HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-23, Page 1...1• :14r
$2,00:i),E1iYirstsa IN-Apvassalti $1.0 oiri,Tinnag
' • .
LuctiNci* ormr....rmatsp" Amt. 23rd, 11,27
41NQ:4 05IIES 4 birrii
,11441* 2-4;
' : •
Dv. M.eL.e will Viva. '`!,'Lliteksow.•
•,• oirorr . Tneedito in. • ,Dr. 'Oessoll's
Dr. :14. Valentine IssekttOn'oo
Deeketi• Stair 4. Extreaties
'either . by aa or local. Will be lit
Dungannon evirg Thursday. • •,
Plume SS
Dir. Newton
' Make appoIntmst
In office, everyday
• . .
1 • : I
• 111 A.* Siiidall„' Lieleteir„
and Real Estates -L -Money to lead or•
- tut mortgages .on farmproper-
• ties at 6' and Al% Por cent aoceraial(
to aecurity offered. . Also ennui
*Minato on second mortgages . on
." tsetse.: A few good firm 'for sale,
My stack of, Wall- Paper. is` One:
.• plat. for 1927. Prices' from 8c.,40. I
em also' agent for leading job houses.
• ft J. Cameron, . Decorator, Painter
• and Grainer,' Box 174, Lucknow.,
.Fer Salisr-A numbez of Window'
satatertis sash 'with glass in them:
Apply to C. TaYlorJ- '
•ssss AND . MST CHICKS .
Get . my, price list before ordering
. Barred. Rock or.Wliite Leghorn Baby
Chicks 'or eggs. for hatching. Incuba-
tors .or breoders'at right.,prices.,Cule,
tom, ,hatching done.- Duncan
steel tires -
In first Class condition. -John Mee-
•Leod, Licknow- (16-0-tf)
Home • Fot Sale---Franie residefiee
6 rooms, hard water,- garden, good
stable -Apply to David Mead or
° Mrs. !las. Burn*, north of the ata -
tion., (t3-6-tf)
For Sale -Kitchen range; eoiii or
wood, with water back -in - first .class
condition. Washing machine, Pat-
riot, good as new., Refrigerator in
• good condition.-Informatien at The
Sentinel Office.
Wanted -Lady who, can sell eub-
•'scriptions of 'a high class, magazine
to ladies in their own homes: TO the
party who can get •the business, the
.remuneration_seill be adequate. Ap-
ply by letter to -Hornell-Murdoch Co..
Lucknow. .
Lest --A Sem of money '(one ten
. dollar bill) on Havelock (Station)
Street,' Lucknow, on June 20th. Find-
er please report to John Hackett
Lucknow, or at The Sentinel Office.-
Luakoow 'or between Luck,
new erid the . 4th con.„ )(Into's, a
lady's 'hand purse, containing a sum
of mouse. .Finder please report, to
The Sentinel Office. ' •
, LOat--Between• .Lucknow. . and 2nd
••con., a leathes trace of • heavy' hats
• ness. Finder please leave at . the
•" kenos's. shop, Lucknow. '
Tenders will be received by the un-
dersigned Up to 6 o'clock.. p.m., lune
27,, 1927, for Park privileges (re.
freshntent booths, etc.)in Caledonian
Park, Lucknow, On July lst, 1927:.
Ails* for „booth privileges on • the
. atreeta of Lucknow on July lit, 1927,
Citing the street dance. •
' • D. M. 'Johnstone, Reeve..
Lucknow No. 428e. Will at-
tend divine service at South Kinloss
Church on Sunday,. July ard. Mem-
bers. are .requisted 'neat at the
lodge . room at 10 o'clock a.m.;The
ledge will be,Pletised to have vhiltore
from other Orange lodges loin with
them. , C. G. ?dullin,
(80-64) -
.reperting thepubllc meeting
hist itek„ regarding a high School at
•XatiCknibw,, we.said that the proposed
high ic'hoot would Practically finance.'
,Mr. Taylor, the Board kW&
' tarY, ittfotnii. us, that it PAS not his
_ intention to conveythat meaning to
the meeting. Affording . to theesti-:
mate =ids' by the Board, the added
iticonte, .dttee to the: establialtment Of
a room, devoted to. high fichootwork.
-hind' the income. This amount, there:
"fare, Would have to be. Mita' up each.
Year by the -Mun01 pality,, :and -the
-4pitigtiori -oultl.,,the'-; indirect,
' advantages be suffietent to Offset this
.1 eensee and
rOvelin ere media Up of -a Somewhat'
7.coniPlicated,iot of iternsLant wo ovi.t;
dentig t0oiled ..t_e Otter gos ,Torpri4
$104 0114 •
• . A Clerektod IneYele for saleeheal:
. ,
Apply at Rite •it Porteous Hardware
Mre..D.''Doiiglai and ' •Miss Jean
Douglas are spending the week in
Teeswater. '
and Mrs. Frank Tyler of Hao-
now:friend': „ .
•.. sere, Porteous of Stratford, .was •
week -end .visitor' with. "Mr.: anAl.Mis
Wie.-TorteOus ,of town
,Clearing price:on .hats for
sTriclay Sind. Saturday -742.59,• ••
ejok.-,=IP „ROBERTSON'. ",". •
.- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fisherand
Iittle daughter, Mary, Yisited;.
week with Toronto friend*:
• Mr. D. A. MacKenzie :of Whidsors,
returned .home on 'Tuesday, after
spending a week wieh* his sisters
here. ,
We are pleased to note that Misses
Helen ,Crawand Mone Mitchell' took
henors in -their 'respective university
courses.; -
• Mrs, A. M. Armstrong and , her
daughter were guests of tire., A. D
MacKenzie and Min Lees, Saturday
and Sunday; -
. ,
Good Goods, Low Prices. -600 Men's
Fine Shiite with collar to match, at
half Price -46w a Dollar each at The
Market-Hornell.Murdoch Co.
••'„,,, •
, Do your share to have the town
looking ."spiesand span" on siu1y..1st-s.
"you' in .your...small corner." Deco-
rate your honne and; place of 'busi-
nens. • -,-• •
'7--1Sins',Geor---Aitchison and daughter -
Evelyn, have returned to Toronto,.
after,spending a week with the for-
mer's .parents; Mr. and Mrs. F. Mal-
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Lucas and dau-
ghter, Audrey, and Miss Kerr Motor-
ed from,. Toronto on Saturday, •'anii
spent Sunday :with theMissee'Rob-
ertsion._,Lc r
: Dr, Frank Thompson, who • was
here tti';'*itend ' the funeral.- of his
mother; bas -*tinned to his, home in
Winnipeg; after, spending a week in
Toronto., .
Messrs. Horace . Aitchison • and
Charlie .Cook were *delegates last
week to the Grand Lodge of, the In-
dependent Order of Odclfellows,nieet-
ing at ' Toronto.:
Mee. W. P. Reedwill receive for
the 'first: time since her Marriage:
7Wedfits-443-7;-Jtine 29;'.-frOM 8 to
p.m.; aftertvard the first Wednesday
of each month. , ' •
.Mra. Temple Clarke spent • last
week in Toronto; and while there at-
tended, the !Bel:410h 'Assembly, 'a,.
representative from Jewel Rebekiiir
Lodge, Lucknow...
Miss Pentlandwishesto thapli'ibe
ladiee et Lucknow. And vicinity fes"
their patronage . during the settsen
.,#11 hats at sales price until July 2nd
when store will be closed Ter the sea -
A • '
YOU Will want to have your ' lawn
looking its best: for Confederation
'Celebration. You may nee si new
*ewer. See ,ours. °:' /tight in quality
and right in price. -Win. Mordie
Mn.•ra• D. MacDonald, her daughter ,
. ;
Mies Wilmena of PUSlineh, :and -Mri
and Mrs. JacjelHollieger of Njagate
Fells, are guesta.this. Week it
the home of Mr., and Mrs. W. .L
MacKenzie... • ,
Mrs. R. MacCharles, Mrs. J. Mee-
Intosh and Mr. Donald: MacCharles
motored to Retheen, Ont.'on. Satur-
day.. Where they attended the funeral
of the late ,Mr. Frank MecCharles,
brother of the late Rory Macbharlet.
An interesting visitor .in town the
latter 'Part of last week was Miss
Isabel Matintosh, formerly of Luck;
now; . but for over twenty years a
Idiesionary: in: Honan, China. :While
In town she Was the 'guest of Mrs.
Hugh Macintosh, Rose Street.
Mr. Joseph Hackettexperienced a
rather nasty accident last Saturday.
As he ; was driving out of his gates
way his horse became .frightened bY
Missing truck, and -Mr. Hackett was'
thrown from the rig. He suffered a
brokencollar* bone and severe bruis-
es. Friend" will be pleased to know
that he is recovering.
Qeod Good& Low Prices.' 100 Tar&
Fine • „Curtain Material -Nets, Laces
Etc. at greatly reduced priees.-The:
Market;-Horeell•Murdock- Co. P'
Dion°. ndt Jubilee Medals from Wes.t,
,Brnee inspectorate have arrived.
• It you want to get into the park ,in
the. morning, free, get into the par,
No demands are made from "teach-
ers .oe pupils. Everything voluntary.
hearty, enthusiastic,. patriotic., •
'Canadians should he inspired with
the spirit Of brotherhood- Mid patriot-
ism. in.sthis„celebration we know no
nationality,color,' not greed, '
4, Unexpected • enthusiasm has ''devel-,
nried • over the Jubilee Celebration to
be !staged at Lucknow on July
that is. Friday of next week. The
committee in charge of arraegennents •
has neetveitica splendid response to
every appeal .for assistance and. par-
ticipation; so that everything points
to ksplendid day -barring bad wea-
ther of course, and .we do -get sonde
ir°A" few teachers and. schools'. appear
to have',1eiriunderstood what was
Meant by the invitationto attend and
tike part in .the parade and other
events of the. forenoon. No special
preparation is ,needed. There will be
nothing in the way of coin:aide/1 as
between 'schools. While it .may be
well for the •scholars from a school
to remain in a group,' asthey. will
then be among , „gequaiptances, it
will not matter Where they, get .into
the procession.; . All school children
and -other's who intend to particiPate
should be at the Lucknow School
• Grounds well before' 10 o'clock 'a.m.,.
as the parade ought to. start at that
time. The Guelph Jazz Band will be
in tOwn before ten o'clock, and will
lead.the wily; to the park. An ,or-
chestra and, large choir will lead in
•singing a number of the more Until-.
jar Canadian patriotic ' songs, ,,' The
Rev. J J. .Jarnes- of. South Kinl�ss.
and the Rev. A. W. Brown; both,good:
'opeakers, willgive short, patriotic
addresses, after which there will be
more singing. . • '
The afternoon will be given over
to 'field -sports; in which .young as
well as old will have a place. The
•band, ' of conree,..will be in the park
throughout the afternoon.
r•:. The celebration wilrconclude with
.a street dance, which, if favored with
a' line .night; should prove a highly
popular affair._,
We kern that quite a nuMber are
.preparing to take ;pert in the call-
-thumpian-competition, andit is hon-
ed that a number. of toed floats will
be jri evidence. •
• ,
'Good Goods, -Low ' Prices. 560 Snits
Men's Seasonable Underwear -Bal-
briggan; Diinity, s Athletic, • etc. -at
greatly reduced prices. High class
,merchandise -.--now only •a Dollar a
Suit -Hornell -Murdoch Co. •
• —0 o o
•'A., Game 'That 'Go Right
nituaeu Jtituoi.e.
1g action' but Jignritel auger only
the,hotter, ' ' ' •
"A real indiag would never aet 11
• that," •finallysuggested tho Mother,
.Junfe stoppedyelling. and -bega
to look interested •
`'Ile would pike his. punishuient 111
. • .
n reril Warrior,'? continued. the motile
• :"And eat' hIS corn breadthe pe
he , dayfor breakfast,' mit in the fathe
.":.itt,'those. 'words the clouds bur
ig again and through the storm the
u.'"detnaiided or the ' 'mother,' -"Why. '
you, distract hie attention? 'Let. hi
yen., You will undo all the..good yo
have • done," •• ••
• 'The mother did not reply •Etititoug
•she could hardly keep froth sayin
., "He's had his 'punishiriept. why ro
It In?.• •Let's kelp him recover his Sel
control." , Instead slie• quickly left tl
table. ,piked ' ep.the kiekingscrea
Ing .110.11310 ...awl carried • him ' off n
stairs ..He was ,a* load but someho
sho reached-tlie nursery „ dropped th
child, found his story book and bega
reading the bed•tirdo story•,, • r
• .•
From ..foree• Of habit jinn:nib litarte
to undress himself and kiiddenly...ii
was aft intent upod tho story. By th
time Insteeth were brushed the cor
• • •
bread was entirely forgotten and Jun
The Rois •Idr: • Ritchle• Itgaineldi
L°IinticknuentWed 'Fthreelibinite°Plirinagn ,.:4Cernirecell iin raet
undatY'D'u4negvia'Ca4t,11. whereilipta;D:nalil:"49044e;':
iii)r*icei were being held) • ,
In connection with the National:
Thanksgiving of thepeople. of Can-
ada on; Sunday, July 3rd, 1927, there
will b a eivic.. service in- the Towri
Hall.. Lucknow, orianneneing.' at half.
,past two p'clOck: in the afternoon..It
iS expected that there will be • a
large united choir to lead the 'songs
of 'praise. Similar, services .' will be
held simultaneously ail over Canada
hem. the Atlantic- to the„Pacific; As
in . the event of the 'day 'being final'
the MalI is likely to .be crowded, it ir
suggested that Parents would do ;Well
to .discourage the Presence ' Of , thil-
.dren who are not likely to appreciate
such a services -say 8 years and un-
der. Young people overthat age
should be encouraged to attend. '
- r
The following' Is the. standing oh-
tained on the .year's examinations
and on a final one, set by the teach-
' Agar, W.: Lit C, Comp. C, Alg, C,
Geem,' 0; Anderson ; D.e. Lit. II
.Comp. C, Fr. C, Alg. I, Geom. I;
drew; A.: Lit. C, •Coirip, C, .Fr. C, A g•
I; GeOm.', I; Brown,. E: Lit. C, Coin
III, Fr. 111, Let, reee
E.: Lit. LI, Comp.' III, Fr. III; Alg. I,
Geom.; Cameron, A.: Lit. 11, Comp.
III, Fr, F; Lat. F, Alg. F; Carreschan,
W.: Lit. C, Comp. 'Ci Alg, III, Geom.
C; Colwell, - A:: Lit. C, COrnix C, Fr.
F, Alg. C,, Geom.. C;' Graham, M..
Lit. C, Comp: C. Alg. III, Geom. CI
Graham, • Mary: 'Lit: C. ' .Coina.. C4
Alg. Hackett, M.: Lit C. Comp.
Ci Alg. 11, Geom.1II; Haniilton, M.:
C, CtTmp. F, Alg. C, Geom.
C; • Hodgins; A::• Lit • II, Comp:' III:
Alg, C, Geom.•p;.. Kilpatrick,
0, Comp: C, Fr. I, Lat. III, Alg. 1;
'Lane, M.: Lit. R, Comp. C, Fr. C,
Lat. C, Alg. F' Kilpatrick, , Lit.
• II; Comp. IIt, Pr. il, 'Lat., I, ,Alg. I;
Geom.. I; -MacDonald, . Lit. C,
, Comp.,:C,: Fr. C, Alg. I; ' • Geom. C;,
MacDonald, Lit. I, ComP.,III,
T; Lat. 1, Alg. I; MacIver, E.: Lit. II,
Comp. IIL Fr. I; Lat. /I, Alg... i;
Leod, S.: Lit: III, Coinp. III, Alg. F•;-
MagKenzie,: K.: Lit.' I, Comp.
I; Alg. /; Geom.' I; .MacKinnon, C.:
Lit. I; Comp. 'II, ty:. ire, Alg. 1, Geom.
I; -F.•Lit.-.-0,-Comp;.'e,
II., 'Let.; r,"- Ali. III; MeQuillin,.
Lit. IL. donip. 11, Mg.!. C, Geom„ II;
Reid, :E...; Lit. F Conip. C, Fr. .F,
Lat. F, Ali. F';. hitehie, E.: Lit.
Comp. F, Fr. C, Lat F, Alg. C; Rit
chie, J..: Lit. gi .comp. -c, Fr. V, Alg.
C Com It• • Sherriff It.: Lit. -III
Comp.- III; -Fe: II, Lat. .11, -Alg.
Sherwood, E.: Comp.; C; Turn.'
er,R.s. Lit. R. Comp. C, Fr. F,
Geora: 'R; Watson, M.: Lit.' L
III; kr. .I.; Ale. 1, Geom; 1; • Watson,.
R.': Lit. 111, Comp. • III; Fr. C,* Alg. I,
Ceone. I, Webster,' W. Lit. R, 'Comp,
C; Alg. C, GeOncr, R.; Wilson, Lit.
1, ,cothp. c; Fr. II, Let. I, ,Alg. II.
• • ON JULY"..2ND
Jely. .2nd, 1927, has been - declared.
public holiday in view of the Jubi-
lee celebration, by the Dominion Gov-
ernment.Some towns observe
this . holiday, others.,will not. Beinle
Saturday and . following ; July :1st,'
which willhe observed as a holiday,:
Lucknow shop -keepers .have thought
it would not be wise triremein closed'
the two days in succession. Sores
in Lucknow, therefore, will be °pea
for bueinese as usual on Saturday
July 2nd, as Will be the case; we be-
lieve, in a nuniber Of , neighborippi
teary,. , •
The Suininer 'Meeting of the Luck -
now and .Kititall: Women's Inetitute
was held in the town hail :here on
•Tueday,. June 2ist. The meeting
was opene",c,With the "Ode,'And the
Secretary then, read the,reperC'hi the
leat meeting -"The Dietrict Annual
Meeting." • After this everyone en-
joyed tho CommunitySinging,. in
Which alt „teak part, slid which Wee
followed by an enjOyable' solo by
mho Mrs..- Newton
and Mrs. Reid 'Pieria a duet, and
Mrs. R. Thompson recited • a very
ifr enr-611h
know trY -114 talk Ito" Walt,
given by Mss Matthowlif-Shocoe,
ia her Matthews Spoke .of
the wonderful reilweye ef Cdnaclic_.of
tho flOrIes, ef th. "brie-614,4nd Of
the ever4rierititrig troth og our
IN$ Towfoc't
Out YokJr.
lois! DoetAt'e
• AkS
Sae • SP.l
-cite pc
• fr‘t CR.
Mr, Wm. Buckingham; LuCknow,
announces the • engagement of his
daughter; Jessie Mary, to Mr. Mervin
Walter- Carter, son Of Mr,' and Mrs.
Eli Carter, Clandeboye,, Ont, the
'Marriage to take ,place early in July.
,Mr. Robert Fitzgerald, Dungannon.
Ont., announces the -engagement of
his youngest daughter. Frances Jean,
to Mr. Audrey 'Swayse T,eeft, son' of
Mr. N. R. ,Teeft and the late . Mrs,
Teeft, of Canboro,, Ont., the mart'.
age" t0' take place the latter Oft. of
-Posters; are Out annonneing •tt Con.;
cert. in the TOtvh. Hall the evening of
.Tune 28 -Tuesday .of .next week,:
u • g.
•:-01 AgrieS. •• and Doro-
.11suire; ,getierat ;01-ttertaitieray who:
. give „Wbriderfut fancy dancnr in. bOattr:
tifiil- COStunies;' This fine treup eanie
to Luckhour under auspices 'Of the lo.
ape is 60c for .reaerved Aertitii
dren 25e, insluditr titS; ficata are
4410,11t MIKIIP11# ••
Mr. and .Mrs. Ed Nest Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Hardy of St. Mary, and
Mrs. Miller of Xinloss, visited with.
Mr. Als, Thempsotl's, recently.
Mr. alld Mrs. -Ernest Ackert • abd
family s'peet Sunday at Walter
Ofl'5 • • •
Miss Norine lied:gigs, who has been
spendingher... holiday at her home
here, has .returned 'to Detreit.
Mr. Joe Elliott . �f Kincardine,
made a. flying visit in our burg on
Tuesday. d '
Mr. and Mrs. Win: .Spindler of
Lucknow, were;recent ;Visitors ,nt. ,Mr,
Ab. Thompson's. •
Mr.". and Mrs. Fred Ackert, Mr.
and Mres"Harry., McNultin of Inger-.
,selVrire'tetieSts•-thif leeele'et -Ackert'.
•Iya, gri'd imrs. ipili)h,'Breckenbridge
kr. and M.S. Robt...Breekenbridge of
Sandusky,' Olii0.; who have been
guests at, Purvis's; have returned
Mr. and Mrs.-Almer' -Ackert tpent
Sunday at Mr. Wes. Polloekts.
Mrs. Bond *ending At. few ogre
with hoo "liters Mr
The Old Army, Game".,
' With Louise Brooks
With Comedy '
28:-.=WEl:)..; 29
Blue Streak Westeiti.
,- Jack - Hoxie.in
"The Fighting • .Peate'-,Maker",
-Two reelsubject .and eon -tidy.
•ur'30=JU3T •1'
We .Want More!
"U -M -Ml Gee! but this is reit"'
-Bread, My but it's good," say the
kiddies. "Best Bread I've eaten for
a long time," says Dad,, and Mo-
ther -Well, Mother. just smiles
decider: tovisit-Reidlejiominion
Bakery more often. :
te. nTry
t theiusg° of
deEe tl Os'Speeiit' Theylls dur-
' PHONE 68
of. Health rIO v i of• Health.'
' 'The, Bread
.'bua-moro Is -Qum-3116r ;AND!. "40vi1cEP -
Why2Biike•Bread and Cakes 0,.; The Confederation 'Holidays
ingee, 'Irene, Order Earlyand ;Let Us • SuP.Pii. Your Needs
• :Taney Cakes Cookies,.
Made At Short '
BEST intfCES',.dit,r101‘ )Foa ai.TTTE*.'ANO EGGS —
00 3 ••• -
. •
lice Dunbar \
The World's Only :Lady Comedian
Vader :Anapiees .of. the '.Women's
' es•
.Beautiful .Costumea wonderful
'National Fancy Dancing
AdMisaloo, 50e,,- and 25e.
, (Including :Tax) .
A Splendid Concert Don't Mite; It
Apramekoraeotarderainier*.ar„,eiSseirSgr.ordirifoearwer.arArilegotigrair •
Phone 75 Lucknow;
• . • . , • ,
• '
LADIES' NIGHT GOWNS -:-Slips and Bloomers in colored Di
.itY. Special price,, 95c and soc. '
, .
MEN-T-B-A-LBRIGG-4‘1'14-0M-BINA*--IONSL-Short Sleevesl--rind-,-
• Ankle. ,Length,, All sizes.
• ,
'ftlITTONLESS sUNDERWEARE for men.-- • Sncial,r11 per suit..
32 Piece See• .
ful pieces of cotretrcable
. Service." and:in famous, ,
ltrieliest of modem."
silverware., „
/adnded ate die nevi'DeLeato
Stainless Knives,itlsonfulldozen.•.
Teaspoons waThe charmingsad
prsaioal Petit '231fet Ter, isfsvs
F. T. Armstrong
jeweller & Optometrist
West of Central Garage
• Special bargains Friday . end
Saturday, of , this week in
Ladies',„ Coats 'and Dresses,
These are ail new 'samples,
a.ifti will be sold at hall priee..•
Cali and ,see them,
Men! If you want perfect
Ready-to.Wbae Clothing, this
is the store:
Many other suntiner Tines now
heing sold et„, greatly, .reduced „
prices, . 04
MacKensie....At Ripley, on Mon.
4Nro: '40"..2,04..3.9„2T,DIMOd_.14i1•40114
MacKetzle, hifait SOO o fMi, iukd
grt,:ltoy. MociConeies 4E04 5 ineithe
Pel 45)/os
lfrecl uswell
. .
Will Be Held in Menesetung Park
Just North Of GOderich
Monday, . June t
• Ontario's Greatest Champion)of Farmer Righis.
In Parliament .
Youngest Member of Parliament (Mr. Oliver is
, an exceptional Speaker.): and Mr. HARRY
GILROY, Pres. of United Farmers CO -
Op. C07will-deliver addresses..
Boating, Highland Music, 'Sports of Alt hinds
Booth on the grounds
*Don't Fool Yourself and star at home. .
MacPhail Will Be There.
Adults 25c. Children 15c.
Mr. Robert McQuillin of Belleville
is spending his holidays at home
With his •parents, Mr., and Mrs. 'Wm.
Miss C. •Wellwood, returned Mis-
sionary of China', was the guest of
her sister, Mrs. Geo. Webb, for a few
. days recently. • ' ,• . •
Mr. and Mri."Jas.'Durnin and fam-
31Y,, Mr. and -Mrs. Chas.' Durnio and
John,Dureio and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Lane and' family', Mr.'
.and Mrs. Colin MacDonilid, and fam-
ily attended the ,Elliott.:Durnin re-
Mpicnic held at Walton on 'Sat-,
urdar.Y., and Mrs. W. Taylor, Mrs. Me-
Vittie and. mr. John McGuire visited,
with, friende' ,Goderigh en Satur-
day,/ • • '"'•
A. II. bavie.,. the -representative of
the Upper Canada Bible •SbeietY,
will give -his lecture and lantern
slides in he Anglicen Church Mon -
;14 evening, June 27, at 8 .
On Saturday, June 17, a baby boy
arrived at -the home of Mr.:and Mrs,
Pk, C. MacDonald. --Congratulations.
Preparatory Serifees will be ;hem
in , Calvin United* Church on Friday.
June 24, at 10.30 o'clock, : Sacrament
Wilt be 'administered on. Sunday Morn:
.-. Public rdeetingheld aton
Triday,sslune--24th, `:r at k 8 '1)•c•lciek, See
dressed by Rev. 'Gosee,. Orange _.or-
ganiZer. Everybody. Welgonie.
Tho Social meeting of the Hai-ris.
Mission Band will be held' en tht
Church ground s on Saturday after-
noon, :June 15th, ritk•p0 o'clock. '
•Macliona1d4-in West, •WiWanosb,
on June 18, 1927, to M. and Me.
Done$ gaeDenilds
". 44,
Miss Robing' Henry. of Toronto,, is
visiting at her home here.
Mr . win. , J,. Kennedy, who • .nas,,
ben visiting „ his parents, Mr. an4
Mrs. David ,Kennedy, , returned to
yanconVer last Thursday.,
Mr. 'Joe Forster of Winnipeg; ia••••
visiting at his boine here.,,:
-mi. and Mrs. Wm. R, Farrier arid '
family -visited on Sunday in Dungan -
Mr. • Gordon' MacKay of
yisited..on•Suridey at his home here. .
Mr.: and Mrs. Wm. Martin 'and
Bruce, of Lucknow, visited on Sun..'
day With Mt. and; Mtg.` Durican Ken-.
Mdb Yyr:'- and e e'Ms Wrsayt rj,a.nlvieSsi tedic)o. s' with and.
.•• .•
and , Mrs. John. Craig on Surdas?.
Miss' Annie M. Kennedy of Gode.
rich, is visiting ather home here. '
. Mrs. Jim .Forster and jOe• Visited
on Monday and Tueday•With:* 'the
former's brother at Paisley, -'„ ' •
Very successful anniv,ersary sent -
ices were held- in., the Presbyterian
Church on StIriday :last, , when -Rcv..;'• -
Mr, 'MacEachren of Boltmi; a' former
pastor. 'preached ' two very inspiring
sermons. - The -collections
to -over $650. • . ' ••
Rev. Mr. and Mrs: IVfridEachren are
renewing Old acquaintances at White- .
,churelpior a ..feW--days,----f",,-, ••• ;.„
night; Jiff. 'Kenneth Weaver, haring', ,
-lit , his ,pipe;,, -dropped- the iineli •n
and Oit1C gaso tne.-AN1
'eaked out of the car, caught
MengrS. WVAVel.` and •Piirdort tried tti.
yiu,t the liro out,. but enoh time it H
would, break *Nat.:Again. TFici t!ar wns
almost ruined,' but WAS tc.`„sved,lionif,
lntr �n."Tlic 'mishap was -Ta. great
'disappointment, to Mr,-Weavert_AS he
.intended taking a carload of friendq
to Guelph on Tufedar mornin4s