HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-04-07, Page 4„Jar
FlIIc arr"rk'ClOt4.01140:•:1114 Wills if all,
A A. • ”
BisSiguo & 130,7- -
00111144, Rolk*,fiteei'•stone .psts alpt •Dise
.0114*,p.r1,, .0111F! ,V„e. 7.17-
VMII aitiFftee us inifOre•AirderIWV:
F.: ,HATCH*4 • AND ,alsgligrid ARE TO ,
-THE .ipplivisi *gang IN Ing 1pt1LLER ipt44.1., ism;
B*ToRs & IIRdoiTR's•
dustp4; lists nAcgisi 6Ayg THE a.,E'r
r ie o
esilln4,-PlUinbing and Elect* Wi.rin
rdwilltilaster; Girprpc 'Wallboard .
cine4 Phone .258
onunien oisks
Haa the largent "and most conipl to
atoe, k in) the most beautiful ,disigns
to/Cheese' from, in - • ,
Marble; Scotch, Swedish *lid Zan--
• Idiais Granites
• mak, a iriecialty of }lam*
Mennindsta and hivito your limpet.
linieripthrits Neatly, ,Carefully and
• • ,, ,
before pladng your Order.:
. • '
talg!tis' . R S
• Orli. 1 •
• Reaerirations are •being, steadily ye-
• Ceived for. the 'Kerr -Bryson' Tours and
• the alienable nccemodation is - 'being
rapidli &Aced un. ,, The Herr -Bryson
• ..Weseerit Which Will .travel .te
•;the Pacific --Coast • via the Canadian
National Railways, reinining .„.thrit
' the. United States,includes in its
• itinerary • the •outstnnding..ecenic
tractloiis ,of. the centinent, Edell "as
:• Jgteper. National Park, 'Mount Robson
Jiaside`Pasiage. Of the Ninth. Pad,
• .Bc Coast,:Yellowstone Nitionel Park
and, Pike's, Peek,. isentinel•tof the Col.!
• 'credo Rockies. The Keri -Bryson East-
ern Tour will Include visits to many
�f the interesting spots :which .figursed
:so Proininently in the „ntruggle be-
tWeen, France and Britain for the,
DOSsestsion of ,:the :new empire,
• real. (originally the Indian Village of
▪ •Hochelaga), 'Quebec City, with its
memories of Wolfe and Mont;
• calm ' Cape Breten Annapolis and
• 'Boston.
' If You,' wish to . make sure of your
• place in one of these tour's, you will
be. well advised t.0 make Yon res'era,
now Send for handsomely inn-
Otrate4. descriptive:bOoklet. to H. C.
• Headier, General Passenger' Agent
Canadian National Railways, ,Tordiv
to, of to Martin Kerr,•4 BeulahAve,.
;Hamilton, Or Aj E. Brystms ,44 Silver-
thotn. Ave., Toronto. .
•- (MOntreall Standard) 1,„ ' .64
• ' Among tile, entertainirig•.facts
• ited' by• 'the Tarift-Board at the -tex-,
tile enquiry. in Ottawa is this, .The
• aVerage worrian,' weeks 7fewer clothes:
• ,at a time but buYs three tinies as
-,,,Matik !rocks in,,e ',year. • lie she did ten.
• year ago. •Felner olothesbut more
• of Plena-741nd is ;the paradox., The
is practically the mire.- trade
'..hak not 'suffered., The' .eternal
• in ine costs ..husbands -father; ;hist
as MIMI% as ever. t"
• Another illuniin4ing fact is that
• the average •Wren:Ian Word eight
ponds Piethe, ten, years sgos
where she „Wear* .two and a / half
pound i now. Weight has been *Ceti
off , but. cionfort: had not been sacri.•,
It2is- a'. far cry to the: ruffs • and
stomachers . and , Crinoline and ,inione
and other eircuinyallatitina* by-
gone : ages when ..ntonlen nwaddled
their minds .als well astheir bodies.
Never"did .weman dress. as. -4itutifii1-
ly and -as sanely as she dcies
eept in •andient Athens or perhaps ill,
the French Directory' -Period', 3i/bleb
'Was 'a rovival• Of 'the •old Greek fash-
ion., The • :wide 'of today With ,it's
simple straight line". is the • -seine
thifir, only shorter at both ends. The.
‘Twentieth 'CentUry edveritag• e
th, e. old Greek a did, net, pOesesti-,-light-
ar. fabrics ind•.a richer tante of col:
oring.. Beauty and utility 'have gone
hand in hand. :
• thetextile manufacturers'. that • ten
years ago the avarage. Woininei skirts'
swept the ground.' • Today they are
Sixteen, iithes froin the dust and
erobes .of the street.-7sonietimes fur-
ther' away than that. '. •
" •
Here and There
The year 1928 iras a banner year
'ter • the British Columbia • coast
. •
steamehip service of the:Canadian
Pacific „Raiilway. 'according te CaP-
tein J. W. Troup, manager of that• '
branch- of the C.P.R. float.", Tito
"Princess Marguerite and the;
"Princess, Hathleen„" in, the tilangu.
• lar service, lnsike a fine reettid and
• the Alaskan. tourist •busineik was •
. brisk. •
• For tlia' first time in the history
• O f Alberta, alfalfa need is' being
• shipped to Denmark., This is tees,:
ted Grimm alfalfa grown by the
• Grimm Alfalfa Seed: Growers' A's-
'soclatlon, at,MrOOksrwhich,thii year
• produced ono -third of • a • Million
pounds 'of this seed. Itappears that
Danish groWers :hive exp.rfoiested
with thia /Feed in the past and have
now placed an order' for 60„000
pOunds. ' •
• ,The Novs .Scotia Fruit, Greivers'
• Assochitien..has requested the, Prov-
incial Department pf *Natural' Re.:,•
..!0appoint and send
eine a C.omtiiiiision to .enquire, int! ,...
the condition, nadir .whieli Nova .
Seeds apPles: are marketed. The
•"iniggetited personnel is, the eete-
tari of jilt) Nova Seotia Fruit
Grower.' 'Aseociation; a reinesenta-•••
: tIve of the United -Fruit •ComPanies
and the nen/1y • appointed, P-roVincial
•td is P Middl to
Wettie tut! ro
P01,141, am* thursdaT rnornln
• at -44110w. (*tank,.
Ai D. MacKewie, PoifrIeto,
Sind rAiltor
THURSDAY, APRIL, 7th, 1927
• - " THE,W4iit*.'0HOTA.,.;
. it'19'fika,'40: haugh.‘. the,. aalltbera
atiny . of •chirmi,,.knowa,alaei as the
COtOeseo ' is.' lilkely tO, :0Yerrua ths.
whole country cotintrY,;, lite' liortliein arinies
kia:,-.1a#el.rai he llifitilliiiie7r,#;411i4Tiii
'either; go over to . the enemy or, •ip-
treat without Redo*. :Having' Con-
cpterea the ',YangteO ;Valley, the • Ci • . •
tonesetiere mI
iire brig tiertiliwatd bi-
Wnrds Pekin; aid that:ancient 'capital
likelyint ke'will,..he';.surrentlered Without. a
.. ,. , , , • .
flbeing:',004.' ;f!Th'49S-..It-ici.9estO
..kraatli7iii. attee.lie. ity.T.P,.'",-keiCii:t
.*44. kuifiliS.'ilil.:4iir tilf:'!Olild , hi= '
',..hotti the 'sem, thing -T.-4 , get 'control
Of therge,verninent.
,The ' foreigners'and the. Cantoneee
IIPPear to be drawing nearer: and
•netirer to• ,Open 7 ',eattillet. $ Recently
there haii• .been tieripus, trouble •.'be;,
..tWeen• the British! Americans 'and,
' Japanese on tbe'One Side, and Chinese
•on the Other; and it; leeks as though'
events were ' approacliktg- Jai open.
'rupture. • . , . .
, There As a lot' of 'tallc About ' the,
hitiette. going, , to starve" tOe - foreign-
zei'ireii, - iii-'reftiliiiii", tii-.,Ltraile ::'," With
them -a • sort- of cut.4iff-yoUr-nose4O.
. spite -your -face policy.. • '
. . ,
• Chi one of the readyprink pages. of'
The Sentinel priest week there Was'
tlieg.:Picture ,of Colonel 'Tbomas Ed-
ward' .Lawrence,., e., British' army
cer, who. 'diarinethe Greet War, • Or-
ganize/the Arab „trilies. eihne the
Red Sea and :did some very- effective:
- ColonelLawrencef.appeate tolebe a
thcidest Man but owing le' a 'Measure
Of myttery • Surrounds, .his:.•wer
• • .
ectiVities he has come* be the subg
:Ject of gteater', notoriety' than ..he•
could possibly have ,wen, in nny, direct.
way or by any amount of self' adver-
tising. • •
• Nothing siteceedi like success, and
X.,awriiie0 having ,l'op fade was
„, . •
•inclueed to publish ,a book' giving the
.story. of • his eicperiences''alanng'the
'421f7eivpited tribesmen'f , Arabia:
The book must be even niere•Wonder-
, • •
•fu'l titan the man, for• it nakIstild at
twenty thoutiand, donate a ;Copy. On;
ly 4 copies were , printed: and of
theSe only 10 were sold to the pub
lie, and it was these 10 tlatsold at
the price stated. The • books were
sold; of course,; befere they were
printedsola t'in the •Istrength Ctir'tne
• 4. • • •
anther! lathe 11.1 I- 1,-1 I
is difficult to: .say • just What
emitted Col. 1,ii•Wrence• to 'rise to goal.,
prodigious. fame. Softie 'edmirete gave
• credit , for • the competitively
easy Success 'of General Allenby . in
hi campeign * against.. the Turks :in
paTeitine, And others' still . More ea:
thusiatitic,saY that. he Was:maid? in,
strumental in,winning' the war...
fAn American .magazine . is pehlish-
ing'. what' appears to be .. extracts
from :Lawrence's' hook, together.: with.
a let of gush about hiM..by a windy.;
Chicagnnewspaper reporter. We have
read two indelments of this stuff:
and Cannot say that' there is anything
Particularly good in style or Matter
in' them. The man 'and the :bOok
pear to he enbjects of a. peCuliar. and,
unaccountable run of sentiment, stip-;.
nleinented /by : advertising.
That., only 2 copies . of thehook should
be printed, and .only 10% ,offered for
sale wee intended "to leive.the inipres;,
Sion that it ivaa,• very exeeptional.
And that • the • possession a irsisme
is a mark' of dis.tinction.'
"Fo9usk ,THiNGS THAT. !k,
The ebeve is, the catehytitle of:lin
address. which, James R. Brown, prevt,
ident •of the Manhaiten, Single, Tax
Club of New York,has been deliVer-
nig to 4* Western 'Ontario audi-
ences. •• He 'deals. mainly • with , the
matter Of taxation from the view,
point of the followers •of Henry
George, founder Of the single toii
movement. Mr.' Brown makes so
many: good hits that. We here repro-
duce a aumniarf. Of. his• ecidrese- as it
appeared in the Opdertch paper ii fel?'
leivini• his addreSicin 'that
After expressing his eympathy with
onblie officials 'as a 'class in' 'the difli
citifies which they &wont -ter in sere' .
the.people and eip'ng- 'thaing t 1.
••:••••= • •••
nrunsoAvi, APRIL:7th 1927
for lastmseei Were to base hi pries
th vosiiss ..wbw yoselit
^ f•,••ty -•,!•24.r
rather than, u :the value of
.the Owes ithgrneeivea,' he would Anna
ne, out of IntSilless, and: perhaps - on' the
- •
..1`Yeir steed: not 'laugh at' the ,fariner
;who, hanghtT. an, . eight datclock, and
wetind it 1p. every day: for. ..twenty
• •/.!!ara, .then .4isCOOred,' itivas, an Oight
. :day .,1,0etp,i • Nor -410,•yon :nced-to 'go' to-,
the -.theatre in ',.ert/Or: to 'gat' a,' !,it.8.4::
Just eton down to titk. tax 'offiee, and
'After- YOU hav,ainadtia.ctirrongh
,iltere,,ifTypakavi Soy
You, Wiii•-go Mit' hack clf, • the city.kall
and, lanai' 'yenr head off. In our
,lreSent: aYatent: we ,cbarga'a•
• . .
for: Whet tba tOwn• does --•for him ae
cording 1 the !value Of 'nerviceil '•the
tow doe Inotendet"hun If you
4 'hense you pay vie boilder„kot
,ai;;IniTrit,ihane; topeilr'i fleH
t;." '
i• • the'most' iiiApOrtani;
ow we .ra2se
oiskiii1reVenue. hap, a. 'greater 'influence.
for'irOod or evil** human e-ociety than
,2.,nythiitg, else.. We- do individually or
collectively, it it', fhe •oinnipotent hand
.that opens. er closes the door of ellOur-
tnnitY. It can. 'give..foed.ldthe hungry,.
clothing i�. the naked, shelter. tit: the ,
outcast', er.,it Can and:does titice Oti),
arty -front the, industrions, ‘and. coin-.
torts ro the ,thrifti., •
"The power to, tax; is the supreme'
• poWer , of „the .whole people.' It ie the
• toTerehti,-y•I. is lite PeWer to
destroy. The:,right.,use. of this 'great
poWer .Malce the desert , bloom
Iik n . 'garden ; Abe. wrong.: use.. isIo
lay .waste ' the, garden like unto:. a
"w ca eltcourage industiy, help
.develnpniebt and ,atimolate • progress.
oi. we. can divas: We: now d� -punish
thrift,;,'' giVe.'• prernhim- ito idleness,
strangle, :industry',. . destroy ,progress.
and lay ',waste thenatural. Opportuni-
. .
.tles: • of leher • and •capital. The . , ,
•ortait thing about taiation is the
-incence: 'Taxes that fall' iipeti liabor
vakes re-itrict 'prothictien end.- in{
tease. the ''cost' �f living. TaieS that
faq' onlend V33111e,E1 opeiup opportuni-
ties to labor and capftsi,‘ raisewages
And interest andloWeir ground rent
• .."Kenest taxation is :payment '.I•os,
Fecial servieroadiii: sewers,. 'pollee• fire ,
PirOteetien,'"etc. 'Honesty in taxit,.,
tion requires Ilie•.Coniniunity, to charge
for. what' It' deep'. for the. citizen,. but.
not to charge the Citizen for what the
'citiZen .does for ,hiniself.: Our present
System • of taxation is simply ionfu-
.• • • , . ,
,sion itVerse confounded.. • Onr. tax lists
ate but :collection:, of gitesSes. ;from, top
• "We ,.tiab:•4he citizen 'Of '.his •priVite,
to• / •
„ . .
property .when:We.-toic labor. products
and Wa.:,rob Society,of-,$O,Cial property
when we ,f ail to,.take.i. for ::sOcial use.
:all and ..viiines. ',We.' raise': social rev-
. .
ienuel 4"'
ta1kig Ironi jirian who
show tangible ..eyidepee,that ' :he
:has ,done. something fOr. himself,
.: at thesame time we :give .millions:
• every yearof iniehil "Value to • th'ose
•. Who 'Cannot sh9w, that they have 'ren•
detedany ierviep . Whatever le, thetti,-,-
•selvee or -to societyT ,.'.
' ,,only and the tree: Measure. Of
'the ,Vellie of 'S69,ial' Presence.: and.' sea.,
'ice to to. a citizen ie the. value of. the
• Tana of 'Which hehits eXetisive posseti-
sioi/ Land •value is the value that •at7
'tactics to kind, irreepectiv,e and 'hide-
• pendent of the improvements thereon,
• and refleets;.'not pereenal-, effort: end
pi,eduction;' , but . social' .preseece. • and.
30al activities. 4.. large city with.
midden' utilities :will. 'have' .nniCh lend'
•Value. ',A eman viIage With.feW and
poor' nubile' 'utilities Will have I, little.
lend -•value. • , •, •• •.
'All; social : actiVities; ore reflected at
.Once' in increased,' Value. of» land, not
in • the increesedr,valne of ...the' buil&
'inge' or personal property prOnerty... When, for
instence,'we'ehtingefrnin: n
stire wafer, system to a, high-ntes.stite
sYsteni,.thk .10thof the 'towns Vaeinf"
ai well as .11;tprOyed; inqieitse in value
because Of, the change,' but the build,
inks „do not: ;Ili the tendeney
'would be fel'. the building's ..to
rease in value „With; the 'falling .of
Any -caustic te;nitrks he might 'have
occasion to make had no personal appli-
cation.the almalier-nsserted that in
&ve. iliouhAnd-years• no advance had
, been inade.in..methods of ,rai.eingipubly
•':'Otton towetto er the kind, f sods,"Ability to ,pay" wt. sti.
Are/nen use:
the baste, theoretically, of the si'fiettu -
• Of tax collection, No persott Wnifid
A Nvon14n otwOo., 100k* 0- t tate** to emiduFt 'a business on such
bright ilde: 61,4174irror.
`401sig..136 ;mid.. it shoo:merchant,
insurance rates- •
, "Libor Valie; is the !'ivalite-,cif some
thing". produeed.... Land* valtie, is ;: the
val.ae Of _the ''opportunity ,to produce.
We ptty to land -owner, for Perkiiisi°n
touse tilftnething. they . did not make
nor did they.,.cresatethe sake attach-
ed thereto; and when they get, land
value tot private use they \.ate gath-
ering where society sows. •
• • "A„ tax_upon-producti-inercasestbe
.cot. ,liVink.and' elf anat.:rates are
paid by the ultimate :constimei; A
tax upen, land, values tends to mike.
land cheaper, as, it will encourage the
4est, tise of land now held for speciv
WA!,eri -to -tax: land:values
fully, ,offer a 'premium to Men to
hold Vahiahle land idle,' thereby
boosting the yahte of the•lantif
end raising rent.' Vailure to tax land
VARiek•ftillY - the ;Same ,o,effeet nits
faxing labor products, it incteases.
the- dest-of-• 1 - •-• • - - • - -
"Between the upper and the nether
millstones of these' two (elites, the
people are ground. itowit.; .ptoocino
m tejegraphic advice' rec v:tmankits
o Montreal periodically co seasonal crop
1.• r•-••••••1-1••••^
These reports 'are mailed to
buginess Meni and o ers oni
• •
.1 •
r • ; • , ,
••••• go. 44. t
• 4
as *e'do throUgh, our, foolish ant! I changes in types • of fires • he been
. .
ic or, ISTad,.E6enistion, we Cause With; taina:. constantly varying .PTUPUitiOn.
,drawal :frnitt...uSe of very ;ergo areas Of new crude rubber, depending 'upon
Of vidttihle.• laud, thereby .reducing' the use of subs'atutes and new manti
.the opportunities .for the empinymenf, facturing • processes,: as well as of the
...of -tabor and .capital' . and , producing „reclamiiti\on of used inhber. The !ex,
the industrial ca!anuty known ap tent to which f' the owner- of Meter
hard limes; • ' • cars exercise care care in the: use Of tires
6aostiOg.,'13.f. 'land Valuei Olio has an imnottant influence on the
• speculationis the shutting of... the ' ConSurriptio.nanci price -of ..rubber:'
• gates. of 'nppOrtunity to labor . And 'Road imPrnYentents, tees havi•natiu...
capital. .• • • ow bernea share in increasing tire
"The curse Of the race is the Vie: 'life, while.•Changes . and improvements'
ant 'let indestry; it spreads our , cities ,in.auternoinl?1,10 constructionhave un-
•unnecessarilY 'Over' •ii.' iiSt area mak- doiibtedlyh7lBsOLmFeAisnTitu.,eniee.
Ing the cost of government artificial- •• we.--ano-o-t-e; •
ly ' And redueing. the social ser-.:,
Vice tilithe ,hr,Vest ,of efficiencY, • .74-- ' . •
Vacant (lots contribute nothing to tiny' '' Mr: and Mrs. Will lane, and family'
legitimate business; they buy no ofRiple, Visi led friencts, in the:burg
furititarc, no groceriee, clothing . nor. on Sunday.' - • ' • • ' •
any. labor tproducts, , they hitt , afford, • Aire: :Alton with he
the .ciwnerti, an ,opreitunity' .to ', get daughter; „'' Mrs'. Percy Graham' • of
'sentething for, nothing; ' ShelMataton, .,•fot •ai;fe*..deYs • last
• ;• "To tai labor valuep Or products Is week. 4 • ,
to drive away capif al,. 'and ,.to •"14,Irs. John Campbell And s.611 Dynes
oeurage • industry. besides ' increasing visited:' With WawanoSlf f,riende. on
, last -
"The pitgle: tit]; Is :the only . tax .Mrs Ralph Nixon and son Isane
:that doetir, not Viosate. the righta, of " 'visited-With:Mrs: *leek Emmerson • of
private .'ntopertY:' 'the only tax ' that. ,Kinlough," 'one day recently.. '
takes pubbc valuc for pnblic. use
the Only tax that dees, net; Pace on
the n.ne'.h. bit.tdens. , ‘• and
the ther 'hand iive unearned • • priVi-- "pent an enloyable eOvrentihniga
g • • . • : day, 'with Mr.. and 'Mts.- 'Lester. ,,
g last Fri
"Public velaa: far . :use, Pal'
,iate property for . private .enjoYnient coner, sc'ott,
Mrs W
visited' with Mrs
•tralia, as the meat beautiful. city in
i.cts.:8Ttahhieell truersepeani•kbeoaris; irfci .et'ihonestos f.s.taxation"y}:doi:y,many
aunsrsi.:.. ve'y busy these 0: ,1,1,1,vyi
the World., without the. scars ....atting.tbe, old .Langside store fittOa.
Years, he said, it -has, raisd, its reve:Mr and zted. O' Sunday last' with Mr.nnd.
nues. by e tax On land values..• •
1¼!!' wheat in this loca1it is show
• 80%i'R,• '
UBBER PRODU.CI10/i, ng up Well, and prspeete are '„for
good crep, ' • ' ;
'!‘Antomobile tires ,consUrrie fully '80
per 'cent. of the World's 'annual pro-.
duction of Crude rubber. The motor
car, therefore, is the determining lie,
tor 'in ralter„ growing and in rubber,
prices!' sityl a report repeiVed by the'
• Motot League from Everett G.. Holt,
chief of •the rubber
partment Of commerce. "Several 1de.
yelopments of recent years,. have had
'far-reaching effects on the, consunip-•
thin of, rubber" in tires. , The change
from • fabric,to cord tires, 91 course,
contributed: very much tO increased
tire life. The Change is now, in its
final Z6ge, • and the fabric tire .• will
no doubt eoon .be .ft.; relic of the . past,
Then came the switch from ,higitpres-
sure cords-: to :balloons:It was a•fi.r.st:
believed that this change 'would give
greates riding comfeit at:increased
• expense. • Experiences.' hesieVer, has
• not borne out this expectation.' The
trade no* holds ,the •balloontireas
high -or higher -in point -of Mileage
service, than the high pressUrs --terd
Provided that inflatiOn .pressures are
, maintaineda$ recornmended ]evils; • •
„ "In. tines "Of_ high prices., economy.• .
has doubtless.' influenced many:n-16ton.,
'tete bi•use,Witii• -Which; in times
ef' low' Priees,they 'would, probably ,
~have'-'ditiaarded- 'Tether than -risk-. it
Alovr.out.P• I�pient 1ti technical
'processes . et ,ribber COninotinding and
tit, • zosivitseturing, exeit!sivo • of
. Tuesday..Morning thehome ofr
Mr. and Mrs'.
toria Street, was the scene of a,Pret-
ty wedding, 'when. ,their yoUngest
danghter, Glads) was united In mar- 1
riage to:the:Rev: A. W: Barker, '
former : Imater 9f the.' Methodist
Church here and 'pastor Of the Unit.:
ed • Chareh, Brnssels. The ceremony
was performed ' by the Rev L.
Reid, B.A.', cif the United .4•,Chureit.'
The canule ',were :anittenided.
"The .Wedding -March ' wasr:Vale.4.1.!:*
1Vrisi. Leona 'McCarty. 'Only ,
°ate relatives, and friends Of the'eon-
fracting parties were present the .
'wedding. Mr. land Mrs, Barkertok
the. noon train iand ,will spend a brief
honeymoon in Thionto. The bride • '
has been' a great assistancethe.•
United . Church their,: viii1driii11.„ mils
her splendid 'services, not, on3y • in .
. chorus 'but in solo Work. A••liost \of •
ffiezere extend • best, ,
Mr: And Mrs. Barker for is.411/103," and.'
proapertine. future• : • '
Miller -Farrell " •
• • A quiet wredding took pJee. Thurit-
day; March 24th, 24th; at the .1tOn4 o1'. gr.
and Farrell;, whets :their
Youngest daughter-, Dorothy
• Wai :united • in marriage . ' Ralph '
Frederick Miller, -son of Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. 'Miller, Kincardine: f. The
• ceremony „Was conducted' ..bY Rem L.
C. Harvey of, Bervie United' .Chnrch,
after which the young eoupl lefb, by
• train , for. T,oronto and:other!,.:Paintilr-
On their return:they, will rdtide n
Kincardine, Were the 'greed . is
employee o tie Malcolm Frpwitnre
Co'. A host Of friends wilL Join in
a wishing them, lunch happiness.
. Beauty, strength, fire-resistani:e
get all these in Brantford
Super-Tito:Slates, hesi4es Do!oks
'Thickness a.1l, oyer the viol
Triple Thicknes.r ow 48% of the
roof. • Spec41 Lock Buti previous
&aging' and•Ctuling.. • • '
I, Above it straight ryiew: of •
•1/Brantford Supef;Tite Slates,''
....showing triple thickness in r
ahade,d area. Madeltrfour fade-
less,•colors and , whcalaid give
-in appealing "keystene". effect.
'''",Briiiitfortlitoothig to.
• Stock, CarriedInferrnationFisiniellied and Services:
• .
on. Brantford -Roofing - tenderod '
Writ; Mnrdie & San. neknaw
Rae '& Porteciiist 14140know:
• .