HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-05, Page 7• •
4G...'T OODL .Use of Poultry Manure.
• , •PoulirydrePPinga are ,a valuable
HOW TO HANDLE YO G i by-product. ,They should lie colleetect
frequently and stored in a dry 'and
e r/ place. To make a belaaced,fertile
Viper of this Manure, alanit ell one. has
,. By ,ABTEme, xitimt ET.124-CHARDSON. el tie 40.10 add PbosPhorec add, 'A•hintit
EverY woodlete--hether it Is estab-f e 'the farm or garden, thie has many
e w'
,apetial. uses. , „ . ''.... • . , ., , - • ' ;
, •
Being rich in nitregen; poultry ma-
mire is excellent where a auick leafy"
. . , 1 .. . .
plant grbwth, is detired. ',Try it as a
top-dressiag ..for, g,rasslaad: • „ • , et
• "Bated 'naturally; or planted,muse ie-
" ceive sem°, anpreying if it is to priej
:. -duqe the greatest nuinber of valeabla
-4trea)3, in the shOrtett period of tirde.
•.. ltifie toyeet ia....left to itself it wig"
•Produce much .exeellent tier ; hui;',.
. there will , also ' lee k ;Present Mertyl
'etOnted. 'and Misshapen trees '.whieh !„
feet have ebeen:,.iiemoireci. to aclv,anee
tage at; thp,, p,tener !Elmo ' , A"st ite, the
I ell' i • el(ViiPPI Pi? rIcitli#,T., ,is1.1111.'',
WoUdlOt\dependai, of!eciarse;;ori,`Itetige,
end, denditiere, . , in, gilt.; artiele. ;the •
imPreiement Work oatlined. ifieintend,:e
ad, to :apply. ,to. , those' parts ,of the
l'eivoodlot contipting oa. groupsorvery• i
young trees. • ' , • , t
The purpose of Improvement work'
In a very young woodlot it to deter- ,
ntS pariy4n-the-llfe--ofthe:-area,
• *INi species are to he alloWed ' to
' continue,' and to make it possible ter e;
' . It is a rare ihdividual who
relishes gerflavored*. Milk
• raNC;c1i.d' b�etivteer:It'k,'. '‘gri‘ts.'s'y''''..1C':'
which are 'most. neticeeble when.
I, t.11te, '.';We Si,, 4q,e' 4""a tell). turned:7:14-,'"•1:4,,,77:
, \.134:vs,?:hi4e:na. \ \ \i:etn4.:::1\eottp::::' ,s\r:fllityvo;\,:.tst:?:,
I \PQrrtl!,'Ill'F\frUhti.t t i,llePl'e\ett\\\
‘1-1-eeenaht in.- train' i,t.,110! P be -
.. ThenA e 1, •eehe \eowe
\ eex-\ 'atlyere tleP . i '‘ '''''e astUre 7
77- - -- t • ' to fOur lioupi. e
•"el d4Y' w?tiniee` ..*. -
„ a'irAeratiOn and • tmheinsfercIgnootf
through the
completely ,remove the uriplease
ant flavort. Pasteurization will
en the j.luilk. is..
. them .th'develop'.Under the beAt!eondi.,1 . • ,, .- - t .
' ThiTnicest feature abenethese sees . . • ' .
US.-.. COLOR -FAST' MATERIAL ' • edges. ' In ineasuriug for the round or•
tons. e As each 'work will be- done ' tirade,' bat will aoet choke outs. the' fay- Wilson .Publishing cothpany. Pear tzaditionally the 'name of Jehri: .- ., e
Vs a 5 The eatingelist deec 'b ' ' • . ' • . . :oval, table allow' four inehes lessthan
When .the trees are small; not much!, ure,T.I sPee "' • : • • __:' ', .; the ;eager haste of r der, and, the other •
is that.' theY , can: be: fiaithed 'cluiehlY4 the table width for •the ,finishea....rin-
:of the 'Material, cut will be suitable I eelc) Coppice growth --This is a.foem disciple:filo reach the.grave of Jesus. ner.' Thus the 48-irich table • will. take.
tar .uSe eacept perhapa senieleek thelcu grewth ''whiat is..it fellY aPPTe- The unnamed disciple iierivee,fteet, Many, et athem,„ thesieof _colored:linen' '
a 44.4ineh rainier, :This inakesat pleare-
liard*O0cls -Whieli jetarld beiriChided ihTebluattellilYch1: .eiTp,01:1,41cre"er a6. wnear6gre'' -end fiade•thegfaireempty. The gravel particularly, need no trimming -whale:.
clothes are lying res.. three. threVen ever.: :Often a group of Icontrasting tng ..arraagernent • When used' w•itli
Pole materialtoe the buzz. -Saw. Never
• •••
1. • There are. 'many reaeon-WhY'llearia-
14' afohn8.2...0761";Or; rart1c:!':.1,21.i3e:. "Gi:lednenL4ierx.dt! initea4kderso'iartedzinlcgthlsy.nehOdte..a:ftelthin4,'..
‘ , rui5.ielleetsied!1..11seOsti?Ce0.. God and
wanhilicliatatrero''°1-. tienretti:i;:....e'hiee•8 ia'eit?aelfilovset tihs,neen-taillIt1;;
'lee 'te lite' ehumOnt Mercy' hath'he= they .are, mbie easily ia, 'Ordered- and,
For top -dressing strawberrieseand gotten tia.2WIL41 Unto a livelXli'apa' by
the,eesUrVectiore Of Jesus Christ freM ealthieeeY:bliti:e;tel°11,e'reate," ei7e,ettden...SrhoTnhoet3'
eaSpareglaiLeig4Taine-tho---e-Pr106-454117 - " the ,del -d-.-71' Peter 1:' Pr ' .r.''• ':, •,. white cloth for every irieala andeit is.
. try . dropPings are. etpeeially ailvane . • . , , •
, ta,geotit. :Tager, can be ...Imo eae,. ;the\ . . , , ,. ' ' I ." * Id that 'husbands < sometimes opine,.
'•viray, areii;i1.\ leu,eh' fruita suele. Tlaraa'a REelsi7Aaparia' g'' of ',the ' "fuisy little. eileilei at- .1
\\t.th'•\A\\\ hkie4*,,, i ' A.-*4e1(3\4;Aly9\\*4'yle\ Illy Ot\v11,9,,,,,•'\2.,,'00 gaol nutaild-frUnwr set
\ theY, \ 1\\'‘iii:40.°°tIi lh \ h \* \ \*V(arl'yki;4),‘Si; •.*11\,,,, ' t.,e,iy. of, 18 -inch toweling:
' aleundanee.:0 soil befo ft vhtli 'an, thOngle thek \' '‘ \
\.'li'k3P'17;i!IfIll dliC147.0',1..•,' ' N'''i';''.1••‘.' l'\.i •IC L', ''.101 ',',/;r1141,, r.'llne tOibai never of the PriCi, '
\\;;tr,zinfq4i(\,.,,,1"t11,1 \' MIth '! 2‘:\''1??.',e1W0,"'Iritl.,\Pe\.t special' appeal' la the '
\ 4\ the t Me \afe,s4di'ng;atilee," .'e.lte'i*'‘.e,4, \ oh \ . eeale,\11;:eo, fx‘,q4 aatnges of this toweling '
well worked In ad nixd \ \of, e‘miwdatit,,,.. *0.12.1,47.91i.o4( nre\anaay, ' ,Th •
e selvage edge •
pro once.. of,. anotiber ,Iseheirenmegieleesidea,.te•Welings are: dae.
re. t e seed Is, \ hinted by the60 40 h ged woyen. for heed. use •ande
planted. te • • -- v* ' Theeevangelist ' while deeply. .feeeuerit etublibigs In the '16- and.
The dreppinge should net be . used ;interested hi Peter, Is also, inthaested 1,82meh • widths one:\ean, ,new -get the
diz1/2eetly.bn Tand where potatoes are to In another disciple, not 'mentioned by most ettraeti e Materials: theesturdY
be Planted the sanie season, Or in close narne, but described as specially dear crash, •erioye 'hy peasants ' On hand
cennectien with any other root crop; to Jesus, and he rePreseetsAhe news looms, 'delete checked pea -toweling,
as they are, •apt •burn blister and °f ,t e urrecti n as carre by
he r *o d the modern linens in plain colors or
bring on scab. •• Mary to these twee disciples. 1. bee . .
•always been considered that -the Darrea with contrasting threads, is
, teamed disciple stands ia a speciaily Well as Cotton crePes in white eta
• close tc.iation to this gospel whieh colors. ••
• Cikah
• Lace Manyother fermeird,
N,Tog lOnged. tey extra money;
and yet I .'kept saying', oVezet�
inyself"What e•an• I do way" out,
, hereOn fa-riTt-Vr7U'ail.T7fi,RallY-7-
,I'•dISeev.ered a., Plan wiliah)q1as•\'''
preyed. most .'preatable.• ,!nie:e
• I. Itrievie alineet, eVerYe.,pne in
'the near -by ioeyneliked• cettage
.4: cheese ;., So I .made my cheese,,:
, placing it ',la , little meet paper
andjook".it to
• .,terriers• 'were :net ',.at.: all ,ditfiealt,'
':td.'get,.,,and. am:',reallY turPris-
ecr,myself when I,.,...;reflec.t. that,
• from ono Cow, or;',.fiVe gallons
milk a deers .I' averaged. ten...dole •
lars a week. '• I ..ha,!,ie „learted...
that, the • fine. .quaiity 'one! the•
• appearance:of my 'cottage,
cheeee are tesPontible ,for the
good, Price it Cornmands.-.41. P.
oiessrs wire le a n rwo'e uk- w tt- m r etr,e9settew-lengee,h_arIlwieeed
e:fff'eathwYe9-anperowtrhellisheaetahrealeesediSCipAlefeete6rlioamg' litto-revaad-stliPet!'lledlieneth'ittifilfkilileeeilr'Skteth. 3-%"•1 irashaets'-'11:1-'-'-'-esuithg 18 .x"-. '!Linches, fin -
...repay the owner in that the taees thatiereas.' . • • :
venturing into the 'tomb. • ' •
'running••stitehes, large crois-stitahes1, WA:011 MATERIAL BEFORE CUTTING
• remain will grow .faster and Will be When the eahninon hardWoods are •Vs. 6; 7: No sueh hesitation reel
Out, protiding this is done in winter,
' the -greatest value: In a good Man
trains the. iinpulsive 'Peter, wfio, at any of the various blanket -stitch 'or; Four mats (12 ft la) and one
there wili. grovv from the stumP,
Once enters the vault. Mention• chocheted edginge • on a binding with centrepiece (18 x 18) cover a round
years to CoMe, the digerence between the followingspring,,a prnlific giarwth made of•what'•he saW• Nothirfk is fast -color materialfinishes the check; tablo whiCh. is ,•enlarged by replicOg
- cases a few days' work mean, in
Of sprouts. 11 LUIS is allowed to coh- 'sajd of what he thought. Indeed; ed towelings. Plain crash takes ,to the centrepiece with ner.
, a stunted woodlot etompoted of •pen •
'th som improviii. when weuld appear 'that no gleam of 're- Italian hernstitehing ana A shoat eunnea andetaro Matt make
'ler, reil.PlieiTylmr:1 e
• result 'will •be a-numbei. of . esurreetiorrelighteehtlit-yet---batakenener *repaysetirereektiaravork-ApPlitareededates efotteureeandeloni. • inateenray
• miens; :Or , a . woodlet demposed , of ' all .
aboae the. bediteemeat, of, Fleet. ' , 'Weaving •on plaia hack 'toweling. ButWill:take reepectieelY feur and three -
then a ihe.woodlot there may ...bo e, ,goosamd.e.s. jrzedOot, histeacl of one or 'two
,' wortli-while apeciniense .•Xs. 8 -lei The •firstiatlitron Of What wilateaer the trimming, make t'ureit fourths 3idfds, four end one fourth
."peolefic. 'grewth of bne 'kind' of tree' a,'
small trees sometimes as many s signs go well, as does the Swedish be added; seating six,. The three sets
his maid. He simply marks what he
desirable and valuable trees.
. . sees-:-.1like a man as yet unable to rise
sec- eight or ten in a group all from the
(a) Seedling' growth -in one, -
had happened is reseryed for the other is abselutely coloe-fast. • • • yards,and four yards; allewing about
. • Whenrtreee in the 'woodlot are re- Ed in s nd bo d. k tb t three-fourths 'of an inch for each heel
disciple, who, emboldened by Peter's gg a r eis wor ou es
spa0, „folieWing a- 'year When .that, exaMPle, steps, into the vault:, It is towelingS; The best Place for. an 'and ealetilating, On a 48 inch roared
, whithe: has ...sPrung up in an ,.opea, produced in. thiseway; and wheii the
ceppice'iS three' to filie years. of age. exeatessly eaid, of Min that. he "both er embroiderermotif ,,the..and a• 64 -inch Oval tebie. Allow sev.,
1e010-elleeleS.-til'hed-eirahnildance-Flaeeeslenailei be -thinned. ourrleaveng net saw arar bllie-v-ed;",That is, believed in --Placeen-fat7it 'tireeetep-centre-whefr-VfaiTineliesefor-elerinyage-and"'
Such' is often the case .wi moreethan three sprouts for the,final ----------------------------------------- hay- it -will not be coyered with the. ehini Your, tOWeling before„euteiag-
= P. • ing'hi' a vision of the risen one. The or silver.. Smaller motifi can be t to "match can be. made lg. inches
ma e''and Pine.. When such a'stand c..0 '
,Is: betw‘eil fifteen: and, .:.twentyLfive The trees Which reSpo.nd test to this
Conviction was due. to:faith to Spir- ineoeners: .Runriers Should he 'treat-. sqoare. • ": , • • . .
feet.-10:-height-the..trees--will•-begin-te--,:kincl:of-treat ent-ir .as .folloNirs:--
, • • • e • ,
itual insight. • It is stateda t neither ed to•match 'with an eye to the set', 'And' laetly, a word forthe old,
mAar 0. &Tom,
• Elwin lied ran away. Re Was hab-'
prempt 'returaing ,from;
school, 1utthis sunny 44y. Seine. lure '•
et' aclVenture and .delighe in the.COrn-''‘,
• 'PallionsiiiP a'. P?*traiP " niisChieVe4a.
.on • Betty home' inistead of
turnrnget'hie.eWn 'COrner.': There had •
. been a glorioulTheur .9t ritreher
he smafl lad is o j• inn: a";
mother. clipeovered the tinant.".
tn▪ -
cler-bearted "'that. he fele' very Serry
to have ,reede his 'Mamma anXious,.
At first, he was'. just., as conseieneee
'stricken and repentapht4„4 she .wiahed
' bun tcf, be, but. ofcurse the ;Op of
. the child's remese Wee someewhat worn. ;
off' by .atternoon, evliari• hie in -ether re-
Colinted 't.h.e--eeeapetde in fall detail
to several. callers. < • • •
I DOubtlese2 her °eve' was to
deejien the good. •influence' restilting
1 trent Elwin's: tearful .repentance', but
the boy ie • hurnan eneugh ' the. "enjoy
I the sPeilight" and to find 'Pleasure hi
heing ste much.the peatre'ofattentioa.
His dramatic instinct eVidently 'set
him to livingover that thrilling- and
not unpleasant epitedee he Was stim-
eilated.' here a -mite of •Iiire•ewn itripOrt-
ance. When °tee*: omen appeared but ". -
slightly interested in the tale, 'Mester
• •goWn. "I ,Was. away up On Nort '
Elwin edged 'up. and . pulled at. ,heft,
Stree0t-; heeeelzeneatad , inipreseively?"
with those bright fun -loving, brown
• eyes it -sparkle: '
"Yes, and weren't • .yeie • tete-BAY
ashamed cOt frigkteiling. me sol" his
79Etillwietnputtrieinci. 'It- contrite, but
rhoae-coula_aenormal ,fiyeeyearaoldetail
to:enjoy seeing hiaiself,in heroietize,
When his exploit was: thus' "given. the
apetlight"? An itetion, does net need
to'be held before a' Child's, eye* .aa..
,aighe in order ,to. saggeet his tieing; 1.
• or repeating it; merely holding' it ,
speeiall-Yeeif•-weeepicteireeaiM4LYi-allY '
•theie serees as a tirimg •Suggestion-ae
67me'llInertluiraesIi6nre's°Ponfitd!' niore • `.
'othert te,such uninteaded.suggestionsee
,arid there is danger in retailing. before e.
crowd each °therefor light and space. sWeet chestnut bassWoOd; elm, nth, lefeth-e-two disciplese+adagrespede'ethe ' • I
. , . •Fica7H-d-f.e , Mot hopeless hls. -own
theY are allowed to grow in this.
highher, iheY will eerentaallY eine
'anether.itut, but ' this would he atithe
• •loss of much vitality which'could„be
. put ` better growth in a few iridie
er.iiiiitilre .,bi'. Seine jndieious-`thinning;:.
__.,•§neh.in,area 'should be improved b'
' e •
thinning oat -some of the poorer trees
.,..innehein.., tilt ean.ke way as te4e.eener 'front. Oyerinature trees will not pro -
,...thine his, eafrate and beets, care be_ 'dneeiltroag growth,: as • the old root
-.tug taken, of coarse, 'to leave; the system has -lost. ita, Vigor. Coppice
tallest, . straightest and healthie:st loses its vigor. Of growth her following,
trees . , • ' the system'too far the third. and
e • -e • lee ' • , fourth ' generations . becoming weak
' 'ma= Or IMPROVEMENT 1 . - " . ' •
and decrepit.. , In many wOodlota
. When iraProvement of • this kind eis dwarfed and 'stunted grOWth. exists
' eempleted • the 'trees. should be not from the ahoye•eauses. , ..., ., • '
' mere .than .olx feet apatt•-•,.-;.' • I ' Time Cutting Coppice is beat
a • •
(h)' Igiked :groWth-When.. an area produced ley' cutting in late .winter or
hes been mit, over for logs arid cord- early springeLate fall or.,early•Win-
arooa there aro siway ,o number of ter. cutting Often 'allows treat' and
P scriptural prediction that God's Holy
power of death. The disciples go itiali and motifs are issued by ,many the old finish, by filliag, staining (if sider his little self at strange 'monster
well. who. can divine What Peter was be purchased at, any pattern agency.. of varnish :for the last goat i use 'One .is to arouse' a sense of,Pr•lde; Pleasure
thinaing?- •! • . There aele. Many pretty designs in of the well waterjoiedf---varie-Tandeegotism. , _ . . ,
later experience through vvhich PeterIt is but human for girls and boys
,Chap. . . We now turn to the cross -s itehe too, that are easily copied ties. Always rub dowo between coats,'
found forgiveness and restoration to, from the patterns. Simpleg t ' " f varnish 'Withpowdered u ' ' ell to cherish the secret notion that a.
eome ri- o p mice an . •
his holy office as apostle. • 'Jesus .had bad eminence is preferable to no -
appeared to the disciples by the Lake
of Galilee, and they have broken bread
in the clear conseiousness•ef,his. pres-
ence. Then comes the wonderful ex-
perience of Peter, in which he hears
his Lord -saying to. him, "Simon son
I 473 of -Jonas, lovest -thou me more !than
• these?" The words, "more • thin
• thesee":•refer to ' the othen disciples..
r Peter had once said (Matt. e2633),:
"Though all shall be made to Stumble
because of thee, yet •willeet: never
etumble" This wa, a dean to love
Jesus more than e other disciples
small trees left which are too young moisture to loogen the bark. The cop -
poplar, Willow, birch, -.cherry, hard
•and soft maple and the oaks. ,
'•rerNrs To CONSIDER.'
To obtain good tree growth from
coppice 'after cutting, certain' consid-
erations must be, givereatttentioa.
• 1. Age of Parent Tree. Coppice
One should, not remain _under tiled •Hot -iron traritfer-patterne for in- table can •he done 'Direr -by reineVink Ini4cloings• It maY make him; con-
• • home, the ;one believing,*the other- ef:.the large pattern concerns and can eneeessary) and eying it three costa of iniauity;• the more • eammon effect
, for any purpose, including seedlings uice shoots orlginete beneath •thIs . . , loved him::: Petee remembers, _and
frora a few in:Cheri...in height to trees outer bark, and if it •is 'destroyed ',Chariningly simple and . smart is knoWeefiliat I love thee." Then he
answers humbly: "Yea, Lord, thou
' ;the size of a man's arm in thickneis. 4 there is small chance 9g. shots 'de-'. this 'daytime frock of meire or satin. hears Jesus -say:. "Feed my laenbs," :
Some of these are worth -while species veloping. *. i . . .' The front of the Skirt is shirred to, . V. 16 The question and answer are
includia ine while othirs are infer- 3 Height of • Stump. Iii: cutting the bodice having a surplice Cloting, repeated a second time. On this 'Occae.
or -trees such as 'poplar, cherry; iron- 'with a -view to obeaininitoppice;the, while the beek is in one piece and has son the reference to the other (I's: -
Love to Christ is underfed,. during the early part of
*wood, etc. If suth an area is alloweritump should he cut as closely to the a belt fastened at each aide seam. ciples is omitted.
that the :penitent can offer, an „their lactation period , 'permanently
' to grow without any improving it is ground- as possible. It is desirable There are tuCks at the shoulders, and all lose, their ability to , produce large easy that anyone can. use t with ' f 11 Children /
likely that in a few.yearsanost of the ' to obtain new shoots from near the the round collar, frills finishing th& Pet"' knows that he has this toegiv .
V. '17. The threefold experienee of quantities of milk. . astonishing restilt. 1 wi persons o a ages. are
, ,
VAP will. consist of specimens of little ' level Of the, ground. •Coppice whi h ' long sleeves, and chic bow are f h 1
cal designs are Worked in white cot...! rubbing -oil, put on with a piece of old
ten or colored linens With good:effect, ;There is no better pretec-
To de .theSe, draw rings. or ..squares; tiVe treatment for the table than the
using a spool or small hex' for guide,' one yell give your automobile the
then 'Work over the penciled lines ie. Special' cleansing with -soap PaSte, to
brier-stitchin. ' ' iremove slight scratches and hot dish
Runners for ,round or oval tables inerks, and aertib.birig :down , with .a
should have the corners just nieetingewaterproof, , wax., This givas that
the table edge: runner looks well eleanewaxy surface that Jan be Wiped
only when it hangs . oVer, straight- off after ,
shOill lead us '1User tb the Master,
and. which at the same. ,time should
iseuein a -more practical Christianity.
The §Faing SuTphis. •.
Cutting. down ,feed is not, the,
best way tie avoid the spring surplus
of Market milk: Cows continually
„ .
eminence •at. all and to. think that ;
people find.:them more interesting„and
• likeable when a little naughty! Use- ..
ally; tho, the. mischief viaieled on Or
abetted by some: enterprising young
'associate whom Mother. is inclined to .
believe the one wholly t� De-
nunciation of that, child inay .case • an,
glinnor over: a tempter whose
influence is thus 'strengthened. instead
Rain spots and
waterrn;t•o'cs whTehne-rkeoeunildwovillisibeinchiinefreletl:higidtoiirange:
Removing Rain Spots....
en crepes and other 'fine fabrics ,are were reported and discussed before .
seldonl if ever „removed by cleaning ns; While the effect .w,as not in all •
in gasoline. 'It one doe- s not care to case's the .same, I believe that we shall '
risk the use . of a cloth , dampened in r find it was always ^unfortunate. The
distilled water, the best method to ' frequently used analogy of a theatr-
rical spotlight and posing under it
conveys an idea of the -morbid influ-
•'ence which undue publicity has upon
employ' is."dry'bruShing." .
I learned -this Irene prartical dry
Cleaner and theavork is se eiinple and
particularly eensitive to such focus -
question is clue to Peter's*sad eon- Cow -testing figUres 'bear •'"thls' ------------------uportion of the ',garmeat f tt t'
• . • f • ---------------
• •
as - the '
. worth, :and a few :better hardwoods, originates high up n sop..doeseioned. of contrasting ribbOn, 'No. 1473 scion snesa; of liavirig ^thrice denied his Of •
ing o e a en ion. •
. • .
' • for misses and is in sizes ,
s t twelve dairymen Ira a Middle- is drawn over the padded surface a so whatever the children may do,
avh ost/ of the young pine •will..not becortie vigorous. Frequently,we is. lErand Lord; All 'the shame of that ac is 'Western assoetation, • seven fe ess the ironine r Inned n p ace oar wiser coutse is to turn off the .,
d 1 • b a and IV i 1
Wheil suelk woodlof • . is quite, lease partly rotted, And such trees are' 39 inch material or 2.5/8 5,aids can only be assuaged by a threefold • .
is his comfort to know that love to
ing' been cut over, it shoUld be' iin-1. Frequency of Application. As, for collar, frills and bow. 20 cents.
ile rri • • '
have been' choked out. I find trees in ,the woocllot with the; 2a.years. Size 18•requires /fi yards beflere his mind, and a threefold guilt than $30 worth of grain Per -. in so` that it is -perfectly smooth. A•dii- ,spotlight" and thus avoid training
origin• 54 inch, and 2Ve.,erards oemeh ribbon 111 en e'er 0 e sou • u gre the • ' • m . ••
young, two" or three years after hae--; often of eePPEee
. course ••ofea year, and five fed carded toothbrush or any Tule -stiff the t;',) preen and striae undo' the
'about $&O worth • The seven received bristle brush, es then emplOyecl to enwholesorne, glare of eoce marked at- •
ter the yearin average return per .bieosh, briskly across. tAe "grain"- of tention .to *hat they .have dope, be it '
, , .
cow of ^$77 over 'feed cost. •The ,,Nre,,, the fabric. , . - • -'
by spending twice as much for feed, It is reelly gratifying to see. hew • . , .. ,_____-___..:. ,' •
' • excellent or blarnewOrther., • ,
got •an ' average return of 8176 per many unsightly.. Water sleets can be. • • . ; ' ' ••
•'There is -a better way to avoid the thas rnen-fier.G. E. H. . 0 . - Very often the tarrying, capacity '
• Refl. e. W Ing I3sture Lands.
cow over the cot .of feed.....".. ' ‘,. ' • . 'removed - from' delicate- garnientg, in 1 . ,. . ,
. • '' Christ the love that MIs his soul is
Proved- by-, cutting- back the. inferior ' abed stated, coppice -loses' its vigor 'The gartnents__illustrated
the- paoof and ;•assurance Of 'forgive -
trees which -ere overtopPing and chak- . for reproducing after a few cuttings, neW Fashion Book are advance sty:tee-new Does a me love Christ? N
in out the 'better sPecies and those it therefore when .ewe or three genera -1 for the home dressmaker, and the eve- further testa pf a Christian is at eees-
, is desired th save. ,-,.. , ' . . 1 tions Of trees of coppice origin heve (Man or girl Who desires to wear gar 7 sary. So .Testia,reitistates the 'peni-
been taken off it is advisable to en-, mentt dependable for tasteesimplicitY ;tent as an aaostle., He himself had
In doing" work •of this kind. :the deaVor-lo ' btain a . eteir7grOwth • of and economy Will find her deSiteS fill- cothe to seek and save "the lost sheep"'
• 'trees to be talren out 'should not -be .
glPt of.the 'spring market th its low. - • ' ; • •old peSture landsdeclines becaaeo
. .
Cut through with one strOk • f th
treo from- eed. Nuts may berdibbled.' fil1,6d Cita'. patterns. Price o the of the house of Israel, and:to Peter
.axe ai is Concimanly'done,'hut cut only , e
in Where //favorable Spots.. . can be book 10 cents:the copy.; . ' 2 , lie irci.Ow e2Mmits..the respoaeibiliey. of ,Iiries• IlaVe ' :the , cows . freshen ,* One ecallae of • rePid hi-ak.-linIng i3f.. the. exhaustion of the, fertility et '....
wear, Oaecially. in these ef four- the soil According ,to a • Dominion.°
doeoeniz tiatnteete., anci sneph.erding. 'his re-, throughout the .year instead. Of all ,in
, part wey,thiough and then lienteover tennPue °T . ' , 110W TO ORDER PATTERNS::: the .spring.--e-C.•11. W.. . wheel brakes, is loose wheel bearings. Dept of Aariculturebulletin on Crop'
l' Wheel- bearin' gs Should be adjusted se
planting may be.reserteal to
ii. intended fe 'release. If . the tree is should •be gradually restocked with
. •Rotatione and Soil Management. in. '
to -the. ground aWay from, the tree it!: ". desir.ed... ,, In any case,. the ., area '
. eat right through and the , top . is , . • . . „ .
Put the' land into tome kind of :rota-
tion which includes -clover or soine
other- legurninoas crop. If itis •',Iie-
sired td. retseed the land ie. allele to
have it remain in pasture for a. uurn- .
bier pf years It 18, advisable to, inclu' e
Write yourname Ana address•plaienhe. its;V:Vac tishisecii?pldienoott• lictistitiealceitorlicetshret.,
l'y, giving enumber and ' tize a. su -
selfediscevery, in hoiiiilitar. and '
peniteoce, ,the call ,of Christ to hijr!'n
patterns as. You want, Enclose 20c in
stampit or •cetn (coin preferred; Wrap becomes . more -de fie i te and • clear At
it carefully) *for each number and eree peter was ealied simply; e04 foi_
address Your order to Pattern bept., 1 i,,,, ''c r NeW he is called tie as-
lariliori. NW -filling Co 73' West -Ade.'" eteie„ah iiitch more. delleite 'task. ' Se
laide St., Toronto, Patterns sent by in every life. As We get older; We.
1 make discoveries' Of otireelves, which
.return mail,:
. I there is no perceptible pliti in thole
" • • treo of seedling origin. 1 baee found that a few' feet ;of [turtherinore, if the rear -axle shaft is
• thrOWD Of.de to die, the stump will i l, ,'' ' '-'---.--- , in diameter ean •be used as eribbinglor far any other •reason 'the Wheels
sprOut again. and be itObitd•ae ever hi I ,,,,:,-;'', • • crtilnablingSh11.111)0. in a Pump well,' This saves the work{ do rieti;un true, thetrOuble Should; be'
• tevo .Or three yeart.. It if is .crit and We -&'iver the stutens• with old
of Making Concrete Or wood _cribbings ft correeteed, for ' this wobbling ,motion,
'bent, 4nineli :, Of the growth -WIN :.-stra* :Or- Petate:' VineS. eThis makes
and the pipe is aS good as permanent rtends to wear out,brake-liegings pre;
' lying. )11 the ground, will produce renibire afte.e a few years". -A. G.:H.;
contina( up into, the old top which, elia-na rot 'faster and become easier to
•-•--.A. G. H. ' .. • . ' ' e. 1 maturely.'• -E.' II, ' • •
. . galvanized wathe pipe abent.four feet sprung (b. if because of lobe bearings
. • •
Eastern Canada; Abe most effective
and ecoribmical method of improving'
thee old and .dying'out pastutee is to ,
a few additional grasses and clovers
,MUTT AND JEFF-ByBud Fisher. • • Pipe the Trick Layout Of a,Serninole Indian Caddy.:
beyond .those ordinarily employed for
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• . A
hay,' , For loam dr .clay eons a g•oott
mixture, la Pen:dere, 4 poundtim-
etley and 2 pounde of' each of :red.
clover, eltike clever,. white • clover,
Kenteieky. blue greee, red •top' and
orthard grass. On aery light sou the
Kentucky 'blue grias should be re-
placed by Cenada blue grass And the.
nisike cleVer bY tall oat grass. When '
is •desised to secure' a crop of hay
fof One ei keers, it then ti
pasture, .i.he tirnotky stt i may l;'e In.'
ereased s peimds.. t hc' :red clover
to .0 pgr, acre )n -Wet..-ont acid' •
• land .where red elover. does not.,grow
well' it should not be eliminated from
seed increased' to. 4 poit• nds While
, .1
these, mixtures. are voy useful in
Maintaining a :stand' for 'many year's,
it iS itSuall ynttm.,fse terleavetheiattitid
tdo long without p16wIng it and
bringing:111e„ land, tato a rnt,nt,!.nrs.
' Explained.'
""NTY (1 • iq mit", talf1;',.. in' thil
papers 'in
",‘Viintis yoly ihrmeV' •