HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-09, Page 8One. 12.1 . • r '111(1,ROAVAINW 01i1 190.' 4 ammoirmemeemeemea,„.,,mmilimmerteeme rset Sale .A Clearing. of 26 pair TearProtif • • D. A. .ertiets. Eleatic eXpan. ItiOna, steel rills, 04e $1.50..yer 905 .„ Khaki or or blue, from leavY, =.- tearable shirting. slam** Sizea- Sneelal each... . , . • ^ .„.. LUCKNOW ?ay Cash and Bui For Less •: Stoskingi.., . , Black, "14.111), sikeS 6 to. A rare. s [raving, 4 POr Pair SOU • Atadtai. s Curtaining n several reel' ttractive de signe, narrow 'or wide width. rd C 0 ' C see. this' at. 29 t • Oil Tableeltit113 Several new designs just airiv- 0, '1% yds. ".squires; These' . are easy kept clean.: Save work -buy these, Special; at each• dieerro 3•,.."•'• • .4.,.‘• • ..."111671"111° D ,aintyDress Prints 'P'retty 'aft -over pattenm in good- -quality cloths,- light Or dark' had - es. SpeCial; this, week, ' at, per Yard Visit Our,Reacly-To-Wear Department for New Silk Dresses.,, Fugi SilkDresses;,White or Coldured. This Week . . . Also Figurea Crepes,‘Satinettes,,Jerseys-,See These Npw Dresses. 1 • Waska,Silit _ • new, almost indestructable ritYon cloth ' for Underwear afid ',Dresses. Remarkable for appearance and lone weir -This Week; 89 Men's' Strong Overalls , Nve guarantee our overalls to give. --Rime hard- wear,:and the prices are heiveit in yearn- ' Ladies' Silk Lgeri It's dainty,' and in Many . pretty ehades.. • It's ,conify, it's du,rahle, and it's low,' Priced - Whit more can be desired? SEELiNGERM • • SiiPerb. Silk Hose wqrm wather,rnak§ us wish ler new colored silk 'hose! Our stock in.. 'full of dainty hosiery, neweit shades, sOftest textures, and at jewe.st peiceti. Kiddies' Hats '- STRAW' HATS' .of:pretest combinailons, nicely trimmed: Babies' cOrded hornets or cabs, Baby Brother Straw Hats --all here, •at lOwest prices. ' Floir,Oilcic•ths, Linoleum . • Congoleurn & Linoleum Rugs at Lowest Prices. LICERTON 'LOSES. • ESTEMABLE WOMAN rs o on,.w e of Da d Rob.: ertion,• of Walkerton, died , . • quite 'suddenly, on May 2702...Ste. had been ill .1(*,#)30.4. 4 Week, avd. was ,hiligkt„..tot4e,coVering,L--eWben.--on. the 26th she•••teek a turn for the worse: and paised.". away .;/.Friday • ..B0fOre, her .Marriage • the late itirs.- Obeieton ' Was- Jemime. -Agnes Collins,. her. early borne being in• -Perth' Ont.,' She carne to Walkerton is a young girl ,and was *arried to • Mr. 'Robertson 47 Years. ago. , Besides herbereaved •husband '' she , Wiwi to mourn two.' e -daughters. .4F1ctrenee) Mrs. David Roy of Terme.; 'to' and •Miss , Marjen at home, - an • three, mins', Harold' D. and Arthur S. of Toronto, and Rey Robertson, a former barrister of Hamilton,. , who • last Week•;jOined the law firm Of his /father here, 'The- deceased is also euriiied by three brothers, ,Henry T. Collins of Deriver, Colo., and, Reber; and 'John Collins'of ' California, .and „ one sister, Mrs. 'Hargreaves of Dur? ilURON COIJDITY B.ASEBALL ' SCHEDULE'• Wingham has withdrawn Iron's the Iluron Giffin y Baseball League and , Ariburri-hae been admitted and the _ • League is new composed of thefol- ' ldwing' Clubs: Seeforth,„ Exeter, . , . • rich' and Auburn. .A." ,rneeting was • held at' Clinton last -Thursday evening and "the :following 'double 'schedule- • was • drawn unr June 1-Seaforth , at Goderich. • June '3-e-Aubtird at Exeter. • Jane 7-SeefOrth• at Auburn.•. 'June. 2.:--Godericli at Exeter.... •• 'June.' Auburn. at 'Goderich. June'10e-Ertetee at Seaforth- Juee 13-Goderich at Settforth: Jtine. 15-Erfeter. at Aubnen. June 17-=seaforth 4Exeter. June .June 20-'eGodei-iCh at Auburn. • June '22: --Exeter „at GoderiCh. June 24--Anburn 'at „ Seafortb. June 29--Seaforth at Goderich: ..Tune 29 -Auburn at Exeter; ' 17, 4--Seafortir--at-t-Aulm July .-4oilerich at Exeter..., July 11 -Exeter at •Seaforth., July 13--Anburn at 'Goderich. 16.ieSeaferth rat Exete". r. , 3.8--Goderich* at Seaforth'. ,Jii1i'20-Exetee, at GOderieli. July 22.7 -Auburn it Seaforth. • July 25----Goderich at Auburn. " July 29 -Exeter at Auburn. siESBUCE _OLD 130Y DIES ' IN DETROIT The death iS reported' from Detroit• of .Tames Ballantine,, .a; Kincitidine "Old boy,'• well known its a leading spirit in,' the Bruce Old Boys' organ - matron of Detroit. Mr. . ie b1ieve,was, with Dr= .J- Mae - Kenzie, largely instrumental. in 'get!' ting ,the big Detroit delegation ' .to Lueknove -at ,the time of.,. the Old Beys' re -union in Aeguist . of 1910. • .The la* Mr. Ballantine was 60 yeare of., -age, He was: atail�r by trade, and had developed a geed busi- ness "at.,Detreit: • He leaves e 'widow and one daughter, Mrs'. St. Louis of Detroit. • , ° WINGHAll " Mr. and Mrs., Harry ,Williams dad- 'nouned the , engagement. of /their 'daughter, 'Hariet Eilen,.to Mr. Fred- erick _Lachlan Carruth, eldest Soil of Mr:,en,d,s•Mis, .J. Carruth, formerly `Of Witigharri, marriage' to take place the letter part of 'June at 'St. George's Church, London., , 'Miss Kathleen Bennett, B.A., M.A.. daughter of key. and Mrs. M.. Bennett, arrived hodie Thiirsdak noon' tram New: yet*. where she has been: taking' a 'post graduate Course at ,Coluinbja Univereity., Mies Ben- nett Was successful in securing. her Master .orAfte degree and Teacher'S diploma. of Honsehola Arts. • She his aceepte4-'0 ,,Professorship. of Nentri- Von in Montana State University. • at Bizernan Montana HURON ,TEACHErt . WINS nisTrivcriorg To a: teacher of Huron County, Miss •NellieMedd of Exeter; has come the honor -4)f, having her . page - apt, 'The Crowning of Canada," pub- lished by- the Department of Educa- tion, as • the • Jubilee Cenfederation Pageant, and 'Sent to all the teachers' of the..:Prevince. Miss Medd has re- ceived 'a personal Messege 'from .114 • premier, expressing his .appreciation of her work and assuring her cif his pleasure in bearing all expenses .con- nected ,with its publication' and bution. Although the pageant book- ets were not , sent out until the 27th 'of May, Shehas alreadk had a num- ber if receaests for 'additional copies. -Nisi 'Medd is• a Sister , of Mr••. liruce-„Medd,, Treasurer of. McKillOp, • Township, an Mr.•19'. S. Medd,, K.P.P.. Exeter. „ , • 'A Woman' doesn't thoroughly enjoy anything she can't cry over. ' , 'UNIVERSITY:OF WESTERN: ONTARIO: summEit SCHOOL,. JULY 4TH TO. AUG.' 13TH • ... . ppeciot Courses for Teachers -I- dom. ta *hem etwt4m aerkeitere., 2. 'Review coyest Ea matt fulmar Gotoway. .0.,...cesiewla.Lillfary'sckace,........___..................;„_. •coersilateretfalso la theme,. . here, zairuaIreiek Gerukg"; . =Give*. rostorr,•uthi, *au. • A spiiinifid.sod *ad' 0.131i4se • .Beisaiitanew_unlyetiiitystim.. 66.172..r.ty..4.-f.:ilt;i ir...;:..:i : if.-_-.14.1f:j.,----11 • ia.,ocrai ,fte,,...... • ...- mown throuoont. 1 i ..., . a -r AossiaA•#40 Acre PA& ' • ••• Ix '" '' . Tr_14 ifIrtt.11. -I :Star!olia.n.k.-saii.-- , ,, .- • ,. l • •••_1,..: .... ; ________,.......,: . . ""''.",""""'•''''""''r- . . weeks of atpdi and recreation. •3•3 iatoraitiks 21_ _taw Direettri, Iffer 1.1110:gt Umbra, ostoric • ,D.11.NGANNON • .The ftineral of -Mrs. Joienir beloved Wife Of Mr, josenh :Wilson; formerly of this Place, 'toOk,,placii to Dungannon cemetery. 'on*: •Miinday .afternoon 'of lest, week, Rev., „C. It th -'Mr. and 'Mrs,. Wilson hae, been • re-, siding id.FlOrida •of late; but 'her deathtook place: in London at the home Of Mr::: Nilson'a daughter; , . „ . where they, had been fpr . the . Past three"weeks..' . • . • • WANT 'HURON'. KEPT-, par , . At.:a. recent' .meeting of the Ocectb; tiVe, committee of the Huren tnnritY "Social Service Council; it wae.deeid- ed to hold the annual 'convention, 'in :Seeforth, on Vednesday,. June 2.2ed when: aStrong program "wilt be Pro- • vicied.-.• •. • • . , In a Very eniphatic , way ,t e.execn- . tive • expresSed•, their disapproval • of • the actiorcof the' •OritariO Government 'in displacing Mr. W. Pellew as en- • forcement Officer sin, Huron • ,County'. During his term of,;office Mr, PellOW %as.. had ',the entire .approval and en- liorsations • of s.,the , organization thretighout' the county, Which: helieVes :that. it ;has been largely due to ,s his ••efficiency and euntiring efforts 's ,that the , temperance • laws have been • so *ell' enforeed• .. . , ports of the 'Governmeritalso, • slow Mr, Fellow .to have been One of their :mast efficient ':officer, ' and. a' protest has': been ierit• to, the ..:Attotney-general - eoncerning this Change, ire Iluron, • ' The • Liquor 'Control Board- of Qri- tari� has been advised by the ,execti- tive that Wren, County expects • 'it will -be ,reCogniied" by the Board as "dry" territory, and that. no attempt will be made' to establish' liquor ,store ee in this county, contrary to the ex- peessed 'will of the people as shown by large majorities•., on several occa- • Sions... NO RUSH FOR PERMITS • KOICARDINE , The Kinceiiiiirie • ReView-Repexter -if 'lest wesekh,ad the"following: • We calle.11-np Mr, A. G. Macintyre, ,the sissuier 'of 'permits iri Kineardiee, O. Mondak and asked ',How is bu0.: •nesa ?° It is bad, bad, bad, or good, good good; just from Whatever stand- point you wish. to sizejt ,up. ,Now, if yonwere the owner pf a. brewery is" bad, but if you are just a plain, or- dinary dtizen, it is goed. 'Up to, Bryn - day there were only eight permita iesued and :they. haVe been available for almest two weeks.. ° CHESLEy WOMAN KILLED • LONDON ' We_ Elizabeth Morrow, a Chesley. woman,' sUffering ., from ' ner:ois breakdo-wn, and at -the .0r.tario lios- pita" at Lendon,,,Was Jailed caelk,..Se.• ies„, ..daSeltalrfig :"-on7the'C',P:11. treek, -At Londoe. ' Mrs: Morrew had. left ;hers roan) :and escaped 'unseen from 'tbil ,hOspi.tal,Lit.„appears.r-that-the-itark- ••passee 'net lai' -from the hosPitaI Za- ttance, and it was *ere that .the`,.A7,1. ,... , mon'tie'Ss killed. " '',-., , . ,1I-..a,1.4),r0,a0.......-- lia to k„ilC ids': os.: „O't The ---i'<4.3 . ._ .... _ ... , , . , • are held by men 'who hays' . ow6;1,- _ ,, , proex 120441, , . _ ; ".............1 a.,......' . a •n • r . ' . , I:Never hefore had' such a seletion of Dinner Sete to CbOOee from as thire.are on at,This Store --All Open StockTatterns Axe New This Spring --The Prices,... :are the *Lowest for )Fears"Th. e friends' of met an :pooled, their gift moneyto of 97 Pieceb,s .Miss (The -,Bride)., was . :more thark delighted with the presentation: ; So 'many afterwards said how much nicer it was than to Puzzle what to give." •• ANI:EY'S "VAIIIETY S 1. L tJCK1NZOVV,', " ONTARIO MICIIAEL VARSON DIED AT TEESW4TER Michael. John VarsoNat former fen.: • iderit °° of Kinloss Township, who re- • tired 'to Teeswater twenty-one years :ago, died at his 'herrn) there on May. 27; at the age. of 72. • Mr. 'Versbe, had been in - failisg --heeith-,for-enehrinotithe.-r-Ozi-Friday morning'. his 'nephew, who was stay- ing with: him; went to .bis room and he seemed lie much as usual.• Oir again entering the room an hour lat- er,'the nephew was surprised to, find • that the patient'. had Passed awe* :Tne late Mr. Verson was born at T�t? ronto' in •1854 kand while quite young • came with- his parents to _ Kinloss, where the . father. bought Inta 32 and 33, a ,few Miles west of Whitechurch. Michael Was the'youngest . of the family and ,was not rnarried Ile is. -s-ii-i•TeWITay. one brother, William of Seaforth, and one sister, Margaret ot II`eeswitter. SC'HOOL:E:AYRS' IN BRUCE the Bruce Comrty Dep. of Agrieul- ture has Made 'arrangements to con- duct 'a long list of _school fair§ this year. There is to be one even away up in Lindsay :Township -at' Pike's Bay. The places with the ,datep the fairs are given below:. " Huron -Ripley, 'Monday. Sept. 12. . rAndsay--.---Pike's Bay, Wed., Sept. 14. Eastnor-Lio:n's Head. Thur.,'Sept. 15. lsbeeprotarlle.c., pnrfle sWierten • Diet.ee•Wiartme Saturday; Sept. 17. Brece-=-Under,wood, Mom, Sept. 19. • .8augeen-LP0rt Elgin, Tues., 'Sept.' Elerslie-Gillies 'Hill, Thur., Sept. 22.. Greenocit-4pinkerton; Fri., Sept.: 23. Arran -Tara, Monday, September. 26. Brant-,SolwriY, Tuesday, Sept. 27. Paisley Championship Fair,. Parade and Physical Culture, , Wednesday, September 28. . ; Ciiiross...-,-Teeswater, Thur., Sept. 29. Kincardine -Kincardine, • Fri., Sept: Carriek---Mildinay, Mon:, Oct: 3. , BrUce4 Tiverten, -Tues.-, Oct.- 4. bel,---Hepwrirth, Thur., ' Oct.', lees--eBolyrood, Friday. Oct. 7. AGRICULTURA L STATISTICS, • • ;1927 - • 41 connection With. the eelebration this year Of the Diamond Jubilee, the Dominion Bureau of ' Statistics i3 making a special effort tO obtain' a larger •response from farmers thru the medium of the usual 'cardboard schedule issued" in June to the rural schbals: These schedules 'call for arias'in ileld crops and nunibers, of live stock on hand in June,' 1927. ' •Farmers. should Make early returns cn these schedules as the information can only be of comparative value un - loss cOmfilete.. This information is • of special interest this year as July 1 marks sixty years of Canadian 'pro- gress • since 'Confederation.. PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. AUX. - • Miss. Murray presided at the regri- ler meeting: Bible reading -Wes taken by Mrs. McCrostie, and Miss Carrick, gaVe.' a reading. Mrs; 1, .1'. Smith gave a full interesting report of 'the Presbyterial held in..Xincardine On the L7th Mat.. "K. and 4. • Oord Tired' Balloons ..„ 30 x 3,14 ,relfil The. .` Canadian 'bernand For -An Ay • banadian, Product •Buy K tad res :•Xlie„y The Hest Oh The , Market XtlieLLY'S ,GARA'ag, •••••.11111. • PARAMOUNT U2.W:04 • The Paramount u.lp.w:o. -met -at- -the honie of Mrs. j Macintosh • orr „ . May 25th ' Mrs. J Hamilton occupied the, chair,- and tWenty-five ladies Were pieient. A splendid paper on ".The .Art p Entertaining4 wire. given, .,,by • Mrs. T. „Irwin.. -hi:finer-ohs reading and, Mts. Hogan gave several seleetions, on the violin., Arrangernente were ' niede,ss to enter= tain the Kairshee•Club on June 21st at the home of Mrs: J. sHanelton. Vis- itors welconie:-Press Eec'y. ' . , . , TOVV,N AND VILLAGE NEwspAPEas IN CANADA ••• .. • • •: McKim's ,newspaper directory.. for 1927 recently issued give Some very 1ntere1ng informationregsf3cling pa-. -perof----all----SortsTnibliaberin Canada.It . ats, o:.ghoivs the trend ,towarda few- er publications • •'There was a time en, every town and -village' had not Only one, but two •neWsPapers. 'Now, • such a .Condition. is the ;exception rather thln the rule.: 'veri in the: cities, .there .are, few e:i- amples.„ Of more than .,One newspaper. tbe. towns, the trend. la .niore • 206 towns and Ontario of moopopulation or ..lese sepport newspaperi=ill of them being Week.' ly papers, except :two. In 177 of these there .is Only. one . paper.. In ;28 others there aretwo papers 'and' one eleees'ot 3349 'peeple..is • blessed with three neviapapers., '45- villages with 'a •P„Olia-, lation of less than 3,000 have , two • papers,' 6,• of these have- between '2;- 006 and ;.3,000, namely, 'Alexandria, BraCehridge,. 'Listowek Meaford, Or- angeville and Walkertori. Those 'be- tween• 1000 and 2000 are Dresden, bdrhane Exeter, Forest, Milton, Se.' forth, Aelburee. and, Uxbridge: The little village of ' Colborne. in islOrtil uniberlanpl Co., Iniide. the. recintl • for ••_two-Ptiper•-tovirts--with a Populatine of enly, 932: Tbe Enterprise nn.d The Express each claims a ..eireolttiorLof • hsigiaWkavyil!,e1;ononUla.tthio%T.:37.449",171s-ijraeilinijaitri; able for its' three 'weekly. newspapers 'Star; TheirclrTehileletRitiene6srara'inVe 500 td1250. , , . Frcire a. newspapstandPoint;Pert Hope is alone arnorig. towns ender 000.• With „ 4458 peonle, 'it htfis' two dailynewspapers The guile 'and 17:14. Tnnes,, one 'of .,'Weicsh has alson weekly. •editjif.' ',These' ,are small; with „only four: pages.., of seven cohinins a- dayi but the: Subsaription , rate of $3.00, .a. 'year ,by mail ie. surelk a bargain un- oceelled in Canada. Edch, htis ,a daily circuletion. of about, 1300 to 1600. Hew large, dees. a place need to he •gefere it can • keen e: 'paper Alive'? inicina differ" widely, hut4•Wellington nty has Erin with 609 people and ord with. 496, ,both of which have klie.e. ° he statisties show that 25. Places ntario with. 690 poptilation ,Or less weeklY papers., appears favorite figure, to' set for these es as no less than a dozen • are d at that figure; 5 more hetwe(.ri and '599 have papers. 1 They are ksburg (Grey ,Co.) ' :500'; Care leton Go.) 609; Lucan. (kiddie 580; Merlin (Keit) 650. der' 500.•°p0Milr;tion we find 496; Ylesherton, :(Grey) g,•ate (Eent) .400.; • • MOktiko,n- ft). 4,00;'•PI'Ith 'Sfountath (Du: 450; and Woodville (yicterh,) Cou Cliffi Wee I n 0 have be A Plae liste 500 Clar (Car seX), Uri ford, High 4.7Pert -cies) 460. have ely pu niihu fi tion beaten boofq 411, 14 It thottiad.., • . . .SeenIS • :to, been reaohed by tvvo, other hitr- blirsizers.' -Upon Si. ,joseptee rd'sberles-Rieltaby-e'dits-re-ritipe?'"el, 'Landing, -'whiCh e,to-n.;• gure s 506. In myeie re8peetii4 he .out, byl'f.tA.rthur cf I3alihurteli Co. , •Veh fixer 'tee% • only 206 populatien, although leden Xcho esiairee circulatiOn THIS, POOPSI,pi. fr)F.LvvLACINWTAci, A someWhat iniusiege-SoMewh tragic story is told ,of ,Walkert youth (to be mote,,.exaet;, 18 -Yea old Bernardo ,boy), who had anch• passionate desire ..to .haVe 'a ear ,whiek anmeellinniethat-he.,fine to. have,' 'One Ys...hoelt,.•. • by er•Ook, decided ci•eolt. 'aiipreeeheo. Ben!), • WeliCotten end. hargkined a, per 'for p$S.4;0-0?..1,Y, ,wi It chi n- paynieflt ,. hequ. wo an had. it •fertsee:few brief; 4iiefif hOnisi ,Which ended. in • a'ccillen tr,-.411 d • Serious, in h pickedt ingiip ewthd bbisnew purchaey SIdle.and .took him along, to en J4 the -'fun.: He drOyo.alerig a blip River. 411 4 ga,i41 etreet, which 'led. toWerds the 'seugee .' an ho..1404e4 the;boY.:Sidle get•!eirt:sand opee Ole gate s'o that ',he Could tures •aboUt. This; perhaps ,saved the boy,'s life In 'endeavoring to turn the car • - - . where .4 steep slope' lead, to the,river brink; the engine stalled, hrikes...fail- ed to hold .'end the coupe Sped. back - swards towards -the- river,- ' tiffried sideways, flopped over, end.' making two, pr -three' revoletiens„ landed .in the Vvister;:whicl fortunately Was .not -.deep at that point.' "' Roberti; (that was the youth's nanie), was thrown out- on' -the .wey 'down; and was some- what .."-stunriedbesideS---aufieeineents- • and bruises. The boy :'Sidle, rite for help and, secured , Mr.: J.. P. John; :ston who.rescued the, injnred Motel. iet from the water: He'snket s, the night at . the bey 'Sidle's home, biit. next day swag.. lodged in ' jail ',the cheque' hes-gave for ' the Coupe having been found to 'be 'WorthlesS: It 'aP:. pears that in order .th convince Mr.: Flach that the•Oheque was good; Rabe erts showed a. bankbook 'which 'cited, that he bad $750 in a, Bankof Commerce branch at ,Toronto.-InveS... .eilagatioi---eleoVertlietTat crie did lave $50.'in the binik, arid that a 7 being placed before the 5.: made it, appeersthat there was s$7.50.'It'' as all Tempted to 'bey a .car=e-71ed•iio iiiopey-4ave worthless: cliequte-ewe.nt jojeriding.i's *recked-qa,jured-7M.' jail' en '•:fraird • charge! , • . WEDDING, .BELLS ,Matthews-Arinstrong- A quiet but pretty , Wedding, was solemnized: by the Rev. J. H. Slernen, at the Dentist Parsonage, tendon, on 'Saturday, June 4th,' at • three; o'cleck p.m., :when Miss' Jane E 'Armstrong; daughter -.of Mr. eed. !leire.'Wifljam Armstrong, became' the brideof 4obn, W. Matthew' Of London; Ont. The bride looked charming, wearing a gown 'of sand Crepe,: and carrying. a . bouquet • of • valley lilies and "bridal Wreath. Miss Violet t,*.Tessore of, Lon- don, ,made a 'Suitable bridesmaid, gowned in hlue silk 'and carrying, yak ley, lilies -and iris Mr Win.- . Arni- strong, brother ,of :the brie, acted as groornimant After7the;.cereMony they returned -to the home of the Bride's sister, where a dainty. wedding SP • per: Was. serVed; the table 'being beau-. Wilily decorated • with. candles and fite",,•ers,'centr'ed, with the 'bride's cake. The evening was Wag: Spent, in: Music arid Previous to her marriage the bride :was Frivena miscellaneous shower by the "Sinila Awhile" Class of •which She Was a meMber, the gifts being numerous and rbeautiful. The young .coople left mid showers of confetti on a short•motor trip. , On their return they will reside. in. Lem - 'don, Ont. SUFFERED SEVERE' 'BURNS • Sam MeNall; a 'former resident ,Of • Lucknow,., and nephew of' VV. NaJJ V,?aa.: severely' 'burned on board a lake vesSel, near Eingstorr last'week• . McNeil • was engage4 aa "oiler,"„ and his ',e1;th,ing sernewhat saturated ,with oil, in 'sOme way caught, fir 'fore the fire Could be extingqished •he',.was so badly burned that he may not. recover; He .ivas 'taken to a ,hos7 pit41 'in Kingston, but reports' as to his Condition are -not at. all erieburae- leg, • • • SO',UTH KINLOSS • A large attendance!' Marked. the. meeting of the • VV.M.S.,field at tf,e! home of Mrs.Arigiee Ora'haro, C`on. 4, on -.June 1st. After' the • °pop i liYenn and ',prayer, st,,!mat,t 1 Vat; Chap, 18 vos , readin unleon, f olloviod etn; "seht'-,:th Mhi 'Rattle, de!aconegs, To. ronto. Shipments are to be made ev•h* •ery three .Month. , MacLeode: Alexeviese-elfrverr -enargeof a flower,...07...0ther,,Mt,finiil theme .of the- eongrty,,fti are .srIT'aik;Or from 't,hq to...-iltn or1%," waz p'replre•d hy Mr-, ;fel'• -.v..eiet•-...,,t". 0'10 tki rt. r•fet ; to t hel .reriff".by Mi. 9 I 7 L. WA veil by Mn, Alex' i4°)4.4;ri.risod. MJnc 2pJar,it4 la: 18-36, arid • close -4 thetneetize otb rits7er,-,Ptoo 640, Say It.With Flowers • Floral Designs,' Wedding Bunches, Ete.,' A SPecialty Furnished on Sheri Notice Orders amounting to $5 and over, Expreas prepaid! Flowers ddiVered tO any pert: of, Canada, 'United States end Europe 'else -other countries • GEORGE 'STEWART. florist . ,• Phan. r165. „ PODERICII, • ONT. „ • • , •• Kodak Outdoor Nothinglike outdoor fun this time of.year-nothing like. • Kodak, piktures, of , it for your album. ' Get. your Kodak here and laid it --witietheslependable-YellewrooniCodelt Film. We do, expert PhotOfirdsWnif• Kottaks $5 ti • A. E.: lOcKIIVI The Rexall Store Lucknow, • ;TT, , IFERTILIZER • Car4Oad, on. hand:, hy,Order ahead.when yoUtan. get'a sOPply The Best Banda . S RoBERTS.ON: EPPS; The Mover VARNA ONT • Canada .and, United States • -411 Loads. Insured e-a§oriable' Rates. Covered: Vans Write,' or Phone Clinton, 626 r. 21' • • • ROSE'S, MODEL-S.C. WHITE Fbr the eptries intbe Cana - din Laying Laying Centest at Otta- wa. our penis In 'first , place "from Ontario for" the " light breeds. in the Ontario Con- , terit our pen' is again. in first place for the light breeds.. In " the Nova Scotia Contest our lien is in second plape, as well ' as having second and 'third -1ehoei got.ehed, esnB a, fe dae,b1 ,i7ck$8,12gu. per • WALTER ROSE Bruseels, Ont, , 1 .............. 41. coverer.° 'move)* ote _ -Tank; ..Witle EJj S E G.A A t • 1XCE'NOWN oisif/ I 1 ligii6hriMi AftimiWiral