HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-05, Page 6glrf',.
re'e fronk4:1*
, its tea gin beT.
•41"041/° ':9F'94111. -*.411011.1; • j0/ "att thi•
• r4i41.rifickeik, 4141(0,,., ilf7atOt „ „ ,•U0iNkrUia.4„ .1.47„
an. Ing -
4,1i0.00,,,;004 u14;x1 410 two.. awe teem:mei. eraseee twee* feta- 1.1gPiSt A' laVerlW frhlt IMO*.
„ ,
What its aanie Take the
cot, ,fer laeteriee• The•WOrd he, ,thss-
saMS• derieaticin <Mr: faMili;kr WOf
PreTcoeieuse find for excellent few. -
son, In its native cliMete, the apricot
tree, buds very. early in the spring.
and )1.48. flowers'before At has leevesa.
The feuit,'",folloWs. iepidly;eaed,.. in
this -eaigy. -and • rapid • de:V(5104104p' lf-
4,,er4rrIleity, ripe..it,h„e: 12.411 f. eree Of
its nazno:.
A •
The familiar :greea,•pihnit. , so well I
'liked for preserving purposes, has
a',P.preetical epaSen for being called
."greengage." • It could net verY. well
:be named a green plum, as that would
rnply 4l.1, !rt4t,., t!f4
*shp `4k0 11W fteT,i7, V011, rue !AlA0,3 11.4.?410 l.brought
WItieli he had etWaYit Pessed titesaft!' tAry „IN ,,,;this 94It ive
hiir 1Y. inorneut...,- ”0.4t; if it -bad heen • , h:
gitee?" • .. "Iii'caaght the sidelene glimmer of
"Vlith°4 ia thi°7-131-$-.-P*94 P after I might understerid „ •
"Tett, iti4;iii"-Onse„ ,about de, Ler, Was a „ .
her -470 upon "him„ dur,h with an_uh'i
41:lid. you net heard?" he cetinteeedf,
•ttered. geestion. '
laaking 'V in aurPriaa.% But the waltz was ' at. end.
' 4%ea,1;4'eae Athemds and Lo Brun were thread-
Ho.ifa* 'her eyes - stabbed '07 Ieari.ing their way tlirOugh the ,lAlteryen.'
and leriew hirneelf of his sur,a Ing taws. •, , •
41'r day she .ahei:'1"14 been expect-. „The iriterremtion Coald 411,0 have
lee. de Lorgnee: One vcreld imagine been betteretireed"; Lanyard Was h'eu
tiie//train of eare, and terelis011h10: She to get away. •
was ; NOw''‘Athenals, was pausing bcside
1"4at ,there'aeris no pity ,LanYard's the table;:ead.stiYing Withaaaliniie
heatta ler of old„,virh4 'She, weary as it, Was therminge • , ,
was, what ;evil she had, done. ‘' •-• "Come, 1Vieneieur Paul,. yim
• And luirposely he *lend ' his an- please, and; take ine bawl dat'ej: Gage flrst
swer. fil4erepatienrm with ee ;010 WeY: and' ed ttifl eeady to . drop," •• a 't ••• ; • '' n.1 t •
t, h.;hemghantl • ahyletlkiNertrettn;into
't \•
rfre•IS e.. \\
tiOttoirtdaa: l• ', ', ' 't , \ ', ,.,•\., , ,'\•,'"k•i, ,' „': \ \1:, ' Va.,•..;,i, ,\ : a ,ioxletei,\a„aeqi,,,tistati4hel,t41•10,',.,.\.,"#Y*r",iti;.,7..)1i,k,
.., l',••••
,.\ -a01 ,''reo 14„Yo; •4IM' 1•Ter,P C.9a ;
Yet ' ' e •,.,
;3AM, 7,11y donye t 11,1.1ito,,,
j°lie\ (often \eRene0 'enUm,k7',
evening"It is uew Usuet'aenniembering a 111- •••• happened,nut) is a confusing names. for ManY
elle night, to be Where I had no right eePeeres(rem aewehwtahhi7keh'i,:, '-,.rneonceoteleae'vaeu,a,een:i
;-etheenUirdee mystery of- of;the ,Lyon;
„ to be, That was rather a habit of
. "De'largiees-,-?"°' , - mine, Pin afraid, And discover- eau" a' the SimilaritY • Ouaniag.1
is claimed that that 4ait a the
Laeyard.hielined his head. The ed, in another men's' apartment, a it -
woman breathed an invocation to the young woman, hardly -more than ae e'en- Paha was always. sPeaed ewe
Deity and sank hack against the want h'Id t • to 't ' 'd Y nnt until the time a' lir' jehnsen's
G 0
Rapid Advances Made in Can,
aa in De'Ve19pMent: of This
xnportalit WOrk.
r- aha, . cahetry • in Canada is •not yet':,,
a•a; 'ere that theeadeenee',1n, fire-fight-
,41,\,:or.\,..,41,,,,T\r,,,,',\Ir\, , \1 1, 4i\
: aniethedi". in " Pr\ ,•Ratat} tiaPaci'C',, has
• ".. , - , 2 ..,... - . •:. - , ..
Mind" the avet4ge dweller in; town
. .1leeans4;,.'"ont of . eight is ',,:Mit, eif.;','
. ', electric, • • ,
' -• \ ' • ' e ' t •'etlt;e \, aett''
2.1. ':.'''',a14 aerial.: :,114\-••0*,\1,,i, ityR ,c4c,„
;,1soe;,c,Coe,tleeorfiesa,\.. ebt•iVecih'en7,\ae,,..a4,1,7,\;e1):4`eiost!,C.,sio've,-\\ ,\
n Were largely'..,restricted to ',feat ,n: and ''
41 ' 6 t patrols•t 1' ht ide ''' la; ef,e',1)!TI ollw",tnihdarYesti "...''''••
seeree of lo-Oltout stations, thoueeads
of ,miles' of telephone 'wire, and make ' •
use- of the radio and the'" aeroplane.
, The great advance that has been.
•past' few years has been the separae'
tion Of fire -detection from bre-sup
pressioe. 'Formerly - there couldbe
scarcely Any division of - labor. , Rfine 't
gem were assigned to long. beats,. '
which :might take a, fortnight to ''. •
cover; and patrolled 'these, singly- or
by -,twos,:' 'as .•circumstances . dictated. e .
It .will, 'thus he •-seen how. limited • - • '
-woulde,Theeehet prOtection-soeaffordette-ea
. when the; patrol. discoyeeed a
fire too large for one -.man' or two .:
, 'Men to handle, it might take a week
b€ -fore. headquarters amid • be com- .e.
emeicated• with and a . fbeco of men -
brought to the Scene.
ea.-tee-eve/4' 'act:ASSES:7 -
• • .Contrest, those methods with plans. ...
;fellowed in, tliehest equipped forests -
.t.cedaY.,. These forests fall into two
.eleesises :" (1) . thaw where: brea' are de-
tected from ;lookout stations, • and (2)
(those 'where detection is accomplished '
by /the aeroplane Patrol.' In the first
are located on mountain 'tops ,o'r ine.....-: •'•• •• '
high tOWC! F `# and all ttatigna :, have 7
telephone - cennection. with he. forest •
. The Cremona Violin,-
. ! ftirr::::hrneitsitamIka:erYetliew----hcoen' asPir:elY :rho three greatest makers of the-,
.. ,
BGIN'I-TERE TO -DAY. glass and regaided Lanyard' with a her face ghastia' beneath its Faint- ' put a stop to that .e.„
The retel,leei crectemen, micelle:01106k of mysterious , enderetancang. Liane Delorine made an effort to Later, for i these , aes / ead_ some _ ... , ----wee------e e.,e Cremona violin were Nicholas Amati,
Lan$ard, kilowne to the pones as •the Re•-einerging, she resumed: "Still, not sPeakt hat enlY he! hre'h 'rustled little 'infhaeLe in eecrleatie quarters, e te'r •"a" 'was, introduced into the JosoPh Gearneri del Gum and Aton
the *len Jewel4a13 a x -ti• --I •,, :., , ..'
compensations, eh, mon harshly on her dry lips., All,the mus- got her a eaaeo in•elea chorus. at he spelling of the word.-- This has been Alas Siradivarieuge •Th'er were simple,
,I cles of her face relaxed and her years variates. She . made up a name for eeectainedita tab greatextentever aince, haworrdk-sin.,,,erik.ginegnivasrtigirnas firewhOfisoorlidias.their
p uguese,•f
Loriee:Wolf, hy afteMPting to recover without its
the.. w Ma h lo L de h 'La ard g eed with hs Peered out through the mask of art- . • Pco s e word or .. •
. e ves. anyar w (1.1 Indeed'"Lanard r w _. h g . . t , , ' • . .
inet Eve in senthere France,. where most winning ra' aneer-i-epoe laaatilia----e,"'-fie-Yri'Vliieli alone' Preserved for her the is all. You see, it was very sun ie" mask' of
." y known as the • end there is also a species".Mticaco" froth •, kind (:•f, glass invented
.-lieeTeeeue'd'hee-'-'frPrif robbery at ,the e reooeered ..epeeday ereeeed,,, to • illusion and repute • of beauty - "And she ,was. gratefgrateful?"•
te",•ite mask -like -face.- At the -end a byeall ,•AUstriiii :scientist, is •se
hands:Of:the brutal Perfaien Apache •
'Dup'ent. liespeete" a Motif= • art ' Paris to -night end meet eta eino se e Delorme Stirred abruptly.. , , • ". t s'' 1 Sh " •
° 01)Pres rVe Wali each Coconut en its brown fibrous 'ent thet a small ball' Of it c 13e
coneiSfing: Of the American ,Whitaker witheetlosing tire. • e 1"re-he aess,aistrerr ehe del-amide:de-4 iio-rmal about it all," ' • ' . a
MOnli; 'hie secretary, PhintA4.the lat. 1 "Arid where 1 that gOOd Motisienr • h„!..T. uenY e n ...• h' ' .. , e(To tee_SeaithaalealeYea„--,---e
• tees-, ,brother,- Jules, and the count Monk teafejghtal" „leeep.eiceelte.a.--„,,e,a,...- _--aPJ-te.... YeeL.alaYaTeietokte er--:•0,feaSeing ••"'-',"•-•--- --.--t-T--44-e.....e.-a--e,
eaud....COmitessde,Lorgriesie-DitaLorgnia-7-AW ilionsieu71 but I ern desolated • the Comte de, Lorgnes. in L3tone and
Cap of Light for Motorist:
a thetragic ic 's eel ' -• - • '
• ..1S murdered' 133T DUIOnt. Lanyard, He 'has .retureede te. , bar arous g ' •
:matotist is 'a ,...cap of specially:tinted
rubber. to • he slipped over. the head-
liglite when driving through feg,..eThe
-coveringehas the' tifeet-i-ef aijilusingthe
ifrieFeDelernie-raTh Ai' 11-131 • leettleaout of the cooler and re011ed • ,Wer -monsieur? , . • beam and the orange glow through the
her . • I, at .least Albert' Dupont,"..! he shield h. 113 the•
'Were apaken sP 11 to 'k glass
• leer, ee: ision
ea .e ohs whi ".Accept, eVeryaSSili- announced abruptly • • . • •,- ,
. • searehing Pavia, .fan a the countess: • • • ' 't ,h• 4'h rt 11 "Ali!"'"she •mesed bitteelye--"iflotly
America,4wi h 113 l‘n ea , an a ,
• •
'f•Shals,ii;itrodOcecl as -Llano Beilerrne, • • • to, •. , • we knew !the Paine of hthat sale
."1 • •-' • f'Tbat " • ' "' 1 .."We do." •
'ON:WITH THE STORY. ' .•L • rd co pa • ionatAy fished --"Wes,„ do."
One of the' most recent aids to the
LasIar,4' tisea the nara-e 'a Pau liar -I d 'the excellent' Phinuit?" •
cochoe 1"
had hainFered Lanyard'a memory ever are(' of .mY profound"Aympat y.
oisc's'hiskSighteef this we/nen in the' ,,,• "I :will repay empathy saithsym7"
. Cafe. cle1',Univers ae, eTante., A ereat, PatIlY• X halm alreadylotgotten that
1' ht • I ever visited the Chatean (le
'Unquestionably ;the riamea'ineant ' ,
nothing. tie the woMare She curled ,a The spider arab, Of Japan has such
•lip: ,"But that • is anY name 1!' ,Then long CleWs that it, measures thirty
thongatfully: • feet •faom -tiPate 1
' ingebUt was' emerl e me to edema talaie. :So how should I remember I .1A,hat aad. Dupont to- do with de
teeptmee aselfAmmedi t ------ulat-masstear-there-slide he-11-ameral- e • Mi dr Lin! t th tl d f
e1 Y -0f 15.5 --mn- . . • nar a men soo es re eet.
"7-- filiation( Llano ,-Delerme was qui . but I' forget." t • -
parey, and riposte. . • • • . The name of Ducherie
'."How:* -,etrangee etieneieee should "1 never knew . there was -.such, a
thxnk he lail'etieieliltiiitrraLIn044-i_,i,liii---.LfeWeae-aeebeforeLele-seer. itlie
maerio.';a-; But no MatterFer; new. t'Y,P-I look more closely, 1 niyself caniiot) ee
"In We'°
Cater"-theleipaessien'that,:a„have• "It aiiPekeil' in Le 'Matin to -day,
known -51,MiSieer-e-Martine;e441.•elnii name •Dnebeniin'
•",,sernetinie ,,, But
patch ..fr,oni ':111i11rie. Stating that •A por-
Paul • Not unless 't nailisieue aUll a that. lialne' guest of the ha'"
than on :name." . teen"; de', :Mental/4s, had disappeared
made -"Then it would seem - -that Withent'eteking formal 'leave of. his
nioisdlle nndj are both in- error. -TJie as . •• ' •
loas is mineee,a, e, : • ,- •• : "One gathersthat he tee-iontese
FhiletttheeWaiteilitehed-additioria•1 thing eIso?"... • • •• , •••'
eht4irSthriaeatOnianaaaadet.eier• eseoees •,"Nothing less. than the world-knownareeeete•igo,sluis,:1,,B440,tiiik if,...19,'Airsteather ..colleetioe of Jewels., tile
13rilaatwo ekt.raVagantlY insignificant
, champagena 'frothed e into .fresh
tglaeeet.' As 'soon as the bahd.streck
up anethei..danee,',,Athereiis drifted
• away: the.arms of Monsieur Le
Brun; "Liane ,gazed- round the room,
,aCknoWledged the 'salutations of 'eel:-
eral friends, and issued earereptarY-
Orders to Benpuviile. •
• "- .Angele to dacewith you: '1
desire t�efiliet Monsieer, Marten. with
•ray confidences.", • '
• 'aVith'the utmost docility BenouVille
•.4 -need hirineelf. • :\ 1 •
Eh, leen, Monsieur :laeleheniini"
"Eh bien, madame 1. omtesse?'
. qrieriesipped • at her: champagne,
Makieg iznpuclent eyes at „Lanyard.
' • aver the: brine Of her glass. • •
"By What appears, you have at last'
toie yourselfaway from the .charm-
ing 'society of :the' Chateala•de M• -n- .
- - - -
' '
e"As you see." •
''That was a leng visit you 'Made
et the chateau, my old ,ohe?".
."0fte had the misfortune to fall,
foul °teen 'assassin," Lanyard took
• the trouble .to explain;
"And you, were .wounded?"
'Lanyard assented. ,The lady made'
a shocked face and tittered appropri-
ate noises. -PAs 'yeti icne*,'1 Lanyard,
added. • ; I
"What an .experiente! • Still--"
Liarse agaih 'buried her hose in her
, •
--"--i - - ... _
' "You iivee torn-yea:sea away froni
the -c arneing society, ' .
prepertY of IVIadereeede,Moritalais nee
'Ansteuther" . ' .
"But I ine recently from'. the Cha-
teall, de Montaleie, ,ared in, a position
to. itheu,re• Madmoiselle that this poor
fellovi! Duct:emit; is unjustly : '''ac
ceded." ' ,
. "Oh; ho, •he!"
He heard again that' laugh efbrolid
derielen which had seerned so Out , of
eliareeter with a great lady when he
had heard it first, that eight '3-kow
nearly a:rnOritli Old. . ' ' • ...
• '"Maderiatiselle does: net believe?"
"I. hive 'a siisilicien that this Mon-
sieur Duchernin Wes, guiltyin inten-
tion; but when it came to . put hie. in,
tentien into, 'executien, he . found he
had been ariticipated.". , '
, "Madennoiselle is too elever for me.
New i „should ner'er hay i thought isf
'that." .. • . , • ''''' •
'"lie v'Oetild have been wiser to ethy
and fight it oute, How stater hinel
A chance 'Meeting With one Who. 'is
not his friend, e whispered Word to,
the i Police, raid withie, an, .hour he,
tiade hireSelf 'in' the Sante." .• . , i
I "Pool. thip !" said ,Lanyeed--with-- a:
doleful eihalee cif this head:
"I,' toe, pit/ hit -n,". the - wionian do -
,elated; "Moesietir: against my 'are=
, judite, yoer faith hi Duthernin has
•,perstladedne, I am 'conyinced tisk
, he is itinocentaee" e . ___. „--, :4., --- - ----
-eallow 'gopil• y01.1' .rttei'l--.,--.-'- : •-
' It makes me 'end I :have so well
'forgotten eeer meeting l'ilm,"
'Alel" said Lanyarde--"buf abetit
Mad sine el a 'Cern tee Se
• "MY liieed, yon.nitest forget' that ....
name: aa.uttey) y ... Eta ...I, heVe forgettee • "
I .'`'.11e- Wit rally' dcd'hii
..-tli' -,
A Pebbie.wai the .
•'Cave IOM's Caraclyt.,
.i.ept his mouth Mast'Dd
,fresh on fa: 124.4 rocky a
Calling •iti his tweet* hi tic&
a 'sea:loth, *hits •••tiessaik
'to itS1kli
improesioni take
_Asir Wrigleygs:
- 1181)4- Noe-fs.,J2.44 ,
Going flainng-take Niaard L.Iniment.
c,oating, are tree markti :leearin.gaaabonecedetnrenterafeetr----,-'.• '
grotesque- -Wrce to a face,
e --
Hence the name! 'coconut, mask -nut. ,
Cilvys• :that , had. icaraving ,for :rusty
Isintre and- nails. showed 'an in-
' complefe ratiOn,' Were 'cured by- giviag
• them well-eorape(2encledernineral
three- '
. ;
gilled .6r ifi
rant creamy
is atm:celled for Dyeing
and Tinting Prefessional
--Dyeriusethe ,
B v
-D„,Es _es. ,o.,701 ,/ _77 Ba ,y oo.
Satile IChida 11/...101114/k44U441
11611"4/4 0
These tours fire -so varied in itineraries, in interest
particularlymeets, your; requirementh and. purSe.
. . , • • • . • • . •
Thos. Readies to England
Return fere. Ferrilly partY, third el'aii,e'personalli:
conducted by Rev. W. G. Walsh. Return date optional with-
in one: year. Sailing to Liverpool on Magnificent
Megtgaiee .M.O. gist
3rd 'Old:Londoners' Reit/islets
• peri6oally co:lauded...An ,excellent'opportunity to :
Cross with home folks on the Magnificent • •
Megarstie,,M4y 215t
Minx- SocietyExcursion •
•- ,Manic Homecoming Tour 1927. Lands at Douglas
• direct. Answer the cell to Manx/nen from their Ellen
Vannin. Cross with brother, Mans:men on the Magnificent
Albertic June 3rd
0• Hone Tomtit .
Pfigrviiitage SO Reins•4 57 days. $875, Cabin class, all
UP rieCessary axPenses included, Viaiting-principal
cities seven uroPeen countries; • f`Parlea Franealle°
• 'lours (study ,French while touring -Europe),• $260 for 24
' days, to $540 fdr 52 days, depending an length of tour .and
placed visited 'All neeessary expenses Maude& Both 1-1Mie
;Tours ;ail 'from. Hew York on. famous Red Star Liner
• Lapland, JUlY',7th-
Convention 0 ,0 30 pays.
• Ostend JiniC 5th to 10th. • Optional 'extension tours in •
England, Holland, Belgium, -France, SWitgerland, and Itabe,
of 30=44-5eor 65 days With costs rapging from $425 to $556. '
A.eaving. Montreal on ,Magr4ficent : • • -
'!'i ' • 'Mettantic, May 21st
. • , ,
'SPeCit.al Tour OE Ireland • 32 Days'
By Portelainrequest Under auspices 'of the baught-
_up ere:e_f isahelle and the spiritual directien ef Reever-.
end ather Thomas j. liefferhen. Choice of 'four-
' lat. Third Cabin for 076 or of Cabin. for $$00. to $650, ea' •
cording: toaccommodations occupied. Alt necessary eaa•
• penses mcludeda Sailing on beautifuleWhita- Star 4iaoF ,
• ‘. • Flginzio July
, .
gh Pitman Tours • ••- • 38 days
• •'Tourist Third Cabin •
• To 'EnglInd, bcetland, Ireland; Holland, 'Belgium, France,
Germany. , Personally conducted ,-- all necessary. expense'.
• Sailing on beautiful :White Star •,
' Regina Doric° - IVIegintiC
•June 1148.25. July
Buthibell college Tours-• 3/: days
71. • • Twirls* Third • • .
. • .
To England, Ireland, •Scotland, 'Reiland, .Belgiatti, .delenantrie
France. Two different itinerarieeto theede from. traeter
the direction of Earl 0, Hdbleell: and personally tonducted,
Price iricliidee all necessary' expenaes., Sailing oehcaiitiftil
• -White Star,Steatners.
' June 11-1845 July 2,4-14.28.30. Aug.
„ft duration and in cost, that you may clioos,e one that
. White Star Standard of Service is assured in each.
-Sims Scotland to 'Ciiiasgow
Go herne with your dyne heme felk,, personally eon.-
deeted by Mr. Robt; SteWart bf Totorito' on magnificeat
Megaeitic May 21stBound Top,Tour
RoyeiL Natioital Eisteddlcod
• Holyhead, Angleiii; NOrth'Wales,.Ang. Jig to 6th.::
. on superb White Star Liner .
' Jutir 23'
2nd NOrthern.Ontario Exenrsion
to Englatfid ,and Retnrn
'ToUrist "Third Cabin, under the directien-of Mr! T. Moseley.
Williams, Now ,L,iskeard, Ont.. ,:"
' . • Regina, July 7th:
Canadian Legion Tour
• Tourist, Titird Cabttli
' lacludinit noseosary; ',spouses
'Under the auepicee of ,the Canadian Legion (British Empire:
- Service Leagiee). Visiting .Canadian Cemeteries and Battle-
te: N.uti1,14Feaf'7te.;,:stimportant points
Ypres, Arras,
••their inimediate vieinitiee sailing on the maghifieent '
July iquli
EiirOpeati- *tealikire TO*%
• cabin or. Tourist Third Cabin ,
'Eri land Scotland, Ireland, Holland, Beiginni,
. • ',• many, France Switzerland, Italy. Conducted '1,atu-s,,
21"daYse$315`and up, aecording to itinerary and class, Also
independent tours all sailings. •Special•Feature : 50%. cash,
.balance in 10 equal monthly installments after you ;
•- or' -if paid in full, less 5%.- Every week until August '20th,
first Sailing on superb .Steamer •
Doric, May 28th
popular.Freneh Woks* • 31
PersonallY' 'cenclueted. Visiting cOut•ttifes; 22 cities:
England, France, ..Belgium,:; S'Witzerland and Italy.;
'ChOice.'nf Tourist Third ',Class for :$385", orof•':
$500. All necessary el:pen:lee includsd., So.Oins on •
aUperb White' Star ,leiner • • ' ' •
Doric, Ju1y,3rd
•• Thos. Cook* • SOn"it 'Tours
'Variety" of tours to Europe from $495 for ZO days,' '•
to $725 for 02 days, depending on length of tour' •
. ind- places' 'visited 1. Tourist Third Cabin, all nec-
essati ever -lies included; Sailing Iron: Montreal on beautie
fat White Star Litters ,
June 23 -July 23... Albertic, July
Regina, July 7th. )
Also 'Cabin Class, Tour "Albertic" Ju1y 2-e-ktiglande
'The'Rhine; ,Gerinany, "Switzetland,_ Italy and Prance.- Re-,
turriiiig:Aug. 30: Ifichisive'lere;
Pere COmplote iptimnsitioh, 'and bOoklet, 'phone,,
write or call' ttereenaily -at- our .nearest. office..
headquaeteis:- Duting:_. the_ _Sdangei, -
season' a lookont man 'equipped. with
fire -finder- and mai'. oftheff0rest,,43
constantlY, CM duty. 'When 'a are' is -
-sighted .he at Once telephones • head_. •
uarteee,: giv, lug. its locatiore Through
the forest ren roads and trails, cut.,
by the 'rangers in the slack season,:
so that. upon iece i at • ot alarm, -
headquarters is . able, to-send...it 'oricep
by motor atruck or en :herseback; a.
Perty, t� .fight • the fire.- • • '
In: the fereets: eoVei-ed by. hydro -
aircraft' petrel, reads .andetrails are "
nttend 'Infrequent• eebeus.t
myriadyriad lakes Rrovi lanladlinli;lag. pIae
The detection' 'planes ,which.•:,,MakA ,
regular patrols: it re fitted., with radi.
'apparatus; • When. a 'fire is.detected
the rees.sage" as' 'its. location is sent .:
back to ithe lase. Here a larger' ,
plene,,called the ,Suppression plane, is
kept ie!readineee,-. ad epee 'receipt •
of the :reportthis is fletvn -to" the • "•
SN:r;le of the fire 1,v4h,la
tlre-lighters and their :equiprnent.2 •
1111tROVED OPrI,IP*??Fr.,
, In- addition to' the advanee in • fire-
fighting •Methode :the n,eqiiipment hes
:aliOTheee rnuTh it:splayed,: of recent.
years and j nel des g s ne.,:opera t ,
aempewhich; though light" enoligii-io
be carried ,oti a nan's back, have yet.
sufficient capacity' to pump wafer
through more' than -half' a mi,le ale
:In the national ferests the aero-
plane work is carried on by Ceelinee-
atien between the'. Royal 'Canadian
• Air Force; and ,the, Dominion 'Forest •
Servicee .peeyinciel forests other-,
• arrangemeets are 'in ferce,• . hut, •
Wherever ,,--Introduced, ' a ., glept Step •
• forward has been made by .the use of
the areoPlane. it might. be thought
ethet with sueli progress little weeld.
remain': to he done as regaitds ,forest -
protection fry Canada, •aet. 'hat I
urgently rlee'ded is that these Methods - •
which new apply te, otly aamall pttt
of. per forests, he ..eeteilded Until'Il
are .covered. • ,This head • is ,caesing'
-prernieeet eitizens in", all Walks. of life,
to.gjve earnest supportto the "veriOns•
foyest.:,,:eUthOritieA in theft' fire-pt0,- -
teetien efforts. , ' '
King StMcGill Building, Montreal
. Toronto
Ea est•, Steatrietia fromMontreal,. 6
.tbir the nninlier which thIA.
Ciety 'admits, it ie efelay, rate to be,
begun with one, the noblest and '
.greetest that We know, and whether
the werldwill ever cerre ite further,
• whether as 'Chaucer affirm,.
"There'he ree titer res in thnskie thait
netar.,"e, '•
retnalliste he ,pioved;.
. _
'a'And tertatte he is w41 beione.
• Aniprig e thoniiand that fincletk,one,7,
• We shanet gurrender earattelvta •,
. • 'el .
healt rtily- Ace, '110 While, *a are tort-
seioue that another" le- Mare (lasers: -
11 f op.r.lovei• Vet .krineitSlile.:(1(tele
'not stsijct', tor netebera; the - Friend
des mot '-ee.e.et::,,bliealaiieeale -all:. his'
fingeiee. :they are not ramierable.".,
• 'Tlre-therkv there areairicaltided
beetd, 1ft:het:are indeed included, the.
,.'rerer and 'tliViner. • the quality ,irf the
' love that bieds tliem Iatii:readt.te_„,
heliotec-111htli-lii.tVitand intimate
A. relation may e)tiet by which ,
ate analicaced,, if,f$, between two.. ,In-
ti6t1; eantiet have 'too •any -
fids. --Thoreau.