HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-23, Page 7, - •44 7a. A,•••••77-7,7777. .-Tlte,;;Peehliar' noino peoPlo. atc. had ati,iip„t •haVi,pg eny...tellgio-ir•at 411' - • • • • Eciroe' Bo,. 2 .',VapatiOn tim,e jwill,soon on here... And y'ou _have caucle: to. thank • • 'Your. Incliraters`and things, AMY dear, for money In the, ' aivn vacation .having flow, Por ;what shall he -who sings . ,--This,•'-,liecOnd-Vertie-be, thankful'. to. 1" Ilis lucky8ta18.7-.,aild' ,thingsi , .•Siith' care and ....worry -money , Ile glad'that'it is' anent: ' • . rut thank your Welty, ?Saranac] things 'Mat You, iny'doar, have Went. . „ • .. • , . • NOW our Viteation'S'.earne and Went, . , We're' sotiled for another year, • • For .all,oar -money has been spent ; And: Mollie Is Again baelt 1 4.10 • • '• Ssime "follcs„can't wovk 4.horc tah- titioPt-11 a6d.afterwarde for' talking abeut. it;7•• , • .• „ . A,' i;neher,-;,......asked....the-clase--;With. what, W.clapilii oSamson.' slew' the,. Phil- . istines. 'Ito got no reply: , "What Ile asked pointipg to 11141 jawbone., =.01,3A,13}6.0ple:4l*4L.GILIA4Pg-,.-1-1).eall_44-1114-114.P,4g-40;:11:12A-,-011p...0,4114iiiiiirg_tp...... a. -NURS Tim Togontsa stl*r;tri .torf Ilirbti Ii. ttlinition .AVINt'RefISIlill a, k(va Y9r4 taort's.. rt T 'Oro . le 4fl rrn Rd ,ctu.' n Iigv9tniru •TPIs tle.50'411 /IAA beer tiet..tr,. •Iltr i%ttGlit reaft411•1010,144 or Utt.Bellotti•, rest 1 If', P,toPtUleo alai teasel - R.$0 tr s 1.4 *inl1W for 1„ 't t; !Went. . ; A 'The. End et She Ger-ran • Monarchy. • n fOrt Zeitu (Th e, tan i; ?.1091,11 toil it , i)ef A'et, hY.whifilt the '1..gernuirt (lot ernnient, play, take- meat- ' u i'c to pi.event the ,.sturn. far .the , I: be,eome laiv.) Side by siie with the DO November, 100 ftmd .1,11•0, 11,1,1k Aiignst., 19J8, 111e,1.7th tkiAy, 104.. wfll ren1:4t-1i inetnorablc• in thu history of the l‘1onareli'44 stitutioningerinarrY. ,On this ,firr,..t. OZ. thear, Mites' the inonOrchy up. 1y 4..A• rueil'll'Htt,‘‘`,:l'fi•legli.1050:1:44.0,,i by tho , A ;.0 . 110e 114 Id it • I-11' • IN•i;.:(''yr ag 9f7 IM 1 0 tiitl TOkittlY sarYG a tor eti 'by, .. • .41• r,f iCie• .9;11 ' I 1. " , • - tato,' I" I' titainess."'„, t.tatwi ,that ''A ., • •• .." • ' ,• • " 4444( t • •or Hie nienurs,... 4.; posrnwe 's 8-4 1,41 , ••,.! • . • ;- ;.. , , 1,15'.' • • '1.1°,.•n• ' r I. I l• „ • • 1.• • 111)41"4111A".(Tt '0:1: rttrisli inily..tt,S7s tend , ki; t t 0, A tt Itts ospoiiimc 1•.. m"i•tli?"14 Iil1 r•itn•t..t'.• • in ,t11,.. door'. • ' • ' • '21VM.1.4. WO•lioar. riliOi'ts of A "e", • t !ft '3; 114' 'UP rt .6. 1310i) cle h fli C m:iny AV 0 P1 0 PaS •.(1`ay'd 114 a , constant state . of i wen rinesS.4 '17hey haVe",'Iiarcly 'ttuffi- •,;ciolit energy to, enable them to Per- , ferm their- inanifold dillies. Often; they hayo, an aching head, a timer- fil anvoi are. ,.being •annihilated, with: Pale in tile hack, and linfb that id' this* inovernent,. this undercurrent 'feel •ae lieavY as lead. The Whole of engineering'. 'lull) Pro- trouble is; due to, litooillessneSs. No greCsk a'. throat hp :ttit7;• 8,ecurity; Of •Wori.lah• need- suffer in • Otis° Way., It is elre-.-rrian4-Wiro-• Efts'. Sitilg,i.y by, opting - of-- ri(41- red*: 86,0 'ij.; 108 • ba8ineSe. or Ails • inclust:t'Y. bi°°4 bY .;t6-11114 Dr, NVilliainsi Pink And it ia:!matched.by as much under- 'yhe,new blood ere-ate:1. by I cover pi:ogre,is :the mind, these Pills rapidly builds up the. sys.i Which stlso has tleiliiite,:bearing: on tern; beadaches, and back1,tolies • blisiness. • • , •- • appear, energy .rottirne' anAl the Of . ",It g'ollig to'. require morc. ingenit liYMg' len: tonce more. ., • . I it y- . iho tatura• keep tliern t• Proof of ,..thos" e. state! ioats , given teret.ted, !o: Iteci? a 'business prosper by IvIrS., •Lanotec: .Stoney . Point, ; ihg than. Oier Ilta8 needed before: Ont., whe says.: -"Por a long.time . • • . . • . • . • x..1111 a „ iieNN (i1'- f ' 7 , ;,(0,. • (141Ie 1114111:511,Y how •1ti, 01: pal's VC.i it; alien 400 (44' ptot tt r es, 'Lire 13(,..5111bilig 40 1,:,tic; -cht.intrAl 'r- tirch Is eyel,,nanr, kart -ling tiQU•6'- /iiitiC.F.: 'the t.kcretary , Coinine,ce It4 seen and 1144F11hy, wire till 0114,1) the .ningic' of television: and Any matt who thiiihs ,hari .found A 17had been in a very miserable comli- _ royal roail o 'E,UrCPSK-II:11(1 ) e4. 134 011 1118 . . ig pied , :KleepY discovery 4., N:01 y14htIv tO find his.1 and „ The lent Work; about 'the = • - • lien se' mid- leave me 1101 3113 qlY tired -tdeadreinl--Mec&-A1 "b4.1a4riesti ,Thx:1-61•11 nhihing that 'TdidteTen-ind •te give ectitiVe, whO doe's not. Closely f'.,I40 1 elief BalieVeing that l‘est :'rnight" the neWs . science, eligi1)c4lrh1s, • do ino good, we moved ,10..lown,' but;. . , ,c,Ctitiontics, and business ;these yontrtru. _to expeciations, Instead of and 1(e4 p ciinstant- watch Of social getting 'hott'er I .Was. grewhigi•steadily ..promPr.:repiy, of a l'icholaiF:' Mind ceuStantly0to hO. n'wn bush -lees, neighbo1 ,. slie iirge,e•My taking Dr; Williani:V Pink P1115 telling inc that her, 0ail:00.1cr had been .in, a condition :much li mine. ',Thi•s' frOr iiladet1 xpe to try 1] 1', )11.00,1(i.ni‘,.ii,/,(..1. 1 JiO,Ve mucb reason 't) ,he grateful • that: I, ••folle\-ed her. adrvco.. "..A;fter 'the .ufie of 'a ,few. bOes of the there cOuld •bo no :doubt that they' Were helping nie, and •Os 4 'continued •their fshealtli and wFrengtlif.panie 1iok and now , a111. doing' all my ,..W.tirit 'and feeling In . the, best of health.- 'For this. splen - you••• .a -blank • •' ' ••• , „, .(.1Eirr1n4,ten----7"No. • I lust'tised the -last 06e... to Overdraw My. own' COUht." • • In 1-1qt• ,• The Zoldier boy sticks to his p;uns through the' fray, • ' - The slioemakeK sticks to his fast,' , The laborer sticks to Ills •job it's • don The tallor'boY Sticks' to the Mast:. • Vhe:singer,---he sticks to the songs. he can sing • . • . The h.00fer--he sticks to the danee; Tint .'thes?-;nian,'in the, (Alice can't :do •any : work, ' •lie Just. sits • and 'sticks to his pants. .,. CIvIlization i, improving. It is no . longer thought necessary • to try to tach every littleboy and girl to play the piano'. . Lot's wife has ,nothing,, much on . Mrs -Dave Kirk. The former looked .back and turnad, into a. iSillar et silt:: mlilre:-Dayelpokedisatir-and--turnedlnr--,- to a telephone pole. -- • ' „ - • , , . When shegoes out with her young mitn and eats a large dinnevaild then a supper atterthe etinw they call her , , •.a. stuffed date. Boy 'to Storekeeper--"Ilave.Yeu gof four quarters for i•one?", titorekeeper here .:you aro Boy-Tlitink you." - , , • . StNikeeper--Iley, :there,' where's the one'?" , Ecy•--"I'm the one."' is liahle Stu] denly• tb.. find 'lliraSelt, oyer In 'a. b14nklW7ater eudy 'Ori: ilia oilier - hand, linsiiieSs'' inanageni:thit, watchful of .•,trends,qulk to, new ideasand.. test them .pn• labOra- • tory scale ••,'as iiaasible, additions. to :a, '1>4g of find :the .America • atid,:the'f.antida of the .nextjfew Y( 44, mighty.' floc .places„ 131 wh4ch 10 liiisinest;.?'..- • . .,. • • • ' • SifetY Notes Qiiehec:•: ' _ . • „., „ co) dition J. milst gite my thanks Points bronght out at the rece34 10 IIlIam% Pnk 1' lis .meeting: Of the' Quebec Safety League The, pilla 'are , sold by itW drUggistS; are Well worth publishing for thp.edi7 , or 0 1 4 411 get'tliem bY mail al. 50e. ficatiort of. Ontario, inotoristS. `:* a bo". from ,Th.e• Di7. 'Williams' 'Medi- -A few of ;the many- types' of lave eine CO.,',Brockville, gut. ' infractions and viOlaticns• of the laivs • of common ' Sense which were brought before the meeting, presided, over by, Edward 'Quinn, were: "Bogging the road," i.e..; driving and to the left of the right 'side of t1 road Failure to slow down ,at' interpec7 tions and such. Places. •. • Passing another Machine on its right and.Overtalting another' machine on the right side: , " Leaving,the curb, Mixing just park- e--il--or-Stoppetlovithout-regard-for--and- :iiighala to Pasa.ing traffic.. ., . All simple mistakes: and common in Ontario ; Paste them on your Wind- , shields vhere you esin See them if you are an offender. • NEW tRUISER'' FOR ... ' CUSTOMS .: SERVICE 'Fast Craft 'Takes., 'Up..Pre-tren-., ti'i„,:ci.N.Vorl's in Bay of FiindY:.. I ' OtittWa:z---.Ahel.her: fast „cruiser has been purdhaseti, for the, use of . the Customs Preventive • Services tin ilie • B. 7, of. Fundy. .' . *, • 7. • the .new cruiser,fornierly "known • ",tis 17',.!."!.1i11iCUth." 'will be, renamed the Ilayllonnd ,apd. will be;_con;finissionsd "immediately: and 'shinned froin.,Ment- real to 'either` Saint .J.elin; N.B., , or Digby, N.S. The Enyhetnid will he • capable of.rntiintaining a Speed of 11 kr^t1: ''. • , ' 1. 1. •-• The preventive . service will' ..iirive C.--„.,;,••,,,,, . ' . - han 30 , Aliree fast -''criiisers' the Vigilante,' . ""-----nts of more t ycara have proven that'Alumi.... , .....Payfield 'Anil 134yhotind,' iti 'conitni::- ,,,...,,,. itofi Within tWo weeks, • TilBayfic‘0,'-'''''"."" is the hest. eentehtlet* - which ' lia,,,, been out of ,- set•Vice, for fortea, - tea and P6136r thP Poorest. ' ,unine tir;!e; N-'bdirit,'-: re--,con(litiened.•• - .' Red, Rose Tea is now .Pathed -'...---.......-:--....i--- ' • only in Aruinintii• and every, :,111,e' , , fght -Agairiti Bolshevism' .'... Pina!7.gfe't.'4g9‘ar..,Int!e,d 7 .!-.' be , p r ec condition. . —... ,Verig l'elliiis: DerdocraIle.*.-cauntrids " (y6;8°5,1(1,1)1, :(111' 411. '14410 a'taii!st I4t)414' ilevlfrilr. 'Ore: dit;deder 'of' all-scivilia-. -..tion, ..,15 .1,1r.7,1, ,-,11..7t.54c43„.of•Alfe•pr,41.0.a.t.li, • Mr ilie 'wtst•ern .wcyld',. •-E-vcii the ••fP ''-'t ' tbrit• the fIoviets •16.0 tnIdng ..0111t, ill (Ire , X011011110. Conference at gouty:a,. 151 emitlii ion's 'which tiniqtfi:iy. rt'Vetl'Ii&if ) rise( Ciiiittrit, n 'fil 'I5ii,40144 (1 445(44 :14i,',1:!1. ./‘•-yri 71,n,,0q ,1:1/(m. 141 coll. i 11)70,/, t 1,,v, -,i'. tlangee041,,,. pprpagantlat, .cullil 1 evolto '11.4'e8il4l ctsy 4:fusions in 0114 ,tespect, 10101 fa n,ed in- Chinn, .M07".; coo; ili an 1:19.09lY, Tsx)Itilln 11r,v,111 II). 1r* 0' in crtiet; 10 111,11h14' nit II ' 111W b.:''.ii h ,i' roolur,,iono l''Y V flOI 441. ermaily and Anthill: , Vienna' Nen'es 'Tagebtati'; (The•.de. \Pressed' etononlic•condition-of •Austria. le famishing,an•linpetas to the, eaniL. ,paiga,fer unkin,With GerMany.-. Paris Would dorwell not to 14:e 'Aigtt of .the fact that there is Otitis:train problem :and ,that thie predileni.ls constantly in creasing, .in throngh, .the misery' Of. th¢ Working- pOpulation and the still. grater ,misery ,of tIiose wliO cia 613) ploy eqt.• This is why, if Paris, rooks, with disfactr 'on the inofiement rfor with • Germans, the Should net 'confine:, herself, to an inflexible ne&ative biit Erhoolq• sound tlie.lielitleal and ecorienitc-°sentiraents•--whicii,are evidenee „in „Central: ,EurOpe,, We diaVe been , advised to adopt the reined Y of Li; strict economic union• with .the Other cOnetri,es, •retirain deaf, Id ill propoeats. ,In the nietinwhile,,we • . . cannot Olen exist •Iike human' beings., . • • -, Ile' (lietween.the,aCtS)';'°":JuSt. gelni for: fitsir -air -.dear. ' She "''A little :draught yeti Inept, I suPpose." • He- Marry ins engi'li, be your , a week,' maybe, %then' you'4 remember that slavery's been abolished?! , • The' Movies, ind the .Honie 01. Lo onde Ouyrier. (Ind): Since the birth , of. the ,cinenititogiliph, the unema his beenaccused of every aignable and Imaginary evilIt his been described as the destroyer of family and .social 1ife. . The de- truetion of family and social life: is dna to other causes vastly: more 'Corn-. plex!.and more deeply-to:04 Can one honestly' atfi'riat that society would be better ,Without the oinenia? It .is evidently 'riot the' ease, for the ye- proathes which We heap on society Were addressed to it n.litindred'yearS ago, two hundred Years ago, and ever abide. ,L.I,A; the country, where there is 44,4 cTmiTff1a1e the yeuPger,generat tiori 'relatively better ,thanthey are In the toWns9 They aro just as greedy ;for, 'riletisure arid entertain.: ment.- .1 • heir, Paddle, 'they've gone dry in• the' village Where ..yelir brOtherniOnl• .TheY're' parched. I Just had, &letter; from Mikeand the, pottage: etaMp, *'•aa.stuck.,011. with a. pIn.,.-.:14agolegy A declor sas lazy people Tiaye no senso of. humor.; Ile N\11.0 laughs le\a.t'. „. 140Pfs lengest. • • • *First Candy Hotel' An hotel within' an:hotel Was Made. pat*7y • chef of the (ha:titian., Lake. Lonise,..who produced •'tlio model of the new Canadian•l'acilic!'lIotel 'Sas- katchewan" seen above. and. which' • . . , was en untisual table 0) at the iiiiiet attending the openrna -the, new , hotel. at ,Regina • -•by Pre,-Sident Beat tyln •the. presence' Of Lieutenant Governor• ./L• W. Newlands Of • $.s.:• hatchewair: and. . other prominent per- sons, en May 24. • ' The ;node!: is made entirely of . sugar t1:1"al closely; resembles the new, hater; that is,regarded as 01114 01' the finest ,I.Mildinge, in' the West . boteis, especially out of sugar, was a The (41 of foun.d., 'Ont. -.t.ha..t bigger ,task tilall..expectled • ' • . • been. a wedding.-.'eake to adorn' the task forliith would have been,simple. that.suni,!en a dollar for„doIlar basis,1 ter long tests we are corks vincect Aluminum is the best container for tea. -" 1Q4 owipaked 911 y in Aluminum . • (ONTARIO READY- • s ed Advertisenient , • I .1 r:tvr11;e)r.ftit'irgiltItilirliintS:e.A'N'aisild'A:telle:IjIldtinlinifiGar)?'Pglt. ' pror,,..9130y,1,0% Ad-verttse • P.,i, CS :.•jobtir.iftir i4•••1',.,',ilitirvilltr, Workp,' ,D„':P1.,,` W' -L, .6..1-13.1-• rtlaP!" '`"•••'`•- • - • '. ': kr" "-i.t-;-Brifaitt.'". :. . GOvet,ament is, prepared to 'Co-ope AtricultUre,.stateti tha,t.v:h.reri.n.10:en:ttr,aartioei ronag, sQn it n 1..?k,N10*,D• • 31.11111.1M. egiipinterioN_ •mA •;,.,p. f''s/ Per day selling ' autoi7tob 1 o n . lux' ' 7 —2Y .4.,.. Toronto:. 11,1--n-f,,n rx,ri::;° t.'1:(7.1`rii-• - with {the, PominiOn. Go in I I) -establishing 'a . fund for the ativertis,'' L'aw ilt4tee ''ill4 ' Z i ...:c :"":iy Der ete.. send for l$•creultir an& watioX:1;*4 'pm .O. ing , of Canadian' apple's ' on --British iit.• ' l'Cimpa,. rostpairl'::75.,t, --Jubilee" Flag, Co r4 - 1„ritei:. P. W. )./odgotts; head et, the I -oilerri. Wtet, roroilio, ' Fruit § ,Braneh of the Dept,., Will go, to ' QA.LESAIEN or ' 1::,-rEcnrill • 'w - - - O f,e).1 for Our "Old • Reliable FoothiAll 'llutserbrat'' : ^: Ottawa tin inlY,6 to attend 'a. confer- ko shipPere' Lit7-1sl•Tiliu,,IL'Yi:gi.ory N71'danl' ' spetial litea, hl( . once of fruit growers,- affple ,i‘stsdiorpe free outtit.--.LExipea tled:Mt171;•°:: !sat: .,..,,./. and ...various ))rovincial Government -412 representatives'on the whole 'advertis- , ' ;O: -,Li'°,,¢.' ral. Da,rt,lePlara, Reone, ife ,*,ellinutOts. ' ••• • , i rig -a i.t. It ion.: , . ,' ' .. .- . I i t so I's :vs a s n on 1 . market .uppli . t, r .1.1',11. 11,1,1.14 ItABOTTS, • sion Of.: tbp, Federal :Parliament an ' It vvill be recalled that the last ses-,,,,•medii car,7:hrtilt,:..;.,1:ronniatzieotItL,,;: .7.!,14,...: Etot.), to . : • f mei •, 1141 ace wiliontra. 3=111.ii).." Sr= .... amourit,'Of $100,000 was appropriated •m e r , pm!, •‘111,11. Z'.'..,',n.00,rr,,f;e.''..onn'tn,::.,41:rr•-bnau':": ' for 'advertising purposes,: Hon. , James F.,717-11' ikialcolm, Minister •of Trade and. COM -1 , • . lion. john • S.' Martini:Minister of A l'a-.1",;,1 "v """ ineree, explaining that to the limit of 11-0-We4.'er. I) 04. proved_ 11s _verRatilitY. 113 sugar moulding :when be: produced. the .rnodel aboye. • l -the --:-Federal: Treasury -would organized bodies' of ,producers•Of food; products in Placing their commodities before ltire -Brittsh-bnying,, public. , Suggestions have been rriti•de'te. Mr: Malcolm' that at ;least' $20,01)0 Of the appropriation be spent•on advertising. of Canadian aPples.The'proposal WIll be tho_roughlY *threshed Out at the, niCe)ffaiiii-"Cii"Cf • • T BABY OF YOURS Aid of .134by.-*g Oiyn'Tfibiet-s7: No matter' how strong and rosy yeur"Child may be he requires A .1a,xa. tie -Sometithes so that the stomach may be kept SWe'et and the ,syStern lean•• •,' • . , Forrnerly.,lIle ltixati V6 medicines given to 'children,: Were diERgrtleable ones --,-castor oil, • senna: -.tea, ...poWders and son :on. ,But noW-Baby's•pwn Tab- rcts, easily adininistered-and. pleasant t� tke, have superseded -these: -The 'Has, No Rep Yet.'„ ^ . .children likeTi,3abY'S OWn 'Tablets. . . . .hl.en't, yOU7 : the gieat movie star:,,, ,pth'er \Ways these ,Tablets are an :ideal,/,'47',)t enly as a 1-4Xative but in inePY. you' 4.0'heard ,..of Sally TWinkle, . "Wily no indeed: I. haVen't heard of, her. Jina ,0110 ever been di, , , yereed?'•,' ' I(E WITNESSES BUSH CARNIV IN QIIFIENS Spear Throwing by Aborigin- als in Beandeiert .2,0tmuse *Royalty. Brisbane,- Queenst....-No more' dig- ti?lOiVOY :Australian: Beene .Was,- wit-- neSsed by the, • Duke and •Duchess of York during their. recently' eonelvded, tour of ,the Continent' than the tiush- man's'earnival ;and 'native correbaree at Beaudesert queens!. The ..roYal car as escorted by a detachnient, of mehrited troops 11 -e111 -the wayside rail- way statiolL to tbe field, where a, troop of :50: 'stal.tyrt mounted: buslimen in blue shirts and:Slouched -hats, gave a' remarkable exhibition, of bareback - riding and cattle:Rafting: ,• ' , Afterward a' number of aboriginals 'from the Etarmbah setlleinent; fan-, taiitically garbed and painted for "occasion,, rttilied into the.. ring with . spears,. boomerangs and wootheras and 'began a spear-:-chrovving ecntifeti, tion. The Spears' wero,,thrown'a great height and quiyering in:the air,iand ed point first in the 'ground around One of the performers: who:constitut- ed himself the target:, -The, spears fell, in •showers :almost at his feet as. he moved away at 'various ,distances .• The boomerang7throwing was no less in- terestirigi:And their Royal iiigh'nesseS were. amazed at the natives' skill. ' • After. variOns other derhonstrations • reale d y f Or little Ones. They o 04' k I k 'rednoe feverlahnes.s,"relieve..indigeet-: flop: coitC 'and. vomiting, Prevent:con- stipation, cheek., diarrhoea, allaY teeth- ing pains.. and ,PrOmete healthful, onatural.eleep, • , :Icon can get Baby's 'Own Tablets at ,any dealer' iit medieineer. at 2 cents box ,frorn The Dr;,Viilliares' Iefedi- elne Brockville; Ont. . . • k• Tribntary Nation. .Qiiebec• •Ev.enpinent „(Cone.) econtintio advantage enjoyed by , , United States. as •compared 'With 'Can, 'ada i*sts, in the f,ormidable tAdties ern, -ploy ed7Iliv-thern...-to_azqulie.....te,,t14., aigainat our colnpetitofl , .•sh11t we .leave (hem free to invade Our-terri-: 'toiii.td-thelletrinieiit Of Mir own, Wort -k - People Th, e. A ineri can nafion' fronds. qthe - Canadian: rearkk .with its P10 Opts,: but, Ito 45 imposstble for Or. 'article's; 'with the 1;0:Coptic& of a, „yery •few,, to 'conipete titian the, Ainerictin market. ,IThe. A•m•erican - worker ths has. the advantage of- .selling it haine :and in Canada', while 'We can ealY se 5 In . Canada. . The .day4ris: 'unequal sit- iialien Is .ehan,ged to :oar , advantage; 3113 th'1 See the best AtneriCan work-. trier' detriand4ng• entranceinlo- Canada,. In the:meanwhile ,We:'& -re and shall 're- mefii.tributarY• country to:. the 'that-. , . , ted States.' Our political liberty is of comb:Mt:iv oly • little. : imperi2t4411be' to. 413e111; they ' are Satisfied: n 1111 thelr• commercial profile y etta c • om1O• .d,ep end enCe • " • . , . . .„ Britain' and 'China. ilongkong• Pres.: No ,one 11'4S dene inere to ,asStst •:Chinti to rehabilitate heirself „than. G rea DrS(aio n0. one ha's been morn'anxiotts to encourat,e a true national, Vpirit a tn o ifg• 'the. in 1.5 e. 0111. .1-t.e.on Patient en - ..-• •••,rlot..Ne•Oeisary.- , • Company' Promoter -2.'I Want .5000 stock . certificates printed. , ".Something • distinctive .and ° elaborate?PrtIlnotel_rOh no " this' is' a' legiti 1•• rs.reilable.' .• , ,• , . • . ,• . . ., A colored. agent 31i3.2 summoned'be- :fore the T .' insurance . CbfllmlsSlOfler , , . .r."Don't ,303) 9triow," :said the Commis- . 'Sioner„ "that- .life insur,„ ' •331 130 it a . .St?to %11Cet-186 9" Bosssaid...the' colored. man,you 11 • 'd • • tionthful• I knowed • couldn't sell it but I 'didn't know the •;easini • "/ There'sonly one. advantage • In put- ting off until, to -morrow What. should, be done,•to-day,'•and, that Is you 'may' 'he ,•haeli'ed. to -morrow :and' Wont bate It • to do.. , CA IV1,13 11 Take 'Iolioard'a 'In our 'kit. . good for cuts, Sprainii; burns, and.. inseet4iites The Charm of .4 Velvet Skin ---and the ' Pure Blood Under It .44 The effectiveness of that. popular touch. of "make-up' will be greatly enhanced if the skin has, the velvety smeoth- ncss and clearness that result from the use of TRU-BLOOD. This.much-prescribed Blood` tendency of "complexion aide! , ; and makei_the skin dear,,• • --"sindatliand coloriul - „Youi Druggist now. has Tr,u- tLOOD.: Tcst its liealth-aiici=beauti; giving.qualitieS.. Get a bottle today. • • • Firestone 1:;;P) Tires Are ft. OPERATION 'LEFT, on. of the outstanding HER VERY WEAK I Better . "developments by Firestone Engineers is the Gum -Dipping process which impregnates and insulates every fibre of every , cord with rubber—Adding strength to the. cords and re - ducing internal friction and ' d structiv to tire life. Coniston Ontario.='‘Aftor a se - i - Letter” Tells of Wonderful Relief AfterLydia Taking rc E. Pinkham's Vegetable 11 Compound beat so e • The" Firestone Deal,er ough lb all consc•holec. They -have Con-, 6 localit gladly rtp • your Y • • of agility and ingenuity., indluding ittlited te :Put• their faith ',in irronqes • the native Method Of . making fire .by and to WItit dwiatiliag for to:You the extra velue ° kluT"- rubhing 4icks,-the4c:rfa`rmeis assem- theft fitlfilinent.- Wheili they' hav‘? been. DIPPirg He .i prepared to bled in, front of the royal stand,. Pre- smitten upon ono' Cheek •tlic;y hare demonstrate how the cords of sented tWo boOmerangs, a nulla nuliti turned at other Oa the smiler, on'y to the carcass are .saturated in a ' and u,wOomerP,t9 •bc,, royal visitors, reeF.ive a resoutking...smat'it. en that • rubber which makes, motoring • and, sang".a native song, of farewellv also 44514.4 reward for their nie,,dttres's mare eeeaaniaal with added ' A true Australian touch was given and litinillity/ Bitto" eXpeorience-Skiein34. cojimfort.ti-nd safety., to the proceedings by an outbdrst Of hearty laughter -front 7a7 kooltoo-'-burr ,(laughirig jaCkass) up in a neighbdr,;,, *int. ona free; which added nitieh to ' :the ,merriaient el their Royal Iligh nfises' and .tliC 12)000 spectators pie"1 KIJ ies4iosquztoes ,i8stBedBugs•F1etts. amsgzsam,18“1.111.001111111eammulaiMpapal : , 4. • to. teach (13)11the S.Tipitiral doctrine rsal:Ini.7., tt,fi.131,;•ier!p.r9ittelc...1,,:t,ct.f.rt;s11.:0Lfolclk.faLlp.C.ti,;..Or11;;.4r..C-_ OIRE•to7.4-n Trizzao RUBBER CO. ' '- ' -OF2Ci!s.1..1APA••1..1.-MITED . , , ,'• . - , . Hamilton, Ont#4,i • . • . MOST MILES FiER:pOLLAFt' . • .:45.:i13iii ItOyailllglinesscs 7- hairded the ' train 'again- 't hey- -Teo lit) -, :al I. ;the ! Stations ' decorated -tilting 'Mit, Totte,, The school' children throlgol,the'Pitit-', .forrnS aid tilt e( ‚3 440:16$ fl le' the . • roynT ear ea, it:ling:led, , . Ai, 11.6,4ht1r)44 ' 'the royal party y.:Li11 Mel, by.,Willaill Lep11021, • Lien ten an t-i.I4iv4.'4%.."1'', 1:r ( ,,,,..Queenslaiicli . :1,V110 ,,A.,1•Opiiilia1'1t1Ll,..:1‚.4.t:.,414 . to Government Houk?, dense ' ‘r.',,W,ir, ' Ihiing' the' Street 0)1'011p:100L the. rot.t.,, • Liniment for" inseci , , ' ? ...1306-K ' l' 'S',. ' . ,,;' '.I ..c ill t nut," 'of 0:t1'"cr' ahl ' 'w hat . to do - c-4„,, - .„: i • ' , / . , 1 , to-dny„ tilt:It en) . 1 . ,Imliarart>ti,s; , • , vere, operation and,st,aayiliinreae hospital •: ,• ;610,riveetaukrnteildathiowniail tigabletO move a • 'chair. ' 'For four months I. was al- most frantic. With • pains and Stiffer- i mg nntil 1 thought , 1, sure , there• could,: not be any help ' forme.. I had Very : • seve.ro.,.paine in my left Side7itha.sufr. 'fered agony every nionth.,,, Oneday .1 • When. I was not able. to, get up tny7, i \ mother begged Me t9 'ti,•y„.y4tir nieti-,•;,,\J ititle. My husband got ipti atottlit, \ .- of. Vegctable .Cotr.pornd t -0 ' . , . , 7:1 • t I took it. ,1 start•ed ,:t ade.olia 'bat 0`.* . . ,••ano-10,,nly•ttarririse and, ,....my ti1)..a,10:4, -•in irfy ...-cdf - lc ft riivet.q:letoly-atit'.1 Firestone Builds the Only Gunn -Dipped Tires • tit1Troll'OrgeitveS--r, l'er 1,114114 this laper. dress Initial a'nelfs • tini..tblo to. tj: leaf\ 't bc"Itlie L:1\ ki „p• six .1),)tiCs el' r".1.04 •• ho..43' C1::1,11•0ir'O1I1501111:•rrisAISICt •Lott101.1 441 5 y( 4. 1. P4.11111111,04 !i1" have Also•-usej 1-3 41.. • ••Ito. V • • ' 44