HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-23, Page 411,
.• •
, .-41.4,CQR4IcK-D_BERIlil, 4 . 40.-0110,4•11k; 80rYfitiii4,-,9!"11' '
throughout Canada that a/most any neighpor.can.tell you Of Vs
• Pleasant' e*P.Orlence with. one.. ' - '' - • ` • •0 - '
..* Their reputation floes, pack nearly a ,century, a worth-
while. cOusiderat,Ion,..when .buying a mower. Call and kens dal-
onstratO;the Ne* Atittimatic Pitman and other points Of auperl-
,00p,. of qrsa, machine*.'
+the *laic. of OnOlnatt In 'the huaY **Y.:" •
7tinii with this New Adjustable f Top, ;
4. Alt.steel Frame Hay Loader: 3lioller
- bearings on the carrier Shaft and 2
On %the main axle "Makevery light *
draft, The foreearriage :hitch ' and
to p" adjustment a r e conveniently
reached from the load- The Mc -Cor -
Mick -Deering is .the last word' in•BaY .
Loader construction. •
AGENT. • • to:
TR11 theiNOVe
Phone No. 10ls at Your Service
p • • ,
easonable oods
kWN MOWERS—There is nothing adds more --firthe ap-
pearance of a' home than a well kept lawn, and to keep it in good-
' shape you must have a- good Lawn Mower. We havna line of Mow-
--,:ers--that are first class -16 -Inch cut.; high wheel and MA perfectly.
—The Price is reasonable. —1"--• ' •
SCREEN . DOORS—Nnow is the time of year to keep' out the
pesky fly by having your 'doors and windows screened. We hav'e
doors and windows that will fit almost 'any size opening. We also
have screen wire in every, width" for recovering doors.- • • '
e •
OIL STOVES—The •Oil Stove Season, is here and there is no--
• thing that will add more to the comfort of 'a home' in hot weather
than an oil stove. We have in stock. the "Nei, Perfection" in three
and four -burner, also' the "Florence' Automatic,". and we have plac-
ed in stock this year the "Quick Meal." This is a very fine stove, '•
strongly built, easy on oil and fitted., with the Lorain burner which
is guaranteed for. ten •years. For „those vihol have • their holm whrs •
‘ed we •have an Electric, Hot Plate,' two -burner, which has given
• excellent 'satisfaction.
'ROOFING—We 'have -just received a carload of Brantford
.Roofing, including Roll Roofing. "Arro-Lok and •Siiper4ite Shingles
If you have need of a roof for house or bare, don't fail to see us.
We have the material and the Price is right. Be sure to ask to see
our imitation brick siding. It is the material to • make, a frame,
house very -warm and in .appearance almost like red brkk. .
Celnenclime—PlasterAlways On Hand
Heating, Plumbing- and pectric Wiring
1.4tT0r.gN.I01714W: SEEN' TINEL
rublished- toren' Thuradar .mornitte
11;1;1"leckicil:111:10°Ii; t
• • ,lind Edit*
T!D4Z JJNE gem, 19;7
In 'another Column we publish the
Sad story of the drowning, -near
Rules tatia, ef 11„ young woman
whose home was at•thesleY.
; The accident.,appears to have been
-due--tor7-nothing-ese than-the-'-insaner
,reekiessniess, of the driver: Heedless
Of the ordinary pignala, and the (ran.'
tic efforts of the watchman, he dash-
ed at full 1§peed Ott to the, open
bridge and, into the 'river ; '
'There appears to be a 'speed Craze
on this season,. and 411,. mania also for
.9veriolding‘.AMall cars. Four per-.
Sone -ht a coupe isa violation of the,
laiW; .but :frequently we heir- of; two
,bnYto• and. two Vile :being in a coupe
Which has come, to grief. Then ,these
nyerinidea cars are, driven at a speed
which violates.. the taw. •Young folk
• in a car and Out for a jey ride lip,
pear to lose their heads. If, in such
dearsh!ear: We'hueffnera7CiiitehnetrO°cicr'71.'et"IYthe
harm dem% as there is just One dan-
gerous fool kss. • But too .often
Sthei"wesll.driviir.ig • are made to
suffer as ld"
The speed ' insanity of this season is
due, likely to the improved roads and
.the Improved cars, many of Nona
are capable , of it, speed of 50 to. 70'
mike per hour., • •
RIT.R$D,Airi 311Nil Vrd "On
. .
was effective, and it, is now, recogs, of: the phdt! VpIlk,01';‘. 0404 .04.1)40,
,Iti:17,4,:.-twhf ,twot.t.00;744.4t 1.1boo,f,9"):1,dit:t 100.e li!c,0 i .1P ' surl‘rt*:
ceMhInea and trIksta we .0.99.14:.44.: .q.°44424t i'sln4 " k"' 114
It Ott bu ': aUe.tla 1 tbat. .1,..‘1000Nettl
,,veitro :0307:,-.,,.10,1,'
,iii' PrOhl. the Pinl#11-10.11 of comp991es .fluoi,,,eti ief , hei' 141:0440trn "AW.t0 .V.:1WAI
ima even', Partherahips. • Legialatore . ed.' •Owilig to het
and the courts have found, that no. Oen, it is prObahle that.,$ho, WM rie
:hheicrits:13duasainaesine,orgh41:taiiyona 81,13::: .1nn9ot. ittne1104,rtmhe. $4,10 la.. ite,tot ; 'kx,v) :44,77 mvZ .4 kgVN 4',4 ot i‘toci,7
:iness oti-ti large'ecatels not always
It b4.1." b'l°11 1
b.4$ .°41:til
0,„ Besides the.erganization of hue, neW,' ' 0. • • •
Mis.ahieveas, and„ ppm It ia..henelirial..
In the Present inataffee of the pork.
Paekqrit. coinbine, InerEe!'i as
they choose ` to " call the. arrangement •
TainTerit' and Other? ,holt77iiiiiduieTka.
are "bound to suffer, •:for a tittle,. at
least,' uatit there le adleetineat to
the new conditional 'There may, be
bitter. coneplatitt, and the claim that
such mergers should not be allowed
'*13hlioth f-• rtPhdast s !tkr °flul dnd is k what
associations and peels: „
• Although this packers' trust may
mike it bad. for hog- producers for a
tiMe, ale. it • evidently is doing,' there
is ,a limit beyond Which the greatest
trust cannot go. Thepresent low
price .of 'hogs will immediately result
in a rapid decline In hog production
.. It looks more and More , as- though.
the day of the "sob -sister" ' and the
slifFhead who have had so much
more pity for. the criminal than ft*
his victims, is about over, The Coin-.
cil .Of. the County ofYork, Ont.,re
cently passed, a resolution. , urging
that .the terms of 'imprisontnent for
such offences as chicken thieving be
greatly increaied, and that the Collets
be, given: the pow'er inflict the
lash on sreriens offenders. The reso-
lution was: introduced by, ReeVe
'GAYA house;. -and was --recommeml-e-eltr
.Mew ,of the -large number . of chicken.
:thieving ,cases occurring. Within re-
cent' Months.
FOr-almest a score of years, in
this:country and throughout the Un-
ited States, • the tendency , has been to
deal leniently with laW-hireakers of
'4Very description (sparing the rot,
and •speiling the child) i and the pres.
ent•.sonditinn,' when nothing' that can
be , carried: away is *Safe where a ,thiet
can get: it, ,has .reaulted,•, Many:: 0.1
- the. thieves. 40o, :are 'prepared to kir'
•as well as to steal. :
There are men atid' women who
think •that ,these,.criminals will be.
come-good' citizens it given a Chance
to be :good, -and they deplore. the
herding of them: tegether, and they
pity them for what they have to suf-
No., 428, 1..tiCknow
the second. Tuesday'. of every Meath
at their.. 4414' at keesoeir. 'a MulIun
1,4.;, P. Carter; Ree„..See:,
Butter . ........ ; 33c.
Eggs 26c 24c.,' 20C.
%Jogs; $8.50
e Your Attic--
into a comfortable den, radio room,
roni or extra sleeping quarters by eredt- o
kg :ceilings and, partitions of Gyproc,
.Gyprec will make your attic fire-resistant, .,,..
Warm in winter gad cool in summer.
tor free hoklrt-My Ifoth.' ILwIlI 1.4;t1
frrJO howl Gyproc, nneurfdrd• Gypsum, Ineuliaing•
' 'heithinfgni
id lifinnex wiU tOuce-Tourr,fuet ,
om 2.o tc, 40%. 4 , isa,
F rg.proo
fOr Salo 13
-Wen. Murdie'&. Son
& is.
1,41.101010W0 Ont.
-Wed Door
ueknow" Ont.
and ' if the packers want hogs land
they will have to pay a*,..040-- that
induce farmers to produce hogs.
So, if ,the price of hogs is now toe
low, there will be "ti come back: Pric-
es will not go to the extreme shigh,
levels to which :competition among
'packing • companies :drove them in
the past, but they will have to,main-
tale. a level Which , insure a.
steady and ample numily.., On the
other' hand: the npatIcere will be Ob-
liged to,sell, their lcured bacon and
other ,products at a pricethe con-
sumers will consent,to pay before re-,
. This is ettitivelani- to saying ,that
the highest price the , packers „ will
pay hereafter is the lowest at which/
the farmers----will-peoducei,hogs,...and
that the farmers' profits will 'there -
fere be held down to the kreducable
minimum. . , That is lust the Situii=
tion; hut it „does' hot necessarily,
mean the ruin of the hog Production
CA N'A I A N. 1 118"1,VR I CA t, SPA.
'dePOhibliktiOOS., Of. L.Z.1.141thtia‘ Iii%stori("ai*
postag,e :‘tarnps,
at: 'e nes' fiff71Ito:af ,j1:11,1;•Ce #11:11:t:Itent:::1•:;011.1041,*
Rohs and ' designs 'Of •'• ' sten:vas:
Orange,: head of ;Sir Jolla A. Mae-
Danald; 2 - cent stamp, eolor •groe.,*
picture of the /Fathers ot emdk.?4.1-0,
tion: 3 cent stainn,',6.11or.ied, pi.etnrt'
of .the Centre • Bloek of the l'arlia,;
Building ldating4 r..o,:leNii6S.ei1i
• . 3.
12 cent atamn,;. tolor ut, -man'
Canada tstrztlin7,;..;20 ut stamp
(special delivery) eoler,fred„ showni•
tive. stages Of 'mail' traps' trt aiion 17.
Canada,. . '" . • '
Permission has . been granted thi
Western Canada - Airwn•YS LiinitYcl •
operating 5 tri -weekly ,service' eacr
way .between • Lac du Ronnet, • Man,'
and the follpwirig • paint.: in• th.., No
tral Manitoba Mining distriet Whici
are, item-RoSt.'" LAke..
Slate Lake and 4,,ong
such Tait • as •i ffered ter .eonYev •
ance by
assiline sil ri•sk,
. The requirements for thiS mail are.
1. "By aerial mail" to be proniiaetiti
written :on the aiddreis side.. 2..
usual Canadian postae•e to Ns/affixed
on , the 'address • side. . 3,. sneeiS
Aerial sticker sold • by the • COmatiny
.or its •'itents representing, a charge'
of 10 centa.an ounce, to • be Placed or .
.the reverse .side in • pi:lenient • Of the
aerial •service w.hich•Ifits beeu tixe
' by these Makin°. the(light:
businesti. • ' • '
The onJy-wuy of esettne-4-for the
farmers 'from this Position, thru
their.'`.oWn organizations, of which
the ‘"poo" appeara, to be the best.
• The rlain truth is that these thiev-
es. are lazy,. Cruel creatures who will
rob the hard-working widow as read-
ily as the min by whom the loss' will
not be. felt. All they consider is the
opportunity to get for. themselves..,
Beine, abselutely selfish, .they• are
enrrigable only' by the knowledge
that, their conduct will bring suffer-
ing to ,theMselves. • As the . York
.County Council ,suggests, the • lash
and prison 14.._thle_anilY__._serrectives1
that have influence with • these
wretches, Cruel and pitiless Ahem -
;selves, they take. mean 'advantage of
any sympathy Or pity shown them,
Unfit to lire among decent peonle
they Must be .shut away where they
Can do no harm. cotssomething
toso keen them, but they cost less
an Ori.
son than outi
of t.
Realization , of this; after a long
neriod Of irditlgance, is • spreading
over this ,continent, and the chicken
and auto thieves , will presently get
their dike, • •
(By Alice L. Shackleton)
Perhaps as the day Of, the tionfetl-..
eration • Dia.mciatv Jubilee:draws near,.
it would be interesting to recall the
history and condition of our home
town around the, year ,1867, When the,
Confederation., Act :Wapbrought into
' The, :Hero* ifieuirrerat Atlas, pub-
lished n.feW.Yea# ifter,..Confedera7
'tient; c�ntaiils some interesting fact'
about 'the. history and Cohditiens of
the Village ot LbekhOW; at- that tittle.
Let us recal1. thn. history. The
neer of LuoknOw,in.thoSe days was
Eli' Stauffer, a German, "supposed to
• be the. first wbiteman t have cross -
"ed the Township of/ Kinloss. Walter
Armstrong,who,.;'settled ini„Wawa-
:nOSh, followed him in 1851.1'. •These
' were followed . by ,;Daniel • Webster
• the three Henderson . brothers ' and
Roderick c Gallen,' all of when' settled
in the country • surrounding the vil-
••••lage to. be.L. • • •• '• . •
18.3,8- James Somerville erected
the first: mill inoss rov-ichls
. on the Nine Mile River, which fiows
through the village,' •The hest:win-
ter.:Mr,•-51;. Campbell 'opened the first
store, and •• the lAickno* 'post' Office
was eStablished,;Mr...,Cainpbell being.
commissiened_Pestinaster. From • this.
time - on, the ..,iillage--.;:-progressed-
Gradually .storea, ..And , 'houses 7 were
erected, and. the settlers came ,swarm-
ing in. . The .climax of the •village's
prosperity _Was reached in 1878,
when it . was a_greed,that the village
be incorporated; ' But the counties of
_Byron' and liruCe each wanted the.
, annexed to it for municipal
.purposes.., The 'villagers. ,secured the
passage ',Of a Speeial. Act . of Incor,.
poratien. through •the Legislature at
the sepsiort.Of 18/3.. After, much
trov,ersY..the 'village :was finally en
noted. to • Bruce County. • -
The condition of the village ,is
• al-
so mentioned, with regard to its edn-
religioua, business tied
' transportational progress. The, vit•
lege. :possessed good educational ad-
vantages,. !laving advanced from
eonimon • place' schoolhouse , built; ,by
' private stubsetiption, to , a 'handsome
two-story • brick, school, `erected at e
cost of $10,000, :in Which' 5 'teacher"
were ..ennployed, G.',W., Priest 'being
principal. • . , •
By.. the year 1.279. there were four
churches in lAicknowL-1 Methodist
. Episcopalian" and two Presbyterian
Three of . these,' buildings
in 'use today,' The first church '00,
built in 1868; ..thei old schoolhouse:
. previous ,to this,. being used for reli.
gious serviees, and hefore it.s' erec-
tion, ,services Were ' held in A hotel
:he Rev: Mr.- Smith having, Preached
the: first sermon. "
In 1879, there were 7. general stOrr
es, 3 grodery; 2 hardWare, several
0.04 And .nurnerourc'ethersmall-•
ormf beSid5 a bank .and several, ho-
tels. Railway and mail fa eilitieS
WOre provided by southern .extensior
-4- •41te,-Well in gton;,-....Grey_and I3rucc
line, while cdmmunieation was best,
ifh (loderich And Walkerton byr
daily stage, • The village in 1878 had
1 ,40() iflhabittixits with nn arseSement'
of '$104,450,, ,
Tho Lucknoig Sentinel' is also giv-
'en a word 'di' prais& by the ,Histoneal
Atlas: ‘!i'l'he press, ie well 'represented
•by The Luaktun# -Sentinel, ut mert.
lrn-nl`PaD'et of 'Reform ,sentiment.'? .
closing, ' let tis iberitiOn how
'the ,riathe Lackinnv originated, • froin
.the haileged Lacknew In India in
1858f And- that the .nantea of our
'street" we/0.414014 'ftest the tames
' The, Steady 'decline in the ' price
paid to ' farmers :for live •hogs has
been sentething Of a mystery.. And
the mystery has net been lessened bY
the factthat, in spite • of this decline
from around, fle per pound to about,
Sc, the. price of bacon. has reinained
as it Was.
,Now Berne light isshed upon the
MysterA, a View to elitnimit-:
• ing competition in buying hogs from
the producers, and in „selling- bacon , to
the • consumers, a great co,nibitte,,or
merger, including .all , the bigpeek-
ing. companies of, Canada has • been
formed, With . the whole
neas under the direction of one cen-
tral 'concern representing 'the various
.packing ,companies; prices Of tlie raw:
material (hogs) and of the product
(bacon)can be regulated to, a nicety
in the, nterests of ,the packers: ' •
l'here is tio secret • about ,:the mer-
ger, It is onenly announced that'the
Harris Abattoir . Co.: • Guniis, The
Canadian Peeking,. Cenipany' •have
gotten together, -and., thdt. in ,alt:preb-
• ability, The William Ditvis, Co. will
loin; in, the merger,' thus. putthig
"nractiCally 'the whole--'park-packing
Nattiness.; of Canada in, the handsof
what is called a' hairline epnipany,
' .6446101Y the inislitess hasybeen-
carried nu under this arrangennInt
for Some time, • ' •
Tlyre la:nothing.
,1.f -Stier or Compitiresi:
Want to get, together 1W:eat-tying on
their Madness, that is. their ewe' af-
fair i- If this ik,ant done .n kiIIing
'competition .is likely in deyelonand
this,- ll1. il nWii had leatores;,:/v, few
Years ago this getting legetlier with
vi Mr- to, ay ni 4ing ,cut.throsit 'comps),
Iltion iVas referred fe as `"trust form -
Ing" and there was nitieli talk aboni
flrost But the law
it8iitst .0014hIlia$ and Ulnas over
I '
• A- young bartiste:r. was. asked tO
defend a trame•'who was neetiSed of
Sysiling a watch.. . •
The barristii•Tilielide-4.-TiV^itti'lill,"The-
ardor at -his Contained., drawing, a
pathetic picture ;with stri,sh cenvinciflg.
energy that; at., the close 0f the:argil-
rnent the Coeyt was in ltiettrS . and
even sthe tramp' • wept. .. '
The jury. ,deliberated,, d • s60i
found th prisOr c 4-Noi oil" •
—Von v:400%. „ make 'It,
ttugh tincl strong as .Brantford •
ArTi.)-LOck,a." Brantford Ai.r0•, •
Ito,43 :4re ificked on. Sttvereit,
stoT*.i1P4 frost cannot "
thets. • .
vniottorO.Arro.44,0eks are
• ; '.'" •
Brantford Roofing ,C0.111aatint
•;Brantferd, Ont. tot,
. Stack Carried, •Information.Furnished and',Serviiie
on Brantford ruofinerenderid'by,'
MUrClin &Sort - LUaknOW,, Ont.:
•• N-QT.Ii.'t TO -Cittbrrors.- • -
,Notlets is hereby giyen tnt aU Orr ,
Si't's -having _any__elmina or
ag'ains: ',the Est.it. of ..lanie;.: W.
Stanley; late of the Township'. of.
.COunt.,';' of Ilrnee,- ht.?
died oil. orabot the Seventeenth day
ay, 1927. are •requited to for-'
Ward' their , claim's' duly ‘`eritiet.,1 by
to the timiersigned: oil or
before' the ',1'i;th .day. of Jely,-.; NJ).
•1927• • • • - • • •
. And:. z:o::' i urther given' . that
irr:Ter; the; H..,.--aidt,-stit o' t' -F-x tor. 221:
the said °Estate' Will •Preeeel• 'to Til-
.traill,te the assets • theref 'among ,t11
l-buts 'iIed theret0; having re
'A;14,-,_Onlv to St;th cains of whieb
they shell .tht,?n, haVe.
• Thig.
the Statute in that behalf.' .4.• •
Dated at, Lkn,,-iw this .20th 'day of
'Ju;:e; ID. I9T..
• e;s,•, II,R; 0, Ltnov Out
• , •
Exe"ut •
- •
e •.r;, g •
Then the .trampi drew 'himself up,
' .
tears streanling down his face, p. -s• he
.said to the • barrister:
"Sir; I have never heard • suelt a
grand plea. I have not cried since
E Notice: is .iiereby :given .that all
Or..SOTIS say' Claims -en de,,
Nulds agalst .tate of ,Cath -
ern e Mc All'stei late of the Village
of 7
Lacknow in the County of Bruce
who die. k.n;: about the. Tentb day
cf -Ta27, • are tegaired to, for-
. ' • their c`-tlinis „thly i:erified • by
n-'71(Ovis. undersie•ned on Or
' 41" of July , 1997
• :TIOzrize :farther "that
atter the said .clate the . 'said Exeen-
was a T • beve 1711 :tr:011.1.- Wit.h
,Whicli to ieWard you, but7,-drawing
a package from the depths of his
ragged clothes—`'here's that watch—
ter$. will proceed t& distribute g ',the
assets of. the ,said". Estate; amoeg-tlie'
Persons entitled thereto. .haying 'ore,
_ • • •
gar en -1.1 • •
'Statute in that behalf
'Detect. at. LtickneW this 20th day", ot
,Timo, A.D. /927; •
Stuart- E:,,itobertson; Lacknow-i•On
tario; Neil O.. MacKenzie,, 12.R. 3,
LuckiiuV,'Ontario; Executors. •
• ". • (7-7.-c)
• ;
late . of the Tenn -Ishii, of .
Kinloss in' the. County of Brum
Farmer,. deceaSed. ,
pursuant to. Section 56, Chapter
of the .Revised Statutes of „Ontario:
that all persons, • haying' claindicHs-.
..gaitint the .Etat e • of Robert. Elliet!
died -.6 a: • p taib eu•t-the_ tWenty-setr- •
•n•E`ii day of- NoVeiaber;
tKe;11-0,•,,nship of .Culrosa, are requir-
ed to send • to--.R.ichard: nayer,.0:0-
Jroo , Ontario, or A mer. Ackert.
Iiolyrood, Ontarte,,, the ,Executors.of
he :hove Est:ttv, (Ir to. the under-
• Signed,' on Or before the ,Eighth 'diy, :
40134 i927,.:their. names and
idclr •with full particulara",of •
their •Claiius in 'writing and the • na- •
tire ef' the seeprities (if any)beld
that .after the said eighth dile' el-
A.D. 19'.?7, the asset .the
stiil tatq *ill be distributed by the
snid Exeentots smeng, the 'parties et.
titled thereto, having regard .onlr•tb
.iainas Ofwhich they shall •then kave
.onticn and the' Estate will not ha
able for any claims not fied at '^the
tiaie, of tlie:.saisl,
't•ATED• at Wmghain this fifhttenth,
.day of June. A.D. 1927. "
. J• W• HUSHFIELD, Winghani, (*-
they: shall ,then have heti notice,tario; fOr the Executorl.
take it and veleoine.' This notice is given -pursitint to ••••(7.-7-c)
. • .
eywing the: F:rontier Days �f
est \
- ti---1ZooMzs
. • . •
.(: .Algary!..s_Annnal • "'stampede" in .the foothillsf of. the
Canadian Rockies - has for years" past latrigtied
firininia artistz'' the late 'Cherie's RuiselI, and
. a long list, of Other artists, editors, 'cowboys, as well as
frentiers-mon. like. Col. John, Deenis,who
-17Vialfdeirthe!".tegfiriTiT'SVOVW:CITifi . keVer 1 ibrt. '
• This. big '6hoti? *here the, last great west :rubs'
shoulders With•A the effete • east, will be staged in
• Calgary_ •Thp;..„.;greAtte.fit M. its . tond, In
-trortrAine;rica aMmig 'its patrons the Prince
of 'Wales, whose E;,P. Ranch' is near at -hand, and the
"Govereet-Gerictal of Cana4a, .This:year• Pawase•aill
• (Major Gordon W. Lillie); Will haigers, .fatneus cow=
boy humorist and' Edivard Albee, president of the
. I( eith-A thee' CitCatt, havs-demi:4"d --tro di ,t6r 'ths
affitioiti evefitt. through 'Guy S'C'estdielc, originator' of.
...tbe, Stampede and Stampede manager,
The Stampede !starts the firtt. day .with the later -
eating' and eOlortill March,throegh, the., streets of,
' A14447' 41/$1lygs00 ht154Tflail'Ot
Indians in full war"regatia," old:timers Of ,tlie prat
with 'their Red iliver .eatts,.• veterans of the. fatito
'Royal North' .West Mounted "Police -(now Roy*
Ca.nadlin Mounted Police), ..teerhoys ,and
.chug.k-•iVagpti..;.oi{tfite,.witlall-la a if lier of Vilillifthinitei.• •
is"rilaSeots: • ' • . „
The regular .0$tariiPede" program, run off aid/
Under the ,,,clitection, of Gun. Weadick;irliljneludi
bronce.b.uStjag,..com-peti(tiO111,4teer4laini, COW roping,:
P•omah standing :races,. chnek-wago'n racer' and „Indian '
races,. in Which squaw and .buck ride as if for theit
lives. The Indian ,village ie.Vietoria.' with. 'its gaily
painted tepee is COlorfni •and interesting•,-and..theri,
ate e Imre of other attratnnq• ferent'in, 'oeit
to.8,1)(...tto atrtitfing •seen attYlVbere. in "Canada -7 -one
of these attractions neoded, 50 Canadian Patine, earl:"
o transpert" it at year,- ' • •• •
411' Caf24t1Pts annual, istaMpede has 'been rightly dot
-crlhed as "A 1101 : 'pat° fgopilhil Wittig)/ a U. hrs.! '
cleyo et t4e froji •
. „ , ,