HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-12, Page 6"P' .'' •
hat..11eres: near epearethenet •it direly!
11-"?iii•UT*'Vf'fik0•404M, A tinte-' 41Watref end'alMost invariably
tr.1,11,11011,1ePt .4,4d,VS•attehlei bring selP• ..th0 porpoise. Ho worked
*Ica to--the',114t 40011iit„of thus ...rapt4IT *AnseA della' roiPois9:'
iv* no Pall' thie401M41: the\ sea-lilg7 eaetnree
ti/elneenienY Petipeets.,;he *eseilnhlea, a several in tIis Wale and . the.
1S4ged*: heit 14013 sto far as to SW had ceased to pia*. abont
peepotee In the water ahollfhhut.'"alnke''at •eace,.. • • •-
ir .444.14 44: •
• r4r.::
..,::sr..E.ED9r:yv.Io9377.,tA ,
h-,14.6 Iroe reMement Beildhis' at eperery building,' . but :it is. a., litiading•
, • I. ., ' ,
'PaFir,i,a gay.. the :00*, Aif YorkIs to 113014g to erect. Whig. le, :coiloa "a leg"-,
Canberra. I Sir Henry• Lunn desOrthea ; thet„wilPleee. One Irendeed.YeareewIthe
'the: no! 'city, • gind.'huthting , ' in • the ' Out alioering AO' aigoe' Of 404% *. o•
'`.44aOrie„,sa. ItelrieW et Beileivs.:' ' ' ' .;: Idea I; at 4, later date, ste• litiedtheper-
‘: • : • ' es .... ",- .. •. le • ' '• -•• nieekeit leeetiee, of s ,Paeliament behind :the .gat of . ton years :hence .will ha', so•'.-
, .4,k.,is- an.• etighteheiii'se ^railerey • jour- the Oreeent -paratanien'i'', Heusi° at ,!ft fUndarilentelly. 'different '.freill,' 'the.
. ,. ,.. ,
.4eY.tropi ,P74a.ey to .9nealiheTAa ,fiali higherleyeil„ pv*0190104* ,14,, and; to use..'1Q4 type, as the remaritie futurists, ,•••
*th:tilii e motet*. on.% : et Weep. .milefie.• to •Vies-',kreeeht. eteu.etere seers.eeveriedeet., Beggeet,' le • ' 'Cf:' • •.'"••.••• ' • ''• • •
A •ceeliersee.""eleifem4O-tieeeder eapetal. ert. ::OfikOM-butr the '8"Sners:1;.--011ininnt'IS• .014. - - Veilce-' the -cineeticitt.**,411,40: , Th:
' .the.Aestraliiiii•ceenueelreeeliii,"• Writee_ the preseheibielding. Will ho iiseetee 'a 'aveiagemotoriat in this. eehritry'' . finds
'.$.1p.,,,pHixeriie4.),;irz,,..,on.,4.• „...;66:4:1• .a. 15... .411 , .,rairp,rilere.seintat,fPer,ceht4' linlviitr half le.'enft• Mee ethat •: thiety;five • to forty 'Miles, •an •
•eef‘y 014 of. 0,0,411,oiliy,,•of mopoiree ,.her. for '0,4 golISO ef•-'•Agiu:siteiltatirvf.4u; ....'ilh;;;h161a. :14 :i'd.1471.it.; r911:i$WAhfflq; 1.,§°iilr•Cearl.
and RYdne3r.. It Wes agreed.' tliat • the: './t-De-.1'arg'?"'°11Q11011: for: cifeehee•the Wane :eV clecemstericess hamper .him • from
. . t b• tli t . titiiiettre touchlriehigher speede for anylength '
* • .. territory 'should. be k . • '• s - „ , , , .
of,eirne. , The winding English. readee ;
.18 one of. theni; but • his chief :Cheek e
i8 found In the • other'.'uiers'..fif ,the •.•
evade, e.: As. long ' an .vehicles �f • all
:0:4m0e.4 de. p.10, =t.hot:ohrrcia_ut ag; ibr0,,,.if 4thicc,:Yi.:416elsi ot, ,ovt.•pheog,4r..i,ixii.eii liel7t,iiii• e ,....:. . ,
Ordinary motorist never be :able to. •.' 0
compete with his eacing•brothereAnd e-• • - -
tightly Se, ' f ' •
-•:' V1011. SPEEDS SAFEST• .'•
:• The new attifielel reeds • suggeete:
r am' freqbetitbr asked whet the eer ,
of 937 IOW be 'like. 1 de not think.
.1-. , h • -' • , • -...- .-firm the iente•of•Neet''Seuthe•leitaaleftel. 4Y4tIt.W.Pafeotre.k•Pf4°Pa4:liar'. llancieenet.••• ' '''',...:''. •••'. e .' , ,:. '
. . ., .. ,... ea, ... , , ., ,
•leierid. muck of hia.; , linoroetw000, I invited him on board„:thevessel. ', Ile • • - : : In 0.1490•10•144,tipeat Parlci,....4:1bertarlie OA of 'a duel betweeat,wo male
tha:**14.44..,iiilth''hIli,litii30,111"isearch'eameott...eauticiitslee ' '7.' . ' 7 1' ''. ' • • ..'inu.te -dear.' -, ' their...entlers, became. entang ed • holding them• IY, and 1 • 1 . In thecas t Canberra•the in '
• 100d, •.'••.- ..-: • ::• . • , - , • • .'•••• .. .:1;,” Ver•.OhOwed . hille• 00Veral: • *things'''. werderne hadteseepe thein.hefere they 4,044',134 rplessoct••• • •;:... : ' . • , ': 11/.4- .idat bargains .14 .• - ' - " . • . . -„..,,. i 'infeeloaera '12.evo• .cieeidett thet•ene die;
itsi7hey'..liere ininehoolseor ehoals,"Which We kneW, would Interest an In .1.'.ia ,cainide, the big geinee- country .O.t.,:s439,,i4 one .cp .the genie satictueriee "of . t 1
creatures have SOMA) 'Singhhir'• Sikh.' as • it,,hree.41eadinit,liiieretc* '''. • " '''' ..•,•.), " " ••; - ',' '• ..,'' - •-' ' '' : '•"" ,,.!.• • ., - • •,•• • '''''': '• . ' , ' ' ' - • '' ' ". , e'r- I-4,647. o.' 0,:at',.017.00.amtil'••Wlautewtilhe'.7,..7. ,aiiitilasyhai:ittih.:.eiervi,..lbetelijiaticri.tiinrvilltli..filie•t.:Toihtneu,i..ille:•01..arellieeia:
of course, for Imost: anlinalS.,da thati': diem* -811(1%00w' a*hiteehe• betame the 'eentineut the. findieg in. the.•Woods .. elie, Ceneellaiel4ationaa Perkl,I)Opart-' ,:: ''".t Nwdo : not linell• ):99:11 thee the Act ,
!?.14.• the •13OrtielSe, keene•neer the, shere,',••quite -free to •converte 7., ' ' .Of '''skeletons ' of two Mate'. 'deer with 1.ment• of tile'Ihsferier. ,e'. • ••••• -• " • '. • .s.4 was fill** imeeeit'by„Whieb...thie terti,s 'trial chiiiiicter• that are: neetesary in a
SO deUghtSet0';•Pler at'enact a ieSse1.4,„ • Frontlihn I learned •nuire:perticule: antlers fielelY kicked together lee .eone . in thheinstenee the °Meer in eharg.0•••terY weseagreed eloOn.• In a•deltien teele _e_
greateresidentiel• eity. ' The will...have
- 11000et1M00".01„ey ovill.:••ertin a .ra,e0 aislf,than • fiesta his. father concernitig.,:0,ratively• frequent Ocererrenee.• These of •the 'cattalo 'euelealire at,. the Buffalo the • 900 stniere, miles or.. more in the , ta. liower to: prevent airy:, ,manlifactur,
tle' a - ship ffer;•:severAl-milAui 'Occw• their ;mat!' of living. ' He ,!cuisPorted. remulas are taken to indiente that the national Rark•et WaleWrIglit; Alberta, •eicleite of • C,aliberra; 'th is al
- 9`ri' - --'--SG:: 44 full
arising within thireity, that would
'00041:.CcOilht-' **lee, SUrface,..and,his family during semi* and svalam*:1,r• Woks 13Pdarae 'netted . in eenibat andewhere elle mule deer are nutneeous, area of 2,302 ratiefie'et jAgeres Bay ter tlefrae_ ...- ,
n its amenities end •disfiguie the
'•then T• diSarieariiiir ...- With ° a. peculiar - and. autuinie bir: catching porpoise, as, that W•heie ' thee ' ,rendered helplese :noticed -Awe: beelreeleeked•- 0001er "hie*. elerTesee of ei •Ceineimiwealta, port, aeonere . s . . i . -
•:. "hi another paket :the. : et' ty'" eltoe'- •
e 'VW/0W* NV1110h looks as if they were he was now doing., •:• . , • , . . death.. came eiltiekiler -. he the shape;. of 1: tli. eir. antlers:* and. unable te. ',get, free, ! which : Is Under ,the sane. commis.
hoWever. tied. speed will certainly be ,
. ,: playing-..:70turn ,„sonteisanit. in • the !.r,'• He -explained' -that' ie also:: sold: the • eotees or by :exec:lateen; - Rarelyehowe ';•iie selteof tleeperateetreggiee. •Being feeble -tire. ..; icaubstii: is • eilteleted' 204 esvaq1i.e,--•-• it /49' Intend -eel to Cultivate • the
tnereleg: With theee-Mellieurrie„ .912 , miles from.' Adelaide.
, development. of• large' refeide . `.. In .111c:eel:Wed, Ferhalni in teie,years' thee ,
. . . ., .
*Met : • '' -,„, "': • ' ' . .. • :.,.• . 7 oil obtained from "thene that he also .ever*hayewooclatOencometwoa deer So ; alone. he was unnhip • to deal.. with the., miloe , Pron. Sydney; 429 . Miles from
laitqlave:::never atett-tieta:'0•-nuater, 0 d . • - • • -. - ' • ' he n • ' , , . s . h. t . , . . e 4 workmen and minor o c le. " •
Yet another part houses a*. built for 00 will see. the entirecOuntr-Y:crisit,-;;.:.,
.: •''''-'Z' aliPPOO -th.O3'-.11779, dn.;a11., wateeee. sold the skins, but' 'used the 'body for- entangled, • line. p.rohahlY the •iiret. oe- 'I situation, "bat" rct .
. e lo 'upon •which the 'combatants others to as at : Me the combetante: and .929 mil'es 'from Brisbane It IS • ' • .ffi i • ' crossed with these . Macadam ' .ieadso' .
heee . en- reed. occurred a short t me . were roped ,and ,se ra,t d unliarrae& t OreeilearlY egu distant from he themselves .divided into groups for .
-- "There will be a large unieersity •
, . . . _ ,.
.. • .. : •
e.anietiliiewheeeas•in the -Bey of ,Fundy." ' In eemmereime he made e living
,1„.wesemice on.boheita,vessel that lay hyllshing,On the bay, Where Fed, had-
becalmed- for several hours on that dock; hereiter,eetc., Were very plenty.
--e-eilie0t,-.0teereetereeleielee;nRAo...,3110,110.*:,i,J1gx.ble-fii.e0seas9Pg. hee.g9.t..along
• ''•ft-flti. ,ShOSen 'Of CetInter-e-eery well. but in winter etheirfie-
chief centres of' population In the con- toended wlitchs w911 attract,' AO doubt I•"the use, 44.' variouS:. types of , trate.• • .
- • Beware of Sunburn . . Finland -is frosperous. ., ,
aeons: era, e. -num. eo .... am • es,_an ., Theenerere s.heileheyee the motor read,se .
id ' bl • : . • bet' *f f ' Ili ' "d .
tinent. ' It is sepansted by. a distance -
• - • _ , ‘. .... : • . _ _
of twent miles" fromthe • al di i• I - • horse-drawn , vehicles:, .ane
ee, • e ont. y e . , , :, .. ,. . . , . . , _ '" :.: . '. . . • • .... • .: ' .. Y ' '.'?,n.,‘ n •v .4 hg. WM" furnish •opeortenitiee-kereeewee..rosel0 , for
'burn4 ,. in is said to be one of the moet pro- Aus4,iitt:.ead . the ,r,tyore .itiat : empty
themeelveS Into the • Merra 02---eioneetosetheechildieneeetetheeleadingeht0Y.010.-Ra00:4-000h"
eiveliana"aild :the nienibeire et the ewe tinct 'routes.. (in7sTioh- a .reed • till'
separate and :ati.„. .. .
':.., ... ..- , 7. is. -eati-.77-'77-7.-- 7'70f7Europeler---new4-7.riations;7=Finland-rPmgq_ketweenthe.....eaaterit...00est ,
::'..There.Te,-.iiitithingvery. attraetiVe 'in" ',Tle liVed bYhileting, or.tried to get stead et takiiii--•
‘,...a.chat of • tan. had , gres'stee and 'leduetribes.• " ;Its. :little
admirably • :cliciseet, • •
y- • . ••• ;Hewes of Parlianient. ' ; • --„, Moterist-' could attain high , speed
"Canberi'.6; 'being a -garden- eAty, the without 'relange,e, te the other °Culp, .'• '
.,.,tleit garden' of . the ICW4rld :Pehhisula'.; quontly, had . a p,retty herd time of it Bathers. • ' : .'
-.sane Old • • eehooner butt . rao0oaleas.,oa' a, liviait :ia:.4het:.'!way.: ';But 'he' Said better, give a, thottght:to:hini alieti heel cai'sitdi'°f" Helsingf°1:0, • i. CleSe-rjle4 88.. r !"r"
bOUn4d- by, mounteine-en..eaole, diree, planting of .trees" and 'feet he •woulti prehably' be •
!'eteheaeol.for a week, andis anXibits.' Was .iscarce, having •, been • nearly all, to, Dr Edison Pettit, an astronomer tit seeing able tolceep free 't-r6m .entangle.. tion.,. . The IVIelongio Rieer. ',Tfloers carrithreugh the eite in e weaterly.directien streets' and v 'nu ' .:
ed out on Very. carefullines. ' the
shrubs; .eri • beteg ants ; in
euiemoned far •drieleg Abo. sloilly, and
.1).0'.,*at04.:VaiiiCiihirlrit. one has lieeli'' hunting was poor iniaitiesi. Game infe the hot Weethee eoneee aemerdifie ' rentarl5ahly busy, , and ' thee ceuntry:
10.reaehe•hia-Plage•Of deetinatiOn.l' ' killed,l••-or • delve '•oiit f th ••• • ntey - • liet Wit • " Oti • •'-re I . C li i , . . . 9, e es .aee . e p an e= • • . . , . , . ; .. . -
. to b .' i f. e therebY cauSing obstruction' ''' ••Some- - -
mente with its -neighberi.- -There :iS:
, _ , . een , o . • iieceu • . • thes -: • eee ... ,aer.Ya. orY A a 7 *2 ' ' • . '' 7r .. . ' ' 'd oin • ih ' ' - • • • ' -
' te•letist• I. thenght": so.' tiliat after-. Benting fot•Ille-teditinein a natter •fornlit. , .. , ' : , .. ;.,a.: general air. of iiiertneSs. arid' cleanli.:- eah ei____geee.e..,...eepaieligyail_Beeer..,.e.tiewitireeVereeePeasiblet ear* 4 .certaln , thing of this. na,tere.alreadY•elests ini••••••
ever," the ultreeviolet: rays of -the wan' tributor•. to: the 1.4thidori. pa4,13r Heral,d4:7 I , r . , Y , ..d -Pre-, on in the outskirts. of the 'city. , •Pretty'T -
! Sent nee ,miles b3 'rail. . A new • reed 15 parks and .belts of :trees' for elietter •
.ot afforestetkiii *ark Is goleg, :certain Canadian towns. ' .'.,•''' '
fiftY .miles an 'hour eenorrnal speed
My-. yiew is hat s we ma live to •see
:'• Vlits being nre-emleeetly a "sun -spot nese. about .lielSingtere, notes,' a con-, thateteWh,. seven. mile.s. from Canberra amount
twelve • miles. b. ived • and at ' • • - - •• ' •• • -• ' - • ' i• • ° ' ••• ' 't • ' • • ' '
: . and he has been empreet by -tbeextrie,
...will' he abent.tvidoe.:as :intense as the.Y. constrheted,Which N,91' be '10041. have both •be -en splented..• ' : • • : •
fortable ' sunburn if there is efuche a part. in every form of .werk. .There•. ,. , ee .‘ gt as the railway. .. .1 .,
y ill hein an amphith•eatre -tro led ty the com•miesionerieamounts•i tor -the avieuge motorist; but Certain.
ly not more. • There. is, howeveie the
compensation. that. ...with, increased
ordinarily „are. • On ce.arting n coin- OrdinerY. 'number td, viooloo'; Who take hell*.
'The number of eentilloyees no*, con-
. _, 7 .- - . ,.;.. 4 • • - Of hills in lar e •area', el • • ' • : e " ' • • • • • ' • . ' ' ' ' ' .
,eneleifeethingenetere --bed . pat , ther,* !having hut- , a .little thne for -it; he' -.thing . may cticquire• it ;by •remaining •
ance il, women .in .reielena,. and snice . . • g . f gently, elide- to e,40 . .., . ... • ., , , - s• .,• •••, . 1 speeds • will .ceine. ..gr.e4tee improve-,
etehe.s.._a s-,-...,eneellerear.f.sa iTa.,.,..9.1,whtee. throws -,hinase lute, the„ sport • with •pet in,thesen• eneThelf: as . long as was
• eiddefilereearneeupen, sie.T:IndlesiriThefee7,1iiiri‘idiii thnt7ileiete-edEV-neythingereneeesteeyelaseeeretteelineeitstiiiice'• '' • gefeet.tributeteeef "1 was, Much..intere:sted to find • *thet ments •ilie•brekinge-already Well fare.; .,
*Meese ••• s -e_. e-, ..,--. :es., ', :-.,••• ••• .. ,• e " 7 '.. -"--e eitt without • Whicii.nothing. will 'enc.,' .. ty -"the • Sante -token,' ,. the luchieSs4-thOtar_tiainajorj.ty..,haik-iaeceaseoLieting eau:litre... ,the
Wes •.are teid.,. • As ;a • matter of faCt,Tth07 'UTru'Y'r...---irlytheiThIclegefFeeffi-etes..1S1r..-trutters-.71clievciffe-t, ponnuissioneil-*
th•rough • oe...terrikork, 'hat the ....Main •Was'. an...ardent :sePrpenter 'of: :Oherth • .deteleretion ' a result that 'citi6s. and
,;,• .; , , • -.- -, . „- , - • - ' ' • ' hifor ant ••ode n• to. sa • --' Vi land •
In front I . smetildering ,fire; ceed.': -...
neOls, induced one: of the sailors , of dull business,- and; with his native
eee,t9r*,[to the, Shere;sWhereI 'might and inherent liizittesai he Only works'
Wear 1040. eh&tiMaiwiteoleing Omit. hard at it(Wheri hunger .eompele •film.
i" .1'4149.418`. *long: the • rocky.1 . But ; his white brother hunts; for
intent Upon, seeing' whatever =Pleasure, not for gain, and usually,
wights, who. eemain out under the sun e .. ,, .
., • , • .. • • • • 4.-. -.. river. which sineplies wateees the.,Cot- emeoei eet .e.eeause of any stroeg. ee- will make it • actually ' safer to drive..
rays as long as eeee aeee ,to will -gee for Its size, has peoeucea, more 'am
ter fever: • : ' e •,
torhed to end are In :tor sorne •uncom......,adds:, .., • . • •. e
‘., . . , •"The 'Parttime/it '.Buililing• is to he • Cause thes rival' fifth§ are giving shi'm e, to -day ..et 'thirty miles an hoeie, . r
IN. • at fifty miles 'Au hour than i&posSible• .
. ' ",:. f. cle•shiseical view's of his own,' but
twiee tlieil.!'hurning'" - they • are 004.94 ous women than!any other country,
"Tho Finnish womari has e remark- °P.6" -?'0 bible Duke efeYork .earey, In •gee'et :deal, ot ire„.elee in • their demeede,' And• whateef. the .cot__, , .].[t the. £0
. .iiiisek• elonds -of'7.-Wir ... deStruction .1fOiirtbel!' nal. f 4 -Qum ,lif..i.t,11 ll'inie..11, ts. !Pd. ill able presence, ' land, Iesma to ,leave a gMairo,''us. Ty ecoaornical, , the- intention churches. ' " car , approaehing? • 'Here. • again
he architecture Is plain and for s4tes 'for cathedrals,haEs and .'
. • i rornanc,e invites., but. cold practicality
sOliieeheese have thiek•.eiletyiliegs.. Dr. .• s , a y . . , 1 .. . , . , f
distinctive on everything she , , , ., . , , . •
. oes. - cm • are a wsys , cansciousep 1 forbidSeeNikenaterials and taller. at
n Which • berig, ;pet": Containing •
• seine ..savory my senses told ' ocion
Neerbe.:„.set'an' old Mae mending .• •• Seas
ah-,*et.,4"„ 1:rider.* tent "made partly,
of lig frOM.',overgreen trees, and
partly of iti•iit.`old: sails*** !male
Bo, :7.sat'a Woman; libiding: ,babil*,
and singing. to it in -teal,Indiiin'dia17'
e of young redskins
were ."Pleiring among the, bushes not
00 far; -
At ray approach, a Miseribleeleiik.
•,Ing. iittley. dog .r.zelpnd fiercely, and
witlpf toi,41,4':;.they,,Auistea him by
EPOW *IY.S4'.*, 'AP 0.'S
old Men,pand•faapiterhini,.
S,:`,04.01d,inaltei-Ose a4,1ittle, "plg-
eon .after e ptigently
waiting till. hiSePreverliial taciturnity
• *as evercoMeel•dreW from him some
intereeting., things: • • "• ,
He infernied Methat he belonged to
:the Mientica-2e*.ence'-poWerfel tribe,
-1, WU ,formerly owned the entire,. penin -
Dula of . Nova , • • •
• Pettit I in eariTest an main I
gor• inStance„ yttvtgp'S ' teeinited Milne Unit thilees peeree.heed his Warn- , . . . . . . .. ,
toil I as:leen, In the Morning a dee& of salts •
f e ..te-day does.. not leaee mueh •rooie eel.:
wad: the eicliaueted Surf •r • will
-.pieced by•'•up:tiedate :fedi:trice. No .as in 1926 or 1926, •. ••,.
less. noteWerthy.iit the way in 'Which .....Peeple:•Whe have. diseases favorably' • serrible.e....the;EiigliSh• housewife. '', - • notices in the neweeepers-wirieh
not .Inhdi.Su .d.itod read • P-.tua..7 , ' • -. •s e• er' -a• d ' ' ' • ' • • ' • • ' • • ' ' • • "
i . •• • . , • For , the. past fee' years •anaiinfae-
, • •• .... .1 tineetal" I eretrien .she..mo'st • nearli• 're -.It .113 • " al . ' 'h' I. '
castr o1
ze 0 10 cure
Vledr#,T4iC:redite0iiii.'4int• Gerinenfs. effected be the &Pi,. May loOk..forward i "The.' Finns •have :a . Oe. at histit;;Y; ,:uttehtdis:Zinia*nsu., .. ° suddenlyd'riluf.• 1 - ' • • - • • , ' • : ' • : turerS" •haVe• confined theinselees•to re-
baslpfc°79ethr:7rreeteelin,t111elee' e•ae;,eoasegor...finenient .7,t'atlifg than, rrieix d'eeigns, ,,, .
ihiRedng -, during.. and siftee.' the• war •to, a. good.:eeer; Dr. Fettit adMits, 'al: behin4 theinj, arel.glinte.irciser olleg,114:',
Finland healthy person, or eveneed one who ,eietuallY 'Et,ilreti' Getinareer.an• nie though Oen they hie' betterbear in: ifreeticitn, ... the*. ass jEtrut • it ' is ..liefer, to •ieey that- drastic •
and .1.;tt.;7..e:i,,knoi"si'S :Pe* personal elpetherice eeheti.digeemfert•
ht. reate ping aspeet. ,'. o,,e i've,f, • Jaii'.a, des: .
and take, •:. on -2. no' • .such • elningee•. in sonie .for,iir or dther : are .--
tO-.;date. inereharit;niarine. For Ger- Mind,ehe increesed inteniity .of theee,. have . shouldered • ,ritles; .
dyspepsia :le -it 'seethe' incredible that.L
' patent•ultia-Vthlet rive; and take" thePhe-vin as much enterprise and
great strength 'of chaiatte-• " •
factories ' knocked to pieces , by Ger- Ing pained. eutiburri eases wilt' be just-. her A Indigestion
I their present coat'. the price of a car
depe d d • '
r m- 'stomach, the heartwill
e as re uen an as serious n ence, an energy. Of allCon- • •
man and Allied shells, have. been re- about twice fq t d • cute . action a subside . s '
mg eiebece • Is almost due. TheY may comes In the
• • •
form. of a revolution in the sgringing
of a car; or the engine may undergo
sweeping revision; or perhaps we
shall see the elimlnation of, the gear-
bf:% One thing is „certein. The
closeire'ar is booming and will seen '
be the most popular type on the
many, it seems, is three-quarters, of
the way back to her, pre-war place
as a carrier On the high , seas; her
ships Carry 9.2 per cent. of the world
trade, as against '12 per cent. in 1914.
And what seems extremely signifi-
cant to a number of newspapers is
that while 16:5 per cent. of . the
world's merchant. ships are .less than
five. years old, fully 40per cent. of
Ife,ssiid -there Were now but', few Germany's are in that ',claps. ;:perT
fandlies left, and that they mostly many's come -back hes been brought
Heed along • the coast • between there into public .notice by the recent arriv-
and Grand Pio. ' of the new 21,000 -ton •Vainburie.
_wag(_ too- _old elo_much _eleirkel_American Jiver _ Nei? ,Kork on her
:hut eived 'With, his son; andeitzle4 to 'maiden voyage fret.* German. Ger.
heti) along by doing little jobs, such many to-day,as -our. press report the
, Ss he was now, engaged upon. • figures, is sixth among the nationsen
• He told Me that his son--7-tfie father the size.of her merchant: fleet. Ahead
of the children whom I saw -was ,flove of her stand Great • Britain, the
• down "•oit.. the bey, after Rorke's& United States, Japan, France, and
• Thinking' I might find. him at it; 1 Italy. In, ship -building, , adcording
In megieration,,, :------------• •- i as the most, valiant of h 1 „ 4
slmpio,cause, however eh:Amish* aeto.nditiOn
, - Sun spots, operate In cireles,
. . . he- ex--! • 'Ten:Mark &ay- have ,its farm giels'
e • • ' may produce. :A.eu.teeindigestien is God's Guest
plains, and in 192e they reaehed their but the women of Finland, are in et -
a Olney tuectionaledleturbance of the r, ••- • ' ,. ,, ne..._...,• e
lamest ebb, and the. violet rays reach. every • profession -doctors, lawy
, 0rs, ' • - -
. . stomach's peviere; that's .to sey, there ' ' 4 ae-I a gaest. we -e. --Iluou'Fa
ed their loerest ieterielty. that year :dentists, architeete, and• engineers::
the rays Were only terofifths as power- Even. the most streneous :of, ...
•manual ' - • ' • •
ehie elem....labor is net, too eilemeting fee them. Shoinach simply steep. *ore for a time,.
,ful•es they Will be thie: year,';either' because it is 'Overloaded • and,
Mer, some Mae there will be a• maxi- They become•tram conductors, brick-, .. •• • • . doesn't
mein of senespotee-thelirse nilecirema layers, :mechanics, and . even read = des, • • • ' . .- 'Tiewh n b I h `b 1
e , a e ng ere to ow
, . .. ,
seice. 1917. Another 'maximum is not s'SWeePers.: ' '' . • ' . • • • • .'
. • "" • "- been put into It that ith• 'I : b I t • '
., 1 undertakeit, or because something has • • .
,e . er s, a ,so u -ce • • . • ••• . ...-
Is made Tb. est.. -• . '
expectea • fee several years. . • •s '2- "There are many women meinbers ' • . ' •
' While Dr. 'Pettit solemnly ,warns Of in the Finnish. 'Parliament,' and -they ly. indigestible. or irritates the lining.ee, . - .• •
fondest care .thbu givest proof
• - • • bra ' f th ' b • th "'•
• • • ' • • • I no disen • • 1:•••• s kl Th .39.: '13' •
Ltord, there 1s1 e etate ,I knee.; ,
• Ofeall supremely , .
. . .
seem to monopolize the seats on the .
the discomfort. that will. follow pro- • . nervous sestem has -ieceived a ,shock
longed and ileadvieted exposure to the equiealerits of our Borough Councils • .114 1.ils to transmit - and Boards Guardians. The " r •
sun' this. vear,lid7"-does not take. the . - to the quies:cent stomach.
alarmist views ofeseme,eeeeneh and government offices seem really to be ,
Whatever the cause, there, may es
Russian selecetiste, who 'blame the controllede4. women, men appoint -I
:While I with Thee abide -
Sufficient food, tesheetering, reef,
'Fhouaoit prolaae: -
And In this .erondrous ,louseof years,
ymptems for. a time,. and the un -
'snots for everYthinit but thd war debt. ly occupy only the subordinate posts, he B
wolyin no
. victim 'nay pass : a. few - • With color, joy, and sound,' • •
Jam. , ' . ' ....•. . , = : and accept orders .from the , Thy love for neede mee,appears, :
Professor- A. J. tchijeviiky, ' of 'Moe- •with a very good grace." ' , hours after the meet entirely eibliiious-e e• —
A ea,wraps.him,rmind. '
cow University, sus when there are,. The chief controversies in Finland,' of his •stomach, as a healthY Person . •
, „ ,
But When Time bids me• hence remove
• X'65.0 to &Part, when. In3r.eYs' Caned Lloyd's, Germany has recently push- manY epees onthe sun there is mech, aeoor g Times_ car e p nd i , . : .
• din to ther a o s •. en o a sudden t o ca�
alters. perhaps • he is amaltened trete ••• d • I 11'
stet Of sonie queer -looking skins ed Italy into third place, and herself honerize, and that other diseeies, such are the rivalry between the Swedish- s • ...Thy ledge ge sha then
•Stretched 'across poles; and'drying in into second, being surpad ysSe o , y
. b ns Cholera, , hicreased 'notably during 'speaking and Finnish -speaking see_ , isleeP with headache, elausea,, heart. Be, In a bett use above,
j-A1exanderL�uthe sunshine. These were porpoise- .Great Britain.
skies 'which, • when dried,. he sold to • ese---44---e
•Their Lat sResort.
. .
be, made.into leatheit. • • ,
'Thy gu• '
periods of sun -spot a-ctivity in °tiled tions of the population, and probe- e 8 e e ell
distended with gas which presses
Alines. the majority of Russian' Bolen. bitten.' The new Government strong-:
.upward on the diaphragm, and ob-
tists are laughing at hien.. They regard ly favors the new Piehibition• Law
opinion is sate structs the: action of the. heart and
returned to the ;Vessel, I saw JAI a 'class of Greek history a youth the sots as a very beneficial phen• but thouelful public
• • . , p . ' 0-
- the young man at his work and row- was asked to. tell the etoeY of the bat- omena. , , to be divided as to whether it realle :is That causesa rapid puisepal-
,Ing ilear4 I wtttched :Min for ..--.t1e of Thermopylae. • • Members of the French Academy; of geed for the country.,- •
. .pitation, pain in the 'regien .of the
heart, radiatinkup to the left shoulder,
'while.' -- '• . ' • .. ' e• * • • • Is, Thee lad had 'unusual descriptive. eVIedieirie have gravely forwardeci.,the„ - ,- - • ----4-----•,' 1
He fiat in h little birch canoe, :which ability and *proceeded with great : zest theory that. the :sun , Spots throw the ' ••:, ,, ;Wes It Worth Itle; ; •and increasing d•ifilculty In'arefething;
• • •
', - '
`,.•11e rowed along 'with a 'single Sheet' No detail; was left me, The eeeoie. body ' out 'of normal operation' and • . Five -Year -hid' Williain wee standing
Now, . . , if the' heart weak -or dist .. wrete the following letter tothe De-
• paddle- Beside 'hint lay ,an. Ole. mus -seen .. Was described vividlY. . , weaken it, and are the cause' of many in the kitchenwith is. eyes upon . a eased, the Dement iscritle.a,Ithe partmenof Agriculture:
ale -loading gun,. and a spear - with , . -• "-end they fonght, andrelight and sudden' dea0s. -:.v dieh . of cakes when his mother came _Pressure thlist' he' re4eved at mice'Ore-. e'Stiniething is ',wrong with mirehiek..
' 'ii handle. perhaps fifteen feet' Icing. fonght," 'said the pupil. ' ',. "They 1' ...S,u/c'h ektravagant claims are regatd.:. in and found him. • . . ,' . . • the heart • maY stop • hi lend oases ', ens. - Every irerrnitig when 1 oorne out
- ' Whenever • ' a, porpoise . broke- teire.feught.eintil they les•t thelearme. Then led. as absurd by the ,daefoenie,n, who- . •••,'-'Whet are you floing here,',WIlliam74,
:his canoe' raPidly to a point near the" • .. , - --'-'2'.-----7 a elle, cease . anyeeno worse Leen a . "I was Just thinking, inoth.er,"
, eta of soda, .andthe inemedi•ate clang,er Can you tell 'me what:is the matter?" dOes now, reeking, the Same, old
SelvIng the Mystery.,
Recently • the widow Of a termer;
Belying to keep the farm goinge•had
some difficulty with her hens, and
thinits the ultra violet rays do• not, as said she.
All', signs indicate that 'the. popular
car, of the 'future Will, be childishly.
shriplo , to operate and shn.ple ree. •
Pair. But because • people.' will still
demand .comfort, -even in . 1937,.the ,
oar. of that year will not he. too nar:
. .
row, to.o
like,' the ••tiiblular monsters that. race •
'on,Pendine Seeds, • , '
An Election by Jury
"..leir. Clarence Day ,• June Is respons-e
fide for amusing election sugges- •
tton in Harper's, konth.17, He'lverit•es.:
\: "tile. jury system. is only a,:maker
shift Way' of deciding a Murder case-,'
but as a.: method of settlfng ejections it ,
Is sirtioly ideal. Every .year,,.instead of
'Putting ,ruilliOn's -aad, Millions...of ears
at the ,niercy-,of ,,orators, twelve men:
would be chosen by let to listen for all,. •
the electorate, • ••: /. " •
..."These Meilen sacrifices, would ' be
• .
leckee up in a. lecture hall and .kept•
there throughout the campaign, and ...•
every candidate would be, given 4 key
se that • he beted •go In and .malta
the gas. may be itelleeed .by &Moe fled two or three styrene on the 'ground. Speeches ,tO thent Be Wouldn't have
. •
of,chlircoal tablets"or a little biearbon- cold and stiff, with their feet in the air,• to wear out his throat' eltiher, as. he
water ,At' a distance, be Would paddle they Used their hands"
• Inner Man's Argumen+. mighty sore back. , plied the youngster. .• ' PasSesilitit there is still a mese Of mei. After a, little while she received the, speech over 'and OVer-unless he him -
ripples, and, then; taking ,up his gun,
. • it • . . . • . .
watch hint, • • • .mether-"Reberte iree're..a. riaughtee • • : • 4e -----e-•• : ' • •I "Thiliking•elerell, thope you hsetenft eigeste4. ....material •• in the Stomah.;follOWInK letter frOm, the departinent: ,setf Weish•ed te. If lie -did, he :shrill:1d
, ... „
.. As. tbe..fish.ogein gime to the sur- boy,. You. can lust, go to bed without, :' In cattle. raisin g the .Indians • of tenched those Cahes.",. . ' - .1:- .• ' :' - Et‘thtlie4 MemilSotti.ebeisgortecirtiidiripdfl....i.tA.tqhiipireek11!!..,d"tirc:;.eiia, r Madam:- Your thickens ,a1:43' of, courge, have that privilege '(live li)en
. . .
, , : Canadiei Middle • -West. have been '. "That's wheel Wee thinkine about,' • plenty of ro.pe. As e",compensation'10
fade, he Would' shout, and then,' Catch- YoUr 'isuPper.:" .' , . ,. .
Ing .up the paddle, would ' row 'ap°, to , flobliy-:•"Virell, .mother, •what 'about , very suo,esSi,u1,, , They . own -in reund Caine the ,readY answer.' •"I wee wen... none at ' hand, *It Will often .serVe AO ; ., ............_.....,...t„._,..,_,.._- the Jury fortheirlardshipS, ihey.‹,,oeid
. , . •!"."0 .-:' -. , • - .
, . j. : '. „ ., • ' ' • ref lees than , at present.
' --'---7.--"..-"."----- 4 "011r. ' Jury 6ystem - is a vieteible.
heritage, Otie greet jurists:. tell lei; it
.ie the IlinEkt sciund. ail& di:;.i,penda hie Way
.of deciding' things - Very• :wen, let . us '
use it. • .It Nvotia be quite, as er,ise-
.tiOntailve Or .the. •eoetilar will' es.. the
tirote.. Each 'juryman weithl see °yell
'.' reirotoate he well 0 lienr• tily, Iiih- Oi,g1t.:
' .61. ellitth6;tt :w6.1.:iit-ni.. ake..t.b; new : 011,41 ::. ii. .
more. thorougle • .. It. Would he, d.e.i '..c,-;' ..
dratiC, 'yea. (liguAfic,d,:•. And 'Pal'itegt A '
Dity,,!inetead . et jhuiliands" Of ' poi •Iiig'
place& -votAig inachillee;*o)erlo ,11t11,•
Waielieril, :and ,s... losg,' and ' Claim rit te
.... ..igiioitolfi,itra-wthiieCtleie7,;itliti,ti!,:niitir.,
- bi. So and ainionecesthe resuit,tL ,
1113 game in an incredibly short, space thee m:edicirie I've got to take after numbers 25,000 heed of cattle and tiering whether they were geed enough t, e ,the lir at t the linger. AS A year w,:thout a plan is like a
t o ' be peustoned tor life, Even With t' 'i'
of time, when be .would drop the pad- 'meals?" 85,000 horses of good, type. 5: „Ito whiPped for •
, • seoij, as this course haS emptied tile ship without a rudder, • • expense eddedea-calepaign would cos;
• 1
. REGTAR: Fri 1.1F.R5-1-=-13y Gene Byrnea
I.1,1140 INAS IT
-.WOO'S • ,
BESteMe e
At OOP kr*. g:'
7tzt litOOT '
Something' On'Pthe OW' Man.
MOW. e(Ote
EVER leElt. POI?
.7f AT!
• ‘s,*0*.
INTO•thing. in life ie 'ale* reinarkal'ile
than the unnecessary anxiety Which
, endure; Still generally -occasion -
ou it dyes eellerij mein Pis r no I i,
Tooth cempletedrterfetly tlentoe-
.Ottato that hemp ,tok ti'nre ean, le
gfewil "very suoCeSaftilly blany,'
purts ' of Mods.
4, '