HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1927-03-31, Page 6, • , • .". •' • • -,71--",••••• eltrJr1COP.'• ILIM O* de 1•1•11111.1. A. • 1 •.0POt eSPI \• : ,11 11,01•;11, n' • 0, 1 ' L11' 1111: er; : , . ..00„ .4.0, villitai-y-ke e440.,,,.. 4141-1,1"4-.11^0.!1M14,•101,1e'117-1714-',!1!.u.,•!•':•4''''Pl'' :M1 u h..04ing7 it0; 114110bill4Orla Ligidrila ' ,, . :,1 . , • 1- the semblance ef, a waxwork linage • • With the di3PePeiollato eyet the fir))) ., month, . and -Ithe elOsely rezOi•ed, . ' • agnate jowls _of :the_ model.,chanfkur. -., • :- ;•- , Rustics and townsfolk were alreed.7. gethetinX . when' nem tlie lonneair deseeliTed.' first a leng: and:Painfully; 'Plnaeiated #entlealen, ;whose fee° was ., -a oadeverolts • Tneak'ef •settled maelan- 1,eliiirk`..arid "his sclikielit" toilette . for' 'in e -;" .. toting 4:46 might be seen tIkrFtuglili,e 311,' • • 4'4 Au4,..$ -,144440e:rq,"•1".•::. open' flapping, 'front ef hill tilater.) „ - 'tiglit1rlftilerf0-likhl -i..!•'43,P ..PtithwaX, „ iti'l 1'-1 e .:'.l..4risfi, le: .1 6E4112f1 IrOttserP,'"WitlOt breasted.''white wairitcoat,..a black satin 'Apctitorf 't9dsing i••••!• s• g I • '91.1F1IiioMIS146,111014) Voice • • • • memberThat brilflant the iSe-- eiet Service' whom England Preferred • kilo?, as , • 'Andre Dualieriain, had 'ineUrred the. Itatred •of the Bolshevik). To protect •"Vs. life,. his- .euperioi•s ordered -him; to •disaPpear. decided to go to DerikeY" as guide -book, he visited by :•"Meenlight that- weird city of. mono- liths; 7. famOus • After. ft 'terrigobettle with a • Par - Asian apaehe; Dpehemin rescues 'from ...highwaymen -4/1111e,', .De• Bevenie,'. her • graircltkiugliter':Loilise Ile :MOntalais, and, g. De•Mentalais;;Witiont.'of Mine. de Sevenle'Sgrandson, who was killed • the-World`War..• • wrrx....THE STORY:, • ' ClIAP•TER,,i•V; • ' • •2 tnter -Raninee.' • : t.tfed "Jincheartin to' assist her, to a place in the carriage, Madame:. Seyenie •' tuned • immediately- tocomfort her `granddaughter It was easy to diie Rnttiiichnient••,there,,,-"•betviteri d'Au- jertfc :and -Louie-de .Montalitls;• Deche- Tont- fancied, .(and;' as "it turned out rightly) ' the. two Were betrOthed. • Madame de, Montalais was: 'elan:pi-4'111s, attention..., 2' Momentariiy.a.'hand slender r4d. firrifhia-Coal rested in,* own. ,Then ••owner was :-settling into place beL:' OtdoillfeclamO1'de Sevenie, anti:Stich& ;".riain clambering up to his'on.the box: ,The 'read -proved rough and de- ClivitOus,A Dutheinin' was grateful for the"rifoorilight--., until; he, remembered without the Memthere 'Would have been no expeditien that:night to view the the: Meek,' ruins' of- -Montpellier by its ,unearthly • light; and conseL 1quently no adventnre.. to . entangle , • TJPen.this :reflection he swore soft- ••• .2ty., but -most •ferventlY into- his heconlA fug:beard.. Ile was Well fed; up with adVentures;•thank,Yeu, and could have. . done -Very well without thislatest." ------------ -What -then of.„„Lthie. •t. • ,•• •„- pseudoi»rznzy of Andre '.Duchemiri? ; Posed -in en -inescapable 'glare M pub7 „ ','• Betty, '. how, long, might .1 he tope • :•:-T eicaperetagnition 'by wine' acquaint• ince,"friend .enemy? Heaverislinew . he had enough' Of both •sorts scattered :Widely over •the face Of -.Europel • . It seeme,d, hard, indeed , " ' At a' Roque it was. as Duchernin foreseen Whereas.' the meter ear- Was waiting . Safe 'arid Sound enough, its chaffeur. had vanished ..titto. thin air. Whereuperi Duchemin -asked whether the chauffeur had been a stout Irian, %and bping informed. that Wei so; considered the. case ,coin-• pieta, • :•Mesdames de Seveilie et .de Mpntalais, he suggested, might give • *up.all hope of ever again seeing that • particular Chauffeur., •, • •• The landlord:. otif the auberge, surlY. ;soft who stipplied2 the berme -lie.. With the Man to act 'as driver...and guide Inone, took- With - grace the 'charge that' his employe , hadbeen.. in league With the bandits, ':.4, •But this waStrue err the word of Ma - • • rfisi0;1, " A6: Lltije,,%*4"1.* ,,mhado. 1,114, 1 .I4151R . , '), \• Vvea 4c$ \sb • s gly (11 elodiel\IP koWn41 "'"S' " tilt 1' fed beomin arketiecil"r000. l-mede erea-, , • , A • o ;1 r. cernmen, edfFir , metering; • .iniFjted,. SMiably;1.indeed,',11not1witheot ,O • , • :fled in carriage, she Was tain:'hint 1 of eatisfactiOn., of the Rue de la Pint. you don't see'evirydringl" . Following:her, a third passenger "How do you get that•*ay?" De, presented the well-nourished, indeed you 'want im all to, get soaked to our tottind, person.: of : a . Frenchman, of liktns?" • y ear ulest 1111r,,P•hinuit thirty devoted to. "le Sport". as wit- it • it -dame' * de MOntalais guide; she ------sac driven over the clif. And: (tie chemin had anticipated) . her; name •alone proved ;enough to Bile' nee the, landlord's.:virtiMus protestations. • Seated beside ",l1/1adame de :Mont- alais1; Duchemin. watched her operate the car with skilful' hands on the road f night air in his face' Was sweet and sniooth, and' strolted his eyelids with touches as bland as caresses :of a Pretty -won -Jan.'s fingers: It Was good 'to 'be. alive Ate -night, alive arid' Weary and :not. Ili -Content with self,. in a, .Motpr ear Swinging Swiftly ' and" silently- along a' riVer read in the "lips of southern Franee," with a "woman -lovely, and ninterkins at•the Diichernin; was conscious of serrw _thing lie ft -shock of emotion, a sud- den surging of some hunger that had long lainddermant• in .his r•su-Spected;;;IiOW.-7-lorrelie.7epilld-pot- „siirmise,, gaining -strength in latency, waiting to be awakened arid set free hy ene careleSs, sidelong leek smile of 'a strange woman- • "Elie ” he ',Whispered unheard l'Eve de Montalais . . • DU em n a ' turn -led with; a •'winning and the Oingie glees screwed ,int° don' give a twoPenny., damn 11 •we. -right eye -socket. - dot , • • shapes frOm some stmerhl,* At that, 'Moment rirriYed the ealealie ,Postumed pageant .of ifigh Iii the which Duchemin had commanded to titreritieth century this trio drifted, drive him to the chateau, and with a rather thin merely" walked. like nior- ride 'of two miles before him and rain tals,- across the terraces and into the imminent, • he had no , more time to ' Cafe de l'Universwaste tif7there-w ati-nrirre71 ette r -te (Teo `.1-afreezifinued:i= 1 :1 CHAPTERV. In the •upiluit,: however, Jegal ne- cessitY„;hdd nothing to do twiththe length of time devoted by Monsienr, Duchemin to kicking idle heels:in the. toWn•ofNarit; where the Civil author.: itiesi „preyed, considerate ina degree that gAtified and surprised the con-- firined Parisian. . • : • • • The , driyer-guide : of La Roque turned out tohave 'been a thorough- paced ',Scamp well and -ill-known to the gendarmerie; the wound sustain. ed .by Monsienr • d'Aubrac bre molly': to., the gravity.of • the` affair, amply excusing :.Duchenain'S- inter,- ference and its. fatal sequel.; • Late In the afternoon of his second .day in Mint, .Ducheroin let -Ins:vision dWell•npon,the distant chateau almost as -constantly asJsis e was o .me --ere t a . very eve Inv:. He had yt to hold one minute' of private conversaticin With Eve'de-,Montalais; and yet . . . Now he had Seen Madame de .IVIOnt- •• andsanother time, arid had found that She fitted to,the„.sWeetest. detail ,of perfection his ideal -of 'Woman. „On. the 'previous afternoon,. Meet- ing the ladles of.the chateau by ar- rangement" In the bureau Of , the mayor,'::Duchemin had • Sat opposite and watched and listened- to • Eve' do MOntalsiis for upward of two hours. , Posed with... consummate elegance in 1,her half -Mourning, she ,had nar- rated- quietly her version of last night's ' MisadventOre, `,OcCasional tremor of:tumor. lightening the 7114: Mg modulationsof her voice. A deep and, Vibrant voice, contralto in quality, hinting; at • hidden trea'sures of strength. ,A:.fair :Woman; slim but round, with. brown eyes levet and cairn,:'a translucent sidnof matchless teistfirei hail,' the hue Of )5ronze laced with. intimations of cola : • Her age, Aesaldrwas'iWenty-eine; birthplace, the CRY of New 'York;: ber parents, Edmund Anstruther, once bf Bath--Englandt: but at the time bf herbirth a nattiralized Citizen Of the . United States; and Eve • Marie AnstrOtherl nee "Legendre, . of Paris.' Both Were deed; In, June,. 1914, she had )narried in PariS, Victor , Maurice do Montalais, who had been killed in actin at, La rere-Charriperioise• on the , ninth b1 .• 'September ' following.' Her home? The Chateau : de :• • Mont - , • , ' . 111/iii;\ C11111117111111110 For. I?eal Refreslanenf Get • ;malls reriperrnint la.vOret gum in • sugar7coatd: . form". 1"1 A beitofic,a res.tAcliadies Aloud% Aftql" • 1.61120 • . On the hand Duchernin hate diamond of Kch superb watch. that this aznateur, of prec94 stones caughthis breath fora itheer .iVencler lat Ite beauty and excellence. and1 Worth:. •; Such -Wb, be knew, Wore fewand. far to sea. Outsidethe 'col, . lectiOns of prince, - • ' . • Thti, ''MlloW • resonance of a toped: ,autoobile; Atop;„,:dittirbing Dtiheinin's 'meditatins, recalled hiin to- Narit tof,sir arteuring tar •""' o Inalestic " preporti oi.ps which 'was EFIN41rik n line' curve, roma two. sides' ,;ef he uli-eseluirec:•. • • • •InStantly-aS 'the • WheelK. ceased tun, a yolltig. nin hi the 'smartst livery .iteagiti'ith1, •giecn garnished' With geld; leaped smartly front the! There remained in -the ear a mere ayerirge man, undistinguished but by a ickofespecial (-1stinction, sober of habit, economical of gesture, dress. - ed in a simple lounge suit such as anybody might wear, beneatha rough. and ready -Made motor coat. • a "Wei; dine here, 'Jules.," ho,: non -need' in English.. ' -* „ ' Settling: into place behind -the Wheel, Jules saluted with fine. finish end' :deferenae. , , "VerY . good; Mr; Phinuit, .sir," he 'laid' meekly, in the. samejongue. '-To Iiiir,Iiendded;-"C"Celly, and in preciatly the tone of respect' that _hecame Ins livery: "What's :the awful idea; you hig stiff?" ".; • • Mr. Phinuit bCtrayed. not the est sense of ' anything- untoward in this Mode of address. "Why,", _he said pleasantly -"you misbegotten garage hound -why . do In the ,garde *manner Jules replied:: "Can't you see.it's going toi rain?" - - NU RSES - The !Toronto Hospital rlor -rIneureldre, 1.1 with .Bellevue 'and Allied 11.0epitalt.-- Kew •York CIty, offers a Ora years" Couree ' el TratokiV to young ammen, r having the . required education. 1011 detirout "of becoming • • news!. •This ttelpIter lia3 adopted .the eight. .• ;Pour ssineyn. "The pupil, rootlet) ithltorins..of ' the !Scheel. a titouthly 1311Cr.qante and (raveling:" r et genies to and ,from "Mawr York. •For toner.. r lolormation" write r the Superintendent. "" • • Best- for You arid abti foo but ap13s1pA.M1,.. b 1 Yariationg of temperature serve to wind up a clocklust invented hi' a Swiss in Zuzich; a model, which has been, under '.ii test 'for twelve months, . has never been touched • by human hands Since it was first set „ • Pupil Nurses:- aite • :BuFFA.130. "....; CITY 'HOSPITAL:- . ; . ; 41' , • etoile-ololide float; 't • The waking wind pities soft.its rIaing 'note. uthe. iWestror.er ,,ltpitg- With fringes grey., • Tho• wind • preciudep with 'sig.hs, Ito ,rOundelay. ' ' -• • Ih .13Itryvin, ' :piping; ,-...laughing-loud, • • ,- -; It'-getirries on before:the grey iitei',111- • Irr•T'ir . Ir..; IAt1.71r"°7:\!ln.:::::11440p:,..:141:914:1,d\I:\::liva,h1 niA2\..41;•a\r";t1iiiTgl c all,v ,z?zine „ :with benghs pnbent' 'and 'peen' Off. 1.1 rr *1• leayea blown" wide, 1', 2. . 1 t ' ' k-14-4i4A51014S-rq41"Itli;lrilrltl-' 7111 Ot grerie:141d• oe;oflircilaosbP; otn:\ 11. r 'Then 'ogyrearinfi?14:1 E•r 114;110W, kras,asand :The -loud, crisp whiteness ef the ROYAL YEAST CAKES t g rain. ,,. • Prove Enettli -E; Pauline -johns on, -10" "The White, • village -a -now-letter box Wampum." , • had been shied causing much corn, meat amen the :tfilige•ohi-ldren as to whonnti belonged, . " "It mush taisi little lad. • : • "It can't' be," Contradicted anothee, "don't you see:what it eiti•ys an it, 'No Colloction,on Sundays'?" , i ogrriNCINSOOTMilEnsiol-1.ING, FOR: ; .1 • Many peeple deceive themselves in- to thinking they can get something for nothing, eSpeaially if, they: buy Cheap tea and think they will get "satisfac: ' . WItnard's-the dependa le liniment: , A. 4642 Glider St.,BuffaioNY. 863 beds fortotwhendroeiseepastie.o n of every lo • SIX DISPENSARIES IN ,CONNECTION Affiliated with the University Of , BuffaloMedical and.Den.tai Schools and District Nursing. Association. 3 ' year s registered course, fitting' ' for Eredaide, Public Health and Administrative Nursing.. • 670 hpura devoted to classes,reci- . tattoos; demonstrations , and la- boratory:work in Dietetics; Home s Economics, 13acterioogy, Chm- istry Physiology, aircF: General t Nursingsubjects. , • . • Opportunities for selected graduates. to fill paid executive, Positione or.. . pursue sped61 studY. courses. THE EXPERIENCE WE OFFER EQIIALS A THREE YEAR COLLEGE COIJRSE.* • ntrance requirements: 1 year New, York State. High ,School or its equivalent. • • • Salary, $15.00 r„ month. Food,' lodg- ing, uniforms, laundry and booka furnished free. , watches- ,DnwholeclaY off. every seven day. • • • -• -A ulell-conducted-ltursing course is •, a fine preparation' 41or wifehood and a splendid opportunity to cultivate thehabit' of right lnnn 1• • , NW dLASS NOW' FORMING Its superior strength makes, 'Purity go farthet than ordinary flours.. It is perfect for all your baking— cakes; pies; buns and bread -- so the one floursack.only; is necesary. --- Try Purity Flour to -day it is,certain to please you. • , Send 30c in stampsfir otir100-retipeo Purity.Nour COok Book: 262 , Western Canada Flour 'Mills Co. Limted. •PorOnto, biontrcal, Ottawa. Saint,lohn. • . • tr. tr hr. AILANTIC, 'CO'r 11 . 1 1.. o 0 , - ' 3,, P.11. ,: :"p•I:o: - .-^..• ii.i, t. ,11.1• g 111 i .11 'I li I. I ifi ' 11 W,. il I, 4.... ' I. ,;. ti,') ,...-......,: ., , . "r4.01771711:14. r11,....:t‘"7tr. : e, .1 .1 t ' e .. ' ...'"".-'-7....:"1-1'-=-, 4rj."111t1740tfrr11,4111::;t:''t."'r..: ':" S1JECIALRATES:A4i4EATURES ounin4.....LIENT.,••., :I T11EBOARDWALKS' MOSTALLtlitING SEASON • .iiISIT THE 0100 CENTRALLY. LOCATE!) TIOTEL .. •-•-•=1 ,,' .• 41 • .'Ot!r TN 0 VIreActO WALK ' •• .1' • • Y .0tSiCOROOg ..-, CAPATY 700 ---. CIAPAt.' r20c.APts '• • . CON(Eit ORCHESTRA- OCCANDORll AND -SUN DECK 1 • ME4115AN Alp EUROPE,!,ttPLAti3 rewricasHIP MAradeti erre 4, : - • ` • tiAnIAG11`,4* riZeT014, t •• 1.'," • 'r ' • WILLIAM b. CrVrt - "r „ W ........- --------- ill 1011144 1:7;:3:71. * ION warn§ wIth Minards.Linment,,, • . • t.),,.,"1i0-.111111611111111111111111111611111110111111111111111111111111111111111 i•••••••. • 100.0 in To Boys esid Girls for Essays on Cana iz • ' • • • • • .. • • . ; OPEN TO SCHOLARS IN PUBLIC AND_SEPARATE._ sai-cloa:7'AND -COLLE6IATES-.. NO EN- •••• TRANCE' FEE-NOTI-IING' To 'SELL-4t.PLE8...'; OF CONTEST SIMPLE. • The publisher of this paper, in co-operation'with a- . number 9f other publishers of weekly newspapers, Will distribute •thirty-six "(36) cash prizes to boys and girls for the best essays' on •Canada. The objeCOsof this con- test is to stimulate interest` in this wonderful country of ours, and to help the boys and girls of to -day, the citizen arid leaders of -to-morroW; to appreciate better the tre- mendous potentialities of Canadft and to get some vision of that future greatness` which fortune has undoubtedly marked but for this the most important dominion in the British Empire The Prizes will be is -follows First Prize $20.00.., Next Three' $5.00 each. Second Prize $15.00. Next Ten $21.00 each., Third, Prize .$10.004, . Next Twenty $1.00 e#ch. Every boy and girl who reads thia paper has :a chance to. win "one of these prizes. ReacLall you can, about -Canada, her -early history, both French and Bri- _-Rh; siUdy her progress_from- a CcrwnLcolorrY to:her-- present position 'of political equality willethe Mpther- . lad; visualize her -future. Then decide from what angle you will deal with yoursubject and write your. essay m 1,0 0 word or less. . • SPECIAL SCHOOL PRIZE. . VALUE $80.00 • complete' set of "Makes of Canacia," inRoyal Buckram binding, will be presnted-to tne school from which the largest num er o sc o ars win ,cash prizes. There are ten volumes in the set containing 10;000 pages Illustrated by 125 rare historical reproductions. It is a wonderfully comprehensive, vitallyjnteresting „work of Canadian history which will prove a real addi- tion to any library. •••• , (Contest Closes April 16, 1927). , • . RULES OF.. CONTEST • All scholars riot over „seventeen (17) Years, of age whose Pareuts or guardians subscribe to thls paPer may enter the contest. * • , ...Essas Mai dealwith the subJect from any pelat of view, but must • • notexceed 1,000 words in length.. • ••, " • Paper of fo61sap sze, annit be Iied, and writing appear on -one : side only. Neatness will be. consdeed in 'making awards. ' , Aji .inanuscripts.• 'submItted-bocorne-tlib--msopertit-the-pubtfoberx_. , Send essas to Canada Essay Editr, in care of this paPer, The 'fallowing information' must \accotnnany each entry of eontestant, Age, .A.ddress,Narne.ofSchool, Name Of Teacher, and each essay must beer the followingcertificate signed by parent, guardian, or sh ool teache:- •• • • ', • . heorbycertifY that this esear is the sole work of (name Of • scholar) and that (he or she) Isnot over seventeen (17) yearsof age" •••;=""4".37 ==Y.P241 -ref r•4 '414f4ttit.=. -44,1* 4444'4 J • A SPIendicl 1140/700. -"Tcrinaric---the cielel3r4len 4e(it."---- El azinflissh!ptsoinco irrae;Itk170Prnielr'alizytlY' pre-. ; • ' pared a spe,ciel redord,' en One'sid0 ; • •." a .014;tici:\ 1\11f:09..71:,,Y71),;(tt:h;e01p44n.ttl• sullehine?"1 iin pessib/e, you • 1.1 ,' of 9uri would , Notixitit go.re,a11\ .\ s' • I • , oiyen"..a" :thought to what this' werld",:, ., • •-• • mnsig means , te' \.i• nm* a, 4,10adirig scot,ch einguti9nist. , 3reu,'''eyer consiclbied' just beW \04,ight ,I; with the\ nureery 'rhyrnes, of • our in-. 1•11, fancy; with the songe,,we heard at 1 . 1.• our first concert; 'with the waitt time ' •••• . to which we danced at our first ,ball;•': and. se on right through life; evel.• • stage definitely .inarIced and : rernem- bered association with sone phase., $: 'of music. • . "Do ;Yen sing those gongs Or P107 • .thtsse!tiLnes to yOur baiiiis7 Are you , • • teaching linil-.eneouraging them ' to : love muSic So that.tlieydop MarthaVe their happy memories • n earsy: . • I 't ' Come? Nowadays, With the great (4-'''?"•••,.. Yptileael- ocyhPe rateincp at; no 7auarks.,ide .11 or theet P. r pecidhfne htolog tratp6,101i ,,*„ are the .hest •knOwn medium, it is not necessary to be a trained innsician to have -music in -our • heine The simple lo•Ke of Music .can he Satisfied • from the wonderful' store waiting' for Yea; ,tp take home and -release, for • Your enJoyment • through..the player ' roll. and phonograph retord. ° a It.fsi1c; for the is ,a Splen-,: did motto to adept; !ga4t wort, .,, horrie niusie's. best,' is 'enotigh,- and, like the.„eheery optimism pf tope a day keeps the hhies "aviOT' .her.P1, sanuch-46,cOmmend-it,;,-..-If-4onAilay= o Sing; • be • sure. to giie few Minutes • -te ,it each daY. • Encontage the .meM- • hers of yeifr faniily .to do So,: Ar- • • range, musical evenings; invite those without nnisic' in -their homei to hear.. a little in -Yaiirs You will; be doing • • "them :a good turn; but if '• you -will , do tl?enta better one,' suggest that' they have :their own Musical days. and nights.. They '4111 thank you,- • for, Without music, they are Missing one of ..the greatest joys i of life.: "Spread the idea. ot briu1sic, and., you , „ Will be • doing a good, serN4Ce for your:. • • . • Serf, yeiir family,' your friend's,. and , for -Seetland."A" • • ' "•'-'•^' • • • • . T4ini• Time 1)3' Tleligf:' ' ' "•''' ''... • The sailor's syStern ; �f .recor - -. time by-bellS is: nearly 'es old' as the . , •. sea, an•ci •PO' one' knowii how It erigie- • .• ated: ':Yet .the- one system is in use . • , thrOugbeut the . Whole of ".;the.world'S ' " shipping irreepectiVe of , natfonality., „ ,, ' • . ... Coriftsing its; • "three.. bels" 'Inay sound- to tbelandsmen, the system is • • really quite simple.. to ,,uniterSfancLit 1 . one must first realize that -aboard'..siriP ... . • time is d1Vide4-by-4v-a.tc1ie4iiit4ay ' - and, nighs.' "• ".•.. •••\'', • •• • . •• .: • • A 'wath Is a 'duty' Spll, and...-1aits•' for- fotir. -hours7-ecCept , between "lour --- -' . and eight in tire afterneen; whn there-„. • are two •watchs of two houix each. , •• • , . : tech' haif-hour .of the. watch. Is the ' •• . . ,• • . qiiiValent of a bell: For Instnce, the: midnight watch 'strts at tWelve. Half-, ..; • past • twelve Is "One -bell,”- One o'clock. . ' 'two bells" halfpast one"ttireo Veils," . , . . and ran on • till four o'clok-. jiie end :. ' •. '-. •„,,. of the watch-whichis "eight blls,"', ..o ; 1 At2'fonr o'clock anew Watch. starts,. • .. so that • hefpaSt tour is "die , bell," ' : • and so on(ozine' bell for "each halthefir, •• ' •untfl the, end of the watch, af.eight, otelock,:•when the bell ia-strucIt' eight . • ; .• . . • - . From foiir do eight in „the afternoon' • . ' is slightly differnt..During this period ". there aro.t,WO tWO-honr watches of only.. faiv kns. eitelr-ttliat Is, 1baiNia,Ft six . , • •1.9 ."011.0 bn" ins -teed of five; as Would nornirilly be the 'case.. -Eight o'cleels , •' seek. the 'arid .pf the second two-hour. . watcb,..and altliOugly it . should really ' be "four bella,",actualleilIthells, are ' ..,. ari'144414,cr'ot.1w.u'eokf.'1.1odliry, .ie• ra 'l.m.erii 1clia..; . '. . Man is, 41vicied . late. tWo..sections, ' .- -whi eh- a -also knoVitt`" tiii ftWatehes," 1 They 'work alterithtfily:eno watch on '' -,1-1-d-iilt-IT-Itext7` litlOW"±-'70r, An „otber; words,*four. hearatni duty, four figura:- • 1.off,T.hinlc. 'a' infinite, and • ou Win 'see- , ' • that, if everywth was a ' fou r -h Our ., n; unfairp.ess-weuld' aise. Tho men who were on' dutY fremlwelve till four ' . , • .' on -the 6rat„night of the 'voyage would ' • ._. , . ..._ .7,-7'7= _,•-•-•,---7.--.. .,...fr cinitomatically be ,'ori dutytr the Sanio. -----,-*1.--'•-••"-7; .--.--, ---...-,,•-•-,-__'' unplaasant spll' every night, and con- .' • ..sequntly would- 'torte the hest part :of -their sleep With Monoteno,isreulrlt • ''' ' 1 t ,," (yr 1,(4•st*Ilts.1 iiocw-1,iptild atrliti:mtlohiaml. t11,,i,rtettieriewt , Itroolueell• • fly moans of- tlieSp two"? • watchestheIs .broirep; R/1a. ine:m011.•get Alternt,o nighte in ' ' "' ''''4 ' , -1 ' . • . . ,(1014,, ,,,,Paltioti.1:i,t eifienr:rrooirst". 1'01:Ill:du; la11:r. ' i "•' ')"' . !" tri .11:11t,CCI' egplanti6m...of thu -Word 'bein' • ; tile it'' is h. cOrrption of' '''dpeked" Pr . . : „, .' '''. '' ii . :in..tite,..11ritlah Navy"". trill •oil defie- . 12'..iner:. 'the !nen are 41d into three ., •,, ' :, ri•it2lis, re that here .thevslotFatelies ; .•-, - '-'., '..'• , a r.,‘ a o•:* a er.esstt ;for fli� purpeo. Of o.(a*.nit iho serpience of dutleit, .kk) ' 1331110r. Or t tii4 tioi.o.,,, -howevr, the4t 41.2c..-. V010116;1. •., • ." . •• - ' ''':'" c0..Aci BOO . Practical Aiticles on ' Planning, - - Financing; Decoratittg, Furnishing and Gardening • , Illuntrating 'homes that "renresent the nwest;, ideal and liiitelst tie-aiefifin �kna1. English; Spaninkend ,17„)ornitic dettign--bungttlow. 11,trettage and two -storey -residences. *heyey -cover all -yrnett of construction. Diaigned Ciinadian architect* from each province,' • 7./tetitIPNote." ,-;Ofder 44Oljal.Totninio'". . 1 • Seekint Prieerso cents ertOpy.' • It Guide ' • *""