HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-12, Page 4.1*
Iftta Illlf-MifrOI GliSiiitntr.railistrimpiene#4..radi
, rio•nat Won. HarrorVCPAkAttorie.,44Pdcain all
.11, 'BISSELL 4 .
sak___atngtaro ...(0.4;,11044-.Rfilara, 'steak *oiii."°-$911.4 In4 . Dina
ifirrenTa.'"nr„.. Pat the lqicea afld;144n14. 'are. ver*.
-*einimtable. •
Caft and se o.before 00eXIngt.:
' .
h�iie.i.o. ,Y�rService
,4.,..,qoufaioe..iiihNolo3efl 'elnapt*. ra4it item
-0#RTNals-gERE AND' woo IT comta THE AillstUAL
WARE 'STORE, ;•- • • : •
. ,
, • ,
. •
1,g1IIRESCO÷..The *tinder Firth*, in every 'shade.
. ,
SHERWIN WILLIADdS • PAINTS -•40t :ovate, floors, :Woodwork end
outside- work ' ' • • "'. " '
104:X§HESL,-eiri-Ahese :We: have-tt,Vernielf-fer- any 11110--evnrY .pure. '
:poirent.14NOLET/A1 VARNISH: for Lftiobems, MRNO1 for
i:floitre-,-.-;CHI-NAMEL--NAPJAIAL-aldgleugrade,,,Viirnieh---Which -
can lie used for anyinuirpoite,, • ' „
LAte--A;k:, Stain: and:V*1'44h In' all the, shades. ,
ITIPACe7.-Thisis a new finish and we rittnt: to tell you about -It. It
will: not lift' the
undr ate,has no.obieCtionable:odar,'. tan be thinned with
.tirpeetine and w.ill dr hard.iii,,fonr,koutl,which„meanai that,
yarn:Min Pit Millie, coati in, the one day,' We hive it, On
riiie.T.inlorts and !'iltia ie "the entantel that 'certainly will-14*o'
ecl,anclAarb,Wire on hand
TE 4.04*40*.t.s.014,044*
Publiahed, ev�ry Thurdtty .tno
'at 4Aucenow, Ontario, ,
.'iliacKensie;. Proprietor, r
THURSDAY, MAY 121h; 1A7.
1 1
1 •
pr.7evhaii'edra''.toh've4;' rit*le.er,F6:471'14ee'l;4;9A
oppeartn to,haVe been,. folloYft-11
rather `discearagint,"
canditiona., There wer,e Missal*: im
evererostafter Opting -had miner-
entlyopened up* end even last week
•Itieught heavy ionoW, and. rein stermrii
on 'that. over a hirge' Ei;"4.ii$n there • has
as yet been httleNneedIng.
Howser. it: may- yet. turn out 411.
;Filicht-l'raek: of ,moisture I's' one of the
:chief Canape of 'Crop ',failure in the
.West,, ;Hid, With, 'all •Gqs, ,anore,
.tain, fall there May J. rapid ,grewth,
when: the weather doeteltietome set,„
'tied and *aim. • •
New"speper .repoitte ,from Centre!
Kansas relate . that on Satiridey :last
that district:was swept by a: iernatio,'
Inliele,•Ctiiiited.: the death' of at least
Oeten, persons.. • '
For Menthe ,different Partsof the
great: central plain. of the 'United.
'Statea. has '.ftitaiellied • weekly "stories
resulting in great- lime of „life end, dee'.
•.ttuctiOn of property. There wereltarnadoert. in -Texas,' Oklahoma; .
and now .in 'licenses,. while the. Miss-
issippi, has inandatedtenni thatisands
of .sqlliare Miles SanO„ half dozen etatee
along its "•ceurse.- ' • .
t.This'..tei'rite;ry alwayshas been af;
_acted: With. „great: wind •st'oems ,and
tornadOeS,.:. but this :year appears to
:baYe bisinght.air,unutnial nuniber, No,
land . is :. Perfect and few • are better •
than this did "Ontertn:. of outs.: • •
,10.1t 2tio4
Interest:1n tenthig in niatiade ' are $0-
' -70 Ottkel*..Aesat*of, nier.eased,.
_ ,
numeroopAud Aiming from ee many
4,4re_rent:glillircei..•In every: previitee ae
.ta.defY the!, ntten10 ,t9 .cataltigtin
the:Change in Dominion ,;;Customs
Regulations wb!eh.'extends the time
ilnite-a- *lain Meter tOurialo. 'MaY
.:m1n in .0Oliada'.‘Withent the • denoeit
9f CaOhorbcn4s. fieni daYB
to ninety:. days: ,, The vnrious
1nes are mere •aetzvely engaged than
Conditions. Most ,a.them,have hitt-
".rie to deal' witle •the subject ' and.
touriSta entering a proVinee,..,. either"
from rOnetheryprovinee or'from erit-
side. of .Canadn. ,v94 d th4t. they,
are abbe to obtan hunting iind fishing
priviI�g by applYing,to the .prev-irn,
ca1•gamO•aflice,rs, andoemplying With
the game laws, • , ,
*„ On the pbyeinal side the 'clritngee'in
the mottit-Ionring stuatwa li•:-..the
'past thirty-six moeths have: been .0-
1ortnous. ••:•,Thia, Year. showe a great
aditanee ov:ei 1926, and' those whit;
have not been ever thetoads in. pi
;One • of our provinces for -three' Years
•:will find ..a vprectically new situation.,
':Though t1Tre is as yet no transeon-
linental motor. road en Canadian soil
the itighwitY •oysteM everY "potan-•
ince has ,been extendeotand_imp:Rived-
until,' 'with ' the building° '"of a: few
links, :the ellein moll stretch from ,4nt-
lantie to Pacific. These modern roads.
result that facilities have 'kent paee
'with the rieed. • Mechanics who Can
Make. all necesearef: repairs are locat
'40 at intervalSOlcing every highway,
and, geod'°.rteeo.triodation at ,reasonable
' ' ihible lo touring par
prices r -
ties. Whether the tourist prefers the
•palatlal.*114elis.---Of • the city and
fashionab1e-lain/1er 'resells or . the
Inore. tnidest, hostelries and tourist
lodges,- crildealres to test the-Pleastirt
es of tenting? .on. tourist Camp sites
he will find. facilities to :meet his
• . ,
eatinO, flunibing. and glettric Wiring
H*rdiv. all Plaster,. Gypiao Wallboard
0uti;74 ' Phone.I.58
onumen or
Hie tha.largeist and Most coinplete
stock the moat be.autifid•lesigns
•to choose from, in • ' •
Seotch„ 'Swedish 'end Can-
' :tidiest 'Grastite.a
• iak. n- aPecialtY. of Family
O "Tuathnio and inViist Your inapee-
ptiona 0. Noitly, Carefully. and ,
• Piomptly Done. '
Soo go before Placing Yoar order.
a*glafi Brom. R. A: Spotton'
• Iantliebolr, Ont.
This is an apology by nee fin. state -
merits which l'have made. concerning
• the :Character oit Mr. Thomas.: W. Mc-
' Nall Of 'Auburn; and is-, made by me
for the purpose of doing. what ',I, can
'O tor restore the good' eltufaCtet and
reputatian.ef Mr. McNeil. tFrom what
• I an learn .there is ' absoltztely no
• truth in the statements *hien were
made concerning Mr. McNeil and
, • some woman,. and I am sincerely
sorry ..that I allowed myself 'to re -
•'peat such. statements: , . • 1.
,•(Signed), Albert .J. Wilkins:
00 All men are: born free and equal
• and then some get 'married. ,
in1oss. March and '''"APril
: Teter, 1298:-. 'O.: Campbell
1099; re: Itiactrines* 1023; .• E Mae-
.Dougell 931;0 L. ,;Mec/nneig '908;*
,MaeLeOd. 889;:A., Thompson 510*. -
00 • Sr. Total 1287. A.',1,311rns 1033;
Gaynor 823*.
O . Jr. Totel'; 1276. ,.T. McNag
1.069;; R._ Campbell .902;, A .Thompson,
612*; Arnold, Thompson 608*,;,Harelcl
Stewart :596; A. :Tames •529*; Hartild
Staten 180 .,(statted .after:'Easter).
II: Total 878. V. Scott 622.
• Jr..'Il;, .Total 1137. ,L10Yd
-987-i- -BT.% -MaeCortnell--871; E. Burns
8484; • G. MacLeod. 6800;', J.' Gaynor
O Si. I Total '922:: P. Scott 981; L.
Total 1987..C.Irwin :1004; L.
.CamPbell. 979; Campbell 882;. °D.
MacDougall 708*; W. Scott 629.
Sr. Pr. t Total 631. D. Thompson
,Promoted 0 from Jr. I to Sr. .
Irwin; L.". CainPliell; Th
W'. Scott,' (rec.), .,
Sr. Pr..te-Jr, I: D. 'Ilionipstin,-. •
Beginners: W Thompson; " Car-
ter; C. MacnIall;, J. Burne; J. Cer-
'Annie E. Johnston.
'• Skirt used to be a common name.
Now it ie an abbreyiation,
.1 e
**. r 11
viply.L../Irruitimr,.,..liivi•:, Illwiirem1llilil::,PP. .:___:____j,....
...1,.........,.........., , ....,*--,
kit as Attractive Inside as Put?
MAKE your summer cottage "comfortable and home -like
"a with( :Gypron, Fireproof partitiona 'and ceilings, At
O small cost the whole interior may be *transformed Into• •
attractive, coy rooing'.4 • '.•.•• •
%%Trite for free booklet -'My Heine," It wilt tell you how Gyproe.
' nocboard Gypsum 'mutating and kande: will reduce.your fuel
�f to.040%., ' • , •
rgprot4f: boor.d,,
-ForSale BY
Wm: & Lutknow, Ont.
Rae' ''41c Porteous ..bleknow,
• The .. latest venture at ,flying from
Europa 'tOO America appears t have.
ended itt disastee'tO the..aviatord. AlI
crier, the, World where ' it W�S0 known
that -the !light was..`to be undeitaken;
anxieti was felt' thrOughont Monday
and Tuesday **ten, the..."WP.ite Bird
failed to .reach the Aniericio, side,
and "there 'Wei' no, word
- -The-flight was to haVe been: from
Paris to .$e* Yoik: perhaps the Most
analbitions: and ineetacular , air
age :ever undertaken
than -air, craft .:The 'aviators were
.two ,French ,"aces', and their. ma-•
O chine; no doubt, -'was Ofo the best.
..The Atlantic ° had: been, Crossed in
that wait; in 1919- by tWo.•Englishinen.
but the flight was much Shorter, 'be-
ing "from• ,Newfoundland to Ireland
Flyiag machines have been ,greatly
improved &nee 'then, and with 0 fair
lack :the Frenchmen should' have -ac-
complished their daring and ambiti-
nes, -undertaking-
The Frenchmemb left Paris at ' 017,
nunutes *after 12 o'clock Sunday
in Ottani; 41Pented teeth "Nee/
York On Monday afternoon.: Its lit
rsatcl that weather , conditions".' were
bad soon after they. started, .and.
came worse 0 Over the Atlantic.This,
in.. all likelihood, .accounts for ' the
disaster, which evidently has. ovei-
Taken them.
After all, their is, something feel -
hardy about this trans-Atlantic Ily-
j0g•0 Of agorae, as long -flights have
.been :made , over hied, but the risks
are not nearly se great,. and if a
plane is 'forced down, • as they fre-
'lenity are, little may be heard about
. Thera will be:universal, sorrow. if
the two dating Frenchman, are lost,
,The Carriage' and :hardihood which
ventures upon nigh 0 ,an undertaking
deserves success. ,Niany were
lost befOre.flying attained its present
Measure 001 miccess, but elwaYalhere
were men whin would try again.. If
we may jtidgeby, the ,past, the near
'future will . see non-stop; flights al.
cross the Atlantic a daily, Occurrence,
as they now are,,acrosig the ,Englieh
o 9
.'111RONG CAlsiA641. THIS i]gAit
:There is no doubt that, the eontini
months. of 1927, will be the „greatest.
season for motor touring, as regards.
both citiiens and visitors,' that Can-
ada has yet knOwn. Many eal1se8 are
tontribeting to this result, the two
mation at ,hoinerind ahtoad thnt
main ' highways 'are hot • surpassed by
tion by..our neighbors to° the south
that,, 'Canada has On ideal climate, so
that in, osuinmor they 'may . °escape'
from the heat, the cengested.
and th 1 tniliar ,0,fielda :to the
dinriparatiVe nOthiega, the tineroWded
waYs, and the new Mid striking seen;,
es in•CitY* cOnatill'fld vi.cgin,
4610 in the Deminfon, ,
The..riUmbextrf gatherings in .Can-
ada this year will make for increased
city, and teWit 'the Sixtieth anniversa.,
ty of Cenfederatien aill be inerked
by fitting celebrations, and to these
. and to ,.n.,111priber of. Important Corn
.ventioSneli as the World's Poultry
Congress m ',Ottawa .there will be
personally einidizeted automobile tours
front., other: provinces. and: from '
International _Boundary. , In connec-
tion With,the,,peultry,.CongreSau,there.
will be ten s,PcIt „tours staring at nift
fete& Points' ranging from St Ste-
•pheri,',NeWl:trunsi,vick and Digby,
va Scotia in the neat to :Sault Ste.
Marie, in the west.. In the Prairie
Provinces 'ancUltritish Columbia many
gatherings will be attended by
terists; while the.openings of scenic
,Iiigoys to and. thiongh , national
parks and the completion of c9nnect,
ing.links in the Reiehir inountainn and
on the padific;Coaat " that
frein see 'to Sea there Will not he a
'P,I3rtien .of Canada that will pok.wit-
--nesstgreater motor tourist. titiViti
than dyer befote.'"
. .
O Following extensive medical re-
search work on diet and athlete's en.
'durance in which- Was involved . esti.
mations 0 of blood Sugar :before and
• after- conipetitive Walks; these neenit
bers aforementioned, were' advised to
ineeipera.te in their/ bill. of fare, •a
• large quantity of natural sugata, and
the article deemed .MOSt suitable ,by
medical opinion was honey.
• Thie type ef. "athletic activity
which these. men' are* Origaged ;de -
minds great state arid endurance,
O and the fond prob ern with us is one
that, demands close attention. 0.
O Honey has the 'following advan-
tages over ;Othersugars:--. •00
' (1) It is non-iritating tcl the deli-
cate membranes Of the .digektive ap-
• (g)' It is assimilatedrapidly and
(3) It ,tatickly furnishes:, the . de-
mand e06rgi.r. • '
(4) It enables' the athlete to pectip.
erat'e rapidly frOm, severe 'exertion,
and the men :using it show lees .evit
'dence of fatigue, accordingto stan-
O daidized medical tests.
• (5) As far aa oar research work
has" denieristfateir,- the usa ofliOneY
spates the kidneys, lessening Visite
destruction , •
0(6) It nag a natural laxative effeet.
0(1) In is easily' obtained and it is
-inexpensive, .0 0',•
.-'-.' -The 'greurnf -Mille-tee readY'm ern.
bioned have been vets& AUe9essful in
the past and are .now in the throes
en..intettsive..training .for the largest.
Walking' 'Race in the. WOrld, a 104
mile eVent,.which takes place annual-
ly in New Yoirk on'Thanksgivini th4
November. .25th. .•
_ ,
- coMlng to thisviiier-roadS or
rubber fenceS.O ,
A. wise man knots4 wilen, to 10 go
laefore taldng hohl. ' '
A; meeting Of the tJF 0 will, he'
held in the Hall here on Mentlay tor..
May %Stk., •
' Mrs, Ilugh VameSiii,vf1ne River,
wha a visitor fOt.,11 few' dap among
•he14ends, the NeostO.atherfrd
and Prirnin, •
Mr. Stuart Lavin and Mr,, qortil
.MacDonald; spent 'a eoujile .tof dayS
lest Weekt.in. Toronto,
"eyMcIretizie of Belmere., teolt
the Service. in Calitin': Church last'.
all1P.rolAiMe .fon "Mathete PAY.r! The
,ehtirch was ,fticely :decorated -Wzth
floWera ' ' •
Mrs:. Clark returned to her 'hoine
hee on Saturday; -after spending the
'winter Mentlfs with he deug,itter;
Mrs'. • Marvin "IlleDowell df Weettielcl,
We Welcbme' Mrs. •Clark baele no St.'
Helens, •
• , and idts...„John CeartneY •
Xineardnie; ,sPerit• the' week -end vis
. .
ting friends around ,St Helens.
• Mrs. McOrostle of Lucknew, is vis-
iting With her son; W. d. MeCrostie.
. Little Ronald 141-.!Crostie, son of Mr,
and .Mis. W. ,G,...McCrestie, was taken
tij Wingham Ilospital last Friday for
treatment. „, Little hope; was enter:-
•tained for. :his *recovery, but lateat
Mr. John .McGuire bee:improved Se
nwell that he is expected horne: this
all id
111ii-y-O-f -Clfe'Sley; -las
itor With bis ad friend, Mr. James
Aiteheson, Sr. : • •
The meeting of the 'Wommes In-
stitute was held at thehome of Mrs.
W. L Miller. We Were Pleased to have.
:•with ' us visitors from Winghant W,
Institute, Mrs Ellzott,,District ,See'Yt.
Mrs:, Cinikshank, Miss Anderson and
Mts.' ,Casernote. Mee: ;Elliott npialce
• on 1 "Ideas • Of W.: Iiistitutes'!,; 'Mrs.
Cruikshank on "Social Influenee in
• Everyday":: , Life"; Miss AndersonWprk .
dene in their own •Iiistitute",.
0,0 the Piano.- • Lineh, Was Served 'end
a social° heti' hour was anent. .
•„.,..It'l is Witln,deePSorroit that we: in,.
, •
;port' .tliei,deatIntif Out, beloved teach-
er, lilies- Binith, whe' passed
awaySunday night after a short ill -
.Mrs. D. S.' MaeDoriald. iticknow.
'Spent Sunday .at henre.tif
ther, 1V1EicIver.,
. . .
Miss Lizzie Hodgkinson 'entertain-
ed:friends:. from -Londern" the first
the Week, " ',' ••
,We are glad. to 'report . that •Angus
• MadIntesh,,,, who'.Spene:. two. weeks..itt
• Detroit' receiving medical treatment.
returned .Saturday night, inUgh.;m1
proved -in, health. :' '0: '
V.o.a Rena Colllng .taught . the
O Fiowerdale :.school ; last • week,. oviing
to the illnessand subsequent death oi
Miss Smith. •,..
R. Martin and faniily .spent
last.Thursday afternoon in. St.'
- - Wedding bellr are ringliii"at Lang-
•" Mts.., Jas. Walker, who .has been
nursing' her mether-in-law, Mrs. Wm.
Walker„ of Lucian:ow, 0 has returned
home, as ' 'Mrs. Walker is einnewhat
improved. !: . .00 0j
Einmersoni Whe' welt
,to Wingham Hospital' last' Thursda,
for an appendicitis operation, is re.:
O ported somewhat ,impt•oved. •
• Your • ;correspondent this:, weer,
,heard ,a rather interesting little story
• of a. silver maple. tree... This tree,
when a tiny plant; Was found on th°
'farm of dehn Barbour,, 10th Cep:, W.
Wawanosli, .by Mrs »an ;McInnes:
O (now of Laegside), who wad" then
Mary Falconer, She took it pp, and
planted' it 'On the farin of her bro.
ther4n-laW, John M9riligm, but' now.
owned by Mr. McDonald. Thih spring
. her :son, John McInnes cut down tht.
tree and made it into firewood.' L.
made 8 cords. Se Mrs., McInnes • '
.,..new 'using the wood frem the tree
She planted 50 years ago. ,
O , Mr. .Angus McIntosh; ,, teintried.
ltlaclioneld, is" ..zurrsIng at
the Itonie,:of M. James' Stanley, who
is very ill at -present With nnetiniOnin.
0, Mies Gilmore, who recently arrived
from the, Old 'Country, is sending:
a fel,v,;vieeya..with
Mr* and "Mia.- R MaeDottgall and
family 'Motored t� -Pala:ley' and epent
a day With friends. ,'',, • .
- hOine of:"IVItin 'A. Hughes was we.(
attended last Wednesday 'eftertiden.O .
The .pSst, reins have started. vege"-..
O tatiOn °Vigiutoitaly iittliouglf if has del, •
'dyed, the seeding for the tithe being.
- The .POtirill Wits well represented
,at the Presbyterian Anniversary Sun
day last; .
• 16
Brantford:lilt Butt ASPlialt Slot*
-provide a roof of double and 'trivia
thiduiesS, unitchkai na, d
.1Ong-PrOtCC.i.1402-,-, •
. Brantford Pin ilittet„ II'
. charm and distinction of: lg.
Bethg teneretig eaten
Weight; Ire M0.0,400904
. weather. Size 10 'mama bY10 lathe, :
' inches to the !either.
prantford.Roolinsu C., U1ts4
Brastforolo Onettelio.' "
. ,
Steck Carried, Information Furnished:and Soiesdoest
Brantford. roofing rendered -by:.
NVM. :1K4idle 8s soh
• Veryd,-was., the _death,. of. , Miss
. whb passed away at,
her home en the iFeerth Con: of Hut -
on, last Sunday night after a brief
°illness. The sympathy goes out to
. -
. (By ,R...J. Deachman),.
The absurdities of the present Ca-
nadian Customs Tar.iff -arose front
the manner. in Which the aniazing
thing was constructed, . We contract-
ed ; high protection front the Vatted
States ---Ave foilloWed Ariterican meuT.
thod entirely regardless of the fact
lhat .it :was about. as potent for the,
:purpose We had in. vieW 'as would be
. •
wan locomotive. • Every., fault Of the::
'American tariff, was' copied.. The
United States is, to a latge. extent:,
a self • contained nationwe are not.
Many of the things of everyday. life
we .intist import and ,the" catty. Way
we can get .them is to produce othek
things for which nature 'has fitted us
and trade *these products • for • the
thingS we need in the .ivoriolla oven
markets. • ' ;
But if we 'started wrongly the Start
Preyed 'only :the foundation for the
future structure of amaing error,
To understand bow' some: of the iteine
etept into the scnedine one mesf
catch a glimpse Of .Canadian :political
Methods. In the framing of a tariff
as "it has bee n done in the past,;in-
`terested parties canie to the Minister
and told their story. , Ne one Wag
there to present the other side..Sue-
cess of the ,applicant depended on
political pressure and. sometimes •on,.
the personal .friendship, of the Min-
ister. NO guiding principle influenc-
ed, the .decisions... /1 nt times there
appeare evidence of °stielz, as in the
ease of atri-n liripleinents, itis.a fair
inference that it too was due, to po:
Mind pressure 'and not todeliberate
action following" constructive thought
. The Hopeless Medley
• The result is just as might be ex-
pected. A few examples.. will. make
the "case<Clear.. •• Take for • instance
kitchen hollow -ware 0firon, steel co
aluminum.: • The average duty .oali
invorts i upproicimately 80%. 0 We
are no here referring to the rate ar
stated j0 the Customs '2nriff; but tc
the rate paid upon, imports et in
'other words; the "levied rate".., That,
varies with.: the: countiles front 'which
the ,articles are imported. The pro-
duct is; a household necessity., „It
needed in eveii.home. One. can' hard-
ly think of. anything more essential,.
Compare the rate a on: titis,. and , or
certain. oluxurY
1101low4,are,as, above, 30.%:
O Pabries of silk, 29',5.V0.;
Jewellery , tieltleiiry20%a;d , precious :stones
26, ,.
17:T64,7011e. ware Of, :china; porcelain, etc.
• ....-
Carpets, Axminster •' Squares
O :New 'how does it happen that •hol.
kovv-wa,te, •a necessity,. if :there .ever
was one; should carry a rate io much
higher' than the abet' home, in this
list whiehnnust-be .elassed • as 111.3cUr.
1f1-i'O' answer is T h
makers of hollow -Ware, ,must
been pieseet :When the. tariff was'
.rnade•-:-.the common peeple were not
at that time repregented. There;je.
an interesting. stdelight„.iii..,the--;faCt
that ''''''''''''''''''''''''' orlitcliears -less
is tin6'
h ade 1bocaItinshopL
the inainifieturers ofthis. commodity'
W ere not so vocal as ,the lager cam-
niantifaetutieg eninne1,ware4'
Thehee the ffTho r Rrsecuniebecleit.1neiiv-earlenveselfil;
interesting tariff histe„. , The aVer-
age trotY Plzen dutiable impoits. :Of
tuhbei .10-119,00.. P !mires from the,
-Bureau 'of ;Statistics she* '-thet", :the-
a • 3 o
. , .
labor cost is approximately: 14%. In .
every. hundred dollars. work 'of rub, .
bet gods, the, manufaeturet' has paid.
out .04.. in, :wages.. :The, tariff there-, , ..... .
'hall times the total Wages in the :rib., •
bet :goods ' produced in 'our factories. • .1 •
.In, cottief Werds. we,gine.rto Our rubber.
industry. a bonne.: equalto at least..
•tveiee the tot'al valtie.,:of '. the 'wages. . •N\ •
... .... ....„-.s':•--.
' Potlatch Tirrift • .
. ' The Indiana,. Of old,: had What Was .
• Called la Petlateh, At these Meetings:, •
;they .gave saway all their .ptcopeitt..'. .
*but.:as, eVerybodY was doing the ,stinte, ,
. .
thing, in actual results, it made little
Idifference,. they ''wMue .'.gisrn_n1', it te_.7„ ..,_„: • 0.
. . . . .. ,
-,tlieinselves.', : In this: eagle. It Is differ., • :
gni: , The • Rubber .Mintifactinting: In-
dustry , Of Canada: ja largely .Ameri.
• . . . . „ , ..
*Owneet.---471-ii.-1. aerrit---hrtintlii-if
. .. . . • . . .. .
the..indnetry, as: Much as ;70% . of the
invested eapital is -Aftierican: . 1.trizen: :
we raise 'these Oleos on 'ourielVes by
O a „tariff, we give, (potlatch Style)", the . '
big ptlifit:. to the American owners of
'Canadian fiteteriesi:' We give them in.: •
excess ,priceS, for rubber ..irieda e,-: .
nough tO:pay the lull, wages:of -their '
factories. in .Canada, and' ahie epough' : .,
to. per. ithe Wages .,1.4,...f1ettiurieit. • 4,:uf'
equal- size :on . the,..A*erietin! side . of
the °line It is te.: teduce. such: but-.
'dens.... -as this , that; the .. Consnmers' '
„ ;
Leakne: of :Canada ittnovi: beii,,iing, its,'
efforts. -0
Absurd %Beyond -6raparbion.
: There. is no limit, tti. these'. glaring
and obvious absurditlea. Sewing.,me- .
chines --an. article of almost universal •
nse.. even in ' the. ".., pnonest. •'. fentilies: ..
bears ,a,. duty of 30%. :These nearby;' '.
'all cone -in 'Under the 'general. 'tariff: •
:In„ ,inonY lines.. of., cottons, . Weellens. ••
,end: even" Silk,the actual: rate of dirty ....
iS orueh .lesti than for 'a 'great ..
deal of these ,commodities .enter un -
,der. the: preferential '' rates. 1Cotton.1
, &ening,. -fee-rinettrate:Intyl-•eirProxi... .
irately 20% but: if.•. yi....ir buy a ' nia- ..
chine to Make :the, &tithing nt .Can ,,,,,'•
:9 (Ili; ;the duty is :311%en: the Machine.:
We repeat, the. Sent4..,ObsiOdityon
bonta. and shoes. &Mei enter- -,
.. . . .
. . .. „
ing Canada are .dutiable at .1534%,
but the machines. to make Ahem .carry .
it", rate • of 271/4 % and. 50% ' and these
Machines in rnank 'cases. Ate mann- -
factered by n :Corporation declared.
by out owe Innettigating. Board, in..' -
' 1912- .. to . be . a. monopoly. „' protection,: .
is applied' in Canada bonuses lodes:. •
try to leave the 'country and. : stifles. ,
linsinese at evert? move.. .,-
:.- . •..i,ia,:e Tiii. urfacoo,
:Onewould hinigine that the. rate : •
on. 'paint ,.:Would be. line.. , :Paint is...a. -
nrinte : 'essential "of ,National tconenty. ,
"Save the Surface and ,yon'ttave till:" -
It is the rawest of .raw' malial .be... ,
eanse it enters .int ci every b dingIn .
the land. . Yet we find the duty- .o •
•Whitelead ground hi Oil •is 87%,/the
'highest •Of ' all advalerein , rates .• in ,
the tariff, schedule. _: :•. , - ..
• One might knight? • that Canadigke; .
Mariefaettirets° "told stand ,hand - in
dove With the .Cenimineief League' in :
the effort to remove these 'aitereglietn,
Siich, is not likely to be tbe.case.• The ...
ritanufaetnrets, feet thelighteitiencV •
npon the fragile struettire prateer ..
tIon. • It Is. 'as the „sacred . " ,. to e„
natives Of , India' and the c0 t ,to .il.ie '
.ertelen,t:•Egyptiana. . They. wershin. it
and , In . RS iteparate: 'Parte .. '
in..l.t. What it---ceste 'thent.0.1n.a. year ..
in 'lost hnsiness,. .0.duced 'container '
,P•ljtellOollIg-linwer.tandin,•,edded"Iric.....- ,
tion. pit 'the wheels of indinttry,-, ft W.'.
iimpossible to eittimete, but it Would: '
be difficult to see how they make
ritore---than-their lere%froni it.: Bet --
Alien .itlwaysg-' lieep.: theft' .01.4 gods :a.. .
roupd 'after thek lose theii• faith in •
theft, that. Is. human 'and Athol*: • ,
our ' lnanuftitturera'strange
..)ma)! seen), 004. fp" "WI III*