HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-07-07, Page 5•
• .311.01. ARIti.VgLe-eekLA RY'S "'lug' RIBBON"; .COOKERY
C41, IN.‘415w. SEE' TEE: vERY:.•14i.TRO, :rE4FPCH
URESC(11:,.. FOR PtcpctitTiii.o W,ALLS,AND .1tCHILiNGS.
."MARTEN ‘sENoplr PAINIi•AND.vARDic*Ep.,..,,,,
,"i9Gpir 14ARtiBit.
Just Unloaded a Fresh Car of Cement
one 66.
ardWare Coal Plumbing
• NOTICE. To qtEptToRs,.
.Notice is hereby given that all per
tides:hiving any claims or demands.
against the •Estate of James e• •We
Stanleyelate of the Townshipe of
Ilhron in the County of Bruce, who
. died on or about the Seventeenth day '
." :Ward -their claims dulkeyerifiell by
• ' affidaeit to •'• the • undereignedi on or
, the: .16th :day 'of
. ;And notice is further given.. that
after .the said date the Executors of.
the iafd Eptatewill proceed to dis-
tribute the assets thereof 'among the
• peesons thereto, • having. ee-•
• gard only to such 'claims. of • Which"
they !than- then •have .• had 'notice.
• This notice, 'is given .piiriniantto•
the Statute, he that. behalf.,:- • , •
:Dated at leicknow ,this 20th'' (ley Of
June, A.D, 1927.. . • - •
• jda-stinley,)-Rm.'3•,liacktiotv, Ont.
;.teseeit' 40.1)itOt•Plle 441.'"'" Ontario:n'
'reenters. •: • (74....c)
, . ,
•• • •
Notice is hereby • given that . all
Persons' having; ane clainis or ele-'
• mends: againist the Estate of Cath-
• erine 1McAllister late of the Village
of Leeknow in the Coienty.of Bruce,
who died on or shout the • Tenth /day
of March, '1927; are,:eequired to ,for-.
• ward their chums duly: 'verified ' by
-affidavit to • the , undersigned-. on ..or
before the lath day of July, 1927.
• And notice is 'further ;given that
. after the said date the said Execu-
tors will proceed to distribute the
' • atieets Of the said Estate among the
persons entitled ' thereto, having re-
,gard only • to ;Bitch claiins of which
they shall then, have had -notice.
• .; Thisnotice lee given pursuant to
• the Statutein that • behalf. ".
' Dated at Lucknew this 2(itli day of
June. A.D. 1927. • • '
Stuart E. Robertson, Lticknow, On-
tario; Neil .G. Maeltenzie,-.R.R./3.
Lecknow, Ontario; Executors. ,
• ' (7-7-c) •
ELLIOTT:- late. of .the 7Township of
• leinloat in the County of Bruce.
•.'••FarMer deceetied.: •1
Purituant to Section 56, Chapter 121,
, Of the Revised Statutes Of Ontario,
• thatall persons "haying debris a.'
.gainat .the Estate , of Robert Elliott
• :Who died on or about the twenty-sev'-
• ,enth ilaY. of November; AeD: 1920, 4
the, Teri/ship of Culross, aro requir;
•' ' ed to send' to: Richard Baker, Holy
rood, ' Ontailb, or 'Abner Ackert.
• Holyrood, Ontario, :the Eiteetitors .of
the ahcive • Estate, pe to the under-
signed, on or before the Eighth day
...Of July, AD. 1927 :their nameaand
eiddresies with fuh particulars of
...theit'llithria. writing and the na-.
• s, tura •d the securities (if any) held
••Iy. them. •• ; ,
• that after the said eighth' day of:
A.D. 1927, the' assets' of the
kaid.'Estate will be 'distributed by the
• laid EXiciaters.timong the parties en •
titled thereto; .haring regard Only 0,4'
Clams of which they shall then ,have
tiotice and the Estate will not be
ribia for any claimnot filed at the
time Of the .said distribution,
DATED.' at Winghem .this fifteenth
•• def, Of June, A.D1. 1927.
k W. BUSHFIFeLD, Winehtim, On•-
, t&tro. Solicitor' for the Executers,
'bobbin heft been ,almost
•.r.,"froin: the roadie but he will stay a
• ...Many .r.a. • man leels -iinnoyintel•be-
tauSeahla ancestors did not do more
lOr 4jfl "
Th s World War *asnotthe longast
On- record,: 1114.2ths „hengto_vek. cterAii,
• .0 .,.\
• Lucknow
Phone 74
. •
• -,Wingham
Phone 2S6
"Has ttellaegesteandeniestAOPIP
stoekein the -most heatitifuledesigns'
• to chOoseefrone•te • ,
-eMarble, Scotch, SwediSh and Caa.k.
adian -qratiites
W. ;peaks 'a sPeCialty"..:Of rani* •
Monuments and invite your enipece
Inieriptione Neatly,' Carefully . arid
. -Pronisitly Done.
••• lie before • Placing Yttur order.
Dangle. Bros. R..A. Spotton
' Inelcuow, Ont. '
.The induction of Rev. C. N. Mc.
Kenzie . into the , joint Untied" charges
of Olivet and Ripley, , tOpleeplaCe ie
•the ,latter church on Thursday even-
ing of last Week; The induction coni,
ivittee, consisting of • Rte.' A. :treivie
of the Ashfield •eireigt; Rev. R. W.
-Craw Of .1.ecknoWv,
;* end Rev: T. noi
of Walkerton, were in charge of the
meeting,, which Was; fainly 'largely , at.
tended, considering the extremely bOr
weather." The 'induction sernion war
L .
detivereibyeRee. Mr. Browne. Rev .
'Mr. draw. deliyered:the ehargeferliiie
Rev; Mr; pole addressed the congre-
gation, . Ree: MeXenZie and Mrs.
McKee* wore then introduced -to
' the ' several Members. present by A.
M. Treleaven,, secretary ef.: the^ ses-
sion. Rev.. hire McKenzie. begins „hip
pastorate - here' 'leder., most feveribie,
circumstances, - being .previously well
known to :many. in the He
will 'Occupy: the pulpit for the ' first
time'on-Sunday, July 10.:
. ,
, The , .Carrick •Township: Council,
having• heard seoeel Of 'eomeleints.
regarding the 'condue Of • many who
attend the• dances 'iri the 'Township
Hall in 'Mildmay, has decided' to eloae..
the hall against. further, dr.nces for
the belaece of the year. Mildmay;
'.ies Said, :has gained: rather unfavor-
able reputation "by, reason of the eriff-
raff who have been going there from
all„ directions ,tcr attend the denees,
and 'the %Carrick Council decided it
the.'interests of ,MoralitY, end decency,
to discontinue the use of the half for
that purpose for the balance Of 19274
The people of the village' 'of Tees -
water. •gee seriously considering, the
Matter of installing h new water sys-
tem for 'domestic. use and fire pro-
tection. A representative Of an en-
gineeting "'firm regentlY. visited , the
village and laid plans, before the
dOundit, Sdheite &Alined WOUid
.cest.:about:•$2"0-;909,,.whiph mean's that
int pftilni. $.14.7‘,Yesirly for 30 Years
the village eould have a fleet class
water system. The cost Per Year of
IteVitig-th,e7present- eeeforefire,
protection only, 18 1,500. 1t looks as
though the mittinein.- et new sys-
tem *ad. be a ,pasfing-
•After man has .been martied
about stip, Months lie beginsto liotiee
how lifej11010101Litilt)11„0,0016.„,1
-Promoted-to-Jr,, geseible -markt-
500. 11011q1th ".075. Pass 3O0. --Honor
.-Graham Sherrie!'" 430e Catharine.,
, Hunter. 419;'. Roberta Jehneton 412?
Harold- Ritchie 404; Mary • Mcitini#,
402.;__Ijaeold Thompson 397; ,
Jewitt 391; Mary. Webist.ei .391; 0
Webster 390; ,Ph,„.' ee„ ifkeYille...386
'Passeeleilda, "Tweinlee;" .372; Penaie
Siren; 368e JaekiMecLeod 365; Jack
MacDonald 361; e:eleasie•"-„IientlersiM
.354; • Jenitie 'Pearlman 354 . Frank
-0-0.23Vtied .337,•;eX1rtere:Reitf; 311; Ayl-
mer Aitchiaon :322. ' • • • :
•Proniotitie to. Sr.1 is' hatred on the
Standing' of.. the Pe•Piie during 'thee
months Of April,: May and. Jeiree Pesi,
sible marks. 842. •Horiers' 631„ ' Nei;
505.41onora-Mildred:• Ritchie 75a.,
'ZYlda ,Steward 418; kailoo MacDon-
ald .740; Mary Struthers lee; Oeee
Struthers 710; R:eien Johnstone' 5.
Billy Jewitt. '675; David etivitt gad,'
raise-.ReeiekBlaek 616e jfineeCollye
et, 585; "Margaret. Rae 548; Donald
MacKinnon. 535; Russell Butte') 523 r
Bruce MacMillan 516; ' Edwin Bea;
well, no;
"Promoted to „Senior, Second. Pos-
sible' 535. Hono're ,461. Pais 321. -
Kathleen •Macintosh • ,452; ;Audrey;
Horne ' e29;_ Ruth: Parker---416r-Iter.-
fOrd- Ostrander 406; 40T Henderson
392. Norman Taylor 383. Edwin'
Whitley - 368: Taken on triere-Bolibie..
MacKenzie. •
;Promoted to junior i
ors-George Joynt; Isobel Douglas:
Jean MacMillan; Christine Finlayson.
.Eunice Newton; Donalda TboMpisorr•
Billy MacKenzie; Barbara Solomon,
Peas -Isobel Hamilton; . Fred Milne.
EIliott Webster; Charlie Jewitt; ,
MaCiCenite; I, Lillian: :Horne; Marline
Johnston; .Alex. •MacIntosh.
• II. G. Sherrifi.
.Front • Jr., III_Lto-Sieell-ITre-Pron-Vti e7C1
O ne yea's standingeetthel-Re0Yet4-4,4
Clarke; : p.. . -4. Wilson
:Be. exainination,Hpnarsee.C.,. Arm-,
strong; M. MacDonald; K. Ferris
• • .
Pass -E. ?Solomon; . M. COusins; J.
Fisher; M. Johnston; M. Henderson \
F. Mclnnne5.. Taken on triSHM,
Stanley; D. Reruil'. S. CameronE.
M. MacCallum.
.-Froin Sr. III- to jr. -IV:: Those
mitted on . Year's standing -R. Cellye
ei; C. FirdaytioneS.eilnendeipen; M.
MaclVfahen; ,••_.Greer; M. Hamilton:
D. Nixon; .11, McLeed, G. Webster;
Steward. pr•
B. Thompson; W. jeffinston.
Johnston;. E. -Baker; W. Armstrong;
Mullin..Take'ton, trial -K, .carner=..
D. Douglas; iCensies;
• •Those.. whose..hain.es. are not
.thified have failed 'oh.. mor e than • !lee'
subject, and. .too ,low to be cOn:'
.sidered: •• '
Jr.' IV .to Sr. IV;. Adthitted- . on
Year's. work -G. MacDonald; A. Mac-
Kenzie; Nitylori.D..endersOn; W.
.Armatreng. exantinationHolipre
MacDonald; Macintosh;
S. SteWarai, R. Finlayson;
MacMiilan.; Pass -E. Sniith; : I'
eThoinPson; . L. Webster; T. MacKen-
zie. . , • e, ', • • •'•
• , Kate '-IdeODonald•-
. .
4.,;'sCnooL. nnionTS:.
Junee•Promotion Exams of Pone • fat
SS. NO 9' West WiWinoilh
• :Honors Pass 60.. . • " •
. ,
Prorated ,tront Jr. iv to". Sr.- IV/
..TOhn Foran 75i, Puedon 62; H.
Fowler • 44; Chatlie Ligroin absent. e
to'. jr, .II,ii jean .Puecien' 68.
Joe Poran,• rec-
• onireended; Elwood Fowler unable tO
Ise to Jr, II: -Rohert:•MacAliiiites-
. . •• •• • .
.S5; Ila Fowler 79; , Ernest Durum
437..' • . ' : ,
Primer:lIeleh•Fowler; Dur-
• on roll '13. :
T. *Kinney,
Jr.- ROom, Sit No. 4, W. Wavetinesh:
Promotion txania, Net 60.
• . to IIIt D. :Miller, 70;
McQufllin 78.,
, • Sr.. II. to Jr. 111: McQuillin 94';
E. ,Dtitnin 82'; E. Miller 901.A,. Watt
son 19; D. MileDenald '7i1;• Morrf-
sonn' 69e • -,G. Parirese-66e, MeCDOntild
64;• W. MacFarlane 64; "Thom .601
D. Swan: 46. . • ; . ; • .
Sr. to Jr. C. Millet; L. 'Miller;
K. Thoin.;..N, Weetheeherid; M. Mac-
' ,Paelaile. "
to F. mac.
:DOnaltIT•;:p.: Ptiret,er; T.
to ",.Pi.; Cranston; A. Miller.;
E. '
,.,--Noe,•••on roll 20. Av.
ventE. Tedil.
.liopori of, S.S. •,94 ,
4r. IV; • PoAsibip...,niarks:700..._„PaarS
AiidersOn. :501; ,0001.•
Pard!)0r,ilfi*i' •• •
• • -TH.Uffilik:Y; JULY 7th,. 192T .1
420e --Jim titirdner 500; Gardner
488. Lloyd Hunter 425,
Violet kit.
385; Ruby Reid :296; Daisy Rit-hi� 197.,
Jr. 1: Irlma ,Hackett; " Harvey Ritr.
elide! • , : •
'•• •' •
A: Rena • Hunter; Lane Gardner;
Jinunlo Reid!•
.1116. c'1..r°11 AY. att.lg.'. ,
, . . • • •
15411100a! -*
,Ttioe o,titit8,,, 61;otirigh.a,tioer,i•e
to Sr.,IVe-Lleeerne Johnston
61%; 'Eddie Thernpison, ,50e. liarole
Corein, (absent, but promoted epi.e.
Jr. III to sr. III -Annie Burt, 78%
(Prihnothd to jrvelVeon year's Work.)
Reeeadette. Ce'reicly, *78;1 -R eir‘g i e
Broome, ' 71; Clifford Cciegrarre '65;
Lorne Johnston, 6& „ • ,
II to Jr. .ilteeReiriiiied Ackert,
78%:Jimmie Burt. 79;' Lida Johnston
Eilee %dad 64. Clifierct Robb
° 21;1 Theresa Cassidy; 12, (absent for
some -•
I. to Jr.. II. -Jimmie Broome,
'78%; Teddy, Burt; 71.
Sr. Priuter.--4ohn Dielcisen, Frank
, Jr. Primer.Kenneth.:Dickison, Bil-
lie 'Burt, Anna kerie. Corrigan, Bee.
'Mlle- Caged
poubledee, Teacher.
Report of S.S. No. :9,..Ashfield ,
Sr. 'IV: Jack Curran 77; Bernice
Blake 69;• Mary • Hagkett. 66; . Toni
Anderson 66; Jim Currie 65.
Jr. IV: Wienifred Blake ' 73; Mary
'Clare 72; Jeer). Andersen 70; •Beat-
rice Culbert 66; Dorothy Curran .'66,
- Sr. IIIi Keith Johnston 67; Verna
Kilpatrick .57. .1 "•
III: ONO .Blake 35.
Alma Curran; Clifford
Blake;, Harvey
eia-iiiiii:•Anderson;. Jean Cul-
-7:Jie I: efurieltlitke• ;TChester Twam-
ley. .
No. dis roll 21' A -v. att. 20.2.
• 'olive Arie9' eeee
Mr. David McConnell, who , for
, •
,sozne time has been in South •Africte.
is visiting his sister and brother here:
Mrs. Gallagher and ' daughter-" of,
Toronto, are visiting, her 'Oster, Mrs.
H. J. Blake.
And -.300.• Aubrey. and
son of Detroit,, are,. visiting at 'John
Menary's. • ••• ,
• Mr., and 7Mrs. Albert Campbell' and
family. of ;Westfield, " spent a' day' re,
cently' at Winb Crozier's.. • ":
. Mr. H. .T. Blake has returned home
after spending the. past . week wit)?
his de:tighter at St. Cittherines. '
' Mr. Fred Treleaven and family of
-Toronto, spent -the holiday with his
heather -
WS, *ebb of Goderich, visited -her
sister, Mrs. Shackleton; during the
Mr.. end., Mrs. Will Maize and non
of Montreal are spending their, huh..
days with friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. perdbre.'aed-
Florence, Of 'Lanark, visited. the vilst
. • , , ' ' • • '
• two weeks. withfriends and relliveli.
'Quite a nuinber from 'here attended
the . nurses. graduation. .at Goderich
last Tuesday' evening. Mies. Annie M.
Kennedy R.N. was the Most fill,I.CeeSS''
Ali graduate. .
, Mrs., John Kennedy visited' in Ged-
erich a. few days last weelc. •
A 'very successful garden 'party
was held here on M'ohelity -evening " by
the,• United. Church. •
'Mist Gladys. Garton, of Kitchener
is Visiting et her hoine ,here:
Rev. Mr,. Whitfield was -inducted
lent week as the new minister of the
United Church.
Mr. James' Forster has mirehased
a new Ford • sedan ear and Mr. Ken-
neth Weaver a'Orgy Dort ear.'
Rev.. and Mrs. Cummings Ipt.t. list
vireek fer theft, new ,oharge in' Ansa
•• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger and
baby of Detroit, are visiting at the
home of her neither, Mrs, D. 'Gillies,
'Rev. Mr.,and Mrs." yedlock and .fam-
ily visited fniends inA1464101 • last
Friday and Saturday. •
Miss Annie 'IterinedY returned to
London last "Thursday.
Quite a•nutubei from here attend-
ed the garden party at Langside 011
Tuesday evening. ,
-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Holland: and
aildren; Of Kitchener,. visited for h
fee, clay e 'at her former home here.
Mrs, Aloe. Leach and see Will, and
Miss Glades - Spencer, •df • DePoltr are
visiting at the home of the' foreier's
sister, Mrs. -e-
.Mrs,,JOhn McCarroll and .daughter,
Miss -RuhY• of Sault Ste. Marie, aro
,Divid Kennedy, and other relatiees.
Mrs. Joe Tiffin is visiting with, rel:
atiyes Toronto,: aha other places.
•airry . tn. report, tho deith
Kennedy, „on :Friday.„
Cniflg at the home
James McInnes, -She: had been Able
to be at her.workAintil nbcitit...a month
ago. She 'was in her 67 year. She
leaves,to mourn three sons and three
fleughters,'Deve -Wintilict o
tiOtkliaWri '-410!'•In
'4, • 1•4
• .......ebeemeee--et -wee. PAG711 •
(1) Main street"or Banff seen front ,fiulphur, &fountain. (b A section or the Banff 'Windermere' highwer narrhur throu111 '
'the Picturesque Sinclair' Carlsson. (3); Rugged Country • through which the neir• 1dithwft.,wInde• (4) Thut C•P•117 chitfatt I"k•
. • •
he. opening of the Field -Golden Highway this siini7
. • mer will mark, another great step in the comple-
tion of the all -Canadian -highway from coast to coast.
Thecontinuation of the motet: reed, which. list year
was 'extended from „Lake , Louise ' to Field, hat 'been.
carried on this. wLnter bythe Parks Ditiiient, and
......epenetritelirolifteen :miles • farther.. into the 'mountains
, to , the; Western boundary . 'of ; Yoho National ;Park,
' :where it, joins the new seventeen -Mile extension ,from
Golden. .• ;•,... • '
--77'71114i key/Wad winds throilih:'one of.the.tnest pie,"
• reirescele sections of the Park -filled :with, associa-
of .Palliser, of Hector; of "memories of :empire'
builders v :and 4pioneers.. Dark canyons. 'silvery
green-white„eleers beckon. . • e et.- •
Winding out of 'Field, the C.P.A.'"station for.
ald Lake, where the teavellerturns his vetch back
an hour, and over the Kicking. Horse rivet; the road,
efollow a the Emerald Lake trail fer, some miles while
.a wonderful view of :the -valley unrolls.' It passes
deserted cabins, Indian giraves and an old .Geimanin,,
, tate camp. ,After leaving etttertaii• on the .Canadian
Pacific Railway it continues around the foottof 'MOutit
, • Vette and finally•reaches. Letinchoil. Here a 'beanch-.
• ing. reed of a mile or so reveals . the.. Kicking Jitiese
Valls, a fieherineres, paradise in i setting of- beautiful
jagged Peelte. The• -road.. winds •on through the deep
• ,
pass of the Kicking Horse to Golden' on the banks Of
the Columbia river.
: TheeeonstruCtion. Of the .,Fiel&Golden FlighwaY, ,
presented %very., difficult engineering preblehis '
•-oneacepint:Ofetheesteepness theeslopereefethe 607'
. hills. • .A good deal; of excavation had to be done • lie
solid rock. The probable cost 9f• tbe new highway on
account of the eeopogiapayeeneaunteted hr.
estimated at $24,000' per mile..., •
;day circle" tour from Banff and Lake covering -
the , first -•dity the: melee Picturesque- section • of ',thee •
Bant&Windeepaire reed, the Second, the section be.. '
tweet Ittidieill Hot Springs .to Emerald, Lake -by way.
of ‘Golden and,Leanch011, and returning the third Oar
'Banff and Lake Louise. • • , ' . , .•
! It should only be a :short time. now before the
whole of Canada's- Mountain world is opened • up to '
the,mottielst. PrOmeGoldeh to Revelstoke Is the. last '
Uncompleted link of:the first great transcontinental
,motor made The; distance in all 'le einety. miles, but •
short perfect roads have already been bielt from town
to town on the route: ,: There is an old railway grade
available' for a ,:distance.' Of 'about ten miles. It is .-
estiniated that there is :mily fifty-seven Milee of read
remaining , to complete direct connection nerves
Canada. . •
Wm. Macintosh, LeekticiW; Mrs, Win.
'McInnes.. ' Tees*eiter; and Annie at
hone& The., einibethy of the '1Orifilier.,
extended to there in their ',sad
bereeeernent. The. feileiai Witch was
largely ..atterided,was held' on Sunday..
aftetheen to . south Kinloss Cemetery.
• ...eeehiet but pretty Wedding .took
„place I: on Wednesday, June '29th, at.
the 'parsonage of,Nartli street United
'church, COderieh;:-'when:,,MiS4 Annie
M. '.Kennedy, R.N., deeghter,.. of Mra
and 'Mrs: John l .1(ennede of near
"Luelinow; Was • united' in, • the .-hele
bonds of mateirrione te Mr: Arnole'
Toynbee" ,,son of •Mr. • end, Mrs,
Gordon Lamb; :Colborne
Clarke- .officiating.
Wi.1180.111e, 'bride. was gowned in a pou-
.dre blue georgette 'frock over, pi.inted;
glileeerith Parchment sijoeS, end ehose
'to initob.,7. she; kt,tr.ied a 'Shiiiiier heue'
quet of OPhella roses Arid; blue lark-
spur: and, Were the :geoem'e.
.beautiful 'green. gold wrist -watch. The
.bride and "groom left on A 'h. (i.neyinoiin
tete. to London, Toronto and Niegari
Falls, the .bride wearing: a navy biee
coat' ' aed • hlriek and 1,,,hite•
their return•Mr.-..and,:Mrs.'•.Larrib wiij
reside , on the grbem'e, ferny on -the
Lake .Shore road, Colborne townshiP
The bride' tr.:a:graduate Of: Aleicandro.
Marine and General Hospital, ane.
Was 0,ee Of the .graduating class .of
".,•-•,--71,-or 0
Mr: and 'Uri. David Lowrie and
sem, Jack,. of •Toikoritp, and Mrs. Bar-
trorn and daughtcr.. Catherine, of
Gedeticle, v,isited at JaineS4e.'Webeter'0
last wok: L
ROb04I tp4on'
Mr: and' M 'Jas. Webster spent Sun-.
ddy at Tee8Water.: ' •
..ripn't forget the garden patty to- •
?Oat '(Jely ,7th) at Neil ,G.; Maeleere
zie's,. 1.eth Coecessioe. GoOd .proetieli
flasehall ganle lvotwceil Lochtitsh ele4
Apihrley, 1p1rcs117,1,ent'ci
Sheldon lei•icker. tete°. oendiclate
for the next election is eXectied tc
£413e4 _ - .
Sam And Elmer Beedley. who ,are'
visiting :their , fiarentsin Xincardine
anent, 41, -day reeehtly
with their brn-
th�r, Jack: ' - .
-.Mr, *end Mrs,' KinelrelPie ishherliecte:
Billie. of 'Chic -epee eeent the ease
them •Drei, eed iferteee
Mr, •-•ruele Beett.v". Cibeee are'
'1VIr. and. M.S.. James ,of
Mariedalee spent • the -holiday with,
their parents, Mr, and Mit. R. Ricte:
Melte of, ra mon nt, • . , •
Mlas Jeen. tong, •of Homloek..City,
Asitia.ii London durin the *sok,
Miss Katherine le1'iie„.6f Arnberley,
is the geese .of.' her sister,: Iffie,‘ Greet
MacDiaernieVa Paramount.
,Miee, Mary Cook; of. Paramount, is
assisting Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie; of
Lothian, this week.
• ,1Vir. • and Mrs. Wesley Robb 'live
returned to• their home in Lochalsh
after a 'trip to Manitoba.
Mr., and 'Mrs: Jack Gardener, of
Zion, visited, With Me. • and ,Mrs. Ciale
Irwin, of Paranneint during the week.
-1VIrs Peter ,MacDonald, of Huron.
,is visiting, with her e daughter; gri.
:tiqou, Henderson., of Paramount..
Misses Bessie and Selena, :Greet
are, spending "the -holidays at their
home ,in Hemlock City. _
Mis Margeret MacLennan; of -Tor-
onto; is visiting at her home in,Loch.,
alsh," • : •
James Reid and Miss Alice'
Reid ere • visiting :with friends .ih
'Luckncier and paramount. y
The Pa/amount and Kaiestea
W.O. Club s Met at the home of Mrs
J. Iterniltan on June 21.10ver -eightY
ladies were •preserit, and the program
:put on , by the visitors was erijoYed
.very much:',, by all . present. Three
spleheid papers Were given: • "Con•
by": Miss Annie . Hughes.
"Little things that 'make life "beauti.,
by •Miss .Norma NichOlson; arei
"The • art- of being a' guest," by Mrs.
R. Martin; Mrs. M. Irwin gave
recitation. Instrunientals were givei
'-y• Alma Carruthers -and Leona
White.. :A, harmonica duet, two clo.
,uses and community ti-nging cern.
pleted: the musical part of the pro.
,gram. The July meeting of the Para,
mount Club will be held at the horrir
of Mill,: R. Struthers in , Lucknow•
when the roll cell ilL oe "Sunnier
Drinks or Health Iiints."-Mrs; Me•
GUI,..SecAy. ".
1- Construction , be ".statted
Abortly; it is anebiinced, on ttie
2,400,000 bushel elevator to be erecte
ed by the • Alberta Wheat Pool at
'V•aucouver, and it is expected that
the big .plant'etill be ready to handb
grain . from' the 1927 CrOp,'
-Twenty-three rnenitiers'ef the Ohio '
Wesleyan Oleo Club..selled recently .
on the Canadian v Pacific steamship
'Montrose- • for England; *here- they. :
will visit a -short while before
ginning a singing tour of, the coun-
tries of central Europe to last about
a mon‘,9,:,,•
• Tho Iloly Land le to be officially
represented at; the World's Poultry
Congress,‘ it is announced, .Dr.
• David Uri Of the pouittlt experiment
station in Pa estme,„will represent
thnotnat ;the great Intel.na-
tioif*l"eVent-Whee held in Otkort
' trosii 4111yrtirteAtigiist 40;
'B.. Macdougall, former' Saskatoon
aviator and now a deadieg stunt
• flier in Lee* Angeles; has , written
askingeif the 'citizens of Saskatoon
will provide a plane tube:entered in.
the 'flight from the ' Pacific' coast to.
Hawaii, which he will fly. He of-
fers Saskatoon . backers half 'the
prize money and k half ,itey" 'other'
receipts, ;should-. he • be successful.
• The •President of the Star has an-
nounced that The 'Star- is prepared
to • Make a. substantial contribution
towards the e1e,000. required- The
. plane would be seemed the "City of .
Saskatoon." • ."
may• not -teen.%
It, but -a good night's
sleep is more imprt-
ant toyou than food:
- •
"Who sleeps, dines" -the
Frendi proverb sal&
' ' •
tin your holiday, or
on motor trips, don't
• nut the risk of not'
knowing whether you will
, have a good bed, awaiting
you 'Telephone ahead,
• make sure, and give your,
mind up to enjoying the ,, •
Learn to look on. the
Bell Telephbne, offibe.
in any town m On4-
tali° 4fid Quebee as•,,a fine
:Place ,,to_get
. -formation about roads, de-
tours, hotel abcouthoda-. ,
tiousii etc, ,The 1Viati,ier
has the, new road niatik-k:,,
• totel irtfOrxnati'on;
;will be glad,totielp you.