HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-23, Page 2•141r
" 4
eeeeee..--eee •
tY ,Ccirsteri
. ***;tegeoving I
Ithigitittxtillid • been twisted
that'.ilgeratvitY, thtbas
At -the frt.; ef the -collelOanionWaY
etePS, roPlaot, n# "Phantom . but the
veritable Apache himeelfewas" writh-
big and heaving. convulsively,; and
eimn as„anystrd 'poked, the huge
bQdy of tbe reattire lifted from the
.floor inone last, her,oiC,riPastit, . then
•c°11aPeedi 4ande•rnee4 no• more.
• Niewtiu# fai..s.e,hidee)1.14” inhlents* jiP-
preciating what. IP Meant--4that,:
rte.4%.• fel'eartaee.f4 vi froei a
The reformed eraelunnan Michael
• Lanyard, loarvms to the"police as the
Long Violft is Attempting' to recover
•• the stolen Jewels of Eve de Montalais,
2 the --Woman-,he-loves........Lanyarcl,,wlia_
niet Eve., in southern ,France, where
he res'cued her. from robbery at the
hands.,/if .the brutal Parisian .Apache,
Dupfint; suspects a motoring "arty
cOnsistime of the American, Whitaker
,' /lank; ;his secretary, .Phinult; the late
• rlo
° ;of land'aald tbeRelen#,;04111 tialbert0en '
Item; 1$. - .".-, , '4 ..", •°. ...• i ,
:/.170.0 PtelP And PAP el* Ita4nA61 Welee
t talOirtont,` thte 11.130.01, i i.INIVIAr Oa- in.
i:the world is at Three Ilivterth • '
'Ate the time of Confederetleit pritleb
COlunitria wee separated 'front tles refit,
of Canada by ;mountain. mist 'Plain Itnd
- in this: way her trede Was herePered.
!Shp mitered theeljufen: in lS'il. 'on eon,
• A!4$1flitatiashoew,,t.,,
dition ehat, a ralle/ey. ehnelt 4o bhilt
. 1 ' the .t.:-ignailian Pecitie (UW1Y wte.
acmes thecontinent .0. • . •
. .
the direct reSuit ref Co' iifee'll-fral.t°n• 4°46'
. .
• V .,11*. •
, 'Fjectirifyinsp 4.(41.40,4 •
• •
efletitiend'iie great 'Clectrieat sebernit
by WhIChlt.Je ,PrePoeed to goncentrati
generatingplants. within ten, au&
ceentuoll, Ix, tations, instead:
forty•teto,, ea 4 .361.'0644 ls• 'rego:414,
00.0, of the most .icaportant• develOpe
meets. eine° theindaetrial revolution...
Tim projeettle� 'IP Praeticelly. the •
!bolo of tbo industrial' belt, ,covering,,
abaret Of 'ebetit 6,01,30 1.64,44re milegr
endall'eeting.;P:Ofc than tti7006900:14',•'
04 total, popujatiOtt-ef,:6,,000,904, .1,t, •
titite tee Yeti vs to "c orePlete, it,' apd . •
eisneli a 1 antle` s irieue ain't° ' the, coot :he in the. aelighh,orhead
9Ve .0 estery. oreepOsee One could lieee -epieteeered
'tt);,i-.;i.00.1i4e..1tos.;,41t01(4prlic!sgd' Ali:10.911:1:1710P• R' Vv'711°114 P4 111.rp'ad Was" ',finiehed :14 '..1.835;•.4i1d•Ceee
.1lpheed f �» cbt to:, dotitit:,i,
whOin:. he peted ,to emerge there- :Dear' Sittie-e- • " • et_ • w.ktiCrif0:1?-rire-elz-TaiiiT,k§rOftgirat-
froialade4 With. the Pliindeet of Monti ,1- reOeleetr year 'letter, stating t4at atery settlers begen to Sleek free::
safe-e7.1.any,a.rd 'appreineted further
that belied done Mr, I.,teiseei.ei %mkt
Wrong,' • :
,•,t'er had all ill's. tithe b,elinyeel
that the chief engineer: was' •laying
traP.for;'ninion behalf Of his .ariCient
elliPratee 'Captaim l'irbitaker • ),..toilk.•
•• leenyard stepped .actos!'s !the' dead,
bulk. o -f the: Apaithe atintpletntesd:
seelf 'squarely.: in •front of he Woman:.
•.1 Seizing her forearms with his , tWo
Mends he- used force to ?dt•ng them
I down 't'e .the„kvel 'of ;her waist, and
petrposely made his-graSP so strong
that. his firigera sank., deeP lrito the
sdft flesh. •• . • .;
"There' he said--e"thatS
TheTheaSt done for. New fere
; _
head, and aidee-lieehts, •-else for .the
engine room."'" • -; •
"And• there would be ekeltement •
and 'co•nfusion,. ehl •Everybody would
make fer. the .deck, eten'the 'Captain get him—and realize the debt yoke joy it the meets ,
ould-leaslkihigle'algn,-u.'Pll'Arg01°11g• PY-Fe .Yiensiettr 'PhInlat." ' Az yet I have °het fullY made up .my
enotigh . ' ' , ' • • •: With* thargentlentine looked
-Will do when 1,
"I get' you" --with •a sigh. up from his -efforts to. reviv,e. Captain seimai. • •• •
hail'etten on of di_ $5,00 prizes io the.: or et' to 1119 fertile'fari of elte
aseY',COnteet an.d wOe. Very plee;sed'eo 15ratiles• • ,, •
hear. , :le l873, Prince ,F.dr,:ard falehd; ea.
1 'en: spiry to say itlat not a ''t.-eret1 ecinfecleraugh .1\z:40eha had
gond phetogeaeh mnelf, at 1>eictit. [been edmitted in.11370 WO, Alberta end:
' W.ak Open An Grant y',,queleece ene l'Sesitatelice•en, did not canto in, as :Dill.
receiVed neY. PUblie: • aelineeteedueattOn' ProeleeeS until 1005.
and * al SP m Atilt ' ear, of high eehool '1'10, Grand elerit n - parallel .
Sisle.teheekin., The past two yearie.1%0 the Canadian PaqtaPlo4.-11,1"tlile waY
have lieu spent here' On -Carle: 110'11Ped,tO opeir'np:stlit more neW' tin -H-
and now in ner fourth: ,:yalr* .high tory °: • °:
school. . . • Canadian writers ard steadife
to the• top in the wined ok
We• attend the United Church and I 1ng nealer
hscfn- Publishing' Company
O As for Sports, ,very fond Of " motor htighWO's 11-111: WI
venal threugliont the wintry. A t;rip
basketball: -but do. not, go inuebter
,across the eontlnent which once took
anY other '•outdoor -gamer
belonf; to the Wofale C.G.1.T. group. litera.ture, - • '- •
man Y/ Weary months is: noW.'inade in
-tomposiiion oi lily 'best'
JeCts. Next",to.hlitory :believe en- aa- ceesw' ,,wd'eaPykaa'Qwait.ohnea aotalitta: ttlaPalti torarilIaa.
continental trains.
telephones and radios are dilly draw -
Ing and Veneonver closer :and
closer together,,.'
Tiedey, Montreal As One • of Canada's.
greatest :ports.' Scarcely half a pen-
tary •age.it pogselised,only a crowded;
wrong, all wrong, but-!--v/ell,, I wappose ',go/1k. • •
Yours sincerely;
d got ' `,I'ne a shy, retiring Vielet," he
. • , RUTH GAi'v:
I.anyard treated himself to a smile stated somewhat superfluously, "but
_ .•• • , .
*if the world 'will kindly lend its •‚ "CANADA"
I'll inform it coyly that was some'
ter'S brother, Jules, and the Coon ,of • trinmph, -there in •the_darkness,
'End Countess de "Argues. Pe Lergnes ' •We Canadians may weir he Prolal of dirty harbor which could only accord.'
is tztu'dered .Thigont: Lanyard, ,
shootin'. .1110.e a look, wilL you, Lan -
rearchieg Parts, fin the cotintesS• • our eouPtrY. Less than four 'hundred ,modate from .t1./0 hundred And fifty to
Yard, like • a', goed felloW and make
-Sure-011r tittle, friendeO
• " • reaLname e- THE MAO itie,SPIttieeieD. years ago Jacquee Ca.rtier raised the three hoedred toes in weight.
'" ' oelieves she has tin . eur-de•ha at GiTspe, • thus el
h On their last night,. a .heavY" fog The,intairwaterways are being 4e-
playirig ',possum on•
her. honse ,to, discover t e the lend 1n. the name of the iiing of Veloped and In the futurewe may wit-
tled d to aid' the work: of Lan-
Lakyard adepted the' senSilele sage
to 'death by TiupeRbt. wh_ole 1.1e,..r.?_ut-i -.1.,_ — _ ...le. . -- . light- --at--fatterf,•-h-0-fhitter-of-life was,.to_.‘e ,... ._ - _ . .
ard and his volunteer assistant, 'gestioo of Phinuit. To his eomPlete ,Fran°e; but h' little'dreatne'l ot tile ness the:seeming imposeibie eight of
European vessels loading grain from
' ' d finds 1 °bean throttled set o , .
Jevie,s, an , er g ,
vast territory, that stretched away, to
he. es, pansse A 10.0, P.m. every . s is . x.o.oloo.___tottit_tha corniaz of the the_siereeeem„.at Fart winiam, .
L'irifi.c fight' in 4ifirel; Y. t be detected in that barrel -le .
J htl ". i I.A ne insists he stay went.out. • , . ESt
tiglieli the , . 144v, rence . valley and Our country lies in the great path
.Mussey had not failed to elteeP . -So this wne the souree of Mr. Mus- the Maritimes 'were. the only' settled
way of commerce; her transeoetin.
his pact of treachery. , sey's) exact understandIng of the bu'sie
-Parts of Canada. To day She occuPies ental lines furnish, the ehprtest routes
Lanyard was out, of 'h**is chair' l'°'..--- ness! e-- - -•
more than half a continent, It has, aroeo-d the .5:orld. she has tee great.
• for, ti% night. .
ore the' first, all edtexcited rumen-
_ am the tiar) gossip says I am, Lea- Strance rang out'Tni dielc-46"0-e7Vhb-ed
yard said cautiously.; , • in clamor.
"Then . . to begin at the , begin-, ..tend in that time of Stygian glocert
,Whiepei•ed Mussy in the dark- violence was done- swiftlyeesurely, and
nem. , "I've knoWn,Whit:Mdnk a withent, ineriy; with pity, :yes, and
good long ,tieie, . Before. this, if any= with regret, Lanyard was sorry for
•hody.hae *ever told WhitMonk the man at the Wheel. But what 'was
woul'd; do a pal dirt, I'd, 've punched to be date could: not be done in any
Ineh.:011e. and :thought no More about ether waY. • , I •
reit 'now • ; • The fellow Offered lea -rely .a.sluiiW of
'le' the darlinesS that ..diseinhodied opposition. . Swung, bodily away from
voice teak un its tale aneW. ' _ the wheel he went over the .rail to
"I an you areeboth in the Sante
•.boat, ie a menner Of speaking.' ;We're
: both. on tl•.'e. .oatsidee-eshut .oni-411SOk-
' •
nig m.o
"Yae prcposee then, art alliance?";
.,"Tliae'e the answer., know :you
cin get thr.t- tiri safe 41, Whies operi,
when you feci-Ike it, 'get the. jewels
• .p.nd till; but what show do you stand
ete get'ay vvith them? That
iinlces got •somebody working
'in' with ye il cn board the Ship., See
here .
/ The mutter sank into 'a • husky
go'to, it:. matte yohr plans;
• lift file loet; 'Plt -stand,. Ili.. Sx,".u0
verYthing , so's .yoiL:y.toyK)11_„...ge„,
1oughlk.k. that you do -11"t get
etew.• the • jeweie where ...they
won't he freerirli nil when it' e ill"erar,
'Whit ' d'yOU
• 4••
"EitertreeCy eitezenioli4; ,*nelietietir."
haye to 'he pulled of t4i-inor.-
..row ,not ,at all," themutter
urged with an'etegnr :accent...
• -"My theughte'precisely.' IsloW to do
what i will he.Ve..te. do, I mutt hale
• 'teh mLnutes of iiheolutedarkriess. Can
.0 that be erranged?"
' .."Abeolute darkness?" '•11'he mutter
bade a rising°. inflexion • of dubiety.
As ta the AneStiotr: of how the been eaid: that she. eiever's se much s't:re, est natural resourcee of any natioe
'or4tlyttott,ou0,,..' • ,' •
- nf . the, ertialihr",
ienel.eiese offiele4 eiltatien8,.. and the
fit erc tatTaAiiriirtlioisee hetOrleee:t.,
. . • • • • , , • ,
,eleing,eehenper.. ix)Wer, to ,!:etner,
to the beenflref the eeerearnek. en.,,proe •
ed 'end ahaUl4."•.readt'
eakintoSs,: and' partieularly' n the Mil-.
petiey„ ha's ;;fiewoti
it(4.etto, tact', , •
.a aseelkid'trehd
mont wilt' have upon the,..utnreeire: •".•
• _ •
(Narita sPeletion a' Matter .of.con-
Jectuti-:-''.':1ntitoritY are.
credited witi•i' the, belief. that it hi: tipon
sueli'd0;cropinent that the p.roperi
.ffr,ittsh industry.,win Whiio., •
thie' Ystatem,ent is .perhape; 'farther
than many.' people Ore to'. fte,
the,Ppestbilitiee of electrical4nergyein
helping .• to remove the . depreseion,
Which 'luta, hilifked eehiPhuildinge
tiniiig.and enginereing- in.;the.• past.
',few yeareare conceded to be immense': ,
There ise4tigo the additional. coindtl-.,••
°retie!): that the •project, td t�•' •
"disperse • the ,p0linIntion, 'rapier
•congregete it ,• teiwn.s, .j.n • eon, '
,trast :With the openiege up,. :of....cOai, -
mines. a reii nd I which 'large facteiries •
ttl-tterett.-.- 7 •••
.Eierland and,Wale.e wateb the
:itheille. geeet iiiteregt,, for it
-the first 'pt.' the projects Whieh Great:,
folleeetti• itt.' the end. '�f. the .year by ;
ilee';other Plane „fer:.,electriticati6netite
veribfile parts:O. Eitglendel wiith
in vieW,::.great '.,changes
ni•e' cortain t� take.,place."in
seteiation-e-eharegeeltate-e-en'iaY '
have 7 faneeeiehing Heffects ,not: , 451)1Y.e..
oriel the inether eonntry but al:so-00e
' "othe0,...-eiiarte of. the • Erriplee'e-efeitepiee;.'
• ."ti'llt..SCiene6 it I• ."'
efelea-efei-ehlif7ble-en--4.ataggled74boardi PtIree'ellinateseerEVieeper ar ehe woretd, and ,as f.h.:-0:oTare---.Aeki-dece--d---
aud When, Lanyard never leernecithe
found within her borders. True; Only a elie•will take'her place.arnong. the foree
. •
• Lanyard entertained for e monlenet, has; been broufg•ht ' In 1867 we first obteined truly Detno-
a vivid
inlaginarY Pieture ei the scene but :each ,yeor this etele groWs• Wider cratic ?Government, that is Govern
in the Saloon when 44hinuit ,had sue- and
, • narrow strip along tile southern edge most ntitions of tiap•eartlt. '
pried the Apachei,the at . In., Ontario.. and Quebec Where the' in this ear' Diamond Jubilee Tear.we
• , n '
stratigling 'Monk. • , • °.° 'fertile soil ends the rich mineral:is:AS have' e.-nt one flr5t ambassador • to a
One saW, the garroter, Creepihg? 1 rpm , This source of wealth has been foreign 'aountryc. the Honorable Vine
hie hiding place in the cabin: of the lying for • centitries just bet:teeth t -the' cent 'Ideroeye Canada's reeressntetive
chief engineet; etationing himself at'harren surfa4e ••yet its ,diseoveri is in Washington "Canada May weli.say
the door to,.Monk's quarter's, with that coareaxattrelY reeeate°' Canada now t•Daughter L am in My•Motheiei bouse
deadly • handkerchief ef'1 his' trade, aappliele ninety per cent. of the nickel but Mistreei in MY oWn•''.
ready for the throat of the Lem 'Wolf ,airtd cobalt used ,in the, world, as well rne has, no desire .to. •hreee Away
when he should emerge with ti*sp,9ils afeeightY-fi'Ve Per oeet• '°f the ash*Q6 from the great, etripite of which' s,he
of the captairi"k. Safe in his hands , • she has ,been known to. Eldo.,cons forme inch an 'important 'Part: in the:
•Then one. saw Monk., alarined by k;k:alreoit four hundred Yearyee the. hour of danger She gaie, Unstintingly
the Sudden failure of the %lights; bur- most of her • groevtli . has been made
rying. eut to return:to' the bridge, the duringethe, liat fifteen' decade's: With.
. ,
ment ' the •people :for -the, people.-
.. lierelsm Atidid the Flood. • -
. . . •
Philadeiphie lequirer:., Acts' •
, gecrifiee ,;indlieroiseit shine like bright.e...
. stars timid thit' . 2 . MiSeiseinplefloed,. •:'
• ,. The eaWspaPieeeetreepOnderste stunie'.
*A.FOCK OF ''..01:),T1-1FUL C'll,74..R.m' , biillet;..sotb..tkent here af.O. there, hixteehere
let .thscidearels' WhCch. shave....pee','• .:
. .' . ,
breught tO' goenral , :attention: '
Thi' 'modish freek. is decidedly chic' been
and will lie found' sietable for many 'Surely there Should be St.n.te: recogni-.4.
. . , .
oh4f her 1,)ri,1510.617e,,d?.taii.einiro:Itieojiy.At, ye. atItti. iat.hnsb The $cidnre neck, 'yoke and teen of acts • like.. that e t ve an
lefeeherlawl, oVe,r. and'ver, ahrthg 4:he:panels are ext -'erne land, there kinin.::aornto,f.oeretiop,rxiegs,i7of the World Wareaeeklexandriai,,Le,,,
ho heie rescued',
Pantherish:' Spring •upon the , Victim's Mel' 'eoiningl ofl ehei United! 'Empire -
back, the Swift, dextrOu's noosing of Loyalists her era (}f progress ,dawn-,
the .handkerchief 'about his windpipe, ed • .:.',theee•pee14!,•163ral to:their/king,'
the merciless tightening _, of it—all left eenifortable ' benneS . in .. the , re -
abruptly Illuminated. by : the'• white Volted , poiontes ,to, come': to 'Oilledii.
011ie 'Of 'Phinuit's electric torch.. - . then• an almost. unknoWn wilderness:
Monk, Stretched Out upon' a leather Ontario. ()Wes ' Its •beginning. to ' them,
touch ;in his eitting rt.:one', leVeled eye- Under the early 'Britliih;,..rale.the Gove
brows Of 'suspicion, at Lanyard.. - ' ernment of Panada Weil, quite '1.4 des;
of 'Potic '.es it .w-ag, dUring .the 'French
•Feom the Saloon , came sounds
legtme. ylie '"new; subieets."...aa, the
' 'shuffling feet. and Mumbling voicei:es weirh.. cenoiens,,w4e,i, cella. wore,
geameneeerried away all that Wei
well sitielied-witlietilieeseeteteM;ehaving
7' mortal of M0n5leur .0prifat....
- known nothing better; but the •-"old.
*',.13etereeit. rears of thefog; .signal,
edit bells vibrated on the air. Phintiit rhIleektL"•caebos.neoeleilllatlenlyedii.op.0,7sic.itianrizillYil, the looked -brightli. to LanYarei.' '
, "Ar -hat 1" he murmured—",the,a•::
- gl-.0743"ralilln.isteell.iterenalliettiwealie*eha'r' ligwel!":‘i.'.();thinge
tal hottri" ''.. • • ., e .: to their, agitation the . ,timetiteitional
• LanyaregaVe"hlin a gracious sidle.' Ast, ' whieh gave . a measure or self -
la attenuated accepts: . Captain 'oeeetermeee, was pa.weed ;i 1791.. ,..
. • 'Monk inquired: ' , ' ' °: i ,Grudgingly the Unbroken foreste
the forward deck like' i bee. of sugar. "Whit 'say; . Phinl" ' ave way to tiny. clearings.... By 'slew
Immediately. Lanyard- turned to the .' "The eAeer. ,man Prondeed to • ,,tere g .
waggon roads were hioit
'acine.ga:d sch"nooline°,.and eheirchets, were 'Opened
binnacle. • .. . e" ' .' ' : ''' in-Tliff-lianewer,-to our unselfi.shelittle
' .Thruitirig a hand •Iritci the OPening, proposition. at' six %bells, to -night and ' . .. • , .
up..- l'heee were few s.nd tar between
Lanyard: grOed for the adjustable not later." ' *. ' ' ' * ' "
AHE: '
and ,many neap greve u on•1Y
magnete in their racks,' and one by Lanyard slowly ineligea his. head: the ' rudiments of education. • 'Large
regre_t must bdg to:be excused.' numbers Could not eVet read or write.
A look: of. ,ftiry eenvultied• Liene's
face, top,, Was glaring, no
longer humOrist: • Wink's:, mouth
Was Waking, and his:eyebrows had
"Why, *bv nightfall •We •ought to be One removed and dropped them to
, , .
to Illock Island, in traffic'as heavy qs the grating at the foot- of the ,biri-
On lifth Avenue, Ien't there .some naele. ' • • ` ' •• "
, „ • ••
' ether way?" • ' , The compass ought now to he just
• "Not ‘vith Ii;Yhts to hamper eny op- as constant to the magnetic pole as
, pratif,MS. *But if. reeee temtiOre.ry pe- aeturnining-bird to .one eepecial rose.
.. iisiti,o,tvv.tet4iltudt<:,e;neiture: 4.1,14,4.'4tel. blianentapscrec;oamIdaht! :10-itietd.'been.reeting; when the 1,iglii..ta evni.it. .,,fasei,e tohmaot wthhriochu,:gthh,,ey.rhihalitneuitthiettvdev4disl'e'd• e9rnilmtleientri,tdovitchoo rieeedtscirodf,.,DCuartrheadmee and, iae,. ,:o.:;, xdp.i7.1tr".tsliefqnbtlitinehteai,'t- Et, 'Iiraili:dri,w7 aai Ins e8,.edonuodniihae,
what wow& ear,rene4,?. . , , • • •:,' gained•,bie „chair, carefullY 'con:Peeing With People •Of nlovet° grade Of: intern- .eesiee. pat ,,ii.t.out..i.t iimi the 'de.3slitei.• oPer:Ithnirtillisl:S . f 0 ,.a. yi):):17,11sr9t8ttSri'Ve7-•
!IhP C.P.141r( .9,, V,aid have to be 'himself in tile 'position in .whigh,* he. 'gene•e', wanting eVen, enough' to hold effect Of arOusleg the ,Batish. cie'v-. -red. eei,tost-s:: . "It is' known" .he
..., ,
• .. . . ,
.. The next, instant, hoWntret, ho was in•ft darigerouS Voice,' "Just what do Gillen Aet as •pas1340 ,in 1840:
. .
On hie feet again. • A beam of light you mean?" • ' .,. , . ' • . : ,thce ettalgile .41,or , reallY De/nine-little Y:nnd •wl•fh the knowledge of all
• y., ,
had swept across .tho.Saloon skylight, 1 "I mean that you, knowing ,.,17 have 1.4-ATILfri-Men went -On -it ntile'eSeetehe 'IP . . - .. ' - , • .-....- ._•
4d.bnilng -:fr,oin'• below, the °Of a but ohe object, to 'Wit,' the recovery' , evolved ifl the in inda of lar•s-eeine.•.. • • •
got mit of. hand hltogethere„.
of corer-deg.:Me- fiefure . to yOurself totiched 'the hanyarcl I would be a fool to essociate myself .I.IpPer and 'Lbever Canada, This: .was thq • Lihereis w rq
''''rinn.;Hdal°1--V-ththe!..pi.ere'vrineetesfinnee711., t• he has intinnated •that• he:would
not effered to resten—he cennot
*free to eVerY • 0PnoP'e • 0- :lyric:Trent by the court
'Ithettartru°6g6grilatit,Itfuotir°s731t,g.tCytern4linti 'ent. r, 'Raney • recalled thet in the
heee end ng his 'election" • •
gathered ter -tare i P.efs°ns .. with' his • y'r•tinP '''''notolciOnt
7Aniir.riett°1' ..esl:we'Ywesei-ttt:theakti,, ac,;'1-rjaceful. jahete.':
-A-1431n1;r1i4c;6-„Onn.!.. itie6Ye9Vinetliitns' cifinSothueth may:. within ..a Week: ,' : . nee' • e. - . * ..
• *he *added s•xtending 'freen the, •WAistl : No. meant „%of.• eater could fully re.
sie Of the panel and twO-narroW belta
eed. eaei•ng wow:, ,....i...e hera,...ea each . werd• the Splerelid .eieeifiee , of ,the
and in the trench's in ,Plandere;:-.
. Our forefatiere, b:eqUeatheh us ,.the
Government idthe world and its UP to Itt'e. fe4en€4 .ii‘ ' f r': at .Wi6' hnokles..'41?)tasist Gngualh•i'o'‘flPfi°fkhCo6elir. ilito.661.1,f.'1.1;',two„hi:1-1,11:illrenege4oeudrt'..liani.tt!ig6‘e ..,
o• . • v. thios , • . "If , I* don't get '.
fairest -and(rfieest.,Democeatia, 'form Of
li...0e,,I.:eaa• etli4L.TitiLeevel:c10-agdni.;Xheatil:eannistnee_isr.-ainrtilich.:;:".,-ii. :necaliter8.in'iii4't8eir'zi-6a.1,,et.3;arld'.14,-.,:iel,i'ns.eedhci4iire"2.05.;:°•:rt'tehhoerrt:8;ggr:h:1.4..,3.tilohni:.:Ei''c'elo;me through and theY .
us to preserve. it lot-. those, who. A3...,.. ileiloei:1' -1649ned'il:r:i.n,TIM:st.ii,stete:er.1.-.6:3...i.S:arillii:17:„.
to eoree after us.. . . •• ' ' "proyeer that the r.eeene boats tould .': •
.,, ....-- - .,,,,4.4,-. 8 Jar, .4 • - ' t Id h,' '
'ado. shall be the wOrthi leeleeeetep' 4 Y .• ' de 39 ' '. .
' tantamount to admitting' that •. _owe in t o wake of the torrent% e
cin., We". E, Raney, leader , of the . le
ii.A.2ter,ii, :4;8 yri.,71. a&:„:,,,trrai, ,31.i.rieh. iseen the roeftopS. itu.ndrede, Yes thou -
,..elf eaho' 4:7, eeiarie rjlr c.:41trrstiisni7nt,TP-'10.,. fescue people perched in • teeek-riiOn -wag . taken. ' Thia, Of course 'cite la Fla .'-..*:'
etlefiotr7ntIon11;nsadYibn6eg ntliat M M ..,ti:,r,re.:0:17.7esirrte4Fa.ar,:thP. i:,c.cyme:LBtock.:.hitrel,i;,tif,ri*at7tiit-nri,g, .t1.1,leei , Asare4ondiraicoaf,..dp:ttplei, likethat
ittbe,agtneitailoln• toit'i ttliheo•,' '
. re. s7ive *-Party,. 11,07evevei„6,1.iast,:;.Oct_._ . 444.). . . , . 4. pra,trIal lin...
midst of the nation's: greate4Aleaster
'eSe :facts of .the case are 'welt, eapy. . • • ' • "
• ina. enema new. avoid an action ethee e of ''`Aei..t.if3t, P-1'._ ever Y 'home d 12.- in:tim"f .1)c.e' ' - '
osigtiinr,. , . : • • • -. ,.. ta•te:enaker., Priete ef . tee'''. 'oe...--,e' fee' the ..•.
' " said Mr. Raney.' "Mr. Me Pre
m *PS eXamlyied ,fer discovery Viet : " — ' °. '
. . PPrriel • li 0- Vv.' TO .0.11DE P. .P.ATTES,N.S[
e setion. • He can't ...step' ebtirt, eee:e --VYrit? Y9unrinritIr.#24,.'4.a4rr,"al ,ast:Id'A.,:e'tPleaul.el'1,..,,,:
n. He Cannot resient. The :Court'
decide the.CeSe...There is ?loth,. . teerne ybo *aril:- :EoPeole 2.0e. !it
liFickeira' ..ogiV4a.
to.. prevent. tht,. ether side from oRoeullstanclaPre.„4.i,_,,sr0.1.1!,C:C.::pe.4r44:441;:ii-,e1.14;:_t.,,,f4.rietce;4,4:1rriee;):4:ty!,
he .. disconlilertion preeeedinge. endeiddi.ese
ng to at . the eeial their evideret• 1' .."1.'11 '' f
understried it, , Mr. McCalhim eenetVileon Publish:he ,Ce...,. '',.':e We's:, A.d1$. ;
prekie ..9.,t,, ToromD. , eetteette yer,e; by
„ „, , ,
grariefure mall. ,.. ' ' :.'' '
were ' . • • e-eree.- ••e --e......., e
.assie. piseuelleirel , e• Mee . e tee leese•-.:1 r.1 :
,hel .Plyhttrt of, p ••llypiii,1 _i :41.,11•411.11;.ri.gi..i.(•• ...,,p,..Kirr .i.•• ' •
' ficirr.t w 11 it .( n eve' i el. bef ,e 're
,' _thee 'trjele. teeeee:',, ee ;4,t -g. ''• ''...r '.
rident wera to ptit the Aynainos out uiding himself by a hand that is tny considered Jtid,irtent 'that 1337 el. rebellion broke out in both ion •in Vath iirneen efforti e
Atter' 0.doty Mid
aro \
portable eleetrie 1..orch. , of .•the,I jewels of Madanae de *Menta-
gt.atestrien, .1\l'oreli America; TRAGEDY AT AUBURN
-. It Might have been ' the signal,. for I Is have not •had sufficieat Wit .to
,• , , , il 4 , ,. .‘ 1 , ,aAiunecdtelz,,m,::Q• uil?):.tbs:len,e,e8:101inentlii.g67 .sr.2,..cal.n.0,Nuindno,:f.ti.0,0hu:dar.st:chtori°telliael..' ' 'e ..nde'idatbh. t n ,fil rt:, John .• ' ' • •
..0 _ va , ..1 c e s ave oeeurred. in
ty. which 'lhave , shocked
• "Yon; mean to say you've ..etblen the nanle. Of Caned.4.
EectlritIg. ..t 6.'e 3L‘:"' ' . ' ' . '.. k ' . . .. (1'. a''do:.7:el;1111(1:neernri'oTutilliielrYviii111°a:eth:f
under' ,your 'v'ery. noses." , .. ,- . .. •
brief pauseeseveral more shots riPPleti therri'" - . • " .. - • • ' • • - • • • •
ill the: saloons '' . . • ' • . , ' on the grewth' of Ceir'eotintry hue been enp;', of....115itlit ,we,,e....ic',..'. 0.., . A....1":•th.177:...-
, Then the torch -light found and . Latlyarcl, nodded', "They ere at pee-'• almost mieecaileue. At the tinee,qf ,Con- . , ev IP . 0,Celra to
eCii I :fa' Mr mon ,d :t:f
ent in' In•Yenosseglinn*, if •''that.• :e.,911-.. le:liciroeirlat'in7 al.e.lfrim"ilulioirt:,1101;tia.lthf-afe ocvtiur •' Arthur eirent t • •
•steadied uPob...the inthith of the coin- fees an act of theft.' ‘3.,kifeth A•hni,v•ever,y•eih..ere are mere. -T.toettan„ 0130.10 f,tilht 0,000t..
panionway. • Against that 'glare, 'e Monk laughed discerdaritly. "Then • • • .
than nine ' and .a hale million' peeplee Mr."' end Mrs. llobroisiin Wer
th' ' iile,if On liiiii• heed alineat' trIPleil de:Leh.; tree.tbri Greyhound - ' " ee
burly ,flgure • waseinetantenteelslyeree I -nay -you're. a lia,reMoneleur .the Lone •
lievd,',runeing• up to the .deck. • As, welf, Rs well u', a fool'!" . . 0,
'...}I.ifi.* ilit' I .el I ttl Pa, more than halt a century .• • ' while ft'm'e 'he. Vete ..tittn eele"
it gained the tgotobt ptdp. a'Ahal 're-`, errietetheedeskagainm
: "The ontelaie . -n • -, ,- -• he. - .--er.•,- ,•.....h a ...,. 1 *.- -a .a..,/ereev hnlii corted:b m '
„•Gittia„.,..-4eri eti„,a- •,,.., i; •-• d: ., Ye,. r.,-..
-POrti tieinireit'in thb...tiliToen,;- end; "he..e-weis,' ar elle-i.e."- ,•.; " •
"' . , - * . - . '
•the first piercing serearn of leaneel)e-
birme. A 'pistol shot *Rh a 'vicious
accerit ant ehort the screen). After a
• mice of' raw mitteriale but it is only clur- . .‘ •• ' '4.- (row) • end tram -
figure :eiteeked, revolved Slowly on il 1..itine Delerrne" sai'd abruptly) in a .. „,_ e_re. ee_............. ,eee, eel!' eee.e... , depth. 11;s, eeed body bEir,„.„
1 •
heel" *tettered,, and plunied• headfore-1 ehokie g voice': :•ii()pen thegiafe, vtea'se, !ng*Ln" 1.11."'' few ''''''" '-:`,1f`'• A",'• '"aLLI4
e , l 0 orease (1 Fox. :times.
tot`d liivriyattl'-went ,below.74;,,...•i•aefsed .•tive 'metal deli sp ttteeket ox by the nut. has
li:01;•:tie*n,th-f3t1P haIl. ri‘ft 1 k e • . ' Itieturriig intlue,tries have,- beielf de,
_.:7,,,. „,;,,, fa.1.:.4.,,;‘, 'by _it .iiivail,_ti •,,,iiiit „..., it is e seleetion' of * 'Cli'tV' P5,14Hf A - '
E ff,.`!` v, err,..? tigerF,-Wero ;v,,:pAnrk-----r,--'.-----;;. -,..:::,..,•...!,,,,-.....'-',., . :: 1 Y,Mt )1' (.9tr"' l'vlet't l'9.T 43 lere In'.' :
Cliewitig her" eheektie: her ey,.es.1.7411 el.q„ I ans,iitt. g,:ave 11,6, -s -twit; ti.4.1143,;.eait:: •,,Ihr,t ,,,•riliy .'. : . .. nii ln, ear . e----.-----."----"-e".'-----e-
• A •tmonient later, Igilta Caine itiek .**S"Vinak ;Open 't..he, ate-doiii; rice. 1."(Lher
...,..hr'nilleeegdaan11)...-; •
leavgi -
•fibaell;:in4:1 ''' ....'":"
„ .....i...•
O'''feraltiL°r}Trii,:.:4H• :.40;41:;•I'Ci.;!::- :44-e4'-',:'4';:'''''''1'--!!':':;A°'''rfi:-!'
-ems, v ,.,.rt,•,•4,ii, i..!. . ''••., 4, : i••.- Pt 4' • . ; „.• ' d.
Ig:nie. ga'ai! :: ,:•:( : :1'. ' r: ,f% : • , e,:. ' '1,' %, '”, '''' •'• ' .- ..."
So Wir,rr:„,",:,.;;',.;-,:,..., V •: ,e e !?: • ; ;VI •
--, wasi0Aii-,t,,,ic,6::::r.2,14°. -1.;,:.1.,;,,'!"':.;
isrovered 13er le,fr Rehettson. 41' t)fier!'1.1n,Eg;'74.'i'-ir..4 -
a reee
t„inep,.......•hoiera.olobitiolfruse, .00t1er f24;getkillAtrae.
ille . • ... ..
viti4en. 6' Marva Broke.•
1,1t r,,ty !)•11.,jii)(1 ,)tly
1, ••••,; t li•to /oy. '' • •
i to,•. 1 eeee, ti
,my lito,
c'r a:, t: rf3.0tei
he 1;,,ittic-13titert'fre
•'•'• -$1 ff.11;
•, •;i.r tt Pr' t 0.11 n1/4
I•,,,,rit;?:ii '1 tleeee Ste) tell •
• 4 A
•••0• 'ti41‘,. • 11$".
.;•1;0'$••• '1'lint 'out' '
OHi 13'd ,17‘,/Odtt
•••••, • T. 7.1:f :!•tty !itgler , •
of tl a Iti..4)",10 is au ob...
• rf,-7.,4, •
-11IS beivilderedtaze diecovered ftrst ' ' ' Vet .so very ehattY earn
dilate With liormr arid -fright, her.. -gnu,' 114 had. exhatist4d hot. re- ,Wv 1.111deen Bay • tre461,0,., ,r0.0ay ,„ ttiown. ert,the
•a„„e all the
lam , • , -shaildler and get it .unon, the (leek With, .
Canada Seelell(e -th -per tett; of° the lubs,-and i'icl,t1161 to cakes arei
,metith. waz issued;
al.hy.etiree mechahieal
- • ;•4 •
upon, hollow shriek.
• .on the• oppoeiteeeide-Of-th4eeet4loon-
Moek lay evit,le, pnrple lave and pro
truditig fit). i$,$)$R1 townr4
• C • ':,14 A ;"1',:r16 t ::Whitet COnenined in, the WIH4141'
I —t ' I ( I
tour 3( le•'•
• .)". "'ar 0'1 1)f ii("" linivortent
14i1.:e nun noW.t.
, • ,
niti hat .1',1•141 143 n 11
Garnpers--"tekl ivitriartlo4 yath r,enk ik:.
Of di
": •
• 0 • erettetets • ,Sho• gal1Wont •two
ley! es, , 5••• ,
et:lite:eel- -I 1) eel) reb.er ow etl,„ !r „Ili()
' lytirld,, 1,0 thr.r.old. (lays tfris,„aS not• 1
T.0 tiPirichrt;,., h. , va'nall'.e : prolaet, It. *.
•\ N'' ft •I;• 01 ti i le, (kii,to)1,3 r'..t 0 4 I, f, a l' a pi ei.• e
0 ° • ,
• °
y y ••
• 3..()c •''111,.0 fir Nit "./.')0:
4.`01iIstei;1 C,iO42Illy-i:1tc,1•11,, •
• 17
,r,,,,t;.y 04,7.
•fr;‘,.(: 4 yon tnOngyt.'
r•!1 don'l kpto;:. now, rntlior
, tnouilit,";
t.-1-13.,:orni$1111 01 rilte •At '
,„47 \\tit.; I tstin
• 3I :31 w,;."An',*; 0 liernidit.