HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-16, Page 54 • it IA • rik111' •tUCIKNOW UMW= TErESDAt .1111CA1664927 , PAq„E FOE' E(F.R9NT HARDWARE JUg4';AR1IVJDMCCI4AIYIS "IILUE RIBE9N4 cookERT 'ABLg ; .OX•imEnuE 'GIVEN AWAY FREE . • . . • _ WITH EACH ,punciFASA, ' *CALL, IN, AND, SRE...TEEERir P,E.g.FEC'; COOK iTOVES ": • ."C'010EMAN7..: GASOLJNE*ANGES ALWAYS ON: HAND.• . VIJEESCO;•••POR *,,DECORATING' 'WALLS': AND.„'ICRIi,01Na1g. "MARTEN SENOUIU&..PMNTS AND VARNISHES, "iib,OER*, • COIL •oriPRIk4.'IVIRE;' RARE ;YORE AND. WORN FENCING ALWAYS ON HAND' 'AND OUR 0.UALITY...4NR, PRICE •• IS • : • TORONTO ASPHALT ROOFING. ., Just' U1110-adWiaresh-Car of Cement : • 7.4 one '- Hardware -Coal RTEOU- Lucknow. rhan):Ang Tinsmithing Ludaow "'hes* .74 Winglinin'' ..Phone ,256., .• • onuniental Works wainow and WINGH.AM , Ely III* largest and most complete at"Tn themoatbeautiful deeigna to Ammo from, , Id Waif!. Scotch, Swedish and Can- adian .Grainites • • i • Wie make a ',specialty of Fami4 ' Meseauessta and invite your in/tpee. tit*. Imme.fpuons Neatly, Carefully and Tibue. Sir nit before placing your order. • - • . Dough. Brea. - R. A.' Spotton Lick/tow'. Ont. 'WESTIFORD :NEWS •Mr. Charles Doi/oven of, Chic:wee:le sit/ag friends and 'relatives here. ' Mr. and yrs. Ilerbert.,Carter and ' dautiihter anent Sunday Glen M. • and Mrs. Wm: Manley, Mr, . and, Mis. Patrick Manley and Mrs -Shearer of Port Huron, attended the •Murray -Collison wedding • • Mr. Wilfred • Murray "spent , the • week -end in Ripley. •• Mr -Tom Hodgins spent Sunday in Kineardine . Murray-Colfison A- very pretty wedding vi as solem- •nized in the St. Ann's R. C. Church.Itivprsdale,onWednesdaY, June 8th, , at 9.50' in the morning, when Gert- rude Cecily, daughter of Mi. and • Mrs.' James ,Collison, became the 11 bride of Peter 'AlpTionsus ,Miirray son of ,Mr. and Mrs. peter Murray Westford., Father Goodrow .officinte(14 'The 'bride looked charming .In a dainty gown of white satin trimined . . with eriver French chantilly lace wii b white kith -Shoes -and. 'stoCkingeinatch. lJeI-ernbrojdered..- silk -• veil was • becomingly arranged in tap effect and Caught by a coronet' • (it orange- blossoms about the head: She carried a' shower bouquet of Ophelia Roses and. Lily of the • Valley. Miss Catherine Collison, 'sister; of the bride, dressed in mautre, 'crepe-de- chene with :black picture hat; and parrying a• bouquet of Pink and white Carnations, acted as bridesmaid. Mr,' Frank Murray, cousin Of the "greone acted as, groonisman. Immediately .after the ceremony the 'wedding par= . ty returned to ,the . of. the bride's "parentsNwhere . a . daint.V breakfast was served, the table b.., ing beautifully arranged, ,with pink 'and White,:. centered with flowers. (if the season: In etrening•.a recep-. tion Was held at the bride's home. whore • about two, hundred and fifty guests assembled to extend congtatil- lationa and -enjoy ,a evening: The beautiful •and valuable' gifts, 11.7 niong which were a number ofcheck are real tokens oe, the ' high. esteeir'i which, the young couple enjoy among their relatives and friends. After spending, a few days , visiting friends and relatives the happy young couple will reside on the lgth:eon.. • • .Poipaawn , .The new rector .of St., •George's Church, ReV. J..14. H. Mins, 'condtief-, ed his first service here on Sunday,. June 5th, and Was gieeted by larga, congregations. : epniniunity? , Did .you, ever pittede and consider who were Wiest' "active and energetic in 'the promotion of.. the viiriotie 'undertakings which may have meant .so.iriuch • to the com- munitY? , Did You Wonder, at thiles,.why one town seemed to ,c,grow and develop while another, lust advantageously sittiat- if .ed, did not?. .4 • Reason .. .4 . • . There are in practically every .town a number- of active • , and wide-awake business and professional Men. They are rea-• • dy and .Will.jng. to devote a.coes'iderliqle 'ainount of. time and • effort in, the .promotion of undertakings for the betterment of the coininunity. .if these men ..are.,supporte,d and encouraged . hY• the:community at. large -if there is that spirit' of good ' •tivill4kr e&OPeratien . which Wald- obtaint-.-4ben, ' •iand then • 'ion134:will yOmsee h presPerous and progressiVe .bOrniiiUrttY:. ' If men in,aimilar 'lines of business will .harmordze, and' if ' .th ,. then,. will co,operat4. with. all others; . then nothing can 1:3 ho tt such a "town *.haelt 'heYOOd ite natural limitations: In the, p motion Of these 'matters the loeal paper can and doss take , :an, active_ and : !imminent part, and only is the .:./neitante. of , --.-tiiiiiiiesa Co-operatfen-"Wlikjili.'"eYit-endetV-e'6':anclvpapet'•niay-"-It; - bt a power and.influence in bite tOntifMnity: . • ... ,' • . , . . ,..4 -.Alt husineir -rnen.Meid-lvtortain,,nmqvnt.,(4-,,PrInind "'mat- ter: . Show your loyal, heine.to,wn, co;.operatime .spirit- Byhiii:- irit your , printing done by . • . Tug, Luc -ft -Now bENTINtL ,Issued bY the Canadian Woniy.:Newspapero Association $.13 Manning Chambers', Toronto, 1.7t• ijld..11:tig:••Sylie LUCKNOW IN MAY. AND: JUNE'- • , OP 1875 • • ...- • The Sentinel May 7th,. 1875', re- ..pert's •the destruction .*Iiy•fire of , planing neill 0,Wiled by Allan lilla,Ppon-' ald4z t;e1Vand:' located near the Luck - now Station. An ;Werth was given' (not by telephone in that day)! abent, one O'clock in the Morning and a •PilginP was hrPught::° it* nfann; but by that time thes.baildieg:wis mass Of flame., The mill' was com- pletely destroyed. .'The Wes' was es- tiniated at ,ab.4iit: $3,600, and there was insurance of $1;800. ' • .• Wild;Life Those ipays• „. member of the House, of Cominons for -Bruce, te. the.electois. Mr. Blake had entered theaovereinent at .Otta- wa, and wad,.abont to, appeal' to. the electors.' The Sentinel ..9f.": Ane2.18k i•875 the only , one tor,Juie �f. that year •tvhieh has stittived,", does not lrl , contain mueocal noWe - appears. of interest. states '•thaf 'kiss lifinerva 'Treleaven; Who had been atudying.mnaid:at.Torento, ha4 Teti:rimed tp .1:491tnew, and" would give instruction in that art. The ,n9tic,Os...aPilear 64: • • We. quote the fo.110V40g1. "Wa. caLendlialVItirs."7-7Mne' •,reuirlIaea,138°ni.817,5,11:.n.tro"' gret :tobe compelled to refer to theon, a -daughter. • , • . management of affairs in the conitif-, • err. • rahanidn June 14, 1875, to 'Mr, ble •Our streets at `varioud"tiMes .and mra4 Joh Gi.ohorii° boon. 4, Kin. have been disgraced:13V.;the night loss,• twin boys; " '.:.• ' Mcni P..' who having gone corepletelr eraiy,either through the . effectsof; strong 'drink or allowing their' pas., Siena" getting entireinnetiery Of -theni,. made perfect fools of iliemseIvei, us-, - ing stich languageas., we never beard before, and ' disgraciiicn et only them- selves, but the whole yillage,.by 'their conduct-- Tiree • fits. ormaliiiimarilie::"- •, ." .. , • • • . • • • The'Sentitiel of June 6th, 1890 con - corning more frequent and we. Bab tained a•notice•of dissolution of part- even,more of such 'conduct than may 'nership 'before that time existing be - be 'Seen in•tIn._1,a_Tgei:Av19...'preveni nitOreps.,Vit,e he.ix ......tlYPin-.L...M,..Cliff-and.-E,,Stovel-F-,-fur- Something Wilkbe, ,dene manufaCturers , • Cameron, Murdoch & CO. were' then dc;ing. a busineas in groceries, .boots. Locknow had a brass„:band in May, o.eoes,,ati clothing In Locicoovv, and 1875, and it is reported that it Was . , . . .. tion is :given so far as was known. day with, "their new chariot," whiCh . it:...P . . 0 'Dungannon.:, •'ising-4.-the-ItoWn--on .Mon... . report , f the provineial. el c- ' ' looked. handsOme,,.,A numbete'ef the The .Candidatei.in South' Bruce '.'ere• more opulent citizens -*ere,' serenaded . H. P. 'O'Certher of Walkerton, And on .the .occapionc referred'.145,t- - . get ha votes hi Lucknow '..and- m Dr.:•Tennant of Lticknow. Tennant , There ' was other •entertainneent 'eh Connor got 83,4 -.result which. Was: Jeannie Watson: and JAS. F., Hardy, Scoteli .enter ainerh, was -announded • ' -,' r' y.-- e -Ani po--nytJo-rtty--qil.-p:re- wpij in those *dayd: . -A concert..,,by , rhsi:dmilitsht:1:i.;:'__Lii°1:thos:71:.P,:eist°t;ii,:.i°.,:7•4°.flive: O'Connor made . bp:. in ICinloss 'what' .1 Arinouneement is. made of the.pur, ' • ...7 eheseof the ifurniture stock of • W. . A "local note relates. that the Rev. SParling, by. Robert • 1VIalgoire. . This '3"*. q'' Calling and Messrs. Waiter Tre- .Mr. Malcolm heel:been:in partnershipattend Confereece 'at Stratferd.'• . ' . , leaven and D. C? Taylor ,had gone to With Watson Of Kincardine. , . ,,e aVid Todd of St. Helena had just Here is another. reference • ' :to ' the re eIY. retereed'.'.from."..a ,tri p •, to fai.aeas •.rate war in the stake, husi., Manitoulin :Island; and reported the ness,..letWeen Jeck 'Adarns and - hii seasori ver, backward. • The trees were , only.. in thebud and .farmers oppositii on; "Opposition n the •stage -Were only ' half -through ,with tildi. business still continues, from here tcl seeding. . That Was repprted. lune .4. Goclerich.. It is well for .the people • The SentinelOf ,June 13, 1890. cern: of LucknOW that Mr. J. Adams. Stare. tains. stilt further reference to the ed nri. opposition stage; and: we are ii3nrincial election held ,two..weeks _ . e ore -that date, . It apPears. that in glad to see it se well atipported,'OP•nf South Bruce O'Connor had a majori- thOugh the Othei. is n'.4-horie cab and ty over Tennant in every municipali_. rims a . free stage: ... We have known ty except Lticknow, . Where" "Tennant Men.to1 ehagive. "Jock" his rge of 504 led by .27„. O'Connor's total ajoritY ..The,..,Liberals ' hadmwen in• and goon the free stage, and it pays the 3 BruCes and. 3 Hurons. them, • becense. the ' freeiStage ,Gline . • , puts on the high..rate•''When ..T0,ek,..:: . Thia. issue •:reports the death of 0 , , Mrs. 'John MacKenzie of ParainOunt: stage 'don't run. , , . .. , . •• who had died on June loth, leaving: -hushand...!9 Sims and .two daughters. The following ,birth notices. appear: a The Serithiel of• jime 20th "refers to On .May 3rd,‘ 1875; te.'iurs.'lgacKin-' the ."Lucknow" Quoit 'Club" W IC nen, Lucicnoiv, A son. ' FerguSon.-0ii June 16? 1875,... to Mt :and Mit.' David Fergoson, Holy rood, . • Burgess -In Lecknow, on Jane" 16 1875, to, Mr; and .Mrs. :Geo. T. bur, gess, datighter: , • LUCKNOW, IN 1890: such 'conduct." Wehater-On May. 4, 1875, to Mr. hacrii,:rniri&enislikefiresidhi:iiis:::sted tih`e and Mrs. James Webster,' ist on., _tiake__,a4e/iss,_,Nottisotheriontrand_ Kinloss, a .son. Mr. Arthur Carr. Martin -On April , • 30,_1875, to Mr. ' The death is recorded of Mrs Wm: artehManrts;.,., tJuochircin.bwM, aartidna,u;hhtaerrd.ware Thorn of Whiteelnireh. Mr. and Mrs, m • Thorn had been married oply. ei ht , On May 14 The, Sentinel announc- ed' that examinatioris for entrance to High School. would be held on June 8 and 9. The exams were to be held at Kincardine. • The Fire Co. of that day •,was out testing their new engine; and fotuni that it would .throw n' 1$4, inch stream Of water 100' feet high. ' • On the Sunday previeus to May -141 1875, the .1pcel ,Oddeellows. attended service at St: 'Andrew's -Church,„ of which Rev„ B: Taylor was then ,pastor. A synopsis' of the sermon is kivore.• • Did'. you, eyet' analyze the 'development of any teiVii or ••• ;On May 28, 1875,, it is reported that .at .the bare raising •of 'Widow Mac-, 'Leod," let Con., . Huron, Alex Mite- RaO, one of the framers; wad,serious- ly. hurt by falling, from the ,purkiiii plate a distance of 20 feet,. : . . There is in this ,issue an address bY the late Hon.. Edward Blake,' then weeks, so that ,the „death as pecul- iarly. each . • . • The Sentinel of June '27; 1890 an- nounces the'marriage'• •at 'the' resi- dence" of the 'bride's father, • Jaines Lane, Ashfield,. 'Of Mr. 'Alex : .MeK.. Treleaven- Of Belgrave, ' and. Mai Mary jane. Lane. The Rev... W. A. Strongman officiated, .. This paper also report.; what must have been a Very famous-t/ig-cf-wa, Mr. D. R. MeIntolih. had Organized a _team of Brace and Huron stalwarts. and took then, ' to. Woodstock. where .they engaged in in a pull with' the famous Zbra, team-. The team was ,eomposed- of ,Frank Shannon; RipleY; R. MaCKenzie,'Kintail;, James Young, Lucknow; Hugh Taylor; Kinlongh; J'," D. Matheson, Ashfield; J.;,R.-Murray, ,Huron;.,Van Norman, Belgrave; Wm. Mackenzie,. Kincardine Township; .11. Currie, IlUron;, R.' lilacKenzie "Isle . of Sky"' Ashfield. This famous •tug an- ' pearsto, have resulted in ;a .tie. The mill " lasted 16% minuted when the' shectatore became' so excited lest those. \eirged , should be injured, that the referee declared . the tug over. 'Jellied .Young and Huth' Taylor Are still going :Strong and- residing in Lucknovv. • ; PLOWERDA.LE . • A nuinber•ot the farmers are busy re -sowing their oat fields with barley as. the wire worm has ruined so many •Oa - • , ;The Stratlidee -tharterecl-, hands again, the owner this CT° be -1 big John MacKay, 6th 'Con.' 'We ,sympathize, with • Mrs:. John MacMnrchy ()vex: .the ;death of her hrOther, john. Nicholson., who 'died in Manitoba last weck. 'he ren-iains Were brought east ifia. hurled in Kin- loss COMeterst on Tuesday :1(fternOon, • Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stephens and 'farnily. ofATettswater;',, /isitatlo at-- MaeIver's, the first- of the week.. Miss Laura.Watson and Mize Sadie` Coiling attended the •shewer given MIs si Verna Hooey. at her home, lt Monday afternoon. - .* 'Robb has -purchased twenty acres.' of land adioining his Own Iarin, MacKay Con, 1. ,We are meadea to report tne mar- riage of Orville 'Pinlayson and Miss brna'11000Y, iNigeh-took plum Ust Iroilnovispo•• • •• • lioLtnooki and Mrs. Howard Harris, .and NI% ;art Barrio' spent .Sunday ,with friends , at 13araritount. . •Spopial -1Viissionary rtioetitigs .here this' weele. Services, A.30-,,ii.rn .'' and' 7:30 pan The Hey.„ rathey' MCan- dish ,the - Kes...:Bretv/101 and dauglito, of. Paitneraton; Mr. and.,Mrs,---Ralph ifteekenbridge of .Sendusky, are 'guests at the Purvis' home this week. • Mr, And Mrs,. Hall, Mr. and Mrs, 'liar Vet.' Delis on Mrs. Chem ,Congrain *"sperir, Sunday at Mr, Ernest Aekert's., ..„. .Miss., Owen.. Ackert of. 13rantford, Mss Editi1-tot, of TeedWeter, are :1iii)h'e for. thd von the medal for he ,Junior •Cham!, pionehiP. Meld Mrs, Thereat; Robb 'Ia' ,spentling fl ,feW.davd; With her brother, Mr, Rieh4 'ard ' ' • The 'Women's'. Institut' heldt ' ' PIOnthit 0.0004 at'the..1**1,01 SO*. • un o ervice Opp' LU.CKNO 7 r, •., Albert Thompson' on June '2nd. It Was decided. ,to hold the meet., ing. on June 22nd. The lady speaker t . being available-for--that--...ineeting:-.1. was else decided to, hold„*.the annual Garden Tarty on July 7. Watch for further particulars. Z. splendid pa- pci was giVen b',' Miss Lvxy Boll, ori -"These7N.0-v.-Car'ofTptirs-?'-founi..4i was . • , . :a.ccourit of salary, $15.00; Melvin Ir- . win,' on acCount of saltry,. $15.00; 'T. G. Gaunt, on acct. of. salary, :$25.00; aerved•at the close. " The Bethany' W.M.S. . held • thei monthly. meeting. in the church . on June 9th. The Pres. Mrs. W. hod. - gins,' Occupied Ilhe chair. •, .Meeting opened -wit .h.-:-.7singiii„e'• and " prayer. ir was decided. to ' the summer meetings in the church:( Meetings . will be „tlie third Thursday: of each month, instead of tho second Thurs day, after this. It was. also decided toc'inake an autograph 'guilt' The re - Port of the Presbyterial W.1V13.:Con yention at Tort' Elgin Was given " Ity 'Miss Dats.V Avlea.:"Tbe Seripture les son. WAS read by Mrs. Jos. Wall. :1VITs oeipson gave a .ilFfrom the study . book, 'ofi India. -..Meeting:, dos- ed with inging, and the benediction. • Moved by Irwin. :heeended by Mc- •Intyre,, that Councillor: Carruthers ney-te...the_Treasurerthe_siirri of $8 received from William' 'Tweedie, for • .trees. --Carried. •. , • r, . Tenders received for*Dra page Con- tracts and awarded as f lows: the Kraemer -Murray • Dram, at g8c.. per .ctibic yard. or :total 462. the ScOtt- n rain a lc. per cu- ic yad..or total •of $583.09; the Miles MacMillan drain at. h -total .of $8.20. , • The Council then had a discussion .t.ilik'the report of the Engineer on the McDouzall Drain. Mr. O. E. Klein Solicitor, Walkerton, addressed the ,Council at considerable leileth. in an , effort to make • it appear that; even ••• with -a -drain '3 feet -deep at the line ce,---_11.6a.ulrlJte-earnparatiVely_neelesa... to. the McKinnon, property:, D. MelCin- ' non, Owner, of lots 7-8, •Con. 3, 1 tioned 'the"-Conncil: to have the Mae - Dougall l)rain extended: to the south side of the .Con. road opposite Lot 8, Con.; 3; as h0 was assessed $5 for benefit. and $.99 for ',outlet. -without getting any good Tioni the drain. The MacKinnon 'petition was "forvrarcled. to the Engineer. Further. eaten on •the McDougall By -Law was deferred. until the Engineer is 'heard. from. • Moved 'by' Ross...seconded by Car- nitliers that F. G. Moffat bd appoint - 'ed to net as Clerk pro, tem in the ab- senee .of Geo. G..,'Moffat.,Carried.: - , The •Council adjourned till the call of the Recife. ' .„' • •'' COO COO 'VALLEY Mr.' Jas. 1.1, Phillipa", Accompanied by his niece, Mrs. Win...H.'Irvin, left last . Monday for a: month viit with friends at. Algoma and the Canadian Mrs. Wm. 11.1eriary' spent a. day last Week with her /daughter Mrs,' l&e-• Son :Reed, cf LueknOw. Quite a number:of ,people frpin this yicinitytook in the Moonlight excur- sion on the Greyhound frpm.Goderieln Mondayevening last, all reporting.a grand time.. •Mr. Herbert Curran and his •gang ,of men .are busy at, present cutting down the big hill commonly known as "Shackleton s Hill." This is some- thing that the travelling public 'edfor a' long time, that sornebo,tly, predated by car ' drivers. going West would .Undertake, And Will -,tzre4b,e /1157 on the Niiith. - ton R. Naylor and "family, spent Sunday...at: Wm: H. ,We , are glad toreport that little. Beth Phillips, who has ;been Al •for :-spirintime,,:is--progressidg,-.-faverably7- ,. Quite a number ,from thtd, part at - ..tended„ the Webster:, re -Onion at Lucknow on Saturday, and of eetirse; .enjoYed•the' day, , -• • •‘KINIOSS COUNCIL' The. Council Of the Tewrishsip of 'Kinloss met •on•May '30th, 'as a Court of Revision.. After' the:,Members ,had been ,all dUlx, sworn, Jes. .J. Tiffin, - Was aPpOinted chairman, The follow ., , . -'eng .appeals were read, and consider- ed: W. H. 001111, against' the, assess- ment on lot 32; bon. .i, reduced $100.; Andrew Hamilton, agiiinat the assess- ment on lot 4, Con. 7, reduced $1.00;, Frank Brown; against the assessment/ on E. H. 3ia R.S.; reduced $300; Geo. W. Haldenby,. against the ass- essment op Let":14rpt 15, Cop. ,12, re- duced $500, Robt. Donaldson, against asseesinent on S.H. lots 25, 26, 'coi.r; reduced '$200. ' " ' •• • ' . Moved•by Miss,' seconded by. Car- eimthers, that the Court of Revision be now closed and that the assess- ment roll as , revised be taken as basis for all rates and . assessments for the yeer 192'T. -Carried. • - The Council then met for the trans- action of general business. Cheques issued: D. S. MacDonald; salary .as assessor, and postage, $91.00. A. D. MacKenzie township' Irgfirig• its per account, $40.90;. the Mc Dram- age- By -Law; -By-LaW;. $10,80;‘. the Scott -Tiffin Drainage 13Y -Law, 810.80; the Krae.- fner-MurraY Drainage By -Law $10.80; Peat 'cards re Teedwater River 101rain.• 'itie scheme, $3.15;.E. D. 13oltori, wit=- qnesa.fees re Carr1ck law suit, $15.44'' Congrani work on Huron and .Kiniess bounclarV, $9.50 Car:. Ohm ages allewed bY.:Cotift foi trespass, ,$3,004 Gord68 Elliott; •wit- .ness fees, Carrick law.„Suit?„.$, 2.50L T. G. Gaunt, excliange onchcque; Tees.- water River Hy -law, $3,00; John :Me; ,Deugall, 5 dAys clearing'dimin, Huron and ICinlaSs. Boundary; „$12.40.04., Wes- ley Thoreps4n, perCentage On' ,40 rott, wfre fenee,44.08; -.7Ohri 13riShell, PAY •list 17, $68.75' John Bushell; 7Pay Hat 18, $16,50; John Maeltenlie,,Pay.list 13, $7.45; Thos. It. Moore, • Pay list .$11.125;: Wm.; ,MacKenzie, Pay list. PaY-It$t 16,:, $15.88; J. 1, Pay list :11,. 1 69.0'71 A. MacKinnoill nay list 20. 26.25; 1. 3. Tiffin, pn acet, ,of salary, •'$15;00, Malcolin-Ross; sleet of sal4 Ory$ 11540; °Donald Me nty're, on acct. 1111401; $3.0i941 Di cilVtutilitri • Adjourned Meeting' "The adjourned meeting of the Court of ReVision on the McDoufall Dram- age - age By-Law:..was held- on June 4th.. It•was moved by M. Ross, seconded by 'CarrutherS, that ,having. received the necessavy Information from Mr. C.,4. 'Jones,. Engineer, th e McDougall Drainage BY -Law No. 158, be now read :a first, second and third ,tinie and 'finally passed. -Carried. , The By -Law- was duly executed, signed and sealed. GEO.. G. MOFFAT, • Clerk. B- RUCETCOIINTY .JUDGING COMPETI7ION,, • AND '--FIELDL:DAY-At TARA krs..A. G. Kirstine, Walkerton high in Household' 8cience Competition. Marion McAsh,'...Tara, wins 'Chicago ' triP. With 35 yonng ladies. competing in the Junior Institute competition ..and 75 boys judging' Live Stock the JUdg; irig Competition held at Tara ; On June 9th Was one of the 'MoSt',Sec-• Ces'hful held to date. COmpetitioni in ' all •elassee was very keen with very close scoring for lioth., individual and team trolihies: • • The diiedley Institute won both Senior and Junior Teant., tro- phies and their Secretary also won the, trophy for the largest ininiber of • contestants.' • In 'individual htepding Mrd. Icirstine of Walkerton, was high ,with 550 •inarks out of a pessible-600, • Marion McAdli of Tara ; ip second 1 ••• place with 545 marks was.. //Warded the $25.00' priZe toWard, the ePeciah • Girls' trip to 'Chicago. Jri judging ,LiveiStoeft; Walkerton; for the "fifth consecutive time, won the teani„ trophy', Robert Scott, of Pori Elgin, was, .however, high nian ..(if ;the eempeiitien With •870. marks out Of a possible 1000. the Port El- gin Secretar•Y on the .trophy for largeSt. number or 'Contestants the , competition,• , The 'f-louseholil,--Scieno.- 'aein et' 6011: was .in -,tharge -of Miss V. Bann- -9 brldgo or Dottop,...igtost by Miss Haviji.. and Mrs, RoWand.'ef Walkett, feerr, IVIeMitrius and Gordon of the In- .tr, itituteS Branch. • "' "Thetelint'gr-Re#00iitatiif6;".W.,'It; Riddell, charge of the LiVe .gtock. •Judging Conipetition, Was assisted ,by s C.'Laniont Of. Orangeville R' ' 11- Cs7,1.0,17:13141f)17ect.; .ARi1.0,1,11,etMo.f1C0). TMntroPlik, of .: Sniithof,,,Markdale anct. A. Gi.Kir- 'e" • Stine, Of Walkerten,_ Ib the afternoon Sports program Teeswater Was aefeeted Vit viched: few from the Other Allopcliiktioni the close- seem cf. 2. to . Softball games and general sports WPie also featared,• g-ineer ,fpr the Hydro ' Commission, YteoaRnuarciadlrHesosmoens..°7'tensio1:1 of Hyd- ro The results Pf."the ;Ridging 'titions were as follows1 Girls Competition `Team standini--Operi-Walkertoe Egg and Dairy;Trophy. ig earri-7 hesley 2667 (Trophy, riow. their permaxient proPerty).. MerebersJean "lVICCurdy 544, 'Eva Fortune 540; Kathleen ,IlleCurdY 532; . Margaret Floyd 527; Ruby Fortune • •secend.7_Nyalkerton 2618. • .Third- 1 Tara 2515. Fourtli,Teesviater 2457;.• • .-Port-Eigin=t4-5-1, • Smith Bruce W. I: Trophy.. Team standing -Junior • ••.'"IVIlilegnilibeTa-se,•a17-baCnI:16Ms1:CYUrid5y75?4; m Floyd. 527;. Marjorie ,r.Thompson 503e , • SeCondWalkerton, '1558.. 'Third, Port Elgin ;1,54P. Fourth -Tara 1539.- " "Fifthr.-Teeswater."1459. ' High Girls in Various Classes' . • . Fortune4 Cliesley 198-:-Medh.1.; 2nd,kathleen. 'all'ircc-c-usierycL,Y'riesChiee7T16h3rOzn. • WFaltretlirtn: , , J-IOUSE-FURNISHINGS-Isd. ' na, *Millen. Tara 183,Meda1; 2nd • , -Marion McAhh, Tata, .:,Ruby For- tune, .,,Chealey 181; 3rd -Jean Curdy, dliesley .178. CLOTHING -, 1St,-2Va • Fortune, 'ChesleY, 195 (Standing);- .2nd,Mrs. Kirstine, Walkerton: -,88 4(Standing), 3rd --Jean Scott; : Pori .Elgin .7185 - Medal; 4th -Lillian Bryce, pert. El- kin 18.1, •t"' ' • rIsl!7IiVirspinUe4, 'T-4 a' SeirtAllopi))5IN50G-:-R.1-t,. Truax .Tropify.;,. 2.L -,Marion McAsh; Tara 545;,_ 544;:,4,Ev'a Fortune, Cheslei 1540'; 5 -Kathleen- 111eCtirdY dinele 532, 6 -Bessie Thempson? 'Walkerton, 530. Seereary's .TrePhy,...111arjoi!ie' Thernp-„ don, Chesley: •• • !' LIVE STOCK "/TI:TDGINd •COMPE1 TITION,Team .Standing,3958, 13reeder's TrophY, Wilfred Inglis, 842; 'Norman. 'Sehmidt, 814; Harvey Inglis; 801,; Bruce. Thompson; .777; , Harry Piet*, 724: CheS . 3S62; Ta- ra, 3784; Port Elgin, 3733; Teeswat.f. Higli Rebert • ..P(/rt. El gfe, .870, (yitii chicagO, Trip;) Wil- fred •Inglis. Walkerton, 842; Harold Garner, Chesley, • .833;, schno, Niltiyiay,,, 81(4 HPward Newton, Tara, 185; Harvey Ingiis, Walkerton,, 801:. High 'Men-Beef Ca ttl Breeder's T r o p11 y,RuSsel McKee; Tara, 185; Robt. • Scott; Fprt Elgin; . 80; Alex, :McKngue, TeesWate ,r 164, Sheep end Sivine,Norie; Schmidt,• Mildn,iays 343; Rebt:: Scott, Pert: El.'. gin,•337; Howard',Newton Tara, 331. ' High Men in Horses,ji„..Farineed TroPhYr-Harold • ,Garner, Chesley, 183 Norman Schniidt,' Mildmay, 180;' Wil - red higlis, Walkerton, 180. High 'Jiibior in Horses•L-Eigin Sher:. nan, 'Tata •174: - • • " . High Junior. in Beef Cattle -Medal MCKague,, l'eoswater, 164: , Iligh 111e.n, Dairy Garner. . Chedloy, 184 (Stnndirig). R Ott, Port "Elgin',.. 181 (Standing; Eldred' Aiken, Tara, Medal. iny. Dein: CattleModal;-Geo. 7. High, Junior. Sheep -David .Jeffrey, ey Inglis; Walkerton; 177, • " ort.44E1giny-167r • Itiet Swine-Brrith Thornp- on, Walkerton, 173, Medal: • ' *Secretary's , Trophyi-t-Carl • feeder,. ,eitrht 4 At' the Y-attendod, danCe Veld' s the concluding.feature of, the-'atty Tropfiies -and•merlala .wero present - the esley orchestra 'In attend- ' • W. X Ri,c1dolla• Agri, Xe‘N, • ' , tk , t• •