HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-12, Page 8n
TAIL ,!*1,4310101rVENTIN4
PAIFI'SAY 142titt '1927"
mos le 0
itish IndustriesFat
Jiu*i,he 'Visit of Their Melestleo the icing and Queen
a 'Brigah, Industries , !girt cityt London, on, .Friday,
'AO Rrieen. accompanied by Colonel ,claUde Taylor and Other
011,Cia.4 'et the' jepirtment of Oreiseas. Trade;entered .the. stand
of J. and G •Ltd• •of Hanley' One of the -first things '
• which Viught Her • Maietitra eye, was the txaclo
40.1Ting. the 'words, -'•44-- Alefdd,nv .England," ?OW PreinPt•
.ed the. question, "Where '4i.re yeUi7werige?” '94, receiving the aP0.-
WeX", the Queen %course, -Hanley, Stoke -on.
of, the Department C1 Overseas Trade,: who aceernpanieri. '
the party, remarked, "Arnold: •Bennett's Five Towne.:"
The :Queen ',graciously commented on the display of J. and
G. Meakin VOIS,'elesely,eXainined the texture of several' pieces,
7 4;31d: 14d,_e9mPlia101itarY' 'reference to the quality of the produc-
tions; With Uncanny prescience?: Her Majesty astounded the Mea-
Si:W.14'7'10104 out :Pattern, Which Already .his
.proved to be, the.rirM.,'s best mile! in Great Britain amongst the,.
.1927 tinittarn4 and": "AentialnY,". which in :',1926 was .averwheirne
Oe biggest ;eller AnSeAgat their -;dinner and tea patter*.
not only in this country, but throughout the world. The Queen
sdescribed-bOtb'patterns ,as "charming." It has frequently been
Asserted that the 'Queen is'particularly well Versed in •,potter
and in pottery decorations, and this is one more proof of it. '
"Academy "Alberta", "Hanley," White and Gold' all J and G
Yeteekine Open Stock Patterns' at
SUMMTR! . Andthe
. .
eric' Vt. and .Rettirn
, •
une:',7th at 9
Ariving Port •Huron 1.30 07:in.,'Detroit,"5.30
e:turning leiteei Detroit ' 1 P:n114 Thursday, , June 9th
TIe,0.01Y boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this ,.season.
between:.6and 12, hall fare. Vide istIr .Michigan friends. and
6 tit 401(1' WAY Petieit7r. A-:,defightfilftrii) over the ,great interna-
tional highly -ay "of lakes and.'-rikars. Don't miss it,:
lAriftrip Griderieh to Detroit, Friday, June 1.0th at 9.30 a.m.- Come and'.
":Eaio3; the Fun
Moonlight Out Ot Goderie
MONDAY, JUNE AMIE 'Ot!).,' AT 8.30 - p.m.
: F;INEEL'E ORCRESTRA for dancing in _Steamer's big new .balltoom•.:-
-11-4a'!;•licair-a on 'beantifa Lake' IlureliforfiQe. Children 25c.
• ,Reporting the checker -tournornent"
recently pulledoff at Brussels be-
tween representatiyess of .Luelrnew
and Brrisseli. the ‘Toat!!' had the .fol,
Ipirrng: ., •
" The • Checker .tenrnApenti-hetWeen
Lticknow and l3russe!s on Monday
evening 'resulted, in• a vietarY for
Lucknew" by, 9 gen*, •the scere;he.;.
lig, 9546 in the visitors'. favor,.
bitiOn' of the ginno ,* played. , on Or
squared board ,and „a large number
of spectators eniaY6d the night's
sport. Lucknnw brought. 13 ;Players
headed "'the, 'wily Jos. Agbe,!T•
Sandy line-up • was as follows:T. MaeDonald; A. Brewer, D. BrewerA: Yuill, .
W. Yeilt? '13r"Tr,' T.
Pierce, ' Ar."ICLauehlin., J. .Oliver, W.
Work,' VV. Stenhemon, E. Cardiff and.
P. Stewart. -Pink st,Sitecl'" at 8.30
eleelc and ,with the. exception of , a'
period of tinie; for :luneh, went on
continuously, until 2 o'clock in , the
morning. To satisfy• a 'erekinelq
challenge, Torii 'McDcmald and Rab
Brewer showed themselves to be 'real
sharks at this game, by trimming 'rip.
a paii of LucknOWites three straight
Thenewsprintpaper made in Can-
ada during the year 1925, if spread
out in a single sheet, would over an
AmnAtto ef ewe*0.4."4't1NY 10,00Q
, square miles,,which is about the Area
:of take Erle.•
.SaY I.t With FlOwOrs
Floral Designs,' Wedding.
Benches, Etc., 'A Specialty
Furnished on Short Notice
Orders. amounting • to i$5 and
over, Express' prepaid.
Flower s delivered to any part
of Canada, 'United • States and
Europe, alio other' countries.
Pioriat Phone 105
KOdak. Outdoor' Fun
Nothti like outdoor firti
this time, of year—nothi;ig like
Kodak pictures .of it for your
Get your Keclak- hereantl 1604 it
..._witlethedeperiklable yellow-6ex kodak
:We do exPert
photo 0.4010kt',
A E, McKIM •
The Rekall Store '
LileknoW, 'Ont.
. •
' When the 'people and the Goiern4
inept's"of the vitriol's ,Canadian prov-
inces decided to, adept the 'Grreerri-
ment Control of Liquor it 'wait not-
with the tdee that they could make
the business ,respectable, theY.siniply
tried anothermethod, of dealing with
an evil, and if it is • not ' Successful
they will try another. .It was - the.
hetelkeepers in Ontario: who brought
on. Prohibition, they 'did Mare than
one . hundred,: thousand. ,Ben .S,pences
'could have dohe, and it was the boot-,
Mggere who brought on Government
Control, -.-Ex.
The `!lost" non cs.f. Mrs: Albert Bail-
ey of ShalloW, Lake, •••• Btuee, County,
has • been _ "found." , At ,. least: - •his
Whereabouts has been discovered, and
the anxiety that has; enveloped Out
community since' last Deceniber has
been broken.
... .
The - young man, who ie , a sailor;
did not ,return to his. home at Shallow,:
Lake after the ,cleairig Of navigation
last fall: .He sent no word to his ino-
.1her or . friends, , and simply dropped
Out of; aikbt !rig nearly: five Months:.
All sorts - of -..-Neild Conjeetures were
finitie as to what had happened , te
/him; and many -firmly 'believed thet,
the lasthad been seen of him e Cer-
tainly he was. lost, and that he ' had
been killedin some way or . anether.
as thdUght to be. i • possible: expla-
1' natiOn. ' '. :. ' • ' - •
:_-,-- Btit7,YOurielliiilek ii. Very muely a.•
'ive. 11a :recently *tete .11Uite''ea.su.
alry to his mother, who, has been:it
raPidly, failing health. , since his -fail-
ute to come 'hoine,. and the postmark
Wei' "England." He explained that
he -end hie •ehinn iiiid &tante-a-to-lee
a - job- en -ail 'ocean *.liner,.• and - ea *.soen
as their boat docked to: elose the sea-.
.011 AL Potf..„.:Ntoit,o11,-ihej'A,,Ip4 ,-for::
Montreal, . and thete. started work ,Oli•
W' hirter4 th'e. pante' OE viiiith, lie th,d ;not,
give : . : : ... . ' ,
' He is now in England; but, 'Whether
. of •rtiot he A .-till einployedievith the
eterimehip 'company.. is unknown..
Oafins to be in good health, and, at
least his mother is satislied that he
is .allYe and 'Well.
.4 1. 44044
ooEs To, JAIL.
Gordoj White, ,who lett • fall do-
fraudedja number of .b,usiness men
in Beaverton by Means of a fake acf,-
vertising Scheme --and' who previOus-
ly, had worked a similar freed on
some Barrie merchants and in other
.towns, :-wag sentenced by Magistrate
Jeffs' in Bradford on March 29 e.to
twelve months determinate and two
Year .indeterniiriate., The PrOeecu-
tien' was ordered. by the Attorney-
General'a department end ik.rhite 'Was.
brought t� .Bradford from the Guelph
:sentence for a similar offence - It
is believed that ho had victimized
anerchanta in ten different towns, :a-
nion; , thein being ;Beaverton. 'White's
leheme Ayes to sell the merchants ad-
vertising space .on theatre tUrininS.
Hi collected in"advence. and -.'haVinit
°Mai*. the Money, • 'disappeared.
The 'individual losses were small and,
White's 'safety lay 'largely in the fact
that mist of his victims would 'rather.
take their loss and say :nothing :than
ritiblieh the feet that: they had: -been;
taken in by a smooth talking strang-
er. In Beaverton he 'proposed tc
alriee advertising -• matter for the
;merchants oft thecurtain in the mo
Vie theatre: .1 The advertising. never
InPeared and White . moved On te
pastures' 'neNV 'after - he, had- cleaned
un. . He Came to grief, at, Mfinico
where he- was 'caught attempting to
plias a worthless cheque' and subse,--
querit investigation : disclosed' the. na
ture of • his. previous activities. Four
liarges were. laid against • him in
Bradford and he pleaded, giiiitY in
each one The -sentences_ were', the•
same in each ,gase and'. are to .. rep
concerrently. .• •
Man is unique, in one way; his
eyes don't fin ,with 'tears when the
barber doesn't cut- it to suit him.,
As tlier is, no *Q000 144 .David 'Robertson, the
Ithe 'Streets payed this suinnier, the dean of 'the Iea1 prefeasien: Of Brneei,
golincil has decided to 'oil the 40004 is coMinemerating hth fiftieth'
cost.of 2541:t per', .foot verenty as 'rkleiv.Yer•in,Walketton by
fF0114,g6i,•te''PtaPert.'..ownerS.A hea.,. taking into -pertnekShiP hi5 son, -Mi,
'.fr Will be :13P0, this Yearr a the
for. ••,tbe peen :-eight. years. has,: been ,
'member of Ohishol#h
MeQUesteri••&-RobertiOn ..barristerri
„o .
,ound, but so, fv. only. 00 deg .taU, "77:1VroOililiiiFiqr",VdcoTra:V;411;;;,-
• h44°' been • FiON'keseit by 'Omit rest!'6hxfikaer1Wei;14o
The ceuee41'..ie _threatening p
dr,natie-nrienSiges: • • ' ' four years he has been. an'eitainieer
.Of .stinienti at.' the .•., Ontarie.. Lav•e
,RIPL'EY • Sehool; •Toronto, which. is the longest
* period 'that any4.-eXirminerH•viAn .serve.
At , a ..emigregate4nal meeting 0 St,;,
Andrew's. .United i Church held in Thin 4 .p,ogrog T17.0l3EfI.1)0R.T•.,'
.pEree;b-,Uriited,..*Cliareli on. Tuesday
ening i' a ,reielation. „slibinitted "•ihn. ,Bruee peninsula.. is 4-greatly:pleased:
seesion.4.eeeked.,.a:hearty. and rinani-. fit the eitahliehment • of 'r . resident.
nieu4. approval, to the: ''congregation, physician at .Teherinory,
ex -
to ' extendta:.eall to Rev. Q. N.IVICKen- trenie' northern point . of the ,penin-
zie, of Belinotee• to become their pas- .sula. Since the. Brine Peninsula alas.
tor at :of. the present . con- settled sonic- 60 years.- age', the near-
ference. ye4rr. ,The matterof stipend est doctor to he had
was left to the 'Session and Board ,nf a distr.:meof rric,ny :Miles, over rengh,
:Stewards,: who., deeided, that it should and impassable .reads. .4feiv: year
he. 81,900 anntailly;;,' free inaMe,.. tour ago a," docter ars secured for ,Lion's.
Weeks holidays eed:Payinene• et. Head, • midway between' Toberiner.
ing eScpenees. •' • • • and • Winton., '•!Thq•:..ittek ,of inedical
Roberton.Enunertqn care pe this isolated speti.vas taken
A quiet morning wedding up 'the - :with
May .4th,l'tri the - Church of the Mess--
Wednesday, -theireenit-tliat Cross Outpost
wasestaklishc4 Lion!s, Head. an
emiiitedTif 167TO'clock: on
gineardiner, when Lillian Blanche.. is aq°91.°Plisiiik7 • splendid • results.
Many .4 death. has eccurred on thins
daughter 'Of Mr,. and Mrs. Geo. J. Enn:
rile:herr,. Ripley; 'became the bride of peninsula through lack of a' Physici-
DeesisenT,Delos:;ROberton; ion of Mrs. an and his. care, Through the .efforia."
Ty.sa, 'of Londesboto, -. The cere- -ThstituiS.
'irony-itras ,-petteroed,by Ref:- T. H. word Was..,sent to Mrs. .GeOtge- Ed -
Farr,:: rector of *the- church. . The bride. wards • °f E°Y11°k°,'provincial *ice"
Whe was. unattended, Were a ,gown of of the • ekganizP•ticsli, and
pondrel:•bliie,georgette crepe and eor- she,, in cOnferenee iti Toronto, With:
sa`ge hoennet of 'valley JilieS: and .but- Dr. 13e11 of.
ly •rose..s: .After the • runcherin • wee Provincial Health De.
pertment; Dr. F, W: Routley of. .the
served•at'the...bride'e,Lnie,Alie::..haiip* .ProvinCial ;Red Cross•;_.;_and.L.V.&:•._
couple leftoalioneyineon trip to, Crape of the: UnWerSity Weitern
Ontario;! :and , at: this .eonferenee. if
' r :
lighter ,stuit"xlsed,:.:Jast ,,larrnner nt n ,
test, of 3e' and lc per feet : did , net
assessor this 'Year recorded. 99
doks-in thetown when he Made his
California,. Upon their retinn theyi1l,
'.reside ri Loncleibore; where the
groon fiP.s the • Position of; C.N.R.
Station, agent.; The 'hest Wishes for a
happy andprosPerous voyage throUgh
life is extended to them.- '
Preparetions are under way lOr" the
:erection of a ,slanghter.,heuse in `eon-
neetion witil the recently ergenizee
'beef -.Xing at Dungannon. . The build-
ing will be erected on Mr. Thoniae
Park's farm; .orie quarter mile west
,of Diingantion.
ir Ttobt. Eeid of Port Albeit; via.
in -Dungannon last - week on bnoines3
in connection' -With' winding !Up the
estate of hie father, the late, Jamer"
.Reid. 'Robert- has Perchased. the 100
acre farm orr. the 5th, concession ,of
Ashfield, hzeki was formerly owned.
by his • father and obtains possesion.
Mr. Charles pihott, who reeentlitI:
disposed' of. his general storebuiiries
to • Mr: HarVey Treleaven, IMS pur-
chased'. the property in Dungannon
fermerly owned by the late S.- E.
Sanderson, and *ill move t� it in the
near future. Mr, Treleaven will then
Move into,i' the house adjoining , the
was decided to. Oate a hysician
there:: and • final ., arrangements:. , were -
IS 'intended byhe •depart-
;meritS repteiented at this meeting
that any financial backing:needed td
the undertaking in viaW; will he met
until. the: -practice- is fully established
Tob rmory is rejoieing..over the goeit.
..FARMERS" *km( . AT. O.A.C.
June 2iist,-Day for Bruce County
• . •
• Farmers' Week. held annually at
the 0::\.0 , in the ;Month of June.
takes. thoussncls ni visitors to, the
College: • SpeCial strangerrients of
terest esluCatienal yallie are Eli"'
, rangefl, • with ..'.-specially .conducted.
:tours to the various poirits: of inter-
est' in connection with the, 'work beirre,
carried on.. Jiine is. an ',ideal time for
e. day's holiday; roads • are in eicce1.•
lent. shape;' the College -4n institu;
don' being, maintained, for the benefit
of :Ontario'. Agriculture --is 'looking
iti beet; no 'Mlle 'wonder that -.large
erowd5 niak.i famous: Agricultur-
al :College 'the object, of 'a day's out-
ing ' during Farmers' Week.. June
.21st is the special day for Bruce, and
Surrounding counties: The old time
• , ,
eir .Excellencies 1Make Friends in Banff
Otheir recent first. ofiicial tour of the,.-Dotriirrion• acrossrto-
,e ate c Coast,nottile, least attractiva:--plate
" byf 1/4:dent, WilfingdOnf -Governor:Generat'nf. Canada', and
.• , "Lady •AlVillingdea, :the. J:!.anailiair
famous forthebeauty' of.its 5de0ery,;a0d-• the hos,-
patality afforded by' tife. Banff Springs I Intel,, one of the
most • briposing and beautiful buildings of' ita kind:01'4:41d
' North Atnerican:'tontinefit vohich is shout lower lett,
•As k•• record of their, visit the actoinpanyiep4. tottsual
Photageitpha *ere taken by kind iiertnission of Theit EX'
• ceilesicies,. They Shei,i 'Lord and Lady. Williegdon each in
turn feerline massfre specimen of Buffalo Bull who Bemidji.
lorcar o .64.1 the. Buffalo, Park at tiajlif," impales; of
, •
th griat attractions of the town. Fiirred to his hoovea,
the.' Monster', titian* like,a servivat from eoeie '.pre-historici
period;' gentlyand calmly tikes his .ineals .1rom-the -Undo
of his distinguished 'hosts: Another 'Photograph shows Her
Excallencv. feeding a taby litigate by hand", white yet another
gives us Their .Excellencies at a 'pemi'of 'vantage on the top-
er Ant of the: corrals et the Banff Park. :1Lady • Wiltitigdoti
is seated at her ease, but Ilis Lordship had: (limited to 'the;
•very rep a the corral and both are enjoying the view onin
this unusual position, • It la safe to assume.tliet Theirk,Ex, '•
celleneica will tretieure thetio, photographs ,AS a retard'
a visit which; although Part Of SA Oilici41 tour, WAS *Lk-
thlelpoe 41tegother eigtete, Ouch toOThptW, •
:.- .
u_ le21
, . rii:ctuPes:
colorsalt Pr90t;
coligoleuni Rugs
`ee, 8,ptrip!aeitterna? at
lowest wee aQ5
, •
Ladies''Newl Hats.):
Reg. up, to $5.1/0.1 0 nn
Special. value, at+clua
Our brigh1,4;s 4ept!can
thee; atu.•:
• • '••• up
Fitgi silk -:,13reisiies ;
. dintzest colors..
Children's Has
:Smart shapes, dain-
tily trimmed, •
' Floor Oilcloth; Linoleuitis,
• Briiht.inew floor coverings in a -host" of 'choicest ‘"•Celorings, All
ready to brighten upyour home, and .prices Are low in, our Flooring
, . .
_ , , , , • ...., •
_ .. ,:•• ,
, Extra; qualit--,- 3C
. .
rib. Per
Extra quali4r-Brfue
•Or Red border: Pr,.. ••-
Fugi Silk
A big heap ,of them rep"...
., and dainty colors, Yd. 1, I (7.
Men's Caps
Your chance, at .....• •Vo
Ginghams ,
,,, • •
, Areyou getting Your share
of these? 32" wide.: 4 n„
, Net:Crest colbrs. Lou
Curtain MarClUiSet
Large or .small
cheek. 26" wide'Id 1das .
A Big . Snap In Silk Hose,
- These are sub standards, but extra clear, and are in prettiest
shades, of Flesh; Piping Rod, Champagne, etc. Real bar,, An,. •
gains for you, at, q pair: • OU
Feltol 'Watts
Three dain-
ty designs.4 Each.: :.. • I .
,Curtain Panels
• IiPece4 filled, nett' • showing
• dainty /pattern. 1 Yd.' _17n,17
grh-21,i yds. I *Al
Ladies' Umbrellas
' Get ready for the wet deo. '
This one is a dandy.
49 ,..,.....:...... •
Mess Felt Hats
froAm.h'oTstourt° choosecbeie.. . 0°.fitdair
Silk Crepe. . DreSses
..E „.. xtta nice quality, all sizes., Navy, Black, Itoecw.00d, ,fir•
Sand, etc. ,,, Special And extra, At.
Fill Your Tank, With
mpttaN's GARAGE
cAnitedam cm. comerauniguIR
voilpftro. ONT.
• lune exeqrSiOns have been 'largely
,,implanted by the advent of the auto-
inobile-Hotever, it ,is expected that
:car leads of interested pee* bent on
erijoyinent and in quest of latest 111
formation and most. up to -date ideas
Will represent: our innumerable spien-
did.,farmieg eOmmiinities at the O.A,
p.011 Julie gist, and Make °. Bruce
ounty's miota-ipf visitors 'a .highly
imposing one.',
' • •
iss Catherine Nelson 'Who hved
alone on Minnie St, Winghani, Was •
found dead in her bed Saturday morn-
ing of last week. She had been about'
until about until 10 o'clock ,Friday ev-
ening. On failing to see . her about
Saturday morning, e neighbor, Mrs.
Pattison, went to the house andi look-
/ ng.,..iunt, the -Window,.. saye that --Miss ,
.1\ieleen Was stilt in ,bed. In the house
being entered it was found .ihat. she
,was dead. Cororiei;' Dr. Redreend
'being called stated that she likely had
passed away soon after, retiring. Mrs:
jarrieS'PoWell,.et Tiirriberry; is _a SIS
16i, A hrother;:Janies -Nelsen, lives in
, Seaterth.
Ree'int Vtors in Winghatri -were
Mr and Mrs DriVid 'Abe tna-tlitir
on, of Nebraska, State. ' This laniilY
'have been on a motor trip. Since
September, first,going smith to tali.:
fertile, 'deo arid Florida: Tinning
northw in the early spring, they
are now Visiting Ontario. 'NOY' .Catry
eohiplete ealuping outilto ant liVe
th, NVOSIo
Car -load on hand.
Why -order ahead ivh,in
you can get, a supply
ay day?,
The Best Brands ,
EPPS, The Mover
Canada And .LT,niteii States
'All .Loads Insured
Reasonable Rates
Covered .yans._,
or. Phone
Clinton; 626 F:21
'L 7
For the entries in the -Canoe
'cliari Laying Contest at Otte}
, our pen' is • in first ,plac!e-
--from Ontario' .for'• the light. '
,cbreeds : In the Ontario Con=
test, our On' is Again in, •- first
„place for the ,light,breediu.:In
-the Nove Scotia ,Ccinteist: our
.pen is • in aecondl pike, as well'
second, -"And, third
'high hen... 13aby chicks guar..
anteed • safe. delivary, $12, per
. _ .
„13rusiiela, Ont..
: Tho,. more dollar* or *Milt yeti.:
got. tositiPr 01..loi4ot thor 1016