HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-04-21, Page 1•
'2:00 PER YEAR IN 'ADVANC;gf $114
e • , De W M Colustille
• Pbreleiast audeSargeop
, LaileklOW:"
Swe, 2-4 • , 1;4'
". '• Plums 81.
" •Dr. .MacLeod will vieit • taxiks(*.
Ire 'Tneeday • in ' De,
ee.e•ee.--eDENTISTe • •' •L
i». R. I Tieleiveti,•-•Liickiteer-e.
'Alleer• Decker'e 8 t o r e. Extraction
sOle.thore by ' gas or iota. Will be • ia
•Prifistannon every Thizeiday. •
• • Phone 5$
. 4,41tneimramg.... •NON:EFEm:....;•1.4
:4'. • t • DENTIST T •
' Dr..NeVrton
•• In office everydaye '
1. _ 1-*
• anuttaonrs COLUMN 0
- • •
as. A. Slidell, Luelmow, e-• Broker
•..and Reel -Estate.-Money to lend 02
drat mortgages on farm Pr°Peie
tiiss,at 6 and 6% per cent according
to lecurity, offered. Alio small
• unto pn second mortgages on
ti • d
arm proper ea an on Person.*
motes. A,few good farm for sale.
„ My stock of Wall Paper is com-
plete for 1927. Prices from 8c. up: I
am also agent for leading job houses.
R. J.Caineron Decorator, , Painter,
andeGrainer, Box 174, Lackneer.e._.-e.
or Selie-e•A number of window
and storm sash with glass ` in them.
Apply to D. C. Taylor. •
all Paper--Canidian, made, beet
. Prices from 106; to .12.00.
, workmanship guaranteed.
Samples.. shown at your home- or at
reeidefice of Phillip Steward, 'paper
hanger and decorator.
EGGS AND 'may citzcas ,
got° My price list before ordering
' Barred Rock or White Leghorn 'Baby
Chicks or eggs for hatehinge'Ineuba-
,teni or `brooders at right prices. Cus-
. UM." hatching done:-- Duncan Ken-
". 111044'Whitechurch, Ont. .
_pAst$ SALE REili
_• 100 Acres, more or leas, in Kinloss'Toienship'-coener lot on country
.-itiad-5 miles iron' LuCknew, 4 Miles
from Whitechurch -one mile from
blacksmith s h op--achoolheuse 011
farm -well• Watered, te acres bush-
' barn .40x56ft-2-story frame house
• 14x30 and kitchen Dixie; ft. -barn
. and house newly roddede-2acres or-
' •ehard. 'Price; $3,000, -terms to ,suit
purchaber. Also a large .barn -in good
etinciition, for ,sale. Apply to Jacob
,Milier,, Lucknow..-
Overland Touring Car, Model 25.
In good condition. This Is an ease'
riding roomy car, and has many
year' of service ahead of it. Just
ths,car for the man with' a family
who wia to a goo:0 serviceable used
ear. Prl1e reasonable. Apply to
:An I3ut ieLucknovr.
Por .Sale -9 .Acres 'of land, good
,eirinneiroomed house,peed barn; well
fenced, running water. e. Close- to Naei
LUCK14.9'W. ONT. THUR.' SPAT. ApirtIlL 21eit, 9241:
. .
• '5' LOCAL A.Nb GENERAL,1)...• •
. .
. •
*•34.*:. ,;WiltirSd Murdoc • was up
:from; ToiontO fox oo oiook•cuo;
Sr.o; R. J. Treleaven, of Hamilton,
its spending the weelcAvith Lucknow.
Mends, . ' • '
Mr.: and Mrs.-FrenkTyler 'visited.
, ,. ••
• ,
friends at Riegden, •N'On-
• . , ,
day.. •
• -
Mri. £ . E. Buewell 'find '4anffiltO47F'
Helen rialted a, few. days ,withe4rinnA,
at Exeter, . .
Mrs. A. re nurnin •Of Clinton vis-
ited the past week with Mr. and Mrs.
R. H. McQuillin.
Mrs. Fritzley and daugh-
ter were guest's this week.of Mr. and
Mrs. T. W.,Smithe '
• Mr; and ifixs. T. S. Reid Made a
motor tile to :Tee -Into and Siincae
the end of last week.
'Haniilton,, .Were -week-end visitors
with Mrs. T. L. Treleaven.
„ Mr. and Mrs. Joe .McClure 01 Nia
gime; visited the. fornier's Parents
here over the recent' holiday.
•Mr. and Mrs. Treleaven of Ripley
viSited Over the week -end with their
'Dr. R. Lane Treleaven' here..
Mrs. 'Fred Lucas, and • daughter,
Audrey are !spending the „week: with
the MisSeS Robertson, Stauffer St.
,M1e-and-Mrs.LEwarL-Canierore were
over ,fromeWalicerton to spend :Sun,
Clay with Mr. and MI'S, R. D. Camer-
on.; "
Mr. Alf. Aimitrong „and his two
•boys motored up froM. London to
eliend the week -end with' his parents,
Mr. and MM.- F. T. Armstrong and
.4aughtor" Motored •Tmeinta . to
spend the „week -end with , friends
there. . . • _ •
Rev and Mrs., Langford, Sit chil7
drew; • Of ThedfOrd, called on Luck-.
now frienes on Monday, being guests
of Mr. anci'Mrs. IT, R. McQuillia
Mt.: Hugh Taylor who recently
Went to Winnipeg on account of the
illness of his ulster, returned home
O n Monday, Miss Taylor was well on
the way to recovery before be left
the western city. .,
The Tiewland, Construction Co,
.ntoved their steam shovel out of
tow n on Monday. It has been put in
operation on what is known as Simp-
-son's Hill, 6th' Con. of -Culross,'that 'c
read being- improved .into, 'county
Charles' A. -Cook,. Canada's 'great
Indizie Besse and Entertainer will be
in the Presbyterian Church, ICiniough
under auspices of the Young WO -
"men's IVIiseionary, Society, on April
27th. 'Program at *e'clock---Adznis-
sion 25c and 15c.' '
mr. Frank Yeigh, the well known
lecturer, Will be in the Lucknow,Pres-
byterian Church, ' Thursday t venthg
of this week, and, vrill give his New
_enal Travelogue, deecriptive--of..
---sehool-and-church.-----One7mile-north" - "--
Of the Village of *.Lucknove en Holy -
rood Gravel. -A.. Lockhart, R.R. 6
• - .•
Baby Grand -Chevrolet in good con-
ditione for sale •cheap. ',Died cat ,eolie
• en and closed models; also used
tracks at bargain prices. -,App ir• to
' Geo. 11. Smith. - ' . • '• • •
Having closed up my bIacksmithing
. bus s in ",Lucknow, all accounts
°win to Inc must be Paid before the
• lit May next -Herb 'McQuillin.
• Tenders for the purchase of sheds
at Miller's gravel pit will ,be received
• Until April 23rd: by 'Towland Con-
-istruction Co., c -o M. Mitchell. High;
est or any tender not necessarily ac-
• eepted. , (2-4-p)
"4 Farm for Sale ,e0 Rent. for grass
I Good' buildingis, spring Creek 'running
` through farni.-Wi 'J,' Todd, Box 201
For ale -Two -good cows,
• ;freshen about first of May, and
the other about the first of June.-
„ ApPly' to A. Wilson Hairiilton Luc]
• ,_
- Lode -3n Lucknow, a ,lady's 7gold
wrist watch, Valued as a gift. Pinder
• -please,linieroat ,The.SentineleOffice.
'(21--4-p) 1"'"'"
e I.O.O. OTICE ,
•)litoinbers ,eif,,Lecknowe.Lodge, /.0.
0.F., will attend' service at
the Angliean Church,. Luckethve, on
. flundey, April 24th. Visiting broth.,
rn and ,RebeltehS ere Cortliellp in -
ted, Members ere, requested 01
01 4t theld,odirt Rolm 4$t 1O. �u
et 11!0 'MI • ;4'0)
Canada illustrated by many tracsit-
two. lantern shdes.
Among those at their homes here
for the .brief Easter vacation we note
, the follo*Ini: Miee' Mary' Connell,
Misses Clara and Verna McQuillin,
Mr. W. F. Thompson;, Miss Mildred
Treleaven; Miss Alicia Mitchell, Miss
Dorothy D.:bugles, Miami Dean and
Margaret Geddes, Miss Gladys Hod -
gine, Niss Mable ,McChire, Dr., A.
A. Cameron, Miss Toms •Blitzsteink
Miss Mary McLean, Mies Catherine
Hamilton, Mise Fiances 'Spence.
• /
Molise f�f Sale-Xeinent Cottage
on Gough 'PtreeeL:5 teems end pant-
ry', •cement basement,<good ciaterne-
everything, in.good repair, good , gar-
den and" / apple trees.:-eMies IL Fee-
!guson, Lucknow. ,
Auction Sale
• , •
Of Threshing Machine and .Farin.Inl-
Pleinents at Lot .21, 'Con. IO, .Kinloss
Township,, On Monday, April 25th.
Commencing at 2. o'clock pen. there
• will'he sold ' "
Steam Engine.
Threshing $eparatori, 4tehl,t & 130n0).
Blizzard Cutting ;Box. : •
Cern' Binder. , • Corn Cult's:rater.
Uat.lteiko, .
'Tholopoon Boo., Jahn
. ,
Flee almostecempletely destroyed 4
. Wilson
Hamilton, Gough • sp., on .Saturday:
The fire, which origi,
nated, in the hay loft .hied:•made
0.i40able .progress before being
covered einol;e and flame deln-
rng"thtough, the roof. •'• A horse, • '
teee716e4eimofil:1,e0ows, vi;end.reeernhoerve.e44,7t7oteoloof
h .
barn being a frame 'emietrueeion,wite
doomed from., thee;liegiithiege<•'1,Vhen
a otreini-ee,if*atee'''.t.,N4S.'"OrnCr
the Mate was quickly put down, • but
not before the 'building w,e reduced
to a.Worthlesd'evreck.
, „ . .
Fortunate •eoe Menem Of stir °encl.
ing building, theree was little' wine
and everything had beep,4fli Retied
by a. shower .of ram.
There, is no' accounting for the • or:
'igin-ofethe fire,other than spent:an.
eous combustion mn ,deet and: ehaff,
or a ..stray spark from a house
ney. The Ios i fairly well covor,nd
by. mouranno;., .•..
'Rarely are 'farmers' ..eo :fevered', 'by
weather, condition s for spring :seed..."
ing as they have been this season.
Until Sunday the weather was cool
and dry -in feet, there was no rain
to speak of, , until •Tuesday night,
, With the result that 'work on the
land went on rapidly, and many Will
be through -seeding this, week.
Something of e heat wave -struck
--Ontariorrop-Sundayr and-kb-ndirTird'
Tuesday were very•Waiin day. Dur-
ingthese days vegetation' Was ,very
rapid -flowers. grass, „ and. leaves on
the. trees making great headway.
The heavy ram Tuesday night wee
timely and Put the whole :district in
geed condition, ae,well as putting: an
end" to the unseasonable heat.'
•Thia. Was very different' from Whaf
was going on in the. Prairie. Prov-
inces, Where a period of fine weather
was followed by "snmi and' winter'e
"Bill The 'Coachman," the , faree
contedy presented: in. the Town Hall,
Monday:evening, by; the Drama tielSb-
ciety of the local Anglican congrega-•
thin, proved quite as ,funny at: it was
said to .be. T'here was a good 'crowd.
in• to °See.le, tithe so that the:venture
was an! all round seccess,
-Those who took Part were: Messrs.
Ted 'Collyer, Fred 'Stanley, jallane'
Hassell, Alvin. Percy; Mrs. Hassan
Mrs. Traverse,Miss Mae , liaVisob
'Miss Winnifred, Douglas..'
The, story was of ..a farmer, Seineei
Brewer, (Ted Collyer) who hacl Made
fortune and retiredto „Chicago,
where his wife and two beautiful
daughters took to the extravagant'
ways Of ;high society, much to. the -
vexation and distress of the old. gent-.
!Milan :who didn't take to "scieiety's",
ways, ;arid didn't like to See his .mon-
ey going that way. There were 'big
family yows over costly social eeent§
the .vain ?nether and ambitious dau-
ghters leading the old farmer A thor-
-andehavinge-little-euee faie
him except as a soured of revenue.
The coachman;and- the .butler
ing double parte; made love to the!
daughteri and to' the maid, , so the
entanglements were numerous.
Mrs: Geo. Smith and Miss Lilliap
Mitchell gave .• a piano duet Mr. 'W.
'Cele sang solo, and a number of
girls contributed,a chorus.
Henry Carter, 9th Con., Huron
Township, died on Sunday
last, fol-
lowing Several moths' rllness, due to
cancer,' Mr. carter was •58•years and
Montiiii of age. He leeves a'widow,
six daughters :and two ,soni..I1e was
an uncle of Messrs. John; peter and,
Henry Carter of .I;iichnoW. The dau-
ghters are Mrs. Robert Strathdee,
Misses Sara, Mary, Violet,' Arvella
• and R,ebecce. The sons are: IVIeSerse
'John and" Peter Carter; The funeral
was on „Wednesday afternoon • to Kin-
cardine Ceinetery. Service was held
in St Andrew's 'United Church; Rip-;
got t
It sw
a sec
#11.9s asc.1
at a dealer in an outside town
about Lucknow Flour:, eyett'ee
he hest lasti4y1.fioni. 4n; 'CiOintin:'
ept Otir town!, ' The reinetk Was
in 'connection 'With 'w • repeat,
Oknote LO.O.F. 'Lodge Will hold
lie eveniag th their Lodge Room
en oveilit;tsy oeiihyreaciliiiittvg;40:10m*otlitissidamyeveikor.mit?indc,{144.;
, ,
, .
. •
Pek...4,10 Opposed
to bo & holiday, and so it was, sO far
as 7'Ognlo`'buelnf#8.':ocOUpntions, .are,
concerned; But wee alsc
flite,and, if net eVeliebody„ at least' a
.nuijorety -of 7f011t ..were out : with rake
:and lthe and spade, clearing, Away the-
Av.i.il.tOr'014.cdTA410:001: of eithhiehe and;
raking- the ,dead grass and .Jeaves
from the Jaen*. 44, 0:these: were horn:„
ed in ..•soore,,-.of;lionfires- .."
• AsHpumo NOTES
• ••
Miss Elleda Irivin of Toronto, is
spending a -few days With her pa*
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Irevire of
near Luchnow. • e
' Mr, and Mrs.',Tern Moore, Mrs.
-Mac. Rosie and. Mese _McCekegore.--o
Whitechurch, visited with ` friends in
Lochalsh during, the week.
. ,
Mr. and Mrs. of Seaforth,
spent the holiday " With Mr. 'end Mrs.
Melvin. Reynard of „. Paramount 4.. •
Miss .,Marguerite McLennan ,of
'Windsor,is visiting at her homein
Laurier.. •
; Miss 'Annie Ketchabuw of Clinton,
isspendingthe -Edstee holidays un-
det, the parental roof,at!':,?.„4:eaereent..•
• Mr. Graham MeNeY" Of Londoe, is
spending :the holidays with :his per -
elite,' Mr. and Mrs. P. R. .McNay Of
Paramount. \
Mrselamieson from the ;West; has:
been ',hating with !het. father, Mr
Duncan Finlaysoa of Lochalsh, who.
.has not been enjoying good health.
Dr: and Mrs. A. E. .Barnby and
children Motored up from Hamilton
and %OF:it 'Sunday • at the Dr.'s old
home in Lathier': • '
• Will MeKenziaof Toronto,imspend.
ing his Easter vacation with his Un-
cle, Mr. John Cowan .of Hemlock City!
' Meiiiirie john: McKenzie and . Fred
IVIcGiegtir of ••-Kintail, left for Hal -
kirk, Alta, •last,'weelt,, Where ,. they
-4.ilr'spend •Ii . few 'Months. '
The following teachers and •:. stilt -
dente. are spending- theie . Easter va-
cation at their respective homes- ,I.n.
Ashfleld--Xiesee Margaret' McLen-
nan of Toronto; Salina , Grant of Dun
dent; Anna, BeSsie. and: Jpabel. 114;:
...Kenzie of 4Orarito; Bessie. 'Grant ;b1',
Colborne; Annie MacDonald of Dun-
lop; ' and Messrs : Charlie McGregor
of Waterloo, and ,Harey. West', who is.
attending -.Stratford Noretele: '.•
On Sunday the hseuS"e' of. Michael
O'Reilly of Kintaile`was 'destroyed by
fire; ,caused ; by i 'spark • from the
.chiinney.„ Mr. ' and Mrs. , O'Reilly
were at stepper when . ohis • of their
neighbers, rushed. in *end-. sinfarined
thein that their house :Was On - fire.
They. Managed' to save everything ex-
cept' the: furniture of . one bedrooM.
This. leaves Mr. and Mem . O'Reilly
rather badly oil as eveeybOdyknews.
what thelUilding'Ot,.;a: new house on
short notice, reeees :now -a -days.
, On Friday,. April i5th, , a .very
peasant afternoon'.waS spent at the
home of Mies. Lyia Richards, whep
Mips Hazel RaYnatde prier to hei
marriage; was guest of honor at 21
. her gize Mends, To the 'strains . of
:Lohdn'griii'e Bridal March, prayed by
Miss ..Verna naMilion;little' jean
ReYnard• nd Raymond , Richards
brought in a .
filled with gifts, eadh giftebearingea
gaily decerated *ego*
litimerpus rheine which caused enich
amusement. The afternoon was spent
in games :and contests, at the close
-of which the ,hostess served ,a'daintY
lunch. ' '
Death of Frank' Scat
- The death :of Mee Frei* Scott of
:the lIth Can., which octurred on •84i-
erdaY last Carrie as a great shock to
many throughout the, township .rovhere
the ScOtt family have been Widely
and favorably known for many years.
Mt. Scott 'was in his 66th year and
to all appearance had nitiny years 01
health .and strength' still .before him
when less than ' two weeks ago he
developed pnetimoilia under which ho
'steadily , lost, strength': :f. Since the
death : of his ...wife six years ago Ur.
Scott and two sons con6lued to lixe
on their farm. John i got Married last
-winter and: inOved to %Vest Wawa -
nosh leaving,'Rebert,,a;led ,01'16..Witlf
his father: Ile ,ik'surviveld. also by
one :daughter, Mrs. kiteKenzie Webb,
of Waw.anosh. The deeeased,, was 'al
SOW 4 the late Frank Seoftylene :el
the early settlers ,, of the towiish p.
He is ''snrOved by four brothers and
nee ' eistmee Bill,„ in Allierte;_ Joe, in
Fargo, N. tiikrofiii -Peter in Minot,
S. Dakota; John in Portland; Orekuri,
The: sister, is Mrs. John N4 braelCen!
iie, of 1110104 The .ftineral on Tuts'.
day afternoon to,' Orsenhill eeinfOr$
*Me very lute* Otonciot.
, „
.April 22 & 23..
•re Bebe Daniels in
April 26 .eig 27
-,With, Serial & Comedy
Watch"for date for Harold
Lloyd In
Hundreds of shippers
4 know this from.expee-
' lance. A trial ship.
. ment will convince you.
i'ainAnts... Made Daily
, West Toronto
. ,
Inoculation or Legumes not
only. aids in getting a catch, but
improves the soil.
. •
. Farmers, should appreciate,
more <the importance of inocieat-
ing the seed of legumes, such as
Alfalfa' and Redlover
The Agricultural Colleges and
Experimental Farms are -highly
recominending the simple process
of treatment; and when writing
on thesubject entitle their arti-
cles, "Seed Insurance."
Nitro Culture, with . full
struetjons to apply, on hand.
See our Peel<Ca•Ontario Vale -
gated Alfalfa and other, seeds be-
fore buying. ' We carry a" full
line of everything ,in seeds. -A.
, ' •
'Visiting the .eiek and aged alone
lest weekmeantSome sixty, iniles of
but thanks to 'good raids
'lad the ear, it :meant no hardship .to
the. easter... The, ear is the preacher's
friend; there is nodoubt about it, on'
an extensive circuit
Does 'anybody remember a' finer
Easter' • It was Such a glorious sun-
shine; , and balmy • air, ", the Church
&mks, could stand open and the win,
dows yield be.. down. The. Easter
hyrims went geed and- the. ' Baste:
mesiage seemed to it the bright glail
4-11'e W.M.S: had their annual opee:
Meeting 'On Monday evening...lest in
the, Zion: Church: e The attendaage,
while fair, was not What'was expect-,
-ed. The very fine ...Seeding • weather
making, the busiest Of conditiene on
'theforth,: doubtleie mi Mated ea Frei nst
many being ,preSent. The event of the
•evening as a splendid . informing
and itispiring'addreee from tbel Rev
who until
recently was a MfAsionbry in "China.
• The , Sunday 8chopl, at Hackett's
'misses very milchthe presence ), of
Mr, Sam Sherwood, while he is •kep.e
at home ;following his rdeent Sickness,.
through accident Weiholie he may be
Well enough to be around soon..
, -It is nice to see everybody on ime
at Church, but it is not ak4TYs poesi-
ble. And late coineee are always* wel.e
come. We noticed ,ene young man
coming ni rather late .to one 'saevice
lastgebbatli, who very, neat' . Church
time, with away ectese a field carry
ing two newly born hinilis.tb, the fold
to, the •acconipaninient of the bleating
mother. His , overalls and unready
condition :did ilot suggest Church te
:those who saw him, thus: But he did
not happen to be -looking for an ee,
cuse to stay at home. God and the
.Church and sacred- custom and all
that is highest and best were calling
him, to worship. He ;mild be
late -
he wit's' •,late -but -.after '''eWe,aricj
,.lanehs were tended an cared for, he
cared' for his own soul.
„ . • •
We learn from The GlobCof a re. -
cent -date that Me. D. Andrew.
Who '"ia.-VoinPlefing the •COnirei•fii: Ag-
riculture ae, the-,i).A;e.i.hats,,been a-
warded the yleinotiM Scholarship,
presented- enntially- to the senior sti1-'
dent; who during his toutse had 'done
neon <for the ..petmanent geed .of the
student is understood that
UPOn graduation, Ur. Andrew' will be
*appointed Agrioniture; ropyosiintstiv.
14.110.#4 000% • ti
:71figiedients, .11eittliful and nutritious
We arepow,,rnakmg ,HaViS--The Noted jiealth• .
Bread,,hich-offerS the greatest advantage '
, to those suffering from:indigestion, etc'.
. .
jeity,,•;fteiolsea BuBonsn Boo. ch:Coteeal PlascL.,sconesOatinear,,Cocooirkelees.6te4;
'. Lem,' Meringue Pies Chocolate Marshmallow Cake
Phono 36 " Lucknow
Lucknow, Ont,
• SUIT?: IF . NOT;
;OUR A-$ S •
. • , • ,
. ,
MORE • HATS •-e:
PROPEIILy buirur
House -Cleaning season"
' • ..
. • ,
here, calling for all kinds
of house furnishings You
are invited to visit thisde-
partment It is full,
service and satisfaction
Having purchased the Garage
and Machine Shop formerly conducted
by V. Durnin I am in a position tod o
all JEindsLoL automobile -a -n -d -machine -
repairing Experienced mechanic i n
Orders taken for ,Parts of all
makes of cars, Prices reasonable. Tires
• always on hand.
Supertest and High Test Gaso-
line, Cylinder Oils and Coal Oil.
Leslie Harris, ,
• Armistrong-In loving memory o
our darling Beatrice" E, only .daugh
tor .of Mr. add Mrs; A. J. _Arinetrone
London, ()ht., who missed 'away Aeri
r•18the,e924; ageit2 Years',
'Jett n though t 01ourdear loved one
,Just • a memory fend and true,
;Teat a token. of ,affection,
That our hearts still ache foryou
• elefieren hole our little
Who Upon this earth did tean-i
God :found' our little darling
And the angels took her ,hoilia •
Could we ho be*. from heaven
OiitY jeng,:.enbugh: AO: SaY, ,
cannot live o, ereetti Without You
Take ns darling, , lead the way?
-sadly; ,inissed,by, her -parents' and
..levnig"•IneMOrr of our
tah,ar, 5.. -"'
. ,
dear little min :Elinet.','-who died A_prii
15, 1924, ago 1, year o' inentliS and ll
, ISI• .
• • ,et •
Oniy to ua hett thee lent
„ $14, 000.44 110$41i
God soon iecalled the flower lie, eent,
;jAnd left us weeinng here. •
Sweet little•flower <nipped in the bud,
< No -grief or, sorrow knew,- ,
Jutcamtoearth t ivin our loveAnd then 'to Heaven withdrew. '
An aneql took away our .flower,
But we should .n Mend our sorrowS,
Since Jestle in his besdne 'wears that
. flower •:,
That once was, ours. ,
, ,$adlymissed by hia'-'11Taiiinati.and'
Daddy. • ,
Tenders Will, he received by :the un- .
dersigpeci tee to 12 • o'clock, neon, on
:Tuesday the. Third day of May next
for -•the eoh§tetictionof e cement
Concrete sidewalk int the south Side
of Rose Street, between Outrani St.
and Havelock` St.; in the Village :0#
• The lowest .or any tender not nec.
esiarily seeepted,-Aseph Ape*,
moot, ;44c1cnow4 -