HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-12, Page 19
32.00 PER YEAR IN 4DV.04101i.11.50 OTHER*ISE
LI/OliNoirlit'01411%; MAY lith; 1927,
• Lucknow
DP,Nitif741.7"7".' "
kineLood• Lucking,:
• inienr,•• TueadgY In Dr: COnnitlea
Dr. R. L. ' ' Treleaven, ,'Luclineve.-
ri Decker's. 8 to rs Extraietkaa
by gas or, local. Will ha hi
Ono* every Thuradai-.-
Phone 88'
, Call ,Dr. Newton,
. Make appointment
_In office everyday
. 9 0 0 0.0 0
lie0. A. Slidell, incline%
and Real Estate.--,-Meney to lend in
drat mortgages on farm' proger-
OW it 8 mike% per cent i,iccer '1,
to . -offered. 1:10811
Innennts on second' moitireges'. :on
garmproperties and on.. personal
lege'. A few geed fermi, for sale
MY stock or Wall, Paper is cont
• ••• ;plate for 1927. Prices from .8c. up. I
.am also agent for leading jdb hOuses.
;•''' R. J.', Cameron, Decorator, Painter
• _
• For Sale -Litter of Pigs .6 weeks
M. Aitchison, R. 2. Lucknow.
and 1 -41 -.in 'ash with, glass in them.
Apply' to D. C. Taylor:
Paper -Canadian made, best
quaIlt7. Prices from 10c. to $2.00.
Good '4, workmanship • • guaranteed.
Samples. shown at your home , or at
residence of Phillip Steward, paper
hanger and decorater.
..ptice • -Esti: before :•',ordering ,
• Barred .Rock or White Leghorn Baby
-Chicks Or eggs for .hatching. Inctiba-
' tore or brooders at right' prices. Cus-
tom:hatching, done..-- Duncan Ken-
nedy, Whitechurch,' Opt.
' (24:2-tf.)
100 Acres, *ore. or less, in Kinlosii
• Township --corner". on • country
road; -5 miles from Lucknow. 4 miles
Whitechurch -one mile from
blacksmith ' 8 ho p -schoolhouse • on
farm -well watered, 5 acres bush -
barn 40x58 D -2 -story frame house
Sinai and kitchen' 18x18 ft. -barn
__..l__ 22V? acres
chord. Pride $3,000, terms • to, suit
purchaser. Also -a large, born in good
aondltion, for sale. Apply to Jacob
m11, ter. Lucknow. 0.i.tf.) '
Good Frame residence on Stauffer
St;'; Lucknow.Bathroom, electric
lights. Everything in first class con-
dition. Garage and stable in .connee-
tion. • Apply ,to Ackert Bros., Holy -
rood. • (19-5-p)
Xownship Of 'Ashfield
Tender's will be received by the un-
dersigned up to 3, o'clock p.m.- on
ThindidaY, May 2fith, for the con-
struction of two concrete abutments
for the Reid bridge, *lot 9. 'ton. 6:
Aslifield;•.. also seven. small bridges
,two on side line 6 & 7, Con; 12 W.D.
' oriel at lot 1, Chn. 2' W.D., one on
D.L. Con: 5, one at3ot:7, 'Con. 12.
RD., two nt D.L. Con. n. Council to
• furnish gravel and !bond, iron. ,Plane
and specifications may be. seen. it:
el is office..
C. E. McDonagh, 'Clerk.
toeknoW, R. R. 3
.Court . of Revision
The Court of Revision on the AS-'
sessneent• of the Township of 'West
Wawohosh for 1927 will be held • in
the Township Hall a" WednesdaY.
Melt 30th. 1927, at 10 am.-Durnin
Phillipe, Clerk. (1975-c.)
• Good Goods " Low Prices. 1 o 00
yards, "Vfannelette clearing thia.Week,
:Only mAaxE.s=irotsoM
murdoEn CO. •
'171R.A.0°.tr:-NT •
1.fr, and 'kr& Melvin -Rtayiiard:whis
,habeen confined to the "house With
severe colds, are unprovrng; • "
,Misses Myrtle and Winnifred
Webster spent a day with the Misses
"Itidliard&'•• •' .7- •
Mrs. Fraser Patterson, and children
f Lucknow, *hilted ler mother, Mrs
A,. Stein, 'during the week.
Friends' and neighbOre", Of Mr Jag..
Stanley Of Paramount, -AO hag been
be pleased to know
• that heis shoWing sumo, ' improve.,
..r'.,Wr41•KoniPtOn Of. RiileY•
pi !no hi, olooM loikurioro 010004.
••;;,.• ••-•
• •Outing shoes., Get. the 'best -.-the
lotte-Buoy.,;.'''-"At W.'J. Little'a 'Shoe
Sewing will be done at reasonable
rates hY•Mra•'-$111§1;;:tierth of the:
R. Stition.
.Mrs. Ernle Aitchison and daughter
Miry spent.. a few days last week'
with friends,' in town. •
Try some ol Reid's' Home Made
_I_ee Cream. An 'Ice, Cream„Cone,•Sun-
dae or Ice Cream Soda. • . '
Mr. Lester ,Morrison, sins ofthe
late: Mr: Hugh Morrison of Toronto,
has been a :visitor' in town the past
week, „
Memo:- W. R. -Johnston, . Gordon
Johnston and Bobbie of. Toronto,
ited mith--_14.4.7.4.,„„-'M:A.,1,./..ohneton,, on
-Sunday, •
I.,The May meeting of 'the Women's
Institute will be held at the Wine of
Mrs. Will. Douglas on. Friday next,
AIRY 13. All welconse., • ".
Jaines 'Stanley, who has been cri-
tically ill' With .prieurnonia throughout
the past week; appears to have taken
a turn for the,better and been stead:
ilythough slowly irisProving the fait
few days.
Mr. and Mrs. .Alex, Ross had the!
.Jacob Mrs Biiiho and daughter,
Ma, me...and Mrs', aanichlianier and
:Mr, ',lock of Detroit;. Mr. and Mrs.
Frstzley and daughters Edna and
Isla oj Cheeley:
o 070,
„ .
A dance will be given in the Coun-
cil Chaniber'VVingham,' the '.evening
of TuesdaY, May 17th. Dancing from
8:30 to .1. o'clock. :Whitechnrch.:
ehestra. Gents 50c. Ladies 256„' in -
eluding war tisk. •
Jewi 'Rebekah Lodge will hold'
a social evening in the Oddfel-
:oi.HaH o Thnrsday,
Odifellows and their • wives. or I
lady triendisiaial Rebekah's and
theirhusbands or lady- friend..
• Lediei please bring lunch*Coni
Bliie-,4At Detroit, Mich:, on May
10: 1927, to' Mr, and -Mrs. William
, Blue; a'. daughter. , ,(Mrs.4 Blue was
formerly • Ethel Anderson of West
The rather' severe frosts .of a eon-
ple of weeks ago have been followed
by splendid rains and warmth, condi
tions which haye premoted. Very rapio
'vegetation. , The trees have all dome
out in leaf,' smile 'in 'blossom, and
grass and grain ,thave been .making -
splendid headway. The all „wheat
has held up well through the cola
'weather and a good crop is now fair-
ly, well assured. It is sal
some; fields of alfalfa have been bad-
ly killed by the frost and ice of win-
ter-, Alfalfa is now One sif the great-•
est. crops ' of the province, -having
Practically solved the hay -shortage
LAD wIris noNoaABLp•••
. . „
Pittsburgh, - May 4 -Austin
Woods, a student .M the Highland
Park • High School,:' Highland Park,
.Mich.; has won distinguished honors
by .being aviraried honorable, men-
tion in the essay .divisiOn Of the
National Scholastic Awards eon -
tests, opento all' high school stu-
dents <of the United States, accord-
ing to announement, made here to-
day qnly
three' 'prizes and seven,
honorable nentions Were awarded in
the esintY. division.: '• „.P,
-7 More •than :;10,000. -.High .School
InnYs• and girls 'tOok, •part in the
variona phases of the contests for
the Scholastic , Awards, an annua
group of 'Prizes forcreative work in
literature and art doe by high
school itudents. •
The .judges in the essay. division Of
the, ScholasticAwards contests , who
'toe' tohoilibro,'T •-t�:
woods, , essay entitled . the. Air",
Were Samuel McCherd Crothers, diS4
tingnisbed- eEiSaYist; B W; Iluebsch,
publisher, John Macy,author' ao4,.cri.
tic, and F. 14-.Pattee, Profeasor , of
English, Pennsylvania State Cellege.
NoTt -.Austin woods is a giand-
son, of Mr; and Mrg. Matthew Woedts*
LticktiOW• is, a fretpient
The town ` Leaguf(' started cifi' o
Monday evening with great enthui
ism, for , tine offieials; The 'game wa
between the Business Men`and Clerk
vs. the Factory and the latt
winning by •
The way the players- and •iiippor
brs. turned out and the brand of base
ball -Played promises' Well for the fu
titre, .and Lucknow should - be wek:t
the: tep, of the 'Bruce . League at ;' th
end' Of the' !season:
Hien some of the old-timers turn
ed out and ,slibwed up some of th
regulars at their respective pesitiOns
and May eatell a.:plaCe on the regu-
lar line-up. 'Gaines are scheduled for
every Monday, Wednesday. and Fri-
day evening at :6.30. o'clock, Watclt
for pesters regarding these games.:
The High ,School VS:. the' Penpushers
and Professional men: will meet:Wee:-
nesday of this ,week; but we 'can't ye -
port• results., ,:: • ' •
Teams ,in the League, are; Kinear.
dine, Walkerton, .LuelcInewL Paisley;
'Chesley, Part Teesw,ater.: • '
. May 24 -Kincardine at -Walkerton.
May ;26--POrt Elgin:At 'Te'eswAter„
Chealey at .:Luekno*. • '
June : 2 -Paisley at Port ..Elgin.
:-Teeiwite"r, at :Kincardine Lneknew
at • Walkerton. : •
• „Jiine 9L -Part •at Chealey,
-Walkerton aCTeesWater. Kincardine
at Paisley. .
15-Chesley at:Kincardine; .
'June .16-4-.Teeswater::iat Lticknew.
June 21-Paisleyal. ChesleY.
;June 23 -Kincardine at Teaiivater:.
Lucknow at Port Elgin:
• . June 367-.Lucknow at Paisley.-: •
July 2-thesleY at, Walkerton. :
• :July:- 6L,VVa1kerten at 'Cliesley.:
• July 7•Kineardine. at. Lucknow.
Paisley at !nr,ceswater, .• • : '
• Jab)* at .Kincardine
Teeawater',.at, Walkerton. .ChesleY at
July 21-LuCknow! at T'eeswater,
Walkerton at Kincardine Port Elgin
at ,Paisley. • , .
July 28,:-Teeswater.
Kincardine at Port Elgin. .Paisley at
'•August-.4.-Pais1ey • at: • Ltscknow.
Kincardine .at Chesley.. TeesWater at
-port Elgin„ , . •
Aug. 11 -Walkerton at , Paisley.
Cheney:. at Teeswater. 'tticlinow at.
Aug 18 -Port Elgin at .VValltertotl.
Aug. 18--raisley at : Kincardine
.Ltielcnow at, Chesley. "
Aug. 25-Teeswater at. paisley.
Walkerton at LuclinoW, •' '
Aug .-27--Chesley at Pert Elgin
Atm. "31 -pert Elgin at -LucknoW.
• o
.Cood decals, Lew Prices: This meek
bargains' in.. Linoleum Rugs. -THE
' • . ,
• • • A 'LACROSSE C14113-
How many of our readers remem-
ber' -
' The Saturday Ledger, a -newa,
': ' '
„paper that was being, published , at
Toronto • in the. early .Nineties? We
were handed a Copy of •thi& publica-
tion dated March 4th, 1893, which had
been, preserved by 'a Lnekricairresi-
dent of that day. '
This issue of The ,Ledger' devoted
'couple. bk Page/ to a -Write-un of
Lucknow and a number of its promi-
nent citizens,- with portraits: Among'
these are James Bryan, M. Campbell,
Dennis Mitchell, James Sorinerville;
J. G. <Murdoch, J, W. Armstrong, WM.
Connell, J.' W. Berry, J. B. Congrain
R. Hughes. There is a picture of the
Public School,* of v.vhich Mr. Yule was
the principal, of the Town Hall,. the
churches and n few other buildings...
Occupying a prominent,plaeosis
picture of the 'Sepoy Lacross Club,
evidently a lively organization of that
time. rison was Hon: President -
'Chain " 'Was' Vice -President
and D R. MaeInt President, Mem-
bers of' the team were: .1 Grundy, J.
W. 'Armstreng, Dave Thompson, D.
N. -Lawrence,. Canipbell,
Jewett, G.' Johnston; J. Yule,.,M, Weir,
Hornell, P.
B. Kirk.
_c, 0. 0
cirfind,Aiaster_ef the Orange Order
for, Oniario West, gavean address
With cliaracteristievigor at a meet-,
ing of the Fecal 'Orange Lodge here
last Thursday evening. Theiewa
quite a large ittendande, and the
niebting with well entertained bY.
nutithi, who IC well infornied regard.
141; thqt the ()Nor ot4o4ii tor..
The popularity'..ef',MOthera! Day
• was splendidly showri. by tbe,, large
attendance at the .:sipegial Metherte
Day'services held in the churches last
,SUnday. The ;local' United .Church
was filled te„eapite4ty40. the morning,
74ncl the.fiower worn in ',remembrinee.
of Mother was .rinueb in ,evidence. The.
'eheir //Vat's ,made up of Mothers of the
congregation, ',and ;many thotight.',tR
Singing We; 'finite, up to that on the:
days when the regular organization
le' in song.dsTho miniater's
dress *as Suited to: the Occasion. The
evenmg•.service was withdrayn
count of the anniversary services be-
ing held in the Presbyterian Church.
Anniversary '
• •
` -Very.. large congregations were
present'at the. anniversary serVICes
held in the Presbyterian Church last
Sunday morning and evening. ; ',The
gev. 3- N•• Mcnul °09.4.0,11e*e§...the..7.
"Preieher-fer'llie---Occasien• and 'de-
liveredsplendid' and inspiring mes-
sages There was special and apprep7
riate, mune by the 'Choir. At the ev-
ening :service.; the church ' was packed
to calmeitY, the 'Various.: cOrigrego....
dons in the `vicinity being-lisigelY rep-
resented. •
The' Sunday services were followed:
by a ,meeting On Monday evening•
which: was also 'largely attended The
principle addreases at .this meeting
were given by Mi McFaul, and tiY•
Perrie of Wingham Shorter ;air-
dr-clar-a-werrby the felrowmg- minis-
ters. Mr. James., S.,:Kininss, Mr.
Whitechurch, Mr, Craw, Luck -
now Dr. Forbes, Teeswater, and. Mr.
Whitechurch, and Mrs Sherriff of
Lucknow, gave recitations The .choir
contributed musical," numbers, as did
SOfl and Miss Aitchison -sang a -duet
; Mrs. McClure presided at the regu-
lar May Meeting. :It.votionai exer-'•
cisea were condlib4d by Mrg.'
Donald and Mrs. McClure. The topic
"Native , Reforms. Aniong Moslem
Worinen," was given by Mrs. ' Stewart.
?WS_ C. Douglas gave a very full and
interesting report of the- Provincial
meeting held in Brockville: A solo
which was enjoyed by all; was sung
by 'Mrs. lanieg 'Smith. Delegates
were. appointed to attend the 'Presby-,,
terial to he held fis Kincardine'on the
17th inst.' "
The regular monthly meeting of
the: Young Women's.' Missionary 'So-
ciety as held at the' Manse on Thurs.-
daY evening. -After the opening exer-
cises; Miss Jean' Lyons read , the.
lesson. :The topic, from the study
book, "Moneta Wemeri,". was given
by Mrs Horace Aitchesoti: One mat -
p1 business : Was ,the •appointing
of delegates to. represent the society
at the Presbyterial this month in Kin-
ardisie. A missionary reading was
.given: by. Stella SteWard. The 'meet, -
ng -closed with Singing and prayer,
The Thirteenth A tin u al Meeting
Maitland Presbyterial of the W.M.S..
of the Presbyterian Church' will be
held. in Kincardine on Tuesday, May
17th. Sessions, morning 10 o'Clock; afk
ternoon .1.30; evening 7.30. Special
speakers for the day: :'Miss Rohibn;
Missienary, on furlough from India,
Miss . Rattee, of 'Toronto, Rev. • Dr.
Moderator of the Gener-
al4c87-reSsbrieY' of
Deep sorrow came to the.people of
Flovverdale district -4th - Con.. Huron
Township, on Monday morning* when
- it wee', learned that MiSS' Lilll Mae'
Smith, teacher 'in ;the local school,
,had passed away, 'She had been ill
Apr just .about a 'week; with "pnennui-
nia., Miss Smith had just passed her
mrt day, andwas the ...r:eldest
daughter- of Mr. and kris. .Char,les,
Pxaitli of the, .4th ,ConcesSien,'Huron.
She was faithful Worker in Olivet
Alinted, Church andtaughtinthe.
Sunday Scheel, "She is survived by
_her parents And one Mister, Florence.
The funeral i w,as op Wednesday after::
noon,erVice .being held in St. An-
drew's *United Church, Ripky.,
• hfc4uillhi-1n ,,loving tnennory of
Mary E. McQuillin, who passed away
May 12, 1028.--841? Waited by he
tiond4 argiirct Ntibov• •
• "Tng witNDErma,,,
;.A gergeous ,grade* depicting •
the .stery of the Prodigal
the"-wicked'HabYrOn- and after
taating 'the...forbidden. 'fruit of...
that ribald city, was east out
. and at laet found ,forgiveness •
. TUE., 17th, WED, 18th '
• Norman King in
.Greta Nissen. Universal jewel
r QualitY Home Made. Whole Wheat and Rafe
'Bread is the loaf brimful Of Building Value
•, and Nourishment.
For Saturday
• brosaf Slices Chelsea' Thula Oatoleal Cookies "
Coffee Cakes-, .Scotch 'Stocleii,..T Iced. Rolls Raspberry Tartlets
Rolis Lemon. Meringue Pi • Raisin Pies
Have Yotiltied the New "117.1)VIS Health •Bread?
Phone 36 Lucknow •
• EatReid's:.
Golden Crust. 'Bread
Clean and Wholesome-:Good.'"to
, The .Lasc Crumb; : . •
• •. •
Mother Knows and_the kiddies too
•.• Queen's Drops ! Date, Cakes
_Tarts Vanilla Jems Seonel.
Devil's -Food Sponge Cakes •
• Jelly Rolls
Phone 68
k Phone 75 Lucknow, Ont.
In t
e own Hall
Everybody's Going
Real allgienetni''s-hle, linen, pure white and pure linen.
Linen dinner sets 'able cloth' with napkins to Mateh.
Colored breakfast cloths, all linen.
Einfildidered luncheon sets; linen.
Linen towels and towelling.
Bed Room Wear -
Rose or Blue Bed Spreads, Rayon Cloth. Large size, '81" x 108".
Rose & White and Blue & White Fancy Spreads ,
Heavy plain white and pure white Krinide Cloth ,Spreads.
Bleeched and unbleeched sheeting.'
-Circular 'pillo eloth 40 42,43, 44 inch.
ileinitifehed Pillow Cises.
GENTLEMEN your felt hat hei e yet? If so,. we will " he ,
glad to have you call for itAhis.week. You will also take
' notice that our 'Made -to -Measure_ Clothing Department is at
your _service.
• - , '
• %.%
,•. .•
- •
Good Goods, Low Prices 1000 yda.
Gingham. • This Week only
•THE MARKET Hornell -Murdoch -
CO. ;
Dosibtiesi, there' is difference : in
opinion as to the value 01 the Slide's,
swings And teeters, recently . erected
on the school playing ground but
these appear to be the vogue at the
present- ;time, and/ no doubt,: such o-
quiamerst is recOrinmended and en-
ceuraged by the DepartmentofEdu-
cation. Tho students .of all ' grades
appearedto have a glorious tune the
first few days; but the popularity
seems to haire:.waned somewhat
The piece of 'flat, ground' added to
the west of the old play ground and
fijced. n17.1 •last simmer: is developing a
fine eoat of grass and it has :lately
been improved by the erection of n
ten -foot :netting as a 17111 -stop at the
south-west corner, r
If modern equipment • counts for
'anzthitig, the pupils of todnY certain- •
ly 'enjoy great advantages over those
.,of only. a few years ago. It was differ-
ent when the boys had to nuikelheir
Own bets, balls: and. "shinny', sticS,,
and the girlswell they didn't have
much of anything to play With. Let's'
hope the changes are all for the hest:
` The 'moiher§i .Day service at each '
4.Church.-ivaii:- exceedingly well attend-
ed. Only a very feW families were
unrepresented : Family after family
Were there in fullstrength' The pop
uIrity of this annudi service was
very 'evident Pike congregation from
'the preacher's vietnoint-_,looked Xehr
different to .What.4 usuall dOeS as
-so inanY-motliers took the singing
seats at each Church, leading' in the.
"SerVider Huslialidir and fa
there ...in the pews' leftio care for the
-children* -orl-aitting-alonei had -404-
'seine look. The :bright service, the
flawas, the, good singing and the fit-
ting talk on "The Way of 'Inethers
who haVe 'knowGed," with the Well
occupied pews alt tended' to celebrate
the oceasiori in a ;worthy ' 'Manner.
Mrs. Gardiner at Zion, VI,r4,floy
Alton at•Haekett'S, and Mrs H.* Hor-
itt'alsilie'S•Otool(lost at Om oroni
nnOunces His Big :May Sale of
Ladies' and Men's Wear
Just received a Big Stock of the Latest'
Models in Coats and Dresses, of the very
Best, Materials, and as store space is limit -
d we must sacrifice and Slash the Prices
of Coats, Dresses and Men's Clothing.
Here Is Your, Chane of a Big Savin
It Alias Baby's pay as , well as
thers, Day surely, by the number. of
little "ones present at two of , the
churches, but nobody complains of
that. We hope it will be a long:time
in our country ' churches '' before the
lathers led they are not to ' bring'
their children, with them to worship.
< TheAnnnal Meeting of Zion Church
Was held, on Tuesday evening • Iasi.
Good: reports' were heard 'from the
different Organizations; which showed
a 'healthy and, progressive 'condition
• of things.' The 'salary and expenseg
Of the Church, liceordirig to the stew-
ards, had been well and .loyally met.
'The trieniberahip report or 102' mem-
tiers in geed standing and
the Main-
tcnance and Extension 'Fund; arnourit-
ing to
$250 for this 'Congregation,'
rwits presented by The Pastor, .Re-elee:'
tioas of 'epsilon members, and :Stew,:
ards--made' no -elitinges .-OffiCial-
- Blake w-tongregation .beld
their an-
iivaPnieetlng en Friday 'evening last:
1,the' '&12164' School, ' the League, the
Trail Rangers, the Ladies' Aid had
r4)erts,ofinterest- to those: assembl
Cd. 'Brake' has some 27 fanfilies 'eons
nCeted with the Church and a•inetil-
herahip of 80.. They contributed the
splendid total of 525 to the Mainten-
an4AttonsiO0, ruud 01 • 44
Church; 1. craliStini --Was .-re.
elected elder of .the session, and Mr.
,E.; Johnston as steward. Miss 'Olive ,
Anderson was appointed Organist;
with Mrs. H., Horton .as .assistant.:
. Zion has the evening service next
,Roy Patten Of Paisley, spent.
theweek-end: with friends here.
_ ,
Mr. and Mis. Cot Of Auburn, have
antsved into Mrs lifoOre's .house.;. We
,welcome them to Our village..
Messrs Dtinean and George 'Ken.-
.nedy made a biisineis: trip. to London •
last" Wednesday
Rev Mr 11.1iicicenzie; of ..Belinore.,
cOhurch Anat.-Sendai:7, • . .
We are sorry to report Mrs 'Victor
In Wiiighani Hospital. We under.
-ntand that she is ;getting -along
will ,as can be expected.
--Mr. and 11/14.-- Jim :, Pilon,' • Mrs.
David Gillies and Mm 'Jordon motoi!,
ed to Paisley one day last- week,
Visit •friends. ••
Messrs. Aldin Pardon of LeaMing.
to and Ehrier Pnrdon' of •Da'
spent 'the week,viid at their h
...L.. x