you have need of a roof for house or barn, don't fail to see us. "
We have .the material and, the price is right. Be sure to ask to see
our imitation brick siding. It is the Material to make a frame
house very warm and in appearance almost like red
• Ceinent; Lime; Plaster .Always On Hand
. , .
'CASE " • '
has dailded . that, for Ma ;t4a Peace
. ,
• . ' ' of Mind, and that Of ht8 family,' The . trial courts - of the • '. United' •
tates have haieagain been n4ae- r!dieu- will be 61:tateirter°41gt a9rfehtl,leofW/979e-liTtlit
lOus by the now famatusecase of Sac- dore Roosevelt. '.after completing
nearly two terms:. ces president, said
*thet...there is little' lift in, a„:'.nian at"
ter e four-year • term in, the, White
'Renee. Roosevelt was a Strang Man
mentally 'aid physically, andthat is
'how he found, it. It limy,' theiefare
be assunted. that President , Coolidge
is beginaina to, feel 'thestrein Of of-
fice, an that his wife le ;Wearied Of
her position as first leak in the lard'
and. that this; has had much to de
With his declining not to lie a candi.
idate in the 1928 election. The prospect
,of a hard .political campaien followed
hisanother 'four hard years as presi-
dent is not inviting, and People gen.
erallywill agree that Mr. Coolidge
has acted wisely. .
The position of President of the
United 'Statelt appears to • 'he !twee
trying and wearing than 'that of
prime naniatee_el-fireat_Britain or of
..Canada. • Here ,and in Britain the du-
ties which, in the 'United States, de-,
aOlve upon the President, appear to
,be borne jointly,' in 'Britain" and ia
this country by tae ,Iting and \ his
represeatati.vesand the prime .
min -
"1 do* not choose to eau* for president
in 1928?" tame:Oki,. the' proverbial
"holt from the blue." „The announce-
ment was handed to the notsPaPers.
Which 'Penal made40 .t.he country, on
the, ,goartit, atanttairiatai Of the.dayoii
which Mr Coolldge became • Pratt%
dent on the death of President Hard*
'‘• 1111 view .of all the'OrclunisOilleeilt
would seem that President Coelidge,
co 'aad. Vanzetti. •
These' two "red":terioriets were at;
' Most seven : years ago aistivieted of
.robbery and murder,' and as the law
.provides, senteneed to ,be electrocut-
ed: '. But this /-sentence wasearried,
out:. only eaterdaa (August lOth)-
that is, if
'there is not,. yet another
delays (Vile,' is , Written' before. the
aOth). . • ' •
-Seeeelong years have been tieent
•aPPeills to various. courtsone • one
pretext and another. A few„ months
11.1g9 the case was reviewed, or : tried
neer again; 'clad tae accused again
Imind guilty and sentenced to death.
At the conclusion of this trial.' the'
two. ,prisonerS, showed their • respect
for authority by reviling the judge,
telling him that he 'was prejudiced
'and enfaireee: very unusual ,proceed-
ing. Evidently.-, the candeemed'•, Men
little thought that the "end -had
' In fact, it was not the end 'so :far
as 'efforts ofl behalf of. Murderers
Was concerted. An animal: was made
to the governor of the state, who, it
appears, has power .to ,pardon. or to
.'arant a new trial in such eases. Gov-
ernor Fuller, appears to be aminan of
good. sense eed of courage. He enter-
tabied..the appeal but • took into Con -
saltation three . prominent'. citizens,
-arcd with them reviewed,. thecase,
and •these appear to have heen eninh:
moue that the :Condemned men :had
had a fair trial, and tae governor
: .
Throughout the • years'. Since these
L.O.L., No 48, Lucknow: will hold
a Decoration Service . in Greenhill
Cemetery on Sheday, August 2101
Brethren are requested to Meet ' at
:the- Orangel-liall'At • 2 e'eloelt pm
Visiting brothers, welcorne.
. • ' .....
e Old
MAKE your attic into extra
• • sleeping quartet* or a chi!,
• •dten's play-rooni: •
Gyproe will give you bright,
. , „
. comfortable extra roomer at small -
tat • —
. Right over damaged Walla• •
,„ , and, tern, faded Wallpaper aPplY..,
Gyproc PireProaViallteard. Gyproe walls and Co:Hinge will nialee eater
peen, bright„.and, fresh. Takes any decoration. Fireproof, COhlproot'
and heat proof. The Strongest and lightest insulating Wallboard known.
for free liboltliety lloine' • rie'whil ten 'iota' how Gyprtido•itiitbitinfd-
4rOsuitt IrtittlatinttpkatItirit ---tekt:-.frlientteMa 7tedtidEr.74iir ^;(str-,
20 10 40 per Cent. • PSTHE -ONTARIO CakkUP.I.'EO., LIMITED, PARIS;:c.itrIi• DA " 1511
fireproo Wal b9ard
Sale By • • .
'Wm.'Mutdie & Son Lucainow,
• • .
Rae & Porteous ' • Luoknoyi Ont, ;
POISON. CO„..Nlitpk-
IPEN:OF1.04470,: oveirlicifria OF
ne.ipty, AND fd03141,110.40101013, I
Look", Out, for thU, Tbree Leafed
PlItnberrikh Out "the- PtatitS. and
Burn Them,-Ininries. eiaintalt. and
.• IlnPleaaant, .t4
. .
n't.contributeci by oat:arty, iieinOtraeatc ot
, agiaetilture. Sorent04...
Many inqu1rie oiue to -De-
partment- ' rOgarkling,tbe ldeStl.freAtIOA
Of Poicent'Iry, and the of
injury. 'trent the' plant'.' • Tae.
. ;
ing is
selected from PelaelPal
-Poisoacata Planta, of :,"Canada." • hal
Faith Pyles; ALA..„ by , , . . , „ .
Department of AgriCuiture,:end.trom
:;• other :.sources: • • •
Vonitno.ik Nanteie •
. • , ••
. -•
•• Mani; -Airy itValsO,TeCtikriieed.14Ur
der' the antecia :peiseareak; • poise*
atina ahal three leaved
.4.POistin Ivy tail. low Shrub' which te
propagated by ay .underground„beenches
ea well as seeds: it scrambles over
'etunipte- of ,treeci7,Or, as In thocaae Of
thevariety radigens, it eatable • by
.. Means :Of .aei•lal rootlets to soul
height up fence Poets and trunks df
trees. The long . stalked. leaves arc '
divided iiito :three , distinct leaflets
which are Mostly Ovate, pointed,. ea -
tire Or With' a fene,frregular. coarse
teeth, bright green above, paler and
tairy., beneath, changing, to
rich' autumnal colors. • e_
•The ftowere• are small, • Inconspicu-
ous, greenlet :or whitish,' loosely clus-
tered in the axile of ,the leaves, Al •
the fiower. cluster Is . surpassed by.
the long-stalked*leaVea it . is 'aeldoin•
sagaunless the .foliage is• moved
aide. The •berries are greenish white
or cream colored, , Slightly shining,
:round,. , smooth, ' • :with • longitudinal
..ridgee•,at . intervals,. ''i`he:fidiWera are
in _blown from Apra te Jane, • "..
• '
• • .• ,
It . native of:. Canada and Is
Constnonir found in hedgerows, thick-
ets and . dry woods from Nova Scotia.
-to„ •Colunibia, .w.here' it pas ea
• .
Men Were first' found guilty of mur-
der, various "red" and! "sob-sister"ergenizations have, by threats and
petitions; kept the case in the court
and nttaertised it . throughout the
world. Labor.„ergartizations, influ-
enced by the anarchist element in
them have seat innumerable petitions
to•, the. state, governor, , mid to the
president ''oe: the U:nited States, in
the interests -Of these murderers: The
petitioners, of course knew. nothing.
and /cared' nothing, about the merits
ofa, the :case; The.' condemned men
were oltheir lend• -;•they were finer- ,
chists, who think .atl right to rob
or capitalists, and who Want to
gestroy existing governmente„'in or-
der that they may set ,up a. despot-
ism their Own, and that is all they
cared to knew, :It was a centes.t • be-
tweeanarchists, and Constituted au-
thority, '
The whole troulile could 'bevy been
avoided easily ',enougka If the law
were such that the, trial court would
he regarded' ,as tae body heat fitted
to render final judgment, the case
would have 'ended at once. Instead
-of-this, outsiders who did not .trou-
ble 'about facto; and who ter& no ac-
count of the ,eyidence, Were itssumed
to know more than the judge and the
jurors.,WhieLhearcILThe,..eviden __-
Judges and juries are not Perfect'
as a trial court, but our courts, 'such
as they are, are the .best .nieans'se
far. Contrived, to determine the hum;
cense Or or guilt of a person -.accused
and when when the finding of such a body • is
not regarded afinal, endless eonfue
slope is, hound to result.. :
The sante wretched ' proceeding
. .
which has brought United' States
comae into; contempt, is growing in
this country. : Men: foiled: guilty; of,
murder And condemned to be ,‘harged
-have the .sentence cominuted, to life
imprisonment, and criminals sentenc-
ed to ; long 'prison 'terms are : giver:
their liberty whey', half or less of the
term, has been served.. Little wonder
thet the Ceuntry,,is filled. With thlevee
and robbers who 'are prepared • to
kill, :
Ceotidge's announcement that
h will not he a candidate in 1928
has, raised a , regular hub -bub in
United: States "political circles; The
Democrats. who scarcely 'hoped to be
able to put forward a man' who could
defeat Coolidge have their hopes of
,victory restored, while the Repub;
half7dozeir oreMoreeap-.
Peer ready to be the party' candidate
The .great 'party nominating conven-
tions will be , held next simmer in
.June or July, followed :by the. elec-
tion early in. November. '
• The' president, although elected in
November, does not take. office anti]
*the 4th of 'Mitch following.
• A'.WILL,, •
• David Traill of Walkerton, } willed,
.$1,060 each 'to. his, nieces, 'alas.. Annie
,McWhirter of Toronto, • and.. Mrs"'
Margaret Peterson ; ,tellowlhg he be-
quest ,with the vairdi,l,alte'their only
son $1;000 on his beeeining of age:"
The executorswere r4Puzzled, te
knew whether it was the.erdy' son' of
Mrs. McWhirter or ;Uri. Peterson
that was Meante-or did the: son of
each of them take $1;060?
, Chief Justice' *Meredith holdthat
Johh/Traill McWhirter - does not get
91,000, but that the aon meant was
the Peterson boy..? ; James:, Petersoe
aierefore-. takes $1,060 under his.
grand -uncle's will. :
Each share (or) $1,000. will no
doubt increase to ,abetit ..$8,000 ,as the
ed among the heiks.,::' Owing to the
fact that Mrs. Annie McWhirter died
before Mr. David ;Trail, her own
share becornee mill and void. as there
was no provision in the will that ir
case :of her death it should descend tie
her children. Se taking the two un-
fortunate eirecinstances into consid-
eration, the McWhirter family, , alone
among the.'relatives of the late 'Darla
Traill, inherit nothing under the he -
quest„ Which was • certainly _contrary
to the -intention Of tbd,de?cased when
he made his
- Of-acoursa these conditions- might
he overcome; if :the rest Of the heirr
so decide, and 'would 'agree • amonre
themselves ' to see that Annie's chil-
dren got their deed mother's share
but so far 'we have 'heard of no ef-
forts beieg, made along these lines.
Braiitford Roll Roofing la "Woe
fear weights and qualitlek-The lithe -
*eight (35 a 'good' quality for,
tetoporary 'service; ' the.rnediein weight
(45 1b5.) fine quality:4*nd' *0 kesity
weight (ss lbs.) extr*,rine qaPtk. The
extra heavy weight (65 la NW- •-
•.';fine, quality -the moat ,afr,109,DE .1154
'substantial,yoU, buy,- • .•
lirentforelAoofing Co.. Litilitteil
airautford', Ontario, , • '
Stock Carried, Inferination 'Farniihed and Searles
on Brentford roofing rendered by
m. Murdie SITM Lucknow,
der of her life an aYing,for this, pier-
eets that her husband gave. her when
he was cderting her. His believestaose. ante nuptial Chocolates. ought
tosatisfy her sweet teeth for the:bal-
ance of her days.
51AINLY.. F()Ii. WOMEN •
. (Dorothy
A young ' won an ;Cs ' crititem-
alaina ask 8 me. if there are
by wjiich she
any signs and portentscan. tell befdreliand • Whet ',Sert , of:
1,11:10and: man will make.
am afraid net; daughter If If there
are any' .earmark3 of a goodhusband, I don't know thcan When a,
See them. The/ Scriptures have , set
down thatte serpent on a rock and the
ivaY of a man with a maid are taro•ol
.the unfortunate mysteries of,. the
world. And, if. this is 'true of lovers;
it goes double fer, 'htisbands. •
thicker -leaved and smoot er 'all seen the most ardent,
.. „—
form, tP Ryabergii
sWeethearts turn into -We Wtlagt,
poisonoue Properties. • • .‘ 'different of husbands. We 'have seen'
Pelson ivy is the worst vegetable a man break his neek to get
ipoison In America hundreds of and then acquire 't double cornloufld
constituents have not ,yet
poisonoUs ', poisoning, are' oaten 'reported where • who ' weal& sit' , ' up with thelr , s wee i ci.
'way, frena her. We .have- .seen ,iitlei:
been satisfactorila determined. Cases
the individual has ,paseed the ,plant "of: an evening until: the . v.ery 7 cicicic
' vilthout: coming. in contact with it.2
ttat.pollen grains, Minute hairs and .' . .. . . .,
tact. yawned in their 'faces • but who beat
it: aWay :.froili their 6Wii learthstond
This has been explained by - the fact
exhalations . from the -eliet are as. soon 'as they:apt:their dinner and
ssakillioc;leotift.,'Btuoocee.eputsibei:ruppetrisoonnscon, ilte soenr.te'slvot:„e7.1heroym.:IviohredirtyziyVagS..o,ha..il:::te. cork -
poison may even be- carried on tha • •'' .________ • '
,clothing or..tooIs of someone db. tail •iive:,hitire seen moil. who w.ro ,goond,,
heen • in ,' . contact with it, or It initythrifts in their' 'Courting- 'days,. *hese
.be tbat, as the effect .ef.,11te p01805• '... , , ., , . . •
'Wei not appear for •iioniii, time, -the purses snapped, automatically shut. at
,cceaston of pcnishig in 'Contact with It . thp• altar and *both their :wives , had
may have been quite forgotten , On to chloroform before' they Could ex -
the ether hand. many people 'handle, tract the price of anew dress • •
. . • ,
110T RUN
President Calvin Calyin Coblidge Of the
United States, sprung the' greatei4
politica :sensation ofthe year epee'
his party (the Republican) upon ,his
country and.. on the, world, hist ,
-% *Ken he anrtounced 'Tlhat he would
,not. be it-'eandidate for the 'presidency
•,heen trying to have a vacation out in
South, ,Dakota, and, little' was being
aid about epuhlcait caudidalesfoi
ee spre0aerita,'".!•It Was taken . for
raatea''.that• :Mr: Coolidge would rt.!
gain..be. the:, Republican candidate,
f and it vas ainost hit:wined' that . bo
Yoald Stleteeil 'himself as president.
, That ha cOtild be elected was taken'
for:.gtipitp(14. in. ho , opposing party
had o fertnidable 400Onent .develOped.
.S0 to his Party, riqdto the etnintry.
preeldent'is. bilet .pnouncomihtt
Hew, then, can a girl get ttline on., •
the •kind of a husband_ a 'Man is likely
to make. The best way Is to 'observe
, his attitude toward his:Mother • and
sisters, for this, repretients not only
Hi natural retictiene toward aiiireen
but the ideals that have been 'we'd in.':
him and the habits that have :beeri
gineeded in: hate °
Every man 18 What nature .made
aiini;.pluS whet his •mother has 'taught ,
him And, Jnothei's teaching: is ,„ thee'.
itirequently with no ill effect, •' •.
butdogs are Poisoned hy, it:- • . .
Cattle- lm eat . it withimpeeity,
,'Therefore,' vihen . peer • girl- tries
e . ' : •
to estimate the *husband...reaterial 10
Symptom'a• man she sininly -has no scales ir
Infistminatioa of the skin-begins:to 'ir•hieh to weigh she eialla'
„ . . .
appear ,from :eighteen tont-a to .ser- ''91i4,nitio.. will make' ese A. tender; :de -
area days 'after contamination, Odle' 'voted husband .ahd feed MY ..SOul on
Characterized by intense . irritation the 'aduitation that every Wornah de
and barning„. swelling and redness,, Sires, 'because 'ha*, 'is se Crazy, about
f011Owed by .blisters and pita:- Semis-
'ince• and epends•hours ine.,eVer
litons of internal poisoning are ;
Ing thirst; nausea, faintness. deliiihni and •OVer again how, Wonderful I e.
and convulsions. ' ' and • how Unlike all ether women and.
Remedy and Means�tOonktroL how. he worships .me. ,
. • • „ . •
may be 'bora with. an amiable dispel -Si- •
don, -a kind heart simpathetie
impulses, but if *Other brier;
hini. up to be :Selfish and overhearing
.• and., tyrannical and to have
opinion, of women, he will snake bed,
'----Many-remedies-baveleeri-suggeit=- --Par-2thai igataoing propaganda:
ed to allay this burning and irrita- Most men ' cut Out the softtalk on
tion, One of, the einialeit 'being the their wedding day and thereafter
agood-strengeyellow la'un —
Immediate washing of the Parts Eithepioriliwipliv:enbtao7t to f iitilsoemf7; to ,get
dry soap.' On. return from a day's
the.next., seasion of the .1,,egisiaL
lure, the .Ontario goaernineat, , it is
understood, Will bring in its long,
talked7Of *diey of cheaper. motor li-
ceese .markers and' higher gas tax,
The, niinistry ..has, given eonsid.erable
stud Y to the question of late, ,and
while still, undecided,it is said,,. as td
the reduction it can afford .to make in'
regard to the 'markers, is practically
agreed 'Upon 'giving the Present gaso-
line • in's posta. three,cent, booSti-, rre.
nier,Ferguson cOotentig-aticl he first,
serung the; contention •dualtig the last
"lection eampaign-that those, motor.
iSts Wbo pet the Ntnost-ont of the road
• amintehance,. Thegoeernment hopes,
it is ;understood, tallaire the new pol-
iq.iikle‘ctiVe With the beginning of
the iseal year 1928 Many detaitS'
have tb b worked out, including, it
.18 Said, the sliding, Seale arrangement
• of gas tat Under, Whtel), frPPki
operate, -Ptiblic tpinion, the ministry
feel, 1* no* pretty well' hehinit the
4, .1
outing where 'there was drawer. of • . "
meeting with poison ire, the liberal Nor is it any .iedication that,a -man
use of euch a' soap, 'night prevent will make a considerate and attentive,
much „suffering, a piece might evenhusband because before marriage he
be carried in the pocket. '
:rirl a good time and has put her
has spent time. and money giving a
An application of absorbent cotton,
saturated with a solution 'of common
.ostoo and pleasur.e4 before Phis own'
baking soda is simple and efficacious. ,
In the case of severe poisoning the Witness the fact' that -the man whe
aid of a physician should be obta Lied. helped his tweetheait over a twoe ch
ErsdieSting the ,Pest. ' g'utter stalks along ten" feet in front
Way; because :that: is • the • wav,
his mother
and he will treat . wifa. the 'same •
wc2Nrnoew; boy treats
Mother' has taught him' to treat ' ell •
as She has taught him 'to:treat her,
If his 'mother' has Made dairrintif
of herself for hirre he,wittravlia-t hi
feet on ,his: Wife., If his; meatier) basic'
been merely a ,servent for him, ifiske±:a
has cooked for aim, and washed for ”
him and picked ;up after- hini without
ever demanding .„ anything :for 'herself
rr making him help her with -4 the.- .
wOrk, he will expect hiswife to t,be
nothing : but an Unpaid drudge I hist.
mother has permitted him to .,:abtrise •
her and ",insult her, he will curse his !
Wife in his rages and think he has a
right to to speak to Jlers SS he would to
no other woman on earth
But if, on the .contrary, his matter
has taught him to look Up, to her and
to treat her with chiytilry, and ten,
dereess, he will make a gallant !mg.! ••
band who Fill alwaya, regard his wife
as a little freen; • . '
If his mother has taught him to
defer to her wishes,: to pay' her ',little
attentions, to' Mike her little.' pretiL
enta and give her little.treats, he will
make one of the thoughtful huabands
who •.pays his wife the .compliment
and shows her: the ...attentions' • and
courtesies that all women 'hanger for,
SO, observe 'whether a- young' 'man
refers, to his mother. or :not: ,,Nete
whether he ever takes her out eir"" not.
-ListStitto the tone-rif :voice In which
he speaks to her. 'See whether/- he -•
ties to save her ' work and. *orry. or; • ,
Whether he considers' her merely a
useful 'household utensil, If he leaves
her to do the :heaay werk, if he never
takes her to a show Wout in his car,
if he never makes her a 'present, if he
Sneers'at her opinions, dOn?t, marrY.
him. For, as he treats, his .Mother, .
he will treat his wife. „
-.1.t.s13,huet. is heififisapchpaernii ilingheto;smociate;.
teoUS tie1/4a considerate and tender and
Sympathetic, grab hiM' if you can,
• To properly eradicate this pest, the of his wife and lets her _pack tlfe ba,
Underground- root stalks -• intist bp- bi•and lug suitcase.
destroyed as well ad the flowering •
by eomeone who is immune' to the .
tops. Grubbing. out and burning it •
his sweetheart won't even take his
. -Also that the man who was alWaYS
hunting something ,to do to entertain
Pwitirilhoist tbhreins:,reosri elnaeutantise. sodawillwitifies atocaurmi9uOvsefaw:tthtohuati amiriTte . a• Amlas
kill' it... One pound of caustic
to two gallons of water has .been:
. ** ;ember her birthday ,and het taste'
1 courting a girl 'he cars always re.
found most effective. . . , girl to hovi
elopedia of PhysiCal;Culture .-- ,, eomes a perfect ank on these points,
on Page 2262, Vol, IV. of, his Eneiya but,, after marriage, his nicarnerry j)6.
liernarr MaeFadden.has this to say •
poison ivy and other polsonOus • Neither ean II
'. ''' bl • '
a man
plants named, conirnon in America,
is going to stand on the Money ques-
Owe their toxic Dowers to an oderless ,
transparent oil that is found' on the • Men bY the \way he acts e fore mai.
leaves. twigs' and bark and la riage4 Some of the most lavish lov.
uble in water: 'It ia classed amoog ers make the most tightWad, huSbandi
the irritant poisons. The person wilt) •
conies in contaet, With the growth,
suffer° frOmIcutaneous itchingoSW,e11-
Ror .hetreAts his, inotheri Wil
and many a wife spends the remain- .he treat his Wife. •
Ina and vesicular -eruption. In • ex-
treme eases there may be vanniting„,
cOtleky pains, feverand delirium. A•
potticin or the wholebody may be
affected -,by: the ,eruption. r .
A solution Of•
plied to the itching- skin, :neutralizing ,
the poison is recommended by the
U. S. Department of Agriculture alio
patient hbU1d fast while the attack
lasts.. -.The free -use, of alit. "thee*,
the drinking of large quarititieci of
water,- and Wet, pack sheets, are of
•eatee. Very, high, authorities valise
vouch for the,alairn that the,irritating
oil of poison ivy may ibe'remoyed in
Aye minutev.threugh scrubbing withbotwateraud soap.
,• •-•
' The bot 411001 1012.eli has coons Is
.!tIYJ 11 lot, the, 119,miols holp
• 4..i.t.
.•;„ , .ere „
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tvriu; fee Worm+
X.PhiP. roirifiitlis,
1.7.52A,Witle. range- .of'exdellPfireoars
nr s,, etiletee; PubliF Health and
Nursing, .. *• • ./
2 -New - buildings and 1hp-to-date „
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work in Physical helm, •
tion; a- chime° for every
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