HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-08-04, Page 3•
: i. ikiiiER IN .-.'.ANAD'A.P$ ' .DEBILITY
• - cAp . . ..
" l• . , TO.
. ,
wh.en, ,the ageteultural•"autheettlett
. „.. ,.. ., . . , • . • ,: • . INDIGESTION , ••
'.1414(leim.da Sete gut,. a •few years ago, to I •,, ' , ' .. ' ' .•
eeeeerege' the growth, Of the, ponittY I ,,,,,,* _ ' -"' ,„ "'77,„ ' "
' indusery, they decided WI ',ORO' a the. • reileCt.'.... Digestion.,.,,AicA,',
.., .
Arsi, eteete tee Petabileh 004.t.o.r' lees c°I4 e
n-lt. - .** Throu0h Itili,'Rett:B.1404'...' '
lidehee.:arateng petentealeleeseitee e• ee' ' ; * " . • ' ., .
the eluelity. of Caeacllext. potitrY: f)ro,r oi"here:',.es,n., be no perfect 'iligestiOA
. . , . _. , ,. ...,, . ,. . , ..
.Th.o :cianaqiatr,houseWite...ifSet4 :Alejege. yoki:haiie, ric4;.• red ,blood. yThls.
14 •regard • eggs , .WIth eeteepteiPiee. PA- .ik! .f,3o1Oat1ficO1y; true.- It Is allee'14%.,O.;,
honeewlvee' :ettile On :-1.* 'iMPala• 'Ctile:r thak,t4e1:0 'len& ton),,q, fee the ,Steneaelee
e cOentel'eee., • Tweliee ', • yeera, agne: the !thee, Is Dee .ii .:1,041,4 lor.• ,e,vbill other
,,pa•1a.0.1.an..rroatree 'Aelele.e.1lle;011' ,a4OPte 'eletrt: of 'the •bo4y.!' crlio...'ke:Yr t,114.,-i.te.-
4.: ' t411°Itrl; '''br 1n
gad, ' 'egg% ,..fail.o..;*"fh.o•':aonla.4 l'o. to,t4,10 1.10....
' ;wilieh:Ilre..Gbe•eyenient•Inadeeeifeetrere• :1)1004,'„:.... e• ' '': ;:''''' -... . • '• e e_.. ea. e''''' e
leeallY 4)ei'tii-kt. eftele.ef inappptioa fcri, ..qr.i'ynnoty., So-Called'.0tornt1c11,..0...P4
. exr,c,rt,,I.nd: interlireylnelal.,slifinriprit4,. nitis nictelY . try tdike$t• Ye:1414:: Wed
'., Ile .-ea' t: l'Ic.C*e so. aiPparent..44.,tbe,' tor. 'your: 1.16w. -'41110h.' bettor' it la:. t4,
'. 'e'eeo.r L tr4le,, ..a.Coei-tling. to .:One , 4t11-' tone, up' the 8 tOrria0i .S0 ,taat'it.v.10. 'do ........ , . ,, • ... - . LAUNCHED.'.
, . , . . . .. . . . .
otity; that. theebe t.t0'', •gr44*.T.f. Pan.a.7.. wl, , ow* vorli-,.:. as natine • ,. Intended. .Pa.,W, WHITE .8!eAll. LINER 1..APRENTIg ......
, . • gictii
i 14 t .8614 ". Ini• 49' l'on'ek:SfeeTheee is lin ;plop:pure, en eeting eredr-' TAO 14airi'entif,,Tri.cmillig te thy:White S.tait 1.4.ne;. wae la.,ren,C1e4,1, I:ken:0Y '
n 5 adeeen. higher ' Of,a11,vtil:01 geklted. feea: '10 le •,efie ypue stelnl,ell tilliffella,St,,aiie..eyeWell he, Cempleted.'eary T. in, ,iii, ,.'1:11.;ii,te'r ee.ftefj'W:ltiOltz•gPe.
.01.0a i•ast conific ti,tora.,:on,.. the .GleegeW•ratid yriiite' 'appetite 'encl ,eigene w
etioi)1 .. be ' 14,I. .8voji Medite.rra,nn ,va•"crtlirs,.. lNoc14 ,s,pring .slie . \\ 11 .7pnter7qte .
' ,iP:4rit.e.t•:' .':,'''' ' • ".:..' \!•,' .:... ':"."'' .' I t (1°,0 bq :110014 '7''''' ; :.:'''': '''' '' eati.a:diail. 'i.0:4,e'7617d,.e,teill.e.e.' tWeen• Ite.",e,e'Peol al.ij..1`,1611.ireS4.• '.11_111;s:Iiii.1.9,1:100! -...
. '•• -•••i : • •'' F -,kn .. • • , 1 . • • , - 'VII -' - I ' '1 ' ar • A1411141hy distin•c.tien, Or.i?e:pat..
•••pag•ilrottuattik,ifi' Canada ehas' 'in. • ef yo digostieei; in Wealt and your
,.''orc,!E.4. m0'61,01147. pt.nre,e :ilio:.•rkt.gtex:', svio04. - thin'. You • needethe . help Of pi,..... ,- ,. w!)t sillf,,! "w 0,4a0 Iva. t•o, pt . irja,,,,.t ,
Eit.g.tiildr 4 •. beeeene egen'Oil•';,iliVOit:Oloelee Wilhite:1p'. Pink., Pella,. tee enriCh': tine; '-trIle, .1ia1 0q.:6414113.111er 011 P.0.•'•$t; 1,,o-W'Slio..1.i.v410. .-P4.-701.114.V.O. 460/I -1464P7.
ilio. • mit :Ey. ,,bia,, thee Ceneelien 'een-''t Ipaeleand.re,sterer;trengthqn•ectlitiOu ti;i4ii, .t9-14 •.•1,c-00,...1,..§0110.i.s•.,•.i..0c.lqidng.• b41),IP;-'1010:181-':::'0010.'14tlil, tili''0, ,04 ..,
Su more are keeping, -Peep eirith preelec- ;Use care • in tho. eelectiee of your 1:00(1 atiderepoeteetreM OleereAetki irkdica.e that'ller acebtnrOdation. is 6110al, to ttiat .
'. "teen • t IleY eeve, indeed a114111011 tile eneyour ton 11 tr6trbia::•''"svill leeen in tbe Meet , modelle:hotel. • "'
. . .. .„
' (Mitt 1.K.ti4:ll OA .eAting :.411°I'e eggs 'ev6eep13eie '.ass-dy. • Mr, • 'Cierdem 0411(10,, .„;______,....._ ,,,,„.... .., .....„..._.„... ---,-
tillir.AA-tit-t,aaw#ora uiey...,ha•ve . the ehts• meeteine die for him? -jeep eays:-k14.,'. W., I -Til. TA. : E...
iiiwi th,.1 pee:Pee, Of Splgiure .Cr. of the Feteeliero,..Out.e.tells afol
•s leiwki what - -
. Tetra tell:Pen of ...Wielding " no •ineati;,egi,:' Ibinethhig "over a eear, eed .1 NItTO ;a ,,„ . SWISS
epee ke. Aecorilifig to 1 eeent4otati2t1ca,*!.gaioline • salesman „rwhen I wan taeen .... . . •
' ' .... Willie , tee' ea led:age censerner in the : reeen . I : felt 'Imre inieerSble. 404 e.,198t .:':•44V frtend of . 'fitnelent ' dee's in ger- •leilgtu revelationof .the, ineamlearaele
.. Clete(' 'Stdies ,.is ',„gatini . 207 egge. 'Pee! tereleO: lx3endsTrW eeeighte' I edid not many; a S.Wiee -6f Alia. viktog kywi, , Ma:40401m. --oeoffl..ey , wintilrop
• aniorin, ane . hi leelgiune2heeeo
13, tn-I .sleea
le well nd craiid not eat as I e0414 brought: me; by Way of .a.,pilgTimage °ling; p..,"On'Iligh•:Hills •MemerieS of.
. % - • • •
-",-"etitnTition'.e:f*g-g-Ftyrco-irds:--e-stalstistr-i-stargely-retain;-.anYthing-lu „rhy,,L0.0.41.7_._thitOgtv__Sthe-.13ayarign hignlande; •to • the .A.1130.." ... ' .. .:- • . . .,-.. •.• .. 2 . , .
rederd. last iear et 337, or 'Yore': aeh- t .went to a local' *doator ,.whil: pl,sg the 'winter Months • with, ,his,leine- ,e, , . -.-e--eee-e-e-..e e.
• twee o 11 a • egg.. daily threughetit., theetold uie ;the felines er., the geii IIP'd 'gotr. folk. 41e • nppeneelledland". • Frage' (:15t. NO:BETTER MEDICIN
. , 1 ..___
, Yetii7 for Otity one, of ;Cenada'S 9,399,-. I into , ray. vystairt-,' ' Ile .ga.Ve me pop* tae 10 farmeeee Wandered over. the . : -- . • ' ' •
e• 000 inliebteelets. 'Great,. Britein'e . e'en- enaediciee* and told Inc I had leeeelei'go''snOW, made Welcome evefyytere bY •'' ' ' "e ' ' '' '
.sumr.tfcm, during. „the :0410 year .. is to ...teee• eelieteYerer 4. Phalle& or are- ... the warm-hearted,- seelustceted peas- • FOR T. :N
.. ,, , . . . , .
...0,..„,,,l-zo eg..gs.per -spit's.;:iiiiiiib-i,s1--did-' se, n. -011t T. ,s Jet,',.ret16.s.s1 131i1 antry. ..:PrOfeSsOrS;jeleiiiiielariee, • lee&
probeele niece. And alwals at the
eed. of :the ealleyeereserving- ifs.. dra-
niatic 'eniey .for the• Inst. ,second and
Cliff corner, eomes .the stiadee, full-
.. .
. ahead .of .N.O.rwaY,. $weden,..a'nd ejeeeel'.'gregeernaed lead psi .ainbition, : Qle •tebe..Ms.ke're end sitalivaet.. children, during , .
,maric., butewnichele leehinh ..:both'..Gere',1 advice of a teiend..I decided" ib'' teY' De- ;the . Stimnier Menthe a lair. ef ' eaeh elyi.,t.t, Thousans , of Mothers
' Iwilly a rea Feeneet ''' '. :' ..,. ' ". • 1 Willie:Wee ,Pinhe terrlie' • T I had not ben
e, `fe.mily was ' diepereed, in, -valet:Ms eavie, AS.
.." e
a elie remarkable' growth of 'the: poee I takine, elle: p111,6' long .h.efees r' m'a In!!: ..eittione ' teeree,.:three-•qqUatters...4 a•i'',SaY of Babyls °Wei TablOeB.'
.,try indaetryes being advertised to theegiIInilig to "rest ' better,, and ter :e4t.. epee ".tietil theyeeetUrnecl :eyeeee Winter . ., ' • . . 'fr• ..., . • ' •,,' • ...
:world tiext jeolith ,at the. ; World's fairlyenvelle lekept on4a.ltlitig tile Pals to ,the-heedy' lifeef 'the cottage' greupe , eek. inedicinfe'eeethe 'baby Oreg.rieWing
. . , eeeneee .ereateenea.,___chne that he , thee% ean-feet
. • - • , _
r?.oillteY .: Pengeeee• in.. getteWa: • Over Until at "the'..end of Jbe Seventh: 130C '"to ' breathe atoe,
. • foity coiniteiee ,cee takingepanetine'theeneltneiv-n-did.u6t_needeneyernoreereeeekleciiferacT.777. , e .. " "' • ,e; • aeetired • ie absolutely 'sate es, well are
0iree'ei•-7e. „ 7ileer-- v. 1114.h ate ..sendeng .hadegained :the 'Weight I h.ad loee, slept ' ,'• .'Threugle', the : 'elieningne Wel •Sa( by 'oill, cnt,-,--ts. toUnd. in Babele" Own Tali -
national exhibits -Pi nee birds.- Vele viall and ,c6i1ict:,eat aeything... 1,,,have leg, fires, the welneh' heeeeeealtrieg nett , ,the .Tablets a
. ire :prised. by.
, • . tete. .. .
.- - 'qua ..'..eal:11;..tion are being: fent ....tiorn: Sinee had "e0e41d1d :health apd, eaneeenee„ 1I int.. .the Men i•eler,Ying of fdlieg,. tfuensands, of, Mo'ettere till eughout the.
., Incliin aa pee tile ,.0.ther, elegant : 'wads: :etty too 'meth , in.,prelse of Dr. .\'i1. eueleeoften-e-ali,.singinge One feefival eetintreee '. Tease eMotherehave foune.
'.-e-Plieco'speeeeienwrthee.ngeeaf'alelegates-e; liaanL.e.bilt Pill "-• . w---e-.--tr-an-,e,..ed .or leigheedat ,bY ettat eelee.len:eeee that 'thero. Is 410
tteeccragess Waemeee,epeeeeeeyea can get eeeelMe fronneniWeifec,roetotytoll,otherAnelieine-eerelttleceeeeeeneeeeee
. •
• Of. e,OGO, it.:ls-...eStirnated. • They are Medicine 'cicialer or by inailat..pi-.) -04,.. .,,,, • il*a• 'infoa%.• hills, to 'Watch ;pagan , ehem. Once a mother has ,used. thent
' JOU l'il eying:: to. 0anitda' trete e4.ere Can, a . box frOin The Tee, eWilltalfeee 'Medi-
, bonfliesidaring . fed •OVet,' the .',frozen' fol.'. her, 'Children .she.-evill uee nothing
phe. 'Concerning tbera• IYIrs....': Charles,
eiheritee• A greet -.nelgeherly • - repr.e- eine Co;;s1IrOcilvillec Ont. ' hilisides;: :sintlalw,a.yre-72.0.1i ..singing..
Creek tttritithy-fit.olir fitten.elertted -States'..," la, . : • • Tbe ',women, thele, eeeneeed -.Cent:retitle ..Hutt Tannoolf "Islanele •N:Se "'evrteee
Bostock :
. . . notes..droppiti,g.'.,tlifougli the,' told, -.air -!!1.. ha.ve--;tenechildrene•the-,•baey: being.
, “wie itilddrie Nugein,*:'tOsSeci, the ,song 'first six' mOnths 'old,' ' '• e: 'heed used
Use •Your Head • •
When. young() supon• 'a" job; e.'
Always. try to' use your. lenob
It 'will:follow 7s.nywhere;-
Undorgronnfl, or' in. teeeaera-
,Suinlay, leetidae, every day,
When 'yetere., pad Or when you're
"AllIt''it-wgniitiYes'dad 've yfortie (Lulu eu, natt
It. eosts eelieiut dollar e head to 'get
eqople out for ,a "Spontaneous" D -6,014 -
tar demonatratioa: •
Maybe it's.' called Cenamericenient
because. it's the.tinie :tlie graduates
•eorarneece to ' find out how Mae- they
foreesiee, including delegitee from the
Leicia and forwerd between the; eleiehe BabY's' .Tabletsfor theM.far the'
. Various • nation -Witte eegainzatiens ,e4t
ost k creek, Which ertbetery ;
• . to tlie • Illecillee ae rives ne. latish 1
downsauntering- train. while past 20 years, 1311(1 can trfitlifulle say.
. •
' • • ••• ' • Colum irte is married after Sentor
the roen -accompanied them ou a surf- ' that.' know 01:1 10 hpfter i,flealepie, for
which are 'affiliated' withatein. noultry. • • 7 • ) .', • t .• • 733.., • • ' • "
lnthlsLl ' eGSSfill handling.. of exhibiticine, .• Hewitt . Postock,. who eeteeed ',the
mem. beat Of jodeilielee entleetotie. :olees, • I, alwayte, keep e box' of
Canada has e reputation fon tee sue.' e
°Marts :is eheleg. „seared :to 'make the No 116.'lls!' Qt. '°°111n16O11:.!iliciesus 4800 as '..e.e0epeseaphic Or again few • of ne.WOu_yf 'walk the. Tablets ..ehe. ,Initise.. and Worilde
bee; and all' al'itellt .•ae'rose.• the white feet:Ole,' advise all 'other nineliees to 'do...one.. '
'best'tea you can buy" -picked on.
, , . ,
ee clays"old,,L,,jnicy; flavor- e, lpaves.
Now pa.clred,in. Alurninum.
, •
eeee, Dear! eee
She., was stillerether neW.'at,drlvingt
car and, Et' little bit.Fontusccr in teaf-
fle".Down .EletetawaY ilie.,,feegOt • to
Stop Soon enough •the apd,
Shot out: Into-. the 'Middle of ;the
ritreet. •., ••• e'es " • •
Popeeqesey the traftee'e officer., bor,e
doWn•upkn' her.
'",bidnt. yen' ,,See 'Crie ' liold •ep•• tny,
hand he, shouted ,flercely,
The e•eelprit gasped . a brea:tble4;
eleidn't.you;knowethe't When held
up my hand it meant -Stop? • •
"No,: sir; I'M jinie school teacher,".
tihe geld In a .tineid, monselike voice,
'eine when yeti. raised, your hand I
,tlioughteyon wanted ,to ask a ques:
time." . •
-The Evolutionofthe Man:
e .beeheaour thoughts ,ancl. We -reap
wi).,s6* our flattens, and we 'reap our
We SOW our 110,37,'6 • and we reepe our
ehaiaeer,a; .• • , •
We Bow ourcharecterseand we reap
' our•destiny.. e • ' • '
. • • .
'Wheie one considers the Minektr .
Perseete Who are always .going nea,
visit, -14 Seeing, neraettiona that aneotie
ever is at 'borne Icing enough to enter-.
• • • . • ,
ealneall the guest's. ' • '
.• o• . -
shoileed • the Perspiring . gentlemanin
the 'telephone booeh • 4.: • ,"
n"Two, two, two, two?" repeated the
voice with the "smile. "
eeNeve, :eseeheree7oufid' lady," - came
back .• the ciketeperated one, "you 'Just
get iny number. ' and, you will 'plee
cleeaechoce seine other :time.", • • •
• ;' Thy This on our Plano., s
Song. Hit ---She "Wee ' an Organist's
pauglieer' and 'I' Had to . kake Het
Pine Pawn... •
, international- exhibitioe of poultry Boardeee cahedee • a talking Indiseriminately in. three -glan-
traetive. Incidentally; a' eeecial .tour . • •
eguagee., or fredgirig wordless and • cell-
ecrese Cetiada is bele& terrenge , from
. eeee"tpnt while the • frosty. stars cut like
• • •
Baby's Own Tablets are ,sold, by all.
medicine dealers or ,•will , be Mailed
uPoe receipt of prfee," 26. 'eenta per
hex; • by The Dr .1' Williams' Medicine
'Brockville Ont
Hellfax. to Vaneouver endhack, te give
dolegat'es. a.pPortimitY or seeing sWords between :the black fir-bratich:
. . .es above, the meow, • and again. 'and
eonee of eroductiere -re-
sourceS. The Vothee POultrY ••Cpee
again black -beards' and gokebetirds •
. chorus.- , • ' 2,:e.""-e-'-'-'neee'n
marleible greeeth •Of the p•oieltryeladus-
, ,e Swiett N77allers like the Swig
er,s sealed' help te, advertiee the 310-
n .3 Days',T . al would. • sheut-- uneepeetedly into a
try in cent years, as well as to stime -'---
.illate the interest of preduceee in the people, are Only discoverable,.en other
erintinuotes and iikleed inereeeing ini-• than plc summer nioiaths oe tourist
. . . ,
,. er,oeretnene of ehoe industry.e-Editorial traffic. , Tee Kennett valley,' as we
. . . ,
•• in Christian Science Morale:re.' ' ' may see It in August,' has little' dearth.'
el its eerne I was puzzled, • When: at
, .
- ,L.,Lititig Trout in LoW Water: last ,-,1. i-entured to visit this inneenipst
.. •e ,
• Noii.Brealtable.
Clear VIsien
• . .
yOu a 'younger and Yet mare'
„ diitingulsited appearance.
'earictuare sacred to ethe, enempty. Of
Usually elle dry fly is:one kest bet ihe firse:Momitaineering prephets,. to
Built . for "Strength, Cotnfort,
'light' as a feather, ' with snicoth; hand --
polished noSe bridke and, gracefully. 1.
.eurved• temple bows that eanhot.eUt the
inost tender nese.. or -ears. ../1 • work Of, •
heaut.' and a delight for . .wearer:
Sena'', No. 1Vieb.:ey Perfect .
SatafactIon•Guarantet c.'
. . . .
Le't tne seed 'you on, litt nays! Trial my
famous "Crown"' spectacles. ,Wkii enable .
you 'to the smallest print, thread
the' finest tiehdle, see fur or •neer. If you,
.are not arrutzeri and delighted, if you dp
not. WOK. mY spectacles:- at. onty $3,1111,.•
equal to those sow elsewhere, at .$15,00,
•send them back. won7t loke.a cane
.You are te be the sole 'judge. Hunclreds.•
" of thousands IOW tn ,fete everywhere.
Bkautlful oaSe ineltided FREE. Jrist.send •
• your name. address 'and . age on the hou-•
pow °CUM 1 will aNs's 4.1, 'YOU ,1.1V .1,10 •
get a yell' fokyourself without cast. Cut
Aro went NOltroN . ODA •• '
• CrO:,tit Spectacle Co., Dot. 'W
GO l'icht W.,,Toronzo, Ont.
. •
( • 1 want tri try ,your speetarleS' for St1
daes, eras places me 'tinder no•
.tion,• 'Also please' tell me tow •to. get .a :t
'pair to'r myself
. • •
at this time. of 45444, 5514W41 the•Water Is •apeeptit fOr• tlieir erithiisiestie love et
eery:likely to be IOW :and. clear, and
e. as a geiierel. yule tweleee Or erairteens ' tht its dusty gorge.. warm-senelling path
and in „seine .cese.e enieller ilies"ere . . •
' and speree :„ exhausted coners: „
one •Winter, eeiscoeered it Singe
ethe: thing to' USC. IS ,ope thing• then 'I' heee \been •up oe. down it in
tbest ie'abeoltitele neee.sea re tied that
. . , .
. g.vementlibue one of the Year; and
'.' ie. a 'fine leader; on cast; tapereing"frenr I hardly; know its equal , for. • 'vereab le
,. .
.01Ie to .07,4 Ile .sere that, th.e hooka
• • eloveleiese.,,. In autumn, • beilliant .yeith
on. your . flies aro •exceeeingty. sharp,
,. ' eoiored; foliaee, ' ,with aeW. ' on ',erost.
'1)e.ric colored, dey'• fly leiaile.rs • are the. ..
. "beet ' when it conr:.o., to, getting rises..
• , . . sparkling in gems of light froin twig,
? spring, when' 'the . fush ' k the mount:
loss' elear water eliew .thal Ordiearily, Lille sap is relnieet aa Audible as the.
fereireClei tied,, delecte 16okins files, ! eteeate-bubble from the melting snow,
wc;rk- far beiter than the nicil;..-0 bulky lender .Wiriter'. snaws, when the tip-
- -one.S. • ..,, . • .. i right crags arid sliding spits of scree.
e • ' aiid" forest are fighting .forlornle ,te'
", Sr ern a litele 1484 oiling the differ,• •
elle • thorn. In the grciei oetbreelt of
As te'llie, dry fliee,, exeetlinetit4.. Ore
. enoulder off', an accuniulating Weight
ent tete in ymn- 'kit and ;then, place
'them in a• glase wntcr tei See bow ' of, 'silence. Whateeer ;month, and
. they' leek... It IS interesting to eote
• wbetever evey we chooee, by eleigh. or'
g• -:Ott. deluge that the oil meke by the ice-sxmithered .raillkay track,
out : .--71E1S5 W6Y. breeds, leeee Age always `above in the lengthening
br the ,shorteriing hours of 'eutilight
,• flees end one w fled that ireirig Nein
' enebrain, iney of Wlach will Worle
• ea 1 1 rei. the pereetti, ‚Brown and gray
f '
Street and •No.
, Box No, R
lwe glifneses of 'fantastic glaciers
,out. of .cloucleand and ef white
kieo the tWO colors mait generally used, peaks balanced Uneceoulitably in
ketleough I have,found a gi.nger painier, •
. ,
w itir pinit and ..tinscl !ghody,, yer) GIXOC7'
tiv .!,.. ''1.1.,.,..Oriinge ileli'lieeele Wee Ito Ids ,
a v c r,y Caae epee enemy, lieer t* e sp eel all y •
, wl o! ft eel:Da-to fishing- far 'natives,
,. Ties .flel le, tied evitali,,a fUrnece h&c -isle .,
(bight), iiil, 1;ackto' biing piikeed• flQ/1) -"
- ..the C•yp,•di Elie hook. The boil S '
."terefeee• 'Weh a gold rib a li d eerfeetly. ;
' peel ii„ e.• Ray elsegireen in ' , Ilu etleg. and "
Fishing, lViagal,fria,, . ; ,, ; . . • 1 ,
' .64----"---4----,...:‘,.....--........,....:...--
,-. Lt -------7:-----1..--, - .
100-Y6'0'4)/d-2o : .Pat rot
Lays Em..1
Egg: .... .
. , . . .1
.. LOntlene-Aemeithtly lieritelted by at '
fondants' 0\1 4.1 With ,What cor- •.
( •
,reeleini(leaelo, a Monleeyelate} cpera-
tient Old.: elle; feeifine abet eetrete !eel
an 'egg" on lle 100th birthday, ',: • ' . ,,
. , 0,14,1ne1 V,,,,tis"christened yetiirS;age he-
t• fofe her eve wes enoWne , -.'.e. • , ...' ..
She' 'exhibited no 'elireilse at :the
etedeleitercerappeple after Yearg. of herr ,
: bviefeetelie :. eicteseletee-, '•," but - seemed
•,"---;.Pionti-4_,IxIL,;t0t. ' ' • ‘ -
• ,
,•SliciStio' tcale. , .
prom a forafgn, paper cOria-trge'
ttary :tho't -,,,an- . American publisher ,
'cabled tn Dean -Inge: "Will you write- • ''..
• yoor • 'life? Offer" - two thousand 4
,. poulidif,,U The -,:e.efin ceeled beck, de- t
ellinng tee After. The poiiliSlidt thee le
4.., eebleae.• ,,e}ry„ilL,./6,11 . write lite at
cb OA t lAswer` !0'1 M8,, . Of eeinikete,"-ee'
ikiston nettle. eieee • •
i telk4 '
pleAk1 r,i-1,,,, e
4, jto..,
44' Oe ee ie
`eke I re
Ilettylitzz-stars in. gtreen. conigdy
. . , .
. ,. . ,
.....i , .
Far spray clears your home of flies and mos-
spliitQpS. It also hills bed bugs, roaches, ants,
. and their eggs. ,,Fatal to insects but harmless to
' mankind. Will not stale. Get Flit today. ,
• Distribtsted is:anode; biFeed..I. Whitlow & Co.; Limited, Torma
, . . • • ,
Elies Mosquitoes`Motiscralfg1:Antsled Bags Roachewiib1;a,
. -
o :Backward.
l'elose that .spripg is hero I eupppse
you and John will soon bemarryingr
Bos top, Much. like .spring .for that,
I. fear."
teat?" f•
••eSo: beekward.e
. •
Public! Ownership: in Canada
. . .
It 'will be reelieed that the ."Pepple,
of Canada are aoitely allie to ;thy
virtues;of State OwnorShi'p.:of, eartain
ledustriese -Operations along Ibis line
ire :bedomi lig more pronounced , from
Year, to year. A country' Olaf can
show vast railway end etetiniship sea-
po..seS, great: hydrcirell,ectric,,indit.stries,
motion pleture enterprises;" 'coal, min
'Mg, paternalism, Wholesale, and retail
etc.,.a11. under the 'negia:
of rgileral Mee Peevincial Governments
• •
, • . .
Mosenitoefi ' might livelonger if
they didn't present their bills personally
. '• • • •
Classified Advertisements
Perti3Oulais .0,1)ply .0onnaught
boiatorlok, VniverOitr of Teronee. . • ,
GE NTs, 'EttrHpil: •SEX- 175
EAeleeeenirig. PALCQ,,,
or,E,41NE118. • Sells on IlernotiStrirtion,'
Cletene ,everetelng lIke MAGIC. Re4 '
Alai:woe'tkr )74thont injury: 14 paint. *ree '
`Samples. •:• P. ,;A:. /4EPE4y1113).. &
..xlexatdria". Oot, '• • ' • '
Drat •Thoseefeptireleein•
'M., Ce Phillips' returned from .the
convention of undertekera at Teeticiena
'•entleusedwith the preepeets for a re- ;
Ord, crop:in' Washington 'this ' 'ear(Wash) .pepeite ,
Minaed'e Liniment for Insect bites.
. . • There -Is .No More. ,• • •
. • • . •
'• The steamer was just leaving the
pier when -La.„ than _kirehetrdiP24-irdifall'Ont-:,
ed:;;LI:lolst,cleaeoin:r:eidieou,cteket.dca. :tAnce7:40i7.0:
is a Party. of fifty 'coining abeard,".
. ,
and the
t party! the eero, d,oe
"Where'S the
'1 m that.party!. V11, •juE4 flfty.'•to-
geniarletilleMari4toolte ellen."
tits customer- Yes it does but • it
as a faint flavor of milk.• -
-gave Good Ilitir
iid ,Clean SaIp
Work .WOnders..
--Try .0
Tette .caue of cancer and what to do
for .pain, bleeding; odor, etc. Write for •
iteeo day, meetionitee this. paper. Ad -
Ones indianaetplie ' Cancer Hospital
Indierapolis; Ind., .
Preveniently chance Of iefection
by usingaM tnerd'seeeleeaisealso.-'
Two classes. ofepeoele have fires.
.Thosie seho have no,,inpuinnee, . and
those eveo ere Realties:I by the neigh--
.,bere, of •buening, it foie.the insurance,
. .
• Salyetiort is. free and a lot of "stingy
;chtireh membere think the •Preaeheree,
sereicee . ought .0...be tee.
. • ,
No Friend, of .0erse
'E'en a Mosquito, vie •suleposee
May .count his ,"friends; 'though by
• "the ininhee •'• • • ...1
This.. -fact .were •free, thou,gh. • to disz..-
• .
That eee'reaegin
'Lots epf ..a.ro' pretty' good all
afeund,elf you ',take eleieee. that. Way!
She was as ,:neffied RS! a fence- ger,
We imagine that most folles who
eead thig column dolt with the hope
, .
fleet It won't be tiresome every day.
"Weeell 7a nein tens yote he,. tan 'do
sonietliing whfch yon bave• been ern-
‘ene to do yourself and ,catet, Put b.cm
viceS, aeroPhines, for ecimihercialepur- on a commission bases. '
, •
Oppoetuaity ' often ,,maequeradee
a hare job,
Potatoes ,are geld to grow •Wfld .in
e-euch 41 country is seeely on the reed, Chileft' is the prices, v however,
to State coetrpl of. certein industrlee;" which reit ivild in Allis countree-
whether it knows it or not. .1.3"ut this
progress intik Met eenfeueded evith Cleuse--e'Were yen ever gassed?" .
,e,ociailera ea we" enuteretand it eln Yos b111 'I buy what
Ee • • .rppean epuutr• . r, ee. Teen is no room 1110 . fellow was teying eell rne." .
al: all for 500113115131 of thet kind • f I
anyAinerican "•Con...1 NeYee'trY to
tinen.t, While Comlimnisen scarce',' het;. or 11.0#1,-
IY 410Y ,eiPPorters ale in Canada.] MIeeirce
'The &tate central I, heVe iralleated is Keep'
merely the .pperatien Of certain, 111111
'Ode 'Phial. the Federal, and peovineral
"Goeereneente• of the, DOminien • ere
hiss ,6 eirl; either kiss
. • •
Liniment' neat ae hand.
Research in Canada. .14? -dAnt.da: (Lib) e It. irate' Pe tru
undertaking 'for elle geneitl welfare .
t One' of ettr danadienneltereleiee
-Eeernot freni 'The •Econenest, Len, Wes "bleed, •einitighe Mee early da
• . .
" Ca iadaes •deeelopteeti, ',.to ieftee the
G111111, ,40*PtOr
Afirestone. C'ontributzon
to: Economical Travel
The irOnteet. enemy 'to tire life is
not the chopped -up road, the broken
pavementorharshgrind of rough •
'• city streets -but hese, which 12 created,
by internal:friaione Heat not only'
• weakens thelabeic, but also softens the
the rubber and„ causes• blowoutsand
, •
leliestiene chemists. and erigieeers- knew
:that if they could find a way:U..? elim-
inate this deetniciive heat and internal
friction, the mileage -giving qualities Of
tires 'would be giehtly ipereetstile Such
• a method Was found and calledegum;
Dippinge! n • •
TheGum-Dipping process Is One of .
Firestone's contributions to economical .
travel -in insulates and impregnates
' every fiberof every cord with rubber,
reducinginternal friction and at the. , •
same time binding the Cords together %
' •
by• a stronger union Of : rubber, thus
giving greeter strength and flexibility
....Firestone dealers everywhere -familiar
withedum-Dipping and ifs advantages
,e -will gladly explain how thousands of •
,,. extra inilee are, built into Firestone
tire's by this exeltisiye reethdde Take,
, advantage of the 'OutneDipping procese
tolower yoUr, tire costs this year.
., -- - • • . e , __. • to . •
: . Hamilton, Ontario
1... MOST MILES PER DOL!..* . .
. . ..
Firestone puilds the Ortlyeouth.+pipped Tires
ttaiva Weniiii Made Strong, by
• VegetableCompound
a ;Ottawa; Ontario. -"I was terribly' •
run-down after birte of 'iny third
*thee' Hied awful beating-downpain4
and afraid had serious trouble.
1 was tired all 1110 time and hail, he ,
My.sister-in-law is t eking. ,
Lydia. E. Pinkhaints Vegetable Corti:4
pound , arid Cannot praise lt :too highly:'
.and asle:e.I•nie to try it. I have •had •
Splendid results and feel fine all the
time now. Any Ope weep needs •
thorough pielc-xne-np k,on: learn;:
,feem' me -what to teke;
PAQUIN, 312 Cuinberland .;.7;treet;OJ
lawa, Ontario.' -. . •
eta/nil:toe, Ont. --"After my baby
was bone I had terrible backache and
headache.' I could not do rriy,work and
. felt -tit -ea fiern the first niinute I got
But worst of all evere the pains
in me -1314108 when Ienoved about.,
had to sit or lie eiiven for a while af-
terwards. I could keep My house in-
. orden.hutenany things had to go un-
done at the time, because rny ail-
ments.• I was. told by a neig o
take' Lydia E. 'Piakham's Vegetable
Cempeund, tie she seta. it would bad, ,
'me lip. Was relieved befere I heel
taken, the first we bought and belie
net had any trouble like it since,"- ;
Mrs; 'I'. MArtELE, 60 Burton Street,l ,
Hamilton,: Ontario. . • • a
.111.on, 11/6/27.
Irilaikatha From Vermont
The Sioux hulking, ettmoUS for .rete
ceitee, think' of linitiattng' tire, .Oreat
White Father, President Coolidge, int
to their f,i ibe T1LO ,-cerpniony may
,run ahOnt aafollows f ,
- Chi1:e-Y.(416W Retie e'How .dpe
Smoke. e few?. 'Me, too .,e' ,,Nper you
. brantinew tflir •:'•Sioax, Ilutrob e •
-'The Vresitient-e--eteAll a'athetingle?,
,sereices of Heixtee a ed Tyndal, but wo,
ttite loft that. epech of erevintia,liern
far behind 11S •and - the Federal goer ern-
'rneent end prOrifIC#Il goyeenieents ' ass
Well ite":erivate 7 conepantea nosseedees
S end large '-unis on ficientiec ecleice-
t On and reeeareli of lel kindse . ' • -:, '
• a Aeelx,Per. ,
' The, .21110.11 girl Was eiceetztotned to
ethe etafie 'eof diet ,father who was an
: I
Titanic " yotee • .`4dInn- York entlittS'istaV l'elfeeeiend naturally ee-
' •
7,,,..,4„.....„,,,,,,,,.,„,„ . ,•.,
' 'l ' •
ciNlrnaisr,ee.'d7dceimanOf thette„r,ms p.,e,culiar _to
nOtethat 141 actlOatagholttiaroleo of 1344.1015
,niiv,riauni Tzt,, ,yoli,tak,asbe flei ter pereit by aetheeking • e;,
the fora ringg, 'Watches iitUt •other g''''OY: "'"ttlithr' 1"
frioltetee Priebner---"Yee, id., Meriting', and 1 find' It talcs. b:tes
Membered that moneY incite dere t m4°1 the' greell'" ' *
brsag h6pptuets.P. •
s ISSUE. i4e..8e-'27.
,4 -
Proved safe 13'y prescribed by physicianSfor
, •
Colds Headache ..171eadA6tie'‘,Neurltis. . Lumbago
Patti, ' i\IeutOgia. • Toothachell,
,Accept "8ave.r" paekatt”,
proven direetions.-x--•
Ranee. "'Bayer" :ltekee Of '.1 tithletet
•'',&180'.'bOttlett of 24, aed 100,e-Dreiggist13e-
Atierrift to the trii4er aunt ,(rOitistOrett In .0a044a) at Neer llistnifsel WV Of MOtioltdetiCt
Illadei4e Or Saitolteackt, (Acetyl sidleitte Acid, 0.4„, 8, A ,t•4,. while it is wen ktitm, •,
that Aipiria tataaa tayot merearcture, to aotist the publit;•ekitteat '.esItsthins; tbe YAbleta
Of Mpg Coln omit; VIIIbe etartiatki with ewe went reale eiekea 1114 IWO Ceeee."
V .