HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-07-07, Page 3••• ;
. ,
The N.Y. SunQiiers the Fol-
. 'lowing as Likely to, APP...4K.L
SP014. Our Papers
• ot.iiTT,RTAN go1nt40' mtnoinv by
airplane W.91,con8lder .talting party of
two willing to Share expenses. No
busineas, and
• refereneos, P'e, G. 4., box 456. •
• '
COPPIA• flAng th*om.. Chieage to,
NaPlea'Anr,ing first Week in /illy will-
„ing totake.. another ::YOung coupe;
•' frinst be. 'congenial P and furnish, ogrn
•'•,satitlwigheti. &Mr,. •Ietters-:•ot ihtrodu.e,,
• INIeggletlforlie 8'2357 -party J. •
.,..1,1k.RTy- of 'foUr''bUsiness .inen;' hop-.
e. Ding fixim.'li.ansita',•Oity to Vienna,
t'can acconim6late•''two.""other„.gentle..
• men accfritiktned., flying
Sleet :,stOrntii;.,ric4in .with, Some ..ltnoW:.
ledge of,' dead reckoning pOferred.
Write ,Mr,. Wohf1ari265; Spruce avenue,
KornIngside' lieights, for IVIddrid, in
” ..two ,passenger 'biplane The Spirit of
116th Street.! ,would glad to take
Barnard, ,g1r1 for companionahip; must
be a young lady who is afraid in
the dark [fnit ho will not, insist upon
Midnight hutch *bile:. 800
Lidos- from I falifax in a 1.104 7feg:
Phone ' Aristophnnes; Merningside
'Now. Gives All the :Crotilf to rir.: •
when a ..yeAla4. ,girl beceana,eS,palo,
,complains,ofr cOattation, at; tlie
xattion„ Vas dJzy ene4.• headachast
or Stomach. trouble, She aho.uld..knOw'
that these F4(11110,1','i:It. the ;:ilis‘shi
SyMPtOnia.'..of anaemia, , which theaffs,
that her b.109.4' .16 thin an Weak, Tit.
•such conditiona:there ;4s the most ttr•
_Out need fqr• :a• tonic that f11
promptly restore the
tied' to 'the. hlotitt.and, thus bring
'health ,And Sirenith.,- or' this P4rpose,',
there 48 110 tonie• ean equal lir. Wi
ilains' Pink pma, drheneands ot 'weak'
arid ai11ng girl's., have fotind„,".,neW
strength end hapPineiis through this,
.nie.41.446..Igiee.,'Qladys,.V... Bond', :kent:',
1.4,P4'.000 this treatment.
rand Cannot praise'
• Di.. , Pink •,Pills tee •highly
-for-the ,goof1:411ey-f•i.nay6_,
was in Oonclition ,7of veoor
health, lingered from-. sefere, head-
achesand nervousness, .14y, appetite
was poor,, t. • and very •:little exertion.
' would leave -me :tired...ott. On'the ad-
vise "I'if a -friend I• decidedto try Dr.
William's' Pink Fills. In a feW. weeks
I •-begiin• 16• . feelbetter, my., . aPpeatt.
• improved,and the' 'headachei „ were
less frequent.. I, dont:Mudd the use of
the •pillsuiiti11 had. taken six boxes,,
.44:4\11.19it tiplp as. well as ever,
and I' gained in. Weight- from 98
pouodp, to .„1„1,•i pounds., For:this,
advise allweak girls to try: 'this.
Medicine."' : •
Try ]Jr. . Pink, Pills:, for.
anaeirlia, .rheamatisiri,neuralgia, ner7
Vensiley.s and .stomoich trouble.. Take'
'.thent as a.tonieand eultivate a resisti'
tome that will keep you • well and
streng.• yen. ;tan get :these 'pills
through, any mei1cine dealer Or by
mail at 500‘.4•hox..froni The pr.. Wil-
liams ,1‘1O4feind Co, Brookville; Ont...
Koing4Ity,441..r9plana_ fronr,
- NoWDOrt. • to -ideate '.Cario• • With hor
mellier% ivotild'. consider .titiklitg al (II If c
iveman dtinetion
;:' Willing' to cost :of gasoline and
•' Vrite
. .K, box456.
• ,
, WiLL 'Ivi.thes5 ;\Vlio '. saw elderly inan
i'Ing.b.sina 11 monoplane, on the (rcat
.676 -Miles freni
by , eight Passenger , air'
'criiirette ". kindly • coinnitiniCate . With
.• .(1 enera 1 4DeliVory.
TO' ,i1'.I7i1.1.1.11t, M,c1'0061,1,•:
poi;frainils clevelaint,
• • ..to na,
• honie; the children 'itre,:.-OrYlng•for
Yflt; all .ip-forgi von, wendo1yn.•
airplane.; .•haS ,niade. but one
round trip betWeen the United Stated;
:arid Asia:. equipment includes Piija-
electric; toaster for use
jo'inaking, toasted' bread Saiii1Wielies.
AddreSP: Casper P011yWog," WoOlWorthLuildiug,
• .
• .• • ,
.....,EL4N;E...,.,flying. • NeW-1York,:,to ;Paris:
Tra•mf.pert0tion..Co,rnoration. • •
•_ • „ .
. .
. •
:WU y go, to F.Iprope without your
Let us mOve it:, over -for Yen'
' in. 39. hours. 52: minutes -11. Seconda.
Service 'N., 'Y.7Parii Moving
E t e Trans -Continental
" Highway 'Miles; •
Open to Traffic
;..Bostou.-.--Tourists of 1927 will, be
.'agreeaply ani•piised , at the front:eve-
, ,
ments 14 , American highways;. since
last- year: according „ to a. report ,made
. by • 'tho national touring 'board* of the
, Americaa Antomobile Assosiation, ac-•
. ,
cording .to. WasigirgtrliblitttCli to.
• tied,hristfan seienea.; fonito,r.•
finring.' the last., year, ttecordirig: to.
tho.;:tUtainefit,'..additions to the :Fed: '
• era!, Aid '.Systoni. alone, ;total .0;40•0
.miles, 'bringing. the tiggregatel federal"
'.aid sliiinroVed.. highways to ;55,903
miles. • Inipertant I d'iteridloni
teen made to ‘th.e° atate priMary
..,.'s.)'-steniS, • 011(1, 10 to the
'iamntellanee of east and west and
nortli and .pOuth roads. .. • •
• • "An. butstitinling•::'reitte..beeause..•Ofe
,signiticanee . 'Mid -Continental
•eohnected lii0hWay..frOto. Atlantle;citY;•
to says"the re-
... pOrt; is, l.1.9.• liighWay....Nb. 7.40; Tills
tontlieh. gueb.,impertaint citlea'.aS
lithore, Wheeling, C.olumbtis, Incliarta
. 1..;;oUls, ICansas
Snit La.k.,0.. City.' and Rene:. The :efitire•!
• length; is. •;l,•22.0' miles and tlie,t'Onie is
paved' tarotigliotit, froln' Atlantic
•'to St, ..Matry's, . Kan., . n,diStance of ,;
West. oC.St., Mary's, tli'e
way fs.k•hiefly. graded eartli or gravel, .1.
,AIXOept Anliurn , pan 1.
Whore there is.- at,•,continti-::
1,, Styetch Of: pavetn6nt. ;This
c ,,.„ t.ho Great. Salt . Lake:, DeSt!tt
' \Voini ono. en t -off
• "Another 'Timed SO tes 'route of bp-„,
poi:lance. to the t'onhist is N0,-10;41'0111'
. • Audio:1,e •(.711Y •Cre",;", coin- ,
tw con, Pliiladuliglia" and (Ixangef,, •
V •
.• Wyo.. , t• ro 11[4'0', \V Ito ti t e '30
-fits/ ides i ift0.- 10 • flO rth •• and 30'. Saab, .
, southern branch.: going throngh,
•kvanston.' to O'gcl0n.,;while. the
division, ontinues ', into,
WEAF Shows toss
''rhe National Broadcastin'g win
ShoW firat Year's -
at hearing 'before, Federal Radie COM..
Mission. "The.:Natienal Brelaticasting
Cp. ia owned, 50' per dent. by Aerie
Corp. Of Ainerica; .30.per ceut.;by,Genr
grai• Electric .0.0. and 20 poi.. cent.. by
Westing Electric ete. Mr. AyleiWOrth•
hap declaibed 'reads . )fyeekly''
that .iveritually the ceinpany'hdpes. t�
ern'somethi alsO , plans 't6....
,tend its :netWork to Pacific' Coast ana
Northwest. estinialeiltb.at days
that Colonel Lindbergh Was in .Wash-
ington a hpakkin :arranged: bY;' the Na-
tional Brt..a.slcasting 'Co: made it pos-
sible :for 50;000,040 people to bear hint.
,This compatir„ pays American, To;1§-
plione,4. TelegTaph o.: $1,560,60 yearly
for.„.use of its lanCwircs. price paid'
hy:Nhtlenal Breadcastinv. Co, kw: sta-
tion WEAP, New York, fOrmerlY. !P./4'P-
ed 'American 'Telephone
graph CO.*, Nviis; 41,909,000.7
'Red Rorie `Tea now peeked
in the bright, Clean.
Sum package, is - completely
guaratiteecl.: You can try. it
- Without . any risk. Order sa
package ,from your grocer.
.„.jJse, any . portion Of it and if
...You' are. not entirely --Pleased
return it—and—no Charge. will
be made.• d
I Motetpelicr• Soda
Spring'S... 'At 'PO'attello route •fol,
lows tha• Itivor eth'sely •
.it lth they" old ,Oreg6o,
, •
' ' Attpnto 'No -20 Will ;'earry tho
•Ist foal iiiiiirtlfMtiWr.tririgh.:7
ly bripro•ved (!anadfam , road- . Ito De;
trot . Tiie Matirise• 'PeckS
,. rout(' to follow atiti..farthef‘trekWard
•• „inns 'take No '-tp,,i;brefigii.
lagftlaW to
V, „ Lake ,14011fignirle'
ereasod'by ferry:lb- Ilitaititak,,,ne;:-.AVi04
. rat •t e.t.,.,:,,rfg• • Pintielip004:,"' •
inar‘elt, hifistatiltt, to:
, . •-‘
:;Thib .]iiriPa of ,setrie.,:marked, 149wa
.goodrk.o•Seenis toindfeath that'•. the
"•standin0-on s
when lie then' dOwn',
know' -hew approa011•-..n
girl With a past?"
Flow?" • •• •
41Vith a present"
Cron e
Grooms re clue r. fedon'tget
Iliad it You; kiss ...the •hrider mires's. You.
-it a yeaf'-:-Or -So --before the:-cere,
` • -
Negro Sheik •• "Al, you sho'..,1s.
Screaiii:',' • •• • ;, •
Sweet Voting Iligh:Yaller-Black Boy
.-77"Yeti. don't 'zantly, reraind, Me of
siienee yo' own!Solf.'"?
. • • -
Dost • thou .lovo.,
Mel,. Then d'o'lpt
squander' time; •for, that's the.„ stuff
life is Made of.,:
, '
It,is'.sweet to, see ; fathers trying to
give • their ••children pleasure no xnat-
ter:at what personal sacrifice„.,and we
saw' one Friday evening touching off
one ; l'orned6., after • another': that ....ex-,
Plodeil•••With a deafening sound while.
hid little daughter .sat nee.r'' With :her,
fingers in her
I• Rayo, f-Poputa.1.- ..,,
... •
, Trade Boomed
by Process r EV•PD. Furs and
, • .....
:VelVet$ ., Are 04ccess,
fully imitated '•
J-40ndon---Art1tlelali, silk is displacing
tbe geoulue article in Pilgland: to au*,
an extent that artiaciel ailk-making is
*, imw one of ;the 1eading''.ard i',most-pre-.;
fitable. indpStriee in: the COnntrY:. 7 . .. ,, : I
The.seci,et:.Of':the iecent :boOni inuar:'•
, Oficial sale is poi, rot ,that niemo,fac-
:..,,l)t.,drepri:$16.' rir. sheen out' .76tetl,qcodifth-e.; .taking
1:4. iP°4;:ltuhcet.
.:,' "which ' Riraerly :,-„br,a4dMarlted" it 4
i' i'.ftkiit4ton.','... • - ,,r': .: ; ., .. .,*1
•• 1. ;tha. ,ise4oid c•enlitiai- Artificial. Mc,
'•,ShOWI''nOW ar0.041,ng:;*Tpat •,:eft,Pa0611 ,
... here, •Proved tt.; the' Pe.* '090ssee
,have elimitaled'tittS Oature inc'oeis.-• ,
'fully, and .tiaanY ' of ',the, sitting: and
•• , crepes ' shown there EfrejnietOn for
. l''••:ttuo'rnadlosillik•wso. men 'of. 'a.44k •oass'e's.'4; r 'e
1701t; 'W:earing'arfidecial•,sillt..stocIlinp,
which ,are: indistinguishable '. from the
...,,...A__ lits:ILlittle" Jamesiiici.d not miteh more than three ` Years 'fild• Ith; lo I6ra-trillit-IcIr• ;,'IP,i.uif; . 6.04.S .. ot sirn14r
Journey ,.,.. . . ...,THR4.,. ygm.t. cl,.D. .1 ro m 1 ar,imor.,-. , . ,,. natural • YUld an,d, eeSt leas than half
Man., a distened , of seine, 4,000 ifltafaninifire-Efkland--to-Rainy:aiver i iAn ii.nrolmtar;#:..tkls.:14;r4,;4;h;::::,..:is:
. ,ticial silk furs which'success
all the, Way from Coseler
jiffies.. . He: ,ira;velled. alene:and joined his the.artiifu-lyr- inalta,te
anything froui:' tea to
• Parehts ;in ..4itlny. River •whe-diave :not seem hira.,:fo.. two an' a ,half Years;
The Photo shiOWS' him being looked efter'hy Captain M. DoYie; Master Of ille,.'Ieopard skin.' Velvets, Plashes and the
' Cunard liner."Andania", vihich brenght thelittlei fellow to Canada, finest lingerie sillts.,are new Made from
•' ' „•:. , --,---- I panel,' with the hel-p of chetnicale,
, .
.. _
'Illie year's exh•ibitien also, eSees „the
, . , • inalnsion of ''imitatiOn't glaSS .Printing:.
ANSWER...--74DQ:YOU? . on artciat; silk, bul in the ,form,ot
einshad7glasif--, erntiessng.--a if d• be a iii-iigT
THE 4, .. . " ., .
,"Give.' me the. net line. after: 'Shoot, The 'seeret . of '!'imitation'' glass., be -
if • yo must; this oldgray hear,' ',' ' fangs to Dr.' :Pollak, o`k., Czecho-Sloya:
" 'Sk.00t it 'Yon iimQt'.- what'?" Itia.„.r'Who is• Ilq Nv ' the direator cf. ,an
... .111,othera, do- yaii 'think. it fain to tor-. '','SlItyot, .if Ygli 1-1111S t,. this cid 'gray: EnglIsh comp 111) tuiming ont•the .gbassz,
that the child's drea.4.of these Modi-
to..talp .111 -tasting olls_whert they need ' • , • •
a laxative Medicine?: Don't •Yett. And:
Ore you'r little ones hy„forcing, them near.' 'What8 the next line?" ' tirinted fabrics,
__La_Ji.i.a, . ', ‘pliOet, if yoti nntat-shoot,, one . ','Oli. . yeo, ..• ow wait just a second,.
something citon. si ,p'• aracl.>:
silk ez.nhoSaedowith crushed giass• form
114ackittteihes• of ,:•WeterPreofed ,art
of the Sehationa. Of the ' mantle,
cines often,.40.; nicire haiin ,fhan.io'ad.ti'i.f You must), 1 know it it'h,4
. thb,....n.ii-cti-,ma •do vi tlie..4,var,.;..lolAr, i.IS.t. let hie . . . .._ .
• haby'a..:OWn Tableti-are , , . . . , ., ,..., ,
ern substitute ,r.ov , •t•,.n.0•06, ::.i.uaz' se. oi;'.,,, think a, second'-I.:_can't quite. place,,it.
doses. , ;They are the :,very.. ineuicin' e „ 17.Pu 'Pal' -Pj,d*al'fl. Pone? got 78 on .this
the • child reeulres and are. go pleasan• t' °n'',i '','• PIII 1-2/f .e°uT§P'• 3,•11.4 neY;0•1;
to take' that .they are as:easy. to % ad-. l'''"'04'..°'n',0•Ti.cl.' it was right on ille
s.• , ' ''.• - tip of MY tongtie'ill the•time 1 No? "
tninister as a• glass. of,°water.• 'I'hey. , • . ., .' • •:.'
, ' • - How . stupid ' of me 1 But A.' know' what
are. the ., perfect remedy • for all .. the , : • ..• • .
aillteilta-Pt-litil-e--;-ones-, being `1-i7(1 .11,
°''rlinb:eraufrgOhnr.f.'in' Vmet:Ignt.4.1:;.4.:14;.-.°1tm'
absolutely guaranteed from injurious ,T..1•1'1.,,P a..;
ijY -TQR R
:Thar trotible''with cOminitlea: work
IA that nobildi• does. aifY-Work. • ..
An early vacation Is adirisea' in °T.
der to give one plenty of timc, to re-
Cniperato 0 from' 1,4t before' going to
Work:' ' • ' ` •
There..s ono good...thirig ;abotft
horse. , .dan'buyone...(A 'ern With..
out " any fear that the dealer will
flood.,.the tria.rket with a new-•'inodel
the next. day. ' •
Medicine Co.„ Byockville, Ont. .
qorne.girls will go through anything•i•
for the right fellow, particularly an •
income. .
...air 1.40**
•QtOa't • Su..o7f.o:;.0. of •
Centassitun Treetinent ••
weilfrknown London Surgeon
and 'recognized authority ori Can-
cer has created worhi-svide
est In the . 4,i8eOvetY that 'Cancer •
is due to a deficiency Of rtoto•Soluot •
"salts". the body, whien.eaUses
•• the- Cells ,t0. break. down itrett he,
tome' malignant, • •
In, ender thatevery one may •learn •
The .Real Cause oI
Telfl book will. be • tient., free "
patients er-
.eatta.,In the roost. Sueeessful • me -
801.140,' • ' • • " •
The..follewlog: ja-- a. list ;of ?he
• soliiii,eThbeQt.tirpo'rtaotlietvn.000et '98131.trg-aetriyo.mi2..• , '
3.- WhaV Cancer, 2 1S::. 11, Why '
2on1s1on -Errors • in Diet. 7„ Vital
d• el nr1hiel.1' etins; rf Food. 8. oa 1 'Ig of ea 1M %%do: 3)!•,. The
En -
'The Thyrttlia gla,ral. '11. Age -
. Lime Begins. :to Aceuroulate. ;12,
l'otaksium: Causes Lime Exel2etiOn.,,_,
al.. 11:
?arta ar the riody tlable to
Ouncer, ' 30. parts Which Are sei- •
'cae:419:n. :.}1:14esfr.!jen):4(7,,lit17.1116. How a Doctor
1' *
10, Arterio-i4eleronis, and Old Ag' -3,!
20. Itheornal4li (.lout and 1Cindraa '
i:e• .nnmbel:. n't
;interesting.- caSe,repor is. 'Ivo lag
the • grOt 'rql.ne • "tanta,ssitirn'
,F1ve. and, can: he, ti' ken in
v.broivi:c .t94e1,.10 tal 10
41,awriee,s..',11.,\;;.:,!,,,,,It..:.).,r, 1
, • •
, The great • .adveturp • wa sn' t ..wheii •
.I.dintibergh cA' '09141111)u crosSed the :
latitia: hut locking -
up. a, iiirht of • d'eeided. to • elireb
it.Dean 1.1e -ward. Chanr- Rp.
Ho* toAvoid Cancer , . • .
• That eeriebrit.eet British surgeon and. 'netfileet)ohn9fildePnr.teisaeli.iriensf6.11n-noi:ttiotfllf•ing7' 4"
cancer. autherity, Dr. Robert 13e11, IN1,1).; ;•
*z.c., voluntarily. sacrificed
.his highly lucrative surgical practtee
whe.n_aft..eAng year's', Of ei.haustive•
‘4.--A-LESAIK*N.-• T Y WANT., '
Classlfied Advertisements
I1 GI 'that. casterOil and:, tither' bad tasting iziiiii.': ,i-1,..:;.„i,‘.ty.,z,,,4;„..ei.a.ah.t;.,;, 1,1,.°.. ,.s:irtiocha;.,44.4.clise,alir:ct:::: ,e;p:tii:e:ipc..6:,.i.la‘hge. e., EL/ to sell for the co,d li'eliable-Font-
ctrtigs, ' :.. .. , . .. .. .3 .13,.r.-f::ct '..t.ley,,.a..cisnal., ,:. iNvmaoa.ws,d,..i4...t.;,1:ta,,.(igniiad,ein.,t,gii,r:Li.arrta:.;;;;'..,..,:,'
OWn TabletTenc7en.inliali-e117-4--,94-1,4_,..__-_,),,1."... .... fun Nurseries,- (Iilatablesbod. .00 ' yeozsy.
.ray_._ noblY Pu ..igli d. the 'fellow g 'state .
en ..5. 0 .., y. ..1,7•111...t.,..r074,0i..r.e.e.tr. .....N.:e_wa•acap4eiiii-tilasa,...tttg.---...,sa,ilie4,:g*,..','.* '
alusikO . territony,1:14liest coninifsiddifi"'
.pliall iinire • as they de 'not :leave the •
remedies can do:
'•eii. the'lip'61..iiiS tongue ....:., • Oh i I be Sgrt5rolu.czike4:-.lcii:V•lithiZeiecy.,: 'c.'i,c)v;tooli':,.d.:-,'-':-.L'erCieat::cFfe.,,rt.ii.xis:,..1:::..6.40i:11;t:.:.,L:77aE•:hse.,::::11,sti..io..,.xy,ri,,,i.6.,:o...5,..i.y:ief,,Ni)et5..;i,e,i,t,i.i:I.,.!..g...:.)tfuno.c,t).;,,t,..i,t,c1,1;:3,,:y.ex.e.pni.ieta4ore,•it.7?;:coi : ,
laitla.;ien.stteeiti411111: ri'.. amteitslti c.ibn'tii,.1,,4).it'h'iliayi • eit .r. 'it131:1r.iilli.g:3,,flt. .'s'.g.i9f:r:pio.n:ri:tiE,i.71,?ii.114....;:e97til;...rdigria.e?'.1'gte.,;,;tOtngili..e-:;
and siMple 'foirets••p.n‘L prolnote. health:. ' • •Shopti
Child,f'elchansted -:. 'frein.• its.',Istrug'gle..
tiiiii` and 'constifiation';•;.break up' •colds 'luil''Clred'' ...I.it.'sit?
. ,, , •
gli.1:71±1e iins7: 6'thli.isitIA:e'i;it'::1\i,'r‘lFray
six. :raiS'ilorTadi'llni has ' e v er ... cured 6,4'..:6r.e.'. ...v-,,h,f'ia,oiiilsi..1 ....,..;„; p' e 14: reftiwt.ley Ei.1:.1 nei 14tti:z..;.,..p.:,:trild) cec.. ritortaht if ounr. '
a , • seil.e itartm or PiP'.t nine, P....13..YOung,••
heaci;•lnit, spare -7-•'.'..';:. ' ... ", ;,` .
fid,'refreshing Slebp. ' Their. are' Sold
. fl
e enInts,dai,.Cbilioex' 'dferpnl6try.sTl'ialer:..bDyii.PI.WAiiI,I.::a.ialna. 2:•:::' 'Icet.e‘3i'ire:.i,-'smi:iy00of.d,te,iei..eriiiSo.'e,1:11.76,illtii;'7F;,71,11°I.n.c,s:c,t.olis':..4. d,'gati.e.i.I:ititr'
. 4044:L1)1A( 6)fire . trie. Sik' httii•dred;'' 'f
knew it all .the tinie:. -. ::It',s' 'net i'ight!,'
It's by, whittler?. ',151.1, well, 'Whittier;
that's differeat:','
' ",'Sheet; •if you Must •“this Old gi/a.y.
head-, •but.bpare-t-'7',-'"' • .., , ' '„ • ' - ' ' .,•-•
. "isn't ,that 'ag.grayatitig, and ,I lino*
,it.. just As, 'well? -.-'',Da,' ti•ede,; de,' de -da;
dee da, but Spare.),'. lim..titn, :laid -gray
ii.ead; but *.ispare,H.-". What's the:next
tvor.o. I.,aura,?. '.iikin't. g1Velt.awa)!t-..-Init.
the' next word." • • •,. .: • -.---.. • •
"...--tla.0 cieinitry's!-.--'"... ' • .-"...' • •••• • .. , . it'•,to=claY„.inentionirl, this paper, , Act:„
ever prov e • o f rVic,
Cancer.. 'Prom' my 'Jowls
'disease i affiirtrthat the k
never 'cured Carta4T in sin
stance; :but; on the ecntrary,...ha,s onlY
succeeded in; aggravating the disease
and addilig: to .the saffering,s of the
poor'. Patent •I . •• '
•00Untiess thankful patients living
today. mourn 'the :paSsing in: 1026' a
the author of the ahpve werfla
'and, if Dr. Robert peotoundly
considered warning is now heeded,' it
is poss•ible 'fbr ,the, public to rend•er
the •devastating• 9ander. ce,tirge a
mere Matter of history. ‘„
• Civilization's diet is responsible for
de.eriving 'the:1)011c- of the, abundantly
pfoVide•d 'organic salts essential,„;. to
health presert.ration, and the •stibstitu-
'Sinall boys are a nuisance to the
neighbOrs. But'Alien, neighbors are
a4nu,is4..nce, to .aniall '
Canadian',Coke:for • ada
Since the 'lest anthracite:coal Strike
the use of 'coke In gassachtisetts has
tu'ereaeed per cent: .o •Alreatii#
there are rdniers-,of disagree -
night In •,trie.' anthracite region. f. .The
eXtenSibii. of 'the. cake Industry, in Can-
ada, Which should 'soon be going for-
:•tPen a great,. scale,-should..keep
a.A,great niany of .•pahadia'R•
Money-- -besides ••,...dellybrins
this. cotintry-fitni .the, -0-40A-deuce, up:
on outside, t fUel 'resOntees titat,.• are
hoth,.,:costly ;Uncertain,
. . •
'it depends largely. On the flout you, use.. We believe
you'll WOcorrip this.Suggestion* try ,Purity, the nchi vigorous'
. • ,
Flour—made from the finest Western wheat. , Thousands of .
•cooks say'.PUrity Flour is best•for cakes). pies; bun -s- and bread.
Send 30c in s1amps for our 7602recipe Purity Flour Cook Book 261
. • „ . •
W.eatern Canada Flour Mak Co. Limited. 'Toronto, !donuts!, Ottawa, Same John.
. " •
Canadian Red Cross Socie
• needs your suPpOrt of its work for.
'Soldiers in' Hospital
Mothers and Infants
Children lin School
The Sick in thb Home
Sufferers' throuith Disaster
• .
Send Your Coritril3utionD to '
, •
410 ShPrSourneSt Tci-onto
day In *a 'Child's life is. the „'fi,rst.:4-Dr..iMe. ".an'other."
P.ottS.. ' . 1 . . ';',I'tiett„:_;,(clutt:tatel:;..;w111..1 .1111,iot 1 4‘11.71iiiii.teedr; Isv it., tictir.fil,)t" rei4glirt::de. i
. . sliCai irtni ehl a! ilda .. dress . ,
.More Than . he.. Thought .. . . , • ..1 s.o.n;rte al_ 4 .to egrx;:delit, l';Ioi, J.i.i., ri_gd.., teoui ii .1,n,0,..i.ur..6Y.,c1v!se.. iiflagi.Shoot i , .. ; .,t;1‘ 1, Of it if,, .t.6_iuscioety... ra.c4.::vtihni Adats.:nhtat.:970d.:fb,.47ceeiiriti;Ashi7iinWt:hcicetp
She-.L1'.I -don't believe • Sri:RI, know . ,Indianapolis Cancer ' ,IluSpital
anything. about' tr :wonderfu1. extinct
Y0 must, this old gray head, but tip.are- -boils.,:ifibi...5:,isie:ting. in: 'et'i::e ...,,,,:v. p°114. e'tic 411I.,.............,-ndianaPolis Ind '
bird of •New 'Zealand:'', :, . _ • ' ' ,. sur COuntry'S , flap'. It's (mg:, ci.f.; ow ut.hnaivter-Sisa,14.:6cO.init'zlyailib:1.3of,.A.3*.r615.04.4nant..nipeartio:if
...°'‘3. 1.'k.::,_•Iii:1;.v..'Llit_.c9i..4:..‘-.:-..-e'lha'n .3rP•_ii t.41.,,k,',7. favorite _war _Pi:nine toe. ;... 'HOW. Per- .ca,n,c,.r .11,1 also, (5f. ii.i,n6i,..,.11,;i7 ,..,c.,elltuni.„. st
. • . , ,. .,•.., , . . .,,
m-- tn., a. rd=,,:. , Liniment for ' inset:. bites., .„fec;:x."1:a.SetgliPmiodt.„.nanntt,_ t_97'.'orikeip-1.6ef'in't..1?0' e.utt.';,:ft,:-haet ,• 0...f pahli.e..c. ,h,,pitIvzaetoirni.•,s1,ta.enht,s,.g,t.;:ini,tatel.ani.:. ,d.d.i.e.t...
•-•-failf.asking for rnY own guidance- '6t..11a;51:e0 Itc.'is. . gi41'..t!,y : .1. a t : but
0 i•
.....r, . d..,..dp..n.a.gi
marrys 0.I.ii i si‘oin:10-;TI,i.mhepaitri4yet‘.Naip•eiv..a,the'Oluit,,mtee
,. ,,Did Jr.,,'!Da., do_a...,..da,.:bcainuesdeci'715iT: ,t1,1111117,r6:,,c?,t=duy?,•,:ipi.a.ric.I.4,‘..is'ipil6unli.aeify;...:
p iiI, a, pvrgativ es , , and laxatives., ' cOM-.
rfig,geti."1, simplysaid • Yes, dear. ...,
tIVIenittt'iOdritedd. Yi.(:)he' ..satit.114'.0odt•.'1.141r.tnIfihir.li'ngh;!: .,she : iiId Yon,rp quite,..riglit, F„a„.kur.: k....:;c:ino,11.01:d sl. c,eddialaniit,ct,r; ili; 1:,:e je t; ir os an;t::.:1)‘i kt i),, ii p_tla i:Is otribi:tIec, • .1, dtihltgirel:,! :if s'r,,,Ititilti.srd : ..
' " ' ' •'' ': 0 n1r4v,"giQvcekinite illia 1 f lonitntl%i'lotnle)." rfIetcotoblIf '
.. _ • . .
.. ,
1 tefieVe• 'that the anost• iimpertant .too.long to deserve fl,ill..7.0-re,atici,th.• , . ,.. -. „wpite,r. by' Dr,;, Ran,. NvPhroesseTP-Reed.dv,'Ic'9e,-,ies.
. .
4'11;n-it/ATE •• 2r;C , '
Ateon, Table;. A,nalys ,. Ale-kande_
• 500 ,,5 th ve„; Mom' :101, NeW Tork.
,GENT's; ErrllEit 075 A.
*eek.easy Palo° Cleaners..
hefi on sight.' Cl'aris • 'everythil?1,4; like '
msglc Free sainAles. P. A. llei'eovre '
co.;,;Alekandria, . • •
. • .
110I:I.OSCOPE. Your nenie,'„ youi...birth- •
date, and $1.,---will;bring complete anal.
ysis; 'INrr.ite. today. INSTITt.TTM! '
'ASTIIQLOG`Y. 136X .149, • Time,
SqUe.re Station:. NEW
.. ,
. „ .
Tells .canie, Of cancer arid what .4,4, dO. .
for pain bleedirig; odor,. etc. Write for
on brOwn paper*
• •ancl:,.epPly to, the throat AlsO ,
hale:, Quiek relief assayed:
• !4•' . eV,rY 'Canadian And American pur•
• chaser of the English home .Celieer • ,
fie a tinent: • De.talled*inforniatd.On 'con:. I •
,cerndre this treatment iS' also freelyAVOIDF
.t$11.0. apliCation , char' les
. • •
Walter ,tit 51 . A-anSwick. Avenue,. To.
ropto 4 Ontatio, Canada.--(Adit..) '
Soinething, • Anyway
. ,
.Mtfol, as the It , of. the..giris of to-
day ire :critiCized as inferior iCe the"!
Stanklardis .of their molliers,". girlhood, 1
tt..nnist, Wet. ehde'eded that in at leaSt:l
one ‘,IMportant reSpect. they liavb et.
. fected' a.' marked ininvoternent: • They
'wear' • i:Irettier • and inpre
• . ,
Elnimentinea....e at habd.;
— • • • . •
• ...I" 'do *not ,",tlatim" .niy- •
lias 40..eafl 0 spad,o a ,'
• sp.ade4 1I1tI-'11.1.•fe •A'reli.deti'efin
.• .
tiodforqi '
, • .
I'd ratiler llave, 0 big fellow any dac,'
:in the v,-ct•le than ttii:.) Of 1.%pf.F.
ball pht,yers. itobinsog;
• •13rooW*11 tiona:110,
CA1411 FiUNdkij. IN, •TFig• Wesf -.: •- . .
r ,
. •
.o.'„..Eager 1eAlle_on,leartairbloeka.,.pfland. lit:the 1141111 I.anki dirstrict; ive't qf •
. litC!("\-'c . i1:,-6i:11,
g-A-IN1.1.3,1eiortItil'irelltit9...,'? liTlivi:::6'farieill'Is'' 1:Tnt:1•111-11111-4'Htl-ii"ils,ttriFic-iti-','-[;(5io'iini:11'-'.iii,111:'g::.;;!:1.9'.0i'.i:1110ii..1-11.1'.till::'-
, , • . ,. .
,on the :slops...of llie •land:ottice 11-16,11titty .iiitirfi fug, May 13; and reinaln cd 'tiler...El
_____,, ,••
'tifirr,111rilior iiff,fre.r.r111-Te3r.V11 if, e.titelfriftr-wfTx-,tifrolizn,,,tt/stnr-404-40.1.44ig-;
,•eihfliy.'ilOrtli.evst wit iiiakIng IfieinittiIYer,' they • erected d .s's61.terifil1i1tle:fr81fl. ,
, .. . .
a iedrpett.Wii.itin':whivh• :thi•,y' plat,r4,their hod rollS', ' . (1,.., NV,,. Long iv.a S caught t.
IiY.' Ale'. eV nitlra .:,:. he e`e'ettpie'l th e,i,li a ir .1.),,.. . the deor pit his 't our:o f a mr i r'y gi,„ f , : •
;Myer ,44.41,,e, ,r,.6t. ,;.:11't eiL i h.6 sanv? .1;10 re'. Of laii-.1 and thr retire Voll•INtl in t,o,.
. .
tertatinifilielleVing .enol“otIle il. e4t..ige41-1-S---0-1I4.-lill-1,-11-4,:g-ki4I-altIlie.i4 --.:141;:P001.6f,'
.01.--,tili11 a. :lifiV,V0 tlie.e,t„c,,err.'.,css .With Wilith tan 1 Is snaliPed up 01-00* lbe• lin 8 ot
,'the QafkidOlti, Pacific ,
It'ailway; ' — •' •,.•. • " 1.
, .., .•
Mrs.Toayman Gives' Lydia
Pinkham'a Vegetable
Compound the Czedit •
COthOrne, Ontario. "When T. was
first, married .1. was, ,very, 'thin and
weak. The docfor
said V - Weak
and wotild never '
be able,..to have a
ehiltl., but 1, did, '
and, f re ra tbe tiino
my b b.y c am e
I soi:forod, all t ho
time r4vd doctore1.
and took toed',
eine. I...r.f,ebecan14.'
a bnre:":1;.arist de,e":-„,„
tofs .zaid 011 01)t r-
• ation could help.
me,. but Inv husband:was otyi,osed,t,r•
thaL.I; had seen 1..plial.;; haldr;nn'a
• fifedeineadvertiseel; :ATI told "tily 111;:•°•;
„land that 1 thong It' / •woId try i.
that* 1 might got nonie relief. I
'had not.: tasit'en o 1c bottlo. v,ht.n
,e and h:td
haVtilree girls an.4. a boy an I
•• have done irly ye:It up t confint•-'
Lifeandow.c.my good heal h tt, 1.yr1:1,
:'11.:Dinkhani`s Vogt:, Lz.ble Comptluryd. I:
••• take a bottle Nvhe.n I think I need IV' •
Stt;SAN r *c!
. Colbarne, Oritaeio, •'
' • • ISSUE. NO.:. 2.7z,,L7.
.' •