HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-07-07, Page 10 a r Or • 1200.PER YEAR IN ADVANal $3.10 omintivit'gfil LUCINOW.; ONT., THURSDAY',. JULY 7th 1927. SINGLE COPIES CENTS* . W.,,, M.; centtell . P410044. and 4011.001 :' • , Lack:WOW Hitura.. •-• . MU, 46DENIST • ••••/ .4.-'•oorao •a#s",ora..t Dr. ahlieLeed, 'WO viult.• Lila/POW • •..ivery.. lireadity, ..:itt . • pp ..Genatilrii. ' DENTIST, . .01'. L. Tieleaven,, a0wile ';Dickarli• . S. t o,r e. Extraet101.) either b gi. or local. VW.' ba Dungannon' every Thursday; a .... • ' DENTIST. Call Dr: Newton, . Maki ,M,PpOititment• In °file!). everydayo• Geo. A. Siddallb-Luckiiow -- Broker and Real. Estate.-Bloney to lend or " first mortgageson farm proper- ties at 6 and 61,4 'percent according to segurity offered. Also Ismail amounts on second anortgages on. ' farm properties and on .personal notes. • A few good Zanier for sale. WALL PAPER - • • My stock of Wall Paper is com- plete for 1927. Prices from lc. up. I. am also agent for leading job houses. ' R. J. Cameron, Decorator, Painter and Grainer, 'Box 174, Lucknow. For Sale --A number of window and storm sash with glass in them, . Apply to -D. C. Taylor. . • — . For Sale-Franie residence 5 rooms, hard water, garden, good stable -Apply to David Mead Or Mrs. Jas. Burns, north of. the Sta. „ton. ' • ' (23- 6-tf ) a • For-Salc-=,-A shed; 24 ft. x 50 ftaaa' 'Appy to. George Alexander, R: R. g, "Lticknow. • ' " .• (304-7) •Auction Side' of': Standing Hay -a- • Melvin Reed will have an auction aale • of :50 acres • Of Alfalfa hay, first cat, at his farm, lot 3, don. 10, Ashfield, .• on Saturday,. • July • 9th, _commencing at 3. o'clock p.M. Hay 'will be sold in 'lots to „shit •perchasers. Eight, months' credit or a discount at • the ' rate Of 5% per annum for 'cash. - Elliott Miller, Aue. • AUCTION SALE," On July 8th, 1927, at one o'clock pan., it the Crewe Church shed -a Part of the shed Will be offered for sale, 20x60 ft., , with la ft. pests, Timber in good condition. • Tern:is-a: 3' months' credit, on approved , joint notes or a discount at the rate of 6 - per annum for Cash. -G. 0. Durnin Sac'y. Trustee Board. Just A Real Good *Opportunity - „The Fuller Brush '• Company, due to aeeentchanges,' has a vacancy for a reliable man, between 'the-itges- of ; • g5-45; .Marriedman: with caraprefeia. red, but not: necessary. -This terri- tory could be tpanaged from Lucknow or Goderich. Write,giving particu- lars in :first • letaiir; when an interview will be arranged in your ,lionie •tevina 0., Wright, 209 .Royal ,Bank :Ridg.a.London. • tataataaa. a -a -a For Salea•aAaValteY_„Batter_y_Chaiga , era for , cnartaing A & B. Radio or Gar , • batteries; .also a :135 • volt B • battery. Both of these' are new and •in good *condition.. Cheap , for • quick Apply to W. S. Reid. . • r•44,74./..41.,./.441.• f.•=44.4.44• , SALE OF HAV • • •Wallace Tivamley will have: an auction .Saleof standing hay, . 40 acres,: alfalfa and timothy, at lots • 9, and .10, con; 8, Aahfieldp:In Jaly. 7th; • reminenging. at 5 'o'clock p.itaaaElliett • ' AUCTION SALE':•• • .20 . acres, of. standing hay, rmixed clover :and timothy,t ' will , be offered ' for sale at West half • of lot 2. . •.10. Ashfield; at 5 • o'clock, Friday; •• July 8th. In. $, acre lots: -John Scott, Prop.; Elliott Miller, Aue. AUCTION. SALE • • ;Standing hay-41falla and timothy . mixed --35 acres, . on rot 6, con.. 9.. Aphfield. In lots to suit purchasers. Sale at 4 o'clock. nan.-Walter Alton. Prop'.; • Elliott Miller, -Auc. • , ".. sem` Of ••monev. (one . tea ttrear bill) on . Havelock' ' (Station et), Luckpow, on -Jiine 2(). ,Finder p ae retain to John Hackett, tuck: now, or at The Sentinel effiCe,, ' • •••••,44.4.48.••••• Me441.0.4,•••••••••• . Poster Wanted -For boys 2 and"8 'years of .atte. ' Apply to Rev. R. Perdue, Walkerton, Ont, • ' BA'SEitALLa-Weadier ; Kincatdine„ and Lucknow teania will league game in Caledeniar Park :Attie evening., at 5 o'clopli.c. tANGSIDIg' GARDEN : Th er areat-. an mail.. garden:party' and atrittaherry festival at -Langside, 111 -aa'a,'-bea.lield-enathi-..charchdawn, ;the even- ing 0.i'uly 5th. The usual ,good:sUp- aaper and good program are ,Promised. .. • , O�rI,CORRESPONDENTS As The Sentinel- will rot he NIT= • lislied next week (Jtilv 14)' .eorre# speadenta :may 'take a week's Testa We expect to be back on, the fob a•-• :gain theveek.nfter,next. •6110 irduf ..baxigete -will ,be wciconie All .v�',. ..Miss Mildred Spence is Iiiiine.,frein Cleveland for the siiminer vacation., • htivait SP, W. PerteO0ii. attended big picnic at 'Stratford on Monday. Miss' Annie MacKinnon : of Toronto, lIPPIttlinftaliffa.Y.Ktitt0...Ataher.botnC. • ...Mt. ,Clyde Reid, who his fgraler. }Wine here last week, returned to Chicago on Monday. : Miss Leila; Begley of Leamington ;spent 'the". holiday with stater • Mrs.: Sproule at'fown. Misses..Fa E. and Lillian, *McLear: :are. 'spending the vacation With their - brother. near. Dungannon. • ' Mr. Neil Beaton of. London, „a far,: .mer resident of this -part, spent a' few days of last week visiting here. Miss Finlayson, training at .t0e General Hospital,' To. 'rent°, visiting friends in Lucknow. Mr! Donald R. MacKenzie of Ham - :Mon; with his wife and children, vis- itedalait week with Mr's:- -MacRae of tfi. Anna Nicholson, of BagleVue liespitat staff, New York City,' is !spending her vacation at °her korne in • Kinloss. • Mrs. Algeo of New York, is in Lucknow this 'week, on account .: of atkeaeriousaillness •-:.'ker ister, Misi' Marie 'Murray. , Mr. and -Mrs. Jack Howett of Ni- agnra Falls, N.Y.,. visited with •Mr and Mrs. N. D. MacKenzie, Tuesday of this week. a . Misses Edythe and .Phemie,Irvina: have returned to Detroit, aftet Wiefiding, a tWita-age-eisiTyacationa',-at 'their, home here, • , . Mr. Williani MacKinnon of Paris France, spent a'few day- i 'of last week' with .his Parents, Mr. and Mrs Angus MacKinnon. : • Mrs. Ewan MacKenzie' and daugh- ter, Mrs. :A. 'MacDonald havecome ur' from Windsor to spend the slitritne7t months in •Lucknow. ' ; Mr. atuatin Reid of the Bank t of: Montreal staff at: Sinicoe, and Mr Eldon Reid of . London; were , berm ,for the recent celebratitina, Messrs. James. and Robert Mac - Callum Of Detroit, and Miss Martha 'Matdalltim of Winclapr, • apent thf week -end with their mother here. Mrs., M,. Rasmussen of • Bloomfield. N.J.., is visiting her ..father. Mr. Paul ,SMeltzer,- rand:- ..other.. --aelatttes_„tit* Goderich Dungannon : and. Lucknow. • Mrs. •Burton andaason• Jack, Mrs. Agnew and ' daughter Frances, and • Mr. 'Shaw of Detroit, were week -end .gitests,:aof--Mraaanda-Mra-a-abltaati::--Maca • • , , , I , • Mr. • and Mts., Gee.. D.' Stockhatn. Meisrs. Homer Marson and James Hallett,,all of Detroit, • :were week.; end guests of ,Mr, and °Mrs. Alexa , . . MacDiarmid. , • . • mr. George 'MacIver,aa one-ttme Lueknew ,boy, but for many years - a, resident of near Ebor; Manitoba; it renewing Lucknow ' and KinlOss. ac, quaintancea... • Mr. Williarn Reis, and • daughter. Christena of Winnipeg,. are Visiting the foriner's Sister Mra. Grace MIte,• ,Rae of town, and with .a Irother and sister at Lochalsh and Amberley.a.' Miss °- Bessie Murdie and Miss. Gladys', Hodgins.; left Monday morn-. ing for Riagston,where they Win take a special 'course in. the. •Univer. aitY during the school vacation. Mr: and Mrs. J. W, Elliott :of New 'York City, ' Mrs. F, f ,Prenzea Of Vancouver, B. C, Mrs ; J.. F. .prim. rose Of 'Seattle; Wash., are the guests of their sister :and brother, Mrs R %Mullin an kr. T., II. Barns' of town, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. litchelee, their ! daughter Isabel, and Son, Bill, , • motored from. Chicago and spent last week with Mt, andatIrs. Pnilhip Mac- ' Minato' •All' bi•i'f: ,the, 'son returned tC Chicago' on Monday, , . _ Mr. -and Mra, ; Joseph' Sineltzer . of Amulet) Sask.; are sPel?..diPir it month here, having 'Come- by, Motor : 'froam, the ' West: : Strieltzei.; - Who. is 'ffitailng at AMUret, -says that crop 'conditions in that part ;are very Mr and. Mrs. T. A. Hamlin of N. Dakota', are. guesta, ,i!‘tra, and Mrs,„ -W."1:"Ltiffec-Mr*.•Jjanilin.was at dne 'tillre.r11. the .itiviesg business in Luck.' :now and iratbungarinen,,. but joined the tide 'of immigration to Dakota in. the:eariv,: Eighties • Lost -In Isucittinvii on Priclity:night, July 1st, lady's darkltimmed glasses.. .please leavea,..at „The,'.,.santittel A, offloolio I a. 4 4 ; la,44•44 Air DiamondJObileeofCon e erittio 'Finely celebrate I u0 e°Ple of Y'illagse.aticl Country Turn Out in great: , umbers --Fine Parade -Good Sports -.Goo d Time , ' • The "•Jubilee ...-CelehratiOrr;, held nt Lucknow was 4,• nae autteaattho,fiest. affair:%:of .the kind* Staged' !fere aince., Boys' Re -union Of 1910.. The ailayt:waa interiaely; bet,. but this 'did* not 4o.r• PeePle, **Voting or old., from tail -ding out in goodly numbers, altho it lessened the- pleasures of a holiday 71'168.';dle.t1(1.idi; aid. the. village 'residents respond to the call • of Patrietient, • and .heyet did. the Streetspyesent, a pret- . "tier sight. The •Street. waa .gay with flags and -:tehtred, lights, • and store., iteePeaa--went:10 niuclatroubleteadeca- .Otati• theirwindows and store fronts Of these being -a eradit. ' to the :art • and :lindustry of these .. who 'did the, work. . Many 'homes 'lac); were with flags and. -trarners. alradding to the general •pleasing ef- fect. The teachers. arid..childreta .of • , the, Omintry7atnoola iresP•enda- . . '.ed, splendidly to th,e invitation to 'join' in the Celebration, and. • foot aliaailted or more were, ,iri the linesatvhich' para. , . • . . aded to the. Park, about 10.30 in the mcirriina. :The' main 'Crovd.. tairsea. of 'ConiSe, in the afternoon, and tafteit .enjoying ':. the .:float arid calithurapian aparade. went ,...ala_Calectentan_aPark.APa. witness:field sports and ,baseball. ' • The: 'Orowd. whieh. „paSsed through the gate gave. assurance to those whe , had . takenthe risk Of, putting :oa ;the Celebratain.; that it. world .at least •fi- nance ;itself,- so that anxieties eri that stere, dye to the vagaries of . this 'aeaseti'at weatlier;• •avete ...laid • at .rest It was a . greatday fOr ite' crtaiTi aiJ tool: .soft 'drinks,. :arid the ineri Who, •had secured the booth ' Pitiilegea • did. •tt ."1",thale", of' A ahnatiieSs. • '• The • field . events- Were ran •. Off ac eord ag• to sch dule and, a keenly contested atal °x - citing baseball gaine 'clietwee : Exeter , and ,Lacknevir teania • brought ,' the Pro; grana. in the park to. a 'clese- •• 'TheItreet • dance, at :night, 'Was. Well Patrenizedtee,.: mid- 0-e youth. .and beauty of town aad.leutittY ten. • tiaued to •"trip the light . fantastic" :untit well on towards AsL.On-mtiat:-.puthaticctiabana it was a good-natured; Weltabehaved. crowd. 'aadit ii:hatribUte. to the 'good 'sense of .'.the COMitiliaity,' that in spite of the ,numerous •auttintobilea; and the crowds of children .• 'and othersaalog, 'foot, 'there aWas not air:accident or •The • •School Children's Parade... Shortly after ten o'clock a.ni. be. tween fear, and five hurl:cited., town and country" school 'ettifdien gathered at: the school :grenade andwere slow- ly formed hito two lines ia. prepara- tion . for, the.mareh to, the' park, most if not •allOri'pesSeaalon Of the pretty Jubilee medal.. The '• JaZz• Band yiraitheta' to teed,: mid. a' funny - looking bunch they. Were, but 'Capable of • rendering very ; good music as well as .making 'Muck 1.elownish, Om; Get- ting . into 'line; .,the marched . t�. the park inkier' the acorchhig sun: -a" fine-looking tot Of 'boy.s, add girla .thott were,: .such fl any cothinuaity 'Might he proud of,: Arriving at the Park,'. the . intense heat'made' it inad- visable to eafry.,,out 'in: full th pro- scribed.. program, . Scores. of the hitthe' ones scurried 'away to the:friendly, shade, of near -by ;trees until few Were. lett 'about •the 'plattform to take • Pail: in the program :of patriotic But in. spite of the sizzling heat the: orchestra played and these who bray: - e(1 theglaring sun; aang. the', . pre. scribed • p,i0s. Fhe Rev. A.'‘ Brown of .Ashfield, 'Was aeheduled, for an address, but he said :that: • ander the circunistanCes., he thought • ' , thaf ' his number hack better"be dispensed with.:,,I•loWeVea, a 'lurpher','in ,tht• ninch-rediteed,,andience, .,,exoresse.d. •. ,deaire, to ,hear -a ..speech. : 2Browa, went on. ' .was soon evident. the: the 'traiWd."*A's wlhIing toliatia' tine - the .•apeirkie fitting' his.... remarks te the ..occasion, ,•gave aa'.yery, , geed ad•i, (1.raeS4,.....refstritig„,,te,„..danadaaas;•n..",71and-, of 'opportunity for young Men. • He had himirelf ome to this .-cOtnitty•at -anae-Migtirataboy4retritaEtigliateiriffe• had fOtia4 like .theasitOdiof othera-. a hearty'Welcome in. Canada..., He re,, 'felted, to...tlrea :eateer. ,:of ;Polo, 44:C/tail1ess •Doratitiet...:preaent:Ilittister Railways, as a exampl, •,,of ,pluck, peraeverance, and indostty car ; de .in this country'. Dunning Aliso had-COine-io-Canadirwfth tittle-46re thiin • spite:of initial tliaconrageoseataa be had ' :forgeta'fahead” 'until he ,becarot. Oeqiiei,. of Saskatchewan' and " :now: occintieta-•ona. irOpotto.n.t., positions in the IfOrninion Goyirri inent, , • ' Pt, ' G. A. Newton;,„ ,Who acted as, chairman; also, gaveatt shortaddress: and explained that the nett... J. J Jantea, . who, had ptonnised•_ a „speech ;.for the acetiaioA, was 'unable to • be present. . ,.. • . The .singing of two :roOre' patriotic, 'songs brought the morning's pro- --gramto an .end, and the -crowd- -"gladir dispersed to find ' cooler quarters.:: The Afteriaotin. The .parade of: Beata and calithum- pian ,outfits With which the afternoon • program' opened; has • been 'ovens:atria- ea: the -.best ...ever :seen in the tewn," The • number , of 'Splendidly. arranged .floata2ahowed the '_spirit Ofenthasia upon the.: celebration. . .The. paoceaaima Started' • eil'.Stat* Street, .00eeede(Pi to ChIedenian-Park entta.nce by way of- Carol:Zell St:, :doubled, hack,. and went: down 'Campbell: again; Makin:a sPleodid distolity...:There was'"eyery- thiag'.from,, the beautiful, totile:bur-, jeas.iin A ..A.:Att,, had an etalierately and beautt, iuhly decorated l car :with many' 'fee.... itt4Os suggestive' of. ;the Order-, The .Girl,"Gaideaalad'•a,floatWhigh. a'ttract. ed attention. .1E. was 'entlYened•--• . • . . lay the -presence Of a :•dozen or tiara:" who at intervals sharited theit slogan. jetVel •:Rebekah '..,1;odge had. 'aaother nice ;float,- as Mr. , A.:, Buswell. As for the other outfita„ it is aitfieult..tO ',Say Muth z-a'hout these. although we feel.: like mentfonii:10 tate representation Of Indian life in: the way of, a' hii:ci4atk•canee . en- • . ginetred :aby• Miss Jean ..Mettim. Oecepied by. one 'tone' and, well-behav- ed. little. passenger, Margaret Connell. in atifte' of the intense • heat' which . continued throughout the 'afternoon.' :there - was a fine crow in. the •parka• tke. bit thickly: dettedftvith groups of :Wenien and.gitla in. auitimer ,attire,. retailing: the Catedonian.fieldH dayi'•ef- happY. -Mernorylt: :Of course there Wasn't the crowd' Of .eight Or ten theu- aanci, as in those • "odd: old daYal" • There were field'. el:rents. • for • :hotra amdagirlsaanda-feraitieiiraoCaiajnaipa, and feeti: Of strength and'akill.• Fol - Owing t ,ese, tante • a game of ase:- • ball -hetween ,Exeter and ;Lucknow tetiniSr The teanis preyed to be Well iriatClied; ariil there were MaaY satienal• Moments, espeCially ' in tlie, ninth inniiigs. Curiously eaough. • the gaine. ended in•la tie Whiel, even ••••a ' tenth ',inning failed..tobreak; The Ex- eter ,boys Won an: early lead, 'an4 • the last 'half of the .ninth it 'looked like an ,:eaay, victory :for them: Thc. score stood :8-1:3a. Then, • semething. 'went wrong wth Exeter,. or Lucknew. had better ' until at the end .the • score was ,•13-1,3.• What was• be done. Everybody Was excited; ev- erybody was ..hitOgiry, • Another, innings as decided'upon,but neither, side stered, So it Nt'a: left a.tie....••; ,gt.! Helena• sent over its aqit tearroa whiala appears enjoying the diatiection Of leadchampionship this seaacao to Play .a Locknova 'team. The oatcoMe Was. a • rather 'severe, triinining, for the, locals --the visitors walking off with all .the haners• and the '' prize ' money, :,, However' • all had a geed time at the game. The, Street Dante' •• The sports in the Pailc were fol= lowed by a ,dance on thc street. Street' dares are free -'and -easy i1 popio Jet. Everybody seenis to oe there; anti .everybody seena to be hating a geed time. There are dances for everyboclY.' 'The itight.'*Waa fine•and.. there -WAS lair-. 'the:•crowd• thataeoalti be acdoitanodatt: r ro`d•At.la.,sttd *Until aftet the. "wee 8ma'. :hours," - • ' • • • Saturday althoagh a Publithohi eXeePt; by .the hanks, the .p0,:qt tOfli,e4 mid. factory. The •othersaawere .back , at:oadhisinesialianstalaaat-aaaaaaa.a.,--... , The Prize Winaers:•-•:.. • tPriae winnerain the parade and fioId,ev, en ta. , Were'. a aaf VIttiti'1t Indian -.Girl ,s'(Mias JAn Met(ini); gad, irl GuicIt# •Calithamplant' "Fire Ccittipiny;" gad,' 4,herse WagOa. • 'QUoitat-Firstaevent,.1st,"1-Palind-G.' Barge1ft:''2iidi thci A ;NO. SENTINRI, NEXT' WEPR. • *: The Sentinel took no holiday. • in,. 1926 -perhaps th.0. first time in ataxy •years ' to miss tiolidark" lee incorivenika ,• not to take one. It's the oii 'Way that the editor' Of a vi ; age weekly 'can °get 'ayiatt for • more .than• a couple of days at' time, and ;.thetwriter, tvaata to. get; away:for. abouta Week • .114 whenyoul'YaoYas: So don't vor- thiel the'*eek of July I:4th. The Sentinel office will he • open foi .all, . manner of • jab , .priating. - Y• • MILT THEATRE FRa.a 8tha-SAT., 9th • Richard Dix . "LET'S 'GET MARRIED" With Lozs WilsQn, With Comedy . ' TUE., 12thWED1*. -2"-'-‘111-YzOttril „ With pat' O'Malley an " MeAvo.y. r. Also 27reel .short • Subject, and ' Comedy May oldea„. Crust Bread •STANDS THE TEST' OF QUALITY' •,, •: You know: What "a aatisfacticin• 1 :there is in making things yoursel, in' knowing that "everythaig. is pate,. and good. 'Ihat is the:sort of sat= isfaction we get. in Making Golden Crust and. z Golden Grata Breads, - aria selling it to. you. Try, some for yourself rind ' be convinced.' Delicious •Sponge ',Cakes; Pies, Tarte -Cookies always fresh on hand. . • Try ;REID'S BAKERY-41)one' "68 Nixon: Setenci event: -K Cameron • and 'Geo. Swan, 2nd, 'Elmer: Ackert and T.). ,capsidi.:. Running joadjthap: T. Bailie; flacket•4: • ' " a Hop, step and. jUMpia D.. "McKay, M.:Hackett, • ' •;, • 'Pole vaulta T. bailie; 0.- Fella•. .56.1b. W. El Iten.detson: • Putting shet; W. E. Henderson; A. Nicholson.- ' 10.0 -yard Dash:, A, Niehelson; Baihie Fat men's race • (eyed' 200 lbs.):. Peter Farrish; S E. Robertson., , Old : Men's race,' (60or. oVer): Taylor;' Rich. •Mas9uillin. Boys' race' 14 and under: Art An Joe Eilo:cotte. • Girls' . race,' 14 and: ender; 'McGee; Barbara 'Nettle. : Soya 12 and under: Gordon Clapp - bell. David Horn.. ' • ` • aGirls 42' and under: • Anna Graham; Verna Steward. BeYs .8. and ander; Jack Button; 11. Girla.8' and underi Dorothy 'Gra- ham; Zylda' Steward. ' • .` Wheelbarrow, face: Geo: Webster and Hugh MacKenzie; 2nd, Jack Wil- son and Ken *Cameron, . ' 3 -legged Rate: J.ack Gillespie. and M. Reid; god, Nellie McGee and. Go - don Rihtou). • • ' Cilukcn :NOTES Anghicnn Chtirch • • A Confirmation, . Service e he'd ii- St. Peter's Anglican cturab.. LuclaioW • on Sunday July the 10th at..7 o'clock in 'the evening,. His Grate the Archbishop of .iluren.' Will. Ire the preacher. Special music. All 'United Church' "taTlie-Sadrantenta-of S:HStiV Ae„,heici (11, 'next, SO; bath tit the. -morning' service: Thc Preparatory - Service ;be held On Friday evening at S o'clock. -Pairtatirn; rof Jkrvie will 'he the, preaCher at this. service. Tat•inhairri ootnea into 'onr Presbyterie, • -rePtitatioriaaas thinker':and. uu, ,schitlara InduetioaSerVieei have. beet; ',:the • erdeit , tha). ':day rocently-Ja:, :•PfeahyterY, no 'fewer, thaa twelve new' ministers' having eeme taithin, ear houndS. We tire especially glad, to welcome Iteta`C. N. Mackenzie, known 'to litahr thererioathaallitited-Chtitelt at R1rey, The '13read The •.Bread 4Health.:. ' of Health ' .• , OUR 'MOT° 18 .io.r.A,L.rrxr 7. AND; "SERVICE" . , •',Why 'friako: Dread , and pikes Par The Coafe0eration.::Holitlayka, aitaCenalitr:Irdike":"Illidir-Whole-Wheat ' "Good Bread" • : '•, •".,• • • SPECIALS • ' •••), • jelly- Rollsa'Coffee Galtea, ed Rellsa Date Squares, Dundee Ca es; Itaapherry Squares, Chelsea, Buns; Oatmeal Cookies, .'. Raisin :Pies, Raspberry •Taigets, •Chocillite Martihmalloa, Cake,' ' Lemon' , Plea: • BEST' paicas .GSInKii FOR BUTTER. AND ,EGGS a:- • z ...HQLLYMAN's otie'S6: r. — • Arakairskwoomersakomariourr.oraditirAir.AraterarifterAgArArsir,7 Phone 75 Lucknow, Ont.. *SUMMER aWEARABLES , . • COTTON *spx, fancy top, reg. 40c,• to 'clear at 29c:. LISLE SOX, plain,' reg. ,50c, to clear at 39c... A • FIGURED DRESS VOILE, reg. 75c, to clear at 50c, WHITE DIMITY, reg. 28c, to . clear at 25C. . • • SPUN SILJC inaSummer Shad es ;,-- White,. Maise, Coral and 'Green, Just the th ing • for :that • sport • Special :it "95e *I. "Yardv. "'' -- •-• "a - FANCY 'BELTS at 59c, ' Suitable for that ' Tom Boy 'Skirt.. •• • • ' GENTLEMEN!. Invesfigatg our System of "haedla ing clothing. It may be we can'.give you just what .r • • fre uswel dikaararAmorOmAraniragairgdrAiar, AirraiwaagamminaisirArAriziar • . A WRONG EYE O.ANNOT. - , BE ALTERED ' That is, the eye itself cannot be changed. Butwe can deter- mine WHY the eye is wrong, and can placeglasses before it that correct the wrongful ten- dency,, and the ' eye 15 for all practical purposes' normal normaL Gliaaes Will not Make • alt a eyes • normal, but :they do so in manta cases, . and always: give' the beat possible visionyou must take ,the first step toward im- provement in Your viaion. • • T. .T...AR:111(STRONG 'Jeweller & Optometrist ' Lucknow, Ont. - - . BLITZSTEINI Phone 18 ' ' LUekneW. • West 'of Central Garage. aJuSt retarned from :the city , With a• new stock of ,the latest' Dresses, .which will be sold :at reagenable prices,: Call and .. see them: • • „. • •' Also a new stock of . Men's and Boys' Suits, to be sold' at greatly reduced, prices. • Don't miss the great ' bar - :gams at this store. ). /, • r , HANOSOME. SIGN BOARDS . AND GOOD, SLOGAN Sometiines Lucknow ..seema• a „hit slow' io getting a thing done, hitt it rarely' fails to...make a good job of what it undertakes.; • The townsign hoards ,for Which civic , Patriots' have been ;looking for .sComo time, were, set up inatinie or the' Dominion Day celebration, ' so that now Ito traveller • car; enter the „ village . by the highways without . . knowing that he 'is apProaching an important and historic centre. . The Wording on the beards facing, the in -coming . trOaller, and for which a Prize Of .$10 was offered:last' fall; is "You are, in Luck -now --Drive canny.' „ T,his is :over a large horse- shoe -the' time-honored enibiem Of luck. : The slogan accepted by:. the . . Village ,•Council *as • submitted by Mrs: Dr, Conhell, and 'he -got : the prize. " ' ' . , On the side of the beard. Which the departing traveller sees; is printed:: "Always welcome • to our. Sepoy .Tda4n." ' • ' • • Theoainting was done by Mr. 'Er- nest Scott, 'sign , 'Painter, ai:Id ii' a fine :piece of workmanship. tri our itetoant sot the action taken o HURON,.. NOT 'BRUCE COUNTY b•s Messrs, .Douglas and Webster to „reCoVei•daMages for 'injuries received in an automobile .accident whieh: oc- curred :east of Lucknow teat fall, we that -the 'action waa. aganis Bruce Couaty. It, however, was Hur-' •on County -that was in•YolVeda and parties. :a1n were, injured. ' Heron' Cdanty it ieetna, •is• responsiblefor ettgetint.ltoahv,intree:,,, i.;oviabAndile,e,e;o...Bo.ftrui ea vecl.seottiti.ndeyaaSitofook ••BORN .6tair-At••••Giodertek-olf -Ito-4'192T !)rtiot aud **A.' Psteg "AO" A !Pt THANKSGIVING stavIcE • ; SUNDAY'. AFTERNOON • • The. celebration of the Sixtieth 'an- niversary :,of confederatton was fit- tingly brought to a close here by a • cotrimanity: set -Vice an the: Town Hall at 2.30: in the.. afternoon. If: was pre-: posed,to hold this service ift the Park,. but a strong and almost cold :wind . made this inadaisable.' The Hall was well filled ancrthe program prepared. a and recoinniended, by' the Central' Jut' ..: bilee •Celebration .Committee at Ot- tawa was followed.' ',/t •, Massed choir frolic thO variouschurch • organizaa' • tians lod the singing; The Rev.. C. It, 'MacDonald 'presided and the •Reta, R: W. 'Craw gave the address:, •• The speaker gave 'a byief, outline of the, development of Canada since: set, ' • tiernent began, referring to the , early adventurers and diceVeterst "The Men of Brawn" (the pioneers); t‘The, Meal of Vision" • (those , whoconceiyed, and consuminated" , confederationt,-, 'anal "The •Men of Sacrifice" (the soldiers Who. Went Oaergeas. to save the coun- try and civilization). Ile said. ' it , was: fitting that : the •i celebration 'should •close withsuch a service as we were ' having; lie spoke of the and hardworkthg.pioneers• avho Made • the Caaada. of ...tbday.• possible; ' of the ""falleita.e_f__CettfecieratiOn'Y who 'hael 3:7:talons of a future Canada far beyeitl that of thea ordinary maui whe„. Was largelY ;indifferent; of thea consum- mate tact and determination whielt r'ifitfil'atitireLll'it,T44yrtilit`tts.-°a(intdittC1)(e54f.eqs4taTly4ltiai-(17i'''' ment of a stable • government., And lastly hie spoke of ',Canada!sacentribaa :tion t� the armie vhTch saved civi. Nation- in the 'Great War, SColittog; as a Slander' the' contelitioa . in "i301)1e quarters that the soldiera .;enlisted for the .s.46 of the • utli.C,ciktut and the ' parade. They had answered . the,cahJ of dett, in 'a high' cause. '• aneral. Highest • WWII to niX, 2601 Luck:jowl — 10,7. taiaa,