HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-04-07, Page 14 • 4#, „ ' •.• Crrri"FilF*4:11' e , •"! 't.a•Flaat •!••": • •• 4. • r +2 # If it' " „„, tAto • /4o;# .82,00 PER yko,,pi IN A.DvANali; szo.crf*ERwisE • ' •••,; • 'LlELCI*NOW:i OMNI TifUlFISDAY. APRIL 7th ,-,-re•!....-0-4-4-47-4--0-,--0.-• I • 01.1)*OFESSIOJA•lii•-•CiEfita- , M.'. Conlon Fliaiictan and Surgeon .• lauckiniw Hour. 2 • ._' Phone 88 • . , DENTIST: r...MacLeod.- 1•1 . .•'Arm vpry...• 08dayl.; in" \ 1'1111' •4. \ 77'77• 'r R ,y L. Treleaven, lekattWH '1 r Pecker* Store Extreetioet 4qhs( by gas, or• grinner!, every - Thursday. . ' • ' 'PhOni 114 _DENTIST CiiirDr. Newton Make appointment In office everYday. di EVERYBODY'S "COLUMN 0 Goo. A. Bidden, .Lucknow, Braker . , and Real- Estate. -Money to. lend in: first mortgages on farm. proper-. , ties at 6 and 6% Per cent according to security offered. Also small' • amounts on Second ,.mortgages on ;farm. properties and on 'mammal. notes. A' few good fame for sale." • . WALL PAPER, My stock of Wall Paper is cern- Plete for '1927. Piaui from 8c. up': I am:glee agent for leading job hOuses, • R.`.1. 'Cameron, :Deporator, Painter, and. Grainer, Box 174, Lucknow. flitAW—FURS=. Higfies prices paid. • forall' kinds 'of :Raw . Furs at A.. Blitzstein's Store, Lueknow. • , „ •(25-11-c) .For Salo -.A number. of 'and storm sash with glass •.Apply^to D. C. Taylor. window in' them:, Wall Paper -Canadian made, best quality. Prices from 10c: to $.0O. Good workmanship guaranteed. Samples, shown at your home or at • , residence of; Phillip Steward, paper hanger and decorater. " (24-2-tL) •-••••• EGGS' AND BABY , CHICKS ' . --Get' any price , list 'before ordering Barred Reckaor White 'Leghorn Bakaa - Chicks or eggs for hatching. Incuba- tors or brooders at right prices. Cus- tom hatching done.- Duncan Ken- nedy, Whitechurch, Ont. \ • \ (2412-tf4 \ FARM' FOR SALE OR RENT • ion Acres, more or less, in Kinloss Township -corner . lot on country road groad h mites from. Lucknow, -4--miles- from •WbIteehurch-'one mile .from blacksmith s h o p -schoolhouse on form -well watered,' 5 acres bush - barn 40x66 ft -2 -story frame house 24x30 and kitchen 18x18 ft -barn and hoaeeanewly-rodded-aa-apres.--ora phard. Price $3,000, terms to suit purchaser. Also 'a large barn in geed condition, :for sale. Apply to, Jacob 'Miller, Lucknow, ' • (20-.14.) - REAL GOOD FARM FOR SALE OR • RENT 210 Acres (The MeNiece Farm) 9 miles 'north of Lucknow. All in,grass but a: few acres -well fencedand • well watered -plenty of wood.. Bean '40x60-geod stabling with water in- side -cement veneered house -two orchards. Will ,be sold reasonable to itilnde up, the estatia-Apply to Miss MeNiece, Lucknow. (17-3-tf.), FOR SALE Overland 'Touring Car, Model 85. In good condition. This is an, easy " riding, roomy car, and. hasmany years ,of sereice ,ahead of it 'Just ' the car 'fina the man with a family who wants a good serviceable used car. Price ' reasonable.. Apply , to John .Itutton, Lucknovv. • (24-2-tf.) . • For Sale -9- Acres of land, good, seven -roomed, house, good'i.barn, ,well fenced, . running water. Close , to school and church. One mile north +' of the Village of Lucknow on Holy - ;rood Gravel -A Lockhart, KR. 6. Lucknowi.' • • (10-3,-tf.) •• FOR SALE' ' Eggs • for ,hatching. -4- S..' C. White Leghorn' from .high preduciag steek laying large eggs that havebeep thoroughly culled and mated, to Males -..of the h breeding., In JantiarYiour flock of 0 „hens,laid 3,080 ego, and in Febra' ry 3380, and are now (March) producing about, ,170 per day. Price -5e. per egg' bp to 200; and over 200, 4c, each. After May lst will beSelling baby chickta.MaY• I5e. .June .14c. l• ' • ElmerParrish; H.R. 7, Luck - now... ,Phone-aDUnganzion -82-r-21. • • • (7-4c) •-• . • ' 'DEALER WANTED .to handle 'Dodge Brothers Cars And , Graham Brothers Trucks in this .ter- ritory. Easy ientritetto: right .hatin• ' Tied E. •Witklittaa, ,0Wen .,S.phnk Phon 1142.' • ' • Metedioji Wanted; also four -post • loped 'hod, lid -fashioned 'ottoman, •old chadril!, buteaui,odiesieisi etc, In veal: ktiti' !Rata, oh:0,-E. U. Croft, .87 ' fiqt9DI 604 Guelph, Oat . .11/ 0 6 ': -0--tocAvA1.07difilfRAC"'117 • .1t • :alit:Cr:. Cards and .Bookleta . fiCOM 4o to 26e at McKirres Drag ,Stdre. • :: •'Xr.---1/tffill'rJeyntas-On -la` business trip trip' to. Montreal and., athe • Ei,ist tri • 171X7r,1171171.1/441. ' d'' a' nd;'ICi'a./134.3r 11"e.v ed to d h e 'Mr WadeInt - I \ en, oral W..er , a l"'' ):'?!itirP with the Ontario pretriety i'.•ait3.en.y.. a il Mr!. ' T. G. Hurap rey of Toronto, l'a;la a gueat. at the home Of her bro- i, A. • ' ther, AD. ' MacKenzie Monday and ,. , . , Tuesday. of, thi" week, ' • The Lucknow Fire Compapy_will • . - hold a' dame in the Carnegie Hall diirlag Easter' week. Bills. ' an particulars..- .Mr.' Leslie Harris has ' bought.' the Machine shop and gasoline stand at tae.Old• Town' Hall, operated the Paid fewaye,arsabYT,Mr-Victor-Durnin., The April meeting .of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mra. ' Robert, Rae on Friday after• !loop, 'Apail 8th, at 2,:30. All :welcome,. a-Sec'Y. Messrs Iugh and D. C. Taylor left here on Wednesday oi last week for Winnipeg,' having received:sward of the; serious :illness of their aril": sister, who lilies there, • Mr: and Mrs James Cater,-"Chical go,. are visiting friends 'here and al 7.Ripley,,a-..-Thet.ahaVelnatactette '-fronra Charlotte' Where they have been for Some time, on. account ef Mr. Cater'e health. ' •'F If you aae fond of a. good . laugh, 'come "to the Town' . Hall, Leeknow, „ Easter Monday. night April 18th, and See "Bill th'el Coachman,”, a Farce Comedy in three acts:: Presented by .the. Anglican Dramatic Club: •••• Mr. McIntosh of to---ae,'• was in London, Monday, to take hoine car, which was badly, smashed in the auto accident it New Yettae time The car now shows little evidence, of the mishap. Mr.. McIntosh reports the roads in fine' condition a to . the Forest pity. ' • :\ EYE SPECIALIST,ICOMINo Maud C. Iliyans,, Optometrist, Will be at the (lain Reuse, Lucknow, on Monday, Apr. llth. Hours 1 to 9 p.m. Headaches, dizziness, pain in an the back of the . neck, painfulaantLaina_ -flamed eyeballs, twitching eyelids re- lieved through properly fitted-ilass- es. Satisfaction assured. For shoe repairing,' quick service, goate...A.-Tuanera —0 -o -o -aa_ , SPORTS HERE JULY lit , The .Lucknow Fire Company arc making arrangements to have a' big -celebration in Luclinew on, July lst. The sports. will, .in all probability, be of the nature of the old-time Caledo- nied•games, with outstanding Cana- clian athletes, pipers, dancers, etc. 'in attendance. It Will be a .big day. Latge bills with full particulars will apPear later. , • . , 'MAPLE :SAP 'MADE'. GOOD RUN, • • . Contrary to expettationeof a douple• • of Weelc.s ago, there' has been quite a good run of maple sap this season A succession of :frosty nighte . and fine days made' the 'difference, and the supply of maple syrup lids year 'will be quite up to the average. 'Good goods,, low • prices, -THE MARKET--Hornell-Murdoch Co. , THE FALL WHEAT LOOKS "GOOD , The .fall wheat in this, part has come through . the winter well, there' being practically no winter killing. ,Thia is -contrary to ,e!cpeetation dun, ing the winter when ice had formed over many, fields. 'Clever has winter. ed , well too, , although the season seemed had for if. At present there is favorable 'outlook for these tWo iniportant crops.' PLAY AT KINLOUGH The hurriorous play "A Poor .Mar. !led Man" will be presented in the Anglicen Church basernent, Kintough ,by local talent; the 'evening of tprif, 19th. Admission; Adults 35e. Phil - (lien 15e. • • ' NOTICE - • 1-taVIng. -,,ertktiged ,geock, thee ,ae: pine man',..WoKare ;all kind's Of shoe repair :weiel4 Work gaarenteecl, prices reitionable at A. Turner's Shoe Store. - • • ' NOW Crotonnel :Chinti,!•Ourtainga• torlala.t. THa Hornell, hinr4.001 '6 i'.L.'I ... olio* AL._ ?SALES . ACTIYE '. --7-Ad;too0bi1epurohaseeto'Fo----Ifoini• .ioade. early this, sewn, ' and " ;rein, alte present prospects -many ;males 'witl"be ' made this yeer. • Dr.' W "Poneell..har perehased, a Chevrolet coach;. J. rt.„ ..meNab a Chevrolet Sedan; R: S.' wil: asona-inS-a.theaLbana liiiiil:-Bank'-ao-f-aeoM1- . Kinaj a Phe rolet SeClan;. R..S.IST'41 merce, at evrol t Sedan; A. ,E. re.' i • l tri ,the Bank I of Montreal,: a Chevrolet l ctilch,lt. I I lil'i '4.*'91I1, h * l; Qll'PrtI'.Pt Co; k,,F,:]miip,-,,It; tli;,aillF. 1 pt.{ lVforitre 1,i.a.k• Ofill.rit* \ "Oo tiO;, Tsl..,7"., Kilpatrick, S.;'Chevr410t, Sedan; ",,,*od T. S. Reid Of ct:iie Beak eta Montreal. a, skein' six: ' cLaughlin-Buiek. Si': : verwcod's 1•Ikelanow, Lariited, have 'Purchased; five Che4ofet ' one ton trucks for use ain connection ; with their \-cream-ealeaalt---7-:-: '-".'—'::: _ MAFEK,ING . A Big Time. Coming The Lueknow Ladies' Aid ara pre- senting their • humorous • Play "A Ladies' Aid Meeting, at.,. Mehawk_, CreaSiailidS;"'ar Friday evening airs 'week. CO's- tumes arid Soags of fiftyayeara agO. Don't miss this dress and millinery display with "heaps of fun thrown iii. Musical selection Lucknow 'male and. mixed quartettes: A-dmissien .35".e and 26c. ' • Mks: Robert Marshall and • 'little . . • - .• . • sop of Kincardine, are . waitingMi and Mrs. Thod. Hall thieweels.,• -; • Mrs. L :White of Stratferd, ...spent the week -end at the hoine 'of her bea- dier, Mr. R.' Johnston. •ageaeration-whichaworked-Aard--and- • F • . , 19i7' T•SII+IGIECOPIES- ' •TuR EDITOR'S MOTHER pAssgb AWAY,---.ATa-lMAY*NgED77Ww--,,, It. 'Wak.the.sad duty Of: the editor 'he ,Sentinel,,this week to . attend 'the:funeral of 'hhi: mother, who pass. ed ;way la. the early hears of bat. Satarday Moriiirig; ,at, the...goad Oid. age of 0.7.-y44`1•07-ah4741073011W:-"k4-:, 'had made her 'IMMO for..soineyears • with her brother, Mr..4Ohn..1MacRae: iof fIGUIres4: and .-trieughloat. gin at larlt4r: I ?ea:a confined to her roomthere., l,About \a \ Mao agoher los s\ 'ef 'strength' became rnor'e id and she gra ually aa,nk, receiving ev- ery i'possible attention and kindnese from those about ' The late Mrs. MacKellaie area e native • of ' Scotland:" She was. married. . , there at the age of 22, and in. 1865, with her hill -island and four children. came to this country and to Culross •wnere -bee parents, Mr: and Mrs., Alexander MacRae, lied settled. ' a, Ifew years earlier. ; 1810 Mr., Mac. Kenzie bought a.'• farm on the. 4th Con. of andatheaftireilyarnade or 'next 40 , years. The husband. and father died 'there in July cif .,1910 at the age of 78 years. There was bore .to Mr. Mee, „Mackenzie, four eons and seven daughters, all 01 or wheni, with the ex- ception of elle, daughter. 'grew to maturity. Three of •the daughters' have since passed away -one at the home in Culross and :two, in British .Althouglianot a/pioneer,. settler, the late Mrs. MacKenzie belonged to that their home' there f thet ' ' • We extencraiiingiattilitatioris td: 'Ky. 'endured many privations while the and Mrs. .Bert. 'Finnigan, arid wish land of•Westeri:Ontario was 'being them .many haPpY years of . wedded 'cleared of the primeval forest. All life.' • ' .. • aa her aisociates of ,that, time, with the .Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stethersl and exeeption Of her brother John, passed Donald Were an frOm:Lolridon for the • away before ,her, but she had .qUite a Week -end„ a: .• large circle of friends whose , comnaa Mr.„Will Fitzgerald was up from. ny she . enjOYed, and who enjoyed her company in her later years. by 'these i)he Nil) be greatly missed. Thefuneral was: on Monday. after - !Mori to \ Te_eswatea ' .Cemetery, the service 'being conducted by the Rev. Dr: . Paten of Teeswater•• . United Church, the Rev'. Dr.. Forbes of the Presbyterian. Church taking pail.' Detroit to attend his sister's Maid,: nge, Saturday. Me. 'and Mrs., Jr' Culbert and•, family. Were ' „Wedding gueats also. • .. The • spring ' 'freshet carried away 'about 'fifty feet of Mr. Jas. Saunders'. mill-dana'and has net 'yet replaced. it. .Mr: Saunders' iiilI is idle, as asequenee.. Feather smith :the' freshet loosened the:. fOtniclatienS of the bridge ..onaReedas. sideroad, ana :the tpweship, father a wha•lieet , there to-, day .in eonialatiOn, 4.1e.cided.:Fthat \ new •bridge would' have .to be The W.M.S. • will 'held their. Easter meeting in Zion • Church on ', Easter, MOndaya-aveniagalte-va--MraWallrer- of Dungannon,riaretarnedamission-arya from China, ill be the'•ehief ai!eaker.. There will be special • Music andother numbers on the program.... -altlyaaarat'Llytri. Henry Mary spent part of .last week with to . on ., an Were YOU -011Timi - This Morning? " l'loIfil!,t9ht741b.R!in.'lltre".isg;ii.etpi.4:tie'l '..r xp*.•:,..4tH-tit,''.k119 i'10 7.p,a0 '7 he !only:: even...a' aiiperinan,.. i•.. e.7:. ;!:4!:.:!:01'.. '..`'::71,....,,,, 4. ',„i -ty.:''' ' i,.;,til,,.[,'47:i4.rxxi.i.t.lcii,•q4icesi : ,.1 le. making on - On) . , .•,: ieV 1. , ,111, i ; ; . ' Gu. a r anteOt Cloaks 'I l.. • , a I. . .;1:50 to ,'$.540 • .. . . .0''',174.AggSTRONG. Jetveller .&70Ptieigri . • Liiline,w," , oar. ' .1 L,:vc-gN. .9-w.1.1.tEir;UtioB. RLTIC..., : 'S'1011001';'• ' . Room IV • • Sr: IV: Hon. -j. 614-6.'89; A. Durrin. and A. Watsen (tits) 86; D. MacDonald and A. Smith (ties) 85; A. Murdoch 84; J. MacKenzie 82; A. Andrew '80; B. Nix- onMrt75in 1..)7itt LMBarealtibislol ann 71.37; E. Wade 66; Stemma 65*; B. Milne 61; C. Macintosh 57*. Below 60-M., Jewitt 55; A. Hamilton 52. : .• Jr. IV: MacDonald 83; A. MacKenzie 82; . L. Naylor 80. Pass -D. Henderson 74; W. Arai.: .strong F. ' Thompson • (ties) 72. _ALEtnlaygen414:_r.,--M#elVlillan--65r MaeDonald 64; s„,S, Stewart 63; T lVfacKenaie and L. Webster (tic) 62; E. Sinith S: . Mullin', 57; Mac- intosh 56*. , *MiSsed one 'exam: • „•• MacDonald.' Quality Biea TRY A HOME -MAD • Oatmeal Cookies Queen Cakes "0;•! esi •i• hone 36 is Fresh, Rich In flavoie, Nutiltio • . . • • . • . , WHOLE 'WHEAT OR RAISIN LOAF . , . . 2 • • F I Ctielseaa Buns I '-Dandeelpa.,4 7,cie • ' N \S sr.. 'derioa, 84; D. Nixon, 80. Pass -C. Finlayson,: 71; M aartcMahon 69. F Steward,66; W. Jerinstoni,_q5; M. Hainilton, 64; .11 - Greer, 63L R. Mullin 63- It' Collyer, 62;, E. Cameron, 61, Below pass -W. Armstrong '51- G. Webeter, Zl.* E Agar, 50; P. Cousins 48. D. Douglas. 47; MacLeod,45; E. Baker, 42; L. Irwin 46. A. Wilson 35.* Clare •I.C.KURCH' NOTES . • • Johnstone, 34; B. Thompson, 33;* R. . . • Wade, 28. l'rabyterian. Gull& ,boOk in the world?"' Was the topic at 'Why is . the table , 'the greatest oInTIaaid,117oiiii;erfcs..-4Er.i.iri•Bartro4wnne,, !7606;.i. M. the Guild ineetiaga, Monday evening 'Agar; 76, Paas -S: Cainercia, .73; D. and was takenby miss wainiarea :Horne, 72; C. FinlaYsaat 71; M. Coue- -Itouglas. Re -ad -lags were giteen• ' by -ini, 70; S. Collyer, 69; J..„Mac_Cailli 66;1- -D-onalda ' Douglas, i,orraine BrabsOn 'Fisher,. 65; D. :Clark; '61;' D. Mac. and : Mario a 'Johnston. A solo was Donald, '60; M. Johnston, 60. Below eontributed , by Mrs. Horace Pass ---M. ,Hendersoa, 55; E. Solomon, n, and 4 duet by kiss M. Aitchison 54; H. Button, 63; J. Wilson, 62.431-: SO -4111d a/ar.. T. Watson. A mixed (mai- Stanley, 48;. E: Whitby, 45; • M. Ititr, tte favored Ahe . meeting with ehie, .15;* pa Maelgillana 44; -Ma& Leeburn friends. nu Mr. and Mrs. K. Campbell and lit- tle ..daughter- inatered from ' Detroit, Saturday,- and are visiting Ashfield. friends this week. 1,. • • " toads' lead ,te Dialie hall 911 Er • yintohba".esrsi. 0 .• ;[.1,w.ni;teekd s'cehr.uviicte: in the. " Tues ay ---Rev. It. H. Barnby, B.D. Monday, April llth-Rev. W.' Brucefield • Wednesday -L -Rev. ..T/ W. Waticere: Dainganziork Thursday -Rev. .M. tune to break his Wrist while crank: ing his car here Monday morning.• , Mr. ,..and Mrs. Broome • and 'Lily spent, 'Sunday with friends in Tees- , Water. ' ' Mr, and Mrs. ThonlaS Robb -of ,Am- berley were guests at Richard • Elii- .ott's,, Sunday. .Mr. Joe Walas''family aro' at Pres- , .. mit. under quarantine' with dtphtheria, We hope to hear of early imProve-, Friday night If you delft know 'Why, Rome and see. ' • HOLYROOD Mr. 1-loward tiarrie had the misfoi DonaISI• 41; K. Ferris, 41; J. C. Dili - ,40; F. ltleinnisa 38; "V., Steward, ,Mr. and Mrs. Win. Maekenzie, spent Sunday at Mr. Will Statters'. • • Mr. Richard Baker has ' l • the, misfortune to lose, throe head of cattle, .due to moldy elpaer: • , ,. • Mr. and Mrs,' Hawkley and Mr and Mrs. Dickenson ,.Were guests'. at .Mr: Will Jackson's"on Sunday... WEDDING BELLS a • • ; Finnigan-Fitzderalda A quiet wedding took place , on Saturday morninga.April the and,' at the .Ashfield United Church :•patson- age! when e-,Lairra, second &wafter of Mr. Robeae-Fitzgerald . and": the .1ate Mrs. Fitzgerald, 'became:the bride .of Mr. Robert E. Finnigan. The cere-; mony•was ..conducted by the Rev: A. W. Brown. The bride was attired' 'in her. ,travelling Ceatuiar,e,', frodk of two-tone btonde -georgetteanna coat to mateh, with corSage cyf butterfly 'rasa es, and :rose.l.liat .She,,Wore 'olae the gift•••••et the ,grooin,,..a rope ..,Of pearls. A. wedding dinner' was later ,sei4ed *at: the bride's' honiel, fallowing which the happy- couple left. for a • short trip to Toronto, Hamilton and liaga, Falls.. On :their return, IVir; and IVra^ Finnigan Will-refilda On the 7th Oon, of 4ahl1el4, *M. ; Bennet. Friday-iigFhraena. rator.Y. Service.on April 17; Easter Suadaya at 11- tran. the 'CominuniOn will he. cele- brated. United dinrch',Y.P.S. At the meeting Monday evening; Arinstrong gave a verilnier- eStiag paper on "The Passing of the Ira posSible.", It being thebeginning of ' the church,' year, a review of the: Work of the Society was given • by Mies' Bessie Murdie, and' the treasur- er area gave his report.. Offideri .for the new year Were elected as follows: Paesidental Wilfred Andersen; ' Vice - Pres.: . Kenneth Murdie; Treasurer: Campbell, Thompson; Press Reporter!: Lena Robinson; Secretary: Margaret MacCallunif Pianist: 'Mrs. T. Reid, The Scripture lesson for the el/ening was read 'by Mrs. Gladys .MacKenzie andl-Enola I3uswell, gave ra piano SOIO• IN. 'MEMORIAM . I,yons-Ira •16ving: memory" of our. dear wireand mother-Jaseie pup.' hinghatn, who ,passed away APtil2;ath,'; 1924. • •. Today abrings a hada' Sad 'inemoilea. • Of a, loved one gone to rest. • • • , • a • --.Husband and Family, -111 loving Memory of Mrs. /ernes. McInnes of;Larigaidea wlio alied,aapril.. 6th, 1926, • Awe loved her$ so we miSs her; In our iiiertiory•,.she..18-neara , Lived; rettienibmied; thoiight, of -Ways;• ' •r bringing pulpy 'anent tear. • She bade no- one:a last .8he said good-bye to none; The Heavenly' gates .NVere °imbed Wide; A loving; vofee, said '4.00ine.4 gothar, SlotOrC,o0 PrOthern." ' Absent for ...One .test.' M, lalneCallurn •Terieher. • Roam 41' Possible inarke 520: /tailors' 390: Pass all.2.a • Sr. p: Joyet 415; .E. Newton., 467.;', F. Milne' 452; B. . MiicEeniie'.461 L. Horne 442; Webster "464; 1- Deuglas 427; b. Thompson .424- • B. Solomon 422; J. • MacMillan 418; •F. ,MacKenZie 417; C. Jewitt; 413; :Hamilton 405; c. Pinlayson 393; A. Armstrong '492; f A. Henderson 376; E. 'Johnston. 376; ;M:. Johnston '363; ' FiSher' 362; A. Macintash. 358; B. Brown ' 354; M.' Bake 349; , F. Aria - Strong' 337; F. Webster 335; L: Weh- ster. 307; , L. MacDonald 306; 'George Whitby , 282. , PosSible marks' 450'. : Honors "'335. .Pasa, 279. : , Jr. II:. :K. Matintosh. 365; Ruth Parket...SA; A: Hoene 350; Joy lienderspn 320; B. MacKenzie 300; Rex- ford Ostrander 282; N. Tailor 218; M. Solotton •256; Johnstoh 246; ,Wade 217*;, E.. Whitley. po*: • These' Marked '*'•milsed, examitia- tiOne through .sickness. It G‘,.Sheraiff• • . . .araKettaroar..o.7r*..0intor.00t4.0r.aocarArAwarunfiArarmr.AarArdiriari , • . • • • . Phone 75' Lucknow, Opt, I P WABASSO in the 'animal kingdoin is the Indian:, name for, the snow shoe rabbit, which is as pure white, and as 'beautiful ---a--tartheadriv tearstot • 9 4 ,..WABASSO ika the 'dry goods' trade refers directly to the .cotton b ' fabrics which are as. pure white, and as beautiful.. as , the it I Puresn'woLseh•ocoetr.toanbb, " igehles, wide -20c, 22c, 20:ea -;(1 and I 46c per yard... ' 1 Rircular pillow cloth at: 35e .38c and .62c. . 11:eeched sheeting, wide. width -56c, 65e, 75c, 85c, 99c, 95c a yd. .11Jobleeched: 'sheeting, wide width -50c, soe and 72e per yard. a• unbleeched ,factoxy, 36 and 40 wide-121/re, 5ci.16e• 25e; '••• 30c and ''32c per yard • . SPECIAL --25 cent ,40ainch ikaalyalaASSOTCOTrQSISG-gitl-ai'7Goldr) int White 'ea Shim). . lfred swell ApAkdiriaoragsariesr"..maraistanaditisitir*.maWAremaimandratiogi FAMIIT THEATI1E 'FRiDAY tc SATURDAY -April 8th & 9th a "THE RUNAWAY" A William D,elVfille production. With Comedy 'f , TUESJDAY &-. 'WEDNESDAY • April 12th & 13th Hoot Gibson in -`4THE PHANTOM ItULLETr With Serial & Comedy . ' Special .Coming -THE QUA RTERBAtle- . I Honours-Zylda Steward, 278; Bil- ly Jewitt,. 267; Jean: Struthers, 247, Mary Struthers, .243.;„ _Marion Mac7 Donald, 242;: 1.41argaret ' Rae, 238; Merle ; Johnston, • 228. Pass -.--David Jewitt, 224; Edwin7--; pudwell, 198; Snide . MacMillan, 195; But .ten, ,187. ,Fair -Vernon Naylor, 156; J . C. Armstrong, • 166. J C Johnston, 152. Mardfe, Teaaher. 0 - New Sprin'g Goods .at THE MAR KEV-411orneli-Murdoch Co TREAT CLOVER SEED Seed inoculation' is endorsed • by the . Gaiverninent, . and all farmers are Urged to use leg - lime or nitro cultures: On •Alfalfa . and Red .Clover. insure a good catch. The Ontario •Agrieultural. Cellege has proved beyond doubt tiiitt 'these •cultures fide, especially when , clever, such as alfalfa, is sown oe, soil for, the „first lime.. ' I have these legume cultures with full instructions how t� uSe, now on hind. : have the Best Ontario Varie- gated Alfalfa seed pro -curable in the province, as well as all other lines of Clover. and Grass seed now on hand. including ' Main- motk Red and 'Grimm's. Cali and let" us‘thow you through our 'stocks before you buY- your sup ply. -,-A. R.^FINLAYSON. • . ' Room I .• ................... .. Owing to chic n-apx, e °attend - ante, during, March has ' been verYair- reg.-idea, The"naines .Of Punita Whe':at- 'telided lees than seventeete, days are t irieltidtd . in the. i•ettortala•a. a... ..:•:. ,-__ Senior- Class-Peasible :Marks: -•-416 Honour 312, Pass 260. • Iienoarlsaaq r h ma \Sherriff• 337. PasaaaArlerie Jewitt, 308; Mary ^Web- ster.; 303; Harold: Thompson • 299; '.:Pliristena Haven ,s ,285a ,Hilda cley;-"i31.1 Graca"Webateral'2/1;'.cativr.- Ina Hunter, 253; Mary McEirii,' 253. Faira-Clydeelleid 242; Jaek McLeod, 241; Jennie Pearlman, 235- SAyimet Aitotieson, 234. Below Fair -Gordon Struthers, tr; Nisi( Dutton, : ,JunlOe PlaSs-POSSible. Norkp 4O0 Honour, 10% itoit 1001 • •F a • For' Sale -General -Purpose Mare,' around 1150 lbsla also,faney ho (huggY, paitit" not Solled.-ainformatien at The Sentinel Office. #4444144. :ZION :F I r: Robert 'Webster. • Of ;Wank' tall-. ed "ini friends in, the neighborhood on Sunday last ' ' Mis'. Win -Webster and Kenneth spent the Week-erid With Zion friends, The " Zion Otangemeti held their • seeend '"AtIltene" on 'triday hight last. All report 8 good tirne. : Mr. and MrS. Sam Gibson of Sti 'Jolene, vislted•'itt Ur, Jar,' Ritchie's •on litl1140',. • 1 We guarantee correct . weight ' and ,tests. , Payments made daily.. Cans a returned daily., Highest 'prevailing market :prices. Send us pair next • shipment. • Swift Canadian Co., Ltd. • West Toronto Farmers!—Attention „It pays to treat Your seed: oats and barley with FORMALDEHYDE trpreven sinuta Our stock is fresh, and-guar,- anteed to be e 40% 'Solution. One pound will treat ' 50 to 60 bushels. • A. E. iticKIM The Rexall Druggist LUCKNOW, ONT. / • AUCTION SALE Of nowiehold Effects Property �f :the lestate of the .tate Mrs Margaret Allin,•will be, held at . the residence, Havelock $t.; on Sat- urday, .April 16. See bills for partieu- Jars. AUCTION SALE ' Victor Whitley will hare an an mica , tioale- of 'Stock, Implements and Household Furniture at his :' resi- - dence, Lucknow, on Saturday,. April 9th, commencing at two o'clock pan.. There. is .a long . list of articles on '1' this sate.a-Elliott Miller, :Aue. •A quantity' of good seed. Oats; at 70c a bushel. -Albert Cook; R.R. 3, •Lucknow,- Ont: •' ' •' . . , Baby Grand .Chevrolet ..in.,good con- dition, for 'sale cheap. Used cara,'-anr enaaad closed ..inpdels3; al,so' nsed., trucks at at elelpain prices. -Apply to .. Gee.' II. Smith. ' Pbtatoes Wanted ---,Best •marke-t pricea. APPIY to or phone George Hi Doaglasi phone 71 .LacknoWa (17,3-tf.) • 17iFeremn:!6fikr, kSale -41osSB. etiWl..-.--1108..616aeraensc•i, on Which, there late • two geed barn's, ncw"filune house and othet'iniproae;.' • merits, ata. ,Miles froni school. 'The; Itpai oii;Lds teaApply to Jos. Ktieesntoorifday joVfaatAiteionei. Bratitfeada.or to John ,PUrais, flolyrood: •,' • '. , • • . ' ''Por, Chicks irOin bred- ' to -lay • Barred ,Rocki and Fisher and • , Pelemere S. C. Three. ' teurtits of our orders last year were. ,froni oldcustomers, and this season „ Many of them are doubling their or- ders. . Orders booked bow :for April and May. barred Racks 16c: until May ' 15th,, 'idiot that date 15e.. each.' Leghorni 15e. for the seasoit.-41( 'Pertunn Mateheryi RA. NO: 1, Win". Ontarliti Wrotator;4.Phclts 14i• •001,44 • 0•FN, F#F, ' 7