HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-04-21, Page 4.ot • 140cOlthilICIt wHEIPRING • •1444**faCtwra * fuli fine et tillage and 0004* ImPhAraentat. such, kew04---INS-IfarTelvV-PAtivit,ri-OraistDrilia oralr-_-- , liffinturacture' Stael, lead. Rellers and .DIse ; Harr*** ef'641' hintia, "and the pricee • and terni e very 11**OttitiA0,, Csft ind �. sss 1)00r,o .0T4er1tli Ok' • ..0„ - 1011101001i-CililiViii Sall Chaim Thitia',Tha'Orsuiit .Iithre • One; ' 1-6 la at -Your Serlfrice Wl. • • RING REQUIREMENTS •4,14pRiT44,18 lipoi 'AND:. whit .1Ti CONIES, ,THE .4.NSTML, .0.1.10,4;,CLEATiaNG; -` WE ,'4114' ,1,04toir witit:,T114 GOODS': YOU 1'.011.1''1SEQUIRic AND EXPE6T TO IZD IN A ;4406. : ',WA4E STORE:, •'-`•, , eery :ShadeSHERWIN. ; I -WILLIAMS FAINT$77-1'ar. Walla, littera' wood,work! and: OUtside' work, . •• - • - • • VARNI8110--in these :we have varnieh irOr, any and every per, ' jose-LIN014E1JM .4 VARNISH. for - Linolettais AtIARNOT far 010ers. CHI-NAMHI4 NATURAL a high-grade yarn* „which be. used 'for anypurpose. , • • ' SHERWILLACr-ot Staft and Varnish in all the shades , •Fp011t, WAX , I,. PAINT BRUSHES"; VARNISH 'BRUSHES, BIURESCO BRUSHES. , . '17TILAC.---This s * new finish and we want to :tell you about' It It' • a. quiek,ddrying ehamel. It . will net lift, the has toe objectionable' odor, can. be 'thinned, with turpentine' and will dry bard, in hum sours, which means that , you can put oia two Coati in the one day. We -have' it ,111 'nine colors and, thilis the enamel that certainly „ will, please Yoll,‘ • Coiled and Barb Wire on hand A Car of Fresh Cement Just Unloaded ' ur ie o eating, Plumbing and Eiectik Wiring line, Hardwall Plaster, GyprOc" Wallboard luckhow Phone /4 , • WIngham• Phone 256 cumentai Works -LUCKNOW' and WINGHANI . ,tIno• largest and most complete ...stock In the, moat beatittiful', designs to shown, trent. - • • edges, Bctitch,..SwedIsh and Can, tallan. Granites . W. Makia iipeelaltY of Family fitanutisenta and Invite your Inspec• • Ptiona Neatly, CiurefUlly • and Promptly Poste. . , . . • 8.0 before placing Yonierder.• .. 4 A. 7.••••• mmm. • Luclknow. Oat,. Spbtton. iiiroatik,NcE,oF aornic OUR FoitEsts'• It Is .sigil!ticoni' that many. 'Cana-. Alan 'hank' ,preaMenta • and; finanCiat . :leaders .in their, annual 'reports"' on ttS•' • .• ;bird:netts ot. the year 192.61a14'streis ti,VO• things:, (1) thelinpor:urtn . • ... 'forest •IndUstiiest our elomestrte. •An4,,export,•tr0de •Orainix.t.' and YIeorouS-aellon,". to- e't-uiiiierthail• ;this •; not destroyed by forest .Tirnewgn.in':the:itiMorY of. thole -still living, When :the •,inhabitanti Of • ,.seine Canadian cities Were:delighted • • when o pall,' of .Wooci meke swept eV.. ci .tae •district in early ,•spring, for.. •thest, field ' •"That smoke IS... from 'slash' fires; there must ' .11a.ve been, logging 'last Winter; our river harbour -will soon be full of logs ' business. Will ..be brisk.o. If they • thlinght ..abOAt other censequenis3s at all they considered.. that: the 'irlaab' Area; wohld. clear the and for, farm- ers, and that if logs 'aver- did, fail there would he barge -loads• and wAg.:. eittloads' of Wheat to..takc their place, • • • .,Put . the succeeding generation' jlati learned that 'ipuch of. this land, the ,, • capable of prodUcing trees was not #011.0 '141:1C4TWIte4 11,nd-other farm 'crops, and thatthese repeated, :fires.. destroyed Pot Only.thd-YOttnggrowth; • the hope "of" the- lspre4 it, 'in sonie : cases, 'even :the Very s'.11 itself., And •••60.010‘. are. :getting OVer the tiliiii-that It in: rik.ithir-.tilibti •CAnadii, t�. Sartlifif • ninch. Of our land will not grow. any,,,, ilnut;troa, viten thesetteeti '"ctint. by-thejthi4ff the. • linest, structural ,.titribers• "* in - the ,.'worid, an4by the iu1p and pap&r In- dustry. tfineifornied into . the thttltl , farieus valhable, • :0,91=01U:ea for wth the nntkint aro eerhiniting with: OVOr, 44444 040rittfitit 74 '1St- stator.. thing about Canodrea-,tini. her Is that. if Canadians wzII cutti- Irate; their foreatii instead :Of zninin .. them,: they , Only .iteeli up in* perpetuity. the 'productiOn of anther atthe..pittsent ,rate :but. they -will Oen her able to -increase., the annual cut Without ear:04014g on: the fOroSt.c4pJtaL! • ' • Our 'financial • leadera', !Streas . . point -thot the ,forest' la • ?Or( I second national' income: And, ' en,r.tbitIachn istratiVe side, it has beep shown Aire, Canada • hati So handled' her • forest landi•iinder a.system of leases that over 90 Per cent -Aire still owned by tho 'Crown, that is by the„ People: and that 'from:these forests. the Dominion I,nnd. provincial . governments draw revenues totalling, over '$14,00000e . . Pe.r year, That, in Many,:respeets, is • a..haPpy position ,and many': states. arid. 'nations "Ctist, 'eneiens eyes -Upon Canada's :geed fortune- /and, gelid ad - :Ministration,. .,The point -Made by nuf finanCial :leaders is not .that Canetii: arts are sinners exceedingly aboveafl other people. in 'waiting their forest heritage:but that with:the' experience of older...nations...to,: di•ayrf rOm.,„ opportonkties .of tti!. twOOOetk century .befOre'' them they ere. apparently 1x•denger',of:a.1w.i.ing. their forests to' be reduced . . the bi AO. 0.14..%..vPAEftil 'before theys. Start to groW .tbetn'ilp ai- gaiO, Planting' forestS' is g,obd •bot, ..syStern, of etitting.and...prettog ..iSttrig. °forests ,'tgatthey , wilt brie .,,fortti increasing cl,*; forefathers ,of"tbe pro'sent • eration•,' of, , :Canadians - legislat/..rs,„ adininistratOrs, iUmbe.rnien ••,c1,11 . very wdfl Censideringothatthyw!,/-1/4•• ed ithout 'maps surveYs' rtirf,,41 estimates, Arid eould not ....pbssit4tY: foretiCe the. trahiendolis: itemanil for. forest' product s that. nevi reed -e4 »OW. inventionaW0414 bring, .•hut :if the .present.' 'generation isot to . be ,reereant to, its. Oast, tritst It' • must 'build on the 'foundation they ,,ltild, ,They, in. h ,large 'Measure' saved the :tnimsts for. ps--4enienfher2the peoplo of. Canada still own 90 po .Cent •of the.„ forest land-and.,.wg must save thern for , our:. successors,•and . ror The great engine for o•,. ebiogrig this at. band. in . an in- fornied and alertpublic opinion and with thcicaXprage.citizeri-talting-art-jrfr terest• in fOrest conservation ,and (lo, ting .,Wlint his .tntelligencee,.oniggoWt:: this heliettled., for all time. . •• • ,„ • •• , lawnys• otik: • 'he -kind: aiid•e lir table, . Try WrOPPing your Scarf about,' A .peo.r .tialc00 knee yoti ace' eti,' the atteet,„ • • LticK$G,W.131011111.111HL.:,,..-. Tilt4,915.4.1',AP4111.;10,to.flp.r. 4. • TU7,g , .E4raKNOW SEZITINT7. fahatr-avant- red at XimeknoW. Ontano. P. MacKenzie, PrOprietor and Editor • *411 4.0, aati no, flonbt thpre.are Piaa7 capable !nete. 110tvate 'who IMPI gladly ta,h0;,the .191/.• y,ManY there ar . 7*.r1V.ii;71I'lhttrfil-Va'")-01/ 1,0'4,,at h4g $14.801ary, biit'the tintn herwho. Wt,)tild,49. it PA weflj jt,LB arlihde generallY .expetted, ;wilt ,do-itr-are--feW,• Let tts hope there will .,be dieep7. peintme.nt.,, • • • •. . , TIIWISPAY;- Zisti-t9,211. RIJOIli FOR &iquog sl'94Ps. aYerageluin litildiraa '1 . . the .trist.40iioge,:iatioA.L....gq...,..,,..0,0!:,-.7„ •heneetikc and: deeeptlY if you,. can, ;but get ;money, • . • , , thne. unsee,hily ,,eagerness,•" tionie Ontario: to•Wrie te get gorernMent'il- tUero•atorett..1 It is expected that the • , . . •. for :the, 't4Wns-,1WhiCh .liave the,. -Foot! ,10rtinte 40:' -have 'such a !,40.re estab- lished,int p;,,O4g,s4.400' are "datty Waiting' entia, ,410noirt,.ChairMan of the ftquoretontrel coininiSsion, :With a. view.:.teindueing..the"cominis represented • • With. a .IIquor „mtore.. is exPected. by thelie.."tbitiii-beasters that' •. many , • • 00600, will 'drawn .te'n town ,'Okya. • ., Honor store, and that those who cetne• • will always do 'other builnetis. as Well,. • !There May be:. sonfething.. to. that, but there la toinething '.heut the idea .ofbuildi,ig up a teiri in th,at •'• • .a MRLIAMENT PRGROGViS '!Tlie • • with its Work in time to let the mem- bers :homefor Easter, ' The 0,2ssiOn , , Was minimally •shOrt, and full of .husi- nese. ' It. ta, nothing, uncommon ,for .the sitting to, lost on. into ,the • ..hot Weather' • AdVerse Critics , have deiciiho fieseien orgy of estraka' , once;" but :that 'apPlieti, to all liaments and natiOnnl:Cepgressea. It la:naid that loWards the: • eiose-.-the lant awful' ,evening., -huge . . , money were • voted right aild,left' al -•Wtittr.fr-Witltoirt • ..considerationTilift; -fair is the • -than arrerccerttin ' All parliamentss,nppear. to net in miteli the saine WaY.',',Mnch 'time iii wasted ;throngliont , the greater' Part • of ; the: session; o• Were • al, way. iin":Acciimulatibrt.,of ,worlt.:•.tp... be rushed tbrough in the last day or • twe.',.Somotintesf 'advantage is::: taken of ,tbiaI closing, ?Oak to get -through bills:which. weak! not boar discossien• 'The . p.arliiiinerit !proved to bn.vint-' • , „ . Usually' .good -nature,, and the. 'fierce party :strife whieli.characteried•':re-, calif sessions was abirent.' The Cog-- • eminent comfortable majbritY througtiout,..and did pretty rnuch as it • The, most, cantioVersal matier to , come, Up. was the. proposed .,rene*nl•.9t. the 'Georgian ,BaY,: .Canal .There. seemed •ronSon.to believe, that, , the ratherfa-i-ored,-;,the bill but ,aa.disciisSion Went 'near- .ly • 1,41 ,by, the: Conservative ,OppOsi. tion;; It. becoine /more find'More . mani- fest that. 'public. 'opinion, thisughout the ,,Country, was -Against.. it,. tin& It Was fipally,defeated,. only one mem. ber ;Voting in. favor. -and' that ri 'To* fliefliber, who have had M°Jne.person,al• interest' in .,it..cir• with 'those. whn WOO) 'profit by its, oaSs-- The voting' of a half' /OHM'?" dollars for the purchase of a)ionie for •the Canadian. representative at ViraShing. Ion Win) came in :for it good deal of discusSion anif • adver... elm merit. That, however, wan ,fust.. a Matter of 1.4AftPeA.A--4i it would. he better. t� bny a 'residence or rent °he.. In the Otte case; we .0ity ,interest in the otOei• we would rent. • DOES 111E. JOIt? 4' fromntri,insitn .0001€im1 that. ate peldbc,.:,stirte.f..ikpow,,tfie T4„,.m.,., mirory of.'44"0 • • whil*--,44.114tonA,;, ,;ty tke• f,ki,P4tHindtf;:44,41:1!110.: ito:tt,e';;.;*1,44.1;fri,t, • • 04 he .to,Wionyttliteo'. ot rt%life .114112i(e4(itSfiti141°.'it‘'at'*;4. • V,Iewini the rahtip'r' tn. *YR , • insi Say that „the )nrink.rior.• opirt«: 'seeing. the. unintilding nri-thoe ini44 and intellect .of th9f.yotrf;tf rof •,(4,140., • to; stirery nobie ,*.orthif tvO/le., 'J'tie •sti porintentlent 'of, Ake: (1.',.:••' pea' a/0of nkoholi0 'i . beverages, , 'we' may hit', sumo, la, or IV 4,e,:engitgett 104 the': destruction. of the 'Viotti frotario," While. "that Is true nt, 1611,it isn't, all ,04, teeth. tr. might ,'84114 !tro.t11.4,11ritti, 4Cifiel'e'iiiiyWily. Elva 'We cannot erot , " olicate aid, that , Itaaneg. harin-"O" ,may result, : • • ' • If „Mr, '.111itinn trees ids wri.,,r,l; well he • Will'readily save. the, pro.vinek Salary' .,withitt •Yetir,' oi,,er What on, ine'fficieni, chait, man 'of the Beard ,..rinittht; de, •••• The Timie settee), lasperter likely )4rito, 4.1114' 44' bird 0 )11r. Moso .0nr Pastes and powdersAfor-the,teeth,,, this f011oara4 nattirallX•la'tha *PO ef', s, • .ij4actil'Y'?'40:ov'• asitIniiPaPliaif e4t t3h,2i3,,i) world2fifi. By far our beat 'customer for these -orttelea, erdintitity'ls-rnkTanii, -WhIch 'takes nearly a third of. the total.; '4411 the • British • denendenci4re 41,e'r ot2git'hbe4Ylat3ilif:is;11,hfiletli' talt 11111.4..1'i. tam; fe-.Pnerican teeth powdersand soaps, aS .-eattirallYOs. they: 1' 510 • t • , French porfunte. tie triffsb-.. 100E4., ra., rope 1 ,preditedi withno gyent ties ' ilibOugh jt. .Js 1i1a1vthat.lmuch AGNES Meer HAW, .M.P.,t ' 4WD -HER CflITIS 'far.w have .noticed 001,3*, • 0t,10 :neWspaaper.l.which has1ank,way;0171;` M.P.,- in On; Itertn,. 01 Priticiem she invited ,.'hi.Jier'ilitter. 'abont. Chine '.t0, „the Grey. 'I'hi5 solitary exceptiuii is the Dur- I•WhiCh.\aliiitys. has been . friendly to the lort,y: P. ---haring, good . word, for. her •idealit and ;.•01,m8,1 'heW4er,-"\prther, 46111 for. her W114.4 of attaining tlieee4 '.:EVen, The :Review is apologetic and fi) t:sho' said i''.0014 .h.0ttee „ionsaid. But it ! toti; that " o, .tio. 'r"lhoet,t s in *Pi,' and it tlaye'"The....woritan•heart "\,,tic4lirl'. 0in (1117 'all! hq!. :alma to crate that lothing in young , , , • , minds." •. , Then -a; -few, "MacPhaij Admirers" expressing acImiIatjon for the lady WhO,.• they.' say,', has the courage 01 hof conirictions,: and they join with her, in .wholesale Condemnation' at -those *he:engage' lit.,War.., r7-Thir.76-14iiiiiiiiti,r4- War and 01 . these- who believe in being more • or Ttess, ,prepared for. 'war' ,show s what; Very „'simPle' and abSurd• -soul* Miss MacPbait and' her 'admirers are. The ..number of .person s in iwtsheoifb.Oilsiaavaic'too$bing must lipt b.,iiondvfrnir few, .ladeird-,49.'• w',1,hat they may be,. disregarded ' Yet • Mis'ir MarPhail and her adrairera ,Pereist inassuming that ..*heri ''netiori5. engage in War ,ap are ejiia'ly guilty„:and:thnt they en- gage in wo,4044.0.h0se,;h1 autheri: heiktve be i goodjiiing: .' War may be the • enteeMe 01 hoii. 'eat 'distigreenieitit,•` but go:nor:Illy...it is ,justa' case:•of the 'Would -he ,rebher,• rind :•his .victim. Miss MaPhait deinns ,' the, 'householder ,einuillY' with the,lienseb'realter' and .rebber,'.• especl- a1Ty1fthe honeehoideepita.ukaii* .fencn•of hio hoMi,'"er.:eveit has mode any preparation; to defend littitielf,. in case ' of. aftaelii- 1 :7 -Could anything be mere /HE toEMANIt'roti'tostngres ' , ace'..„'POWderii, 'Paints, ',Etci ',ix:cording"' to a".. Published '..State- menttbif :the -Aniericiin; Chemical: 'Sa',J, the ,•nnipufaCture", -of cosmetics in the t)iited -p,tatev is now. sirt'timeS what it ten Yeitis ;ago, There are.,new he,t1;reen.:,five.:afid six hundred plants' engaged' in-"pinnufactiire in n territory embriicirig'. largely the Fast - ern and Mid -Western states. •Seinein- toresting taptS, fon this Subject:fellow! ••"TWo proininent Onuses • Of; expan, Sion are the ,Inticb,greater, of •Iirts and woniOn to cosmetics ,Of. 'all", kinds .thau7befere the 'World: War, ,and the rise of artificial and tynthat . ite aromatic comoOamis.. • ; -'Creams, ronges;•, acorcflng1 to ,• the:latest figiirea ilyailable, rank fait in zthnual valne, their 'Prodnetion ag- gregating • .834,178,00O.-, • DentriticeS' are :second , With 05;496,000, • :Other • classes 'ar,r. rated en fellOWS in 'a total, oUrpnt •of '1.41,488,00.0!,,, • '• - Te1etuil-atitr-•eitheetoilet-lowderS7 $21,423,000; perfumery • and toilet 'waterii;.$20.,q44,9o9; 'hair toniCa, .40,06.fi; hair d'YeA,'',1:r;OIA,000;-.•Othei• kl.15 ;,i4r„4 • toi1et. preparatiens, not nro;,,•!te,i Idn'd; •$8,6",1660.4. qt-ur 'foreign sales ;of faife-pow-. • rouges,: •cret4s,'. eter,". have d(t..! 'yelof,4.;;4 pi(„riaisingly. trAtiil...4irnerl, 'u ot4ks, leA h CObal. 'Says 4 ,t,k).ire...4.4.y prepared- for ...1r4ox,tri'4 tk* to.' '::14.:'fitkiotthi;4•'1'gri'4. • .41:31!'n ' wen. " /4;e4043i4:.(4,r4i/ ` .405, zo4,,,,; 64.4.41*41:/w,.. 0.4144,„„e:ii r ' 061A 44"'e,10"i"Ii4,;,'*Oft A044f4440,,t, 144.. .4414YiC«a*, ' PrtiliOnoit hex .:nta-ef4, • ,6'iiLt fi4X4f,V,' iriffy di'64:3* ?An* e'd.-436m38-10-03yero'3134iy.: . (:;KihA, V'eeir • tak , oko. It.oy tivimo, .0,644 4:4 sri,rfsrv..ry. ,,v,s,ttop 6f the flitiii4o; ht:onr''r't"filf;e-'4'):Y.ei;':olir;n7160IAlr•Irel(ifie.11111!)5g11111!e. Olin( Worn Ailelioftt:f.o. th':;" l.toperted: ef illareS: • - • . .of ttif% osjflS'C,}1, )10% r,he ael(neWtetik•' Pd• leadoi<141 Priv-, all 'mot. 'kcts, tkntrific'ett: Throughout the werld.• :Alierieen.,dentlets and dentl,t 1:11';Iiiti4g7.t'IrIlt;i1ri'lt11441111t": • .' • , •01 the export to •Fsneland 'really finds its • tvayi•k t0 .the 'ContinohLI Wfierre;tlie --AmerIcan':•brands''are:V;i: 'fliviii'alily.... known. In 611 ern r Inter. 4,/ (Mal ;trtide• r. , mentiOncd, by gni trtide lacouta ,'..0,' the. only competitOi.. ,for -this 'hustness broad is Gerrnan4,:hhoSe.Wares; how4t ever, hav.e.' made no. 'serious . inroads% ''The bUtk of, our. ides of ' :toilet preparations,' aside from . •perfumery And toilet, waters, - is 'mode* up of . toi- let .1)elvdeie„,'„, particularly". talcimi, creams; rntige.s. and, similar'cosmet- les, •and dentrifices.‘ the , trade verimkrwoitf..let1V.,-esvCcartyterest.d6;11; .1 - ntry in the world, .-tn-hr,et, show -3, in g. to some tranIford Bra afford popting Rooting 11Writ'fOttcli Roll„Roofing b. *40. In lour' .Welilits ged. qua** light for twetncigpohtiiw(3501rvile- :dies StaeodcomaqualiVwsrsh. extrs ithu"se'(.4)15iv;:filr:b:1:be)'111:elmitiall'ot(st:ii, :044:1*".1.blid(jusli:14111bt • sUbstantialyok •Can ' , . rantford •ReefingSo...41,latitoil, , Brantfeid;Oistarlq , 00 • S -tock Carried, •Information 1F'nrnialted arid Servic• on Brantford. Roofing ren,,dotod by •-• Wm.Murdie&Son • Lucknow Rae :Poiteousi tuckno* extent, even, the semi -civilized lands . N.,,NTH, .0 TEI C, ME ATTOT'• ECRI I E. op 1711: OT.. I;SE , E 5 .., uirlie"tbirft.'nftreciegnitalrneiadirienttT•hfeogrtehaet• "' I throngs' of -AnieriCan - toilris.ts which TATE . OF ,' NARCARET... BAKER clielteir_viaji:64,cosp.t:i reoafcit eto.ebiteijo:iiiiii till:al:1: ;3:_iklindp;:end:A:i,:jettle_-fy,%. the,:-To.wrishitx,L.of-Xinless-, pu°rsnuant to It.S40. 1924', Ohapteir 121, f truce, piilster, deceased, :tiOChicii:1-,:imtehr.eicItani7Wafra.ems . i'lifaorr,a' rit.teibevel::Irs such producing . conntries as Italy Section 66; and all atriendinents there- , , "The cempetition• with., Which:these Wares ireet in International trade yo ChiellY 'from • French, English • • and German goods. • There . are also' in • the field the produCti. of local inann- facture ‘..:in...hoth-,itlie• highly civilized and the More*backward countries - and,. th is domestle pied ii cti on . in fact : DATED,LatiLitckaowtlits--2.1st,--dar Artinalltills inept or the ,given' na- Of April,: '1927, .' . tion' s requirements. - ' ' James, --Ross'' 'and Richard Baker, ' I "As a ' rule they are Simpler and 4.4: ,, Holyrood, Ont., Executers , , cheaper Concoctions . ' and as wealth ' : , l:,-,, ',. ' '' (-5':'--C) ....'.: ` - ' ' • . and,' trade, increase:the .finer imported; thp field . Of future Migrations:, fen; our, articles replace thein naturallk. Thus LOCAL MARKETS sales tr.en.ts abread is yeik large, arid Butter , .. ,,.............• • • • • . 40e. in 'countries like :China has as , yet .tig's ':.::,.,......;..,.... 27e..:!4c.; 21e• , -7. iicafeeli., beep..tonched" - ; liogS , ...,:'• .',.,.., . • ...89.76 to. $10,'75 • to, 'notice is hereby giyen that all Creditord and other persobs having clainis, against the Estate of. the 'said Margaret Baker, "died, On or :a- bout ,.the 4th day of December, A.D.: 1926, are required to send by .post; prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned execnters on or before *the' 15th .day Of May, 1927, glen.' full 'bathes and: addresses and full particulars of their Claims,. duly verified, and the_nature. Of :the security'.(k any) 'held, 13y SCHOOL', RENRTET 8.0. No. 12; Aehilehl:' , , Sr. , 1°34 67: 73,!-„t9MT/Iihei 10,• , , ' . Class III,: MacLean 77; H.' Robb 42. , Sr. H: E. Residston 75; ; D. Thor - burn 74;• A. cariiitheit 86. : ,• • Jr, Therburn. '79; • Lein 76; C. Roulatoi 60‘: Jr:. I:. Ferguson 71. . Cathenne Blue Premotion, Exama-L-SE. 9; Ashtialir " From Jr.' IV ,to IV: B. Blake 90 j. Curran' 81; J. :Curran 80; T. I. Andersen 76;M. ',Hackett 74. 84; Clare 82; J.. Andersen :79; D.:, Curran 77; ' Culbert: 76." ' • , From Jr. III to. Sr. ;III: K. John. iten 81;V. Kilpatrick 69. ; From Jr,: .to Sr, lit. A. Curren:* 74; C., 'Wake :,74;• 04. AlideTaon. Happiness Is neither.a vested right nor a self-sustaining State • ... .The Pordor Sedan, $000 ' The Touring t,er, IGO a , W;TH many ,,improvement. . in, the past , year; ,Ford ;cars today, more than ever 13eforai • give the buyeillie greatest car Outstanding. features are *aij. steel bOdiefinf excep- tional strength and safety -7i dependabk.,,quicit,, stnrtng motor, greatly improved by: the addition ;of the new Hot Plaie,Vapo,eizer with its many sal.. vantages of iiiereconomi anclnperating efficiency.: ' . All models are now agered in either malesItia. , gray, or sage brush' green.' , When you Consider the:price you'll begin tartans" • , why we claim 'that ,,the Ford is the most practical • and economical car you can buy..., .We shall .be glad to give you a denlongriktlint,a14 ittte-- no obligation whatever Struthers ' & Wifiterstein Lpcknow onto , REM: CANADIAN AR 'US ituroboutt 'Th,* Qum 11000 •. • ...