HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-09, Page 1"7- . ter 13.09 PEE YEAR IN 'fi.DVANGIII; 410 OTRIIR*IDE o•••••!•••••r••••••rot 1. e • ii#,;###;,• • • ILUCKNOW, ONT., T1111111DAY, .JUNE lith, 1927. SfigGii,,copfEs 5 ENTEll • 11101143410NALI !All,: 0 4 De:' hI.' Comae* ;.Phyiticlan and- Dergeelt • 'Luelininv ' • _ 2ee-4/ •' /seal • , Phone , sinepoommodempe. emsamosemewiesfai •• • :DENTIST '• ss :11fitieLe.odS' will , beeline* •$vSty.: TneedaY Tin pr.. •_ _DBNTIST• j: L. ,l'eeleaven;: leselusiswiee • Oven ;Decker's 13 t ar•. . Emanation, *siker by fres. Or local. Will. b. in Dungannon every •Thursday. • . ' Piens. 10 DENTIST ... Call Dr. -Newton Make appointment' . In office `eveterday . , • 6-0-4):-.0--0-41-0-0-4)-0-4 I EVERYBODY'S COLUMN , • GINN A. Wilda% Isrekusws ..-Benkse and ,Real Estate. -Money to. lend .or first mortgages on farm proper-, ties at 6 and 6% per cent.aceerding to security offered. Also Mali ' -AWOL-int* on :secnn-d--moggagnir seir 'farm. propertlei and On personal notes. A few good farnissfor eale: WALL PAPER ' • My stock of: Wall Paper is com- plete for .1927. Prices from 86. up: I sin also agent for leading job houses. R. J. Cameron,: Decorator, 'Painter and -Grainer, Aioxs---1-74Luelinows - For ,Sale -.A. number of window and storm sash with glass in them. Apply to D. C. Taylor. • EGGS AND BABY CHICKS , Get my price list before ordering *tarred Rock Or White Leghorn Baby Chick5 or eggs for hatching. Incuba- tors or brooders at right prices. Cus- tom hatehing done.- Duncan Ken- nedy"Whitechurch, Ont. (24-24tf.) ' BABY CIIICKS.ANDY EGGS EOR HATCHING . We have what you want i S. C. White Leghorn Baby Chicks and Eggs for hatching -the hest, from large stock, producing large numbers of -large eggs. ' • Baby Chicks, June, 12c. each. Eggs for hatching, 4c. each. Order early to eneure a supply. -Elmer Farrish, Lucknow, R E 7. Dungannon, Phone 82 -ring -21 . (16-6-c) FOR SALE One Blue.Bird Electric Washing Machine. One Electric Carpet Sweeper. One , MeClary's Electric Range..Above article:5 in first class condition:" " inspection invited.-Rob- --ert _Johnston. (9-6-c) WANTED 50 girls or women for. fruit pick- ing. Best camp in 'Ontario. Govt. inspected. Open June 15 -Close Sept. 1.-W. Edwin Troup; Jordan Sta., R.R. 1, Ontario. -(9-6-75) COURT OF REVISION Village of Lucknow • Notice is hereby given that a Court to hear and „deterznine, the ap- peals against the assessment roll for the Villag6 of Lucknow for the Year • 1927 willbe held in the Council •, Chamber in the Town Hall, Lucknow," • O n Tuesday the 1.4th day of June, •A.D. 1927, at 8 o'clock p.m.. ' All persons sreshereby notified t0 govern. 'themselves accordingly. ' • Joseph E. Agnew, Clerk. . (9-6-e) ' BASEBALL Lacknow Wins at Welker:ton. : •• • Score , 6.3. ' The league game ',4cheduled. for Lucknow on May 26 liaising been calls ther, ucknow's baseball tenni played ed account Of unfavorable wee:. , itS' firsein the series at. Walkerton,. , Thursday •of last week, .getting away to a good start with .a victory-scorei 'Lucknow 6, Walkerton 3.S h was an Al game throughout - good work by the players, good spelt for the spectators. We notice a num- ber of new names :and new sfacei in the Lucknow. line-up this year, and it is plensings to note that the .new,, men are ali- dertig well. Indications are that the team will prose the best that Lucknow has had formany years, ' In the 7,1gaIketten game the line -UP Was as Piteher; Irwin; Catcher,Vright; lst b„ Nicholson: .2rel b., Eckenswiller; ',3rd b.', Aitchi. -ssons,-s,sttoasits,,E.Wiet; centre field; .8.•Bitsets r. -f., S, Reid.ssempireds-Aildersoft and %Vie, man.' „ s ..-Posterrsitrestutsannonneing anstbss er league 'same *here On June, VIPS when 'Teo:water Will bestbervisiting ' _ -.sae CHAD" -This iesthe title of a 3 -act play whieh Will he presented , in. the Town Fall,: Lucks •:now, this (Thursday). evening; by the A.Y.P.A. Of Betide and Kingarf. The Vey' Will be -given Oriabe Straele,ee ttg th 'Afiglieen chlirth Ladies' :Aid, WO* ;Pile ; Bruce 'Pointy Council le in setision, this .week at Walkerton. Mr. and Mr. Matthew Woods felt young9 enough to lake in tke-9,4Ys hound lexcursiOn :to Detroit. It°bert, 31,11eCallUm 'wow over ,from ilTetrbit to Spend the week -end with ,hits. *other. and ,•"Mr. L. J. Gerictr of Fort'William_i Ont., visited over the week -end. • his •father, 1 Mr.,' 'Patrick Gaynor. - lust received- a shipment .of Bags and Suit .Caires. ,Trunks • :at :cee'At,,W's at; Littles.Shee Store. r Mr. Stewart 'Barns motored from Detroit last week arni spent, a :few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs-. T. Berns, - Me. W. G. Arinstrong wits in Len - .don oyer the'week-end, and On Satur- day attended the marriage of his ;sis- ter? Jane E.• -Mr. Win. Frank ,Thomon of. the Toronto Publie,:School teaching staff, attended the funeral of his grand- mother, here , last , Friday. There was frost again lent Monday morning, :this being the 5th frosty niorning in two :weeks. There id 00 evidence of -.serious darnage. MILLINERY SALE •On .Friday and SatUrdaYof this week, all hats at greatly re- duced prices..-s.B.. ROBERTSON. Mr. David Thompson, Regina; and Dr. Fear* Thompson,,Winnipeg, who came east to attend the **emeriti of their mother, are spending the weekin .Lucknow.: Mrs. Peter icsr of w4miPPg; the guest this Week of• Mrs. Thanlas , Watson. Mrs. Key, is a.former LOck- now girtssdanghter of the ',late „Rev. Mr. MacNab. ., • Di.: Farquhar McLennan anti wife - of, Windsor, accompanied by their neice,,Mrs..(Dr.) •Tappert, of Detroit, st-ere up fo, attend the funeral of Mr. Duncan ,Finlayson; of Ltschalsh. , '. A .Question--liew are You getting along with year .plane for decorating, your home.and place of business for July" 1st, when the big. Confederation Jubilee Celebration will be Staged in Lucknow.? • . Lueknostr. Ternsis Club has re -organ- ised With good prospects :for: the' sea - don. • The See'ys, ; W. .E Anderson, Will be pleased to recoisee applies. - tion for meiribership and entries for a local toUrnenlent,. to commence next. *eelc. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Buck; and little nen, Francis, Mrs. 'A. 0. Barrett and family, Mr. and Mrsj...IAT:'Matthews, Miss 'iessop, Mr. J., Firmer and Mr.' 11, tiny, of London,werethe guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. W:m., Aenis strong on Sunday • Lucknow :was_ n - pretty .quiet town Monday .evening and night.Ronidents of taWn andcountry-alike appeared ,to have all gone to Goderich on ac- count of the annual Greyhound ek. curaion. it ie said that; some 2,600, went out for the "moonlight" " TOP -STREETS IN LUCKNOW Stop signs were 'erected last week at ' the intersection' of all , streets north and senith,* with Campbell St. This is a go:ad piece of work by the Village Council, and will help greatly in iniking traffic tate. There are more 'cars, than ever on the streets thia seatete.sited: traffic at thecross- ings was becoming more and More aingeroue. • • „, The signs are plain as can, be, and a credit to the, man who 1.Painted, them, and there can•be little eieirse for drivers of cars going by without coming -to stop andseing that the Way ia.elear. it it to be hoped that the law re.spectingi stop -streets. will be rigidly enforced, Of course,' there cannotelvinys be a *trafile cop" at the crossings, and much must be left , to the coMinoneente of drivers., , • • GOOD •GOOQS--- LOW PRICES -- Hoye' and Small Men's Bal. Combin. UrideirWear. 49e. pee.siiit--HORNELE -MURDOCH'S. ,• SOU -T11 BRUCE WOMEN'S" - INSTITUTE., Singh' Iirnees7Worimil!a-Jrietitute,:*fir be held: in the Town 'Hall, Licknow; "Ones-Fridayss-jiintslOthisats130-seibielts .pansV.istithrs'kveleortie.-- ee'y. , •=Mand 'C.:Bryans, ()ptenietrist,swill be at the Cain Molise, Leeknotirs,on Tues., Stimy14: Hours 1,80 to 0 0.m. Headed -jet; dizziness, pain in • the: back of the • sleek, painful and in- llnmed 0/61148,44., thr,ouph properly fitted glasss es, satittictlin , _ .1.tIcItNow PI.113LIC SCHOOL , '" , REPORT , •• • ,/loom" ' Sr.. •Possible. naarks-'61t Honore '460s Pita 268. • Heuer:is-C., ...tinnier 475; . R. Johnston 472s G. Sherrill 471; A. Jewitt 454.. 'Maass -II. Ritchie 4451'M. Webster 419- M. •316Kim 415" .7.. MacLeod 398; C, lideens 304::G. ...web#er 382;11..maenonakt. 381, Be; lOw Reid, 366; H. Thoinpiien 365s. F. Sherwood 336;1I-1. ,TwarnleY '334;: 5. Pearlman 320„;:, D. 309; °Gs Struthers , 136; J. Britton :Possible Marks '351.• 'Boners 263. Pass, 210. Honors -M. Ritchie 318; 1!. Johnstone 316; M. Struthers 315; M. MacDonald 315; Z. Steward 34; B. Jewitt 301; J. Struthers 290; B. Black 276: Pass -D. Jewitt 255; D. MacKinnon 245; R.. Bilden 232;, M.:Rae, 227; B. 'MacMillan 223; AI'. johnston 24; J. Collyer 210.' 'Below pass--sE.'13.:MarDoneld 194; V. NasA. lor 155; J. C. Armstrong 128; Harriet Whitlek. '73; J. C. Johnston 56; M. A?Ilin 38. •. •. '1. Murdie. . Room'fl: I . , Sr. II: Feasible marks; 580. Minors 435. Pass' 348. • D. Thompson 517; 1. • Hamilton 502; L Douglas 469; Jean MacMillan 487; G. Jevnt 481; 71. Sol- omon 469; L. Horne 462;-B.'Mac1en- zie 448; F. Milne 450; E. -Webster 446;: E. Newton, 445; F. MacKenzie .435; C. Finlayson 433; M. .•.Johnsten 467. C. Jewitt '396; A.- Armstrong 391; A. Macintosh 388;. Eileen John - Sion 363;* F. Webster 362; A. Henders • • , • son 361; Is MacDonald -Whitby 334; F. 302; B. ,Brown 319; L. Webster. 307; :Margar- :et 'Biker 304; M. Fisher .247: Jr. IL: Possible.niarks"539sJionons 395: Pass ' 318. A. Horne 419; Kath- leen Macintosh '404;' R. Parker :389; N. Taylor 367; Joy Henderson 349; R. , Ostrander 344; E. ,WhitleY 274; M. Solomon '27.0s E..MaCKentie 251; H. Johnston 204. H. Sherrifl. . • '. ' Rooni Sr. III: Honors--.-R..Collyer 89; J.. Henderson 87; D Nixons 87sQ. Fin- layson 86; M MacMillan 83; B. Thompson 79; . F.. Steward 76s • W. JOhnetilTr 75; •IL Greer.15; 'If. Mac- Leod 75., Pase.7.P. Cousins : 71; M. Hamilton '71;. K. Cameron ••66; D. Douglas 62; L. Irwin .61; C. s Jahn- ston 61; it. Mullin, 60.: Below pass-. W. Armstrong 59; Es Agar 53; G. Webster 41*; -E Baker 21.*;, A. Wil- son 18* jr.:' III: • HonortssE. Brown' 84; Ms Ritchie 80; '$.., Conker 78;.D.. Clarke. 78; C. Armstrong 476; D. :MacDonald 75; 0: Finlayson 75; 4. Wilson. 75, Pass,z-D,: Horne. 74; M. .6i:busies _70; X MacDonald .65; ,K. Ferris 62.; S. Cameron 61; J. :Fisher 60. BelOW. pass-sE. .Solomon 58; M. Henderson 54; E Wfiithy: 52s P. MacMillan 51, .E. Agar 46, V. Steward 45; , -Inness45; I. -McNair 42; T, MacDon- ald" 36 M, Stanley 5t;M Johnetnn 10*. , .(*) Absent in one Or wire tests. . • M. 'MaeCallums . • Room IV, . Sr. IV: Test exams, group IL Pos- sible 750. Pass 450: Hon.,563,-Hon.s, A: Watson 702; J. ,Bralisen '700; A. Andrew 670; J. Stewart 565;• C. Greer 655; A., Durnin 645; A.. .Mur- 'doch, 637; 0, Macintosh and A.. Smith 635; L. Brabsen 624; • jisMackenzie 621; B. 'Marti!' 618; .D. MacDonald 616; M.. ".16ivitt 561 Pass -E: Nixon 540; B. Milne 512;AS Hamilton 469. Viral exams in group 1 Total 360 Pass .180. lion.'225: •Hon.s-C.•'Greer. 277; A.. DUrnin 274; A. Watson 272; J.. Stewart 267; A. Smith 266; J. Brabson 263; B. Martin 261; D. Mac- Donald 255; A. Andrew 254; '0:'Mae- intoeh 251, J. MacKenzie : 249; • E.. Nisei' 248; A. 'Murdoch 245; t, Brabs son 234. . Pass -M. Jewitt 210; 'B. :Milne 202; A. Hamilton 202 1 Jr.. IV:" Arranged .Pecerdings to• number of •"perfects" received in Spelling during the morales -A; Mac- Kenzie; D. Henderson, 7 Naylor, M MadDonald; E: Smith; M. iliacititos Ps:Thompson s G MacDoneld ; T Nee - Kenzie; a Mullin, W, ,Arrottrong; E Finlayson,l.' MacMillan; rs' Webster, ; S. Steward., ' ` • • t'•K1 MaeDenald - GOOD GOODS'ss,LOW PRICES Bariainn in 0.ilkAose .atict Socks -"The sMarket."---HorrielILMut- . "deck ' PUBLIC MEETING. A.,,ptibite ?Meetingof theseithens of Ltinicnous•still be held 'in the Town 'Hall, Tuelay -evening, Joao isth, at o'eleek, o censiden the Matter Of ‘raising the Continuation School to the .stittins of High School.This meeting it .,talled„b theSchoolBbarst, and.all, who, can doso.' are reqUested to at- tallile-e$141'fP5 ' ' • WEDDING BELLS . • - . Harris -Jamieson • A yerY pretty Wedding, WaissOlem. nized In .th677PretbYteinen. ''qbureh. :Lucknow,; on Julie lst nt two e'elock the 'afternoon, when Malian Gladys; Younger'ileagliter of Mr: and: Mrs. -John Jamieson:Of "Pnretinount. Ashfield, :became • the :bride of Francis Howard, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs: Thomas "'anis, of 1101yroOli.,The C. • H. MacDonald of Lucknow. ,officiated,. The churCh. was beautifu. l "'decerated. with sensmiable :flowers ,hy edies of the 'Y congregations. of which the bride ni,ember. • . At, the altar, the groom awaited : the: bride.,Who was given in Marriage by her father; the bridal 'party. havine 'entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin's Wedding March, render - 'd by Mrs. Bort Harris of Ripley,: rel- ative Of. the . groom. • The young -bride ..lonked Very,at, tractive in. a dainty. gown of : White fiat .crepe trimmed with •. dewdrops -and French chantilly: lace, and wear- ing an embroidered 'veil over 'a. train of silk net and lace ornamented with teed pearls and'Orange blossonis. She earried a beautiful bouquet of pink roses, lily. Of the valley,. arid, maiden'. hair fern with Fitrearners. .Little isa- hel Itrida.-Tv-arr' flower girl, while .Fay Collins Of Chin. Shropshire. England. acted as trains bearer. Both -were ,daintily attired in Oink crepe-de.cliene frocks and wore miniature bridal 'veils. The flower girl carried • a basket of .1iln • of . , the carnations- andfern:- d , . During the siessings„of the 'register Mrs. Duncan Munn of RieleY, also a relative of the 'groom, sane- -"Oh Proniise• Me" in her .usuel. .pleasing •The bridal . party • left. the. Oursh to the '• strains Of :Mende's-Jmmediately after the . jormnye. home • where a very- pretty Selieme'in 'pink and White - 'wee carried: 'onS's for table:arid imnie-, deeoration:. • . • The' eilesta ;' from a' "distanee :Were: 'Mrs; J. T.. SnePcesof, SaskaS .4-n'on.eousin.of the. bride: Mrd. Chas. ;Spettigrie pad, Mrs. jack Spettigtie of nlgo cousins. of the bride. and MM., F. j...Collins ntid' little; Fay, nf. Clun; ShroushireErieland'. sister end niece . Mrs. Gordon Jamieson, Tp the eveningsthe gioent'Sparents at their home', where aboet vein Itinndresi. , fifty ' •girests essembled . to extend .congratulations and 'enjoy a social eve•nings • The bearitifuland valeable • .'gifts are reel 'tokens of the high :esteem "whiCh. the eoung couple eniov amorm their relatives And frierds. 'Th e '.groorn's,:gilt to the bride was e wrist esatch. in, 000T:nold,alte handorne Oiiis to On organist and soloist: °old signet sings to the flower girl arid train -bearer. and .gold cuff :links to ihe, ushers -.--Mr. Earl Harris, bro- ther. of. the groom'and Mr. Gordon Jannedon, brother of the bride. The happy Yong, i•ouple". left • on , the Thursday morning train' from • :Leeks. now, . amid: showers of confetti; etc.. for Toronto,' Niagara, London ,,and ether Ooints in •Southern Ontario. . The bride travelled in a ,pretty costume in blaelssand white: the dress, being of. atin:faced crene, and. coat of satin silver net and white -ler collar. with ' hat. liolYroed. friends and rela- tivesjoin in wishings life. sisyssi..:_76.ongs; f cl. norm's many' happy years of .wedded, • r. . the newly Wed gloves: shops and stockings to nsatch. On their retern they will "reside'. near MANY ATTENDED .FUNERAL OF •LATE MRS: THOMPSON • Igany friends.. of • the Thompson family .attended the funeral ofthe late Mrs, Adam Thompson on Friday afternoen of last week. . A service? conducted by the Rev.s.Mr. 'Crave, was held at the home of Mr. Rsit Thomp- son, • Willoughby Street, There were Many:, beautiful floral OfferOgs, .mong these !seise-, 'wreaths from the T. Eaton. Co, :Regina; ,the National ;Fruit Co.; and Banner Lodge, A:F. & Am„ Regina. II:dere:lent was 'Made . Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, *here the late Mr Adam •Thompson,' and the eldest daughter of the fani- Ily are also buried It is recalled rtliat, Mrs. Thompson'S, parents,' three brothers and a sister are also buried in Maitland Cemetery. Another sis- ter . is buried at: Dungannon, and one in Greenhill• CemeterY--itil, in Heron Corr tY? and all had Cenne, over from and together. ' • . The pall -bearers Were threesips and three grandtons: Messrs. David,' 'Robert and Dr.. Frank Thompson, and Meisrs. Will F., Campbell and Ken- neth Thoinpion. • • ,s'Under ntispices Of the Leeks • 'noNt: Baseball,. Club, ,NiOt or : ..Thurtd4V, - June 16 Harold Skinner arid his • popular •' ' $4E/Am, uol supply music. . . Couple $1.• Extra 'Lady and -Guliety 26e sincletlinis tale. •• ommunimpumeismiimasimou FAMILY'THEATRE' • E.; J4tIt'WED. :15th . ,Hoot Gibson in ',"PHIP OF .FLYING ' U"ss 'With, GoodreoMeilY • SPECIAL: • FilL, 16th -SAT., llth • "ThoMas Meighan.'in • "TEE NEW, KLONDIKE" The New .Klondike : is ;a stcry alitidta -baseball teens in k1f4.7,' • •Idas 'end real estate t;020i1).: . With .COniedy , ,Golden • CrtiSt. Bread IT'S FULL OF *LIFE ' Bread -is an essential Part of many good things to eat, 'such 4.8: Golden- Grain Bread, Brown Breed Iblisin Bran Bread, Fruit. Bread 'REID'S BAKERY -PHONE 68 REID'S for your Week -end re- quirement, such 'as Pies, Tarts, SPonge Cakes, Scones,Jelly Rolls, ' Choice CakesandCookies. • APUATIO • ,Comes :aft,er years.' of ,steady, hard. work. Why not show .. your appreciation of diligent study,, and _encourage the , Graduate to continue to put - , , , forth his or her best efforts?. A' Good Watch is a compan- ion for life• .' • 'What better could you Callitnd let us show to You. . '• give? ' these F. T. Atrastrong Jeweller & Optometrist .11111•111O1M. 'TIVAT RING ABOUT THE SUN • Many almost blinded 'themselves On Monday about noon glancing upward to get a view of the great ring about the sun which itself seemed to glow with unusual brightness Few, if any, .had ever seen the lice 'before, andAn- deed it was n sight Worth viewing. In fact, there were two circles about old Sol -'-one Much smallei•anl bright- er than, the other. They were due to, some unusual .condition in the atmo- sphere, that was sclear enough. But what sort of. condition ,could that be; Some saw in it the sign of a coming terriffic' storm, and others suggested that the phenomenon would be follow- ed by a definite change of eather- soniethihg warmbr after so, much. rain However there hie been nothing one 'Way or the.other senfais and if it does get warmer, it will Frilly be in the natural order of, things at this time of year. The man who ttudies the weather at ,Toronto explained the' brilliant circle by saying that a fee/ miles 'up in the air there were layers, perhaps we might say 'clouds, of fine particles • of ice, and that these had SO ,deflected the rays of "light frem the sun so as to produce circles. The' larger circle would, he'in a lower lay- er, of., ice particles, and therefore Weidd &wilt Tottet:: Sallie May re - eat ,haning.seen,"a_somewhat_s similar though duller ring in en ordinary fogs'. Meteorologists pronotinced the rine "solar helo,",and said it had no sig- nificance whatever, 1 -;;IN MEMORIAM Drsdle*,-4nkad r.and loving menis -nfy.--dfeMdfshiill • Bradley's :who Vatted riWaY June lith, 1926: • One 'year has passed Dear Marshall, Since God called you away; •• Our hearts Were crushed with sorrow., We Shall never forget that 'day. , Trent we, mise yoAir; siriling 'face • And: veur sweet and iwing ways. We shIll vett, you .'fn Heesen On that .,ReatiltegtianDay, ' r -Mother, Father, i)rothera and Moor, oust:es, The Brea The Bread of :Health. f Heath' • OU,It'.'"QUALITY";)•WIIITE,. WHOLE.:WHEAT AND RAISIN', •s BREAD, IS ALWAYS THE SAME, RICH- WHOLE- ' ! SOME •AND TASTY--ALWAYIS) FRESH- • SPECIALS . Sally BrOwns- • Creme Slices Cream Puffs: '• jelly, Rolls Raisin Squared' • Oatmeal Cookies • • Chelsea Buns • Raspberry Squares, Cheeolate''Marthinallow.,Cake Dundee: Cakea- . , • _a - BEST PRICES GIVEN,, FOR BlITT..ER' AND ,EGOS •.' HOLLYMAN'S BAKERY one,,36 '• • ,Lucknow far dmitrAwAsyriaracandiriatiordkarArar*Agrarar.*sisrasiduiraie, _-Phone 75• Lucknow, Ont.' "OUR STORF" CHILDREN' MUST HAVE NEW.WEARABLES FOR SUMMER PAYS AND NIGHTS. TO -WEAR -UNDER HER:Ilk-ST 'FROCK, WHITE FUGI SILK • COMBINATIONS, EDGED Wn'11 VAL. LACE, AROUND NECK •AND ABOVE ELASTIC IN BLOOMERS.::' iugi Silk *Special it 95e Per yard. • Val. Lace -5e and up, Per Yard. . . , CANADIAN DIMITY NIGHTGOWNS MADE WITH ' ROUND NECK AND KIMONA SLEEV.E. TRIMMED WITH IMI- TATION TATIING LACE OR SONNY'S. PYJ.AMAS, ' MADE: OF THE SAME. MATERIAL; FOR . COOL AND ' COMFORT IN TRE WARM WEATHER. - Canadian. Dimity -28c per yard. Lace -2.2c .& 25e per yard.. iiswe skomawssmorarinneSaysiossmeserseMmesinesarsimmesetsmieterssmrsersimarnseN ,Ag/IFIELD 'CHURCH The, service l next Sunday are.. as ..follows : -L. Blake in the morning; Packett in the afternoon; Zion. in the evening. The Rev R c:•COpeland, a former pester of. our congregations, has. been re-elected 'Secretary of the Lon- don ,United Church Conference. :"How's Ashfield?* is an eft asked question of the'Pastor ,at 'Conference. , . _ as he is greeted by friends. me as- sures them that Ashfield ia all riglit. ,Keep' an open date for the' Garden party -Supper and Entertainment on the Zion Church' grounds, Tuesday evening, June St , The 'Auburn Dra- 'Inaba :Company are to .give their play 'after the, supper. 50 cents will give yOu:a mOst enjoyable times) ' • , , At the :firit .service Of the United Church :Conference, London, s last week, the Rev A. N. Brown found hiniseltsitting in a pew next to the patter of St Helen's Charge, the Rev: Mr. Whitfield They hope to be limed neighbors in high 'service, as well as being fOund happy in -United worthip.' BORN , JOHNSTON-In Wingbani: General' Hospital, on Friday, June 3rd, 1927, to Mr., and Mrs. Elmer Johnston, of Lucknow, a•son., I.O.O.F. NOTICE ,Isucknow Ocldfellowess: will decorate the graves of depart- -ed brethren , . . In Kinloss Cemetery STJNDA-Y, JUNE 12th. All ' Odclfellows and. ahs are requested to meet at , the .1.0.0.F. .Hall at 2 o'clock p.m., :so that all .rney 'go to- gether,' by car, to the ceme- .tery.. •-Com. TO WEBSTER CONNECTIONS All persons in any Way related to the Webster families are cordially in- vited t& be resent :at the family res. union picnic,. to be held in Caledonian' Park, Lucknow, off Sett:is:12Y, June .11th.. The executive board finds it im- possible to communicate withall as exact addresses are unknown to tfieni, and so extend this general invitation. ' Themes Webster." • : Good: Goods -Low Prices -All size, and kinds of Rubber Footwear anti Running Sheep, at $1.100 a: pair"The Market"Hornell-Mardoch :Co. ••FRIDAY, SATURDAY. 8c MONDAY:, ' • UNE 10th, lith 84:13th.: ,We are offering great bargains, in Men's Suits in order to reduce our :stock.: ' • ' • • , MEN'S OVERALLS-:-Peabody's; Leathertabl .and Railroad • Signal. , Reg. $3.59. Sale price „`....„ ......:. , , ,$1.98 . MEN'S 'BIG B. OVERALLS --,-,Reg. $3.. for $1.1.9, Black only. • MEN'S SHIRTS -Rog. $125. Ssfe .Pride s . „ . MEN'S .1•104VY 'pocics7-4' LAnuEs, coAts elearieg at 'cost prides.; LADIES' GINGIIAM HOUSEDRESSES,' sVeashable, at 79c. LADIES' tEoADOLOTa,DritssES at 'cost priese.ssiss' . $L 'for .49e. Stock- ings, reg., $1,56 for 98C. ' • ' • - • • ' .....CHILD.REN-1,0,INGHAM-DRESSES-.....w4Miss:stdocinieres,"--tets niateh, 4. to -6,Years. Sale prices :.... ,; s:s , ;59s, .;,DON'T tMISS THESE:* WORTH*HILE*;BAR:GAINS: ' • •OOME AND SEM . 't Weatef-Central Gerage •