HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-08-04, Page 10. 1200.PER,YEAAt IN ADVAttiaa; oLs. .EUCKNOW. ONT., THUODAY AUGUST 4th, 199'7. SINGLE COPIES 5 .CENTS • • " • • " ^ , • " •; , • • • . PROFESSIONAL OP"; OP"; , • . • , . , . . . • ' • Dr., W. M. Coulee!' • Physician -and Surgeon 1.3(.).-r.3.;39 • • .,, Phone 86'. " 1DENtrIST • Dr. MacLeod wiU visit „Latinism, 'vett Tuesday. ; DO'• ' 0010. ; • • •I• • . , . , z. DENTIST- • Dr., R. L. ' Treleaven, Luckiest:— Chris, Decker's S tor e; ExtraetiOn elthee .by gas or local. " Will be. in DunOnnen every -Thuriday. . nape 50. DENTIST Call Dr. Newton • Make ailpointsfient- •In office' everyday. 0-0 o „0 0 0.--0-070..-0-4 • • IIVRRYBODY'S COLUMN. 0 A. Biddle% Lucknowe -e•Brelter and RealEstate.--Money to lend O. test mortgages on farm proper - 'ties at 8 and 0% per tent according to security offered. Also small :amounts on second mortgages, on term properties and, on 'personal' !Lots'. A few good. Janne for sale. WALL PAPER ' •, // ' /My stock of Well Paper.i1 com- plete for .1927.• Prices from 13c. PP, I Tiiiiirahro--agent-for--leading2jeb_houses, 't-riL11.--Cemeronie.--Decorator, Ond Grainer, 'Box 174, LUcknow.• • • • For .Bale ---A number of window • tid storm sash 'with glass in thorn. Apply to D. C. 'rektor: • • Hous.•For Sale—Frame residence rooms, hard water, garden, •good, table.—Applyr to David Mead Or Mrs. 'Jae. Burns, north of the eta. 'tion. . • •' (23-6-tf) GARDEN LAND FOR SALE 15 .iteree, .north Of C.N.A. station w—in good state Of etiftiva. tin, imitable' for • poultry or market' Arden., There is on the land a dwell sig.house and small, barn,. apple or. hard .and berries. , Apply on the remises. -11.. IBloom, Lueknowe 4,11. (11-8-p) 4. ciiri-L. • . . • • • • • L. 0 0 • 0 0 1 0 0 111 • • .44r0o'Ayeat' •0. sek•llith Misr Murray of Paramount..• ..,Misses Mande.' and Dorothy Cooke spent the in HinItiVorl ' , MiseAllan. Tainer *hilted at the ,home of Rev. and Mrs, Elcoble;. grave,' on • TissdaY;,‘ ' `,., • - .1drie B. Brown of. Detroit,. *pent 'the ireek,endl•at the hoeie of Ws.- E. A. MacKenzie. • .,. Mr. Reg. Stdidey of Hamilton, spent . the holiday with hii brother: Mr. , Fred Stanley. : This (Thursday,. Aug. 4th) is the last day et grace, for those requiring motor- driver's permits. , Reed Whitby has returned. to To- ronto,, after 'spending twO weeks'. Ira - cation With her parents here:, TENDERS FOR •PAINTING • Tenders will be received by the un - reigned up to. 6 . o'clock p.rn. on Au- lt 10'? 1927, for painting School ouse in S.S. No. 10, Ashfield, In- dit and outside; two coati of paint. Paint and oil to be furnished by the cheol aection. The lowest or- Any. tender not •neCeSSaiily accepted. Adam 'Johnston, Secty., " • R. 7, Lucknow. DROWNING ,AT SOVI'BIAMPTON • Harold Davison', son • of Mr. -and M.te• (Alt Davison, of StiathroyA'ars1 cousin of town:" was drowned at :Southampton on Vuesday, , • • , , The' unfortunate young, man • with h number ,of bey friends from Strath.' , rex, wu camping at Southampton and had imen ,bathing in the lake; One of the boys was _ seen,. to be in difficulty and Harold. Davison *ea,' to his as- sistance , and in his efforts to reicue his companien, lost his •oWn;;Ilife,-The who first got intodif0culty was fescue& Davison's body` was not ree covered"4 the .time report of the ac- cident reached here Tuesday night .W. J. Davison went to Southampton to render assistance. • ,, . Master Bobby and Harold Thomp- son have returned, after spending the .plist. month in Toronto.: KISS Myrtle Webster- of Para- mount, has :necured :the position- of teacher in A school near Beivie: ' Professor W. Ansley and Mrs. Ans. ley of Toronto, were recent. visitora with the igiatises MacKenzie -of town.. , • , , Mrs. Harry Labovitz of Toronto, is visiting .for a couple of weeks with , her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. A. Blitz - stein. Alvin A':,Cameroh, of Peterboro, is_spending.,his4sumMer' vacation:with' -hISInstentst.--Mr-rfand"--,Mrss4L----Dr-,-Gain- eron. Algg. of the Weikel; Store,ye- turned'-to „•tewre. on --Saturday, ., !after ,pending -• a week's viientien at lie homIi in Barrie. , Miss Florence Currie and, Miss Hel- en MacKenzie have 'returned to De- troit, niter, speecing. a Week With Mrs. E. A. MacKenzie. • PIG ASTRAY Cismeto the .prenuses of the under, Mrned, Con. 10, West Wawanosh; on or about .July 15, 1927, a pig (weight *bout 40 Ownermay- '. have same on provinz • property •and pay- . . expenses. -r -George A. Phillips. of.aatimmaxi, ....•••••.•••••. s,mommoisommimme Helfer Astray—Black Polled Angur .teifer. ,2 years old, strayed from lot 25. ;On. 10, West Wawanosh; about • '• July 21. A, reward willbe given- for . -information tea,ding to her recovery ' 'Phone 347620. ' ,prank..,Tiampsolf,: R R. 5,,' Wingharn. • RESIDENCE .• PROPERTY FOR ' • .• ••• SALE Two Aerie of:Land , .•'Jut south of tucknOw: Brick resi- , . denci • in first clogs repair,' large cel- lar, nevi furnate,...electric lights,..hard and soft water. I Two acres of ' land ' in • eonnectien;, soil suitable • for,aarden- lug.. There it a geed bare, hen .house number of fruit trees: The barn is frame with large loft, .00d stable and drivewly•—electric,. lights. • This. 'desirable :property Will be. .! ;priced rith.t, for quick sale. Terms can be aertigoo.. Pertie•wisliing to look this .operty over Should coninnini- cate with the;-preprietor,,MelVin Reed. 260 Chatham Street, Brantford, Ont (25-8.c) • • TENDERS WANTED • Tenders will be, received by the • Council of the Tos,vnehip of Kinlosg • up till Monday, AO. Stle.at 1 o'clock pm. for the conetructimf of the. Mae- • pouetill. Drain, excavation 1550 cubic . ards,' Specifications to be seeii• in the halide Of . the* Glerk—•• • Geo, .G. 'Moffat. Mrs. •Peter Ryan, who is visiting here from '• .British Columbia/ spent the past Week with friends at Zion Paramount and ICinlotigh-.• :Mr. and Mrs. David Scobie visited early in the Week at Belgrave, where' Mr. Scobie'e mother is 'seriously ill, with little chance of recovery. Dr. Woods•'ot Detroit; spent the • _ - weekend with his parents, Mr. and ASHFIELD UNITED CHURCH' NOTES Blake choir will take heart again. -ands•the-service-of-praise.Will go het -L. ter since there has beenh• new organ installed, , The Hackett League,' did what should be done oftener these suirmer evenings, had its meeting out of doors last Thursday night The church step was a 'Very convenient place to carry forward the progranune: -The pastor presided over .a quiet,'. inter. eeted 'company of • young peeple. A ear' conveniently placed, gave of its brilliant light, and all passed off well. Mrs. Matthew Woods; andltis. sons Austin and Bob, who are spending their vacation here: , Mrand the Misses 1WeLarron; and Mrs. Chegwidden,, and 'Mr,. and Sandrei all of Detroit, were re. cent visitors with gr. and Mrt. H.' J. ,Lindisay.•• Mrs. (Itetr.) F., Scott:MacKenzie '•of Preston, .Ont„, is the guest Of her sea- ter, Mrs. PhilliP MecMillan. Mt. And Mrs', MacKenzie will shortly move' to -Montreal, ' • • P. ASHEIELD" NOTES . t . •-mr. J J.GilillGre Of 1,Omion' on friends here last Week. -. Mr. lan 1VIaellae of Strathray, i Visiting at home -here; • ,. ' „.14iSe Ellfl "CoW411. •`, has •:returned after a niontb'e' visit in Jersey • • 1Wrs.. B.. Brady and Son Qf'Strath- rey, spentn.laSt week,. the ,gueSts of Mr. W. Hogan. • ' • , • Miss Winnifred'Elliott of LuCkn,pW spent ..the weelciend,,the guest Of. igje. John MUCHae. Me and Dan M ,eCahie Thessalciii; are visiting the latter's • brether,• Eli ,McNamara. . Mrs. 'Berry of Exeter, spent a few days last week, the guest of her &Main, Mrs: M. Mr. Billie kinehlOe. has returned to his hoe in Chicago, after spending a month, visiting Ashfield friends: , Mrs. Chas. O'Harra:nd daughters; Misses Margaret and itatherine±Visit- al, her brother, Mr.' R. E. Gillnbre, Cho •inVe an address at the W.M.S. Meeting •held at the home of Mr's..R. Johnsten" on 'Thursday. after- noon last. 'A very gocid.company was 713".cesen T•t-------The=talleron---11-Women-of-Ko- rea" : was very risuch enjoyed, . , The 'Quarterly Service last Sunday, 'morning at Blake Church, Was large- ly seat was occupied and a few satin the porch. . Follow- ing. the 'earthen On "Without, shedding of blood. there is, no,--remissioro an impressive ' adniinistering. .of the Lord's ,Supper took place.. . • • A The • pastor -is .holiday .• for. an, Mt. John • MacPherson;- acconiia.: nied bY his sister, Mrs.'" W. -.T. Mac- Pherson, and niece Miiik Grace Mat- Phersca, all of Holyrood, spent Sun- day with .Wingham friends. • • Newton,. Mrs. 'iltwtiin and Eunice have returned from a ten-day, trip through Michigan: Dr.' Alf Newton and Wife, and Mrs. H. F. Newton tiecOmilanied, them from De- troit and are making 4 week's Visit 'Card of Thanks' , - Mr. and,,Mrs. Hugh,Macintosh Wish most sincerely to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness end- aym- 'petty at the One of their.recent ber- eevement, and for the 'many floral other -week. The services are with- drawn at Blake and Hackett Church next 'Sunday: An open Sunday School ' ' ng held atZion last weok. Mrs: John IVIacICenzie and her dau- ghters, Misses Mae and Cecelia of Detroit, are , visiting at Eli Me.Na- mare's.' • 't • / Dr. and Mrs. John MacLean and family, and Mr.!-Gorclon'Grant of. Chi- 'eago, are visiting at. Mr. A. Mac Lean', Lothian. , ' , , Dr. and Mrs. Alex: Barnby and chii- dren have retnrned ,to HaMilton, af-' ter' a' ten •days' visit at Dr. 13arnt's ferrner lionie here.; • • •• . Anniversary. Services. will •held ..in, -....Ashfield --Presbyterian.- church on Sunday, August .7th, 'LEW:, 1)--.7.•77L7 MacKerroll• of Victoria 'Church' • To ronto, will bathe special preacher foe .•, The ..•Ichigsbridge !rd -union, . which washeld on ••Wednesday and Thurs- day, 27th and 28t11,401es a. d,scid... ed. •success." • Many former residenta of Kingsbridge being :.present frpni all parts', Canada:, . 'and United States, '• the greatest! nu.inber „being,' •from Detroit. Others came from Cleielend, Dakota; Washington. and California, Nearly .evelts plovince m .Canada was repregeritelli Onio•Wed. • nesday afternoon. there ,fas a • hal): FAMILY THEATRE • FW DA 1./z :,SATD,RDA1C • • . • AUGUST ,8z • ois-;Moran,'..Lotiise ;Dreener and M6ah !Beery : • :"PADLOCKED" • StrongfdrarahOp story. of a beautiful girl ,,. and: hhr " narrow minded father.: With coardy' -qrs.-WONDERFUL BREAD" Is the' expression on every good heiusewile's tinigue., Gold- en Crust and Golden.. Grain Breads. Try it today. You'll enjoy the change. Reid% Do- xuinion • Bakery, phone :68: • Specials for Saturday . Strawberry, mad .Date • Tarts, D.elltioes Sponge Cakes, Jelly Rolls, Fruit Bars, ' ,Date :Trite bys, Che1sea4Bans, Nut Loaves. Lotof good' things to gat ..at Reid's Bakery. . , • SEEING '• :WITH ,:COMFORT . While it often reqiiires seine .' time for a •.patient to become , used to glasSes,'if patience is exercised cOmorti be ,se- seeTwelf-4r-4: iiough withput glaasee,. but Wear them because ,OE the cont -'ll , fert they give : •Consutt•us or the good, of your eyes.' 'I% ARMSTRONG Jeweller 45 Optometrist • Lucknoie, Ont. service for all. is bei '7 pm, Mr. ,Of ;•''teorta, • .has WHITECHURCI1 at . • promised to give one a his interest:- game :between King•shriclgSold bov in Detroit and the :home ,teane. . the. home tgam. being the Winners: This was followed by a garden Party and a- dance the at night, The niuSic Was fur- nished by Hogan4Orchestra. Mrs. Clubb , Is visiting7 her sister ing talks. , eontributione. They, would • especially „*knowleelge those contributed by Mr' and Mrs. jOhirJoynt, The Ladies ,Bowling Club; The 'Sabbath .'SchOol and • Unity Bible Class..' . TALL HAY THIS YEAR • .13y* iviky Of proving that hay is net ,a,iii.ert crop thie season, we Were knit Week ,presented With A twills' Of Plants' of White.blossotri. aweet 1.clever 72' inches tall. That's getting' to look' more like, Corn , than clover, but. it's. ' elOvet all•• right. - Mr... Dee -,FergOien' of Own mide'the pretentation • •but we forget :',7.1hosefertile fartn it°, tidily' A ,fetv 'days earlier- a F,..party:-.1iVingpit :north AottOwn'tshOW. .ed us itinne oforchardgrainFWIllah' had grown to 60 thaws. . , r SCHOOL. .REUNION AT AUBURN Ai rs: tow, at 'Brucefield..' Mr. ,and Mrs. Will Reid' and chil- dren Of, Paris, are visiting his par 51. :and Mrs. Temple. Claric• attend:. 'On. eras 4.fr. and Mrs. Alex. Reid: Thursday afternoon 'there was anoth- er ball. game, this time the Detroit, boys winning, and in Itbe evening splendid Play, "The House. of Gboits" _-put on ty former, Kingsbridge* reei- dents Ti' living in Detroit. .The •play vsas much enjoyed by all. Scicially and finangi)ally the ,re -union .waS huge, suecess, , Many present eXpress,ed the hone that , before -many • yepyg the; woulcl all 'meet., again .,at another - Kingsbridge Old. Boys' Reunion. ed a reunipn Of the former teachers Mr. George Kennedy sold Clover - The Bread . .The Bred • of Health.. . • of Health , . OUR WALITY HOME-MADR-, WHOLE WHEAT' AND •RAISIN MEADS. HAVE WHOLESOME' GOODNESS THAT APPEALS. IT .• 'TASTES GOOD. TRY SOME. • • • • SATURDAY SPECIALS Raspberry Squares .. • ' '• Jelly Rolle , • .Chelsea Buse , • Iced Rens Lennie Meringue Plea- , • ' • • bate Squares • • ' Fig &Fire' ' • Coffee Cakes Chacelate,;.Marshmalloii Cake:- • , „ Raise* Pies , BEST PRICES pivEN., Fog BUTTER I) EGGS Y. '.Phone46 •,, ucknow. , and pupils of Union Sc116O1 Section dale prince, an 8,nionths,old bUll; to . No. 5, Hullett Tovinship, held at the Mr. Eldon Stanley,' of Paramount: p.retty village of Auburn on ,Friday and made delivery last Week. of last. -week. The "old" boys and . • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holland, and giils of the section responded 'spiel'', 'children 04' Kitchener, visited on Sun- didly to theinvitation to copse hoine, dak apd Monday at her former home ie'Iust for a day. Friday was ia de- here. '• lightful day and the affair proved a Mr. Malcolm Ross .went to Toronto; magnificent, ',success, marked by the v,here he "has s,ecured a. position. • , good time for everybody, which. in. - • variably ;features such gatherings. .and Mrs. Duncan Kennedy mo- ' tored .to Hamilton on Tuesday, and Mr. Clark as a boy, received his • , public school' -training at School No.: wilv:viSit with Mr: and .Mts. Morris.' ever on' Menday eveping , and played i".44! . 5; Ilnllett; and on Friday ha4. the St Helens girLs softball team came. LANGSIDE • MisS' Grace Richaidson , and • .11IISs Annie Kennedy are leaving , Wednes- • day thornieg for „Beamsyille, • to 'gage in fruit ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S,cott spent the week -end with their 'friends here, Mrs. D. McInnes 'spend Monday With her. sister, Mrs':, Little. of unique experience of meeting • the the Whitechurch girls team. The - teacher with whom, he started, -and score was 17-25 M favor of the viait- the ene th" whomThe ,finithed his • school education. big team. Mrs .'i (Rev.), Mundell and, children of Detroit, visited last Week at the THAT REMINDS US_ lionie of her brother, Mr.. K. Patter- . son: , Lon- Miss ° A caller .iit our office' the, other ,dey, .: miSs Daisy Kennedy, is visiting her . „ in referring to the:attempted robbery 'Sister"; .'mrs, Lamb, netir Goderich. ' of Alex Hodge , near Beeton, remark-donMrs: Najedly and two. children of . . . • ed that evidently. the' robber didn't Winniire*-are4iiiting With Mr. and for " his 'Money. . • ,. ,, ' Mrs. Cecil ,Falconer. ," , ' know hew a Scotehman would fight ,. That reminds us of ,the story .. ofOn' Monday evening while driving two Iritlinien who Waylaid . Another home? Mr. Henry Patterson in some „Saito -1114n .with a View to rebbery, way Strpeit'-a enW',,on the road near his ,own piece. The ,car was ;tinned but finally he was. OVerli0Wered,, and upside down on the road, pinning`the The ' Scotchman fought , 'desperately ' . . . oectipants, underneath it. ,, Mk. end his, pockets searched. . The robbert got only five., cents, which led One tc mrs: Patterson and four children, al - say totheOther,'•----"Gorra,-- but it so 'Mts. PatterSores mother, ,., Mrs lucky he didn't have tin cints or he Eaglettone, were in the car. Mr. Mac rlitirdirdwilidirAlrAmmurAraurAcdrammeninsmermoranwil Llielinn% Ont.. Phone '75 1 Also for,t the construction • of a con- crete flat giab 'bridge oepoSite Jot 16 eon.' 3, .Kithloss Townshie.., Plana and Speeineatiens.niay, he seen at •the of - •'fine' of-Gleei.EStP1).411!lon, Engineer. or afthe Oftied 4'64114W/0 8f-ViiWif'.•, -Alp Road..Superlittendent. Tenders • :,rnuSt be delivered to the Tietote, 41: 1.. --TP,Enr E:E.1,--Teeswateteon-or,hefeet 1 p.m: August Elth, 1927, in a seated` envelope,,plainly'marked "Tender for • 'flat' bridg6,"..,and on theforms• ' rovided for that purpose. • ' 'Geo: 0.,41.0fiat; , Clerk, ' .tonN. CoOkei,-At Wifigham nospital on h;ly 2L 1027, to 'Mr. and Mrs,' Thos 00441 ol Ii0400W A sol...lohn Miss .dliVe 'Little and Mrs. Billet Of London, visited on -Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. john McInnes. ' One ,evenipg last Week the mem- bers of the Lengside ,Preihyteria:n W.M.S: met at the home of 'Mr. J,ehii Richardson , and presented Miss Ar- nie Kennedy with an ivory manicure set. The following address wad read; • LueknOw, July 26th .- Dear- ' It was with deeprertthat -we P 111*ItRIED--A1--EITLE . ,Ithox manse, Ripley, on Satur• day, July. 23rd, Miss Dorothy, Wither; .land';',...youtigeat daughter •:Mr>. and Mrs..- John SUtherlaud,..pon.-.0, 'Huron - yea united in. niarriags to Mr, Von. Aid A. 1VieLetitian; son of Mc. LennAtii. Ros At, .9votori 41.4 fa• in0041 !0•0, STORE" • MID SUMMER IIALFRECE E IS ON ' .• .___ „„,, • Auguh'i is .ciiiiii-up month in Our Sto e: Consequently, , . . • , counters are laden with Merchandise, set one to clear, on our - 1 August Half -Price' Sale. ',' TOwelling • Sheeting Broadcloth Children's Sox Summer 'Underwear • Men's Straw.;,Hats • Work Sox : Dark Shirts Overalls" Caps . • In fact, you may find just the thing you require; set: out :at. b Juilf its. regular. value' yisit 0Or StoTe, often during', the month 4. of Auguit, 1.ure would hire • thurthered the •,twc Pstv, us." • ! learned of,your likelihood of depart- ini" from our midst.1 We have misseo you from our regeler gatnerings, but our thoughts* were often with you and though 110t preSent with you, we felt for you, in your trVino. times; Your service .,Was, .ever -sblf ing, whole heartedl'and willing, ,Sc tenight. We have gat4nred, tn. present, k Alfred( ST. HELEN'S -;•Ooderich Centennial' is' the attrac- tion • this week: • - Miss •Vers Woods has 'returned to her home here. • 'Several families .from our comma,. •nity attended the Re -union held at Auburn on real% • ' Mr. Colin McKenzie WAS se visitor with his aunt, Mrs. Clark, last week, Ile was returning to his home at Winnipeg from, Halifax. 'Mr. and Mrs.,Jas., Bailey and dau- ghter, • Margaret of Kitchener, ire visitors with their Uncle, Mr. J.. D. 'Anderson.. ' 1 • Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hyde and Dor- othy and 'Messrs. Ceti' and /Harold AYde' of Kincardine, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs: Jas. Hyde. ' Mrs. Erb and daughter, Buelah of Port Huron, - and Miss Mary. Briggs of Melvin; Mich., were vIntors with their cousin, Mr. Wm. McQuillin, and other friends here.. They came over from Michigan to attend the An- Inglis, who was driving --the-- COW: - helped them to get free of .the 'car. All Were rather badly shaken' up, and .Mrs, Eaglestont suffered 'a. bad scalp ' wound, :which , required nine stitches 1I 01•••••••••••• HERB SPECIALIST HERE '\ 1 Why Use. *daemons drtigt When na.- to close. Mr.. Patterson Is thought to tyre in her wisdom, andbenefidenee be 'quite seriouslk hurt, and was •tak-• has 'provided in' her great • vegetable on.:to:Minghani ,ITO'sPitel.',The',0thet!s: . .__ , , laberatories..the fields ,‘ and forests n get° Off, with bruises and scratches: . . drew Re -union. Mr. Wright, Miss Isobel Wright and** Dorothy Hagey of Kitchener; !metored up ' on, Saturday, , and were the guests :Of Mr." hnd, Mrs. Robinson' Woods for ,a- few dayi. , Mr. and Mrs. Geo.. Carter and dan- ghter, Edith of Brigden, and Mr. and Mrs., Amos Henry of Sonibra,. were Visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Derain. • ` Mr. 'Perrance Anderson and Mrs.• Wm. Blue and little baby of ' troiti .are holidaying .With, their par- ents, kr. an Mrs. J. D. Anderson.. Chas. and Mis. Cumming , and Margaret nailed on ftleadth in the village on Tuesday. They were me- tering from Owen Sound, where they had been spending their vacation, to 'their home at Ailsa Craig. , Ey a score of 22 to 6, the St. Hel- ens Girls Softball Team won from 'Goderich North :Street Girls at Gode,- -riele_lest Friday, in a 'semi-final lea- gue, genie. It is expected that the re turn game will be played hero early next Week. .., a • cure" ter the'ills of nian? Mr. Murfie . . to You- a slight token et, our .appreci- Litton. kiridly ileceptit,,.\not' for its intrinsic 'value, 'hut as a Slight ...okers home, the first..of the week A .number from here took' in the Olivet Garden Patti', olnd report a very pleasant evening.', Mr. Melvin Smith returned to ,Ids, • hame.in Torentorlast swee.g. ' 'Mrs. G. Fraser of 'Reston), is • visite., ing with Mrs. T. Robinson. . Mr. R. Middleton spent a few dnys , last 'week with friends in Kitchener. /Kisses'Irene and Ileen Cooper of. ' the 'Sixth, spent a day last 'week with • Miss Olive Robb. • Mr. and Mrs, Thomas- Henry spent an evening last week at Mr. K..Mac- Donald's. ' , 0-0 • FLOWERDALE • Mr. and Mrs. Alex . Murray • and • two sons of Toronto,- spent last Tues- day afternon at the home of the° lat. ter's 'uncle, L••MaeIver. • Mr. Walter Greenwood has invest- ed in a new chr. Flowerdale was certainly well rep- resented at the Garden Party ht •Oli- vet Friday night ' ' • . , • Mr. Wm: J: :Roulston and familY; 2nd Con.; were Sunday callers .in Flowerciale. • • • • Mr.. Melvin Smith returned to his home , in Toronto,, Thursday. .The people of FlOwerdale helped to fili Knox Church, Ripley, Sunday! . and listened , to two. fine sermons: by -. Rev. p. ,T.. MacKerrell. ,1VIrs. R. Martin getting. along 4 • ,nicely in Wingham, Hospital, but is not able to eeme home yet.: , Mr and . , Mrs. W. ,Steven s of Teesirateri were Callers at L Mac- , Drees, the first of ,the•„wesk.. Meat; of the farmers, are pearly , done with the haying, and scime have their wheat 'elle • : i ENGAGEMENTS Vie ..hope' to hear ,of .an earIY reeoiterY, the noted herbalist will be at the of those- injured; .. . , ._ ... \ 1. August 1.0,t111, OA, *111, give -ftee eon- CHANGE OF DATE • -.,-...4.11.4,..amw. ' — Cain HOnSet Lncknovv, Wednesday sultation to all Who ° are , sufferino• of. our a pr el + a.sotr 611 yon and- om.. .,1- .--:-...-:—. ,,, .. • :from any Alois°. , ,The•re are teou.. service. Our . sincere wish: is that , ' ° . . - ' . . ' ...0wiog to the ia‘ei that the Wing.' blessing seuaY • e., I o • •you ham Fall Fair dates se ler Octeher . -sende:,-0-Aniebt'-whieh_nre used _fro4 aves - ut_i, .,,,,,,_,,,a d . el ei . si their special . diseases orilii. ,40 .. 'through° ife, n e-eliet...yeee,elel th7,,alld,,,It11..,:A01.0.-CP),m.cttn/L,W. h the .Mr. Miirilftia'ati egpertlivhCrba.with• •fect that'vve-stili ,have- an: intorest 'in •dates of other faire, thel.,,ditietierc .life, experience and will tell' you what You, and Will be glad to .hear ftorn have decide'd lo hold 'the Wirighanti Joh need for 'your trouble. I•rio matter, „,,,, „,,M" A • • • A ' . . " Whitt -year. ttoubie is•ror hew 'long • Y vli 'I'11.°P 17°4 it ivoY ilme. - I-0- ',Am.' 611 TI-14P"ClaY ahd frldaY standing it is, zlieture his provided : MitY You go forward in he, taking Pei) tinbef".21214 and ..21,,d,- - This - is a• a herb or .it. Call and, see Mr. Mut: ded as your oiao old evely finding ,charigo front.the list date g sent .ouctn fin; it will be WOrth Votir While'. . He joy in His senico. 1 , he•. ' .4 4 pleas some ...ew WA a age. A 0 S t ' • ‘. . „ ' .POVETII CON. EINLOSS Mr. and Mrs. H. -Pierce of Winni- , . ti 64, are visiting at ,•. the termer's home, .on the ° ; A'. Hainilton Henfryn, and ' Mrs:- Albert.Cook ••• of the Boundiirye spent Sunday at Mr. WM. Robb'a. ; Entteii;',Wife and-lanilly of Chatharn;*spetit last .Week with Mr. and Carnonhan: --Mrs. N. WICanifirinirMrrlid"-Mrs: Orvihle . McGuire' ,and.,- fimily 'are spending a few 'clays at Mr, John Me- - • •-11r. ,and Mtair J• 'Rill spent the weak -tilt! at Mr, A. Little'. ' ' Mr, jloitaston is mull% imPiliv• 4114..:,11. 410 W litunk .to ,• The engagement is anrionneed Of , Beside A., daughter Of the late Mr. • and Mit, .L'A..Steacy, Seeley's Bay, Ont., :to 'William -T, Booth of. Wingham, Ont., ,the marriage to take piaCe Aiigust the 17th will he' evil! 111.11503 rOT°R Sigriedoon behalf o; 1.4angaicle Pres.: ROOK 11$ to .140 O. TtQrifl wins„moir sitry 600,y,of wioili*t_tikuloori. Mr. and, Mrs.. James Livermore . et ' Clinton, announce the engagernent. of their , only. daughter, Kathleen E., t� •litr,' Clarence:Sr Green; seri* of Mr. arid' Mrs. 3. Albert Green, of Teemeater,i,, :the 'Marriage tp-. take Place in.Ontario'' • , Street United-' Church, , Clinton, on. August Aust 24th, BARBECDE 'AND GARDEN •PARTY , - Tether ^Goodrow-arinptin cea- the rnrst;-.- ..Barbecue-of,its. kind in this - nity,, at Riversdale, Thursday,, Aug. `1Ith:*Rdestirig• Of the ox'. takes.' place from 5 o'clock in the ;morning until 6 " In the evening. !A sight to • be re,.. membered. Hot ex sandwiches, with coffee, free, 6 to 7 in evening, Feet. MildMay ve. Walkerton, Kincar- dine Piped Band--Scote,h entertainer Orctkoo;o,411 ftik