HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-04-07, Page 7,
• 1 • . •44...;.;,4111.• rie 041
7 •
4 •••••,..,..",-,
Plays,P11,.,no at,104.,- • •
• Mrs, :Eleanor ,c'oa tes- Weak
, the piano at the age of
'AOC'Sliergelgated her hirtlida* the
ofilier 'dal,' 'Ors. l'Yttlen's .110ine ad,
iota°, ;Eleitaringfiarn,. arta the 'ICing and.
-QUO= OrilnlAcallY PaY'ller viit.,
P41711 ,fdairde s la:ast y. -
41,4 ast appeaianc on t4if
.1144/4f, la TAAP,he.d: at MA.
teendon,Will le a
4*.irgOlatnient to .bis'iktinirers .10
, Oyer theliOnntry*,, 4tit he ltaa deibtitei
:(1Colii°61 niet'"td'aet •Iuact
aftertoIipornfged to taltothaIend-
,,, ringpartfn thle',plaY he Well th. draw
- :tend -tO, be Man •ot. forty, and •ho.•liad
duLIte.iva.,a2tOp old, lie said,. to pre.
d that ,he •Cain6".b.ack,,,Itadi was
" e0,17 Wfteo, tilt.ifr 043i,, 481. eilleo We;
7111: relfre•t4,tlie•conntry. • ,
hest striry he teits! 014'1-
cerne Ootantand Perfornianee
Mr.. Maude retired It his.
drg•ropm: the 4 King came' :with
him. imagine Mr, Mathle's einbarrasS-
•paraiit, when, without, tnitting round, his.
•• valet, bearing fits " step,' Called out:
• gov'nor, has hemede Ydli a Peer
Sai061 by a
Sir, Ernsiey parr, the editor•and
part -proprietor Of "The News: r he
Work]," :a kevettled that a; clergyman
onto. called Upon hirri and Put the sur7
prising nifestlen, "Sir,des the heroine
of. your Serial die?"," addt
the serial In your paper, and She be-
- Neves her pomplaint 1 the'same as
, that tronl . which your. heroine:sufiers.
it iaOso:preyod. upon ,lior Mind that t
miceontint.ea, if your herohie 4,fes I he
effect uincin rny, daughter war he fatal?'
• -Regretfully the .editer. liad to con-
0 114 A I • p
• • .
fess that 'aeeording-te the manusCript
the heroine aliana d 0, "For,fleaven's
sake Igt holy nye:1j Cried theidistratted
father, ",She. Is 0,11., So the,
Concluding ,nhepters Were recast,..the.
, heroine , Was permitted to ahd,
later, SIr -X3InaltV received. 4.1ettO, t.;e
tWtlie.olergyiniuntif diatighter'#a&-rey
coveredl ee,44 attrilinting that hapir4.
• • ,• •
'eteri; • '
: • • ,
A Ciitlourr Compliment.,
, Ifere is a good story of Mri-ThOinae,
which the great author )e, said
t40, tflecil. •,ThanCiellet
happened 'iti,'notiee a ldok. ,In t' little,
Viliag.a ;shop' 'livhich he 'wished to 'buy:
tweed Snit
. ,
wisied. the. show° W.,ne r..: ;When "4tirdy
deiced tlie,•-•priee,.,ghepene0to 011, ho
III,a PleitSitte••te • Man
Il•kelen Again lriberes ia•-eitett
- flaldwln,. the ,WIfe
PreM[ei,Idoes t
her dniy:. Afker a epeech at'Oeckliain:
thd other clat-:-S., SPeech in whiehAeo.,
defended rilme Mtere against
tfiese Who are apt to,:.Pech 'em-slie •
a.,coineldene6 oa, the, following
,moraing a factions mot:Hear etitdent "
tocure peoplesuffering from .. • -
"hand-sliaMe"7. ••• :' •PeACE• BRIDGEw.ILI... LINK NATION.8
• ......................................
„ Hitherto I.have heard it °ailed hand - The, , :aboire photograph of, the Vehin-
Shakefti,d, and it -is really'.a very trou-. ular Peace; bridge wee taken from the
bleadnie cemplaint, belonging to the Oana.dran .shore; looking towards
On Jts
knee, and ' (Abel. •Coniaints that can. Iterminfil wilrbp on. the ,groutitr oh
be -traced to, a definite , Pursuit- The 'Which ,was fought the. battle of Fort,
Palace of Wales suffered 'from badly Ene, M Abe War ,itC 18-12, On the
on his last tear. Mr. Lloyd George and
he'lllarl of: Oxford and Asquith And: ,have
American aide the terminal wlithMi
landltince occu,pied-. by the buitifingi
of Port porter . This bride°
• ..will„,.he,,,Open4o,qtralfic,.,„-about,,,theLfirst:
of .lune, althelagli Cala 'were actually
driven over it last $aprday. It was
built by• the Buffalo and Fort Erie
Public Bridge Co., • of which
A. Illdkart• is the • vice-Prasident and
Edward P. Luker is the chief, , engin.
Wales and,PreSidnt Coolidge eWill for-
- • •
malty onen , the • bridge In August of
this wear. •• • •
betli been' laid. up with -i, t. Mr. .The: Table Game.,.
'Bernard Shaw has .deeitled never to • Th. object of this game is .to teach
risk it again. .; • the children to set the table Ceireei" .
, for a meal., A teacher said recently`
: that she ' was ahnost grown up be-
Mei*, andthe Thirong: fore:she knew, en which side the inate
Ways Of CiOyingBabi., .‘
The :A.Slatie Indian ..Won.ran tarries
her • infant in':a blanket' hanging' in.
front somewhat „help* the waist ;% the
neiwatosei woman, with ' the
. .
_iietridejow".4lown-41,,per-her-lef.t Alp
. „ . • -. , •
and lier•left arra euPporbing its
The. Egyptian. WOmun carries hers in,
:statell Manner; -the; child' slitting
, .
aitylde her Shoulder, with' its' ,hands
Won .fier' bead, tdwIthot any cloth -
Ink to sneak- •• ", •:.
.•:., . The lifrazilian weinan carifea1ers 1
:.a soniewthat. similar, mariner, also ..1
" full ulidress, •tit,eitting astride he
neck; Oho Qhineaeibabyis Carrie1. up
• right alien:life haeibin a hlaiikeieen
• the South African in abagin froti
' fdrrned by.a blanket about .the hips o
A thousand men filed in by, day homesthekn.aZheheiare
APo thousand men ter Withaiaeehheoi.pr'Pa•Yaiii;d. *the table and clear,. it away, and .they
drean, . , • might as well learn-the.,graceful and
And in" the tine a yotith (who said: iTig Threugh a game is such that
• • ."`Wha. h a. 't•
o a
• '
simp e an e a orate ways of setting
the' table. 1-?ossibly•the children mar
find -a -few artieles Oii•:table
rangcrnent, or they maY be -encour-if
aged to tell- of any beautifill Party'
tales they haver seen. ; ' • • . • ,•••
• A. Canadian Lanaseiipe Rutts,
' Illinois, 'I
1••,was able to pUrchase a very tharryt
hoeked that is thenight 'to t
.1$0,.ever1.00. years. o/d. • it was. made
'CA*44 and the design Shows the
•This ' game may be varied to th
holidays by hoing tho.. thlidi*tn...pl_.-ne,..,Qstil,:.,1;1,,etivjeric.de :River, ..the.:,.keights' of
to.. reffreeent. :the ..Thai?ItSgiving and- the Lookout Tower on the
:Olfristaia.s 'table 'and :othera • tOWn Of :Levia.• •
aad: nearer Side of theriver.' Where is now
of .6:11k:..tabe-service which stand for
gave the Maker a. chance for. inter.-
aleatneas., .conVenience • end .• beanty
Niagara's Big Voice4
All the vv,ay, ' 1 had •ieinembered
the , tales of the "road a the water,
and now it can be heard for mile,s,
but what i beard was only the- t •
and even when I stood in: Niags-Ta,
within ..,..fi.V.0.: hundred.' yards of the
Anieri-Can fall, .T• hardly -.beard it;
:what, .1 heard *as: thea"!rapfdiLaboye
the.:414' •Whielb ere pictut'eSque, •awl
: beautiful; . ih, 'spite • of the % ice, Yet
• Perhalis .PoP4g °At 9P,,,,,t,.th.(3_, way -..il
Abe-inagnifleent-Senft, A PO 'are -,11••
,T141ond a, *lid gx.yifig 3'.4 ' rather
clear' greenish water much brOlcen
by falling and bk reckS And 3V the,
big QOat, Island, in the Middle •o the
fal10:.. ;" ,. , , i' , * •"'„'".' ''''' .
I Wandered 'down the 't3tOim and,
,quite soon -saw the , edge, With the
water •gOing oireetheedgef and. noth-1
ing. .4heyend , the edge except the
Canadian shOre four :hundred 7.arcl,s
awaSt; , ;lust tit tile • edge the *get
greelled" And 1 ''cY ' yer7 1 :feet ; 1°0 '
, litA
1014,iteo,,IIKA.3.01.,_.e—the-4"--rail."1Y-Y-Tt e
1?TinIC, 1 ,anifrfne i. ' canie within, iten
yards -(going in -, he direction Of \ the
stream) X heard !the I fill'alig 'Veleei
and - then, *hen I looked over the
edge, it 'Was really terrific. . "
:• It is all heaped and built up beloW
-with-inOunds---anct- aktills lot -gigantic,
toe, iwili icicle teeth', in, their falVe.:
These rnininds , dome up halfway the
height of the falls, and the writhr
.goes .-troWn into the , Cbasin amOng
therti,. and ten -yards Cittcyn from the
edge it ceases to look like 'Water, but
is like teased•wopi . '.' and out of the
chasm comes.- a "amok°• ef , Wa.tet
Of Water and and ' this rises . and flies
about,. OVerbead and ,.everyWhere,and
fills,the air- with dropsi, end; falls on
the . trees ,and freezes three •inches,
- crosseniv to Canada, and wan-
ered . on Could rie,e. the Horse-
hoe. I suppose •the :gorge is some
wo hundred feet, deep or More, and
his vast' bulk of water -topples 'into
t arid conies, up again in a mist_ muCh
4a.r. e ie, wee s.. and not asbestres-sed by rueansi of er9e9°rectieciffnettisP-on .W:tehe-eewatethzie,,
• • in such .a throag,., &IA any ,„th : • "` bright tir4nFi too, the .sails.. Of the boat. on
Whether or not I labor ,well
is gapie
• the:. river, the delicate tones of the
,., Choose .one child to be • the plate •
and ask. him to talce his stand in tile tanada.4N• ow Fourth Greatest •
'Yet- tiler is' • • front of- the 6 •
e r a 'at, roo Th I t() th •
h. That one e it enters by the gat**.
a •Although 'tis 'Mingled ;With tho,thteng
F The news Of .it".4.Passed along,' •
A Workman sees a .willing bolt- •
:1,ind talks. about lars • tin& With joy,,
t;'.A fOrernan hears the ward ind seeks,
r Of Wheui,andther.:'spealts: ,
So Op. the line the. news, le :Paesed,
•Aaici te the, Chief it .00mes', jast.
A Willing: ear; to Praise he tends; 7 '
Then for that egger. boy 'he sends
,And.ogiVefi ;littler taske to .do.
To learn' if all.,that's said 'hi, trite.
'Among:the ,throng the.lad is one .
keepa a Watchful eYe unon.
: • •
Th 'toW Or 7/4/91111. Carr1bers P8
. ,
b3.',i..s.wingink. it ,in 'a, 'blanket evei
.•.; .(ne• phOirlder: u Pon.,tter. Leek;
Northern'Atistrian. carries:•tets•,.bound
npOrt a....liciard;Crter the4tylei of .candY;.,
• nikidels .conf,ectIonary.storni.:-„ „
.Litpland .habY is , carrieein :a
eledge-shaPped cot, . Made of l'ea.ther.
. SeeniSs.,to have .be .cbiielted.. la;.'fee
•• fore:Most,: and '.hen a• fraino ever
• the ,oPening.',.ket, fir.; face, 'Whether to
'isreyeat it troni trawling Out or' te keeti
' '4.60 froni.hisaing. it, is nfore.,thaii
can he "itiitiginel
•jpfi tho EsqUiin.atpc 'Woolen; Whb.virears.
-Ili‘gbc.f•oic boots, 'end the
:baby; right -end, foretaost,/ deWn in the
•- .-outsidn,e.tenc, etilliern,d 'doubtless
•.:owriyitrgli:erconitinorird heating -tit -exit
•...silo in the ether. ; The Is,r411.4.Anieri4-.an
carries, her, papooae sti.•fiPPe,d
'.'tO Peard, and that Stra.PPed iipon 'her
back by.a band over tie forehead.: •
Petty Pride.
•-Ronnie *was once, iraveling in Scot.
•' land' in a' stagecoach. The. AftIetreo
brolce:near a. blacksmith's and the son I
• of Vulcan -Pelts Out, Rennie.. himself0 lit the fire 'and Wel'ded the !
.. ,
Tee. n
Style. •• ', •
' 'His fellow -passengers, whohadheen
vepy commiunicative and friendly dur7;
fug. the earlier ipnri. :of °the .jeutne?,
• • -nOw7 bocathe, very reeerved,. and • 'tile,
6respeetablee" espeCially held theta.
• setves. alOof froui. the man Who Jiads�
• Alearly, 'reirefaied. his:calling by- the
Manner Which he Mended the "
Arrived, at their joiirtieVs. end: for
tii.r.day. die traveler's Separated,. Mr.',
thie .proceeclIng onward. to
cOh, . 'youngster, . Walking , wltlith
:• '• •
Although ;the road seeina. long
.I3eMember."that it lies.. With , you •
To_ say, ,what 'kind . of, work...you'll dfio
-Tryon areonaffinarehigffalf; •
The chief wilineveir'knoWlyon're'thet
...But if yeti'.ve
Tho chief ;wilt, quickly shnd it lent:
.Etlgar A. Gues
. ...
1.1J0 :Please
),hou please," said the :Weather
Cock, to lhe Wind,
somth. there M each ory:4:iut agains
the'cOtki; 'that they'll phi
me (.14-4-n, if•T iirtep'mtich, longer in nth{
north quartet.. ' •
. SO. the ',Wind 'blew, ..fronl ',the .oiTh
and the gun wee inasterof.the'dakcand
, ,
rain fell ahundaiatly. ,„.
"Oh; .please.to then.,Me. ,frprn the
'nenth!" . • said. the weathercock tti 'the
higher than the fall,: and .floats
around eVerwhere not like Mist id
much. as: escaping .steam, and '
among it. are; great: noble sea -eagles,,
and naderneath.is aitiTast, klacier bulk
icg., with rifts of bedeviled Water,;'
an,c1 a • whirlpool. going round' and
roUnd.. . . • • •• •
• The fall itself is ,not -ensi to de -
p a en . s ra e c ear greenish
oppo ite, shore a th b
. • . •scribe• It • th I
, and rilliancy. of
• 'thing y the ;olden, glo* topping the heights
. • • water, and 'it iS quite quiet!, Et 'very
deep •'ust,before' the fall and it :riseq
chooses the knife and fork.. The chil- .Tea
, Aron Who represent thqe Must go ,ect ". 'Ea.ch, ban t.i.tdia.; .dri;.iin: -0,;; ii.,..• •goni. lined in
h4o,use ;near the tower is out. ' • '
their propei- .places, o'lir 7to.thn . right, pouncla a tea .Per . year, ..Or a t'cally ' "
n '.. __ border. • A red. flag. *Waves from .the s.;.',.ever• the,. lip ,alriffiet like
Me ; in_ black and there is, a Week tPl.d g"
other to the left, of the plate.. If five:times as Much as our metaIi. and then .Seems to see what .it
. they :make a iniStake, others may be ..0? -431/1s., ..tc,. lei wan
top of. the tewer And ' bit ""4 ••••.:1:' IS . 4"Ig' ' and ace!'" tl::' .4'y ' ...6" get'
the:.. s'e.'14hing.‘ o! 1.1' . Great
at the ..:f00t"..`sirggesta • ea• flower back, beck' 9:nd ceases to be
chosen. -. ' ' ' -, • • mit in : (ine1 d• ..water,.' or ariSr••••
The. ltnife • then, . says', "I:, need a• lah•d). leads the .'wOrld, in ipaiht of :COn-: The green of the 'large' tree and the thing :.like, .water, .;or ': anything :.ou
epOon.", ; , The child . 'who represents .01:41,4e . lielits, .sidi; f,, .,ine,c1,.. :earth,' but „semething : rather white
uniption. by • using 3,-parlY over 4()() g.I.4 '
the ,spoon must. go to the right •of the ! thing 7ift,;,v;i: and deyilish. arid. astonished, and one
million pounds (nearly :8% ..• p rids ' faded,:. but the whele ...
could ',watch; it "all, 'day forever, not
knife The . fork then', asks •for an:, 'pet 'capita): Then:Conies the 41ited, gestiVe of emeries •. the, ,artist, ',.ti. •
other, fork, ' which . May be the Salad ' States 'vvitlf ibo Ibi11-1,0,: but _ Y
Onl 'priinitizOworgr, Of course,-, aPpar- with awe,' perhaps, but With a, kind
entlY deigning on. butla :the scene. '°f 14814P Avith it.
or pie fork. It • is best to, jceei) the
table arrangement simple as Many
homes do .not have elaborate ,terVicei
, . The plate inay: then decide, what
eise he needi .to•complete the service.
If the child cannot do this, questions
0 shotild .be..asked of • the claSS....tO, see
who Will rernerifber that the glass
,' and the'.,bread,. and: butter. plate have
' net been ',added.... As . the children'are
seledted.,4heY-7,4.0-40 . the 'place-tbelf-Ola ea' is fl at 'arid "Unpalatable, . , •
wonlil;. occupy on the. table, 'until: the ... apartment ;in' Dea 1Vloines,. far away Even .on days when t e s
f!.,, 'most `necessary •articles have :been gio0T2L.Lw L'el'.1%, i.-wh'ich : cleterieretee ' .unleee ..t1.1*e waSVO.3.7 'in the makini.:atitt. the Oang*i 1Of it'si-r.47P-•staitilit:-.6'.',°44ai:
'etabi; :from it oilginal habitat N6'46144 particularly, strong there %,;ritav., be
a -Very. delicate 'Veg
.-,. gathered and are represented ,bY.Clill,-, 2
10,4)t eaie,d. A.:bottle of :gjnget,;..414, feet that it . is. Still ia gOod,ceMition :gratiOn When reflected ly. 01,ich an (-•437:
.dren,standingOn-Well,spaced and Cor-• :•Booil. ionies. its flavor if ojcpased t(i.,-t6 after more than 'AGO. ,Yeard, proves Ject as .a. Shavixig-tairror.,
t; rents_mi-Tig--0-sti-tity -;_t: . i.14..clict, ,,. ir .lici. ..eui.i_l_n_iliji_at.:_!.,,,1*(1_eare., NO doubt ithes., __One ..erLtWo., casee where=fireS- hive
,inore things, maY be, addeduch ae ' ' ' ' : L___. ' y : '
. 1,
9-10ths of a pun"pet-. capita. :Next with . which e • .ns I, iv_ ..,..,.., . The air IS So, mist soaked that
"einnes Auatialia with 49 milliOn; and ' e ;wool, an741e.vF:5-ve't. 7tr'n3; 'everything near, roads; 'gorge and
Canada with 86' million:- No reliable - cloths spun.' rails -IS 'caked and heaped vvith'hard,
statistici. are aV'ailAble ' for, - Chi-na ,' or tki's 6f . wili.ch # sh' rnad and 'Pe.r- •Whive2- ice :Hid this • Will' 'aeinetimes
flaps 't With •
04g.sig• Both these countries conT coloredad12.; 1 ". s °getable d3ree 'stay till' ',JulY; •the ." ' it
aurae a Itirge•,ainOtint o'f' tea, but the ,411,- • •e• bigger: '..bea-P0.--L'4°hYteIl a MarillisTielldr,11''.
Per capit,a figure,. in Very' small: .-Rdra2Anc.h.,. fn
1,Reeent:Trose:" ' ' ' • '
• great deal: More., tea ,Would be b?4.1-1iY 16. s ge, ne int°. " -
educated to, dethand fresh_ t pressieri whiely Tiow
used on thia continent : if ,the public the making of this bit ,ef human ex-
un s not
are askedfor, from the class,,:a •few the vise of tea. . 'been,. appreciated by the desceridante been stOPPed-bTlirlitst-iii-time9urvir
0.f. i:ti'14.1.ker and, showntwith,•pride been brought. to: public noticelately
the erearn and ' sugar dishes„ a .nap., .
kin and extra dishes asdesiredby her sueeessore. uri„ to this tiiiie.. It Ill• another instance, where the ,rays
, ... : correct ' - • Came te rae from the lastOnei•a• ver3r: were 'reffected ;frdin -a mirror on to a
_ sp.v6.al, of these grou6s .414y 1136, Evan the grave sad digni;ied: Brit- old lady selling; 'her popS4ss1ons ,so Tight curtain, the: 'house Was set On
,e formed :. in the: front of the rooM, ish Clvil' ervide, connnittioneri could, that With the•moneY,She Can go back fire and had a narrtrai. escape froM
' resist being 'mused. at &a answer to her home • '• 'being cOmpletely destroyed. ,
t thereby giving opportunity to those __". • g •nused • • ,.: '. . •
I who. failed to set the tabio correctly given • at a rec,eut examination. The • The crug iiistill giving pleasure, . ,Some . years. 'Ago,- too, an officer's
.ern. . question was:. : ,, •' ,, for / '',,r,,,. . about it many,• Mental 'tent was burned d • own at a 'rifle meet-
inighi be helpful to ask the `children 6r. bales of cotton• •exported from the Itomantio historic. city!' Beautifully. Shaving-milTbr on .the tent -pole• 'et'-
The•oapplicant wrote: • "1401. *None "
pers ftpd ' magazines, showing , both_ - •• •
8 dui, first . e. e
'!Give f • o ie • •ear' the numbe,r • t Q b 100 th I' re ee e rem a
•.In -connection .with the game, it • ve for an 3 . ,pic ures. ue ec, ., Years rig°. ing, e sun s • ays,
to bring pictures, cut from the pa- States'• . situated. A .bit. a .old France! -L. ting the can.vas in a 'blaze.
' fl tdf-
II, ' •
• , . __:7••••••utf-•••••..
e'whid again.. :'"Ite:potatoeS will all be •
spoiled,' and the ,corn Nyda4s dry: weath
- • 9 . •
er., alid while I ail here rain it will;
and; 'what' With the heat lied the wet
the farrnens'ney just. Mad agntnst MS,"
SO ,the wind eifteitint.tbe'west,' and
there • Caine Soft, tirYing '• breezes day
afterday. •-• ,
"Oh, dear, dear!". sal the Weather-
cock. "Here's A, Pretty to-do!..Such
evil lcoks as I get front, Oye'8 roittul
to s tie, . ,; •
me the thing eVery. Morning!' The
grass is getting parched 'Up,: quit there
is no water for the'stneelt, end what 18
to be.,
the garcleiters,Ithey,say thei•e.
won't he. , Pea, to bo seen and, the
vegetables will Wither 'Do inth
, Upon which 'the Wind grew -very
gry, and, with a 'fle-rce puff, sent , the
weal) er.c o into the -ea s .
What.',do• they Say 14 you. now?"' he
. • "
"1";v1intr tho 'Weatherceel,
"Why, everybody has, caright cola., anti
everything 'is blighted--thaeswbat
be.y. say, ,tbere isn't; a. misfon•
tune that- happens but .seinehowat
astliei• they 1.0. the east '
'"11'..ely' cried:the' wind,' "let them
xt Morning, when sitting at ,brealt-
!set with" it's: noble hest, a person Was' •
strewn le, and Proveed, to. he :one ,df,, •
Mr, 4 P.en e's" felloW-travelerel, :whose
*• confusion. at Anding the ',blacksmith"
breakfasting with rny lord , may be
igultLY imagined. ' •'
nic ',onioliore else' ; • ,
' :
ifinoWinaii-L'Itere's where ,,I.proli,eite-
o ,00 )044,4 •p.t.t,ii. next ,winter!'" •
d" en tat, I See, Ws inipap..iib I for.You
"nd 6'1 1TierizO gveryhOdy: • 80; ,in
utu rot. S1Wit era •H'St;
on shall go wilero you illcc, without
siting any • go,
„i den't -know
Att. that We -shall eel.] afY 'marc `NVo
all 46 ii;ONV-, .811 Our enii8itiirrli-
dioeit kin for.41•Years.
The clock which Charles v., of 1
Wawa, to 4,ymatruciod
ha* palace ran for, pl years.
• r,
, Both Are clieslrahle:;
• GrOfiter ItSefulness and ijat a long
He should beinAli'S;aim, n'healitt ex-,
ort in s neVertheleSS.,,tite impulse,
11 seine Men'f't p strive' tor
Even. a• glass ho -WI or bottle filled
-With wateroney sometimes a
burning -glass. 1.The wise ' hou sewi fe
Will leave ,nothing about that is likely -
to catch .and rennet the. sun's rays
in 'this Manner. • ••
'HomemadeFlower S "uppor"t
.NOt,hing, ie „less' .dectirative. than a
bouquet in Which, till. the floWers , are
wedged tightly together �r stand in
a stift„ angular, fashion. • • .
' The flower supports- sold in the
stores and intended tosit in bowls,
often • hold the finivers foe rigidly, A,
contrivance ,that.works- better. end is
:homemade; is a roUnd piee eut from
• wide-chicks•1:rcrdewiliae. gol\ohd4, foll.r4eilthlier(iptinurar
pose. ;With ,cut the piece out.
a little1er ger t h ti the.bowl ,iii which
it. is td7he used. Then "hend delve the
'ilceet.to%fi tollei
top of tho• bowl as. Yon wish, this de-
Petaiiiig oh 'the lieight ,Of,, the bOWI
ansi the ',kind of flewers. ti$5ed. with
this' Wire 'support: the Powers ;can he
fo- • make' `ii"tioeSe'''an a.. i'etty
grai,ertil liouatiet,
• •
goner Via's *safe. - .t1
lTh !s story•iti 1..01.0;;Ot aNeiy: Paiglitiat
d giy .who s
for .1' ri• it aS • tor ' his:learning, :ITO
NS:11'r; "C'1,1111illii'. (19'Wn 010 ley siepS.O•i. 11s
opyr•tiltonsd onc.• January day When. he
siJirpt-i. ,T -in a, rolled down to . the
of. the' steps. • • -
A T(T-17. AN",110 IsnOw 1111111111mo-
to his itt'sistamee atid A 116, Itplped,lilni
Ili' Iths rine 8;114 SOlieftritraIy; "ittist
• ymir is riot .1,ittrt.?"
The. jittlge's 'aye's twinkled. . "My.
hoimi• is tmt htt at, all, ,thank
to D.oplieci, "litit'nry.-elhoWs •and
tire sCrapS'il, I think."
. • .
In Addiiiqn to `Beaxitiftd, Lakes.
• Waterfalls and Clensi-rThere.
Are Mariy-Historic Citi
ts.i''.Eic,0140,t.ilt ttlip.da..fl,iix..;,-,.404.0 .orp, p!,611.6. .; 34. ,,il!;.',..{')
,rilaiTov.:,0.2..417.13e:itoi7;.toliti:.yoxecilt10.4k,;'10:44:it.:.11troort:071, 4.110:
..„ .6g. ''114.147,.. BeWr ':' -ihivois. h ,.'th:14.2NTC`o-. -
'sear ..antl .-th " , alltidentait,, ' tip , te • i
...w...(,:41i .0414 rt,:? isl; riitetilipt.o.. .Fl_b_zrikHlerri.
,;.31v9r;ne:Sffi.- •'. '. . ''', . '•• 1. ' ' '
;hi 1.. C. ,, , Fthe. a!rsti'l .'4,e:'eftlee, anikt,
.tov*itl-Pr pahhi.. Oh; '..stitiltilt ' 1,07.t.hti•
pluntries fna..1,4,b. tope, . the ;sten* Of
Whieh,,faund expreseion in tin., WaVer,.,--
sOlIclica4b1,O4nere'''UsntiPMall \ 7thi.aqi.'1•116i6nenitit114}4411;. '
ley ridvale and Robert I.4entia.- §terphen-, '
7'•:F,•dlii.4i)nf6;Tu,t*f3e4''Ph'rt.14*a'''•H-''ea..9- rt • of • the Mid,','
tothian,'' 41e.deeeiated... with the most• :
striking events in Seettish' history; It
_ „ . , . . , .
i* one of. the . Meat ifeAi,oartil cio0,0 .tik, .. .
h4dilltrad'es": • .11-onidkr.. °36011dta: l'fallitlieelhe4Onnytellinslitbtlhrice. ,.
apartments'. of.Mary ;Queen of. Scots, .
aLid...inoy..:reAco. ot..-t,h93,1mtortunikte
-743:A%:titing,g,..t„4.0.7:iliere—s,t,:ingdelt,iiiI44e .r the, •
POw..11 • Jewe,ls' ef, stotiand,' with.L.the
of .Jiilins IL'ana the aricientheryl, •"itte •
ri,osin:ecl. ;EligraPi14:tbIti:Irg.iit..ai.tto'7, ,leinigroo,aina.h4.4.0ilt.ailre,.iii
:tarn. This. takes A full day' by auto;L::,• '
•niobile-ancl ineludesi'Lauder and Earis.:.
. . . .. . . .., -
tot, IVIe'irose and .Dryhtir.gli. 'Abbeys,- .
'A bbettford 24Ouse,,.ete.; :returnine. via.;'
Galas.hiels' and StOW:. to Ealaintrth.
, . ,. . • . , . .,
• ..Glea,goW, industrial Centre; ,: •
(BasgeW IS the...inandtriaLeentre.,of
..c.!ir 'idl 7.' Vie ',.etionti 'cit - (it .!: reet
:Brit—id"-third in. the einpite.. 'The
t'streeti, °are 'full.: ef .fiterer n'd ..hie-'
,tdriCal asap-diet:toils...-.
•' ••One'dayiney he 'devOted to a viSit.'tii
-.13iiins's ,colintri 'Via - the 61e8Ft.. :tr4WY"'„'
is "a beautiful ride. and,--:ineltules.:triany:','
imunicipAlitlet intlietiln,Of.10 Miles...,
...The 'tioSsa6ho exelirdien' also Mar..; :
). i.i. ne'•trillIrtiocliniciil'e;GbitYahs:ge;twile7ee xcillPe.IS14i)ifitririn4 sh.' 71.maialer.: h t). '. .
..de to the ' Firth of Clyde and the
great. ,Moderic shipbuilding establish
merits whieli"line the hanke,of t..44: his- '
teiit ,ICyleS ei.lhiste, tech . rytte..and the
sylvan wirallri*of the:drinan Canal• : '.
. • No Waiter. to'Scotlatid: eheidd. return '.
.heme•witheut: Making ..a:•trip: threigh:- .
the ;Trossa•clia. and "land' Of *Marrnion,'-' . ".
...°°rCri'MP4a4iiignet•ilfh"elig.pah,..daaargl:.•ci.gthr-13:1.11‘ Gre..lecrieelC43e-''', .
'don ittn, Canal. thrOugh,the three heauti-„
Ail, lakes, Leeh'Loehjr;.Lekeli: Oich and
Loch Nee. 'Every. fur„l'eng: of the 1 route . .
is. ' 4111," l'.,of :histeric ' intereet ,-arid fa'
bennded hY.niagnifieent.,. sceneit . Ult..: .
tho'. irteenier arriv,ea.•at..:,..Invernese'. '01 . ''''.
the ' ..east coast, whezieelrettrn'te,'Ed1117 ..
el.n1II!'111)..ePirtahyb. tilt hPie"afeept her:: g.•011id.t,:rp.ide6ta.lni. '....: :
:07oin, Pert:.W.illiare. nuMerous.,.exenv
'SNioevifissc_tifir,r4be 4inuairdles,t• 4s•lirlic11311.4cluatingbaleaii.:.
.4.1encoe,..Ringusie--(-ria-Iietch- .
.Pb.0,11, :Celina Ferryi,IVIallaig, NeWtort-.,
triore, ' Arise*, - In.vergarry,.., 'Speen .
. . , ., . . , , ,.
Bridge and Iiiver,ness.',„, ••• • ... ‘.
' :.inverness :'i.s., ': a'. goed:atarthig Point
for "excursions !te. the hattleflelcla ,e1„,
Quiloden .MoOrk.:' the. • Fatje of,..-Feyeri,' .. -
,Palls 'of'. Begia.and Stilatlipeffer; -Olen '-
ovtAi:filitrrircablte:wf.,d.da.,,0:7;it!d•cea,.64.. s., t..Druise.:..: F,.sin.;Tril;ati,:s7,,,c:07h0rititayn'a.,t, oa.iw:n,la..". ,...i.:. .
'Half a -day should, he. deitted to a
drive' .arthind , Aboirdeen', 'Visiting his- .
tso;'0.t,s1:fritieS .„And '•other . interesting. '..:•
• ' At the Vegetable;•Gym. 'Meet.:
• Citottinber---"WI,io. won :the lifting •
contest?,0 , • \, '
he's our chaniii
Von .stron.frlyb7l' ,
„ ,
• Betty WM:told -to ,go riglit'••to
aud Apt open hei.eyes 'Her
mother, conileg In later,: found her gaz-
ing artnincl the 'When asked ,
Ni,...11y she had ,lier eyes' 'open, she,
"Wail, I only opened to See, if'
i•hey werdshut,".. •
• •
1 . TI,16 NtesS'aV'e.:•, ..
ather (over the, phoile.).--''.*aliel, It
..nlo.C.At„,lionlo.. Can I., take ii,,i4Y ITI.0.9834 .
- -ti:ge V, .'..; - . ,•-, ... . . ' •' ' '
'Y'oxintr, gale' Voice .(nervousiY).!-,'
"r -yes. ,Inst sti'----ere-TOtrille.:-.o, ,
,--sweelty-neetitin S-, iroin .,CY:;". .
.-;'" ' hin
, . ' O 44-,.".."•:.;;.:-.:6':•.' ' •:. . , c
ftie$ or op.eeding„.... , , -..-- ...—.
, mother--,r,"MarY, (i.tid''t 't..te41...yotliiii
ii,.S'Ou.' didn't' Stop fleeing around yea
1i ' ?!'" ' Wohldit't•get any candy ' ., „. ' ,;I . railer ((smiling' in teen ..after) --4' ,
.nVily: so, quiet, ltiltiryl''' . i ' •• .
Mary -"Oh, • 1e*been 'fined ter „
speediest", ••,, . . ' '
., , .