HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-06-02, Page 1,?.•••' • • , ;2.00. PER YEAR IN "AlierANISII; $2.$11 OTfliWIU • fh ' • . • •••• , OTIT.,.TH6113DAY 'TUNE 2nd, 1927..., smtql,E COPIES ,5 tErrs • PROFESSIONAL CARPI. S. '• Dr. W. 'AL Ceniiell • • • Phyiican aid. *Ogre, Luckaow • , • Haunt 2-4. 7-4 ' Phone • ' • DENrIlIST • - Dr.. MacLeod Will Visit *Tarr" ; .Tuesday o in • Dr, onsialrai , aaa,-----,-ereeea • , 7 'DENTIST ' Dr. R. L. Tralenven, • Ltiekitoiree, ()Ver. 1)ickerli, St or .• Extrietiiat *Muir by. gas Or local. Will his * Dungsnnon avert Thlandil1flitone55, • O LOCAL AND GENERAL 101 •Mire! Mira Vii spent limit week : • . Thursday, Friday, Safarday-,.Big. Days. at The Walker Store. ,• • Mias-lattora Mit4hell crIrerentd metaUn- Lversity,is home for thearOmMer., ".. Best vale in Merits Women's and Children!ii Shoes -at W. 1 Little's •Shoe 'Store... • ••• :•• ; „ at 'her haute here., • • . DENTIST • _Can Dr. Newton Make appointment • In 'office everyday ' F.L. Darrow has „beer! appointed issuer of liquot -permits fOr Goderich and district. ' Mr. Norman Paterson; wait , over from Detroit to 'spend the week -end at his 'borne here. . Mrs, K. •MacLeod, who• spent the winter in New York City, has re- turned to her home here. , , • . • Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins of Stratford.; were recent visitors with 'friends on the 2nd of Kinloss; • • 11-0--70-4-0-0-4•;--0-41-0-0 II EVERYBODY'S COLUMN . 0 0'070 - GOO. A. Sid‘11, LneknOw, Bradt and Real Estiite..-.-Money to lend or first Mortgages on farm proper - ales at 6 and 6'4 per cent aceordine .o security offered.' , Also splay : amounts on second mortgages on • farm; properties, •and, on personal ltotes. A few good taring' for sale, • i• --sae-a--a-- WALL PAPER . MY stock of Wall Paper is eorri- plate for 1927. Prices from 8c., up; I am also agent for leading job houses. J. Cameron, Decorator; Painter • and Grainer, Box 17.4, Lueknow. • For Sale -A number' of window and storm sash with glass In them • Apply to D. C. Taylor. ." Wall Paper -Canadian made, best ,-quality. «,Prices from 1.0e. to $2.00. pood workmanship guaranteed. Samples ,shown at your home ;or at residence of Phillip . Steward, paper hanger and . deco -rater. ' (g4-2-tf.) EGGS, AND BABY *CHICKS ' Get "my price list before ordering Barred Rock or. White Leghorn Baby. ' Chicks or eggs for hatching. ,Incuba- tors or brooders at right prices. Cus-, • tom• hatching done.- Duncan -Ken- nedy. Whdeeburch, Ont , • • . (24-2-tf.) • Five Passenger Car for, sale at a :•bargain. Will refinish it, and give two extra tires and tubes,' chains, • 1927 license. Battery run one -sea- son. If you want a cheap car, sei • rae.-4. Robertson, Lucknow. (2-6400) • ' , Astray,•-•Canne to the • piernisee of the undersigned, Lot' 7, ,Cort. 2. Kinlossk one pig. Owner- may have . same ,on proving property and paying expenses. -Roy MaoInnes, R.R. -6, Lucknow. , • (2-6-100) • BABY -CHICKS- AND EGGS FOR - HATCHING i• • ' 'We have what You want in S. C. • White Leghorn Baby 'Chicks and Egg a• for hatching -the best, • from large stock, producing large numbers, ° 'ef large eggs. • Baby Chicks; June, 12c. each. Eggs for 'hatching, 4c. each. Order early to ensure a supply. --Elmer J. Farrish, Lucknow, R R. 7. .Dirngannon, Phone 82 -ring -21 ' (16-6-c) Young Pigs For Sale -•--Apply to .Phillip -MacMillan, just east of Luck 'now. AUCTION SALE, ' 'The household effects Of Mts. Mary 'Black, Kinloss Village,will he'aold• by ° public auction at her residence, :on Mender., June 6th, • boinniencinerat .. 1.30 o'clock. The residence .and .Tots will also he offered for sale -,--subject to reservedbida-JOhn pima's; Au& 7 Mrs, W.: Martin was in Toronto last week, and attend' the graduation ,ex-• excises at the General Heapital. ' Mr, Thomas Webster of Glamis, was last ;week a visitor' with friends' aliout Lucknow an St, Helens. • A number of school reports •receiv- -ed thia week' are unavoidably , held over. They will appear next • Week. '. Three • Rig iDays at . The Walker Store this week: Crime and save.: ' Messrs. John •and • Walter lVfacKen- ariek motored over from Detroit and WiiTitar-7.taith---LochTli rill and: Lucicnow .friends. • - • M.r. and •Mrs. R.014, R.fre:,nd•dugh; ter, Margaret, spent part- of last week ...with friends in Kingsville, , , Windsor and Detroit. • • ''We .notice -that • Miss Helen Craw his :beep suCcessful in passing her exam S at Toronto University, Win- ning' her .B.,Sc. degree in Medical re- search werk. ' Mr. and Ms Donald Lowe motored over from • DefFeit on • Saturday and spent Sunday with Luelcnatv and, kin- ioaa friends. Dir. :is helping to get Out the "CheV.'", cars. • • . The death is reportea. from • San Diego,. California; of Mra. W. JoI7 liffee. Mrs,. Jcilliffee was 31 years ;of age. " Mr. and .Mrs:Jolliffec will he remembered here frOni 1910 to 1913. On Sunday' next; June the fifth, tire fifty-third anniversary services wfl be held in SL . Peter's ' Anglican ..Church, Lucian:ow The • T. ..preach, at both services Many automobiles-bearing-Urild States ::licenses were in Western On- tario on .Saturday and SimdaY.• Mon- day being a public holiday in Uncle • Sarn'a domain, gave; many a chance foil a 2. -day outing; A 'umber of local news budgets received last weelc failed to appear in The Sentinel on account Of :being tOo late. The rural mail couriers had a .initiday on Tuesday, and budgets ' delivered on Wednesday afternoon eannot be Used. w, On account offthe District Meeting - the Women's •Institute ' being Changed from Imre 15th to June 10th theregular monthly meeting will be held this Friday, June, 8rd instead the • 2nd" Friday, at the ,horne ot Mrs AUCTION SALE 00 LUMBER" The lumber in the sheds at Miller's PNivel pit will be offered for sale by r blic , auction On :Saturday, June 11. •Salle to cainnieriee 'at 4 o'clock pane The lumber • consists . • of one -inch 'hoards; planks 216, 28 and 2k10 in. new when the sheds; were erect- ed •last surnmer,' ' 'TERMS -All soma of $10arid un- der, crish; over that amount 6 months'. credit on approved notes, or 'a dia-• count at, the rate of VA tier annum . allnwed for eash on credit sums.- . , , FOR SALE • . , 'One 131rie Bird. 'Electric Washieg • • Mrte*e. One Electric.- Carpet Sweei,per. One MeClary'a .-Electric Ranke. ,•• Above first class . cendition,Inspection invited...:-.-koh'7w. ;•ert J.ohnaten.' ; • • . (9-ttc),'" • IZEvI$10k. Notice is hereby' given that . Coot to hear and determine •the nq- penTh :against the- •aaaeaament roll '...fOr :the Village Of TalektiOar•tor the year • 1027 Will lie held. in • the • Ilounail '•Chninber in the Tiawriliall, 1 nekriove.1 • Orr Tuesday the 1.4th• .(foy et • :Tune; 1,921;,rtt, 8, eetoelt. P.M. '' • All peraons"iire-bereby ',heti:bed *,•„,te, • gevern, therneelVerr aecordieglr,° AgneW' Clerli. . . • T. S. Reid. A:large attendance -is: re quested • _ ,•• :CoMe, to the Leeknow Town Hall on Monday evening, June the • 6th, and enjoy the anceesaful eomedy-dra- nia "Cheer -Up,• ;Chad," This play will be presented by the Bervie and Kingarf, A.Y.P.A.. under the auspices Of tha•Ladies'-' Aid. of St. 'Peter's An- glican' Church, laicknow, PREPARE TO ptaint:ATO Residents of laleigle* are .request- , „ • . w, ed to ;makepreparations for.. the splendid decoration:a:a their* homes': dji1ae .of iniainearen J'ply- The committee• 'of, ''citizens haying' ,charge of the jubifde celebration • 'is. arranging' for elaborate. street deer - atter, befitting the occasion, but : to Make: the _town decoration 'a:real suc- cess, 'folk inuat. look after their, own* homes. A ,profusion• of flags an col- or -0,D !Mating will go -far to add tc. the beauty of the town and Make the • ode/Mien, a success.. - YOUNG FOLK TO TAKE, PART IN. JUERME CELEBRATION , In connection with the Jubilee 'ot Confederation Celebration.' at Luck - :now on July. lst a feature' of the merriing program will be ' a. mass' meeting in Caledonia Park with • a program 'specially designed to onter- tain and interest young people. The school teachers in the surrounding township's are being asked to „en- deavor to have their 'pupils • attend in as large numbers as possilde. Wom- • en's Institutes toe; Will be invited to take Part in the demonstration. -There will be community singing of some of the, well-known wpatridtie songs; a" few patriotic speeches andfield sports for beys ;and girls. The nation-wide celebratien Will be largely with.a view to prOmeting, the spirit of patriotism in the. young. and 'every • effert will he made to have • as many' beya anr.L.girls ' freni town and country take „part in, it, GETS-pOpicoNIIsr-,7-II:ATTON On graduating from tite 0: A; C.. 'Guelph • recently, *Mr. David Aftdrew had the 'good fortune to be , appoieted 'Agricultural 'Representative .'in Hal- ton , County, and/ has already taken: over...the: work there. Me: Andrew has _had'. a good .cleal-of experience in modern agrieultirral; metliods; ,having been assiatant in the Huron , Cennty office' for a number of, years; and 'Hal; , ton wili have a good man. • CHURCH NOTES' , , ' Ot• . . — -7-. —, — • In the absence of Rev:- Mr. Craw. . . who attended tiarniftO Conference Met. *Week, the servicos L-nelcriow ,:iJnitecl . Church last' Sunda were taIZ-, ; w "*Ii. - en by Mr. Sandy Nicholson, • who is spending the •summer ,vacation • at his . hone on the -Second Con., ' Kinloss. Large congregations Were present: . • morning and •evening.. . .;Presbyterian, Guild : The Guild entertained the , Young, People's Society. :of . the - i.-',Tbesivater , Church on Monday, quite a :large' 'nuariber.-being--"present: The . Tees - water people gave the gr'eater,. part of the program. iteir.. Dr, Forbes gave, • an ;address, denling with- . the Sixtieth anniversary of the Confeder- , ation of Canada. • Musical features of the Pic:grain Consisted of a Vocal duet. by. Misses Mary MacLennan and. Te- rm Stephens; . Jean Donaldson, : and, Jean Ritchie.' 'Messrs. Nixon and Ori gave % instrumental :selections, and Miss NethercOtte gave a piano ' solo, and ii vocal duet by . Donald :Grant • . and Andrew McKague. Readings weregiven by • Wilhelmina •MacDon- „ ald and Jean MacLennan.. A report • of the young people's • gathering at Toronto was ren 4 by Miss Fern Reid. ' Miss Jessie Stewart read the ,Scrip- ture "lesson: • Ernst on iWo successive -nightalast week caught early Potatoes and a . few. lender plants, but did not result in ,• serious 'darn:age. Self -registering' therrnorne_te,rs shaWe'd one degree be - IOW freezing en • Thursday ,morning, and 11,f • degrees below on •• Friday. Temperatures,* of eteirse, *Mild vary alightly in different localitie& THANKS,L;•Mfri.- Staider • and fanilly .wish o ,expreak• gratatiff . thanks :to the fridnda and 'ire WOO rliSiv at the titre' Of their ..lifare of inishrind and tattier. ; ,,,• :EARLY ,11010 "WAS IN ,ASIIFIEL*D The death -occurred .recently* at the Ilaya Inatitnte,. Rechester, Minn.; of ,4-tarty-Woctioodr,yonnge(4 son •et.the„ late Archibald and Mris, .1%txteLOOd, sonnedy . . . MRS: ADAlltli",THOIVIPSON. . PAsg$:' 4'.v.vAy A11":,w!Nz4firegG . • The death occurred at„:"Ftnniireg on .Saturday,•;;Iaittof.Mrps-::-Adarrt-T,horrip_7:. son; Who, for Many .:years .was a rest - dent of lareknoW before' going to Manifeba. Ivir0,*•-; 1%6/limn had visit- ed in, ,uelcllow" almost every kurnmer -and•arranternents Were made for her -.1esyirig wizatiper. on ,May 23rd on. a trip to Ontario. •,- Ahciat a -aveek.,be- !ore that date she was taken. ill, and in spiteof ° every care she steadily lost, strength. • „The., rernains are '.,being. brought her,e,fOr interment, ie., Maitland Ceme- tery, GOderich, .the funeral to be.. on Friday afternoon of this week. The funeral service Will.. be, held••at the homi:Of her son, Mr.-.Rebart.:,Thorrip- son.: Willoughby. St:, Luckri ow, at :two o'clock.• . • - The*. late Mrs. Thompson had been a widow for the :past 29 'years. ; ,her husband having died here in .April. of She is:: survived by three :aorta and 'three daughters: Dr. Frank Thoinpion. of Winnipeg; David of, -Regina-;•-nnd--koberta-"of—inicknow;-- Mrs Collins (Minnie) Mrs' H,elwig (Etta).; Mrs. w petleY (Bina), all of • Winnipeg. . . The late., Mr. and .• Mrs. 'Adam, 'Thorniorion , were. liti-Oves:', of County Down, Ireland,, their .early :homebe- ing near Belfast.' Both came to this , • 7 country with their parents while quite young • (Mr•s: Thompson about. '13) when there appears to have been quite a migration from Northern. Ire-' land to Huron County. . The families settled at ' Goderich and as ; Young* "son were married there. MrS, Thoriqi- son's maiden name- was Dilen Reid Forty-seven "years a- the fana1v. moved to: Luckeow from DuneLainhoe aind' they have ',always rbgarded -this, is theiT heme. . About ten years ago 'Mrs. I4itinpson went to Winnipeg, to live with her daughter; Mrs. Collins. • •"DAVr' Townifs,,,,bigr?'.AT scALGAfty D In the Council Chamber, Wing ham Town Hall, • on Wednesday, Juni 8th. Musk by Whitechurch' Orchestra. Admission -Gents .50e. '. Ladies 25e. (Tax inchrded) Diner • irig front A.30 p.mto r aan, EY- erybody welcome. . • , DANCE AT RIPT?EY The Blue ,Water Boys' Orchestra la putting- en- a_dance, in the Hall at . Ripley.: tonight (ThuradaY,- Of *this week); The usualgod. Music and good time are ,assttred. , BY a letter froin Mr: J. A: Glennie we learnecLlast week of the ;death of. :David ,:c. Towers, • wen .rernembered here as a' iirei4er ..of- the -' Bank of Hamilton staff.- Mr. Glennie enclosed a clipping 'froM a Calgary newspaper referring, to the funeral, but this does net give the date on which Towers Passed .away nor the, nature of his illness'. He had been in J.charge: as manager,. of 'a branch of The Cana- dian :Bank ef .-Comineree; at Lomond, Alta. Three inontha ago he came ta, Calgary and entered -Holy 'Gross-HOs-: pital. Evidently/ he Continued: to de- clme ••He died on Sendai. MaY-15. ThJatefrowers-was--of---a very-' agreeable personalitY and had Many warm •friends in Lucknow., While here he was enthusiastic about bagpipe niusic; . and was •largely inStrumental in -.Organizing the laicknOw • Pipe Band. whieh enjoyed Wide :celebrity a, bent 191.0, and, later.. He was a na- tive of Stromness, Orkpey. Islands; 'Scotland, and came to -Canada in 1906. ,From ....I....areknowhe went to -Win- nipeg, Man.,: and after, •ser4ing with the bank at a nurriber of Other west- olrn911..peints, he went AO Alberta - in the. ru, The aAnnNUNalljAnteetUingEoTIN Farmers of North Huron will, be held iri the' Town Hall, Wingliam on ,Sat• -mrday.••.afternweont,4une,,,Atli, vat clock. A.,:good..attendanOe is exPetted from all parts of" the riding: Impart - ant business to 'be discussed.. Wm. Rutherford, Pres.; R. J.- Cur- rie, Seer. - • WANTED . • 50 girls or women ,.Cor fruit nick. ,Ing. test camp in Ontario: Govt. inspintett'Ojien. June 1.5=Clofte _$ept. 1„="W„, Edvyki TrOuP, Jeraaii, Sin.," R,It. Ontatio. (9-6,75) AN OLD HURON RESIDENT One of .the very old .residents;:' of. the /Lochalsh district died on Tuesday of ibis week in the person of Mr. Duncan Finlayson, at the age.. of, 92 years.. Decea4ed was one of the pio-. peer -residents of the • district, on. the Ituron, Tbwriship side, • The funerrq Will be this (Thursday) afternoon te Lochalsh Cemetery. • • ILLINE :Spegial-Rf4140,20M-Q11- All Trimmed Hats also .on • Flowers" and Ribbons Children's Hats at . , cost Price During • the month of 'June. MISS PENTLAND' FAIWILY THEATRE .• , • ; SATURDAY 4th, ONLY "SONG AND DANCE MAN" With Comedy "THE COHENS & KELLY S" George Sidney, Charlie Mur- ray, Vera Gordon With Ameri- ca's two greatest laugh -pro- • ducers. ' With. Serial & Comedy FIIEV'S BAKER+. Have you tuned in 'with the rest ----of-lant7satiefieil-misteMer8no using GOLDEN 'GRAIN: and G� *DEN, CRUST Bread? If not, why not?. -:.,2 0t it at Your, Greeees or BAKERY—pf101sig 68 .als,"; that, just .-.tOttch the apet. ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN CHURCH--LUCliNOWl • Rev. A. ,Freeman Traverse, fteetor. organiS: gr% G.11 Snaith . , _g_h_6itl...,'!Altitt_.1g1I,...11,0tifit- • The Pifty-tbird' Anniversary,. Wlii,tsundaYl;Jtrne the, Fifth; . 10 A.M.,W SandaY School. . 11. A.M.; Heir Cominunien-,•- Preacher,' T. -II: Brown- of , 8eafort',h,,' 'P.M; Evensong -Preacher, . , '::••Eevo,„,„Ta.,,',.11,•••413rovar_of: lierifertn, , 4.0.0.F. NOTICE The members.. of 'the 'I:0:6.P. 'will lec.orate the graves of their departed brbthers • oe Si:•liday, June. latir; in Smith Kinloss ,Cemetery. All Mem- hers ot the, :Order are requested to meet tirt.-the Iedga ,teoul • sharp, • Now - is the time to see our new line ,i n. Spring , Suits • and Dresses'. Special bargains_ also in Men's • Spring ' Suits On • ) ••• :Clearance sale..: • PEARIMA ..ere It..h.J400.'Agam Tbe". Non* of. • Weddings With this in' view we have se- lected our stock •ef • articles suit- able for Gifts :'•viith great care= maily new and.. beautiful pieces.' 4.1.Iattmeted Brass is very pop- iiar and there are quite ri tnirn- ber of uiefutand ornaniental pLC fre_MJI:50 to „1900: • ' Rose Pink Cut •Glass • This bas ,to he se n to he ap .preciated. Plecesfrom $1.25 to $15:00. Don't -worry about what you shonld, give: Call andlook ci- . .ound ;first. . • The tread"The Bread. VIS. , Health • .%*1-10 .o Health •- • , • . .•.•• . OUR "QUALITY', WHITE, WHOLE WHEAT. AND RAISIN -BREAD --DELICIOUS; WILOLESOME. AND NO!JRISHING -- •• SatisidaY'Spe cials Raspberry Squares Co ffee Cakes': Oatmeal Cookies Chelsea Buns • 'Crean Puffa. Nut 'Tarts Pineapple.. Tartieta. , Lemon Meringue •Pies Fruit • Squares HOLLYMAN'gh AKERY Lucknow Phone 36 • ' ralradolnettOraMarAaraffiltatarilitillyadleaAo..dralararalfffecsataiNder.dialiarAffral. Phone 76 alekTIOW, Opt., • -1 HAVE YOU, TRIED OUR ,PIIGNE* AND MAIL SERVICE? •ALL PHONE okroEas RECEIVE OUR VERY .PROMPT . ATTENTION.. TRY THIS SERVICE OUT. 1 , --,....:_agAS..(*AliilFi—NP,,ARA.P.b.P.$_-.0R ,.S...F•1 ,..A.N111, BOYS • pine sex, plain or fancy, at 60c, 75c,, 85c and 65c.: ' Sport Belts, Roman stripe, at 45c and 50c..' Ties -Wash, Silk Or °Crepe, at 25c, 45c, 75c, $1.00; $1.25. • Caps, all ' sizes, . at 56e, 95c; $1.75, $2,00, •,- $2:25. Dress Straw Hata, at. $1.49: $2-00, $2.50,. 3.,b9;;) . Buttonless Combinations: at :,,$1..130-ner suit: . Boys' Combinations, 75e and 90c per suit... • Pure Linen Handkerchiefs, 15c;; g5d, 35c: SPECIAL-:-Spnn, Silk,' many colors; at 95c per yai.d. YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT `‘Gutt STORE" OPTEN. a. IN • ' THAT. WAY YOU WILL BECOME BETTER ACQUAINT.... )D WITH OUR "TRUE VALUE" ' MERCHANDISE. ' • lfre uswel 41111APAVAINI02116111rilrIIIIIIPIIIIII02111V4101,211,414014111WP2WalgAillV , HOLYROOD • Th b hum of the old saw mill sounds `gnite familiar these days. ,ST. HELENS Cengratulations are- extended to Mr. Alvin --Woods op passing hi a 2nd -Inspecter Raid is paring his ofbeial year. in 'Medicine, and Miss • Vera • visit to schools in ,Kinlois. * I Woods on pasSing her -,..Bilaineas Mr. and Mrs. •Riehrticl ElliOtt spent • Course,' and passing so successful in Sunday at Mr. Thoinaa• Robb's, •• Am- berley. ;°: Mr. and Mrs: Albert. Thompson and Eddie Visited. recently at Mr. Bill Mr. and MrS. °Sam Roach, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Roach of 'Dungannon; Were recent „visitors With Mr. and Mrs Thernaa' Roach. Mr. and Mrk. Wes Whitock of Cul- ross, spent Sunday at Mr., A. 'Ack- ert'a.Mr RobertJlhott. . ' • ,ancr Mr. Floyd -Robb-motored Acs-Eugenia7-Fa-lls-,77011- Sunday. Mr. Richard Baker returned heme, after spending a fewdays in Paint-. erston. • " • --Thecommunity join ,:in--congratula- tiens to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Har.rie and in welcoming Mrs. Harris.• . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott of De- troit, are guests at Mr. Abner- Ack- • ert's. Mr.. George Colwell of ' Toronto was • hope; for the' WeekLeml. John Bare is enjoying the roads as usual. , Mr. Albany Craeiner. spent Sunday; with friends on the South'Lin F., T. Armstrong: •JEWEI,LER. tic•- •OPT,OMETRIST aemeemsesmaaluesnammer ama.s.ama ••••••••••=e01.1 r 13e en hand at • The Walker :Store for he 1g tat bul.gaintil.liiii,Weelt. • ,good • J'AtRAMOUNT r. .aed Mrs. Washburn of . De- troit, 'visited withfriends in Aslifield and LucknoW. over 'thee weet,end., Mrs., Lorne IVicLennan of *-Detroit,• spent the week-ond with' friends in Paramount. Mr, Jack .IVIalCendrick of Detroit; spent the week end with friends • in Lochalsh. • - . • ' Mies -Ellen Ketchaban, of' , Para- motint, is visiting friends in Galt . Mr., and Mi•s. George Stoekharn of: . Detroit; visited with friends:in Para- mount .and Lncknow, Sunday. and Monday. ' Itoderick Finlaysen oLWlthni pig; iyisiting4ifri his brother: Doti ald, at Lochalsh. . Mrs., Collins arid little daughter; Fay, of England, who came home -to attend, the golden Wedding •anniVer- sary of Mrs Collins' parents, Mr and Mrs. ban. '1(4'bl-tines," of . Langside, re visiting Mr. and Mrs. . Gordon JanaiesOe' of Paramount. securing.,a situation in Toronto. , , . , • . . Mr. and, Mrs. Marvin' ' McDowell , and family` visited with . Mrs, Clark 'during last Week..., Cumming and Mr: Robin - sen Woods will attend the • London Conference this week Mi., Torrence Anderson of Detroit, was horne. over the American. holiday -Decoration bay. • ' Mr. and -.Mrs. T. Salkeld and Mr. - and Mrs. Wallaee Miller • Were in ezjh-eiCWednekt,lay,- . 'attending '. the; funeral of their uncle, Mr. Isaac Salk% .„ • • • • ' • • Mr. and Mrs. R. McKenzie :and son • Hugh were visiting with Mrs. •Clark „ 01,1Saturday1•3,ev- .ona.mr:,Whitfleld of 14,etr. • horopgh, were the guests of Rev, and Mrs, Cumming on,' Monday: Mr. Stanley /Todd, Miss Vera• Todd, Mr. Arthur. Brodks and Mr. E., Hug7 gins metered to London, .Lucan and other points over the .week -end. r , •Mr. and Mrs. T. Campbell, ' and ." daughter,' Mias jean; and Mr. John -• Johnston of Brucefield,. Visited • dur- ing the week at mr...Robinson Voods': The Harris Mission Band meeting Will be held in the church on Sattira. day, Jtine 4th, with Miss Lila Hunk:" phrey in charge. The Sri/Inner Meeting ,ef the Wom- en's Institute sil1 be, held in the • Hall on Fgday, June 10 at 2,30 clock, when the lady • representative!, Miss Matthews: of Sinicod, will ad., dress the meeting on "Why. We. Should know Our Country and Talk , About the ladies ,are : e The W.M(' Society 'meeting will be -_beldOp Wedneiday, June 6th at the , t.titerad of 1Virs. Robinson Woods, -• at. An -invitation. is -extend.:' •• 41_ t.(3,11. at _flip' 1 ad s • , The 'postponed annual Meeting of the WeinereS -Institute was 'held , day eVening at -the htini. orMrs It.: K.. Miller. During :the election 01 01 6.ers.. Mrs, Geo.. Webb', teak, the -ch.ir,• The folloWing ofilaerS' were elected: President, Mrs, D. Phillipilalst Mrs.' Viee# Mi Geo . Webb, oey.-Treas„:Mts R K.. Miller; Auditors, Mi W 1.Miliet and Mrs. ICY, Todd 4 '..PiEntist, Mrs . Si., • Gihson; biatrict tirectors, Mrs. Ly; - olia;111raijohe Miliet Mrs f Thant, get4ut1iin, Mr J. .4nderaon, Mra' AleGee, Miss McKenzie, 'Miss MP a Ituthertord Ur% Joe nGiuntA $eit't TO CREAM' PRODUCERS Cecil a. Mullin of LuCknow; ia.;•act- ing asreceiving " and Pay agent for tiro Palm _ Creamery .Co., Palmert.son., aOkving to ,high cost .-ef ,gathering avearn by truck, patrons aro asked 10 1:•ave their eteart‘ At his • •araa•e. will look after shinning'. and will nay on delpery,'. He will also buy eggs at cash pries, and bindle poultry in teasOnk