HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-05-05, Page 2'
Ilalfrhere in 't!te. woij1.0.•Ye 1004.4Id glintriets•
,filliel.tes„)?eca, developed as th'ey have beond M,Ite ary .
Som,e o the greateit `lakes• an the
.centiltat ••••, Reitt.deer,: Athabaska,
Oreat S1ae.Great „Bear -444d 'hun-
dreds of other .iniliortant but smaller
bediett.ef water .are still beyond' ''reach
Of vegrareerl etrPleificei ,:thrdugh
lack of*.aaPartittion faqihte3."1
e.ssfs OF NEW IWtflXSTRY
een itt'..Canada.,4a#:ftala can144'.5,
re in the Great. Lakes :.fiskieriell!,
*lei: Alit vahidc! •ctiMateOltiY at
some $3,000-,000 annually, PAM are
• treateladeltS 4.F.44 *aterlitf,'
•**113r: teeming With: filth, Of the hlghly
'In all, the three Prairie' Provinces,
:111a140;01,10 lakes . and •rivers, : covering,
• .2111Orly .31,000 set:zero 'inilett in area,
.sa4. in -valuable food fiihes.,
the PloSt abundant species,
is un-
xce11ed in quality, ancl'h itti•great
amttAdp•'vElliie.• 14Olcarel,:.tUllibee, lake.
trout, pika, gohleyea, amt: OfiiriOON
W1th its attendant prodnet.: Caviare,
•,a150. 'find a ready 'Market,. Other Yar-_ •value, k but. it has been, ,found that
catfish and elletS 4;if'-•Pike, neatly packed in W0001-:
White-fish'•we'ghtiliT over four en boxes and illiPPect fresh on ice or
pounds each, dressed, are known as freshly frozen,, can be readily disposi-
V:Itaafre end.bring the best returns. ed of 'tiew. in the *harlots. which
Dealers paid-. the. following prices for handle, the whitefish.': '
41tic'ea'aflaal'i -cat* 4,.'1920i.'' on the' Though the -Pike is coarse fish and
„Baia- Of :•••dieSae'd::.•fiah• at 'the, POO of somewhat unattractive•in appearance,
to 'fourteen It has a •good, wholesome fond value,
;1,44- per.Pose‘.and'waltegfdi,Weigh, andviheri the edible portions are sec -
leg leak, than four pounds each, from arated from shin'bones and other
:.1x to ten cent,s per pound. waste their can be. shipped' and sold
;COMMERCIALto, advantage: xi fact; this7nr-,-the ..".-
Tattriql14'.1141ting Is for the most
carried on seaaaa,
en 0.1chilled or TXOZere fist,i'.* may, -
• -
C,OoPlP.of as
nOPOrding to ,liaferniation, lisned., by
tbe ..Xatur4lj iBesonrcek..infelligence
(4'the t.lePt;. Of theI.I.Oterler:,
there has; heen ntrOanced. 4ato, c01,15,
Inland fiShing,.tridnetry,,,e aeW'brancil,
pt unequal • economic i• ifil_POrtanee, •
naniely thefilleting Of pike,. • Here • 1,i,
tofOre".this'igna of !fish had itrinatliet
• can states. 'A large demand:lies been
• Created in Chicago and ..Inunttivi• ds'
-*Blatt* shiPMenta have been made
distant:, points as •'.11fontreer
,New York. . ' Some simmer' fish.:
• ,g••41a0,4.-takea ilace,. the ea,t4 '.bekag
-.The.;;Villue of .,the',.flislieries from OP
• ailed., prairie ',provinces, ,according
the'llateet, offlcial letitritS,'-is
'.although if the
value..of..liah, Caught fordomestic and
and -added:'•the..tOtal would doubtless
he •fialt‘,13upply -to,,native,Iife in .
Brain* and Bruttlkey
.gau .003120. be 4etefd• 414. th,tifeat.. •
er.�st to nTeat. •tba ;ACC nf In • g4tilga, • cilfre$74---
Of S.- ent Oat
has the superior firain Tan 'unteistak-
ahhtliall-M400 • -
. ,.,-•-,,,--9 i, SOlerke hal!, hem- Seeking "the
' 'Q',ILIESTIOlsT .0.0 .4.COESSQ,114§-. 'titular Whidh, .occur ' from altidding;. Wer-to•these (ProtiOl.i'lor It ion,g,.thYto:'
PeOPle go to great eictremes in their With the more genera use of seroi- j They are net yet entlrelY tinaWered.. .
e-Qa. lAccaerP.t'4",.., W9ly7ohfatic:egssebtrthiesgo ,fiwolnithe baiatlit fenr aunadiarellhPat atirnes.t.ittel7sullineenteePr4 I' mnTshcieesf,a?il 416, \telotOtonilreudeebleYstkuerel: facial
ownera proceed on the basis Of bUiring during wet weather has. been con- ; tiolleck 111...tlifn; by; the . thpurgio pro.
ir.TrY kind. at,-levics:9freied for eahi aidrablY feduced, , '' "• ': - • ,i eesSes pf, the individual; , Hence, the '
Some Itad. notwigt. : , , , • , 4t., ' i . 'FOr those wilo'.e4peet to O. consid...rnelancholy Man difelOPS a11- eiPrea-
- Manufacturers Of , motor _ vehicles erable touring a luggage Carrier' ter sine Of iinhaPninessi While the face of
have gone to callaiderables lengths to transporting, baggage on tNe offtsidethe Joviet felloW' Is .preased. with .4 ,
provide an „equjpiiient Which meetti of the Car is a real conVenience. "smft....11zetwork of good4untiorecr lines.
the,Majpe'retinirementa of the. aver,'" Peds Ei.nd back cushions' Sometinies add l' Is,. then," the...,face Of!' 'the/ gentile
age,' indiyidnal. \ tbore, are, ji.owever, to the eottifort! .4 ,.:OertairC\ perrions in 'effected bY his , anperlatiye, talent:et
a fevr.i.lniatters which shenld be given , driVingji•ear; - An. cars spark, Oh*, jtoes • a' •beautiftil,. j niind prodtito fij,I., ,
attentinn Wbetk",it 4Dirtes. \ to atotkine.,or t*o carried. in' the car' is likely ,to,•\ hO4'44PL 4ce?.
OP IC j ngsvlYi 1131goha0d, II% 1 itn• tozoolAll come in, jhandy oil! eceasii011,, AI, lid,rol 1 l• \it, 1,wonld ree' m not, .Speratea, a great \ \ 1 • \
certain types jotlindi7idualS, ea Iiiigb -Oilete„ fOr f,e,filiF .11e. batteriesla lan7,1 r0001111Oril :V1/410 A,k" i.vitur7r Uly lititle I 1, i
„1-1K4„ ejcPeetedvf csf,ton.\ ge: I thel,• limit \ te..\ other eetwentence \ virhili I:can !:be eptj . It',,liji aUd. ,Ablitheni 1 Ifinceln! tta: \till; 1
satisfy 'their 'fastitlioua 4i.i6's..Anto, to advantage In the ga age,. For wesho gents. !id j c arse- eritured• ...liefispri...\
mebilea of :„sueli. • In_ Otoriati; will be ..",ing' the tar it is,well to have fiCong'es - howe•Ver,' \ Wei., . beintifIti;!-ancf'r'13. YrOlit,', ••! \ \ ' ! I
fe'und, equipped AVitit'arm 'rests . seuff land dlutilleia 'isitina • available : • .....•:, - . was•exceedingly Inindspiile, as ...ir,00 'tpj.),\ ;i.'1.•
plates, . electric ,., k..arett.e'., 4rhtora," , 'The increasing\ popularity of Closed riltlerieedn'el:7.174rit'itlir:Oileci•o';u6.t.,;t'hj: o,_;ii"...,..,..:,.„4„,'•,,,,1.1,,,,,.1
elusion that geed leeks have UothiPg ,• '
Sewer. holders clocks gag, • ganges. '' ears las er ted demand f ' t
a, ‘, , , . , ,. - . , ... ga ..e.,. for a- ype- -- - r. A - ' , ' ' 1 ' \ ,, 1, l•
vanity Mises and :ash trays.:" The:liat of side curtains for open Vara which
. of these- are-beyOnct.the--iiitereit_ofLtheLelosed..cars.,, For_ an who not te. • do With the ' matter:. But it trpg,, . . \ . \ • 1 :\ . I \
e ii eres ng -test may he made by
, might be enlarged indefinitelY to in-- tend to give the ditto girt of. protec-
elude other contrivances But most' tion against weather conditions as on FOsts that the faces of . geniuses am ,
not the same on both ,pides..
the average owner.- ' ' . • . ', owns an open •car it.* posystboir -te-713-9-6- 1"-a'ay-Aea'10..t ti an.faee,pbe'tpgrapb.
.„ .. , . • •
• .. ,... , DEAL NEEDS QF vEtuciat: . ;cure a whiter top arrangethent which " ' . Take ti f ' ' -
. LEGATION WAsHiiid+04. •
• Ti*forti•.reoreed'houslapurchased by this \coentrY at the beet of $475,000;
. .,Meat..Indens.ta.,Want- to he ---Sure
N , • ,L.the• "rovides somewhat' a it-. substitute for ef .aea".11 'di8t.inguished. man e.fr'.undeubt-
odgemus and cover half of it vertic-
1. ' ' • N xt 6--rearel4sed-c-ar'
•A„4,- A ' :Or - A.:- So --ave the practical necessities. e - p y, compare eac a , an
---&IvAACIVA-sAuw‘a urraCelment.5:-"- gams oye __kith they are .interested-in-the-rvevY--desir--'-•-°11"tem-whieh-caa-ba-recemraeaa- Ve-neeirtli-arthere-are reallY
Imany species of, fish , and the ready- 7 • Dryden is , one of the. four great
- . 'able conventenc M f 11. th ed to every m tori t
The other day a write; of 'fiction,
John of, English literature, Miltcn, . .a., . . . ,
es. o t o a ese
W tit -o s as an accessory •• t k .. , .
fel-49014g .fOrm' ini, 'which , the . pro- in all I, nerloUsneSs, 'Stated that truth
Bunyan and. Keats being- the other t
, are now provf ed, as standard equip,. or putting into e ear is a strong tine aces.
Th -f the ac,
is strange peculiarity o e ape
Was .rwieng. Science primes it , Here,
ger, an ctimi. . He • o . . - • '
three: He was the Poet Laureate di . . . . •
merit:on the better eattineed is --1 piece of rope one-half inch thick and of
' - - ca ''''''about fifty feetli 1 great 'Men.. Toll can nefe it. in any '
duct *•thlia displa ett,in retail ho is never stranger than fi ' ' ' a Of genius is very marked in many .
Ya Ps:
tripiC--zia.-7wo-If.a-i-i'aarlirat have,hia:Ainn3,....:but-eties-like4lAlexandeea..,_!n. min such items, as-burnpere,, yi n ongth. Such 'an
tfinutte-artic e-yriay,come; n- n y-- er-severa srpho-tegraef'GeOrgeflleritard7.Shawr----,----_.
•careitto iniz netice,in a single day re- .\Fieat""U-rid--''St--de-Cilia'a-TDay,"--fronf dr°P•741#1..ti.. A.,?.,t431‘77.0-61.'1,70
I And the same thing is observed in the •-• -
,c'e tly,, writes $. X. li:•' in'''Popular ..,''''
which the -mew* lilies are tulttu, windshield wiiiii`,. -Min& tintrapare usea. Should an 'automobile get stpck
to be hauled out of some ease of Thonms'Hardy the great Writ.
Scienee_Monthly."' , ' ' are all ,. top few., considering ". their' .tti'e," ;in- serae'easea-11,-•heating •IttitTaat"...ikail4 .
,A. laborer, seated on a 4Coc
, , i - , -„,„_ atus comes as standard" eqni meet I ficult plare or have to be .towed - from - . , .: - '' - ' •
'eatingr9ealityr- • •. ,-... • , - . P r i -4-- Lei; Sir Reif Lankeater, the seientist,
n other great men • • •
.w y la chis . A:clue is given by an'
, , • , . P eee -,The trumpet s.loud •Clangour . but, with the ' mere general. use of one place to anetherrsuch.a.ropemay -a--e-----'---- - - -- ----1 -- -- • - , - ,
closed, pars the, deinand for Such facil- Inak.e a very satisfact.ery. tow -line. . •-•\-- • • ,,, '. ' . • ' . .
consumer. Enterpriaing fish dealers
inNe Pine rettateile*sectiOns *are Itibw tit17.
vertising their products hi this' form'
lamest exclusively.
The Introdudtion orthis branch of
,the fishing industry to .Western Can- his hinch playfully flipped a I of P
• adienwaters ie-Prolthigef dual valne. cheese__at..a...,fellow,wer_kman. The Excites us to ai‘Ins (ties has notbeen large Whether ,or inurin A ROPE. uriderstanding of, the brain centre* '
It not only enlarges the market range cheese -missed its mark and fell in With, shrill nets of 'anger • • , • _
of 'the .fiehennan, enabling him %to - A Plating bitll used in nialting'toPPer ' 'And. molter alarnis.
'diaper*, of preduct formerly,: Value., discs' firom'wilich Plioneg.rapli records
lersi,:but it ,e.neourtigei the capture of :are stamped inTWaX,•• DiscaIrenf that.
'a. destructive • fish • whose voracious bath 'Preyed to be mlich herder than
babit make. it a '", source of great these from Others. in the
halter among the more . highly . -prized cheese, \an ;Maly's* revealedrprOduced.
white-ftt;;Picketel and other species ; ,the leCreased hardneaa. casein
SueiessifullY• prosetuted as far. north records •can be -made. m .a , siflgie
When *timid :around the tires,- a of the, human machine:: it is the left:
not all: these 'features are included as -
can. be in place of chains side Of the brain winch contrels•the,
standard equipmen , the motorist will, rope
The soft,' complaining flute most of 'them Or to supplement the usefulpesi oi right side of the body ancl,vice veree. '•
•. • \ doubtless ',wish to have
' even if lie has tti pay a little 'extra hi chains as odcasien mai+ nire It is The question,..erises,'then,"Ire genius•' -
In dying;notes ,discovers
•• _ - 2
Whose dirgeis WhisPered 'by. the
arb1ing•tute.'• • •
• ,
be certain' they will be. included along lileely 'also to came in handy in' strap - es men withabnormalleft Or,, 'right -
with the other automobile equipinent.
It is taken, Par granted that always especially when on tour. •In eennec-
Ping on various pieces of , baggage brain!? _ • , •
an adequate set o general tools will bon with touring here are , Various ,.,-. rtuviel
_b_e_p_roxidedlas ii-Cert___01-tileinds,okLequipirient_whielf_a_matorist ,
Their jealous pangs and Idesperation, ment of eF ry . I.mey yrish ,fensider, such as a camp sduced. in ;the whole tone of landscape
t4.1;4eOael-.S.lalie-LakO;WherO PlOot diSc' than ever before, anti t 6nsi.a.er4 Fury, frantic indignation, . There are a few. keels not 'gener- .stove „ folding, table, folding .chairs,
color by,ihe introductians of purple,
'• able sem of money is saved each' year.
s hb iitat Important agrP
culturalOM the wfth7;
,asafi*A' al .104 • ,esdit,
14.0,140.e0r itiOr
ouracantlands Acrqsi the line
the ,e-sal,LefiCluidos-Opply.eural
• tat ;. a ef,",',;44ii-Oe'aliotiti,74:ft.per
ityment;': Thie syStera is'. in. an ex-
Depth of pain, and height of passion ally included as standard equipment folding ;cots, mattress, eating uten- voilet, and deep ultramarine blue,
In another plant 'a quick -drying
V - the •±' ' diSdainful
• Color, an Health. , r. lacquer,Was, Produced.' -.But the liquid •But, ' h '
,Witis lia'aPPIled•with ki7asb- 611stic aoda ,Whatehninan voice Can reach .
, ,
• seteatteta. loom . been; laiiestigatirti hardened. so rapidly that it could not .(.) ' 714-t• !rt 411.1each':
was added to the iailtare,; but. the The tittered Organ's r 4 •
reniericithlk.results: They. have 'proied..
• ' •mass still jellied.' Then the mixing. Notes inipiring holy
Which the automobile \ owner •.should silk, ice box, food containers and tients.1
Which We: owe niountaies. : .an
censider.. He is likely to need them. l With the frequency of kailiges. Oa ordinary' loWlantr landscape we .haYe. • •
Among these 'requirements might. be ,Serviee stations 'which now prevails ;the blue of the sky; ...the,,green••Of the ,.
included if tire gunge . so that thealong our Cenadiae, highdrays there Is Whrich • ' .7414:suppose entirely
driver can keep fairly 'active check- less need for having every kind of 7an fresh the green •of trees, .
and eertaif elements ,of purple, far, •
Sod: beautiful than kea,"
entity slionld think, in their bark and.'
:ahadows (bare hedges and thickets, •
•)r tope t rnibdu'ecl•afterneon
• • Sunshine, ,ar .netirle perfect.' puiplei'..-
South.-Amerpithe YVOnder arid Of an exqUisite tiineb;ati well as •
' Continent: • ,plowed 'fields, and dark ground hi •
oSoutii.Ainerica *' treasure house general But mo ntains
enetal. But , in
Rddition to all/ this, large, unbroken..
spaces of ,piire. Violet and purple, are
intrOiliked " their distances; and
even near, by, filnia. 'et Clouds paseing
•Ovee, the darkneis of , ravines or. for•'..: • '
bjues are produced of the. mist, .'
concluskvelyilhat,the relation between . • ,4 , ' Up on the inflation of his tires,. and a accessory in one's ear., • It is d to
mOlore;arid health 413.a VerY -real one machinery broke,' down. Pending, re- • N6tes that wing their ....
heavenly set of tire chains for use especially, strike a happy medium in this gm9°atter.
,Dr 4. Dada H . . , - .b , • , ' pairs, ithe test material 'Wei "left in '''' ways ." 4 . • in the _winter. 'Chains.. help to avoid, When going on trips give acces:-
dacted ex. piiinrentiletYh', cvitliolo°redaligerits- -th .x for- I'd . . When ' q . •' . ' ' 'dangerous accidents, those in 'Par-' series a little special consideration
e nu er. severe days To, mend the choirs above:
fitoth•ii-cti, inNniisontio, ha fund thatthe„ eatPerimrtsm were resumed the ' ----=-1C..-....._._-__: ••••
mile and ()rang. a. . . , , , .......„ , i lacquer haerbecome as thin .as water..4 • April 5 was t)ie hundredth .,.an. Tit_
•iiie• three moat useful colors; are green. clienus,,s wer a aned ,to en . hat the . • • The laster,,Centenary. ,
With these and other agora he haS„ 4,s_ThAer.e.: practically as it is marketed • versary of the birth of Lord Lister, to
aueceeded .in relieving such trouble -I="" was the ,Pirodaet: thek had heen-..Whom the whole world' is heavily in- „
Some ailments as nentitis, insomniac'', . . • .• • dbted ,for laying the foundations c,fil.ltureinatijon as an aid to,horticulture
, .
Lig4t'Aide .
• Experiinents in the use:of intensve
. . . . •
It is difficult to see how Canada Can 17 3 ," - • ,rnead i a man who souOt 'vainly _to ' • ' ,
tiemely healthy rendition. the
- '''' ." es ure ' • - •
..,..14 mental. , . high bl, s .
Green has been found to soothe,ex-
dePression and ood, Scientific fact Is usually dramatic
and frequently whimsical -...< I have 'in,„,the resuexperiment surgeons •;;Ivie.re,rba.srf,d thbay gressat• the.• I plants w
dehted for lyaing the foun at Ma of i made. recen , with_ ,000-wat .
lts of lusi' • .
patent research and gas,•filled lamps equipped - with lave" ' '
d i vvere ti ' 1 't ")f
reflectors. n,1 every case • the pro- ied. Westward are the Andes, rich
Tonihnson well-known aut o "
resoprces tire not only vast but var-
pOtentialities " •• ite
, vrt• s Edward
h r. Its
as • reina.ricable, in deposits of , ores and metals. Along'
'citable' patients, and 'since such ex- ,...... ,,..find a 1.1,se or t, e neck ng m mo or septic •
citabibity is Often associated with '''''
, , • experiment he asked an assistant to Fonowini
...........es. . One day, in a different'
hospitals from:this cause was fearful.
_up' i'listeur s discoveries on „,- • ' .
, .• . , says a writer. . the•Amazon and 'north of the Equator
subtle, tenderness; these aimies ind
seMe•-derangement-of--the -nebrous -_____- ' i ii ' . •
system; the iniver•treatment has,'; bean -I gutimu -any--co ored- c emical' soluble the nature of bacteria, Lister vies en- lh'e plants were. placed under the are sotne of the world's moat valuable
b jus b ling _'scontaining'-•:species'- '
purples passing into_,rose. color of ..:,
thousand , chemicals abled by the Use of antiseptics' and light when buds were t eginn forest,• ,8,000 of
Otherwiie' wholly unattainable deli•;;•
tried, on Many such•disordoica. ' I gasollne' Ten
were available, .and the: storekeeper other medifIcations of sur cal prat- to form. Daffodils and Lent lilies, ha.rdwoods,' in unlimited quantities:
cacy among, the upper, Siimmita, the •„•
' An excitable patient, exposed to the
'lave tiee immediately to stem 'the tide 4 . when 'placed under the. light for .r,stic Untold wealth in mineral and ehem-
blue of the sky being at thesametime ,.
swathing green rays, 'becomes' quiet-..1t3ielleltpirlehripertiaydienfe:eciimItiepartaivnedg kthnoching • t t.t , d d r ei - b ;hours a 'night, flowered in four, days ,• ieal resources exiats'in the Neill and
-and high blood pres- 1 extending and improvnig is meth- , .. . ! . .. • ._, sens are aspfertile as
, age zpeculation in isadv but one which: sure has been 1„owered. • --. . ...! eTdc'eilarwmera'y•PT, c0111-met:11:14:rreT:laung::; d h • ' t 'I el' n tad' ti.i •-• '-
I no useful ,plant•that-will not, thrive,
' Crfa method whiel woulA not niicon.r- , hos been relleye• Tho rapid progresi of v•,,ation in,' Piarees 'Wm?"
a s' as 'the Arctic regions, once the sun had any in • world There is probably
. would. make -\farming, more ,ottreitive i Orange. has the reverse effect -1- t of sepsis. ' The saving of life directly' •
I reached a fair altitUde, has already
' hese he t work ,, • atimulates,.tones up, and .vitalises. It ..,___e. • , , ,i, ,
i • i- changes hi internal combustion en- • ,
attributaole 'to his „work`is incalcul- .
,.gt.ne.,,.. . _..,.
appeaI, W.'. United States; farniers tot,
• Settle...1N cOnittY, with*: being
1n ap�sitlon tO: Offer them similar
• *torten& fiellities, .for ...king term
recently 4 made, • acme
investigation's intesYsteinatized rerer
credit machinerk anti in•the•final re-
• purer and ; deeper than in the
-Nay, in some sense, .a perSon,Mhe has
never seen :the reseolor.: of •the re -A;
of. dawn •crosaing a blue mountain• .- 1
twelve or,, fifteen , Miles • away, can .•
hardly be. said toknow What• tender- ".
nese jn color, meanC at all; bright
tenderness he may; indeed,' see•in: the
sky or -in a flower; but this grave ten-
derneas �f the faraway •hill -purples.
•he cannot- coneeive.---LBuskhf, in "Mod -
port .stated 'that, "the whole plan ifs 'elt
ed ,and trenq. lit; Even actual ,pain...aa. was
d th ." 1 f th lot W'th • ' • ' ' •• s. • • h. growing about ail inch a day • • West Eastward he broad • lams and
e on y..pne o e
ifble. The hundred delegate's' to the: been noticed.,by .travelers., This is no of) a canno e pro uce
The aeeeptaiee ether eountrres, °ills therefore -the- ideal-colo,r-formelan,
• 11.1 tho: long-terinland mortgage ,system cholla and depression: •
„, ,with amortizationprS, . .
,. has I. Blue also acts as a tonic. The effects
been a moat valuable factor . in the, of this color upon thebody is actual
closer settlement of land. , It his re-'' and' not imagined. ' 'It contracia the
. .
•centenary 'Celebratiens, Who were re -I moselikely dtie te the fact that somewhIreln Sour America. Proni
the sta dpoirit-o nature's endow-
coived by the Kieg at .puckizighani , light.is continiitniss, although the.:Pres
, one- is tempted, to.mili it the
P'Irdace, 'came froxia ill parts Of the Mice of•an umflually high ultra violet Ine'its
: 'Then fibe"ci KnOw'•
gracious!'1' remarked the tall civillied world.. - ••conbe'nt• is ' probably an influential' '.‘ronder continent •of the world. 'Ancl
• • . a.brief survey Of recent develo menti
urity to..-bOth.-Mortgagor, and -mort- 'blood vesselliVand, gives sensatimf-tO 'the 'auto shciw, she thinks there's .'gixtY .,Year,o Ago, boys "went' to col- „ The same explatietion 'may account- -and current pservesrsitaai.tOpivPtrisac,ah4-tash=„....:
••,.. • . lege.-because they wanted to go. To- for the rapid growth of 'wheat Asizatta...,af.acTet•pthabaltiellear already
gagee,•andi bY its terideneY, to .stabil,of Pleasant COolness.. • • • • L.,. ,, :nothing like, hlmr •
. Ise, land values; has diminished land • 'Patients wbo undergo :thO• treat- ."1-lumph!,'!said!Itr companion Spite-. daY how' many •.of them are ifsent" 'glens • such ,aS ;Alberta,. • where . pbsitioniam,ang the
there --because.„ their parents' think it. whets process"ot sowing to harVesting-
• 1 t* The atabilliation' of land. ment .are exposed to. the colered light fully, l'she'll.iliel-•out 'differently when.
-• is the thing to dol.' has to completed fiVe..inonths.. • neWet countries of the weSt,:.. The old
rational, land, credit system. 'In- The. lamps •• are • 1,000 • Candle -Power,
•' auced charges. for interest given. se.: capillaries (the very smallest of the girl. "Sinee Carries stead,y took her I• fader. • •
_ - - , -
values is one of the by-products of a selected for stated • periods each day. , h
e. take her to. the zoo. .
• ' eidentally, . it fre also one M. the Cry.,1, and the patient wears Orily a very thin
Ing needs of .our Western country' white gown; se that the color can get
where the- crazy fluctuations Of land. throughte. the 'body.
'Yalues has' done more,. to demoralise! • ' • -
agriculture , than .. other "tiaes' Aibger. Sweetens the Blood':
Anger Apakes-, the; human body
sweet, -net 8011 according to reports;
., • Attracthie Flower pots. .
, recen ekpernnents by a Gorman
•• Earthen flowet-pats may be „made, physician, Dr.. pt. Hackebusch
much more ' attractive if re a 'ochre Says Dr.:E.: E. Pree's•Wpek'sSCiender
dissblved la enough' water to Make it • • ."The deetor refers: not -to the dispo...,
the consistency a paint is applied :te.sitien, but to, the .adttial increase or
them with a paint' bruSh. • It produces decrease of sugar ' in the blood. A!
a lovely soft red shade. • The ochre very, minute amount of thei,kind of .
Costs but *a- lew cents a pound, And a Sugar called grape :Sugar, is usually
present in human bleed. Slight.varia-
tions of, the amount, of Sugar from
time to time are now used by chiral-
.... The Mother was ill in a home where eians, as. an aid in the diagnosis of
• radio had recently been installed. The. posnoin nosaqsveR •%la •osnasip
dootor ,came, and entail tinily looked Amiens emotions, such as anger •er
• Oif. wonderingly as.lie used Abe , stetlie. ,fear, iu the hurnan.subjects•sof his ex-.
. ;cope. • . , • perhnents.. He then drew off a small
jiatauojtalio trying to get..SanaPle ofthe blood or a sugar test.
raother?'' sho: asked; •when, sh,o,•,,.„could In all instances the amount' of Siigat
bengor Contain her curiosity. I Was, found to be. noticeably. 'greater
. •arid after a fit.of .enioticin than
Good ter Her. " it had ,been befereh.aed • Thi t
. . . ••
'rho lady, politician Nyaa being heck- supplies additional confirmation of
led; but she was, ;het -ding her own; and the theory now Widely held bystu
the Metley erowd Of. loafers to whoin dents of the human body, that such
• elle- Wes talltiag .were tied -to far- or/104611s ss fdaY..or.,anger aro,intenci-.
• thet efforts:. , ed .by 'nature to prepare' the body for
com ine •'
',ljttle gees .a. long way..
Station ,
Al% misslis,t4,,shoUtesti,:tOlighili:4_, titlier..combat'or ,flight..-. Sugar in the,
1-looli.colilt •„Why.fdon't.you- ,turn your blood is known to provide a' ,quick
• wila.ritii, like ma?" • , ' • - ,od for. themuscles; The . higher
. .
' .'".Wel1,4.on.!qfe,,:'Aha,,unsWarekkyype,t.,,.p:oysgnt4.02g,:biq9cjlspgpfK„Algrin,g„axo,
it, "Vie get a,.clean lie:4-p' : , . ger tlins ..prOvides the muscles with
4,-,,....i:-...... ' .. mote b3od in dage it,becorneS desirable
, Vanity- •ca.SCS and -06Sinetiett• tava 'to. 4iiit :01 -,to ttit away." ,:.'- ' • .
been- diseovered-hy the-exCatatots of . ' ''' ' l•
' ' Ur Of tho,Clialdees arnong illitifi five• : Roof 500 Years' Old:
'1,11Otigarid years ea. The tapper is ,, 'Oak 'tilliberS irt be roof ..,t) a fen-
. ,
t' es' modern as she thinks herself., il,tni building are 8 strong tOW as
OS 18 one 'Of the oldest of Eve's , svhen they were put in 'flVo centuries
-dat,104;ori• - • 4 ...: age,. according, to a recent test. .•-•,' ••"„
.. .. ,
ADA1VPON § ADVENTURES—By 0: .lacobsson...
• - • - - order is -rapidly passingi- A .oew
Smith Amerlea.existp!, ••
"The tropical jungle is Still, to be
foued, hundreds of ;thousands " of
square,. Mika, of ,,it„ and 'the open
spaces' ere more than ,btoad; they
,fieeen limitless. -There- are :wild 'In-
dians" in the Andes and in tie -Ama-
zonian fastnesses. The languid and
lazy are -legion. in fact, the' observer
'can find just about hat he looks, for
in the "WaY.Of priinitiveriess and back-
wardness. But, the mime inay be said
of ,any. ether '
Over 4,500;000 Chinese
ern Paintcrs."
Fathers of Geniuset Are
Usually Mite-Aied.7
'treat Britain's . men and women, Of
'genius have generallyhad fathers who;
"'Were ,Traddletaked or. • elderly' at . the
thne, of the,distinguished child's birth,.
while- the .mothers .have generally,
been it the age Of greatest vigor: This
is the conclusion 'drawn •,by • lia,velii,:li '
Ellis in his atest hook, "A. !Study Of .
British, C.nliis."'... ' ' • .• .
• Very yonng. ,counleS seldom have'
'tliatingulied. .children, according to .•
.111r. Ellis. .,He; also -bolosa brief for
the Calasee,alt,ic,.. reee,.. es. a ,:..,i7,,o,..du7ro
i. .,.1' "
Unixiliced.'SaXone are ' gellernilY stu-
••• pid; he concludes,and •theScote ..are
.• ' :British• Terntoy. •. the beat endoWenuentally, !Ail -the',
'Tt is sometimes overlookedthat if English,: Welsh 'ma . Irish rank/net
, there are British residents' in Chine in the Order. named. ' ' • 4,
. there is alSo a far bigger Chinese • • ,•c._._._.•.. -...t. .. „ • f. . ,
• population n :inIIBritisiakh terpritory. , ; ba NOt. pimi Marshos in
Rairseaking at
, Spring.. '
S'elligelraint-6";'sraeiedeilttblayt uopvoerir ConSiderable damage is &me to
_ 5,100 Chinese *ore resident in ' the wildlife by the burni*g. of. marshes"'
'British ' Isles,. and t over 1,580,000 in Sfiring, .ac.eording to, a , warning' ,
within theiBritiah Enapire. In Can issued by ,the Commissioner of. elm-
ada Alone there were coyer .40t000; or ;adianNatienal Parks., When marshes
nearly three times as. many as the are burned_ in„„spring, ale. (}"Var that;
ret'Kddl,„ number .Or. British.' i ubjeCtS in "might ,shelter the nests of waterfowl
.,' the "Whole..,ot China. With very few and form i.proteet,coh.n
'for. yong g bit'dx
" sOns alist property of these `1.. muskrats• are, oftenoil . f , . singed
:excePtiotikthere had been accorded to 15 destroyed.' 'Trappers re 'bit that
the Per . •
• 158,0,000 Chinese all the privileges ! when the marshes' itt which they, live "
and pi o'tedtion cif British law and ad have been 'bUtted.: The natural cover
uthilistretion, and ....Canecould deny I affoled • by. Marsh :growth ifi spring,
, that their lives and. their quite exten4; Lig va liable to mild life, ,and this call- "
SiVe. -and '''valliablo 'property ••wel'e. 'ss..51ot. he .. destroyed 1,;/ithOut ,capoing
safe . ae..the.livea.iiiid.,property of Our, . serious • tonsequendes. .:7--- - '',,..-•,; - ''
AsVicti..sr8oambjetcht.,viiWineoseivatihea .esna'rotitelanictetao. , ,I.,i0c.'11,•gir,...„.4,___tet vitt coine ---th'i:i. ica.r. 't:*0
sure Of PrOtectioif for the 14,000 8tit- those farmers Who de not ."tako' 'tlina
ish ,subjetts ;and Their property, iti . to test their step tern, ' '
g(iliviittaa,„ i•aos thterilf.irso,Cpecovecrnhitinea,itstes-liwvieargp ,, ..1,5i, ,.11 titi.s' -11----all----tg::. i::•,e7.-0;;t1y..: s t,a.te 4
within ',the ilritiSh tmpireti-eyOrld.. that, tho majeritY-ef voople I1t6ral1y,
this We eug,lit not to insist upon being , .connnit suicide because trivy pay
. accordcd any special privileges. '„ I. little attention to their Viel.th, '
, ' ..
.,,,,, -... ' . :- .•