HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-07-28, Page 41.
ow um*.
.■•••• " .
....Mc0,1071-61(41011111-610rfitMCeleTliFigidely tOtirtI
qq'oughoUt. 0044: thet,reniost. arty•neighbor.can tell you of hia
lileaSaAt ,expetiienCe viith,:one; • ' • '
Tbelr reputation goes heek, :nearly •a'' Century, worth,. ••
wbile consideration; Vihen'„baYing.a mower ." Call and let us deal-, •
mestrato the ew Automat,ie Pztma and other *Ate Of auperi-:
'•••OritY.,'Of 'theffeiinachines.- ,
41J.STABL-E ,HAT ,:140A)..)ERR-eave
' the :',Weirk Of one inan rn the bus 'bay
btu.)toththi ew Adjustable' Top.
All,steet Franie May Iaieder. ;Roller
bearingson the carrier. shaft7and 2:
, en • the main axle Mike; very light.
draft., , .:Theforecerriage hitch ,and •
top ad.jostment •* r e: •conynniently
.,..reached front Athe load, . The Me,Ceir-:
illiickiDeetiog a the last word in Hay
Loader 'Construction. ,
R.:..141V,I1cUrxits7-6ALLS-A.10 SEE
ihofle .1-0 is.:tit Yciur .Service
W. -Sell ,SellcheaperThan The Credit' Store
1 ,
WN .MOWERS -,-There is: nothing„,adds more aP:
Pearince of a home than it well . kept lawn, :end to • keeP-It'-iii•-gOod
shape; ycinjmnst have a good Lava' Mower. e haven
ers :that are first clase-16-Inch, cut, high: wheel' and: ,euf perfertly.
TiaiSP-40`,.isrres;sonable. , • • -
,SCREEN, DOOR§-,--NOw is the time of year to keep out the,
810'.4.7 by having ;your doors and Windows screened. We has*
- doors and „windows that Will fit' almost any size opening. We also '
have Screen wire in every widthfor recovering* doors
OIL‘STOVES—The Oil Stove Season *here and there is *0
thing will add more to 'the comfort of a home'an hot weather
than an 'oil stove. We'have in stock the "New Perfection” in three
1001 four -framer. ,aleo the "Florence' Automatic," and we have plac-
ed in stock this year theStQuick Meal." This is a ,,very 'fine stove,
strongly Wilt, easy on oil and fitted with the Lorain burner whieb
is guaranteed for ten yearsfor those who have their house wir.
ed, we have an Electric Hot Plate, two -burner, which has given
excellent satisfaction. • • "
• 4
ROOFING—We have mit received a carload of Brantford .
ROofing, including Roll Roofing, Arro,Lock and Super-tite,Skingles
If you have need of a root for house. or barn,' don't fail to see us.
We hasthe Material and, the price is right. Be sure to rink to see
our Imitation brick siding. It is, the, material to make ' a frame
house. very -warm and in appearance almost like red brick.
• .
Cement, Lime, Plaster Always On Hand
Heating, Plumbing and Electric. Wiring
L No. 420, Luckno* meet"
second 'Tuesday of every :mouth
M their hall, at s °Twee:. C. Mullin,
CV.,•.M.; P. Carter, Rec. Sec. '.
. They, asked the woman if she Was
or not, guilty" and she said,
"Have;You- anything else." •
e Your Attic
into a 'comfortable den; radio room, play.
,room- or extra sleeping quarters by.erects,
• ing ceilings and6 partitions of-Gyproc.
• Gyproc wiltrnake your attic fire-resistant,,
' warm in viinter.and cool iii summer::
Write for' free boNclet-Pbly Home." itwill tell..
you,' ho* Gyproc: Rocboard Gyprum /nettlating -
Sheathing and liasulez will reduce your fuel bill
• front .so 40%. . 153
„ ror B
Rae & Porteous -
- Ont
LucknOW, Ont.
rablialied livery Thursday, morn*
it Lucknow. Ontania. • •
A. P. ilacKenzie., Proprietor
• and Editor
THUR8Dylr,,,,.IITLY 290, *UT ,
A :ITN PAYS IN,- A7r.g,REAT..c1Ty,.
(Co:abided • rroin 'Last Week)": •
citiet, diker frOra .inOtt t!nngs that
otii• 'lit WS .respect : Th big titles
tend to liecOnre'bigger •, and -bigget,
.„stnall cltiee jtend•
'the big. ity of to,
da*:'38 Soinewhilt-Blen an -on-rolling
*OWballthe.rbigger:it be 'nes
.,*tietOr iViirews;- Ita growth urges' it.
forward and More 'growth.
:One .eienot.nrideestand Wity.;;Chica-
ie..la.gretving; but. , the ; fect • iaappat-
ent thatit is gro#41,0 faster than
er. before; TeWnX and sffiall cities
enjoy building hooms and then.it, &A--
tepee:7'. Big cities boom. in sections: A
section that has long been stagnant
• suddenly wakesinto life, land values'
go 'tip; :buildings, are eineted :streets
• litiilt; people move, in huqdreds* Or
thousands; and each ape: that .eoniet
appears •te draw two or :three.
This jeenditieit,'will: take several 'Yearz..
to run its Course.
A fewr•.years ago when • I visitd
Chicago' there was, • at 'the:north • end,
a large tract of fiat lanil,:ocenpied :by
market. 'gardens—between trad hundred acres ' under. glast,
yon4 'the :were ' grain :and stock
That ;is all 'changed now. For
'years..'hevehipment had .• been in • the..
sonth "end—about • the farnout .stoelc.,
Yards. and tite 'lleCormick and. other
steetOriet... Enterprising ••real estate
oph"ratort" taw an opportunity in the
,nertil ...arid a transformation .• toek.
place. 'Some., thirty-fivethousand,
ple Ate now a-elittereciiver 1a SeetUirf
,of this former garden and. firm,:linid.
-ititti4_,fer..jrinial-te:1.4.0;,. Miles; north
Indwestward the • country has • been.
Carved-intoeity lots sell for.
•,falaileut ' prices. . Hundreds of hand-,
*me: frthiisJiaybeen ,made there
T.Vithin, the 'peak ten ..„
'Iesaiim Of a few acres Or it choice ;nor.
nerIot :has made men-' independently
: The • activity in .thitt,. district is as.
tonishirig. Miles an4 MileS, 'of...streetS
,ane sidewalke ere, being, ,Mon-
ster water malns
and • •sewer
are, being piit „in at .thetigkthere Were
.tkousands 'Of Peel:dn.:there' to be '
, But •,ori Many, square. miles • that
are being.• fitted up in this. way" there.
are few . people—just 'a'. honse,.:lieee.
and there:. But nobody has any. cleat r
•that, the Whole district .of it, at
any rate) he .occupied' within a.
few years. •: The buftding operations'
arrant:thit belief. The buildinetun
;derway are,. not .the smell.' ,Traine
dwellings ' and . temporary store ,• hens.,
'es which freqUently::Mark.e city
• stib-diyision,:" but; tub -Standard :.brick
'houses, apartment hOnees and..
ness : blocks.: Dwelling.houtes 'here.
range in . price from, 1.5'.to 20 thOlitaild
dollars ;for. 1% -story how;es .and bun.
,Three -flat •apartment lieuset
cost np. to 100' thousand dollars:: Of
course,: everything '• is '. therepayed
streets and Welke; •water stiPP1Y,, sew-
erage 'syStem, gas, eleetrie, :lighting%
:This is the modern. way,. )ased ,to
• be that when a, *district had a given
anteant, of..,populatiOn, .ttreett.'WOnie
;be :paved,'weter ,aile.'se*er' pipet. Put
• in, That always „meant 'a long peried
,of iriconVenience.-temparary. . and
ca1ftwater7Ond sewerage systems; and.
oW lamps j'or. lighting.. , It meant; ,toe'
period. of ,transition when •• the
. streets .were torn .up and 'everything
inside and out had to be re-areinged
.at iininente CoSC and loss. No the
inipretremental and c onveniences
;ceine first and the newcomers are at
once at well offtis •. these in: ;older
partsof the. 'city: '
. Where, does 'the Money cone froml
To an on -looker 'itittit_,is 'an' absahlif
mystery: It 'Must :be that: if one en-,
(mired' About eath, Possessions
the origin could b� traced: but how
so . Many are able to is4y v5,000
their kg:inlet, Or. $150: per month for
•their "flats," is •riet,
steed. by the stranger. . ,But the feet
is there. They., do it, ' The ;average
home is 'bought On. the tinne.payillent
plan—to natieb, dewri and SO much per
month. That is ,a goo derangement
for; the purchaser* as it induCes
• to save' his 'money and hold: his jet). ,
• 1:mentioned the smelt en:Ailment
hontes. These- are, being ',•nreetect,.lit;•
erally'hir scores in 'Northern Chicago
They •suggest a new ,order Of. things'
abendOriment .of: the, ordinary.
fantily heine; It. looks at hough the
• torniog.-city dwelling ,wili ' be, the'
(.rtfmartn:Lent, mar .0
This' type of dwelling haS itsadvai,
tagetind •furnater tei...• look :after;
..'te Bhove1 no 1a,1Th1 to keenr,triM ,no
garden. to tultivate, It wfl1 be.
Aew:r a Oh Of liente--net
In theold or pretent.sense. One Won
(kis if the, old 'toe ..of home an'
borpe serrotinditigt with. the,„
TiltritSDAZ -JULY 28th, 1927
t-ry, van ilevoi,4hrty,that, way. ,It is
just a; new kind ok.aitysOltOT
henielesa. life. '
Thcopansion. Of a. • otynecoat,
tates the develoPmentr of trai*Parta-
tton ..Systems;-, In the' old eastiira.
peoiie moved aboitt on foot,.:and
passing along, with a inFclen
�f. straw. or brush:7000111.1e.;.ed.tloleeo:Lte:eit.i;ssItdifferen )re t
,she• fiftytime .114 Opicierit: as, thOSe
eaSternera, : these,AMoriCan citi
,antinnobtlea';;bnt: In,Ohleago one rands
aro the "e1ev,.
'4taxies"and the
busses - ThiongliOut 114 day thc
'street 'cars. (eurface-and'elevated) are
alWayaloaded to Capaeity, ,The buss
'ea appear to be well„,pat4enized and.
'there :are thousands of .ttikiee,-; Tbeee
operated by ,large OglPallieS,' and
400h.,indivzdual driver plcks up, such'
lanSiness4a her gip: .The r are A good
, but somewhat 'expeneive -Means :" Of
travel...;• The ..stret buts .it a. modern
• deveroprnenta sort., of street car
which hai'left the .rails. Their .
tive power M, the gas engine, And.
they keep 'terkhepayed Streets. Many
of „them a e (*time dockgrs” and
tarry a big load, • They run on regu,,
ler. routes like, streetcars, of W.h.i0
they ',ace TheY:.
are better *leans: Of travel than,the
street. cars, heing..iii0e4q,nfortable
quieter Arid Smoother running. They .
are -a -lore: expenaiVe, lioWeVer.
'o'j'stre'et -dart-.: ire . the least -dear.
• able as well as the cheapest ‘ineasts
of loCornotiou They are 'rough, 110y".
jerky, windy; and 'passengers get . all
.the bad 'odors ofthe street; but they
take one,:on.a long distance. for seven.
cents The 44'e1evitted" are no • better
•••••than. the 'eitifiee etireroeing .brutal•
with neite-;and. rang!' ,going„ .F• er
.yearajliersi ',has ..been talk.' of .putting'
in ifiliWay ear:lines., but nOthing, hat -
'been, done 'yet. he subway lines ap
:pearto have advantages aiVer:the. ele:'
.L.t,gteilLtrack_s_andAliese latter. are-4'no.
, where being extended. Theft., noise
:..ratits all .neeniertY along their 'cOUrSe:.
• c.r,Irk„ places. Chicago is growing up
Ward Ai well. as Outward.' Real eS;
vias-foreed; the... hull& .
ings shyWards as .thecolt of.' land,
f�r 'side. 4Pantien. heeaine ' toe 'great,
' Theresilt ia bjildings that run ' tb'
thirty: and forty stories above : ground
' and four tosix :Stories, or basements.
below' the street:sic-Vet ,iThese tat!.
building* are not all strictly ::btititiest
propetitiont.'' Insome 'eases they are
the product Of while,' or the desire to
,.go . one. better: It is a •cestly....way
gratifYiag'ilaetiOn 'or ..turifation; :hits
-eirerijiin-Millieri dollars is not MUCh
to a men Or s coMpany, 'which lag
Several . hundred. •millions.. The..tall.
buildings, of courier, serve as * gee&
nieant" Of :advertising.. Until :r they.
:become too numerous, each individnal
sky-seraer is much talked about4nd
vvell known, laelng.-'* :sell of land.
• mark. .
. Wrigley, of chewing',gum fame, . has
IWO.,:•beantiful snow-white buildings
known at the -Wrigley. ,tions.; They
are stilt outstanding, but:Lhave been'
surpassed in height by, a ;nninber of
structUrei, in, the neighborhood.Near-
by is a real freak -7a billding-with
comparatively.narrow-bate being riin
up to 44_ stories. ,It it of .the butress-:.
edi. toWer', type,and. looks Alm* like
an immense' tree 'trunk: cina-iean'harct,
ly believe :that it is estrictlY business
nrogiosition and. one , needs.. to know
that it is,built of 'steel and concrete
to feet that it will not blow: over.' A
small 'stone or briefalling from the
top would mean certain 'death to malt
or beast. • . • . • •
. .
ty' and had the exPetienze 6f PAD
to the. .top: of this ,unique struCture--
ItOors above street level, and seven
basements below. ' The 'first .elevator
tan up to the '24th floor, and afiethet,
.Went ten :Stories' .;higher; then .. we.
climbed three stairway and Ar-
rived an a liaikout landing, '.front.
which one .etin view a sreat ,pairt, of
the city ..aiAd out upon the: lake: Uri-
fortithatelY, there waallitile.'Wind that.
day' and eMeke hung over. the City,
view. •, .The Sights . Were
'Worth While, however—the tall 'build.
Mgt Of the "Loop," the busy Streeta,
far below and out over the.harlior:' •
.coniOn this upper .lattiling WAS- tM diretat-
a le:Scope, 'which he Would e
ting old gentleinen ' charge
to any desired Point;.incidentally ,
ing all sorts of information.
Theu we 'Went de:ern—init. ateries--;''
24..storiet: '.Here •a ,guide showed us
over pert ofthebig Printing' niant,
'Which , dallY tenni out • The _Chicago
Tribune; Styled "the world's greeted
newspaper."...,... Everything.: in, ,connee.-
• tion ,with the rregtilar:edition,weaidIe
-It 'that: hea' Of' the day, ,es- the Wet+
i.tearlY"441Litorle4t might lineLeatiO.,
„ itorning. ;1;0 the prett roain 'ere' '72
irsses,etith dap -able of .-printing :8
-Pagei 'At, every -reviihitiOnYerthe
Mat-. 'These-. turn outfaii. hintdred,
-Abut and Copiesof.tbepnersixdays
,of the Week, 'and OW 8aturday 'night
one mil1ion copiet. of the Ponday
• eight, ,rer,twelve 4iges :Of:, -"colored
sup,"or "Sunny pages" These tire,
Vritite-ti :tity apeClar POMO; *141011
.07(1 stye of home, and what will take
it. 'Plke,--,Of tour/lei the whole coup--
were tit work when 7 aaw
Ong out part of the Suhdayiaper on
ViednesdaY. The 'press Werke
but it takes a, lot of WOrk •t� turn out
copies: The, Papers, were
being Piled on true,lcs, whit* were run.
Off' to a •storage quarter to await the
assemblin of the.: Ounday edition.The
bupi of the; papers go to the,. new.
• t"
.stands throughoutthecaty
rounding' tOWns::- ' • ''
idea of, the rapid etPansion
7(5'07-bre.10011,11-ifet-blittifie, ma be
bad ftani the fact that thengh. this:
AO Plant 'was .Com
Plete,donly in'1925, and then ,thought
• - , .
''have made' Provisiort` fOr yearis
bead, it as already found to he inade
quatte, Alie.ady,'•plans are ,under *ay
for the 'er,ection �f an additioriel plant
to .accelModate 00 nevi. pees -rath-
er mere than doubling the: present,
'daphcitY. he Tribune' is. a 'good
type, of daily. neWspapet, as papers
Fe. It runs .sixty to. one Mildred
pages—much. 'Over, on Stnielayi,‘J Yet
intelligent Person 'Will read, all
that he thinks worth while in it,
from •ten minutet to half an hour.
that is, net counting the advertising
-matter, read by. those espeelally in-
terested_ -
There are many; freak things ' ancl'
freak'. people in. a great city—freak,
ways of making money' and 'gaining,.
netorietY . also. While I was' in rili-
eago;: a subject of much attention an
huntorens rennin* was .a man named
Joe .Pewers, , Joe had takea., a most
txtraordinarY 'way Of. having himself.
tel)ted about, :and incidentally to make
some•Meney. - t thinkoit wa,a on Wed
nesday, Inne• 29th, that "Joe had hint -
self hoisted ' to i point on'.the
'tide ori the Morrison hotel; .631 feet
above the street paving and there., he
Sat, on a pieee Of ibOard.fixed in ft rOpe
'atich as ' children swfij on—sat there
nOt ker..a few ininiites. Or a few hours-,
ceining. down. He, actuail3i,
tit there 16 -clays,'''3% hours: cOmine
down at 7 o'clock the evening of Fri
day, ',OY 15th: '.:This feet is known
endurance test, It appears that .
• few' other 'fools had done polesitting
'stunts, .and, Joe :powers ,:wanted to:
break the record -;and incidentally tc
gain fame and Money. Perhaps hc
'didn't. like work, • tohe. hit. on • this
.plan; :which May have lOolcednc
wOrk at all, just Sitting there. on a
.board. ' He didn't: have to get out of
bed for. the. whole ' two weeks. Joe
broke the record for pole -sitting
just 15 minutes. ' It seiliii...that , an,
Other -patient; lazy fool, • known -as
!•'Spider'"Haines'had tat. on a pole at.
Denver, Colorado, for 16 days, 3
'hours and '15 Minutes. ', Joe Went 15
minute, :better, and no dopht. . Was,'
i'led,oto.colne (Own. Food and water
Were tent Up to Joe by rive and pul-
l'ir..perhPs by' the hotel,,,antheMoi-
rion -hotel was muek,talked about
while the titter sat on its flag pOla.
'Throughout the 'tw� weeks of Joe's
kondrens of people conk', be
seen, looking at the • ."man. on the
pole," and a number Of enterprising
fellows „secured. street priyeleget . to
set up a telescope through whiCh'one
might :have a. look: and make sure
that it was a Mali, And not the bundle
'rags that the unassisted eye dis,
• serried.. Joe had no covering other
than his. ordinary 'clothes and a'piece'
Of otled Canvas' Which he pulled over
'hit head ivlien it rained, or when the
.nigitti win(' Was 'cold. That is all that
iS' allowed in the. game :of pole sit -
. 'Beauty, strength! fire -resistance..
, —you get at these in pFantiord
Superaite Slates,:besides ,Poeble
•Thickne.f s' all over theroof and
• Trifile, Thickness over 48%:�t the
• roof.„ . Special, Lod:Butt prevaitta
bulging and. curling.'
. •
• Above Is straight' view of
Brantfotd Super-Tite Slates,:__
;ihowingltrlpie thickneis in
.shaded area. Made in four fade-
less colors and Whenlikicl'ev,e
an appease' g.!,'keystonen elrecl4-
Brantford Roofing Co.
Broallrodirtef Oot• se
Stock Carried,- Informaticin' Furnished and Service
• on Brantford roofing rendered. by .
i. Murdie & Son - .LUcknow, Ont.
. ,
• It . is evident that quite a number
wito drive..Motor vehicles • upon the
_Street:a efLucknow.,'de.net:,..intind
tpaayt ahnaYveziabteteentipount'tu.
�pthe. ti)P signs
If. the ink -to stop before entering
Campbell Street is., not heeded traffic
conditions on thestfeet will, be worse,
than before the -signs were. put- op,
Person,driving oa. CantPheit Streel
new has a ,right,to, expect that cars
• coming into the street.will see •that
the way. is clear before coming
that is drivers • on • Canteltell, Street:
of .way. :There" is no. sense' whatever
in chilling to a hiPti at a crhshitig:and •
-then driving in right in front of an
on -corning. car, at a man • evidently,
"hie One -eirelitrielitgt ''Week., .
• It iney net vqse to ins,st oe the
,letter of the law. which Meant 'to
come to a full stoh: That, is needles's-.
l:' troub!esome. But drivers ouiht to
slow down. SO ,:that the car:: can he
brought to a full stop WithinfeW
feet. That ',Will prevent crossing
accidents.But 'that is. not, being done.
Aboutseven in ten driyers dtir right
along withont *paying' any attention
to, the _stop rute, although they'. can -
see the • Sign; and know , what
it meant.: Eeidentle a 'few convictions
with . substantial ', fines, IS.: the only
• We harn't beard what ell .ineney
Jee,-poWOrs Made at of . this. 'stunt,
But he did gain ftime, Of e,kind.; Why!
a number' of `."proininent,?' men Were.
to he on the roof, of the Morrisonho--
tel to meet him %then he came daWn,
and the pollee chief' had to inafin spe-
cial ,arrangements SO thdt Joe Vioultla
not he tramped to death by the ctOvid.
that wag expected to 'meet him as be.
reached the ,street.' And; away best
oralir • Mary Philbin, .• * movie star,:,
,who chanced to be staying at: the bet-
ter, Was to be the first to greet Joe
,he Slid. down the pole tv the roof.
She was to greet himwith, e kiss,
--That,wonld-be. worthquitea lot --to
be kiased by a, real inevie star:, Then
Mary. wOuld be famous at having
kissed Joe „the- Pole sitter; and Joe.
• would be fatiaOus as having beep.
kissed "by. Philbin, a movie,. star.
pee what Nine 'will do—any sort of
fame. It Was, announced, that • . Joe,
Powers had signed 'a Vaudeville on -
tract to appear at a •loop I1leatre,3 be-
ginning the .Monday after his.deseent,
Ifd was to have a.lew days-te relit
aricf get • his limbs straightened
osides,,Ite luta ,:other,
'tend ktirrbeivas -to -"guett",
'pi" at, a banquet in the Terrace, Gar,
_dens, of_the „Kerr serkletel„,,, given; by:,
:-the.'•intitlagement on Saturday, night.
' oThese," observed :TPri16. 'Chicago bat,
ly•News " '4arre the trdits:, of ,holding
one's Self' high:" •
'Itlext 'week, if all eObd well, I Shall
',..go•vollutiout„ Big Itilt; Amuternenfe
and EdOcational. Xnatitutions4 ,
It is more difficult to enforce 'tap
and go. stiles 'where traffic is • light
than where it. is 'hea4y. • When in --
noticed-'that at
. . .
c,otnpargOvelY quiet crossings neither
drivers nor Pedestrians pald any heed
ktr: the red . and green 'lights. Where
traffic.was heavy. the ,signaM. were
better obeyed,„ and over in Chicago
where the traffie is dense, there was'
no t'ielatien of the rule, except by a
few reddest pellestrians willing to..
take a chance; 'and the authorities are
_going to put:a stop even to that,
All towns' and villtiges ''viill have
this tremble ,of: "jay :walking" . aisd
- 'Ilitt4•;.-and7etro-cesetoriai---prosettititis
ijl he-neressaty .tO preventan atm:
sional accident,: •.
The total number ofhketi, • shipped •
from Huron 'County during the week
ending July 21 was 1,101. • Of these,
862, weye selects; '594 thick smooth; -
7, ektra heavy; '35 shop'
logS and 29; • feeders.' Shipments •
from Luclenow station tor, the same'
• Week amounted .to 55.hogs-29 Se-
lects;',21 thick smooth' and 4 feedera,
. The worIis growing better. Y*
find a muchhigher type of people in
jail now,:
Established 1878 Reorganized 1908
• Three Faculties—Arts, Medicine and
• .Public Health. -
Five Affiliated Colleges.
Registration Day --Freshmen, Friday,
' 23rd Septeinber, 1927. ,
pleszes may be granted la any 'department of
•' Enrolment Is limited. Only
students having the highest quell.
&glens and giving evidence of
suitability will be accepted. ,
Early application for entrance hi
desirable. •
• Until the Unlvendty u aide to
augment its revenuesiclasses will "
. be liented in numbers. Without
• an increased income the staff. and
equipMent cannot ha' enlarged. •
Itov _additional lifer._
• =thin. irittet-
• London, Ontario.,
• " Big Men. on
Ew. Beatty,. 'Chairman of tdriiadiati
. Pacific Steamships, Lid., 'COttunata-
der R. G. Latta, of the Empress of
Atittralia, and '/. R. IViactnnes,
Presidcnt :charge of ttaffiii;
• on 'board. • the Empress • of Austrpolia.
6nher arrival at .(jenbco, following
her first trip On. her Changed' run- across
the Atlantic. To fete her .arriyal an
arittaualty 'distinguished' gathering met
tit ,boacd. at. a:„ b:s act uct, at,,Which,.-were
!Ecalency..4the fkwernsr,-..,
of the Dominion, the. I.ieutenan-
Governor of 9udbcc and antitrio,Inettl--
,_be.rfl,,cif.ths-fe, etuf, and provincial
petits. and many -others', prOnti pent in
Canadian, business, industrial; financial
„anri,prolessional ' 3
- •„ .Mr. Beatty_ . took the. oriPt?ttlinify, v).
draw the attention of the gathering to
the exccotionat nature of the occasion
.,....w.hicli-ILmealts--mo re -than- trahreiltItfr
dItioo 16 a iatc.,fleett,of ,oceati steamers
of on6 :vessel of particular fitness for the
.servics 'in Wilick•sho WIII bs engaged.",.
• a Big Ship
'It was also evidence of the gradual Up,
-blinding of ocean transportation ser -
Vices' wider' the aegis Of a' Canadian com-
p.ny and another step in the .develop, •
tnent Of ,the-St.,:Lawrenee route. In 25
years. the Canadian Pvcitio,had built'
a tett' i]f 510,000 tons in whith th'
class at commodation was better ted y
than,„the first-class had 'theca in. the days •
of its ifteeption. Foot passenger and Ave'
freight . vpv,sar'w"ere biliblieg at the
totaL'"The polidieslytich dictated these.
Pfaxii ate based upon theentrVietiOn. thnt,
11146St. Lawrence,route .143 many, atV,
varnages:4whklr',. mar Welk- be eplotted-
in the Interests:4,0e Dominion:
7fhe,p.mpress of Australia will be the
lj that wilt Carry the',1;rince of 1Nnles
rl Rt. I iOn, St -81114f Baldwin, Prime
the St.