HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-23, Page 83:;•
dies, we we edri'lhorOlighlY fecOiiinienil'Oiir
No. 60 Silk and Lisle nose, at W.. in Black, Wh4e,
Crash, Beige and Sand.. • ..,
.. .„ .
No..660 Is Silk -and Rayon, a splendid Wear-
ose 'at45c., iliBlOnde, Peach and Sand,
a . a • ,
. We have also that. popular 'everyday Sock-
ing in,Peach, Airciale and Black, at 25c, '
.. ,
A ,
° 7-Cott0ii-Hoser Heavy .Rib, at--.256.,_for.-boyA--
• and girls: '•
Liiii•i! vests and Bloomers, in .Silk Stripe, a
. Extra Good Value:; •
Children's 'Underwear -411 Sizes:' • •
iq alinteft'ei
. ,
tranktow SINT/NEL
oua, :
• ..:41k. 'Annual Garden
.aucegsaftillY. It
'qlel,;stel'et *Ay, but ..it
haenede. late'.'49 get in -.last'
week's -JO eThie:.night ctif• the 14th,
was, aline ...Adensletee,. it, a little on
the coole•Sideeeoppecielly. towards 10
• and Mee'.Th iaee.ewhere it . was
held,at:AbOlionie.,of Mr. •aid,,
..Pepper; :could not have been better
chosen, sheltered as it. Was ande
fording the .'"neeeesary. faeilities for
eating and drinking and entertain-
- Merit; A hirge crowd. thoroughly on,
joyecl themselves and • were Well lie-
took place in e nearby field, when St,
'Helens pleered the Ashfield team, the
termer winning the game. The Au-
burn company gave, their play "The,
:Old 'Oaken. Bucket" on • it Platform
•.onteidei to the ,interest and merri-
ment of the large eorepany.. Was ev-
er a ereWd'Mere orderly? Each play-
er washeard; the play Was followed
With 'intense interest. Sperikersi and
:listeners cceeperated in- reaking this
enterteinreentei •Ponledete • success.
Nearly 200. dollars were s 'sad -
mission ' Not all the jay and. pleasure of the
garden party (Wings were confined ta
Tuesday night. It. was a enem Par-
ty, that came eogethere on the Wed-
nesday • at Peppers' place to clean
up. They 'all' felt in , good humor at
the success of the eeenteand-eleaned-
all up with a -right geed will.. And
there was enough ice creany left to
go round. As one put it "we had
.quite -----.- • • e •
Sometinier it happens' that , the
preaching and the Church activities
follow on the, same line. ,Last Sun-
day the theme was "The Divine min-
istry of repair" when the fine though(
of Rodney Steel's .couplet, Vic/ruins
of mei soul feepir and Make my
heart a beme of ptayer'.wae. followed
throughout the sermon. Wehear
' that steps are •to he taken to repair
pasteke,eite-theeTiest-e-Congregitheeeereele -The--ce-eleetrate Blake- aed---the-shee-ate
chetah. 'Charming., in its .simpliciste IlaCkett is eot only to be repaired
was the French gown of apricot lace :but. 'extended at the earliest oppor-
andetulle and mohair, worn , by , the
beide., She entered tbe-draWing'r."11) Long after service closed at..Blalce
to the Mendelssohri Wedding March last SundeY. evening • little • .groups
..stayed. around e the ,Church talking.,
One group was discussing the reeent
Sunday lesson series,. oil
-Peter,. the disciple andeapoetle: An';72
' other .group 'efieree-tiellcieg, -of eoppor-
tunities for . service ler. our :trained
and, educatedyoungMen 'and women.
Others were •taking the opportunity
of making auth eequiries'ind'Passing
esueh ,Oreetinge, that • help • - liSere
friendships in a -find state of tenant.
What better place could there things
take &tee than on. the Church steps?
e fen -
tures of country Church gatherings:
1.s.t_uzniisdo,anyon.beaso.f:ht:,eevfienniengn, ticserviceeabnextl
• . se, ,
'Margaret Shackleton
Ore'liine,,V1r,Ilte. Angel :of,' Death
-claimed one whe..evillelong, be mourfl-
by her relatives and friends:
. .
Bornandz•rearedpmear. Crewe, Ashe.
fieldtownship. Margaret Shackleton,
fourteen years ego, Wok the position
as heueelee,eeer for the, late Mr. and
• Mrs. Gorge Drennan, and by loying,
service, ssvaided • mirch ',brightening.
the laSteYeare; of these -worthy • phi*
•neers, then' she has been"
eeehonselteq.ere_ine_.thee Drennan:
stead, -giving to this employment all
" -the qualities . of „ a true • home -maker
Kindness was e keynote 0 her
life, and she was occupied
'nor s to give kindly thought
and aMastance to others in a prac-
ticer alled,,urlaelneminte way • .•
'Oftene'elte'krititl.f. health her seeeedertue
nagteileitr•elenerfiliceiie• milield% her
Gordon -Ripley
At a •lovely home wedding in
Battle . Creek. Micli.;;Sitifidak after-
noon,-. June :18, ,Miss Donalda Jean
Gordon,. only daughter set. Dr. and
Mrs: J..K. Gordon, .5tro Fremont
St,- becaine the bride -of Philip 0,
Ripley; of • Lennoxville, • Quebec.
screen 'Of . patine; rose •pink peonies
and .blue larkspur teemed the 'setting
for the '. beautiful • ring ceremony
'which was performed at 3:30 o'clock
by the Bele Carleton Brooke' Miller
TflT1%T 4M !Silt 1927..
_Played by .her mint, Mrs. ..Laura Me-.
Grostie; 'of Toronto..., The bride car-
ried e shower s bouquet. of Ophelia
ereees and 'blue forget-me-nots. ,After.
4 and' madeer4Ti iffiqi.10t.lhesee ceraniitif TecePt1011^Was,-:held-
bre #t•Ithe•ifonie of'the-bride'a cousin, Dr,
-and Mrs. Stuarteleritcharg Elizabeth
"Lciinedelinkia that.--Wes'''al street. The. house was. prettily dee-
, • eletneeere eeeeefeetese eeee
kireeted °with baskets -of .and pee -
'need; and: the. dinieg-room 'table was
centered with -a- basket of pink roses
and tall taper candles' and the bride
and groom's cakes, beth decorated
white with pink roses. Mr. and Mrs
Ittpleee .left for Chicago and will,
make, their home in Leepoxville. The
bride travelled in blue and grey taf-
'feta ensemble with hat to Innteh
The out .of town guests Were Mise
Irabelle MeCtostie of New eYork
off liY-7viCilarit. 'care ' stole in when. City- Mrs Laur • McCrostie of To-
leasteeetpectedi The. sad menage was ronto: .• Mrs. John A. MacDonald
telephoned frOneethe hospital 'about Brandon, Manitoba: Miss Mena and
Y :a.m.teJune 9th., and that afternoon Mr. Huntley Gordon of Deeroit..
many torrowing friends well) await-• 'Keith Gordon ol,Wineleor. .
laved elikeStifeleiellie -that '••• .
Till tbe-Speleve6rdeate-te
• Told "thelfellesdderiedsehearts She, wie"-
' mit pain, , • • -
•efend, her gentle life had passed."
• On Teinnee, 44th, Margaret entered
Wingha'menele osPital for .t• eye treat-
mente .e? She was visited a)most daily
by rellitiVes and 'Mende` and all were
hopeful she would soon return
home in improved health; when death
determined to be no longer' warded
".• .
ire r
diffilordwisger*.orkgstraticiiraptokordityriiiarAr Amemormormtaitarder4Mriumw.getriterater..mr.
yery. day in ihectv eekike Offer' you Our services , service representing, our *sin-
cqe endeavor to give you btw. .nirchandise "cbtainpble . Very lcwest
Prices possible. We'guarantee every 'article exactly as represented or money refunded! „
. .
ry Us' OnCe.., Come Apin. • .Qut .CustornOs Like To Come Bac
ss 'hi Tri.o.WiriOceloday.. DRESSES': •
Glance a t ese, but =epee ene closer ne our •. Ready -to -Wear Dept. , • ew 128 eet SeVer0'
pretty _shades, •.' Rayons, New Irene*, also new arrivals •of extra special Silk -Crepe, shown in •Pinf.' Pretty
Green, .•All the newest. designs.Prices: are extremely lew. Don't pass these.. Come in.
XTRASL Men's'. Wear Wanted Now 'EXTRAS!
Balbriggan Shirts, Drawers:, .Combinations, Penteee wotk Shirts; Fine Shirts; ' FancY„,
--Socks,. Werke Soeks,',Overalls, Smocks. •: Anything you need for everyday. or. fine wear, is here at extra ,
' , • ' .SPECIAL SALE • THIS WEEIC=• .H1413. OF MEN'S PANTS; AT •20e101.-0FF.
Staple Dept: 'Featuring SpeCials. Every Day. • Shop 'Here.
Gingham, extra pretty patterns, 19c. yard.T'owellings; Glare or Boller, exceptionally'. good
qualities, at from 14c. to 35c. a, yard, Tillow Cotton, Circular or -Open: Sheetings, Bleached or Natur-
al. Galatease•Chembreys, Linens,' .Shirting Prints. Come to us for your Cotton 'needs: • You .• will 'find
our as:sortment full; and the prices at a surprisingly low 'figure.
A-Ilinit'reir-Dull Rooms Us Doctor Your Home.
Lace Panels, Ruffled Ceirtaine, 'Curtaining by the yard, Extra Nice" Showing of Spot Or Floral •
Madras lust noW. 'Rugs -Recover your floor. See our Rug Display in ,Congaleum or • Linoleum Grass
-Rugs--for your summer veranda,- small -or -large, 29c., up. •
, • e ,
Phone 121
Pay Cash and Buy for less
The :death of Mrs. Thomas Friend-
ship occurred at Ottawa on June
.9th, following a,' week's Mies's., She
had suffered a paralytic stroke while
big. when the hearse bore her home. visiting her ' daughter, 'Mrs. ,Wm.
- The Sowers% she loved „so well . in Chafirean, and recovered , eonstious-
life, surrounded her in death; beauti-• _nese for only ••a",short period. 'Mr.
fill flora offerings, and. also lovely' Friendship died only ten weeks ago-
bouquets etroni gardens in the. -neigh.: Before her marriage' Mrs. Friend-
borhood. le . . . . , • ' ship Was ',Tenet Harkeede: and she
. "A garland for a grave: Fair ,Ilowere was 68 years. of age. -...... The Y iemains
.-' that .bloom, , ... - , e • were brought to Teeewater for inter -
And -onlyebloom to fade as 'fast away ment. . She leaves to ,.Mourn - two
We twine Yeet leaflets 'around a dear 'daughters Mrs. Chapman, of. Otte,
Oneee tomb, .: - • • „ • ,• •"- ,wa, and 'Ales.. Schaub of. Kitchenere
'And with , Your 'dying 'beanie': 'etowr and one WI, 'Thomas_ of Teeserater.
h-'• 1 ."". ' ' `
. •
. ,
Hog shinments from 'Lucknow Sta-
tion for the week ending June 166
totalled '125. •of these 49 were select
bacon; 67 thick 'smooth,,•5 -.heavies,: 1
extra heavy iied 5 shop hogs: Freer
Hereon •County •shipments for • the
same -week totalled. 158g.: et9 select
bacon, 830 • thick smooth, :76 heaviee
8 extra heavy, 86 ShoPebogs,;end
light' feeders.
Mr. J. De. Little, vilie:liyee. just
Foeirleisteri and iwn- brtitheie• north Of Teeiwateee of ',hie'
• vive liffeldrs. Robt. etealeePOtt El-• hoiseserecently'in eileiaes---enarinere
gin;,Mes. Toronto; Mrs The, aninial wee' found 'dead •••-•
MeWhihneyie Nile; and „Mr.., Mattheiv
If you 'Would advertise - your troue;
Wes; without ces tell them a- g.os.
• '' s
Chewing Cern
improves teeth; • field, and .13n . exaniiiiatimie wee fennel
' ShecklAten, '',.. Crewe; ' Mr: Elmer. to have, been e hit •inethe'•neck- ',neat.
,Shackleeon of Detroit; all of ' whoM: the body, by ;a erifle. bullet • evidently
Avere, present at the funeral. • - . • , from .a high-power rifle. ,,There is no.
and -when yon.step4e.ein if, the Voc-abu-
The neral took place., on Satur- - - • r., • . . -,, ,.. ., .7,- clue' as .to who . had bee , using :such
day to Dungannon cemetery. ' , .larY; • ' .....el,...'s ..e,; e.... e., ee. e .....,,, e.weapen: in the .viciniter, ,... .e.„,,,,,,-,, •
• : • •, .
on- o ictor
He they are. ..The great hells form-
ing the inejor part of the 53 bells of
•• the Carillon installed in the,Victory
Tower of the Parliament Buildings at
Ottawa from which Will sound the paean
of the 60th. anniversary of Canadian‘
Confederation.. They are 'bowel loaded
on to a steel 'fiat car just taken from
the hold of the Canadian 'Pacific freighter -
Balfour which' brought them across,the
Atlantic. The other illustration shown:.
the Great Bourdon of ten tons,. the
largest bell • on this continent and the
.second largest in the l wOrld being Only
exceeded by the Bourdon at MOOCOW
C.athedral. The third picture shows the
SS. Balfour in which they 'hived safely
at Montreal. • '
• /
• The upper rim of the Great Bourdon '
is encircled with maple leaves and inn -
bossed it is the inscription in Eng-
, llsh and French: "Thla Carillon was In -
Mottled, by Mithority of Parliament to
corninemorste the Peace of 1918, and to
• keep ill remembrance the service and
• sacrifice of Canada in ,the Great War.
An110 Domini MCMXXVI." •Entirely
. encircling the lower rim is the te:ct:"Glory
to God in the Highest, and on earth
peace, goodwill towards mere . St: Luke's
Gospel, • Chapter 2, Veree14,"
• ,
On Dominion Day, July 1, the Federal
Government will "have the air" and the
noble peals of the Carillon will be broad.
case 'ver the length ant, breadth Of
• Canada. Further,' the Carillon will be
relayed so that its call will be beardin
all parts of the British Empire and there -
fere around the world.
,Chief Fitter, in Making. his month-
ly report to the 'Town Council; told
of the unusual thing of being re-
quested sto,eleeepea. teemperer. night,
supplying ,food e and bed; which--rhe--
did. The Irian 'was. hiking from Wind-
or to Owen Sound.- The follaWing,
convictions, were sneered by A. G.
telacinteire; J.F.: 4 cases diiiiidetly
conduct; allowing cattle to run. at
large; 1 for having dogs and , snot
purchasing the necessary tag; 5 Un -
dee the Motor Traffic Act. The 'fines
totalled 843:' ' Four :dogs, were. de-
stroyed last month and -a great n.em••
hereof warnings given to motorists
-for various mint* ,offences. The,
Chief stated.. that the conduct in the
•Peel rooms And, dance *hails in :town
7 -
was. good.: '
.The Chief wait -sinefOinted an. officer
to enforce the eLiquer, Control AO in
-Kincardine. ' ' • .
. .
' On: Tuesday Morning,: June 14th
'shortly 'after 8, e'elock,..a.'drownieg
when ; James McDonald Perrin, .aged
1,6 years and 9 inOnthseeson of Mr.
and • Mrs. Wallace Perrin, .into
the basin fromethe,deek at the south
side: "Jimmie," as ' he 'was popularly'
celled, had gone down to fish,' and it
is surmised, that lie, was seized with
fainting spell, falling into the wat-
er. The fishing tackle and net he
had taken with him had not *been
eused: Leonard Coe, who was at work
at the 'Merger'', Fisli7House, :noticed
the lad .stending • on -the , dock. A few
„Minutee later his', attention' eves at-
leacted by the barking...Pt the. fiog,„
Which aceninPaPied the tinfortheate
toy. eleoelcirig.a cite 'floating On the;
eteatee gave the alarm: ' In 'a .few
linintites the body Wei 'brought to
:the. seirlac(bY 'Mee George MeGraw"
but life'eves Alreneans of
reiteration' failed • to .• avedee ;the. ;lad:
Mr. Jerome Bruder, the: ,•popular
teller - the Walkerton ' braneh :of
the, Canadian: Bank , of Commerce:
was We. of a shiletine•aecieent:
on Wednesday e afternoon,' of last
week, which may cost him his. life: A
bullet passed .throngli etoniach.
and. Caine out his beck. „
As., the one o'clock whistles were
blowing Mr. Bruderpicked'up the
revolver in. the cage, , intending', to
clean and oil- it. The only Member.
of•the•etaff there at the mciment was
Lennox Wintere, the new junior,- but
Jack Cennibell, who was just. outside
and heard the shot, •rushed in; think-
ing filet it might be, a held -up, and
Jack Crozier; coming , from the pest
(ace, arrived minute later. Mr. L.
C. Crosier, the Manager, returned
from' lunch While physicians were-be-
'ing called by: phone. Ile inimediafel:
ly notified Mr.. John ,Bruder, father
of the injured young Man. Mr. W. II.
McBurney entered ,the bank jest as
the accident took place, and hastened
foe. Dr. 'Robinson. The revolver was
an English .Webley mid" Scott auto-
matic, 32ecalibre. . •
.Mr. Binder; took the Precaution to
:remove the clip of eartridges, • . but
either forgot . or. was unaware that
one remained- in the chamber: The
accident occurred so quickly •. that
Lennox Winters or ' elre .McBurneY
know little/ of What actually .trae's-
epirecie.-e'rheTimllet-..--peaetrated on the
left side and came Out the back
slightly. higher up. Drs. McCue and
Robinson 'Made an examination and,
rendered first -lid: At the time of
removing the Patient to the hospital
in Rennie's bus, they feared that he
,teparahle damage resulthd: The
fernier stated , that Mr. liruder'e
.chanees of 'recovery were slight, al-
though. an . eimreediate .operation
might save his life.
Kelle-Bel.c_het • • _
oflahehali:plYeevofentMro:n and Mrs.
oef. . co. matinaeWntimilga °nueer , otthhienrg'Tirnes, in
a' ofthose
Belcher, ,camtria ,road, was the scene the01111a Packet and:
.el Merl, .WaS united in lnarriege --t° friend e-vitle hi for a ride to a
last week when their daughter,.Hae- eeases where a' 'motorist took two
Mr. James Duncan „Kelly of Detroit
Duntroon, Orit. The • ceremOny was jug with an accident on the way, the
• performed at nooneby Rev. C.'. F two friends . sued the mc;torist for
Clarke, in the • presence of relatives 'damages and an award of $7000, ev,ae,
son ofMr. and Mrs. J. A. Xelly of neighboring townand , the 'car, meet-
, and a few intimate friends. The bride,. mideetgainet
who was otherwise ,unattended, war ' It appeare that jf the motoxist
_attired: in apricot. georgette and eat- had , not invited the other two to go
iled • bouquet of • apricot roses. The for the ride -if • they had , asked. him
Wedding march war. played by Miss te give them the ride --ho Would not
Chris McClinton. The houee was have been 'liable. - • ;
prettily decorated„ the ceremony" talc- • yet we (1.0 not gUarintee this to
Ing 'place under an arch. of creel, be. gootlaw.. It is 'only what seine -
with white and, pink flowetle; while body says the -law is. it may turn
the dining -room decorations were hi 'Mit to, be .quite 'different in the 'next
white and yellow. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly case that Is dealt with in..the courts,
took the afternoon train on a or when appeal goes, to a higher
trip, to Toronto Buffalo and other court. •
points, the bricl wearing. A gown. of7 One.. Toronto metoriat keeps a Card
reseda green and a ten tilted,cot 'in his vest pocket and vvheilever at,
with hat, sheee and hoe to match. . one gets in produceethe
The bride is On . of aaderich's best. card and the passenger' is required to
loved . gingers.' and has a slarge circle mark an X. as . his signature to a
,of friends whoee beet Wishes .follow printed ,undettakitig that he aceeptis
her to her new home at Detroit: She the ride at .his own riek:
received a lerge number of beautiful It is a• censtatit .CatiSe of eurerisie
wedding gilts,.iricludine 'Several% sub- to many that the law allowed. to
stantial gifts in gold.. Mesiages from stand ifs- it is in thiS matter, The
'Detroit' conVested the good. wHilles of motor •vehicle that .carrying
.friends in that !city. Guests :front engere eforea paid fare ought, like
out of Joyin. were Mrs; j; -Kell y 'any otherT•itinir traneportation
and Ur. Jack Kell* of e Dinitteen. Service; to be held. responsible for the
Mother--:-and,,,lerother. ;-.44,=.irkho,:_glio0 :'safety th osa,whoetravel,hyert-e-But
"rrrii1Wiss-wearrick ..rof-tteltriow. -the 1person• v-whor.,,enroachea-t
On. Monday evening a shower, er. friend for a free ride, and accept:1'e
ranged by Mrs. A. J MacKay and lift on. the road as a eaurteny from 'e
--Mee. Bieeet; ‘v;veit, giv,en : -the etrineele Aught to be feeibirol tos.
Isride- tie the home' of Mrs ,131-40et- 'mute' his owns. riske.irt,'doing fiee tt is
•Memberg of ••Xpox Clitirch thole and. Poitsible that -irs Of the Safely
other 'friends of the 'bride were'!pres-: that' 'go' to ceoet the rieetoilet' is
A eet and pressented her with many sured against, 'date to Others' „hiej
handsome gilts silverware. .• that, eventually,. it lA an inaaranef
- ' diniipany aed eot the motorist
;No wonder they had big /amines' does the` PaYieee. If so, there • Is
in the Old days. • A baby merely something not quite satiRaatory In
Meant that mother Clime for ,twq this State of 'effeirii, 'either, and it Is
weeks; enohody. lied mortgagt his time parliament. should Moots tho
))04411 Pi/ 1100041 btlis „ 0910 titlage,-.44,04 Weekly,:
fruits2,,TT hhsof, fao011:onewiewiknisge:wisa sa cd_zar storyedivr d; of the
her from The Chesley Enterprise:
. •
parents, Mr:. and Mrs. T. -Itore
on Sunday night. of: the accidental
drowning the 'same day of digit sec-
ond youngest daughter, Mies Blanche
who had been teaching once last
September at Axe Lake in the Parry
.Sound District:. • • • • .• • •
1 The accident took place at a .bridge
.over the Magnetawan River, _four
/miles *est of Burks' Fall's, Miss Roes
had been out motoring with a young.
'farmer, .Alex Cripps, and a girl com-
panion, Freda Smith. They. crossed
over the bridge -as
Miss' Smith wished •to deliver a Ines -
age to a girkfriend' on the ooppoeite
side of. the river. This warcione and.
in less than ten minutes time they
returned but .in the meantime ' the
bridge had .been swung • to allow a
boat to go by. A wooden arm*with a
red light -on -it serves as a warning
when the bridge is swung, end also
a man is kept on duty at 'this .point.
However, Cripps' 'car never halted'
and the guard,' ,becerning • alarmed
eushedeintoe the- Middle iof the road
and waved to the -approaching car to
etop. But there was no top end the
car and its three, occupants plunged
into the river below, a. distance of, 12
feet, into 8 feet of water. Cripps and,
Miss Smith,.....neithereof-ewhome could
swine .were alele to regain, the shore
Mit Mies. IL:bee could not be; located.
Rescuers searched,.in the vjcinity•pf
„the -car -but -et- -wasn't' until two hours
later that the body was • recovered
quite' a distance down stream in coin-
paratively shallow *rater,' aoe hand
grasping the shore • and her face
downward in. the .water, but life was
extinct. Whether the unfortunate girl
.aWam or floated there nobody. knowe.
In the fall she had sustained bruises
on the head, hands and back, and it
is more prehable that she was. stun-
ned at the time.. , • : „ ' '
The retnaine were. ihipped to To-
ronto on Monday ' and her father •and
brother, Glenn,: accompanied them to
'Cheeley on, Tuesday's noon train. The
• whole community has been dreadfni-
ly shocked bit the fatality.' Blanche
was otie of the town's eibet. popular'
girls And wes 'among the brightest of
our former high school students. 'Ate
'ter ebtainieg her Upper School sub-'
jects at. the Departmental Exams 'she
attended .. Toronto Norniel School
where eertiffleaEtef. ly•Basiii..ng;h7telvda: iireireyst-ganr
some in.her, firet.echool and in her
as letter home referred, to the short
time that would. elapse till she would'
be 'home for the holidays:. What
niaker the eerie)* of her parehts arid
other members °Utile faimily harder
to bear ta the thought that Blanche
who was a strong 'swimmer, hadmade
a brave struggle for life and if some
nne had only beeri near to help her'
ite she floated' or severe to shallow
water, 'elle -might ,have been hayed,
liere afld Ther0..
loreTehlteli 42013tIrCiareddal-reisal:/aier,14141.001..
accerding Department
WCotwiet;u. Mt. a stay. ' Canada on •
'their. ranch' neer Kaaaloope, B. C., '
• the ..Maequeel end.'Marchioneee of
11,lEXtree,iter ceeeccourPassaillatel f:robi'm.,:lekQuileYWlD
uteamshiP m'tin11.,eaCaorinaidolarniiPelttriat
An eeroPlens. elniseinifer 'and
freight .iervim to the ,ceatiel ••
toba U-iiiii-area-tvraa-ineugurated on, .;
We:ounanYenilele-terlimainttte)ed.oryWe le:Mei:...kttoilingCb7odepaetz;fAittlersi'';‘A..;
In . the Province. ••
••Fonadetion Work •pmeeeding
•lree.pipdlY4ton itraheinneewlevaadtdoeitionattopt9hret
McNic011, whiCh. when sant-104A,
will luiee se -literate., ore/Achy Of
6,009,000 1;1181381i,', Instead, of tit. ,
..preseeteeapeCity .of 4,000,000- hie
, A total Of 1,334 ,teglish boys, have
*treader been moved from thit Old
Country and placed on' fermis" iii• ' •
Quebec and Eastern Ontario by the
British Immigration and Colonipie,
tie:lie...Association according hi' the,
figures -given out :et Tthe ' .annuid
meeting Of that organization.
According to • Veures the
e •
Canadian. Government, Canada led
all Countrieseofeehe-worldbyeaewidet:
margin as an exrter of .wheat,
Say it wititEtowers
. Floral Designs,. ,Wedding
Bunches, Itee A -.Specialty
Furelehect on Shorti,Notice •
Orders .amounting to '$6 and
•tj-•;14 .0.-;v6tvrivr:4' Trto'allitaYll 13 a' rt.
of, Canada', United Stately And.
s'...,giiropefr 4heelolintiii-iT
oonnnien owr.
The man whe beage thethe Prnig
thingh around hi a plkei prob‘bly
fere to, riumiag- ohickept out of 04
from August • December 811
1926. In eMt period Canada' shiPPe4
167,795,000 bushels. .her closest \•ti-
•.val being • the United States with
'9re4cila(1)11ed'"' (rfeebt:811bye.18. wigon were
and .Mn. •
Days of the crigtel
, .
• G. Berke; and six children ay-
:rived- at---Blerdaiti........Saskalebewan
from Parshall, North Dakota, hl an -
outfit' consisting of a covered
goa,„ 18,.hgeed of horses and four
evfafecg°tnsisandestrYtfarmiCralphleemeit-nbtraeThoh°, 141y;-..
leased a half section of land. -
• Generai indiridual-travel through
the Cenadian West !a expected to'bt, -
' very heavy this year accordingles
agent of the Canadhin Pacific Ball.
way e at Winnipeg. Several boor.
taint parties will also add to the
number of 'travellers. especially
through tha Canadian Radtke re-
' clone. . •
life of Sohn Popo, sailor'
aboard thicAstailake vssssl Natiree
was saved recently by instruction,
wirelessed by Surgeon Taylor ot th
Canadian Pacific sterimship MIs..
nedosa, after ' Pope , had been eriti.
eally injured by 0 fall of siaey feet
from the .mast. The tara.ahtas ,werg,
190 miles art hist neve Whit* .
„and, the' in red 7AU 111am ' bass.
tarred to the C. P. 11. shit sot
tiaalmod te Qom% 'y 4
'rise' Bruce Herald and of'
Walkerton, 'gives tha following; gra-
phic account of What sometimes hap-
pens when there's tour in a coupe:
While Mr: Con. Zettler was driv-
ing, home from 'Walkerton . *bout .
10.30 o'clock Saturday , night with
two ladies in a buggy, he ,evas,, over -
'taken and crashed. into by a,• quar-
tette of, Hanoverians, in • a Ford '
coupe, who, failing to notice the
eigeinetheederk untilealmosteuponelte-
attempted to swing • out and pays it,
but unable to clear 'at the speed...they •
were going, the cer. struck the"huggy
and after knocking - off- a -hind -wheel
and 'breaking •the axle and ' reach of '
the rig,° the gas wagon careened to
the, roadside and, upeet• in the. ditch.
All the occupants of the eoupe
were cut and bruised in the spill,
but • none Of 'them seriously, while .
the ,chariot had a hied Wheel broken,
the top :gnashed in and other dame,.
,age inflicted Oii the roedshipe
• The motorists; we understand, are
assuming all liability 'for the mishap, ,
and will pay Zettler for the damage
to his rig. ,. • •
Mr. Fred Bannister of town, whe
'happened •along in his Car ' shortly
!after the accident. •conveyed the • in-
jured motoriste, who, pointirised tens
youths and • two girls, to their homes
in Hanover, '
Kodak Oittdoor, Fun ,
Nothing 'like pfitdoesi.:‘ fun
th it time of year—nothingJe
Kodak 4*ttliee of it for ydpr
tot yOur:.Kodak het,
phOto finishing:
10daki *$u
et MeXIM
The ReXall Store .
• luck -now, Ont.
• :)