HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-02, Page 2ine tea at ttbest. On174 , c
. - — " '
.-1310P0.4, h* 114er Plo,)404 whiak, t3401 wi1goti7P 111' ti•
loupicuy Iwo tp, )3,0 soiteo, ' ' 31/5 • °P./P.44Y
-2 The. reformed errielteman; Michael,
'Lanyard; knowns to the police as the
Lone Wolf, is attempting to recover
• the stolen jewels of Eve de,Moutalais,
the woman he loves. Lanyard, who
Met Eve in southern France,. where
he rescued her from rolibery at the
• hands of the brutal. Parisian' Apache;
Dupont, suspects a moObleg. •Par
• consisting of the'American, -Whitaker
*ink; his secretary, Phieuit; ihelat-
--qer's'blether, Seiles,'and'-the Count
• and Countess de Ltiegnes;"De I.orgnes
is, murdered by ,Dupont. Lanyard,
tearching Paris, finds the countess.
He learns her real name is Liane De-
Jolene and believeslhe has the jewels.
Joseph Veit°
ems intonational mabazuto cc-pany
belletibered. neat -hole through the
windshield between the heads, 'ef -Vane,
Delo:rule' and Jules: The woman slip:
ped. down 'n'tion the ,floor ahd, Jules
crouched over the Wheel. Lanyard.,
fingered his automatio but held its
Instead, he, turned. to the hincle
hainPer . and Opened .it. In the bot-
tom of the baeketlaY•eix,pint bottles,
of champagne; ftiltir of them unopened.
-LanyardloOketherif'to the: -rear -seat
arid found the gray Gar had drawn upi
to within. fifty. yards Of its prey.
Making a -pace better than seventy
miles per 'belie, it Would net dare
He,entera her house to discover -the slverve*
W.e15; and Xrids, her being, throttled Tle first empty bottle broke to one,
to ,d4Mth by Dupont; .whona he routs side. the 'wand sclintFEilit
between. te
after a' terrific'fight which he is
Liene . insists he stay
. . fitrethe, night. • ' .
front wheels. Hegrasped the first
fall bottle by the neck and felt that
it weight 'premised. More acetletiey,
but ,' thicked before attempting to
throw it as a vdll'ey'ef, shote sought
„'•• ' • •
•: to disceutege At .the first lull
:g".0Pge"cf stArtled laceg: viaS all he • rdse -arid dast the bottle . with the
•,,,theylied. . Jei1es teucheed e..the Ihead- .averha,ndeic_tioneemployed in grenade
• light7swifeh and opened tfia chant. . throwing. it crashed fairly beneath
Aheize the rearing, of thelettee Lane, the nearer forward whe,e1 of the gray
'Iyard fancied he could hear .a faint car, but 'without eireet... The lend had
,,rattling ,.gii,:iepited, back siTIslebeenahridied.te thirtY,3•744s;_ia't12"1.0.
. grimly. •' Sharp, • short liameei'ininntes more. it would be nothing. '
. ...'Of orange and scsielet Were. stehtlegi ,The fourth bottle went Wild, but
• Oe darkness: .$otAebodY had oporiedIthe 'fifth 'exPleded •siic inches in front
• fire with an automatic 'of the ,ffside ''and its- jagged
•Scheer waste of animunitiOnl • [fragmentsripped, out the: heart of
The pace waxed terrific ear a,road, thee tire. On the instant of ‘.the rie-
'se many roads' of France, ap-1
parently 'inter -Minable and straight. ,
• And yet !Ong beforethetoad turned- .
•Lanyard, staring astern as he krielt
on the rear :seitteevith-atme-cressed"
ene thefolded top, eaiv the tiv-G•White ,
, eyes of the gray car, swing into view •
inclistart in pursuit. •• Quick work, he
. He crawled forward and eommuni-
'ented his. news.. •
-• "Don't ease- up unless you have'
'• to," he '.eOunseled;, "don't' think We
•• • •ikaz....givo then' an„
r- Reek ,:at his post*” of ''observation,
he' 'Watched, hoping „against hope,,
while., the ear:' hinged 4 and tore like
mad thing through the night, snor-
ing Up .grades, screaming dowatheM,
.'druriniaing neeosi the levels„ clatter-
. 'frig. wildly through' yillage eriel ham- •
•_ , etre . 4 ..„. y _ 11
lets: nos heart sane as nu it 0,14.4.!-
• ed •relOowed.. mile, •
"and elev the lights of the pursuing
Car lost to sight froin time tie time,
reappeared with ..a brighter; fiercer
low, and • convietion forced itself
• borne that they were:being gradually
but surely Ovethatiled: • •' , ',; •:
•• He took this intelligence to the eae,
• of Julee. The chauffeur "answered
only with a worried shake of his head
•that said too eilainly yas •doing
his •best extracting every- °rine° of
power. from the '
• Less than, three hundred yriedte sep:.
• .arated pursu4deand pursuer as they
raced out through • opf,?.n fields: 'once
more.; And teat hy.feet •this lead was
" being ineeioreblY cit • .
• In the seat heeide the driver ef. the
- gray car a,man rose and; Steadying
hithself by hcAdieg' onto the' wind-
shield,' ponied ft.ut thie"toilterite of an.
automatic, preeumably • hoping to
puneture the tires of the quarry. A
Jules OPened.the exhatist. •
eorapanytpg blow-out he bray. ce
shied like a frightened 'horse and
swerved offthe road, burtlitig head -
:long into .a clump 'Of trees.- The sub-
se-I:feel-it. crash waS like the detonation.
of a great bomb. shadows
Masked ' that . tragedy `beneath the
trees. Lanyard saw the beam of the
headlights lift :and drill perp'endicu-
larly:.into*, the ;zenith before it was
blacked mit. • , .
:He turned and 'yelled,in •the oar of
.Jele4:.."Slow down'.• Take your time!
They've quit!" . • . • • .•
Vane' Delorree roP from. her
cramPod poeition on• the floor, • •
"What has bacorae of. them?".
11.,anytted Offered -a i>aglif!. gestere.
. tried to climb a tree," he re-.
plied ev,earilys arid. dropping back on
the •rear seat be••;rin to worry the cark
• . out: of' Diet bottle of iham-
paget:', „ ' • * •
•• tett:lotted he had parded a drink
if yie; tly Veil had. • •
"My dear friend!" ha said in his
ehteuld havo beguete.ee grow ehicitme
Oeut PIO,
"Yoe Would have had geteNeason,
moneleur. .rt is not two, hours. sin.iet
one has elieaPed death -end that for
the secencl time in a single
the slenderest Margin, and thanks.
EWsiely ,to..thie gentlemen here." ,
Mtink coneented to. see Lanyard' era
iminediately'efferedhini.p preferirid
salute, 'which„ was :printitliously re-
turned.. HiS'',eyelerow,s Mourited ',ids', the
rocts of his hair, • • ,•' •
4‘A1l• that geedliffeesieuto Duehes:
Lianelaughed-, It ,is.
'tene, the reeembleece is .striking; if
Patel ,would .consent -to grow. a beard,
it '..wOuld: be'extraordinary,-
p•eepiit me,:, Captain Monk;tO Present
my:brother, Peel Delorme." . • e
"Your. "bretheree niatleknoiselle?"
The educated eyeibrowseexpreetted any
.numberOf ,entotionss eMenles hand
was .Cordially extehded. "Hut I am
eitchEinted;rMeheieur Delerme,•th
come onboard' the: Sybarite • the bro4,
thee of your, charming Metter," •
Lanyard resigned limn fingers to
hitt 'clean. -
"And most- public-spirited of you,
sure, Captain Monk" An, -
other bow. Lanyard looked to Liane:
"Forgive me' if I ,eeern confused, but
I thought you told 'me Mister Whit-
aker Monk had palled for AniteriCa a
'week'age," •
"And so he did," the captain agreed
blandly. • "Mr, Monk, the 'owner, is
my first cousin. You see in me merely
the skipper of my -wealthy 'IcinsMan'tt
"And your two names are the Smile
-yours and '.your cousin's? You're
both Whitaker Monks?" ‘. "
"It IS a 'favorite naine in our fain-
ily, inonsieur."
, Lanyard vir^7ed his head in sol-
eMn•adinira.V•••••,:. ' • •••
:"That mak, it all go' elear!"'
• "Well, anyway, I'M glad to meet
you to your, here face," said 'Monk.
'And n9W,suft,p9se Wee adjourn ,to the
kipp-er's qearters, Where:we can irn7
prove One another's acquaintance
• ,Laniard remarked that there, were
places .laid for four. He had been.
exPC-CWd, N�ither firif
Phinuit ,..had 'betrayed the 1ea.t sur -
.prise on seeing Lanyard:; and.'phinuit,
lad. liiiot even troubled .to recognize
the •fictirin:Wli;ch :Liiiife •hadeuttfred
in accounting .or him.:.
• Liane had got her second wind and
was playing.yariatiOne On the theme
of the famous ' siic . betties ..of • chain.-
p'agne. ,, Lanyard lounged in his.eagy
chair and let his • bored, thoughts
wander. : '' e . '.
. , .
: Lanyard finiilly, broke in: "Who is
Dirrint; and Why?'? ' ' .• : • • .•
•---,--",11- -yotei-e. ,asidug-Inei'.' Monk-'ree
plied; ,"I'll, say -going on ,niademoi-
,eelle's Story-Monsieur:Dupont Ls by
now a ghest:"..,..- , ,. • • ..- ..
' "One .would be ',glad ' to be :Sure' of
that,". Lanyard murnieeed....
"But. all this begs iny question,"
Lanyard objected.. "Who' is Dupont,.
and• whet'?" • • • • , • ,
. . .:
• "T think T can answer that geese
tion; rnonaieur.":: This was Liane'De-
"I iesegnized idni ',I thre" .:Mertiing,
when ,You were struggling With .hirn..
His name is popinet." . , , • • .
, "There was ..:PPopinot in Payie in
xrby -.dayr they nicknamed °: him :the
;Prince 'cif the Apache -tie --Eat le eivaS
an older in,ari, and, (lied by thegeilloe
tine. This POpinot who calls himself
Dupont. then, must be his son."
'That. IS. true, monsieur." . , ..
-"All of 'whicle.bririg0:'•Ps 6 -the sec-
-end part-of.ney,cfeestion, Lipase: Why.
DuPont?" , • , •
"•. Liana 'shrugged, and studied • her
bedizened -fingers:: , The heavy black
brows. cireurneflexed Monk's eyetie•and
•he dreW•doWn thecorner Of his wide
emouth. ,Phirtuit fixed an 'arnueedgaie
.on a l';distant 'Cerner of the room and
chewed his' cigar: , ' ' , ' .• •
"Why did':Dupont-or - •Popinet,"
Lanyard Perslitedee",inurder de Lorg-
hitt? - -Why . did he try •• to -• murder
Madenioiselle ,Delortee,? 'Whir did he
seek to .preeent.ope reaching Cher-
botirg?'' • s , " • , ' • ' • '
' "Give ,you three guesses," Phintiit:
Offered aniiehlY. :`','Ilut T weir!'" you if
you Use more' tharielifie you'll forfeit
I my 'respect' forever.," ' ' • , •
_ . e
."./ou admit, then, you have Oh
jewels?"". ." .' •
' "Why not?" Phintiit inquired eq61-
ly, i'We took trotaile 'enough to get,
theiee'don't' you think?, You're takt"
Mg troeble A:none' 6 get there away
from vs,t'aren't yoil? You:don'i'viant
U5, to think you se stupid AS to be,
wasting your time; do` yell?"
Te'rl Minutes" afler their arrival in ' ' 'Hie imperturbable effrontery was
. . .
Cherboerg, •Liane.Lanyard eed Tulbe so 'amusing that Lanyard laughed mit-
elle:51; darted iip a gariprplailk te theirrght, Then, tureieg to Vane; he
,i main deek\clilf a email Stevan vessel lettered her a.eeratcrier in„clinatioh of
Whytilis is
My Old Stritidbfi:
We,,use it at our
6:Use eitery.0ay.
children Juat love
. • '
Cll P'.r IT. •
nt.R;C:A.Net,it1,i4o A ,j,A
New $4Ation8 Ready
This Year—Last •
• Empire
.134,1443,4s/rho wireless 1:I 110115, 1)no.
at Poonit,Ind eakithey'et tihottti,.‘1:1011"i
are helageerected.,hy• the hinetvet
PabY' for thoeIntliten, Ratite ',p.iteettpli.
'Caine:ape' 'ere, neztrly.,:chtiteteted,' 0%4
140 tlhe, antiolPaied theenl
044:tama thieSar:tleaelaeelIttk.in thh
lutert”,lt. Atbutied ': by aitio
..4„ik.1. It s. ().1).1.,'1.( -)i -)a. Szir-':_ I,. alf(7m---:'-...-...-:
...twa,.1,k, or w,,..1.1141 litteti 'tioOn ",',11:014•:"--7,-.
, st.N'ttt Ito itcoits. moot ot •th-rm liad,
' t..":'7.!tik:t...‘',1\:::titt"'xl‘tt:tlilitili,l,:;•vitisildfills.t1;1117.4!1"10,414";:",
d,, Ion' tvgititirs yvlt h 'a deep but •
v-,,:,$•43.?, th41'rI,;•1.on or•tho :groift divii040.,...;
• •, ' t's ll,!ti.:rot'ot t 0•1' . ti IC pi otod, tim , 00(4 al.**, -
.. V! 'i4h: 411...t$,ri. to.' opoyil'itiv.lrikli440,1"itn.:-
•..lh$,,,s.S. Nit' 'hts iiiorY .telKlit ,.1140,0..r.er4d;
'..4.,,,,,,0,4t...4.,. r.,1,10.Nri.i; , .. •,, ..• •-, ' ' . :':;
' N%,\."iir 'tho •oliii.veu.. (lea Cailiz'oo Itina,, -
,mviwr417:Nvire.lopt eilmir.Avits.ho,eout,-.0)1410,,wAop.,-,th,,..tot,„, ,..,t,t.>:\t. ttigr .. • ,;,
ge-intfod, 4ik,:,the- .O.-ther;.,Stations% :rot,. ,ini.',eitiiini- `. wtiN-i, Otszi...viiT.:Ait.•-•. li,,,,z•"*":7-,cv-1,17---"‘. ., -'1.:4`,"::•,!,'"..k44, ik.4-1',',44-4:..wt,i',',1.,'j,..iNLJP(......4„,.11T.,-,t''Kit, , w•..„." -„H,'„...-....4
.thei., melee, :feet,* neer.... In ..43,04e.o.t.esn. , o• vioi, , ite00,, -.0,,,k,..,„ .it.v.rt„.,..1,• ... ......- skw c".4ross, iNtypii, tvitio-itao intorte, a
:tr4v TrIlii:taftt.4141:8•74's!t,' fasYjaptrek'tn. xtilt 1,9noos148tiv . i..11t1'.'.4'...k.).°)Ote° Tth.1*...•et'tt't•s<4...-$.- tIti,. 4. r‘,:,.'.:-.:4:...,-• .sq•4;4'1''tt: ‘,,.4.';' 1:1:'.:1,-:-4.!;1)1',;I'ill.!.1. ''''It'il 74".:711?I'llir''.
. , ., .,„ §, 9 • 0, • e tetteeve ,„-Mtti.titr .•estsee-‘,..e•.--- etc eeteeeese e • , .e. , . .. 0
reteivieg etationet lehon,d,..,Whie4::.147.,$.11,g''*kirttioltitii.' kteeetea teees,,,e,,,,,,,,e • \ie., .'ee'f ''fk.ee, 'roli`s..e. k'!It.Sr Al lc refueea
about. 50 ralleefreni PeOnia; the . tot mu I, $iviiitiviA; 'Ati4" h.,,t..0 .;,,,v,1„..t.,i$, v„,,.0.,,*,10,tekl ..le4litee were born; .weee.
PO4.t.i..1.179e., to41)49*,, lattlflIt'46erit.4400,tiiieeriiit.-itittlint,•401i0i.,;,gootla...1.?!..;‘it:Tit::Ht:.zair4:11:..A,Z.tk,,,s;.%.7,,i:tA., i:t.N4..:,,:ttl. \IT.1,..44*kli;;314'...' ,L.:;11,4.i..W.., ..• . s' 4011-4:17 .6004,144.
1.8,114141111P41 0400n 64 'Cr.11/1101y; ..0H. ',.1-"."(eir t¼4 .t $4-,'N‘.Ag.4 ..`A"vre-... 4''*..1h..'01 .41 ,t3itill'ill.r ..9:ttill.PEI. ;4,ftire.•
' he...P. 07n4.4e. t,rtinevsint,iptntlitit e‘2e2,,totojeateet,,, „tie;;,,tttit';y1114;..e.;etts lik•• t„i-,;„51. :a. .1.. •",,,,,j0,.,..74, -t„. 0.;t:,,,,..twili; .0:h'oeizktt..,,_ ,vpcit,i7otrtettist7114..",.,1,1,e. crtiagooed• l'1;qx.;,,t,•"" "rt„- ,.
,fitibo.fu v.. a ote4..i*:ia: ..1.e.,,,,,ilel, eh. 0,,lw-e.;..,..se.-. • '1•0:..,•ioci, ::::,•,, '6,.. 1741:4,1 7,4,4.ts:97' 'P":;',,'' \::''. '.'t,4',C;V:l'nOt: d'I'Ved '1.itto' the. ' Sil"siefes-.
there ' ii ' ' . '' . - - • ••'' ' '.• S-... .'": !4',•4:‘...`V. 4*,..'*441''', '....:ic, •-i•,' • i ''• '.'" ' ' •,' -•-‘,s , - ' ' •• -
ere a could be act obsteue- :Nettling et, that. te.e4ifeatter.it :See eiJen...- '..-41.i'le . t'Vt miseet • cteeteerifto eat. the ..
til, .11e ut. eeeceeee. e seeee„,-. 4 eteerheittiet ever his w.t.a., akmixot•
oast ,y4.44,.. ttxs rszs* s.s, ,,,:s.,;.ms.w4.4.1yan., . Diving a secondliinwhe
gaie,,ed,, . -reeve „,,..,.._ ,,i..ee0e. e...e.,,e.1444.„„.w,. .444,:g..r4 , the lteipiete and, eitt he , bad
, ,e,., .i.e.e,..eee. .1"Veleeture bo.'ittleon, eeitain death,
in. the direqt lino Of the bed The" Mee Ot the tekx'ttet.,, t,..\\!!‘tra*1 '.1116. 61.16111 PY*1:1°d
acreage at prettent ntilitied for the.
haildin,gs and aerial, system demo not
exceed 20, but a considerable area has
bee.•apPortioned :foe fuiy- future. :axe
tensions, which may he ihadeee, -'• '
. The MaeocnitcoMparty are endeavor'
ing to have these stations ready for the . ,
totria‘011c.fezte*baott:eee meadrifeinstt/ripeoeS:b:.pllinit: :eat: '
pedThti.t. bbiii,t touches:laae: be,* • .1w.. ,
eeeesege ie•sent firere7B)Seenif-blyt.itloett su*.).ed 111-t° 44'ieP
'don'ovkir st4e new syeteah. theinseteee .Miteph." Ridge, lea., deer And
Inereddetioireto theeetetritiees. ortheetfoWiewGrileelesh .rOght-tgreetiLei.' • .6ther •
TiViealor66gralleib'egarn7ennyY' •twilb4O ..61..r47:1447i'‘i:i.tr4t;;t1141.camps were mado
wba:i :,
eiittord leented: a beetle:tad.. of •
,excetteiliely it and Smart, ..• t •
"Madentoittelleyou have. ketit yems
'groin) se•,,- Many than kii,"
'"Ireiro!". ' cried-. 'Phil -mit "Whet'
prorniscD; • , !
441viOnsitittr Lanyard, desired n favor
of mei' Lianeeexplained„ lier good
heinor reetoved; "in• return r-07 saving
merrom tiesassination hy Popinot this
mornings he begged me to help:him -
find sthe jewele, of Madame de' Mon:
• ; ..-
-Latlytird-Alittroi6:0-4)4yoolf to Li
'ane: "Do I understand the jewels. are
f‘Th tide teibiii."
• ' • ' "(To. he. Contihutd4)• „..,
, •
• No :so me -tropical oaten trio' the fii4ni ,
wear hardly any clothes,",.; says .
writer, 'frn
low effehiatet
Treat corns with Niiiiartes: Linirnenter
•,:Lanyard **tenet! :short ': With • hie
hand' on the:,,,mahegany handrail.
my, Liane! . haven't we stumbled
into the Wrenn- pew? This -is. a pre
vete • yecht."
I -"ft -'1`s tildP :Of a, dear,
' frincl‘ nonqeur4 who generously per-'
ltit '�i
shall kficw,, •
A &kV hatil 0g -oiled in the par-.
titien, 'two/h-ien had 'entered.' 'Above
the • white: •tunie and troakets of. a
thip'4-Officr h recognimdi,thc--tragi-
-edniic Mask ' 'of • ' the etiof-dlitint • Mr.
Whitaker' Meek. , At his, shoulder
•shone the..hIstad,,.. intelligent :rounten,..
ance.of Mr. Phinuit. •-• •
, ,Protri. this- late: leatiyaed ',velvet]
goodenetured. Mid, While Monk pto-
, teethed direetly to Nand Delornie and
• ' •
Phis beceraing •sinick 'Will he fOlind ern-Meaf of inclia, conitentolate a futtne-errinitiicee-t?-e-pe:ee e!,..4.,lzezetee tee:ei,:eet nursed it deep flesh wound .
equally 'useful for Wear at home or extension of their system for comMuie- yen eseeeneeee. i•e-",ree-le€ stil4a116 Ne8.18.3 refugeerefugeehad
te,• -
bnainessand is simply fashioned in cation witlt Auetralia, Saps/111nd ••. esking. ber teee exd him idtho lutod.
.14eepeeees. for. India ands'llitrma, and
whO :will ; operate Dedel
Systera under coneession from ,the Gov-
. .
ene' piece with a, centre front closing Afal• -
ea -
and. slight gathers at. the bust.. Cele-
tra,sting material' may be effeetivebre' slea-c7these .----7Boc'ming:e ,
used for the convertible collar, wrist-'. "In a, little•roora ' in. the : Espaeols
banda,finishing the long sleeves; and Hotel; on Saturday night, nerthere on -
upper portiOn of .the patch nocketse fertile' newestchild of Sportdiam ,Opthe
Ni. 1330 in size -s 3_4, 36, 33,40,A2 rite befeg„44
and 44 inches bust. :Size 36 requires( hoping, ofebelstering ulp faint. heatts
8 te, : yards 36 -inch material, and % ' and Of ..disznissing. and' senoot,hing out
yard eontrasting... 20 cents. •
• ezeeseelle,e. .
=e• 747.2-4'
Our Fashion :Reek, 'illustrati rig: the.
„ _
newest teed most practical styles, Will
beof intereStto every home dressmaker. Pelee of the book 10 Cents the
Write your name end addreSs
giving number and size ot0 each
patterns as you want,- Enclose gOc th
stamps or coin,. (coin Preferred; wrap
it eareftilTY)- for each number and
address your' order to Pattern Dept.,
%Vilson. Publishing Co., 7.3 West Ads.
Lai& St, Texorto, Patterns, sant hy
return nmll' •
• •
Three 0 A C Professors Ate,
Given Silver Services.
Guelph, Ont --An- event 1,7Thich is
Probably unique in the annals of the
Ontario Agricultural 'College Wee. the
Presentation of eiliret tea services to
three •Of, the oldest inerebers of, the
staff of the institution, who, are re:
ting tlus yey Thy are Di 'C. Az
Zavitze head of the field husbandry
department; Mr. S. Springer, bursar,
and Prof John Evans of the wood-
workingedepertmente who were hon-
ored by their fellowrnernbers ,a the
faculty andsetaff in the Faculty Club
roOrns in the War •Memorial 'Hall."
The gathering wes honored by the
presence' of :Hon: John S., Martin,
Minister of • Agriceltere 'fee Ontario,
who, before, the close of the little
ceremony, , Spoke briefly, referring to
the .great setvice which the Supet-
animeted gentlemen had rendered to,
Ontario' and to 'Canade.." Following
the serving of afthrnoon tea, Presi-
dent J. B.; Reynolds spokee. •••.•' , .
Mietard's Liniment ter, dandruff.
• '
• • " • -et
Prize Cremi.Got Dkunk. •
Vancouver; B.C: Following
AtateMent thht forty ,caies of )iquol.•
of 'the cargo Of the :Federalship,
cently released 'from seVeure.„et sal')
Frandisco, attention' bee beenr,draWn
to -the affidaeit of Captain 8, S. Sttrie
of the vessel mede during coert Pro-
ceedings 8t the Golden' Gate. to the
effect that after the seizore cpf. the
veeeel far, off the California "ctiaet,
mernbti of the American prize &els,'
got drunk en the, licfuoe ;while brides
ing the ship to port.
If your hick Isn't what it -,iirhould be,
Write:a "p" in front of and tiy again.
• te yeeleyof the;;Atchafalara.
wing tliretigh•sevainp!,dietrIcts •
.-tee-ae.eame...bands ef'out-laels .looked
fereate to siarvattori: or wurreader.:
eepreee euerdete •them from ' the :
e•-; • hee, • food. •igriew • conetantly •
Rscue moult prison.
- 11leteicitoiis. •,tebove
eliehe*area hy beat. 1..
.se!stel: le 'giant two With ,
.•"e'C't "V,Se gn!ons; destroyed 45
holcliiig • 1 On 1gu,iions or '
, It depends largely' on the flour you use: VoT:*':
you'll welcome this suggestion, ---.try Puti'tv.„
Flour,--inade :from the finest 'Western,
c• ooks say Purity Flour 'is best for cali,:e§„,_pie;4421zt.17.,LL,4-1,i...._=
4nd .3oc it•4 :14finpf for oiir'7007recfpe,Plirio, Fliza
%Volitern danadii•• Motor MsUc Co Limited. Toccata; Caf:can.
!"•-ee. ,
"Well, there goes twenty-severehotes this areveseeet-
.. Want to stop --are yquilvet-
"I should say not! Do YOURS ever set wet etre-A,
, you've polished them with I
li1qiidhittl ,Madison, • Ise...
SW:OP1 thiQugh tho finest.
,§reencis."•.on the continent
The.,re itb and ,Fleod
eee ..i.eteeetor joilit M Paeker used :
to hunt(' quail, • deer,•.beers;
.. •
eateeers and Frank l!o1kingtorebent." tee
..;"ter.• -t1'enisc'es be .hit witha
etee¼.tt4 t 'ric per hitThe00
f the $4' to
fund ; set gprigerle, • '•• '
•Pfilladol,phia; Ohio, the New
Li \[inisrtili Aseediet4oe .;
Se'ritley theairical perform -
Peed ben:ailt: as “hanc:2•'',
ot dOling' evil for tile no • •
t1 ().1.49, a fl1t7bOtion1ed ,
had • Seen •seeei ee: it1,111021 flcxd w is .-
1,ra.t I-.
if!..11.,Pe•:,'D•L11) IN 19.13--1r9
int -NOW!'. .•
• .0,
e: /Jae Inundated. by tie:d
f.!e't.iite=••• editiltOSto) 45
redo: ntreehases
• •.. •
need's a"iva0gat." f r averi de4etze.,•!.4
. North .Carelifia A*Onne , ••rPte..irt , •
• With eccomrtod4qctii*Ter 250 gyests.. Ali r•:::•-•:-..1'1••••
",t,wo to tix rerun 2p4rttnenrs ei!rulcble an•
'4 ,,eliiteilcan Plan • • ,
, A' teStiee n rsvot•li5 the,. (Citation—Inn h1 Trf.
• eientse in ate •center res'ort. ' . • .
•, • • ,Forteitt:atldinfornat;sn,
• A. O. .17ettuoltle ,ec 11.
' ;11,91',g1fitri •
Great doctors theiworld over agree'''
on one thing 'anyway, and that is
alp you want to be healthyrcook
all vegetibfe..irby steatril", 'teal
advice. ' .
• Steatning cooks die food and leaves all
1o* hedth's'sake there should be:an
SMP Vegetahle Cookee in every ppn-
frV Made of enduring, china•pure SUP
13natheled Were, by._ ,
IlitSi4ERT 741iTAI: PltebliC•rge..0; 0Fr.:CuAgrdA;
.tosor'ero• -istititietet
retipwroll vANcouviss •CALOARY
' •nt
el..(--;flued.:Prater S tried '
AV° inen Were ,
. • ' y held 'wit,11;
•• ulthrO 'ell Tetl • With
• •••••1,oltd fowte. Other
(ewe front sure -Mile,:
, ho, wat eir lly fet
• • t.! rn'4l1 81 r001.S..,,IIIIthbtt-: •
palte le'ft. 'Hut tele-
• ye; their switchboards
• . eee,..keet, • t• tiek to, •tlir
• • e'oen•eittieue,..
J..etepod ItOtige,
. 111)24 Ichiclue ,
e (11e1,1PI:Y 41)j),1,44
,Wft t isrs:' The,.
41' 91,..111:rrO11evilie,
1,4tir..(1 tonefelloW's
. ere sit)42llti the Itimed '
• ,r;:, Nviltivo'" tuore,
•4 1 t
1::1...f .f;()1.UIV1131A
r.:( rtiri.,,tr,!,. (y 010,11111-
: ;:1,,,11.0:,;pic :1):: 0.11i:4(.171(;tx 60 ttiiildt- • ;
::::. t' ti 1 :: - tvi ,r,_', 4 ,Y1 (.1 ..-4il 4(1 : II 4---'1 i,y it: 1,1; i,i1 iv : i ri IR', il; ,11 , . (8 Ls. ' 8 )1"1 v4 :I' :.1 --. ri t.t 4 : 1 in. 1, i , oft :111 11. r ,'111 --°I 11•14;6e 31 t II,'; - - --':
:,,,:: ;''r.'" i'r 111 fl;t1.'it11':'71:14'4'"C" titiliel--;-
,,,,,,..? i,:,_74,,r .1:1,, if.; ,„ti, 01,,v.i4:111,1(f It\bVil,*ibtro.:..,._ _
. 0 4 .,Iti !AWN', r iiii:Iitti(M,
r 'di fq(10414 in 14P..'. Cbint
' r , 1 . P: 4 * MOM, N4111 a
i. 1.'':11t4kitk:1it: /r$:r i1t()1411111144I1g1t: ' '
(4t A- ' 1414..10. * tor ilititnvom Per.•' •
' f., "pi' l',4,144", litle4sinflt.