HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-16, Page 8• l$41,CKNOW 'SD,Dern $L 1URSDAY,,»IU'NE' 16th#. •1927 • ecce �:.i. y•. ss:o es.._, r its 'big sore will , save .you... many • dol.lars o=n 'Dollar Days just • • now when^ you need such a:. lot ' of view summer• .a�rments urs or •uni • o ��011ow.a , . �� , ��, � .o he. Brow cash �n� on the: ds' and taged' • .in. thl rpo,rt` .off':, the count 1-1 greates • sale event ever' ?• Double Be ee die ;big' splendid : wide r< hemmed heet,:. superior ;•< uali bleached cot ton Reg $1.35 Days Special, ;;:each �•oo 's Heavy:0Veralls: :'Duet, to Make%'our Bien friends smile :out ..Our Heavy .Mechanic •1 Overa ]sem lack�B >kI. lye.gr-�•Striiie: �'T=A �1.•75 v alue $«D a s S ect a1,"�. J -r :3s ,, •''New. 'Summer Plaid orCheckCheck Gighams_iF anc Plaids,, ds DaintyChecks, at per ' •'Y S'tib-Standard Ladies!Si1k HOse 'n.re,ttY sh des.'.Only 'so come'early, They`wont last 'long. • ` :5 Prs. .La8eD oub1e.$ ed .,Croc et B e Ser� ds .- -'In7crwoyen. floral designs. You can't -afford to miss' thisbargain. ':Each.: BoY..S Khaki .B.loomers fi tra heavY, long wearers. s. Just infor -this Big Sale. Reg. $1,50: :: :$ Days bargain, : Double: Bed width ualit �,Bleaclied Sheeting. Buyyour Summer Sheets now, Days Special,, per yard .. • . ' , ::., Umbrellas --Strong ellas -Stroh ribbed durable covenn Pr. g ; , g epare far the wet days., $Days' Special, eachl ' , . `• Chil -ren s Rib Cotton, �ose. Buythese at •'DaYs gain prices. Pair - iceTy; Deigned'Floral Patterned•Curtain afringed Panels=-Vin :. a. w wid fry , nged :bottoms..'. $ Days Special, each _ c en h come ., , jou cm from far, or if you live ' quite near, he ;bargains ains int this_ store ` will bringyou 'chee g x Floor Oilcloths & ...• Also °Con :oleunl• `&�. Linoleum :'Ru._ s._r- Reduced_Prices On Days. r0o s:, B m poo • s Get" your $ Day Broom. ' Our .fam- ous; Red Handle. Broom; 5 :stri shit the .' ng. W e. ey 'last;• at 29c: e ' pongie. Lath Towels ome..: in. . -See the high : pile of _ s.le di -•____- n�'�d o e wv p n patten-,�Bat1Ci::Towels; so 'big, so nappy, .'•so ,low in• price.' Pink,. Blue or <.: Gold .borders. ; These are"•a snappy? bargain'` for you on $Days,,, each '47c Come in and' inspect our heaped up table at $ Days prices. . .ter Peanut Straw Hats h ..110.t or t eDays' `s ---F' ora=or- rmyTatyles� n all sizes, $;' Days; ,`each ' ;r urqulset Curtaining A goodwidth, small •or 'large check. Here's your chance for areal' saving, ,$ Days Special, 'p r•• yard ....1.2e Dne sses.. Sil ...CrepeF g tresses Nee Frocks of distinction, Hc t o, n, rem arkable for ,their dainty int newmodish styles, e offerYou CreperDress+insP . • eral successful color effects, during $IDays,for . _995 1-•.:. •. • s -Bar a�n a 49-5— • ., Silk_' '& Wool' Jersey Cloths, distinctive • in, de 6sign.and color. Days, edeb••ryl' New F,ugi Ijreeses-White. Peach, Blue or. Nile , $ • Days Sale; of dainty, . 'serviceable -House "'1lresses:•' Firm quality eche `-"" Ginghams, large and small,;' 8'9C • APRONS=Bungalow '•style, ' from platin Cham'bry, daintily = trimmed; good roomy: ;sizes. $ Days, (R • 69c;' cacti .., . .. ..... Come! Buy! M1.. 'Save!� . • Mill ends: of 1.-2-2%-3 yards.Ex' ceptional evenly= woven':;, quality. See this airs •Days.• (Grey:Cot 3tan).'Per:"ar 4c• emmed ': Pillow tNice,.and=strong.-. blenched, -40":' 42 Stcick -uP-', •with -these-, et this loW. Price: ' $Da ys .price will aids' ,ou. S e; • ciai, each ?�. . Come Here ' Days : D AKN - .. •• 0 ale Festival 1. JL' ar e Sal ane a� , • • • . e Ladies' a t►S: Nine only in the lot. ' These are _reg.-value-to=$4 bo_4 Days Sale Come for these, each ' •5+ hit dre na5• urnmer� ats. . These won''f'Iast longi Thay.sell' reg, to $2.50.Mostly fine,'` mixed: straws; blended colors, ;Nicely` ,shaped and. trimmed $• Days Spe- cial;. each x..59 • These, are only a few bf our :$ Days Specials:' Drop, in and see the others. Men's Balbriggan Combinations Zimmer Knit, dependable ,quality.•' i Just whenou need them. Prepare Y er for the hot 'days ahead.' $ -9Sc 'Days Special, at' ,', + 14e Ladies' Summer Hose Make $ Days live -up to its reputa tion. See this Hose Bargain. Be conyinced--we•-'mean--what.;-we =say.= s :Bnff, Lisle, Salk & Lisle.` in Sands Black;• etc. $ Day „Specia• l, Per. parr. • 430, Dainty Voiles A -nrfty ' assortment of Voiles Black White Buff, Spots, , etc. $DaySale, ter d•r ,_r 4� 11 low Broadcloths To greet you on $ .Daye these pretty -Broadcloths' in 12 •excellent shades A. , leg -Wearing ,cloth. ` I t 1 washes well and looks 'neat . $ Days . Special per yard ::.• . c ' • • Fool driver:. Anyone that has , po'w er enough to zip pastlyou on a hill. You can tell, dint by looking,. o'okin `. ata man, whether he always at the ,boss' jokes. • The man who hates 11' members of - another . race • is . usually a speci- men , Y poorP m of his o e n wn.' Themost': efficient. reducinexer- g. • cis e is to keep .firmon a grip yourself whenasked to havesome, more. ''' • S And. dS. Qord . :Tires • Balloons. 30 3. x• " Fulfil . The Canadian Demand For .An All • a C nadia n - Product Buy: K and. Tires Ti s r. They Are The Best, Cip The' Marko "MULLIN'S GARAGE dack Outdoor Fun. 'Nothing like outdoor fun fun thes time ofear: noth nglik oda t pictures • of it •for our - album: GetYour ak here and load ° it with the ' n ble ' I .- k _ :Filiii'- d epen yellow-oox oos Kodak do expert ' photo finishing. .• Kodak: st5 u A. E McKIM' The Rexall Store Luck/owe, Ont. • ES •� �' SID B before had such selection Neer be tion of Dinner � �. Sets to choose from as thereare on show at This Store --All Open Stock Patterns 3 Are New This Spring—The -- Prices are. the Lowest for years. "The friends ' a Miss. ----- met and pooled°,their gift money to, purchase .a Set .:. of 97 Pieces. 11/llss. , The Bride) was morethan de1i t ed•=w it hthePreseata ion.rt rwards.' said', how ,muchnicer< L. -So .massy „afterwards what to it. was than to puzzle give." .rs� Ric .t.. -...+..-..•n s1 ni 1. Y ^44:.:r,+k W � C1NO .ONTARIO.' • • :RIPLEY. 'Mr. David Henry met with a 'pert' painful ;'accident a, week ago. F o r some time .past Mr. Henry „had. been'_ laid up :with a sore foot caused from an infection due to paring ."a corn:' While ascending the'•. staff 'in `'s n his stairs home, with the., aid of crutches : he accidently „slipped when neer;; the to and fell heavily: all ' the way'the bottom. bottom A badly bruised hip and, a.. severe shaking up : will lay him 'aside .for a considerable time. Mr. Chas. Lawrence, of .Corrie, bas opened pe ed a shoe repair shop in the vil- lage, age; thus filling a ,most ,:ceded :bust ..ness.'. For the past few nenths.•our town has beenwithout wi out a: shoe repair- er and :man soles were doomed to Ya destruon' t i c The sudden disappearance at 'De- troit of William Bell,. a'former . e d nt•of'n near r Ripley, is causing; his friends here, and his :wife and :family of Detroit, 'much anxiety.' Mr Bell; ,,oho -was . in the real estate business ,left his office on a 'recent Tuesday, for home, about 5 o'clock in the after `. noon,, and has not since been heard of He, was not in ,the habit • of car- rying g money,: but : foul play. is , sus- pected. His'tnothei•, two brothers,. John and Kenneth and • sister Mrs. Andrew Patterson, reside- here, • =000 CULROSS. Friends .of':rMr. J., S. Reid, cattle: e dale, o'•Tees Teeswater, wet i • ll.be pleased lease , d P to. know that he is making 'recovery from an appendicitis 'operation— ''per- formed: at Stretford. Mr. Reid • was attending the General Assembly of the Presbytefan Church' at 'Strat- ford when; he vwas suddenly taken• ill and had to be .operated• on at ' Mrs., Joseph Walker; a resident,' of the 8th Con. of, Culross, east, died on Jane 6th, :at thea age of;, 68. Before. her marriage in 1883, Mrs.', Miss Mary E. McKague, a ciao= • ehtcr.of the- late -Mr::-•and=Mrs. I!u' h McKague of 'Culross. ' She is surviv- ed by her, aged hushand. three ''dat ghters and four sons. One brother,' George, t . g , and' sis sisters, 1til,rs... Wni:! Roane and -Mrs- :las. MrIKee, also 7 , V ,tr.i.e , V y , c. Mrs-. Jalkrr ha -: r d an attach- of heart :trattble a and , pa a' a "fedi r• Y � " daily -:recovered, but suffered a ire lapse afew weeks' ago., C F IG�III: TO. .C:'X><Ar:GI'ii It"li'Vr1'• . • ON GASOLINE PUMPS • ,Atareteat meeting of l}e Gado- pairTown CianCi1,.'the Works Com- vittee •••reconncndrd ° that- a- --liOnser or rental of $10 per year be charged each gas lune pump on ,the e streets: of the :town,, This • step Is.likely' to be. t&ker ?, ip t12 1100 fuiturir CAti ,WROCEE ;:I NJURED • NEAR''CARGILL yI L' AGE While Mr. Gerald Ellis, Durham road east, and Miss Minerva Mc- Naughton,: a Walkerton. High Sehool student were motoring on the town - line into. Cargill shout 11, o. clock, the night of June 2nd, to get ,a ,party wheia been• attendingthe .,dance there 'that night; the • driver, .,who'''had : his' eyes focrsed on the, village lights ahead of hini, .failed ,to ,,,notice :.the Sliarp curve=at-this-point,--ndPlung- ing,,over°•a• thirty -foo 'embankment the car :somersaulted.: :down. ' h to steep incline,' and. after. ;crushing ,tri the top 'and,, otherwise damaging' the car,.:it landed: aright 'on , its wheels in the centre of ,the river. :The couple : .. e pl e, who clambore�,- out • of the wreck):,and 'waded through to 'an island, in the.stre ,1 g after recovering. •fm ro . be h shock, returned rne - tohe t • car and tried to start e •it • up again, but failing in •this, •,thew made. their way to. the "shore, and thnce to0 the office of Dr Joyce, where° an 'examination. ,of thein injuries revealed 'that they, lady : `sustained two •fractured .ribs , on her right side, besides. numerous , bruises;,'ronhile Ellis': had the partition in his nose broken and ' was cut and bruised about the head. The car,:'Which rolecoupe; � was, a 1926 Ched_• t was"wrecked beyond re - .and how anybody could:, have conte out, of the debris alive is the surprising feature of the affair. The scrapped chariot was brought in on a truck to Bell's garage, where parts :of it will be salvaged as'repairs' for other cars. , • As' the curve at . which the acei- dent occurred is a most • dangerous• one, an r was the acene Where one t of f hei ' vine ••of d s that vicinity ,had a nasty ,spill in''a ,ear a 'few weeks' previously, it is said: that a claim for damages will bem, • de against both. Brant and Greenock toivnshi s ;