HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-12, Page 8n TAIL ,!*1,4310101rVENTIN4 PAIFI'SAY 142titt '1927" mos le 0 itish IndustriesFat Jiu*i,he 'Visit of Their Melestleo the icing and Queen a 'Brigah, Industries , !girt cityt London, on, .Friday, 'AO Rrieen. accompanied by Colonel ,claUde Taylor and Other 011,Cia.4 'et the' jepirtment of Oreiseas. Trade;entered .the. stand of J. and G •Ltd• •of Hanley' One of the -first things ' • which Viught Her • Maietitra eye, was the txaclo 40.1Ting. the 'words, -'•44-- Alefdd,nv .England," ?OW PreinPt• .ed the. question, "Where '4i.re yeUi7werige?” '94, receiving the aP0.- WeX", the Queen %course, -Hanley, Stoke -on. of, the Department C1 Overseas Trade,: who aceernpanieri. ' the party, remarked, "Arnold: •Bennett's Five Towne.:" The :Queen ',graciously commented on the display of J. and G. Meakin VOIS,'elesely,eXainined the texture of several' pieces, 7 4;31d: 14d,_e9mPlia101itarY' 'reference to the quality of the produc- tions; With Uncanny prescience?: Her Majesty astounded the Mea- kin Si:W.14'7'10104 out :Pattern, Which Already .his .proved to be, the.rirM.,'s best mile! in Great Britain amongst the,. .1927 tinittarn4 and": "AentialnY,". which in :',1926 was .averwheirne Oe biggest ;eller AnSeAgat their -;dinner and tea patter*. not only in this country, but throughout the world. The Queen sdescribed-bOtb'patterns ,as "charming." It has frequently been Asserted that the 'Queen is'particularly well Versed in •,potter and in pottery decorations, and this is one more proof of it. ' "Academy "Alberta", "Hanley," White and Gold' all J and G Yeteekine Open Stock Patterns' at Y'S- VARIETY' STORE LUCKNOW ONTARIO _ SUMMTR! . Andthe GREYHOUND . . ANNUAL LOW -FARE: EXCURSION • eric' Vt. and .Rettirn , • IG • STEEL"' STEAMER GREYHOUND -2:2 FE, SPEEDY, COMFORTABLE•'' • $IM WILL LEAVE GODERICH One Way une:',7th at 9 Ariving Port •Huron 1.30 07:in.,'Detroit,"5.30 e:turning leiteei Detroit ' 1 P:n114 Thursday, , June 9th TIe,0.01Y boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this ,.season. between:.6and 12, hall fare. Vide istIr .Michigan friends. and 6 tit 401(1' WAY Petieit7r. A-:,defightfilftrii) over the ,great interna- tional highly -ay "of lakes and.'-rikars. Don't miss it,: lAriftrip Griderieh to Detroit, Friday, June 1.0th at 9.30 a.m.- Come and'. ":Eaio3; the Fun Moonlight Out Ot Goderie MONDAY, JUNE AMIE 'Ot!).,' AT 8.30 - p.m. : F;INEEL'E ORCRESTRA for dancing in _Steamer's big new .balltoom•.:- -11-4a'!;•licair-a on 'beantifa Lake' IlureliforfiQe. Children 25c. rtAir-Rs AT BRUSSELS • ,Reporting the checker -tournornent" recently pulledoff at Brussels be- tween representatiyess of .Luelrnew and Brrisseli. the ‘Toat!!' had the .fol, - Ipirrng: ., • " The • Checker .tenrnApenti-hetWeen Lticknow and l3russe!s on Monday evening 'resulted, in• a vietarY for Lucknew" by, 9 gen*, •the scere;he.;. lig, 9546 in the visitors'. favor,. '38-"Arirra'S;r1rWILTS'PrendicIT bitiOn' of the ginno ,* played. , on Or squared board ,and „a large number of spectators eniaY6d the night's sport. Lucknnw brought. 13 ;Players headed "'the, 'wily Jos. Agbe,!T• Sandy line-up • was as follows:T. MaeDonald; A. Brewer, D. BrewerA: Yuill, . W. Yeilt? '13r"Tr,' T. Pierce, ' Ar."ICLauehlin., J. .Oliver, W. Work,' VV. Stenhemon, E. Cardiff and. P. Stewart. -Pink st,Sitecl'" at 8.30 eleelc and ,with the. exception of , a' period of tinie; for :luneh, went on continuously, until 2 o'clock in , the morning. To satisfy• a 'erekinelq challenge, Torii 'McDcmald and Rab Brewer showed themselves to be 'real sharks at this game, by trimming 'rip. a paii of LucknOWites three straight games. ADVERTISING F1ARIR C4IINAD1AN NEWS PRINT Thenewsprintpaper made in Can- ada during the year 1925, if spread out in a single sheet, would over an AmnAtto ef ewe*0.4."4't1NY 10,00Q , square miles,,which is about the Area :of take Erle.• .SaY I.t With FlOwOrs Floral Designs,' Wedding. Benches, Etc., 'A Specialty Furnished on Short Notice Orders. amounting • to i$5 and over, Express' prepaid. Flower s delivered to any part of Canada, 'United • States and Europe, alio other' countries. ,GEORGE. STEWART- Pioriat Phone 105 •' GODERICH, ONT. ' KOdak. Outdoor' Fun Nothti like outdoor firti this time, of year—nothi;ig like Kodak pictures .of it for your album. Get your Keclak- hereantl 1604 it ..._witlethedeperiklable yellow-6ex kodak :We do exPert photo 0.4010kt', A E, McKIM • The Rekall Store ' LileknoW, 'Ont. k1/4711""1*"..."7.1!"."111"1"1".."1"111 . • ;14 , HARD TO CONTROL ' When the 'people and the Goiern4 inept's"of the vitriol's ,Canadian prov- inces decided to, adept the 'Grreerri- ment Control of Liquor it 'wait not- • with the tdee that they could make the business ,respectable, theY.siniply tried anothermethod, of dealing with an evil, and if it is • not ' Successful they will try another. .It was - the. hetelkeepers in Ontario: who brought on. Prohibition, they 'did Mare than one . hundred,: thousand. ,Ben .S,pences 'could have dohe, and it was the boot-, Mggere who brought on Government Control, -.-Ex. HISSING YOUNG :MAN * TURNS .UP IN ;ENGLAND' .. The `!lost" non cs.f. Mrs: Albert Bail- ey of ShalloW, Lake, •••• Btuee, County, has • been _ "found." , At ,. least: - •his Whereabouts has been discovered, and the anxiety that has; enveloped Out community since' last Deceniber has been broken. ... . The - young man, who ie , a sailor; did not ,return to his. home at Shallow,: Lake after the ,cleairig Of navigation last fall: .He sent no word to his ino- .1her or . friends, , and simply dropped Out of; aikbt !rig nearly: five Months:. All sorts - of -..-Neild Conjeetures were finitie as to what had happened , te /him; and many -firmly 'believed thet, the lasthad been seen of him e Cer- tainly he was. lost, and that he ' had been killedin some way or . anether. as thdUght to be. i • possible: expla- 1' natiOn. ' '. :. ' • ' - • :_-,-- Btit7,YOurielliiilek ii. Very muely a.• 'ive. 11a :recently *tete .11Uite''ea.su. alry to his mother, who, has been:it raPidly, failing health. , since his -fail- ute to come 'hoine,. and the postmark Wei' "England." He explained that he -end hie •ehinn iiiid &tante-a-to-lee a - job- en -ail 'ocean *.liner,.• and - ea *.soen as their boat docked to: elose the sea-. .011 AL Potf..„.:Ntoit,o11,-ihej'A,,Ip4 ,-for:: Montreal, . and thete. started work ,Oli• W' hirter4 th'e. pante' OE viiiith, lie th,d ;not, give : . : : ... . ' , ' He is now in England; but, 'Whether . of •rtiot he A .-till einployedievith the eterimehip 'company.. is unknown.. Oafins to be in good health, and, at least his mother is satislied that he is .allYe and 'Well. .4 1. 44044 ••••7-•- , a ooEs To, JAIL. Gordoj White, ,who lett • fall do- fraudedja number of .b,usiness men in Beaverton by Means of a fake acf,- vertising Scheme --and' who previOus- ly, had worked a similar freed on some Barrie merchants and in other .towns, :-wag sentenced by Magistrate Jeffs' in Bradford on March 29 e.to twelve months determinate and two Year .indeterniiriate., The PrOeecu- tien' was ordered. by the Attorney- General'a department end ik.rhite 'Was. brought t� .Bradford from the Guelph --Reformittory6rwhete:he=w- :sentence for a similar offence - It is believed that ho had victimized anerchanta in ten different towns, :a- nion; , thein being ;Beaverton. 'White's leheme Ayes to sell the merchants ad- vertising space .on theatre tUrininS. Hi collected in"advence. and -.'haVinit °Mai*. the Money, • 'disappeared. The 'individual losses were small and, White's 'safety lay 'largely in the fact that mist of his victims would 'rather. take their loss and say :nothing :than ritiblieh the feet that: they had: -been; taken in by a smooth talking strang- er. In Beaverton he 'proposed tc alriee advertising -• matter for the ;merchants oft thecurtain in the mo - Vie theatre: .1 The advertising. never InPeared and White . moved On te pastures' 'neNV 'after - he, had- cleaned un. . He Came to grief, at, Mfinico where he- was 'caught attempting to plias a worthless cheque' and subse,-- querit investigation : disclosed' the. na ture of • his. previous activities. Four liarges were. laid against • him in Bradford and he pleaded, giiiitY in each one The -sentences_ were', the• same in each ,gase and'. are to .. rep concerrently. .• • • Man is unique, in one way; his eyes don't fin ,with 'tears when the barber doesn't cut- it to suit him., V.TAXRTO As tlier is, no *Q000 144 .David 'Robertson, the Ithe 'Streets payed this suinnier, the dean of 'the Iea1 prefeasien: Of Brneei, golincil has decided to 'oil the 40004 is coMinemerating hth fiftieth' cost.of 2541:t per', .foot verenty as 'rkleiv.Yer•in,Walketton by fF0114,g6i,•te''PtaPert.'..ownerS.A hea.,. taking into -pertnekShiP hi5 son, -Mi, . '.fr Will be :13P0, this Yearr a the for. ••,tbe peen :-eight. years. has,: been , 'member of Ohishol#h MeQUesteri••&-RobertiOn ..barristerri „o . ,ound, but so, fv. only. 00 deg .taU, "77:1VroOililiiiFiqr",VdcoTra:V;411;;;,- • h44°' been • FiON'keseit by 'Omit rest!'6hxfikaer1Wei;14o k!rts.1,3 9..n..1‘).eY4ini•bltd:e.run.:.,,)iitforxtensive The ceuee41'..ie _threatening p dr,natie-nrienSiges: • • ' ' four years he has been. an'eitainieer .Of .stinienti at.' the .•., Ontarie.. Lav•e ,RIPL'EY • Sehool; •Toronto, which. is the longest * period 'that any4.-eXirminerH•viAn .serve. At , a ..emigregate4nal meeting 0 St,;, Andrew's. .United i Church held in Thin 4 .p,ogrog T17.0l3EfI.1)0R.T•.,' .pEree;b-,Uriited,..*Cliareli on. Tuesday ening i' a ,reielation. „slibinitted "•ihn. ,Bruee peninsula.. is 4-greatly:pleased: seesion.4.eeeked.,.a:hearty. and rinani-. fit the eitahliehment • of 'r . resident. nieu4. approval, to the: ''congregation, physician at .Teherinory, ex - to ' extendta:.eall to Rev. Q. N.IVICKen- trenie' northern point . of the ,penin- zie, of Belinotee• to become their pas- .sula. Since the. Brine Peninsula alas. tor at :of. the present . con- settled sonic- 60 years.- age', the near- ference. ye4rr. ,The matterof stipend est doctor to he had was left to the 'Session and Board ,nf a distr.:meof rric,ny :Miles, over rengh, :Stewards,: who., deeided, that it should and impassable .reads. .4feiv: year he. 81,900 anntailly;;,' free inaMe,.. tour ago a," docter ars secured for ,Lion's. Weeks holidays eed:Payinene• et. Head, • midway between' Toberiner. ing eScpenees. •' • • • and • Winton., '•!Thq•:..ittek ,of inedical Roberton.Enunertqn care pe this isolated speti.vas taken A quiet morning wedding up 'the - :with May .4th,l'tri the - Church of the Mess-- Wednesday, -theireenit-tliat Cross Outpost wasestaklishc4 Lion!s, Head. an emiiitedTif 167TO'clock: on gineardiner, when Lillian Blanche.. is aq°91.°Plisiiik7 • splendid • results. Many .4 death. has eccurred on thins daughter 'Of Mr,. and Mrs. Geo. J. Enn: rile:herr,. Ripley; 'became the bride of peninsula through lack of a' Physici- DeesisenT,Delos:;ROberton; ion of Mrs. an and his. care, Through the .efforia." Ty.sa, 'of Londesboto, -. The cere- -ThstituiS. 'irony-itras ,-petteroed,by Ref:- T. H. word Was..,sent to Mrs. .GeOtge- Ed - Farr,:: rector of *the- church. . The bride. wards • °f E°Y11°k°,'provincial *ice" Whe was. unattended, Were a ,gown of of the • ekganizP•ticsli, and pondrel:•bliie,georgette crepe and eor- she,, in cOnferenee iti Toronto, With: sa`ge hoennet of 'valley JilieS: and .but- Dr. 13e11 of. ly •rose..s: .After the • runcherin • wee Provincial Health De. teri pertment; Dr. F, W: Routley of. .the served•at'the...bride'e,Lnie,Alie::..haiip* .ProvinCial ;Red Cross•;_.;_and.L.V.&:•._ couple leftoalioneyineon trip to, Crape of the: UnWerSity Weitern Ontario;! :and , at: this .eonferenee. if ' r : lighter ,stuit"xlsed,:.:Jast ,,larrnner nt n , test, of 3e' and lc per feet : did , net giire'.satiSfneiien, 4`he assessor this 'Year recorded. 99 doks-in thetown when he Made his California,. Upon their retinn theyi1l, '.reside ri Loncleibore; where the groon fiP.s the • Position of; C.N.R. Station, agent.; The 'hest Wishes for a happy andprosPerous voyage throUgh life is extended to them.- ' • DUNGANN,ON' Preparetions are under way lOr" the :erection of a ,slanghter.,heuse in `eon- neetion witil the recently ergenizee 'beef -.Xing at Dungannon. . The build- ing will be erected on Mr. Thoniae Park's farm; .orie quarter mile west ,of Diingantion. ir Ttobt. Eeid of Port Albeit; via. in -Dungannon last - week on bnoines3 in connection' -With' winding !Up the estate of hie father, the late, Jamer" .Reid. 'Robert- has Perchased. the 100 acre farm orr. the 5th, concession ,of Ashfield, hzeki was formerly owned. by his • father and obtains possesion. initnediately. • Mr. Charles pihott, who reeentlitI: , disposed' of. his general storebuiiries to • Mr: HarVey Treleaven, IMS pur- chased'. the property in Dungannon fermerly owned by the late S.- E. Sanderson, and *ill move t� it in the near future. Mr, Treleaven will then Move into,i' the house adjoining , the was decided to. Oate a hysician there:: and • final ., arrangements:. , were - IS 'intended byhe •depart- ;meritS repteiented at this meeting that any financial backing:needed td the undertaking in viaW; will he met until. the: -practice- is fully established Tob rmory is rejoieing..over the goeit. .• ..FARMERS" *km( . AT. O.A.C. n .•• June 2iist,-Day for Bruce County • . • • Farmers' Week. held annually at the 0::\.0 , in the ;Month of June. takes. thoussncls ni visitors to, the College: • SpeCial strangerrients of in- terest esluCatienal yallie are Eli"' , rangefl, • with ..'.-specially .conducted. :tours to the various poirits: of inter- est' in connection with the, 'work beirre, carried on.. Jiine is. an ',ideal time for e. day's holiday; roads • are in eicce1.• lent. shape;' the College -4n institu; don' being, maintained, for the benefit of :Ontario'. Agriculture --is 'looking iti beet; no 'Mlle 'wonder that -.large erowd5 niak.i famous: Agricultur- al :College 'the object, of 'a day's out- ing ' during Farmers' Week.. June .21st is the special day for Bruce, and Surrounding counties: The old time gflA • , , .44 eir .Excellencies 1Make Friends in Banff Otheir recent first. ofiicial tour of the,.-Dotriirrion• acrossrto- ,e ate c Coast,nottile, least attractiva:--plate " byf 1/4:dent, WilfingdOnf -Governor:Generat'nf. Canada', and .• , "Lady •AlVillingdea, :the. J:!.anailiair famous forthebeauty' of.its 5de0ery,;a0d-• the hos,- patality afforded by' tife. Banff Springs I Intel,, one of the most • briposing and beautiful buildings of' ita kind:01'4:41d ' North Atnerican:'tontinefit vohich is shout lower lett, •As k•• record of their, visit the actoinpanyiep4. tottsual Photageitpha *ere taken by kind iiertnission of Theit EX' • ceilesicies,. They Shei,i 'Lord and Lady. Williegdon each in turn feerline massfre specimen of Buffalo Bull who Bemidji. lorcar o .64.1 the. Buffalo, Park at tiajlif," impales; of • , • th griat attractions of the town. Fiirred to his hoovea, the.' Monster', titian* like,a servivat from eoeie '.pre-historici period;' gentlyand calmly tikes his .ineals .1rom-the -Undo of his distinguished 'hosts: Another 'Photograph shows Her Excallencv. feeding a taby litigate by hand", white yet another gives us Their .Excellencies at a 'pemi'of 'vantage on the top- er Ant of the: corrals et the Banff Park. :1Lady • Wiltitigdoti is seated at her ease, but Ilis Lordship had: (limited to 'the; •very rep a the corral and both are enjoying the view onin this unusual position, • It la safe to assume.tliet Theirk,Ex, '• celleneica will tretieure thetio, photographs ,AS a retard' 01 a visit which; although Part Of SA Oilici41 tour, WAS *Lk- thlelpoe 41tegother eigtete, Ouch toOThptW, • tr; •1% lye.l.•Y(0,,Moirg:F0110.1.1r oney O'c :.- . sdcs u_ le21 , . rii:ctuPes: colorsalt Pr90t; coligoleuni Rugs `ee, 8,ptrip!aeitterna? at lowest wee aQ5 , • Ladies''Newl Hats.): Reg. up, to $5.1/0.1 0 nn Special. value, at+clua • -'oerS7ts7':'C::r.s:ehta.e s Our brigh1,4;s 4ept!can 3ervey9411,%i;h thee; atu.•: • • '••• up • Fitgi silk -:,13reisiies ; . dintzest colors.. sig:slieciai, Children's Has :Smart shapes, dain- tily trimmed, • ) ' Floor Oilcloth; Linoleuitis, • Briiht.inew floor coverings in a -host" of 'choicest ‘"•Celorings, All ready to brighten upyour home, and .prices Are low in, our Flooring r Depetment. , . . _ , , , , • ...., • COME : -HERE -, - BUY: ANT); SAVE . _ .. ,:•• , , Extra; qualit--,- 3C . . rib. Per ' iiienGlass-towels Extra quali4r-Brfue , •Or Red border: Pr,.. ••- • Fugi Silk A big heap ,of them rep"... ., and dainty colors, Yd. 1, I (7. Men's Caps Big Your chance, at .....• •Vo Ginghams , ,,, • • , Areyou getting Your share of these? 32" wide.: 4 n„ , Net:Crest colbrs. Lou Curtain MarClUiSet Large or .small cheek. 26" wide'Id 1das . dolomommee' A Big . Snap In Silk Hose, - These are sub standards, but extra clear, and are in prettiest shades, of Flesh; Piping Rod, Champagne, etc. Real bar,, An,. • gains for you, at, q pair: • OU Feltol 'Watts Three dain- ty designs.4 Each.: :.. • I . , ,Curtain Panels • IiPece4 filled, nett' • showing - • dainty /pattern. 1 Yd.' _17n,17 grh-21,i yds. I *Al Ladies' Umbrellas ' Get ready for the wet deo. ' This one is a dandy. 49 ,..,.....:...... • Mess Felt Hats froAm.h'oTstourt° choosecbeie.. . 0°.fitdair Silk Crepe. . DreSses ..E „.. xtta nice quality, all sizes., Navy, Black, Itoecw.00d, ,fir• Sand, etc. ,,, Special And extra, At. £N -AI -CO SOTO. OIL Fill Your Tank, With RAD. SEAL GAS At mpttaN's GARAGE LucKNow ••••-1 1Z WHITS ROSS GASOLINIC 0 cAnitedam cm. comerauniguIR voilpftro. ONT. • • • lune exeqrSiOns have been 'largely ,,implanted by the advent of the auto- inobile-Hotever, it ,is expected that :car leads of interested pee* bent on erijoyinent and in quest of latest 111 formation and most. up to -date ideas Will represent: our innumerable spien- did.,farmieg eOmmiinities at the O.A, p.011 Julie gist, and Make °. Bruce ounty's miota-ipf visitors 'a .highly imposing one.', ' • • , WINGHAM RESIDENT DIESSUDDENLY iss Catherine Nelson 'Who hved alone on Minnie St, Winghani, Was • found dead in her bed Saturday morn- ing of last week. She had been about' until about until 10 o'clock ,Friday ev- ening. On failing to see . her about Saturday morning, e neighbor, Mrs. Pattison, went to the house andi look- / ng.,..iunt, the -Window,.. saye that --Miss , .1\ieleen Was stilt in ,bed. In the house being entered it was found .ihat. she ,was dead. Cororiei;' Dr. Redreend 'being called stated that she likely had passed away soon after, retiring. Mrs: jarrieS'PoWell,.et Tiirriberry; is _a SIS 16i, A hrother;:Janies -Nelsen, lives in , Seaterth. Ree'int Vtors in Winghatri -were Mr and Mrs DriVid 'Abe tna-tlitir on, of Nebraska, State. ' This laniilY 'have been on a motor trip. Since September, first,going smith to tali.: fertile, 'deo arid Florida: Tinning northw in the early spring, they are now Visiting Ontario. 'NOY' .Catry eohiplete ealuping outilto ant liVe th, NVOSIo Car -load on hand. Why -order ahead ivh,in you can get, a supply . ay day?, The Best Brands , G..S.,.ROBERTSCON LUCKNOW EPPS, The Mover :VARNA, ONT., • Canada And .LT,niteii States 'All .Loads Insured Reasonable Rates Covered .yans._, or. Phone Clinton; 626 F:21 'L 7 ROSE'S MODEL S.C. WHITE LEGHORNS For the entries in the -Canoe 'cliari Laying Contest at Otte} , our pen' is • in first ,plac!e- --from Ontario' .for'• the light. ' ,cbreeds : In the Ontario Con= test, our On' is Again in, •- first „place for the ,light,breediu.:In - -the Nove Scotia ,Ccinteist: our .pen is • in aecondl pike, as well' second, -"And, third 'high hen... 13aby chicks guar.. anteed • safe. delivary, $12, per 100: . _ . vv4I,TER ,HOSE. „13rusiiela, Ont.. : Tho,. more dollar* or *Milt yeti.: got. tositiPr 01..loi4ot thor 1016 , A •,\