HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-26, Page 4••;;‘, • MCCOn' EERING The Soli .g**.quent Amadora 4.,barnyard.nianaire enrieliee, the soil,: eeda the, crop, increancolhe Yield, ')nakea the fand more, Profit- • • able., 1 McCormick-peetiiii genuine; manure spreader, not mechaaiCal unlOader. It * aupre‘me in the spreader field.: ' Worki,ai parts are attiehed"tO an all -steel frame.- 'Roller .beiir•;•' • , , • • inga and a short :wheelthiNse iiittaa' a light rnitint..i.Ohrhinl., %The-. • driver'Can-,initantly,. :regulate the ,fieW 'whilethe apreadee Is, in " „OPeratiOti. ' ' • • ' • „ , CALL *Di LEM US IMMO NSTRATR •:PHIS NEW SPREADER LucKNo Phone No10 is at Yonr Service' We Sell join Caali-Iste' Sell Cheaper Than The credit Store ; SPRING REQUIREMENTS IS HERE 'AND Wrrif IT COMES THE 'ANNUAL HOUSE-CLEA.NING. WE, AREAtEADY-•''WITHT-THE I GOODS YOU :WILL REQUIRE AND'EXPECT TO, PIND IN A. .HARD- WARE STORE. 1„ , • • EURESCG-7•ThaiopU1ar Wall Finish; la .everiohade. ' .SHERWYN WILLIAMS PAINTS -Pot ,ia1Js, floors, woodwork and • outside' work. • • ; •• • • VARNISHES -11 these -wehave a 'Varnish for ani and every put.- :Peae.--LINOLEUM VARN.ISH for Linolearns„ IdAltNOT for° Sanwa, CHI-NAMEL 'NATUTIA.L a high-grade Vitra* which aaticlin-Insed-for-anY--purpOse, • SH$R , , . , WILLAca* Stain and :Varnish in all the shades, .V1,0: Olt WA; , PIPE- ValltNISII 'PAINT BRUSHES,. VARNISH BRUSHES, • MURESCO:'' BRUSHES.. 'UTILA.C••-=This is a new finiati-and'rvie. want to tell you/ abont it, It rsatiit.finish, quzk1dryn1g enamel..::ItTWilif-nOt"'Iift the 'under coat,. his; no objectionable 'dor, can be thinned with turpentine' and will dry hard infear hours, whielt means that you can Pat Sitt two ,cOets... in. the enti . it • in nine [ colors and this is tile enamel that certaitilY,,Will. please • yon. Coiled andl3arb Wire on hand Car of FreshCementJust Unloaded ur le M 'ileating, utt:thing and, Electric Wiring Lime; IlardWall Plaster, Gyproc-: Wallboard ,Lucknow•Wingham Phone 74 Phone 256 oliumelital Works LI/CHNOW ;and WINGHAM Has ths largest aid mostl complete largest hi the, most beautiful- designs :tocho�se.frorn,inn . biarhis: Scotch,. Swedish fldJan atdian Granites • We make a specialty ,of-Fanifily Monuments • and invite your. inspec. • 4acriPtione Neatly, Carefully and • Promptly. 'Dom.:, Se* no before placing your order: • --.. Pollees Bros. • ' RA. SPotton • Luelmow,• Ont. [ •• 'BORN REID-ff n West 'Wowanosh, '0 n Monday, May 23rd, 1927, th ard Mrs. Manson Reid,. a daughter, (Jes- , ale: Louise.)• ' BillICE COUNTY' • EDUCATIONALASSOCIATION • • . • - The Seventh Annual Convention el, the Bruce :County • Education Assoc tion will he held in the .Town Ha Southampton, Thursday- ' afternoon June: 9. All School Boards in the county should' be ,represented. All • who -are -Intereste. -education-ore- cordially inVited. Resolutions bear- • ing on educational work in. the Coun- ty will be presented for considera- • tion.--The-Diamond Jubilee of -Con-- federatien will. be „,cernmenterated. A -good :program will be provided. , ; GOES TO JAIL FARM •• Stanley Benninger, , the '17 -year-old lad who was convicted , of forging a eheque,•for • 815., at Teeircvater, was • seats:awed by' Police Magistrate Wilk; er, ant May 12th, to serve four montha • indeterminate•.at the ketormatory at .Guelph. He was ,Previously convict- •ed'.of stealiae• • • , - I ,Ii.M.... lonoWnsommoo.............id .11101.011M4104101•011,ahmnin~mses • ?...,i.„--,1 ., — • VIIMILIII,VOISOIIINIVO,....0.11WWWOMO. • .. - 11101101110.011101,11111Manvi, g( N.111011aWiemn, • - — — 4100.10,iimpassmonbmnom~opor..,.._ • N.110111111011,111,16:1101.110001011011011~011,•_ ..00100~MikIlL.•••••••, , ... • 154 Igo& //41"111 YPROC Your G VI1-111 endure another winter, with a• cold garage? By lining it with Gypree you may save the 'cost of a cracked radiator., frozen water, pump and numerous repairs caused by , zero weather, .• • GYproc. keeps out winter'S bitter cold, It as "also, fire- . resisting. Easy and inexpensive to buy and ,apply. • • Writelor booklet -o -"MY Home.". It. will tell yott how Gyproe, Itoeboard. Insulating Sheathing arid Insulex will reduce your fuel bill- front' , THE ONTARIO GYPSUM CO., LIMITED, PARIS, CANADA Fireproof:. Nvai boor For Sale By " • Wm, Murdie '& Son Lu9know„ tint. Rae & Porteous .Lucknow, Ont. 0•1 fri'M • 1-itl ;PNOW SENTINET, Publialte#' evert" motstiai morning' 4 A D.. MaeX011010. 'Proprietor and Witt.* ,,,,,,„ rtlaiffiSDAY, MAT, 26th,. 1.9,27. MOTORIST VANDALS, SHOULD . SPARE BLOWERS AND PLANTS this roothine .abouteln,autonto-' bile*: hoe. OrdiightnnueY ,probleins. meiti Awe " the OntACtlint 'trove shiehe, 'plants .114, •**era a; 'Ion: the•highWay, .,flach_offerider ldently thialrat that. he ' she ',40 -ea only.4 . That itiay bo_Oaq,', but when it: Mines to ..linadreita 'Oleg that little; daily or each Sunday, • as' .the Ca.se may .be it amounts te a ..arreat undesirable featur.ehas lea.# an 'Offieb#, Of the, Ontario. Motor Jagueto issue' •aii ,aPpef41' .to motor• late to' be 'mindful' Of the beaky rof the country side, .We 'Publish:" this :appeal .herewith:' „ "What wpiti it is that in this sen 'iion when roadside llowerti and blos- •soms, skid charm L the lure of :the read, •litany motofista ae'd also ion - 'motorists will •persisif -in mutilating shruba, and, trees and 'rooting up wild flowers: and 'ferns. .• Becanse Of 'the :depredations:of :these. Vandals': certain ...Wild: flowersare being exterminated. We hare'. all seen tonneaus „ env:tided 'miscellarteoas assortments, of. branch - 'es, blossionuf:andiother • bloonia,• ferns' and plants, .and even amail trees and -shritb*-ripp4-outrhy-theroots7We- hare seen many telicate 41# flowers 'Wilted: and .tramPled Under foot on. the ilOOr board! Cars, mat off by the, readaide or relegated to garbage, • pails.They had . helped 'make . •otir -highwayand,sylvart.tretreatibeanti., ful,' and their remora' is to be gretted," ' . "We have appealedt� iall mathriats, not to ,deatief. the flora and to ' •alo• their :bit towards thsceuraging. ',this , destruction just as we. haye'...appealed _ them :to serupuliaiSly respect proper- ty a—riihirer • they, Picnic as free 'front refuse • as 'they ' 'would desire., others to leave them and never :leave bottles, broken or einS on thei ;shore or. ;„in •ereek,,., atreant, river; ..pool„ Rend is' the work. Of . hut ,•very 'few minutes to gatherup the garb.. • aga:and Other' refuse of a, Pienieor camp and. if • a .suitable • receptieat' is not :at hand to wrap it Up, place. it in the car' and, On; arrival :home, ;put: it: in the garbage: container. . Pienicers and campers,needless'. to, say should siee. to it that • fires are entirely tinguished. We...'occasionally have beard some • doubt ''expressed te whethera carelessly [tossed aWity• Ci• gaiet or cigar batt or a lighted Match. • ever Started •* fire in the woods; Let, me :assure you that bare seen these • things 'start fires. in the busk as .1 .have seen apparently dead7out4anip-. ares,[lanned into . flame • by .a :breeze. long after. they were:deeMed out hi campers. , Ignited ,dry humus . :Will isMoidder: like pank, for:1011re." all Canadian motorists; were as. careless' of the; rights and airivile•ges of others -as-are -mem hers..,Lot-'-.t.the thoughtless or selfish mihority ,• our highways,' and . byways lese- much • nt their beauty and 'charm :abr."' -ruralifritatornia would much less: TWO POOLS.; ALCOHOL, ‘. GASOLINE ADA CAR •The „Durham' ,ReView :gives ' the fol.,' le*ing graphic ...account 'of what hap- pened to tWo joy. ;riders froin Owen' ,Considerable ,exciteinent was creat- ed, around' town late Saturday even, irig; when a' new • Pontiac roadster was reported wrecked on •the posts north of Rocky Saugeen bridge, and. •Cm4 Clayton :McCrae, of -0Wen , later , foundasleep in 'Burns Church', • Rocky Saugeen, having fereed, the door . °Rem ;'.. • •. ' , The. car' belonged to DX.' A. B. :Riitherford of Caren Sound; and had been only at :few days :in use:', Hits' • wife had left it parked in front, of the house and :office abopt.9 pi:nu:and 'ten minutes :later the Dr: came °tit to use it for a ..professional 'call, and found_it missing.Heiinnetiately re- • ported "the, theft to the p51ite, bat•it,• • was' not , a couple of hours later that any trace the' ear was found. • Two men. from Ritohener naetoring north that. evening enconntered the Ivrock-ed riSadatef anst north of keiliY :bridge and tieing iliatiainted..With-.Dr, litAherford; recognized' it as 1s ear,. They went on, a fewsteris to las. Mil= • ter'' home and phened D. ,Ratheile • ford of the mishap, wheEle_11.1lon „stahles;•- 6arson'., and,...-1Viceaffery. Af .0Weit Sound, "drove down and ' . , idti- fled the. cat ' • • : • • .•, Meanwhile Constahle 1j%Jje aid • Otheri•frOnktiurhant 'and hearbyhci reached tho etie,:o?f the smash but • no driver toald be' found. ,The., must itaVer .b.gen• driVen; ",.a,t7 7 territiii, ripee#, and not ktio*Ing of Or notbe- in Ohle to negatiatO the tarn h the TwittspAlit IWAY'26thp le9,2t road utio,the bridge, it had c011ided into the 'posts and the Wire railing at' the 'went side, Innatqled, two or three , df the',p0sts:,off,,:looseried others and was for the' driver, aneWmateraf_ saiy, .that the fOnce was there,. or the ,enn and occuPants.... Would , have rush-. ,the bank into the ,Rocky • Saugeen, anti a watery grave It was about 1040 svhen the smash occurred, 'The. car 4 was' badly' damaged and may be scarcely .flivOrth repairing„,,The• both,: etnialted,„ • front springs ' were front' rignt wheeland'rear'left:were • bent, • ail 1' der Crushed and •,'the, buckled. The: bumper %Witted sorneyards away cliiv-vri the ,bank while one of the posts had beep: 'hurled : seri*, distance.. The 'wrecked ,auto. Was tOW0440NOble!ei garage. laurhani, 'Where it was left on OA street until Sunday afternoon, then, towed „back Crwet ,Sound. • 7, Te/ePhoning ,arotind' the, neighbor- : hood, the: constables ,were .unable ,tf,1 .discover any trace Of the oCcupenta of, the ear, but •a 'search was inatitu- ted Of all -barns and outbuildings -an the locality. It was ;feared they had Made a clean 'get -away,' as the search aroUnd the mill or camp grounds, for anyorip injured, .or in any building proved fruitless.,, The Rocky "amid) 'shed, half' a mile of the scene of disaster, was finally searched and also found Untenanted, but .the door of the ,church Waif noticed !lightly a-, jar, the lock having been forged op - .en.. Snoring was heard and a marl found sleeping on one Of the , *Seats with . cigarette Eitubs 'lying. around; H' wiurciiiiildri:WiteiredThrirtirre4r • ted rand disdoveredto be Clayton Mccrae,•n young Owen Sounder, well kfl'c'7Ti' in. Police circles. ,.T•le Was brought to,' Owen' Sound arid 'pieced. in gaol there' to Omit' trial Monday. McCrae denied .any knowledge of • the ear Or the .accident,•`and said he was ()trills way to 'Owen Sciund frorin Tort Colborne. When Searched he had in ,his Possession a • revolver which , • Was not, loaded, non was there any ammunition' to be found, oti wvas kienr ttoocton Jae ear and On One,:side Ofhia lace the Presence of whichlie could not explain to the •. In police court before Magistrate Oreaspn,. on Tuesday morning. in Owen Sound, Clayton McCrae and • Wrn., trnfican:, both of :•'Whom were 'charged Withthe theft of a MOW beigagine to Dr.' A. B. Rather-. • forcP,', pleaded guilty,- and each given . a term Of 18 nientbs certain.in • Ontario lteformateiry at, 9ORIp1t, With an intermediate ,sentence or 2 'years.. less: one day': Roth of the accused inadstatementa . to the .police in connection With : the affair, DuriCan being plaCed 'ander arrest some time on • Monday. The (ftory la that the two • met on. Satarday night at the corner, of ardAve. end 40th Si., .Owen Sound and McRae suggested they, go ..out and .look for a Car, but ;it , was, some • tity.ie' before they found one with g key in it and it happened to he Di, Riitherford's. They: released the- brake :and pushed the ear aroiind, the car-: ner and with. MeRae at •the wheel. itarte4, fea-07:drive'reund the-: city and then Went \Mit 'Ur GarafaXi Ra'S .ArChatsrkittliTtligy botightliiiinecgas. 'and • a bottle,: 'Of pop; .as they • had •a1cohe hi, their ',:-PoiSessien, they ' mixed ittacith the- pew and' drank' it. After leaving. buitsworth, Duncan wanted to go back, 'but .McCrae de- murred, and Duncan finally got out 01' the ear and walked:back to Owen Sound, arriving,. there” at- erae' 'drove ' he' came, to., grief and then went on to the church, to sleep, .where he was found and ar. • tested. McCrae,. also fined $ao and costs, or indefault ,of'paYment,..1 • ihonths in jail, on ,a charge ,of har- ing an; offensive weapon on: his per- son; The,., sentence run .cOncur- • rently: o WRECKING THE: CARS ; . The .WalkertOn Teleseope. bad . the • • • There' appears to be an epidemic Of motor aceidents. In addition to the. imPact ' , on • the Ilanciver-Walltertein road last Friday,. referred to. in 'art, othercolumn, cars driVen by Wilfrid ,Schain of near Berrie, and John MePherson 'Of • Culroas • rowni,hip, collided betweerf-ten, and. eleven 0- oloek the sane Schau;. was travelling east and,rate.taierSon in • a 'westerly direction on • the Durham. 'Road,. about' a, mile, west of :Rivers- Penclera• locked , and ' wheel,, were ripped' off.' The proviricial'Police have investigated: ' • Thenlast Sattirda4 night a. .M 'Laughlin' run -about turned over on l)ilkey's Hill, It is understood • it was being' driven too fast to make 'the-turrr- at the, top' at- the' of the front wheels was smashed, the windshield -,: the top ,torn off, and oth- ,erdarati*Inilietecf4:Thel„ 4riven'‘b3F--4.- aelleyer,4yOUitr•Atistir,,', is ,.tinderstOod, Who was itecoiripanied by a couple ef friends. Their injur- l71:.60cmalliajilatie.41nv: WIee'ern aoi e4. - • • MAIT.LAND PftESSYTERJAL • d • At the thirteenth ,annual meeting 0 Maitland; PreebYterial; W.M.S.of the Presbyterian Church, a recor.d. r-aurriberdelegates 'were litatterid-, .--anceteeting convened in' • Knox :Church,:itlitcardine, 041nesday,,' 1J4Y- • f7th; Kra. Perrie, president, in the chair, . Devotional,,, exercises conduct- , ed by Kincardine Aux., opened, morn- ing' Session.,• Minutes ef' last meet. kg reed' by Ree. -Sec.„. Eind approved Reports ,from '•the departments,secre- t4dries 'were -verY• enCoara'ging r•-7 19 • auxiliaries, 5787 tnernbers--215„, ineet,••• ingst,average atten4ari3'64; witft 19 Life lVfetribershipkt 2 .Y.W. anxiliar, 'Yes ..C.G.I.L 'groups, 4, IVIission . ands,g: 308. members, 22, Jitaior Mem- -lieriniparaa-lIonte.41-teleraft.450;,,au aerintions to, Glad. Tidings. • - Wel, and Welfare se. reported vis'-. ' its 'to tomes .01. trangers.'RetneYiils .Locations and twenty...six visits to• pitala." Lib, • and Literature''' sed. -7. Books and 'Literature sold, and a Op - ply on bend; . Supply sec, -:7report,3 bollgideritlile. of the ‘aunTtlica of ' las. t year 11'er.' oun.;,School • Homes still on ;hand •,periding adjustment in. school ittaff-te . Selkirk .Missi6a supplies' ',$1,1.0.2.,' total '$500.00„,'' Allocation fol. ' this:Year; • outfits .for eliciys and 4 . girls: 'In the ebgeneti ;of "Cor.sSec, • her excellent report:Wale reaaby Miss Mather.. Optimism is the. dominant note. We have passed through, Chang- ing cOditions Without changing pur- ose God's i His. heaven. All's, p • n ,... • . . well: Treasufer's' • statement . Re- ceipts •64,520•77: Allocation for 1927. $4,512. • Dedicating Tra'Yer offered by' • Mrs. Clouse .and prayer. by Mrs. R Davidson,. brought morning session to • Afterneon: session opened with de- 'Votional ekercises,led by members of Ashfield and -Ripley Auxiliaries... • A .kindly address, pf welcenie was ,,giYgriL:by-Mra.--,Coombe,-andrepliecl. .to by Mrs. 4",..T. Davidson. Mrs. Per; Tie in her presidential address, :took 'Celli:Islam 3, ver.. 23 as , the .basis of • her remarks.-,-; ' Whole -heartedness, catch' a glimpse of ' the Jternal Crea- tor's , Plan; look„at the Joroughnes ef His werkmanship,t e heart • of GOd in,His .work; He 'is: the plaSt(ir • builder; "Forward" is the •watchword. "Onward" the. Motto. We too, must learn -what our ,vN:prk is, where our work is, and 'what we -are -dojo:: If we have linowledge2then we are inter- ested: ' Let" us' de our work . whole- heartedly . and Well, 'with a: full 'sur- • render to Christ. Eternity iS' ahead -and-we[-p-agithiew-ay=bar-Carce".F.-arri'l G. :bouglas," delegate to PrOVincial: Secietiei,annually held in Brockville : .reported encouragement and progress in -eVery line' of the ,•:tiventy-four. PreS15yteriar activities 7T:ii'0, '.i.roifh?.!' wOmert: Were designated for Service 'In India during•rieirt vear. - Next an- . . . rual meeting is -to be. held an Gael:eh Kindly :words ' of greeting'. were con- veyed from Presbvtery • 'hy • Bev. Mi Janes . and greatfullY-: aceepted....' 'A • 'Mission' Band exercise' by :Kincardine M. B., • whicli, number's • filty7three members.; wis given. : •• . • The audience.. was , greatly pleased• . to. have • Miss B. RobSon Of ..Anikhut ' Southern Bhil district. India, addresS them. TO this .Bhil field Rev. Dr: Bri- •'chanan. went thirty.- yearsi ago; ':and 'foundedhis rniSsion at'' Amicha. The • work there has been intensive rather • than extensiVe..: Resulting efforts prove the Bhils' were aborigenal' trib- : ,e$ numbering over three hundred mil- . „ Tire -protection. is :all .imPortaPt .modmi • building, Help prsitect your kime,froni:thi. • menae 'of Are. by Iiitog Briptford *944; !: All Brzotiord ROOM; products are 4"s'; 4erdeOt and Usually 'redttie.' instliiice rain •,F,•,',.by-40.40--.2.0...pet,„gent,: Spec& flung for permanent roofing sAtizto4tion7 \ • • Brantford Rciofiittep. 3.42111114 . e 4 Brantford Ontario a „e • 1 • • Stock Carried, InformtaiOn FUrnishad arid Sank* on Brantford roofing rendered by & Son .Lucknow, Ont .•• •111110.1111••••.•11.11••• by Rev. Dr, ,MacGillivray', Moderator of the Ge,eral Assembly of the Pres- byterian Church in • Canada, •arid" greatly aureciatesi hy the large. au-' • dience. .Music furnished by the choir brought a very happy and.successful day to..a. close. • .• • 'An invitation from Teeswater,. Aux;., jliary .to 'hold- next. annual oneeting in T17,ciater,-71--v ith'ei-iffeTtilly • •Resolutions 'ere prelented by ,COn- hvgenarotrilo:f.aRdbepsoludtion.,Contraittee ' arid • Resolutions • 1. That we' again acknowledge the • Soyerdg* leaciershiP'.• of • Almighty God :srhd so• Wonderfully streng- theittd and . bles,sed our ' 'beloVed .2. That in our harries e daily ab ter •fires:: ma', be kept burning, so that Our yiitith nearken to. Gnd''s call q-,sersace, •• • ' 3. That, by. Our efforts the Sab- ___k_a_thi:Illypt.34,44;_tkeligl_i '.out our „land, • .. • . - • .4: .',.:Th_at we re -affirm. Our 'belief' in the -,:otal prphibitjch !the. liquor trail'„..„ es a..nieans to Canada' S high- • est' ;,.i'elfare;' the. Systematic ing principles' in the lme • and in the day and Sunday., schoils. , 5, •That We assure ,our miSsionary • at 10,1rie And .,:sver,$eas of out A HEARTLESS THIEF: lovil-g 'prayers for :them. 9 ' 'That the' th nk ef P e • • 8. • Our heartiest thanks to the, members -of , 'Knox Church, Yincar.. dine, for entertainment provided; to the miniSter and session foruse Of elturch to hold Our meeting; to the '• . speakers, Miss RobSon, /of inaie Miss, . • Rattee of Toronto., Rev, Dr. :MsaeGil• - livray',. Moderator of Asaembly; • to Mr,, Paton, organist, and Miss Me.. ,,,,E,enle„soleist, for _theiLlnyekaLcoa: tribations... Officers, President,' • Mrs. . (Rev.) Perri., winghenp pt • Vice Prez id • • 'Coombe,' Kincardine; 2n4Vic •Pres.. Mrs. Arkell, Teeswater; ard Viee Pies,,• 'Mrs. Strachan, Brossell;' . 4th • Vire Pres., Mrs. M. MacKenzie: Aph, fieldi Rec.,Sec.,4Iiss Mather Kinder. dilia; Coi.-See„ Mrs. A. Csxr, .huni;• Treasurer, Mies N. ,dieliolion; '• Supply Sec.; bill.' George • Desoglas, Lucknow; Heine Helper. Sec., Mrs. Simpson, . Molesworth; ;Glad Tidings Sec., Mrs, Porterfield, •Linklater, Wingnani;' Press Sec, Mrs,. R. 'Mewhinney, Dungannon; Life, • l‘lembersbipi, 'Library .and 'Literature ' 'Sec., Mrs. Elliott, WinghaM; Wel„ and Welfare, ,.Mrs. -..11. McGee, • Wingbani; Y. W. Sec., Miss' Carrick. • Luckneiv..Mrs. Meivhinney, Press , • e e rs, teriar be tendt:,,re :3', to the diA'eront itors..„who so kindl,-,,•'pubiished our no- •tite,s and reporti... • ' ,;7., That as,.a', society we desire to 61acr, 'on record &Ur ihankfulNss td. God for His . grade:us , eare ,and goodness. to o'ut:beleveri D,ornin- ion 'enabling': it: this. '„eal, to cele braff,:. •the• eikh: anni'versary • of Oen,' •fer.1,‘rctti pra;vP.- spirit of:tlie textlrom schich. the title 'of 'the co.uhtrv 'aosen. May be' lion .who lived on the plains of North- its watchworo, "He' shall have do.. ern- India; thro• nglli the ruthless Tier-infrii,ri' also frOin sea '‘o se.a. ,secution Of Hindu and Mohammedan • the river unto the 'ends oil the earth." . . many of these tribes were killed ahq. . many were made slaVek. ni f 1 . ng mind ar•es of safety iirthe •deriSe'. jiingle of .forest ,and hill .. in • Central India.' inhabited by For centuries.., these-'' people have lived there senarategiri nation nlity, manner. and.. customs,. living in ,strange primitive Ways, •Tbey knew • great 'poverty.. .; Their homes are bam- boo huts with mud. floors. They 'are timid. like .animals, ard the greatest difficulty of themissionary;lies An the fat that these trarig pople cent, the estimate that • the': Hindo, places on them', that they are not ai all superier 'to the ariirnals.. They do not Worship, idols, hut are naturally Superstitious and pry toappease: 'the • demons. ,The 'women very hard but have a much more honered ppsi • tion in the homeithan women of other parts . of There • are•-po rhild• marriages,„therefore no child widows; They: possess a great natural••intelli, gence and they readily re.ael.,se the; _truth of the GOspel. Our ciii.•.r.'"1; is reSpOnsibla for 'an area containing two hundred .and fifty thousand of these, people. Speakei• told of their: .eustorris anddress, of their Work; of their teaching' and prea('hing.bv .natives, evaneeiiati6 work tintary, of their one • roecheal ing, of theit'observanee of, „and' •serv, iees on ,the Sabbath day. 'fife 'nativ,f Christians! slogan, is. "Victory for Je; sus." 'Much has been, acconplshi crniich, rein a ins-. to. 'he aerie:, Miss Rob, cInn returns. to ;these people Assured that God is 'working,".out' His brrghi design.: for the r'e'• Deaconess. who ,for•pixieen years J,iI been hi charge of 'the Re.t);r,?,..iv.r. address. She show,ed to ,}1fq, 0)(110 e'r heme. Toronto, eave a most inspir.ng how costly .a snirif,Yal jvneor. f. knee is. the p)t,)•Ino paid inhgand sufter. dniay hecestrearlit.frlp.11:1,t tilth zi'e.(1 tpitfailt of terenidienPatyatOhtire6novnh aolad s, 7O n,llvIrl ria: -edge ofi-the true. Liyht Redeemer 44 voq, iropq and Juippi- • nes s datvris Yet for, the bre s016, '"God 81yrlf Wine Away Tears." Wilti* renderbit V .ftir,A, • tenzie. O'fficers , of lart yrqtr all i'crtcIte at,ory,'i";p1 Stiblect .of Closing wortk, w.hole,„arineurA•ariveri74---414.4-.*Yis,,r- ,..ond, hy-,,Mrs, Oliver; .elosed r r t • ' Evcniiv onAloir, 'n'to '1C/6.r, y ,111vrtror„,i'Merap,flt.couttll'oont (+1.,; • MOderator of Syreal, Tte /Warps), of the overdpg:vate•Ki*n.-. 4 • • e • is'.aaid . that eyan-Jhe. meat .det. ola, go' hioji f 'in' him, lint' it '6 .dthAtfill.,if even this little could be :foundln the: •wretch who,,1:1 Week ago, .While •Linns chei :4'4 11,4,' 954. was tending at the. bedside of.; his .41yhtir wife, entered; his (Oiseherii,$)' hogs. and, '.carried away ....areuantitY 01 pre- serycd. fruit and lether.:iitielei, lei** hoped that so inean,it: rascal AVM not escape Without condign ininiehinent.. ".. ". • •O....-. •••• ost Power at the Lottje.q:Coit for the, Longest Titrie FOunde'rs of the' iraotor ,inciustry in 1901—, • making tractors ever,since.that 'give the..most power the , loWcst cia:A .for',ihellongest ;tiint--H4irtPcirr in*I.927 assures'yot.f of still greater potVer from n great' tractrt. Hart-P6rrs have stiiiitienti power pcif6m.t.vi,6 6r rt,pre farming ciperations at one time. ../5, ;Ivry r,perate rjrilow-price fuel, Mdae possible• , b;'); fresrt.,j1 )ubr.icatiein.• Many Hart -Parrs areetill in f tc:r mr.tre, than twenty Years. of farrowork, trt (tors are xnade ix.) three sizes', fr.,r trafl, mtaiurn or la rte" farms. 0)the aid eel% .thern.. ria'ii-Pa,rr O. wner. Are R'art-Parr booiteri. • :.AtOt4J,',T:,...P.81tTicAlLARS... By • The Joh-Goodjso Thresher Sarnia vrnde., , • , ntario,